The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 25, 1902, Image 1

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One.ot 'h Largest Plants In the
Lehigh Region -The Move
Is a Surprise. -
Delaware and Hudson Claims Near
ly All Their Former Engineers and
Pumprunners Have Returned to
Work, a Statement That Secretary
Mullahy Controverts Michigan
Strikers Refuse to Accept the Con
ference Scale Judge Jackson Sen
tences Mine Worker Organizers for
ontempt of Court Other Strike
By f.xehishe Wire fiom 'I lie Associated Press.
, Tamaquu, Pa., July 24. The Lehigh and Navigation company today
psumed operations at Its No. 1- mine.
be of the largest collieries In the rc
)ii. The. move of the company was
expected. No. 12 breaker Is located
Ooalclulc, between Pottsvllle and
luch Chunl:. It is a modern plant
II has connected with it an up-to-
Ite jig house by which the slate Is
I'kcd from the coat and the sizes as-
brtod, all by machinery and washing
locc,ss, whereby ten men or boys can
the work that requires from 100 to
V) hands at other breakers.
liToday without any notice the work
mf oneratlnir1 the colllcrv was started
iflf the hoisting of some few curs of
fcal that had been loaded inside prev
ious to the strike, and this was dumped
lto the breaker, ami by the means
If the improved machinery and the
non-union hands, Including many of
the bosses and engineer corps, the
breaker was kept running. This Is the
nearest approach to the operation of a
. colliery that has yet been made uny-
where since the big strike commenced.
ir .a-ine .s.iriKe people say mat n any cuai
Hg being mined inside it Is being done
by bosses and not Dy regular miners,
md that the operation of No. 12 break
er ,can only continue with the material
that Is dumped into it from the refuse
banks. ' i
Ashland, Pa., July 24. The Philadel
phia and Heading Coal and Iron com
any started .up Its washery at Locust-
ale, and Is preparing coal for ship-
nent to the city market. The em-
Ipioycs are said to have been imported
and are heavily guaided by coal and
liron policemen. This Is the first wash
ery to start ud In this vicinity.
Counter Claims at Wilkes-Barre.
Wilkes-Bnrre, July 24. The officials
the Delaware and Hudson Coal com-
uvy and the officers of the Stationary
lireVr.enJs association issued counter
Statements today. The- superintendents
jf the coal company say that nearly
fall their old engineers and pumprun-
Incrs who resigned their positions when
ordered out by the United Mine Work
ers ,are back at work and that half of
khe firemen have uUo loturned. J. F.
Mullahy, secietary ot the Firemen's
anion, says only six of the old firemen
Fhave gone back. All the other firemen
who quit work on Juno 2 are btlll out.
l'resKtcni iMcnous, oi uisirui io. i,
United Mine Workers, reiterates a for
mer statement that the operators are
not in a position to resume work at a
i elude colliery.
A report Is In circulation at strike
ladquartors that the presidents of the
(anthracite coal-carrying railroads, re
alizing that the markets are slipping
away from them, aie anxious to get
hard coal In the market again and
;alhcr than Incur any more losses will
sooner or later grant some concessions
fthe strikers and get the mines run
Ig again.
Concerning Belief Distribution.
Hazleton, Pa., July 24. The officers
the Seventh district of the United
line Workers have not yet decided
aw the relief funds front the bltumln-
lus miners shall lie applied. It is prob
able, however, that the store order
dan will be adopted, each local union
Fissulng the orders for Its men. Mem
' ber's of the union In the greatest need
will be supplied first. Strikers In dis
tress 'who do not belong to the union
w 111- albo be provided for,
ShanioUIn, Pa., July 24. On account
of mining along the Susquehanna river
becoming so extensive the past mouth,
the- Ninth district headquarters of the
United Miie Workers opened a cam
paign against It today. Secretary Hart
leln addressed the river diggers at
t Henulon and sixty employes, 98 per
cent- of them farmers, quit work to
day. They now say they will assist la
closing down- the river mining from
Jlarrisburg to Wilkes-Barre,
Disappointment to Mitchell,
Saginaw, Mich., July 21. The Michi
gan district of the United Mine Work
ers of America this tnornlng In confer
ence tabulated the vote ot the various
locals on the matter of accenting the
Bcue formed by the recent conference
of operators and miners, nt which
Fresldent John Mitchell was present
and which ho advised be accepted.
The vote stood 40(5 to accept and 603
to reject and keep on strike. This ae-
, tlpn will bo a sore disappointment to
President Mitchell, who strongly urged
' the men to go to work, as the scale
provided for no reduction in wages
from last year,
Bight to Work Upheld.
IjParkersburg, w, Va July 24. Judge
Kackson rendered his decision in the
I .'Mother" Jones contempt cuse this
I morning, The conclusion reached was
.that all the defendants had violated the
xt. Y-
Injunction rind were guilty of contempt
of court. (Sentence In case of "Mother"
Jones waMpostponed, also In the cases
of the four foreigners who cannot
speak English, Thomas llnggerty was
given ninety days In jail and the other
d6fenclants sixty days each. The opin
ion supported the right of the courts
to use Injunction and the right of
laborers to work when they wish to do
so without Interference from organized
labor or any other source.
Chicago, July 24. President John
Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers
of America, said today that Judge
Jackson's decision would be laid before
President Roosevelt at once with pro
tests, and that the president would be
asked to Intercede In behalf of Ameri
can citizenship. The case will be car
ried to the United States Supreme
court. President Mitchell said: ''The
decision imperils the right of all Ameri
cans in the courts."
President Mitchell of the United Mine
Workers left for Wilkes-Barre,. tonight,
where he will take charge of the an
thracite miners strike. He said he Is
confident of success in winning the
strike, because the men are standing
solidly for their demands and not one
has deserted the union, so far as he
xva'i able to learn. The miners are
re.-.dy and willing to submit their side
of the contention to any board of ar
bitrators In the country and are not at
all fearful 'of the outcome.
Indianapolis, Ind., July 24. Secretary
W. B. Wilson, of the miners, received
a telegram this afternoon from Park
ersburg, informing him that a warrant
had been Issued there for his arrest on
the charge of making inflammatory
speeches in disregard of the court's In
junction. Mr. Wilson expects a deputy
marshal will come here for the pur
pose of taking him before Judge Jack
son at Parkersburg.
Progress of the Belief Fund.
Indianapolis, July 24. Contribu
tions to the mine defence fund for the
anthracite strike, in less than one week
have reached ?123.000, exclusive of the
assessment of the men. The first
week's assessment of the bituminous
districts Is now due, and it Is expected
that, $40,000 or $50,000 a day will begin
pouring into headquarters, from this
source by Saturday. Including the as
sessment of the men, the first week's
contribution will bo In the neighbor
hood of $400,000. Every mall brings In
many contributions from individual
and corporations in sympathy with the
miners, but who do not want their
names made public.
Coroner's Inquest in the Johnstown
Mme Disaster Elicits No Light
on the Beal Cause.
By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Press.
Johnstown, July 21. The second day
ot the inquiry Into the Rolling Mill
mine disaster of July 10, being held
under the direction of Coroner Miller,
established the fact conclusively that
the explosion was caused by some one
lighting gas which had accumulated,
but was not at its highest explosive
point. In what manner It was ignited
or by whom will probably never be
known. Among the eight witnesses ex
amined today were Mine Foreman
Henry L. Rogers, Assistant Foreman
Thomas L. Foster and FIreboss Grif
fith Powell. They were unable to ex
plain how the gas became ignited.
Witnesses testified today that of the
600 men employed In the mine about 10
per cent, are practical miners, In which
the mine officials could place their con
fidence. Miners were Instructed to
leave their open lamps at tho danger
signals, but no one was positive this
rule was strictly obeyed. There was
gas In pillar work at all times. Fire
bosses examined the mine each morn
ing before the men went to work. Men
were 'not supposed to work in gas in
any condition, but were given safety
lamps as a protection in case gas came
on them. Miners found in dangerous
places with open lamp3 were dis
charged. Tomorrow Chief Mining Engineer M.
O. Moorp, Al. G. Prosser, his assistant,
Superintendent George T, Robinson and
other officials will be called to the
stand. Coroner Miller said today that
ho expected the inquest to continue
through Saturday when the state mine
Inspectors will testify.
Belief That Court-Martial Has Ac
quitted the Officer of Cruelty.
Dy Kxelusive Wire from The Associated 1'rei.s.
Manila, July 21, The court-.nartlal ot
Lieutenant E. A. Hickman, on charge ot
having ducked In a pond twoj natives of
Tabayas, because they refused to guide
.him to the stionghold ot the Insurgent
leader Cabulles, und with having ducked
a thhd native, who died from maltreat
ment, has been concluded. The lieuten
ant, It Is believed, has been acquitted.
The defense admitted all of the specifi
cations In the first charge, taking excep
tion only to tho word "unlawful," and
pleaded Justification under general order
100 and the conditions prevailing (n Tay
abaB province. Tho defense also pro
duced a telegraphic order from General
Chaffee, ingliig the location of Cabellas,
regatdless of the measures necessary to
do so, The desire to shift responsibility,
tho defense disclaimed, and said the tele
gram from General Chaffee was produced
to show the urgent necessity for locating
Lieutenant Hickman said that witnesses
at the Gardener Inquiry testified that the
third man riled from lnjuiles, that he was
not ducked and that lie was not molested.
The prosecution disregarded the latter
charge as being unworthy of credence.
Manila Cigarmakers Strike.
Manila, July 21. About 7,000 cigar
makers of Manila have gone on tttilke.
They demand a material increase In
Captain Strong la in London and May
Yolie Is Going There.
By Kxcludvc Wire from The AMocl.itcd PreM.
London, July 21. Putnam Hrudlec
Strong, of New York, arrived In London
this afternoon with tho St. Paul's pass
engers nnd went to a private West I hid
New Yolk, May 24. May Vohe, who
was fnrmeily the wlf.' of Lord Francis
Hope, snllcd for Kurnpe today on the
Kiicrst Ulsmarck. Her cabin on the boat
was not engaged In her nnme, but she
was n lion id the ship when It salted,
Former Captain Strong, In conversation
with n lepiosentntlve of the Associated
Press this afternoon, said he had pawned
about $S,4(W worth of May YoIip'h Jewelry
at her request and for her benefit after
they returned from Japan, and Hint sho
had received the entire pioceeds from
him at the time the jewels were pawned.
"I have never hud one dollnr of Mav
Yohe's money and no person knows It
better than she." lie continued. "The
money on which I am now traveling was
received from the sale of my library,
and of this fact May Yolio Is also aware.
I have done many foolish and most un
wise things, but 1 have not been criminal.
"As to my futme movements, I do not
think they should Interest any one great
ly, but I will say that I purpose living
quietly and endeavoring to redeem my
good name.
"As to the story that I rilled her safety
deposit box, that Is absurd on Its face.
May Yohe never bad nny safety deposit
box that 1 know of, and If she hnd one,
any banker could tell you that without
her authority I could never have had
access to It. I hud one In my own name
at the Knickerbocker Trust company,
which I 'suppose my family has opened
as I gave them full authority to do so."
Foreign Consuls at Puerto Cabello
Elect American Consul President
of Their Conference.
By KxcluHivc. Wire from The A-otIafed i'rrai.
Washington, July 21. The following
cablegram has been received from
Captain McLean, of the cruiser Cincin
nati, dated La Guaira:
"Information has been tecelved from
Commander Topcka. Attack is ex
pected Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.
"A meeting of tho foreign consuls
has elected the American consul presi
dent of the conference. Marietta, at
Cuman, Venezuela. Carupano quiet. No
Indications blockade. Revolutionary
forces control 'Carupano. The presi
dent of Venezuela remains at Barce
lona. The Falke, Conlngln, Rejbntis, at
Puerto Cabello. Gazelle and Suchet
The text of a ringing proclamation
issued on July 0, the Independence day
of Venezuela, by President Castro, has
just been received in Washington. The
proclamation was published on the eve
of the president's departure from the
"Vellow House" at Carucas to lead his
army In the field, and says after de
claring his intention of revolutionizing
the methods of government in Vene
zuela: From this moment I consecrate to the
realization of that design all the energies
of my soul, (he resources of the sovern-
ment, the humble prestige of my sword,
my unconquer.iblo faith In tho success o
well-doing, and this life which has been
spared by a torrent of bullets In a hun
dred duels with death, I find myself in tho
condition to fulfill tho mission with which
I have been invested by rrovidence, and
it Is my desire to render myself worthy
of that mission. Bracing myself with tho
conflicts of peace, and raising my stat
ure If need be beyond the limitations of
nature, I shall chain events and harness
them to the car of victory in tho very
camp of the rebellion. I decline myself
In campaign. I am going to tinnstuso
Into tho operations of the war the en
thusiasm of my faith, my nervous activ
ity, and tho efficacy of my porsouul direc
Close Finishes and Sensational Time
Characterizes the Pour Events at
the Grand Circuit Meeting.
By i:cludve Wire from The Associated I'resi.
Cleveland, Ohio, July 24. Three
favorites and an outsider won at the
grand circuit meeting today, the races
being characterized either by close
finishes or sensational time. Frank
lirwln, driver of You Bet in the 2,11
pace, was unseated In tho third heat
but was put back again for the next
one, Attendance 11,000. Summaries:
2.23 class trot; purse $3,000, three in
Wentworth , 7 3 111
Darwin 4 2 2 2 2
Hallle Hardin 3 7 .1 3 '4
Lord Marsh 118 dls.
Boralma's Brother, Gold Bug, the Gen
eral, Lord Marsh and Aunt Rose also
started. Best time, 2,11(4.
2.11 class, pace; pulse, $1,200.
Daphne Drills 112 2 1
Gasconda S S 1 1 3
You Bet U 2 4 3 ti
Don Riloy , 10 10 3 4 2
Carthago Ghl, Rose Bud, Donna Mc
Gregor, Dick See, Shorty, Pat Wilkes,
lie rd I n a and Maggie Hubbard also start
ed. Best time, 2.03V
2.10 class, trotting; purse, $1,M0; two In
Auselln ,,.,,, , 1 I
Aggie Medium , S 2
Dan Wilkes , 2 9
Charley Mac ,,.,., u 3
Dorothy Redmond, Glory, King Chimes,
Authella and ICcInu Cook also started.
Time, 2.0SW, 2.0S'i.
2.17 class, pacing; purse, $1,000, two in
Greenllne ....,..,, ,,,. 1 1
Major C ,.,,,,.., ,, 2 3
Teitlmln , ,,,,,. 4 2
Stiega ,,,., ., ,. 3 4
Wfiiona, Hlnzn, Sultz, Frank I'owoll,
Cubanola and Sylvlanuo also started.
Time, 2.081$, j.os'i.
Express Train Wrecked.
By Kxcliuhe Yre from The Associated I'res.
Indianapolis, July 24. The Pan-Handle
expiess train was wiecked tonight eight
miles out of Dayton, O. Two nre known
to have been killed, several others aro
Steamship Arrivals.
By Kxiluslve WlrcfiumTiie Awodated Vrtas.
New York, July 2l.-8alled: La Savolo,
Havre; Fuerst Ulsmuick, .Hambuig.
Havre An Ived; La Touralno, Now
York. Rotterdam Sailed; Potsdam,
New Yoik via Boulogne. Liverpool Ar
rived; Teutonic, New York
President Roosevelt Talks to the
New Jersey National Guards
men at Sea Girt.
If You Get Into Battle, Says tho
President, It Is Mighty Impor
tant That You Hit the Other Fel
low Know Your Bifle as if It Was
a Part of Yorself Federal Govern
ment Should Encourage the State
Militia Whole Nation Owes Obli
gation to Dutiful National Guards
men. By Kctlu-tc Wire from The Associated Press.
Sea Girt, N. J., July 24. No president
received a more sincere, heartfelt and
patriotic welcome than that accorded
today to President Roosevelt by the
people of New Jersey. From the time
he landed in New Jersey at tho 'At
lantic Highlands pier, at 1.13 o'clock
this nfternoon, until he left in his
launch for the war yacht Mayflower,
anchored several miles off the pier,
at 3.15, he was the recipient of a con
tinuous ovation.
The president, on invitation of Gover
nor Franklin Murphy extended through
Senator Kean, visited the encampment
of the Second brigade of the National
Guard of the state at Sea Girt. Ac
companied by Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss
Alice Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. "W. Era
len Roosevelt, Miss Christine Roose
velt and Assistant Secretary Loeb, the
president left Sagamore Hill at 7
o'clock this morning and boarded the
Mayflower, his ofllclal naval vessel,
from a launch.
Ten thousand people greeted tho
presidential parly at the Sea Girt sta
tion. President Roosevelt and other
distinguished guests were escorted in
carriages to the governor's cottage, ad
joining the military encampment, less
than half a mile from the station. As
be arrived at the cottage a president's
salute of twenty-one guns was fired.
After a brief rest and art Informal rei'
ccptlon at the cottage. President Roose
velt and Governor Murphy and staff
reviewed the troops In camp. The
president was mounted on a magnificent
chestnut bay on which he sat perfectly.
At the conclusion of the review, Mr.
Roosevelt was escorted to a stand ad
joining the parade ground and there
addressed the assembled troops . and
the multitude which had gathered and
which number by this time nearly 13,
000. Governor Murphy Introduced the
president as follows:
"I have the pleasure and honor In
introducing to you one who is dis
tinguished nllke as a citizen, as a
soldier and as a statesman and Is now
honored and beloved as the president
of this great country. I have the honor
to present to you President Roosevelt."
After the demonstration which follow
ed had subsided President Roosevelt
spoke as follows:
President's Address.
A man Is of use as a National Guards
man for just exactly the same reasons as
he is of use as a citizen; and that is if
lie sets to work with his whole heart to
do his duty for tho time being, to make
himself thoroughly proficient in tho line
of business he has taken up. A National
Guardman who joins only to have a good
time pretty generally does not have a
good tlmo nnd certainly makes a poor
hand at being a guaidsman.
1 earnestly hope and believe you will
never get Into battle, but If you do It Is
going to be mighty Important to lilt tho
other fellow; and you are going to be able
to do It largely in consequence of the
way you have put In your time, knowing
your rifle until It Is Just part of yourself,
until you can handle it, take care of It
and use it, It 'has been tho pride of tho
American army In tho past that our
tioops always have used their rifles ef
ficiently. Wo have prided ourselves upon
having nn army of marksmen. Our army
has given us a just pride In it, becauso
its constant and zealous effort has been
to tako caro of Itself in the field and in
all that pertains to the duties of a soldier,
I think, gentlemen, that much help can
bo given to the National Guatds, of tho
states by the action of the United States
government. I want to see tho National
Guard armed with the best and most
modern weapons (applause), I want to
seo the Infantry with the Krag-Jorgenspn
nnd I want to see the artillery with the
three-point-two gun of the regular army.
I am happy to say that a bill has been
passed through the lower house which
will enable the national government ma
terially to aid the National Guard of the
different states. At tho next session. I
firmly believe, that we will get It through
the United StatPs senate and then 7 can
guaranten the signature of the president.
(Laughter and appluuse),
Not Always Appreciated.
I think that our people have not always
appreciated the debt they were under to
tho National Guard,' A man who gets
Info the National Guard and does Ids duty
fairly and Bquarely there puts the whole
country unde'r an obligation to him, Al
ways In our hUtory It ban been the case,
as It will be In tho future, that, If war
should arise, It la to bo met mainly by
the citizen soldier the volunteer soldier.
Wo have, In tho regular army, officered
ns It Is, and filled with the type of en
listed men we had In It, an army which
I firmly believe for Its size, Is unequalled
In the civilized woild; and I urn sure
that I can challenge the most generous
support from the National Guard or tho
regular army of the Halted Stutes. (Ap
plause), But that, army, Is and of neces
sity must he, so rjnall that In the event
of serious trouble in the future, tho great
bulk of our tioops must come, as in the
past they have come, from the ranks ot
tho people themselves; and In forming
those regiments the good dono by the
pretence In them of men who have served
faithfully In (he National Guard cannot
be overestimated. These men arc ready.
They know what Is expected of them.
They train others (o df tho work that Is
needed. And another thing, ladles and
gentlemen, the same qualities that make
a man a success, thnt make him do his
duty decently and honestly In a National
Guard regiment, are fundamentally the
qualities that he needs to make him a
good citizen In private life.
No doubt some of you were in the Span
Ish-American war. (A voice, "es, many
voice, '.jes, many
lilo wild that war
it enough war to
). (A voice, "you
of in"). The only trouble
was that there was not
go around. (Laughter)
got your slice").
"I did," continued the president. "I
was one of the lucky ones."
After relating the anecdote of the am
bitious soldier who entered camp at
Tampa, Fla., at the beginning of the
Spanish-American war nnd was set to
work digging1 kitchen sinks, President
Roosevelt continued: '
So It Is in Citizenship.
Just ns It Is In the army so It Is In citi
zenship. If you aie content to go through
lift waiting for it chance to be a hero you
may wait and the chance muy not come.
The wny to be a good citizen Is to do well
the ordinary, every-day' humdrum work
that comes to citizenship.
Don't you think soY I am sure you do.
The man who wants to wait until a bat
tle comes Is not likely to be the good
fighter; nnd tho citizen who waits for
heroic times is likely to be a mighty bad
I plead with you to do your duty as
National Guardsmen and as citizens. Do
your duty day by day the common, or
dinary duties which, when done, make In
their sum, the citizenship of the nation.
Ladles and gentlemen, I thank you.
It had been the Intention of the presi
dent and- his party to be the guests of
Governor Murphy at luncheon, but the
lateness of the arrival made It neces
sary to forego the luncheon. On the
way to tho cottage a veteran of tho
Civil war and a Grand Army man rush
ed up to the president to grasp his
hand. President Roosevelt greeted him
cordially and said:'
"One of the many good results of the
Spanish-American war Is the apprecia
tion we, of the younger generation, now
have of the value to you old veterans
of that little button which you wear on
the lapel of your coat."
At 3.15 the presidential party board
ed again the special train, and amid
the cheers of the assembled thousands
started for Atlantic Highlands, arriv
ing at the pier at 4 o'clock. At 4.05
the party left for the Mayflower in a
steam launch. As the president was
aboard his launch, ho met and recog
nized Raymond Morse, a fireman on
the preslder'lal special, who had served
as a sergeant in Troop G of the Rough
Riders when Mr. Roosevelt was col
onel. They greeted each other with
equal cordiality.
Japan Claims It and Sends Warship
to Enforce Claim American Cap
tain Also Claims It.
Dy Kvclusivc Wire fiom The Associated 1'icss.
Yokohama, July 24. It is officially
announced that the Jupunese cruiser
Kusagi will convey a diplomatic agent
of Japan to Marcos island, S00 miles
southwest of Yokohama. The expla
nation Is that it is the desire of the
government to reassure the Japanese
residents and convince them that the
Rosehlll claim is untenable. It is as
serted hero that tho island was an
nexed to Japan in 1898, and that it was
discovered by a Japanese subject in
Washington, July 24. The Japanese
government has served formal notice
on the state department that It claims
possession of Marcos island, toward
which is now heading an American ex
pedition under Captain Rosehlll with a
purpose of exploiting its guana depos
its. Regarding It as extremely desir
able that no collision occur, the state
department has taken measures to ad
vise Captain Rosehlll thnt he must
offer no resistance If he should fall In
with a Japanese warship, which is also
speeding for the Island.
Rosehlll landed on the disputed
Island thirteen years ago, Ho put up n
sign and deposited a bottle setting forth
his claims to the island, erecting a
flagpole and hoisted the United States
flag. Then he sailed away, leaving It
unoccupied, a fact which may vitiate
his title. Of these facts he informed
the state department, but he neglected
for many years to file In the Treasury
department the bond required by the
guano Island laws. In fact, this bond
was only filed within the last year.
Meanwhile, finding a deserted island,
sorne Japanese landed and began to
take away the guano. There are be
lieved to be two score of them now on
the island, and the Japanese govern
ment holds that their title is good.
Coach Jumps Track an Trestle, Palls
and Many Are Hurt.
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
McConuellsvllle, O,, July LM. The worst
railroad wreck In the history of this x-al-ley
occurred two miles below here today
on tho Ohio and Little Kanawha. Tho
rear coach of a passenger train Jumped
the trnck on a trestle and fell forty feet,
turning completely over. The train ws
going thirty miles per hour and the coach
xvas completely wrecked.
6Ilss Gertrude Sherwood, of Pnttnn'a
Mills, wus killed and six others fatally
hurt, About a dozen others aro suffering
serious Injuries,
m i.
Dy Exclusive Who from 'the Associated l're,
Oyster Bay, N, V July 2I.-A dispatch
was received tonight from William Loeb,
jr,, assistant secretary to the president,
stating that the president's yacht, May
tiower, had run Into a dense fog off Tomp
klnsvllle, Staten Island, and would vu
main thero at unchor over nlsht. The
dispatch was as follows:
"Detained by fog off staten Island.
Will be home tomorrow morning,
(Signed) "William Loeb, Jr."
No alarm Is felt hero over the safety
of the yacht, The Mayflower left At
lantic Highlands at 4.40 p. m., having on
board the puity Which accompanied tho
president on his visit to Camp Franklin
Murphy at Sea Girt.
By dilutive Wire front 'f lie AboiUtcd I'resj.
Ilarrlsburg. July 24. The resignation of
Judge Pcnnyp.icker'to tako etfect August
1, was received at the 'state department
Miss Stone Not Jealous of Honor
Shown to Miss Quay.
lly Kieluslic Whe trom The Associated 1'rcss.
HnrtlsburK. July 24. Tho following
statement has been Issued from the ex
ecutive derailment by K. C. Gerwlg, pil
vate secretary to Governor Stone:
"The newspaper talk about a contro
versy between the governor's daughter
and Miss Quay over the christening ot the
battleship Pennsylvania Is ridiculous. Tho
ship will not be launched until long after
the governor's trrm explrei. It Is entire
ly for the builder, to select any one he
pleases to perfoim' this ceremony and as
Senator Quay has been largely Instru
mental in securing appropriations for tho
battleship, It Is very proper that Ills
daughter bo selected. So far ns Miss
Stone Is concerned, she never thought
of tho selection and together with tho
governor nnd his family will be very glad
the. honor should come to Miss Quay, who
Is'in every way worthy of it."
Daring Robbery of Mexican Central
Express Car by American Crooks.
Train Stopped by a Ruse.
By Exclusive Wire from 1 he Associated Press.
HI Paso, July 24. A daring hold-up
took place on the Mexican Central at
2.30 o'clock Tuesday morning, just after
the train left Bermljllo. At that point
three 'Americans boarded the train, two
secreting themselves on the blind bag
gage and the other entering the third
class car. As soon as the train pulled
out the two riding on the outside en
tered the express car, and, covering
Messenger Buckner with their revolv
ers, ordered him to throw up his hands.
Tho messenger offered no resistance.
The robbers then went leisurely through
the safe, obtaining $30,000 In currency
consigned to the Banco MInerco, at
Chihuahua. They also took what other
money packages were In the safe, and
remained quiet until the train slowed
down, when they disappeared Into tho
About the time the robbers entered
the express car the conductor of tho
train became engaged In an altercation
xvlth a passenger who refused to pay
his fare. Finally the conductor had the
train stopped and the passenger was
ejected. The robbers alighted at the
same time. The troublesome passen
ger doubtless was a partner of the rob
bers, and his actions were a ruse to
cause the stopping of the train.
Two Negroes Lynched and Their
Mutilated Bodies Left on Com
monOthers Pleo for Safety.
By Kxclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
PhillippI, W. Vu., July 24. Two ne
groes, whoso names were unknown,
were lynched at Womelsdorf, near here,
last night by an angry mob numbering
several hundred and tHelr mutilated
bodies left on the common. The first
victim was shot and instantly killed in
the station house, the second was taken
to the park, whore he was hanged and
then riddled with bullets and cut to
pieces. Both whites and negroes are
enraged and In arms.
More trouble Is hourly expected. The
trouble grew out of the murder of Chief
Bud Wllmotb, July 23. Several other
arrests had been made and lynching
seemed Imminent on every side. The
dead blacks were caught near Boiling
ton and wore locked up there, officers
fearing lynching if taken to IClklns,
Negroes are leaving on every train.
Home of Trappist Monks Destroyed.
All Members of Order Escape.
By exclusive wire from The Associated 1'ics.
Oko, Quebec, July 24. The celebiated
mounstery of La Trnppe wus destroyed
by fire last night. The loss Is $300,000 and
the Insurance Jloo.OOO, Thero were nlneu
sevnn monks from all parts of the world
In the monastery, all of whom escaped
and are now housed 'In tho Agricultural
college, half a mllb awav. Ten thou
sand gallons of elder nnd 1,000 gallons of
wine were destioyed. Tho vestments and
holy vessels of the chinch wcio saved.
Tho tiro, which started, no one knows
how, about 5 o'clock, was fed by a strong
wind nnd burned until 1 o'clock this
moinlng, notwithstanding the eft'oits of
priests, monks and laymen employed
about tho building, headed by Don .Marie
Antonle, tho prior, and assisted by tho
thirty-odd pupils of the Agrlciiltma) col
lege to extinguish It. The Haines de
stroyed every vestlgo of the niugnhlceut
building, which lequlred many yeais to
build. This moinlng only the four big
chimneys remain,
Two monks, Brother Seraphim, who
xvas blind, and another bi other, whoso
name cannot be learned, and who was
suffeiliig from consumption, wero res
cued from tho top lloor by priests at tint
risk, of their lives, it Is feared they will
Taft Leaves Italy, f
By Exclusive Whe fiom'llie Associated 1'icss.
Naples, July 2l.-The Got man steamor
Princess Irene, which sailed today for
Manila took among her passengers Gov
ernor Taft, Judge Smith and Secretury
Carpenter, Captain Strother, of Governor
Taft.'s party, was not well and sailed for
New York on the steamer Alter today.
Barn Struck by Lightning.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rets.
Lancaster, Pa., July il TJie barn of
Jucob Y.aok, at Eden, was stiuck by
lightning 'this afternoon and totally de
stroyed, togother With the tobacco shed
and other buildings and tho crops or a
hundred-acre farm. The loss will be 1100,-000.
Dr. Bruan and Dr. Shcpard Pro
duce Their Prescription Blanks
and Do Business.
Before the New England Democratic:
League Two Eminent 'Expounders
of Jefferson Politics Try Their
Voices at Telling How the Incubus
of Demoralization Can Be Lifted
from Their Party's Standard Tho
Peerless Leader from Nebraska Has
Apparently Not Yet Decided Just
Which Issue Should Be Para
mounted. By Kxclmlvc Ire from The Associated Press. ,
Nantasket', Mass., JUIy 24. In a
great tent on the shore. of Massachu
setts Bay, for hours today, a throng
of men'and not a few women listened
to orators from various parts of the
United States as they dellx-ercd ad
dresses upon the principal political is
sues of the day from the Democratic
point of view. The speechmaklng fol
lowed a banquet, the first given by the
recently organized New England Dem
ocratic league, at which about 300 per
sons wero present. P. A. Collins, for
mer consul general to London and now
mayor of Boston, was presiding officer,
and William J. Bryan, twice Demo
cratic presidential candidate; Edward x
M. Shepard, of New York, and Senator
Carmack.of Tennessee, made nddresses,
Senator Bailey, of Texas, was expected
to bo present, but he sent a lettern
stead. Tho hour scheduled for the banquet
was 1 o'clock and It was planned that
tho public exereises should begin an
hour later. The guests did not reach
Boston until this morning, coming on
the Federal Express nt 7 o'clock. A
committee met them, at the station and
escorted them to an uptown hotel. For
an hour or more following breakfast,
Mr. Bryan xvas "at home" to a few
friends at the hotel. There was no
public reception.
The trip down the harbor was made
on one of tho regular Nantasket steam
boats starting from Boston at 11.20
o'clock. On the arrival at Nantasket.
the party proceeded at once to the
Rockland House.
Mr. Bryan spoke as follows:
Bryan's Idea of Harmony.
In view of the numerous harmony din
ners, and the discord they have created.
It may not be out of place to consider
the basis of harmony. Jefferson laid
down the rules by which, and by which
alone, real harmony can bo secured with
in a. party. I say real harmony for that
harmony cannot be considered worthy of
tho name which, like the harmony tem
porarily existing between the confidence
man and his victim, h purposely em
ployed for deception and Injury. l
The great founder of the Demlcratlo
party said In a letter to Mr. Lee that
there xvere but two permanent parties,
the aristocratic and tho democratic; that
those two parties existed in every coun
try, nnd that where there was freedom
to think, speak and write, these parties
xvould become apparent. With the aris
tocratic party he classed "those who fear
and distrust the people and wish to draw
all power from them Into the hands ot
the higher classes." With the demo
cratic party, he classed "those who Iden
tify themselves with the people, have
confidence In them, cherish nnd consider
them as the most honest and safe, though
not the most wise, depository of the pub
He Interests." Kvery well-Informed stu
dent of history will recognize this dintlne
tlon. In every community you can draw
a lino separating tho aristocrat frum the
Jeffersonian Harmony.
Thero can always be harmony among
Democrats who have the purpose that
Jefteiou had nnd are willing to employ
the methods that Jefferson employed.
There can always be harmony among
Democrats who believe In u gox-ernment
of tho people nnd aro xvllllng that al'
the departments of the government shal
be operated by tho people and for the
benefit of the people. Dtffeiences of tho
mind can be reconciled: differences of
puipoie cannot. The Republican party of
today Is aristocratic in its policies and
tendencies, for It is conti oiled by a few
ill the interest ot a few, but thero ore
many Republicans who remain with their
partv only because they do uo't under
stand the change which has taken plftca
in that party within the last few years.
When tho policy of a party is controlled
by Its voters, the party stands for the
xvlll of the majority, but when the parly
Is dominated by a small minority, then
the organization stands not, for tho will
of the majority, but for the will of thoso
who dominate It. There can be no doubt
of the democrats Instincts ot a largu
majority of the members of the Republi
can party, but that party today Is so
controlled by organized wealth that the
rank and filo of tho party are not con
sulted about its policies nor are the in
terests of tho rank and file considered by
the leaders. With tho exception or the
Continued on Page 4.1
Local data for July 21. 1002;
Highest temperature , 73 degrees
Lowest temperature ..,.,,,,.,,, W degrees
Relative humldltj ; -" '
$ a. m , 79 per cent.
fj p. m. .,,,,, ,, ,,,. 79 per cent.
Precipitation, 24 hours ended ti p. m.,
0.23 inch.
-f Washington, July 21. Forecast -f
-f for Friday and Saturday: Hastcin
Pennsyyanla; Shoucis .Friday and -f--f
probably Saturday; variable winds ,
becoming west, occasional hhower'. 4
& . -t . -f it t tfl
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