The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Dissolves the Co-partnershtp and Ap
points One of the Members as Re
ceiver, After Discussing the Con
tentions of the Waning Brothers.
Amended Statement of the Clty'B
Indebtedness Tiled Suit Against
Old Forge Borough Award In Case
of Caulk vs. White et al.
Judge H. M. Edward yesterday
handed down nn opinion and decree In
the cnultv case of John r. Nolnn
Against Thonnii J. Nolnn, Peter Nolnn
mid William 11. Nolan. The opinion
The co-nittuernhlp In thlH caco was
nilglnnllv fotmed In Oclolier, If)?, bv and
between two brothers John F. Nolan
ami Thomas J. Nolnn. for the purpose
of earning on tho biHlneci of plumbing,
Kiisiutlim ami other woilc of a like un
title. In tho cnr l'"00 two other brothel a,
William mid I'elci Nolan. .oto taken
Into the llrm on certain condition1) which
need nut be explained nun. There were
no written article of co-partncrslilp The
biiiliicis hclium to lime roiic on satlsfnc
tinlh for n while after the foi matlon of
the new paitncrshlp. Thcto were a few
disputes between the hrothcis. but not
of a HCtloui character.
'lhc llisl Important diniculty occurred
nhotit AuKtist, lWi. when William and
Thomas hud a dli-.isi cement, resulting
In Wlllltim j leuUnc the binlncf Whoth
ot be was pieentcd fiom paitlelpitliiK
In the business of the tlrm by Thomas,
or w bethel be uluntailly abandoned the
business In tumi'tjuuieo of :i riunrrcl Is
not a auction f much Impoilnuee In
lcv of the testimony I do not think tho
conduct of 'Ihonuis was .1 sutflUlent ex
cuse foi William to abandon the business.
At iiii lute, wllh the cccptlon of a
Mioit time ilmlitfr which Wllllnm rc
Uiincd to the store or shop ns a result
of Inteic csslon on the part of John, It
Hppiaia that Willi im hns done no work
In connection with the Aim since August,
'I bo two mcmlieis of the dim who ac
tlvcl ronduclcd mid v npparcntlv cou
ti oiled the business me John Nolan, the
plaintiff, mid Tliomm Nol in, one of the
di fenduiits 'I hex also coiixtltutccl the
oilslnal Mini. Sceial illpiitrs during the
j car 1101 ben. cen these two In others
leuillcd in a siibst.intial seciance of
their pailncnship telatlons In December
of that cai Since then John ceased nc
tle woiK, the kind of woik bo used to
pel form, but be continued to collect bills
and to ecielse the lights of n partner
until tonic time In M.ncb, l'W2 Tbcic
vcic sonic attcuiits at a settlement
nude previous to the tiling of the bill
in this cae, but they failed, because,
ircoidlng to Thomas' contention lohn
nsKeri an csoiliiMnt pi lee for Ills inter
est lit the business. Without discussing
UK nicilts ol the uiloiis claims, chaige3
ond countei uliiugcii mnrle bv the Idol li
nih, ospeclallv b John and Thomas, It
Uearlj app"ais fiom the evidence:
jimk:i:h pin-dings
1 That tlieio must bo a dci roe ril
Fohlng tlic i o-pirtneiship This is con
ceded bv conn' tl on both sides; but,
wlielhei comeilod or not, thole nie
abundant mounds for such a dccire. It
mav bo bascil on tho evident inipiob.i
bllity of Hie pnlneis ever being able
to onto on tho business without con
si int qiiaricls, theieliy endingerlng the
businc's of the llim, or, on the aband
onment of tho business bv WIIIHm and
the ii.ti II, i! abandonment In John, 01 on
act omit of the eveiance of all
partnership lclatlons between the hiotli
ers at the ond of Maicli, 1102
.' It would appear that the oo-pait-nciship
sliould be considered dissolved
us of Apill 1, 11QJ Nolan fliotlitrs ceas
ed doin business at that time Since
then the bu-liie-s lias been cairlcd on
b Thomas J. Nolan in III -s own name.
Ncvcithclcbs vve cannot limit tho rights
of tin patties nor the poweis of the ic
ceivcr bv the Intel loctitoi) decite ills
solving the cii-parlnoishlp, although the
date mentioned would bo a convenient
point at whii h to end ami wind up the
affalis of the liini
Now, Julv L'J, 1'iuj, after consldcilng tho
evldenie in this i.iso. It is ordeied ad
judged and drciccd tint the co-partbei-Milp,
hoteloforc csisting between John,
Thomas IHIam and Petci Nolnn, un
dor tlio llrm name of Nolan Hi others, be
and the Mine Is hpieb) dlsolcd
Wo iloploie the necessltv foi the ap
pointment of a rccclvci. At ono of tho
bearings in this i.iso before my colleague,
Judge Kellv, It was suggested that tho
p n ties avoid the expense of .1 receiver
ship by having the defendants, meaning
piiucipallv Thomas Nolan, wind up tin
nflalrs of the mm, sciuiity to be given
to pay any lialanco that might bo due.
to the paitners. An older allowing tliU
to lie done was niadc, but the parties
fi lied to agreo on the amount of tho bond
mid 'the an aiigenicnt failed of consumma
tion. Wc Mill suggest the snmo plan
us tl," iron economical and tho best
foi tl i I iterest of all tho partner It
ks(i .inivvcis tho purpose of u ieoier
ship. If tho p ii ties should vet agin- to
btich an nn imminent the older for tho
appointment of a iceelver nuiv be re
voked bv agnomen!.
I 'tiller the picscut ciriunistanccs tho
ouh ultcruntivo left to in is to appoint
a reiilvci. Tho appointment of it ic
eelver lesth in the hound discretion of
tho court. No positive or iinvurvlng mle
cm be laid down as applicable to nil
nihCR. In cxculslng lib dlseiotlon the
(ourt hliouhl piocccd cautiously and
should be gov ei nod by u view of the
wliolo of the cac: Beau
mont vs. Beaumont, ICti l'a, 013.
Wo are also convinced that It Is proper
in this case to appoint oun of tho part
ners us icoclver, John tmd Thomas uro
tho two paitucrs who nio tho best nuall
fled for tho position. Wo can find noth
ing In the evidence which would Justify
a charge, of misconduct against cither
one, It Ik true that John failed In his
full duty to tho llim slnco December Inst
and that .Thomas at tho ond of last
Match severed tho partnership relations
and thus contributed to complete the e.
t luslon of tho other partners, especially
John and William. But wc look upon
this action of Thomas iih a natural con
frequence of the attitude of tho other
On account of Tliomua J. Nolan's ex
perience- and hU greater knowledge of
the business of tho llim. especially dur
ing tlic first three months of this ear,
wo tiro of tho opinion that on tho wholo
'tho Intel estM of tho partners will ho best
subserved by his appointment as iceelver.
'And now, July , 190.', upon considera
tion of tho bill, answer and testimony, It
Js ordered and decreed:
1, That Thomas J. Nolnn bo und ho Is
lieieby appointed receiver of all tho us
bets and propcity of the lato Arm of
Recommends Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy,
About eighteen months ago Mr. W. S.
Manning, of Albany, N, Y., widely
known In trade elides as the represen
tative of the Albany Chemical Qo., aa
suffering from a piotrncted attack of
dlurihoeii. "I trlPd Chamberlain's Col
ic, Cholera and Dlairhoea Remedy," he
Bas, "and obtained Immediate relief. I
cheerfully recommend this medicine to
those similarly tth"llcted," Bold by all
d ".agists,
Nolan Brothers (composed of plaintiff and
defendants) of whatsoever kind, within
tho Jurisdiction of said court, with power
to take, hold, demand, receive- and col
lect alt thd funds, assets pioporty
belonging to Bald firm, or In tho hands
of nny debtor, agent or depository of
said Arm, and to account to tho court
tor the same. And nnv drtitor, aitcnt or
depositor of mid firm Is hereby directed
to forthwith pay, deliver and assign nil
money, securities, nssctu and property of
every hind whnlsnevcr to snld iccclvci.
And the said ItccKor In hereby empow
ered to bring, prosecutn nnd defend nil
suits nt law or In cqufty which In his
Judgment mny be neccssatv for tho pres
ervation nnd protection if the propcity
and Interests under his and control.
And tho snld receiver bflinll fllo an In
ventory nnd appraisement of tho property
committed to bis custody, nnd shall tl I o
his account nnd nccoilntK therefor nnd
.shall dlstrlbuto tho snmo nccordlng to
Inw to tho poisons entitled thereto, with
such other powers as may ho necessary
nnd Incident to protect the rights nnd
interests of nil parties In Interest.
2. That seciitlty be entered In the mim
of $3,000, to bo apprbved by tho court,
or by nny judge thereof.
Debt Statement Filed.
An amended statement of the In
debtedness of the city was yesterday
filed with Clerk of. the Coutts Daniels
by Deputy City Controller Fahey. It Is
In substance, as follows:
Bonded indebtedness $'10000 00
Unpaid warrants to July 21 11910 49
Emergency loan for board of
Health 10,00000
Contincts nnd other accounts
mibjcct to adjustment r.,".GJl 03
Judgments StiZuQOO
Totnl Indebtedness $91G,7SJ 42
Tho resources of the city nio as fol
lows: Cash III city fund ...., I 3T 120 40
Cash In interest und ninklng fund lli3,SGl 00
Delinquent tax and other Items
including 1001 dupltcntc, esti
mate 32000 00
Bonds bought for Inktng fund
ledcmptlon loan of 1S11 101,000 00
Nny Aug pnrk Improvement
loan, 1S19 10,000 00
Nny Aug iinrk Improvement
lonn, 1100 10,000 00
Nny Aug park Improvement
lonn, 1901 10,000 00
Tolul J!lil,lS7 40
Net Indebtedness 6d,"95 02
The assessed valuation of the city for
the present fiscal jear Is $65,686,703
This statement is made In connection
with the issue of $283,000 worth of bonds
which the city has sold. Attached to
the statement Is a copy of the ordi
nance nulhoiizing the bond Issue and
a copy of the bond It Is proposed to
Awaid of Arbitrators.
Aibitratois C. B Guidner, J. W. Car
penter and Thomas Beck cstcrdny
filed thcli award in the case of L. D.
Caulk .igalnst Dr. BIythe R. White nnd
Citl Lorcnz. '
Di, While bought a dental chair and
tools fiom Caulk on a lease and opened
a dental office In Cat! Loienz's building
at Gicfn Ridge'. Hp did not pay his
rent and the effeits In his olllco vveip
levied upon by Eorenz Then Caulk ap
penred with a writ of lcplcvin, alleging
that the goods belonged to him. He
took them, but gave an indemnifying
Tho aibltiatois aw.nd Caulk six
cents In damages against Dr. White
and give I,oieii7! an award of $162 30
against Caulk. In other vvoids, Caulk
can huve Hip goods, but must pay
Lorciu the lent due.
Old Forge Boiough Sued.
P.itilLk Dm kin, tliroiiRh hia attoiiioy,
Gooise M. Okcll, csteid,iy Instituted
nn'acllon In tiosp.ihs against tho boi
ough of Old Forse to ioc'ocr $5,000.
On JamiaiyN25 l.ibt, Durkln bas,. he diking over one of the streplM in
that part of the boiough Known as
Austin Heights, and boc.iuse of the
negligent manner in which the btieet
was maintained his wagon was over
turned nnd he was thrown out nnd
badly injured. Ul.s Injuilcs ronflnod
him to the house foi a long time and
he Is permanently disflguicd.
Marriage Licenses.
Michael Mornn Soranton
Norah Lavclle Sciunton
William H. Jluiphv Aichbuld
Sadie J. Brodrlck Arehbald
John ord Jcssup
C'elia Gallagher Pcckvllle
Herbert Chatilcld Soranton
Sarah A. Hodgson Sciaiitoii
John Uoland Mlnooka
Julia I,ons Dunmoro
John Sokalo Oljphant
Yulka KomtMtHLokc Oh pliant
Huh In Philips Scruiilon
Angelina DamlbCOLhe v. Soranton
l-'iod Van lluicn Soranton
Lizzie Uiady Scranton
Tlic Ilcenso of W. II. Kearney, or 316
Perm avenue, was jestorday tiausfcircd
to "Wolf and Louis Ilosonborg.
Letters of admlnUtration were j ester
day granted to Miss Jano Carroll, In tho
estate of John Cat roll, Into of this clt.
John Hoiibo was jcilerday gi anted u
vctcian's lltcnso to peddle. Ho helved
during the Civil war ns n number ot
Company K, Ono Hiindicd and l'orty
Bccoml leglmcut, Pemishaula Volun
teois. Tho bond of Patrick Qulnn, tax collec
tor of Mallold boiough, was jesteiday
approved by Judge Udwaidx. It is in tho
Mini of $22,000, and the atactics aio IMIzu
belli Qulnn, Thomas 1 Hart, C. D. Win
ter, T. Jt. Hart, Frank C'oggins and
I'ctcr Mullen.
Tho giotinds of tho Giecn Rldgo Quoit
chili on Capouso avoniio woio billliantly
Illuminated and tastefully decorated last
evening when tho membcis with their
lady friends gnllicicd to enjoy a clam
bake. A laigc number of steamed dams
wcio disposed of and a delightful even
ing enjojed by thoao ptebent. Tho mcm
lieis of tho club aio John Houibakvr, U,
O, L'shleman, Otto Ushlomiiu, i Hen
dilckson, Geoigo Sold, Uhiules Paiker,
J. II. Stevens, II, T, Jatkson, M. D,
Fieai, Heuiy Uenson and William Uakci.
Mis. Cioss, of Tlieodoio stteot. In ought
suit befoio Aldeimau Haley jcsteiday
afternoon against James nnd Dildget
tiiuiie, L-iuiigiug uum with dlsordcily
conduct, Tho caso was a counter ono as
tho Cianes'had previously had Mis,
Cioss iniested befoio a Piovldenro nldei
man. After both sides of tho liiso hud
been heard, the parties ngieed to settlo
both cases and'dlvldo tho costs,
Charles and Haiel Tobey, of North
raik, aio visiting fi lends in Mot 1 Is, Pa.
follow ins- Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
boaid for today:
Summits West 8 a. m , Nichols.
Pushers 7 a. in., Murray; 8 a. m., Hon
scr; 11.45 a. m.. Moran; 7 SO p. in., Mur
phy; 9 p m , W, H. Bartholomew.
Helpers 1 30 a. m., McGovern; 7 . m ,
Gaffncy; 10 a. m., Secor; 3 IS p. m.( Stan
ton. KOTICU.
Uhtll further notice, tho S a. m No. u.
3 45 p rn. and 1130 p. m. extias cast will
run regularly by the regular ciews, Hut
in first out, without being called
Wall Street Review.
. New Yoik, July 22 Today's slock mar
ket was not up to tho icccnt level of
activity, thb total dealings fulling con
sldornbly below tho million shnrn mark.
This was piactlcnlly tho only affect tip
patent nom'thu doubts moused by tho
eiiiienl nutwaid movement Of gold. The
speculative foiccs iccently at work con
tinued operations to new nuaiteis. The
eastern inllioad stocks, led by Now ioik
Ccutial wcio the feattilo of the tninkct,
the Rending stoiks being Included In the
movement, Tho buvlng was by the brok
cih usually cmplovcil of Into by tho west
cm contingent In Its lalgo opciatlons.
Tho ostensible basis of the buying wus
tho iiunoi of the compichenslvc agree
ments amongst tho inllioad powers In
the eastern totillory. Including tho Penn
sylvania, inlliontl. tho Vniidorbllls and
Mr. Moigan. With tho addition of sink
ing gains bv n miscellaneous group of
stocks, the mmket mado a fair show of
Hticngtli. The main cnirlcis wcio In
clined to heaviness early owing to re
pot Is of showcis In tho western states
but they stiffened up uttcrvvaids appar
ently under the Influence of tho lolcnt
ilsc In Rock Island which advanced more
thnn eight points and then collapsed,
with n ilnnl tecovoiy to nhotit I points
ovet Inst night. The strength of Amal
gamated was attributed to tho securing
of un Injunction against tho working 'of
a disputed mine by a rival. A number of
othci Industilals jrose strongly without
explanation. It was noticeable, however,
that thcie wcio neglected nnd heavy
stocks nil tbiough the list. Total sales,
784,500 sbaics. Some of the convtitlble
bonds weic active today In sympathy
with the movement of their iclntlyo
stocks but the gonciul mnrkot was lath
er dull and lricgular. Total sales, par
value. $2.;i0 000 United States rerunning
2s declined Hi old Is regular H; do. coupon
and the new Js ',5 per cent, on the last
Tho following quotations nio furnished
The Tl Ibuno bv 1 Iulght At Ki ecse Co , 314
315 Mcais Building. W. D. Runon, man
age!. upcn.Hign cow.uiose
. Id'4 iii'4 fi'1 A"-1"
Amal Copper
Jim, i;. .t !' .;-'t
Amcilcnn Ice ll't
Am lee. Pr 3S
Am. Locomotive ll'ft
Am. Loco , P 9(i4
Am S & R. Co .... 47
Amoiicin Sugai ....1.1
Anaconda Copper ...lot
Atchison no1,
Atchison. Tr W:
Bait & Ohio 112
Biook. R. T 7n
Canadian Paclllc ...13I,1!
dies & Ohio fi.Vg
Chicago X. Alton ... 41
JJ-H .i.-t .i-u
HU llif, ll'f.
iS Bute M'j
3Vk 3J ii
fl)-", !W'i 03li
17 47 47
1W 129 1W4
107 101 107
91U 00U 9I"
102'i lOJifc 102
11214 llfj. HlVa
7P4 7014 71U
137 13G14 131,14
b.y; rd4 ni?!
I4U 41 4Ir
r,iu noi .Ji'i
Chic. & G W 31
C, M & St. P IM'', lS-VSi lSKg 1831&
r t -i n n 1 . 1 inn ici 1 0i
C . R 1. & P
Col. Fuel S. lion...
Col. a. Southern ...
Col. iV South . 2d Pi
Del. & Hud
Ei Ii-
Eile 1st Pi
Hocking Vallev ...
07' i
9 Hi
Illinois ccntinl
.lui'4 luw, ltijV4 Hi")5
Kan Clt.v .i South. Si.'j :.(j'4
Louis .L Nash 111U 111)
Xlanhattan Ui, UV3 lln'l IH.i
IMct St nv 1S1 1,2 liffVi ljiHt
Alexlcan Ccntiiil .:. Li", 21 29V4 19
Jlo Knn fr Te.... 2114 29'. 21 21'i
JIo, K . T., Pi.... fill, 1,114 h07K 07j,
Mo Pacllic IIP, 1IVU 11IV4 11"'
N V li,2'4 lb."iR lh2i', li.J'i
Norfolk West .... M 1,114 (,ni. it.
Out Sz West .::11 31 3.'"g .U"8
Patllle Mall U II tl 41
Pcnn.i It It 1h0 lhl' 1i.0ii l'a
People's Gas in", inhU lni lovt
Tteiiding 1," bS'i In' Ih'h
rteadlng, 1st Pr .. . ShiJ Ri Si.'C RTH
Heading. Jil Pr TJ", 7V'- 7-' 7l's
Pcpiihlle Steel 1S'4 KU IR'g 1Mb
St L K. San V 71 71 70', 701
Southern Pacllic . .. h$H iS" iiM, hSi,
Southern. R R ... .'S1, Wi 3Rfc ..S'i
Soiithcin R R.Pr I7"6 17". Pi'i !)7'4
'lonn Co.! I linn .. W,. Oi ,, M
Texas K. Piulflc .... t", 4". 4" 4"!
I'nlon Pacini- . ... 1WU lni in7- in7'i
Tlllnn P.-ifllle. Pr ..12 12', 12 IJ'U
P. S Lr-atliet . .. . V.'i IVg ivi n8
V S hci, Pr .. P", 4; 8.1 R.1
V. S Steel 4fii 40i; 10IJ I0'j
V S Steel, Pr 10 W', Mis poife
waiiiKh rih s'i "
Wabisli, Pr I7'i 471, Hili 4fi1
Wrstcrn Tnlnn SS R?il SS Rs1
WI)oel SI, II ... 2)i, 2P, SV, C'iV
WlMonsin Central . 2VI, '2S3 2S'i 2S",g
Total --.ile-., s.;tnnn shines
Mnnev, 3Vs pel tent
AVIIKAT Open Hlcli Low. Closn
September 71', 72"i 71 72";
Dnrcniber 71T, 7J'4 71r8 72'
Septeniber w)'4; en mu,
Deeember i" 4'j',' 4o" 4T
September W, .",1 rn'l n,
DoremliPi 23:H 2D" 20'fl '2D"8
September 17 SO 1705 17C0 1730
Senteinbcr 10 h7 10 77 10 62 10 fiJ
September in fiO 10 fi-, 1022 1023
Open High. Low. Close
August R1R RM R": RTfi
September S07 S as R f -R07
Octoliei 7SS 7 Oil 7Rii 7R1
December 7 78 7 78 7 7b 7.73
Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par'of 100.
STOCKS Bid Asked.
Lackawanna Daily Co, Pr.. . i0
Countv Sav Rank S. Tl list Co CuO
Tiist Nat Hank (Caibondalc). ...
Thhd ITntlonal Rank .1V1
Dlnio Dop &. DIs. Rank M)
nconomv L, H & P. Co
Klist National Hank 1 .110
Lack. Ti ust A- SaTo Dop Co . I'll
Clink H Snovoi- Co, Ir 121
Scinnton Savings linnh
Tinders' Nation tl Bank
Scranton Holt & Nut Co
People's Rank
Seianton Packing Co
Seiantnn P.u-scnger Railway, nioitgage, duo I'l.'O
Poonle's StiLOt Knllwnv. Ilrst
inoitgage, duo 1118 115
People's Stieot Rallwav, Gen-
cial nioitgage, duo 10JI 111
Seiantnn Tiac Co , 0 pel cent. 115
Lconomv L, II, & P. Co
N. Jei&ev & Poiono lee Co
Consolidated Wnter Supply Co ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Collected by H. G. Dale. 27 Lacka. Ave.)
Rutter Ficsli ercamciy, 21c.j ficsh
daliy, 2Je
Ilggs Ncai by. 21c; westein. 20e,
Mniiow Beans Per bushel, J2 3Da'.M0.
Gieen I'eas Per bushel, 52 25.
Onions $2 no per bag.
Now Potutoes-$2.75a3 per battel.
New York Grain and Fioduco Market
New Voik, Julv 22. Fiom Was more
netlvo and steadloi ; winter stialghts,
S3 LOnJ S3 Wheat Spot llim; No. 'J led,
7fe, clewitor; No. 2 led, SaS(i?,c. afloat;
No, 1 noitbcin Dulutli. s,iie. f, o. b
nlloat; oxiopt for a bilef opening depies
hlou tho vvlicat tuuikct was stiong and
active, The closo was Haeie, net high
ei. July closed 81'Je.; Boptembci, "7Hc.;
December, 77Wc. Coin-Spot llim; No. 2,
71 JSc. elevator and 71540, f. o. b. nlloat; op
tion maiket opened castor but soon mi
lled and was stiong all day, eloblng 111 111
and p.uth l'Jc. not hlghci; July closed
70e.; September, flic.; Decembei, Bl'ic.
uats wpot nun; iso, z, uie.; rno, 1, wc.;
No. 2 white, tile; No, 3 white, ulc,; tiack
mixed westein, liic.; Hack white west
ein, usable.; Hack white stnto, Ktable,; op
toloit maiket was gonoially stiong all
dav on vigorous covcilng, piospccts for
light iccelpts and fin thai showcis. But
ter Steuilv; eieamciy, I8a21'e.; do fao
toiy. Ibal8e.: renovated, 17alDV4o.: Imita.
tlon cieamoiy, 17al9o,; state daily, 17Ha
20VSc. Cheese Quiet; new stnto full
ciPitni, small pnloied fanc-v, I0e,; small
white, irualOc-,; laigo eoloied, 9c.; laigo
whlto , 93bc. Lggs-Stcadj ; stato and
PeniiBlvnnln, 2a20V3C.; westein cnndlcd,
18al9',ic,j westein uncandlod, 15',&al71$c,
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago. July 22. Thero wns a marked
vailmico between the slumping provisions
muikot today uud tho highly manipulat
ed condition of Scptembci wheat that In
fluenced shnip ad values in nil gialns In
tho fuc'o of bearish conditions. Outsldcis,
tired of cam lug tho load of lofty pikes
for the packing Intel ests, unloaded to
day with such vim that poik hi oka 75c,
a baircl. On tho other hand tho nimor
tlmt a leading pucker vvas under Sep
tember wheat pushefl that rcical up
bharply, Smpathy did tho lest and July
and September closed 4o. up; July corn
ii-4c ihkiiui i ociHviiiiier vuia, iui',,c. up;
July oats 3c. higher and September oats,
ltUUc. hlghei, Provisions closed Wic
r .
One of tho most attractive and tho most Important sales that ha3
been this season. Summer Goods going at ridiculously low prices, and
the summer Is young yet.
Women's Lace Lisle Vests Very fine quality, our 25c
garments. Sale price .
Women's Combination Suits Our 29c garment. Sale
Women's Black Cotton Tights 50c and 59c quality.
Sale price
Infants' Ecru High Neck and Short Sleove Shirts,
trimmed with lace, open down front. Sale price
. Infants Light Weight Cashmere Vests Silk finish, oppn
down front, were 29c and 35c, In long and short sleeves.
Sale price 21c and
Best Cambric Lining 4c
10c Quality Percallnesat 8c
12 1 -2c Percalines and Silesias at ioc
At Lace Counter
You will find these splendid bargains:
One and one-half yards Chiffon, brown, grey, red and
blue, 75c value. This sale, a yard
Corded Taffeta, blue, pink
This sale .
One piece Shirred Chiffon
$4.50 kind. This sale
Embroidery Taffeta, white or
Black Drapery Net, dot and square mesh, $2.75 kind.
This sale
Lot of Colored Jet Trimming, priced from 75c to $1.39.
This sale
Wash Goods
At Astonishingly Low Prices
One case of Lawns, over 40 different patterns, coloring ,7
very pretty, a good 5c value. This sale, yard ,, 28C
One case of Batiste. Early In the season you would pay
8c for this fabric, good patterns, good colors, Sale price .... oC
Dimities and Lawns A choice of many patterns, con
sisting of small and large designs, stripe and polka dots, color- ..
ing good, value 9c and 10c. Clearing sale QC
Mercerized Ginghams Many of these fabrics arp woven
with such even and silk-like appearance (hat you have to look
twice to see if it's cotton. Beautiful colors and tasteful pat-
terns. All SOc kind go at 25C
Swiss Fancy Figured Effects, pretty colorings, usually
sold at 1 7c. Sale price JQ
French Cheviot for Shirt Waists, and Men's Shirts A
class of goods that will launder beautifully, neat figures, 32
inches wide, 25c value. This sale , C
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $600000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
Booms 1 nnd 2 .
Commonwealth Bldg.
Made at Uooslc and ltuslidalc Works.
Laflin & Hand Powder Co, '8
Ulclric DJltcrlcs, Electric Explodcis, Y.x-
plodlns niasts, Safely tuse.
to 70c. lower. Cash quotations wcio as
ioiiows; t'loui lumj no. s opHiiB
lieat, i No. i. 70.i75i; No. .' led, 77H",;
No, J com, : No, ellqw, it'iHuUic: Nn.
J oitu, 43c: No. 3 white, uil&uUUu,; No. :i
whlto, 60aD.'c.i No : rje, WJiabJfce,; good
feeding bniloy. ; fall to ctiolca niiilllng,
i0n7.'c.j No. 1 Max seed, $1,41: No, 1 noith.
westein, tl 51; inline timothy seed, 73;
mess 1101K. per bauol, Jl7..0al7,2j; laid,
ler 100 pounds, Jlo-MdlOlj; shoit 1II13,
sides, 10 15nl0 25; slinuldeis, 9Ha9'c;
short clear sides, lt?sul':c. , .
Chicago Live Stock Maiket.
Chicago, July SJ-Cuttlo-rtecclnts, fOOO,
Including 1.500 Tcxans nnd &0 wcbteiu;
tuuikct steady; good to piimo steers,
J7.73a8 6jj poor to medium, JIWa7uO:
stockers nnd fecdcis JJMaO; cows, HAD
n3 W; hclfcis. JJ-.'Sue'.'S; cauneis. tl.iOaSU);
bulls, $2ta5:; cales, J.'C0a7; Texas fed
Htecis, Jla3lw; western steers, fj.idOU.
y5S??Slc,l,t8 0llaV. 20 000; tomonow.
3o,O00; left ocr, SOOO: market steady to
10c. lowci: mixed and htitrlima t7.Vii;nn.
good to choice heavy, $7.73a7 97',i; rough '
and lavender, $1.25 value.
and Embroidery Taffeta,
black, $2.25 value.
A few days enn bo pleasantly spent
in a ti Ip to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C.
Steamers sail dally except Sunday
fiom Pier 26, North niver, foot of
Beach street, New Yoik.
Tickets, Including meals and state
loom accommodations, $S00 ono ay,
$13,00 lound trip, und upwards.
Send stamp for illustrated book.
81 Beach Street, New York, N. Y.
Tiafllo Munager, J. J, BROWN,
Gcncial Passenger Agent,
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
JSk, Scranton, Pa.
OIU'Fhone, 3331,
New 'Phone, 2935,
heay, .lji7i.3; Ilslit. 0M.i7fi5; hulk of
biles. J7 M.i7 80. Shecp-rnLCclpts, 8 000;
sheep, strong; l.milis, ste.idj loi liullt;
Kood to thoRo wotheis. Jl.iluj; fulr to
tholco inKed, J.'no.H
Oil Maiket.
Oil City. July '.'.'-Cicdlt balaiacs, i;;
ceitlllcuteH, no hid: shipments, 19.,.7.' hai.
1 els; aeuigo, 7b,ull liancla; luns, iv.910
bunds; aveiugc, ,,KQ bauds.
1 , i 1 1 cojsy
BViauill &aff la&BH teSfo m.
KZ jFZ. z& ' B IjlNift Qnfw0&lt& rtipp
tmmmmammKsamnunmammammasMmmmmmm .. .. . ..-in ,, .
l iini w,
Store Closes
The Anticipation of a Quiet Season
Transformed Into the Realization ,of One
of Great Buying Activity.
The Opportuity al2
1)65565; Sideboards
and Iron ed
Has Done It.
Only buying opportunljlfg of tho pnerinrortrder would So tliln. Tti
itory of how wo took tbeso goods from the frelRht lioiino nt redlrulously iow
figures after those to nliom thoy hid been nhlppfd failed to males good, Is
now too well known to require repetition In detail.
Sufficient It Is to ssy that tho Dre'ncrs, Sldebnnrds nnd Iron Beds upon
which tho following quotations nre mndc prcsont examples of excellent work
mnnshlp, and in no ensa does tho prlco nppronch within 25 per cent, of the
actual worth,
Bale limited to this week, on aicount -of elaborate preparations for our
Orent August Trade Sale.
e Dressers;
DressersPositively worth $10.
Opportunity Sale price .... 0.95
Dressers Positively worth $12.
Opportunity Sale price.... 7.95
. Dressers Positively worth S15.
Opportunity Sale price.. IO.OO
Dressers Positively worth 20.
Opportunity Sale price ...12.75
Sideboards. .
Sideboards Re
markable value at
$11.50, go during the
Opportinity Sale for
only 8.50
Sideboards Re
markable value at
$15. Opportunity
Sale figure.only 11-50
Sideboards Re
markable value -at
$20. Opportunity
Sale figure.only 16.50
Sideboards Re
markaie value at
$25. Opportunity
Sale figure.only 18.75
Enameled Iron Beds,
All Sizes and Colors.
IRON BEDS Never sold for less than S4.50. O QC
Opportunity Terms rCicFO
IRON BEDS Never sold for less than 6.00. I TC,
Opportunity Terms TTJ L O
IRON BEDS Never sold for less than $9.00. f fA
Opportunity Terms UiOl
Your wonder will grow
Shoe Sale
In our Men's Fine Footwear, all our
J $5.00 and $6.00 grades, in Johnson & ;
Murphy and The
able leathers and lasts. High OQ Cfl
Shoes and Oxfords, reduced to $0.9U
J Men's Tan and Russian Calf Shoes,
J $4.00 and $5.00 values, at $Q Cfl
J this sale $0.0U
5 Men's Black and Tan Shoes and
j Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.50 ftft Hfl
j grades, reduced to. . . . Vfc-UU
Men's Tan Shoes
fords, $2.50, now selling at 5J
J Ladies' Patent Leather and Dongola
S Oxfords, $3.50 and $4.00 ffiq toft
i Sfrades, reduced to. . . VW.UU
J Ladies' Patent Leather and Dongola
S Oxfords, $2.25, reduced Q1 CH
5 to vl-OU
j Ladles' Dongola Oxfords, Al AC
J Si. 75, reduced to vl-&V
Lewis, Ruddy,
2 330 Lackawanna Avenue.
, r. tt K K K K K K K K K
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co, Scranton
and WlIKes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boiler Mining
Machinery, Tumps.
at S p. m. Today.
when you see the goods.
Credit You? Certainly
Wyoming Avenue.'
Stetson, in all season- J
and Ox- 01 OC
Davies & Murphy,
K K K K K K K K K K K K fc
The TiiuuiiQ will guuiantco to print
our pupci book iiulcKor than any oth
er piiiithio' houso In tho city.
ill ,
" r
i' f , T J