V 4 THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1002. 1 :,:.L , .. ,'. , . .... ,','. i , ...; b' Sf ' - v The News of THE LIGHT CONTRACT CHANGED ONCE MORE Mr. Humphrey fit Last Night's Meeting of Select Council Had Or dinance Reconsideied nnd the Con tracts for City Building and Hose Houses Changed to Three Years Each. The oft-debuted lighting contracts foi .he city building nnd the two hose houses was subjected to nnothcr change. The latest levlslon liui 10 sultctl In making the contracts for a pcilod of Unco jenis each, Instead of live for the hose houses and three for the oily building. It was at ti special meeting of select council thai the modifications took plat e. After the meeting opened, Mr. Muiphy moved to leconsldor the amendment of Monday night last, when on his motion, the oidlnancc awarding the contract for lighting the city building to the Cntbondale Gas com pany was chnngtd ftom one year to three 1'ears, and the ordinance giving thccontiact for lllumlnntlng the hose Itouses was" made to lead fle yens, were so amended. Mi. Humphiei's teason for the change was for the pin -post of saving the city the dlfCei elite between a shoit and long contiact. Hocct, theie Is considerable oppo sition In councils against a long term contiact. Mi. Ilumphiey, In the mean time becume aw aie of this, and not dcslious of ctlirltig up that opposition, he mucd for .1 reconsldeiatlon, sub stituting the changes as set fotth In the opening paiagiaph of this nitlcle. The electilc light contiactois changed to tin ee jeais, so us lo bo uniform with the one for gas coveting the city building. Mi. Mannlon entcssed himself as being unaltciably opposed to any con tiact that would lead foi moie than one jeai. Such a contiact would op ciate ag.ilnst municipal ownership. If such a movement be m.ide in the mean time; and for this teuton he could not consistently be In f.ivot of long ton tiatts slnte It was municipal ow net ship platfoitn that he was le-eletted on last fining. The oidinances were changed as moed foi by Mr. Ilumphiey, and weie given to committee. The tommittep lepoited fjvoi.ibly foithwith and or dered them to be piinted. The changed oidinances will be la piint by tonight and will be pissed on lust leading at another meeting of select council. They will be passed llnally at a meeting to be held on Mon day cenlng, and will then go to com mon council. This expedition is called foi, by the ciieumstaiice that these light contt.icts ate somewhat belated, they should hae been aw aided se eial months ago IDLE HOUR GLEN. News fiom Caibondale Campeis at Ciystal Lake. The following gossip of the camp of joung Caibondale men, Joe Roslet, James Nealon, Stee Xoalon, Frank Quinn and John Godwin, has been sent to The Tilbune: Who was guilty of bieaking the guest's snuceisV Speak out Jlmmie, ftom Caibondale. No lsltoib so fai. except a few couples aftei the guests' boat. Pooi Jinmiie --oiled his new tiousers, "ki soon" Haid luck, old bo. John Goodwin looked neat in his iicav tiuiibdis the fltst da out, but "pike" him when the seventh day ai rlves. "Glotiandoi" is quite a cook; a hole In the fijlug pm and tlnee plates gone Is his lecoul so f.u. It took Steve foui houis lo secute one pint of milk Time must be a daiijman in the case. Dutcu Joe lb the ai list of the camp Ilib woik aiound the cottage Is the admit ation of the sciiiliiels that de scend ftom ihe ttee tups to gae upon his wmk of the biush "Who said 1 wab afiaid of a bui glai ?" No one, Steve, but the "knight of the jlmmie" seemed f lightened when he saw ou taking join bolng lesson with Tom Monib. limnilo Nealon expects his filend, "Hill" r.iophy, in ii few days. "Bill" is the Benu Ut mimic I of one of Cm aria's laigcst titles; so Jlmmie wJll cut quite a flguie aiound "Idle Hour Glen." John Godwin anil Dutch Jog ate com ing to the fiont as "iag .11 lists"; no tiles around the dishes they wash. Sir Roland Do Tumble. EXCITEMENT IN THE ALLEY. Two Childicn Vanish and Much Alaxm Pelt. The pilutipal Italian settlement In this cltj Is known as IJlectrlc alley. In that alley thlldien ate lutincious llkc wi.so patents, etc. Two thlldien fiom elsowlioip weie left with a family yes terday, while the paients attended a funeial. After tho functnl tho childicn could not bu found. Seaichltig parties sjaiioj out, and after 11 long wait tho 3111 guts weie gladdened to le.un that "tjipy were alive and well on Hospital chilly. "One child IsJ.ve.us old itnd tho other Jrjgliteon months?. How tho tots got auiosa thgrriillioail trucks-mid mounted tjlc stecaihl,tj Is i coiiundtmn. r JJW THE NUTMEG' STATE. ' 1 'uW. B. Chase' Is Off on His Vacation ijXin-the Land of Steady Habits. '"Maifcau'lcr AVllllain R. Chase Is spending a poitlon ot his annual vaca tion in Wateibuiy, Conn., as the guest -of his -Intei cstlng- chlldten, Mr, and ! Mrs, W. U Lathi ope, j As is well known, AV. U Lathi ppo Is part owner and edltor-lii-chle"f of tho Waterbuiy Republican, a live dally , $100 Reward, $100, The uadors of this paper will ho pituc.i to learn that there Is at least 0110 di end. ed dlsapso thut science has been nblo tP.curo.'nnl.Us stages aim that la Ca, Urrh. 'Hall's Catarih Cuio is tho uniw poslUMtcprainow' known to tho mdlcni fmternlty. Cafarih being a. eonstltutona tfl8ea.se. requlies a (onstltmlonal 2 mentiVHBU' Catarrh Cure la taken inl ternalU'. acting directly upon the blood and mucous sulfates of the system. theieJ by destroying the foundation of the dial ease, and giving tho patient stiength by building up the constitution aim aJk "ting iiatureln doing its work. The prop? etors have so much faith in Its curative now. fortuny case that It fai s-io wre. Send forxllst of testimonials. ii"vJ t":m, Address, F. J, qHENCY & cq . Sold by Pruggists. wo. ' Toled0' J Hull's I'iually Pills are th best. Cadbondale, newspaper, to which ho Is devoting nil of his cnctgles, hoping thereby to mako It a winner for fame and fortune, II Is nlso well known that Mrs. W, L. T-oitliropc (nee Chase) Is a lady of bright Intelligence, warm sympathlea and at led accomplishments, and that she. too. his cliauns which ate sine J to win for her n warm place In tho hearts of any people with whom she mny become allied. Our fellow-rltlyen, Mr. Chase, will have no difficulty In making a good Impression with tho genial people In the cntcrpilslng city of Watot bitty, for he Is "Johnny on the spot" at any time or place, and likes to associate with men Mho nie Identified with the mo gross of this electtlo age. BACK ON FURLOUGH. Genial "Andy" Walsh, as One o His Comiades Sees Him. Connnde Aniliew AValsh Is now In the ilty on futlough ftom the National Soldiers' home, near Danville, III., whcie he has been (luting tho last four teen months. "Andy" shows that lie has been well cared for. He speaks in ptalse of the lieatmeiit ntcoided tho wnids of the nation, who In their detllnlng yeais And sheltei and substantial cieatuto comfoits after having solved their toutitty in Its bonis of dltest need. Theie, ate 3,028 veteian soldlois at tho "home" In Illinois. They are all alike in one lespcct, and that Is: they can't forget their early ft lends; nnd thelt Innate longing for those things which made their joung lives so dimming causes them to have a tender j earning for the scenes which weie fitst Imptessed on their minds. So it is easy to give a leason why an old soldlei, who loved his countty well enough to offer his body as a banlcade In Its defense against Its foer, should feel his heart beat faster as he tin ns his face towaid tho place which to him defines the name of home "Andy" Walsh's bodv was mutilated by the foes of his adopted countiy, and he has scais and bioken bones to show that his seivice was long enough and aiduous enough and bloody enough to entitle him to the tespect of all people who tan appieclate what the war for the Union lost. John McComb. The Band Played. The band and Ice ridiin social held on lite lnwn of Mis Benjamin Dimmlck on Wednesdnv evening ptoved to be a gtcat stiKcss The social was held b Miss C01.1 l'stabiooks Sunday school class and was for tho benefit of the Bet tan Baptist rhuich 'the lawn and house weie ptctllly dec niattd with Jipinee lanterns and Amet It.m Hags picscntlug a glowing effect. I'lom e.ul evening until a late lioui a steadt1 tin 011a of people, both oung and old, pat took of the leftchment", Ico tteam ind cal.o, whleh weie solved by a coips of oulig ladles among whom weie Misses JJdltli Catev A'ttglnia Stev ens, Aimctto Watfcl and Mis Hatvev noimils, Mis V J Bb, Mis I.oveland and Mis Lamoiem. The P. O S of A hand was In attend ance and plated an lusplilng piogiammo under the ditcetlon of V. J Hlv 'lhe (hut eli leallzed a neat sum by the entci ptise Two Fuiieials of Children. Mi nnd Mis M II Sullivnr, of Clienv avenue, aie moutnlng the loss ot theii seven-jeai-old son, l,ul, who died Wed nesdiiv afternoon fiom imalis of the, stom ich runeial seivlees will be held at .! 0 clock this afternoon and intcinicnt is to be made in St Rose eeinctetv Mi nnd Mis Joseph ITIggins' l-veii-old dntightei, Mtuguiet, died of tholci.i In fantum, 'Ihuisilnv motnlng. At their homo on Cottage stteet the bml tl set v Ico will begin nt L'31 o'clock today Intet ment will bo made in St Rose temeteiy. Things Aie Going Wright. R-Sheiirf Com flight, of lloncsdale, was inCaibondnlo vestcidav on his way home Horn Susquohaim 1. whcie ho at tended tho sonilotUU confetence "How did mattets go at Stisiiuelnnna? ' asked a Caibondale man. Oh, all light," icplled the bltciiff with a smile "All Wiisht?" commented tho Caibon dall.ia "Well, that's the way they want them to go, Isn't it.' ' When the shot Iff t cached the posstnfflce, the light of tho joko dawned on him and ho smiled Silk Mill Hands to Visit Lake Lo doic August 30, Tho emplo.ves of tho Klola Tin owing companv have tit eided to hold thcli an nual outing at Lake l.odoio 011 Satutdiy, August JO 'llio.MoAiit oiclicsun will fuinlsh music in tho pavilion The dancing will bo flee. Ptimiully the object of tho exclusion Is to ntfoid pleasme foi the omploves anil thelt friends, and second itlly to add tnsh to augment the fund fiom which sltk benefits ato paid Pointer Carbondalians Heic. Mis. II, H. Majot nnd childicn, of Ala magoida, Now Mexico, foimeily of tills city, aie Mtilig Mis Majors patents, Mr, nnd Mis, Ancltovv Mitchell, of Ca naan shed, Mm Major Is well pleased with their new homo and has no desho to letuiu to thp east to leslde. Her hush mil holds a lesponsllilo position for tho 131 Paso and Rock Island lalhoad nnd is also pi est dent of tho school board of Alamagoida, Moie Improvements. Rijco II. Rlalr has chaigo of borne Im provements at tho Klots Silk mill which mo nettling completion. 'When done thoro will bo an olovntid wntei tank with a cnpatlty of SOO.OOO gallons; a wind mill to Mitt tho pump which will lift water Into tho tank ftom an aiteslan well, and a brltk bain LO by u'J feet Chapter of Biiths. Tho following homes wote btightcned eatelllay by tluce atilvals; To Ml. and Mis. John Wagner, of Sinip&on, waa boin a daughter; to Mr. and Mis. Cornelius Waul, of tho same place, a duughtei; to Mr. and Mia. Robcit Kelly, of Canaan slieot, a son. Meeting of W. 0. T, V, The Women's Christian Tempeiniico union will meet In tho W, W, Watt hall on Church sheet this afternoon at thieo o'clock. AIR GUN CIVILIZATION. The Uotliifr father loves his boy And buys for him a gun; The tlieiub's heait Is full of joy Ho Is his fathet's son! His aavngo Instinct makes him feel That damage should be wi ought, For ciuclly Is In tho deal, That's why the gun was bought. A hainiless blid must get u plunk, A light of glass be biol;o; ?h boy la neither mad nor dttink, It Is his llttlo joke. Ho thinks he la a kid of gilt Like Daniel Boone of old But what the nelehhojs think of it Is better left untold. John McComb. In The Only Cereal Made by Union Labor In America. TRYABITA FOOD CO., Battle Creek, Mich. ' At Lake Lodorc. Tho excursion to Lake I-odore yester dav attiaeted a niimbei of Carbondal lans, among whom vvoie the Misses An gelt, I'lc.tnor and Genevieve Birs, Mni gatet Motan, W. Mannlon, Michael Mun lcj, Thomus Sliaun, James Powdcrly. THE PASSING THRONG. MN3 VAiii O'Mallev, of Sernnton, tc turny to hei home today, aftet a weeks visit with iplathes in Cnrbonil.tle. Mis, J c. Klofet and children Claia and Rtivmond, weto the guests of ftlcnds In Aiclibnld on Wcdncsdaj. R J. Ratrptt, the pilntei, who spent the past week at lhe CJetUsburg en campment, Is at the Harrison houso again, after visiting a few du at his home in Scranton Ilarrj Robinson Geotgo Evans Mar shall Stutt, Ralph Hall and John Wil liams weie among those who attended the dauca In Jermvn last evening Benjamin rellnws the efliclent sales man of lYllovvs' Clothing store, Is enjov lug a few weeks vatation in New Yoik cllv. MNs Oitice CInrk, of lloncsdale, is the guest of the Misses Nora and Caimcl O'lleam Samuel Smnle, who foimerly kept a meat market on TJntoln luenue, at H. 13 Ma s pie cut stand, Is here on a l,-lt ftom Globe, AiUona, wheto he has pios peied well Jllss Gtntvleve Uailj, of Seventh ave nue, has returned home after seveial weeks' Ifc.lt with lelatlves In Set anion Miss Maigaiet Kelly, of New Yoik cltv. Is pending a couple of weeks nt her pat e its home, on South Main street. David R. James, Noith Scranton cor lespondent fot The Tribune, was a call er at the Carbondale office of this paper vestetd.ts. Ho was on his way to the Lantcis' encampment at Lake Lodoie. M J. Tlghe, of Bauer's band, was a Caibondale vlsitoi vefeteidaj. Hon. John Kuhacli, ot tho Irving Cliff btevveij, lloncsdale, made a business trip to this cltj vestetdnj. W. J. McGianaghan left esteIday for Lake Coino, whert he will loin his wife nnd children, who ate spending a couple of weeks there M.-s. n. c Muiphv, of Mill streot, Is spending a week with Wnymart fi lends. Misses Kathijn r.uiell und Bridget MtAndrevv spent Wedne-day evening in Ob pliant. Mis. 1'ilend Osborne, and daughter, of Poilci avenue, mo visiting ft lends In South Canaan. Prod Wagntr and famllv, of Belmont street, are spending two weeks at New ton lake. Mi. and Mis Ctoss and son, Metiltt, of Stianton, spent Wednesday at the homo of Rov. A. K. Chaffee. SIlss Mabel bttpliptts, of Darto avenue, left yesterday motnlng for White Oak pond, wheio tho will visit Jllss Plora Giles Mi a,nd Mrs, if, r. Clark spent jestei dny In Seianton Mis Augusta Snow, of Plompton, Is spending a few weeks with her biothct, Clark Alvoid Misses Maty Vanillin nnd Ruth Knapp left jestciday loi a week's visit with lelatlves in Danville. Rev. M. i: Loftus, of Green Rldgo, was In this city jesleida, James Walsh, of Pittston. who Is vis- Ulug friends in this elt, Is spending a few dijs In l'orest City. J. II. Herbett is spending the week In Atlantic Cltj. Charles Munell, of Hnrtlsburg, nn at taelto of tho Bell Terephone company, is In this clt. Mhs Getltudo Wlsky, ot Wllkes-Baire, was ii vlsitoi In this city jtsteiday Mr. and Mis. lletbett Chatfield, who vveio widded Wednesday in Scranton, wtio guests at the Hotel American over night, 'lhey left jestcrday morning for Albany. Miss Lllo O'Hain, of Dlckbon City, called on ft lends in this city jesterday, Kdwiud Phllbln, of tho Atehbald Citi zen, was In town .vesterdav moinlng, Mis. I'laucla Kelly, of BItkttt Teirace, loft jestcidiiy for a week's visit with -Stiautoit 1 1 It lids, Jose(ph Alexandci, of Seianton, who hus been visiting lelatlves In this uty foi tho past week, teturnod homo jes tetdny, Mis. C. Powler, jt who for tho last few dass luiH been tho guest of Mts. Wil liam Hubbatd, of joining .tteet, will leavo fot her homo In Philadelphia today. m i JERiWYN AND MAYFIELD. At a apodal meeting of tho Jcimyit school lioiiiil Wednesday evening the ies Ignallou of oito of tho teachets, Piolessor John Jtnklna, was lead and ucccntcil. Tho boaid decided to wait until tho next it-Bumr (iicfiing on uio seeonu Tuesday In August betcio tilling tho vacancy. In tho meantime thoy 111 icttlvo appllta tlous for tho position. Tho balary Is $10 per month. The handsomo doll chanced off Wodnrs. day o enlng by tho Daushteis of Ro. hekith, was won by tlekot No. iS7, held by Kdua DU, of Caibondale. The doll has been math admlted and Is vvoith blxteen dollais. 'the local Odd I'ellnws and Knights of Pjthlas letently had a ft loudly gumo of baso ball which wus citjojed by (ho mem beia of both tiatetnltles and tesulted in a vlctoty for the Knights by u scoio of U"i to :o. In tho ilfth InnhiBs tha scuto stood W to 7 in tavor of tho Odd I'dlovvs to whom lctoiy beamed nasnied, but the chango made In tho battel y then by put ting In "Will Cudllp In the pitching box and Maynaid behind tho bat, taubed thu gieat chango and biought l.lboity AS'age the victory. The vlctois will now play u team fiom tho Junior Onli.i n,.i,.i American Mechanics and the lctois ot this game will play (lo Knights of tho wstlo C'Jialn. Tho gumo between the local Young wwm Old New York The Knickerbockers of Peter Stuy vesant's day relied entirely on European cereals. To-day tho up-to-date Now Yorker know 3 that Battlo Creek is tho center of puro food supplies and his palato tells him that read cooled . H "D Ea I cxcclls on account of being scien tifically prc-tligosted and well tin 1 egnated xvilhjcf'iii and celt ry. Tryabita contaia3 all the strength and nerve-giving elements that go to build up a perfect physique. It also acts as a mild laalive. IMPERIAL CIGAR CO , 109 LACK AV THE ONLY Wholesale Tobacconists Distributors of Cuhanola Cigars. SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. THE AGIMEW Directly on tho Beach in Chelsea, Atlantic City Opens New. July 1st Location, appointments nnd sci vices un excelled Tho finest bath establishment on tho coast Many novel loatutes of equipment, which will mako It an Ideal testing place tot nnvono tequlilng special petsonal attention Booklet and tcims by addt esaing THE AQNEW CO., Atlanjic City. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kentucky Avenue. Fhst Hotel from Deich, At lantic City, Ii. J.; 60 Ocean view rooms; ca pacity 400, write for special rates. J, B. Jenk ins, Prop BRIQANTINE, N. J. Holland House Reached bv Reading Railway from Phil adelphia and by feuy fioin Atlantic City. Klcotilc lights: nttcslan water; resident phjaiclan; suif bathing, excellent flbhlng and sailing CHARLKS I. WALTON. Managor. PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur of the Alleghany Mountain I.ohigh Valley railroad, near 'low nnda Ritlilng, llsilng. eports, etc. Lxcillent table Reasonable i ites LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P. O., Apc, Pa. Send for booklet. c k. innnis STROuosBuna. HIGHLAND DELL HOUSE $SLX: Slroiidaburg, l'a. Capacity, 1SOI DellKhtfitl ly situated; enlarged, lefuinlsbcd, modern, canvouloncei; electriu llglitR, servlea Hist clas'. IlooUlels, rates, Apply J. F. FOULKE, Men's Institute team and South Seianton Young Men's Instituto attiaeted boveral hundied people on tho Uust Side gionds jestoiday aftet noon. Tho Incite ncWeved a btllllant vlotoiy by defeating tho ls ltots b) a scoio of 15 to 3 ' Thomas Lester nnd son, nnd James Loo havo gone to Btltlsh Columbia. Miss Kato Griffiths was a Seianton vis itor jestciday. Robeit Reovo Is hcio on a sit to his paients, Mr, and Mis David Ree' e. of Second htteet. Mr. nnd Mis. "William Culey and fnm lly and M'r and Mrs. Mui tin Stephens, mo at tho Chapman house, Lake Chap man, MUs nicanoi Ciilfnths, who iccontly giaduated uti a tl allied muse fiom tho 1.5 Ing In hospital at Philadelphia, is tho guest of hei undo nnd aunt, Ml. and Mrs, John T, Oilfflths, of Main stiect. The Misses Staples and biothcr nio camping at Crjstal lake RHPUTtTION SALR-SO extra stamns given. So our adveitlsement In tills paper, Meats & llagen. Mts nilhool and daughter, Alice, of South Main stteet, weie in Vundllns soslerduy, Tied Ila.dley, of Fallshurg, N, Y Is vis. King his paients at Majlleld, Miss Maiy Mawvcll, of Main street, was a Caibondale visitor Wednesday, Thoto will bo a mectlm; nf tho Powder "Woikeia' union this evening, OLYPIMNT Arthur Roche, lhe oung tnu of Supeiln tendent David Reese, of Rlakely, enter tallied a largo eathetlng of friends nt his homo on Wednesday evening, In honor of his fouiteenth birthday. Guinea, muslo and other pleaiant amusements made the tlmo pabs tnoully, and at i0 o'clock a delicious repast was served, Tho host was lemembeied with many gifts. Miss Ruth Hull has re tinned home. af. tei spending two weeks In Now York. Mbs Anna Spclther, of Archbald, who tins been vIMting relatives here, letuined home, jesterday, Miss Ollvo Muiphy, of Blakcly, Is visit ing f i lends ut Stroudsbutg. Mrs. Martin Cilppch und daughteis, Misses lilancho und lhuma C'llppen, left jesiuiuuy to spend a row vvccku ut Rus I" " "" " Miss Alice ratten has resumed her po- H Cubanola cigars and rM Mm common cigars Sjl H Kl cost you about B H H tho same J'Mk I Kb a for your 5 cents ? S Connolly & Wallao Store closes at noon Saturday. The most Satisfactory Saturday shopping can be done in the morn ing hours during the hot months. I Infants' and Children's Department French Dresses A few fine $3 dresses, slight ly soiled, at $a Regular $2.50 dresses, reduced to $2 Regular 3.00 dresses, reduced to 2.50 , Regular 3,50 dresses, reduced to 3.00 Infants' and Children's Hats The regular $1.00 kind, reduced to 75c The regular $1.25 kind, reduced to $1.00 The regular 2.00 kind, reduced to 1.50 The regular 2.50 kind, reduced to 2.00 The regular 3.00 kind, reduced to 2.50 Wash Thousands of yards other Scranton Store has store has so many true novelties. store cuts so deeply. Corded Lawns, were 8c, Now, yard. Everett Classic Dress Ginghams, else where 8c. Here, yard Finest Irish Dimities, sold by us all season at 22c. Now, yard Lawns, Batistes and Dimities, light and dark grounds, the usual 12c lines. Now, yard Finer Lawns, Batistes and Dimities, also some nice Swisses, were 12J4 and 15c. Nov, yard Swiss Plumetis, were 25c. Now, yard ' Odd Lots of Turn-Over Embroidered Collars that were 25c each. them at , X A small lot of Pique Stocks, Y number at - WCIII.S3 Luvll , . , ! Connolly & Wallace August 1st IF YOU LOOK at the calendar you will see it comes on Fri day. It is the opening day of our first Inventory Sale in the New Store. If you keep your eye on this space you will be convinced that it will be the greatest real bargain opportunity in Carpets. Furniture, Wall Paper and Curtains ever known in Scranton. Williams & 129 Wyoming Avenue. Closed Saturday afternoon During July and August. iltlon In ItobeiU' Carpet stoio, after a month's Mic'iitioti. JU:i'I3TITlON BA1U-S0 extra flumps Klcn. See our iiihcitUemcnt in this paper, Jle.ns ii Ilugcn. Jlariy Smith, of NautlcoUe, was a ls Hoi In town jct.teid.ty, Jliiii Mary Hotsch.of Rellevue, Is hpend. lug the week with friends on llunmoio uticct. Mrs. John Hront, of AVIlUes.n.ure, who hits been tho guest of Mrs.Wllllum Mason, returned hnniu cstcnla. Mrs.. 1', J. KilcuUon, ot New ink, N. J, is Ubttlng hei mother, Mis. J, O'Hojle, of l.ackawuumi stioct. - TAYLOR. ' The Itcdb, tho homo pildo of tlio i.ibq bill tiienii, will JoujiiQj to lioiictdule to. nioiiow, whci they will play oft tho tlo giuuo from last Sutuuliy, with tho lepre ecntatho team of that boiougll. The homo club nro confident of lctoiy. Tho make-up of the Reds will bans follows: Catcher, Oljiur, pitcher, SolUUIs; ilrst bnhe, Diuli; fcccond base, Touhll); shoit' Btup, Mortis; third base, lluca; left Scranton's Shopping; Opportunities for Hother. Pique coats, Pique coats, Pique coats, Pique coats, Pique coats, Pique coats, Dress Goods Counter of Summer Dress Goods markedvat new prices today. such Fine Dress Goods, or so And when the time 5c 5c 15c 8c 10c 15c uerman unens, Now, yard J Ullsil LUIUl season. Now Women's Neckwear with buckle in front. Regular 25 tleld, Da; cculcr Held, Stonoj light Held, i;ans; sulibtliute,-, 11. Stono und IJitgle, The homo team will leao on thv 0 33 a, m, Dclawuio and Hudson truln, and tlioso desltoub of iiccompaiolng them uro tc micsled to bo pit-sent at thu depot ut tho ,iboo time. Tho tare, go and leturn, Is 51 bS. Mlsa Yutljo rjshet, of Ihookbn, N. Y., H litlug hei p.uonts, Mi, und Mrs, llcury rishei, of Union stuet. MHs Muigiiiot Law, of nullro.ul street, Is lsltlug iclatlM's In Au-libald. Aichbald initio lucal, No. Hil9, I'nltcd Mine W'oikers, will meet tomouow cen Jug In tho Odd Fellows hull. .Mis, IMwaid U. U.nls, if Ilullroad stieot. Is spending a lew days ut .Moscow, Imliuiblo comnuitidmy, No. 23.', Klilgllth nf Malta, will meet this evening In ufiu lai bcsslou. .Mis. John V. ruis, of Noifh Tujlot, Ulted filends In l)ure.i, on Wcrincbday. Mlbb Kdith linusei, of Main stiect, wus tho guest of -Mlbj Hone, of Uunmorc, on ednesduy. Master Chester Kramer, of Main street, Is bpeudlug a week with his grandpar ents, Mr. und Mis, Saje'lb, at Moscow, fflcAnulty, Center The Clearing Sales continue. Some splendid lots today and Saturday morning. Are you ready for them ? The regular $3.50 kind, reduced to $3.00 The regular ,,4.00 kind, reduced to 3.00 Infants' and Children's Coats One to five years. , Linen coats, were $2.50, now $1.75 Linen coats, were 3.00, now a.oo were were were were were were 1.25, now 1.00 1.75, now 1.35 2.00, now 1.50 2.50, now 2.00 3.50, now 2.50 , 4.50, now 3.50 No, No many different kinds- comes to reduce prices, no Silk Ginghams, Madras Cloths and an reguiariy pricea at ouc. , x5C 1 4J-111L.U cuiuruiucreu .awica, were j frl $2.00. Nov, yard $ 1 .UUJ The $1 quality, same width. Now. . . 75i lO-tntU CmUfAMAKorl Cmleeat? IVia t t UlUbl k W W la3Wk9f Uls V M M quality. Now JOC 50c quality, now 37'4c 25c quality, now 15c 28-Inch Satin Regence, 50c value all , Jkj Choose among -j ntm OC O IOr JLOSJ - cent e r,n.4-t, Cnt SHORT SEA TRIPS. A few days can be pleasantly spa in a trln to 1 Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, V; Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C, VIA THE Steamets sail dally except Sundal trom Pier 26, North River, foot Beach stteet, New York. Tickets, Including meals and statel 100m accommodations, $8 00 one way! $13,00 round tilp, mid upwaids. Send stamp f or illubtiated book. OLD DOMINION STEAflSHIP CO J 81 Beach Stieet, New York, N. Y. II. B. WAUvUR, Ttafllc Manager. J. J. BROWN, General Passenger A sen! Lager Beer.. Manufjicturors of Old Stock fpJLSNERl , fc i t, !''f iiitiii4i4ii4"i'i'ai"Il Urewiry, 43St0 4S5 N sevtntlt at , Scranton, fa. Old 'Phone, 333 1. New 'Phone, 2935, Ilio Initcheis dufcatod tho cler,Hs In an lutei pbtlng and I'hite gaiuct of hnll on Wednesday afternoon, on tlio riverside grounds, liy a bcoto of 11 to 11, An Impoitant meeting of Division No, -, Aucleiit Otdei ot Hibernians, will be held this evening, In thelt' 100ms on Rall roai stteet. 1 - 'Uio Iti'i will tty eon't Unions with tlin Ures, on 1 ilveiblde gtouiids this aG teinooti at J uiuiui. . - WushliiRtou camp, No. 49.', Patrlcjtl wicii'i ooiijt in .viiicrie-.i, uni meet Mil I'IC'lllliK. himi:tition sali: ?a mim dnmi given, bco our advertisement In tll 11,1 npr. Clears & Iliienii. ..T '1Mic T.ielnl Clllmi h.inH HllH an nnJ ir.ict.mdlt at Nnv Auc imik ,in VVp9iliioJ day, where they furnished music at the uevvsuuis pii'iiic. i sso 1 ;&& vti mmwm .-- ' v , , ViH ttmummAAsmiJikm ..'ijp r? lmmdmm?3dm&rim Jtu, .mtmmk,m ,j!&siikttii
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