The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    ' , A"'t '
n C. fl ... i' lAiH
" v
WV. i- i'
- 9 i" " ,i , .; " v- f-f -?
Soft White Hands Luxuriant
Hair Produced by
MILLIONS of Women use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by '
CUTICURA OINTMENT, for preserving purifying, and
beautifying; the skin, for cleansing: the scalp of crusts,
scales, and dandruff, and the stopping: of falling- hair, for
softening-, whitening-, and soothing- red, rough, and sore hands,
for baby rashes, itcnings, and chafings, in the form of baths for
annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive
perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and
for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves
to women, especially mothers, and for all" the purposes of the
toilet, bath, and nursery. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate
emollient properties derived from CUTICURA OINTMENT,
the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients, and
the most refreshing of flower odours. No other medicated soap
ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purify
ing, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other
foreign or domestic toilet soap is to be compared with it for all the
purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in
ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion
soap, and the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world.
Complete External and Interim! Treatment for Every Ilumour, $1.00.
N j, Consisting of Cuticmia SoAr, 25c., to cleanse tlio akin of crusts
Mlfl YlfkllfVA nnil scales unci soHen tlio thickened cuticle; CUTtctiKA OiiiTMENT,
111. ItllllltfM 60o., to instantly nllay Itching and irritation, nnd eoothonnd licnl;
ST"'1' m" nnd CimcuitA Pir.ts, tuo.. to cool nnd dentine tlio
PU. tatffil moon, a
riMlsurlng hummus,
British Depot: '.'"-J?,
POTTFlt Dntm AM)
throughout the world,
fi Ruo dc In Pnlx, Parle
Ie9s, economical substitute for tlio celebrated
an otner uioou purifiers anu numour cures,
price 20c.
Special to the Sciunton Tilbune.
Tunkhannock, July 22.-W. H. Gullck,
the engineer appointed to icp.irc the
plans for tire ilor lnldgo nt this point,
has been prevented from completing his
work, owing to the continued high water.
Benjamin Wukeman has, ictuiiicd hpme
aftei a week's visit with ft lends nt La
ceyv Hie.
(Harry Levering, a on the
local freight ti .tin. was fatally Injuicd
liy being thrown from a car, which was
being; switched Into the lullio.ul y.ud
bero early on Monday morning. The
Tvheel 'of the car passed over his body,
mangling him in a hoiiible niannci. The
unfoitun.itc oung man was placed on
tho west-bound passenger tialn to be
tstkjen tctPncker hospital at Saic, but
died on We way there.
.Mrs. Edwin J. Jmdcn been vciy lil
at her, homo on Bildgo stieet, but Is nuvv
somewhat improved. '
Triton Base Ball team will play a Birae
on Wednesday ' atteinooii at Kltttldse
park with u team fiom Wllkes-Bauc.
Mis. John K. Slawson met with a sci
1ous accident on Mondny morning by fall
ing Horn the rear p-oicb of her residence,
H distance of eighteen feet, to 'the alloy
below, l'rn tunatcly, no bones wcio
broken, hut her head was tcnlbly
gashed, and her botlv bruised In sevci.U
placet.. It Is not believed that her in
juries are of a bcilous chntneter.
E-Judgc John A. Sllt-ei, Biadley W.
Lewis, esq , and Dr. B. K. Bldiemaii le
leturned on Satuiday from a fishing tup
along tho shores of Chesapeake Bay.
, William Raver, of Flectvltle, was do
ing business In town on Monday.
Miss Mury Mitchell, who has been
unending her vacation with rclallcs in
town, letumed on Monday to her duties
lit ic City hospital.
Marshall Scutt, of Caibondale, is visit
ins fi lends at this plate.
Dr. Chailes It. Newton, foimeily of
Nicholson, but now engaged In piactls
Ing medicine nt Wilkes-Baire, spent Sun
day In town.
Depositions vvoic taken hero on Mon
day beloio Chailes M. Lee. esq, in tho
matter of the disputed account In the
estate of Nancy Blown, deceased.
Special to the Scianton Tilbune.
ildUstc.iU, July 22 On Thuisd.iy even
Ins of this week at tho home of
Jtjs. Jamas Snover, of Cltuso live
nue, theic Is to bu a llowei PU.4I0 ao
tltil and Ko cteam festival. Tlio 1 unc
tion is to ho under tho uusplics of the
flower tommlttcu of the Xhide.tsor society
of the Baptist chinch. Onu of tho ut
ti actions on that occasion Is to be tho
music which is to bo furnished by Bui
'bud's Comet band. A pioRiamnio has
also been piep.ued for tho evening h eu
toitnlnnicnt. Tho Mcsdamca Lou M.iy
niild, J' D. Lindsay and James Snover
jvlll lecclvo tlio company. Tillby cicani
will be seivcd.
CInrenee, the sW-mnnths-old son, of Mr.
nnd Ms. Chailes Caicy, of IJIngluimton,
died nt tho homo of her sister, SIis,
Fiank Jackson, Monday itfteinoon. Tho
funeial will ho laid this utlcinouii tit -o'clock
at tlio house.
A Uttlo daughter aulved Sunday at tho
homo of Mi. and Mis. Warien Slmiell.
James Snover iccently ictuincd fiom
New Yoik city fiom whoio hu pui chased
foyr laigo pineapples which weighed :;j
I-'iank Ilcinld has accepted a position
In Amcilcan Chulr lactoiy.
Mrs. James lHvey and chlhhen wrro
called to Brandt Monday by tho death
of M3i L'lvoy's father, Warien Tomp
kins, Mis, Maiy Dals nnd ilauglitcr, of
BlnBliiiintnu,.woio gucstH nt tho homo of
Mr. nnd Mis. Tied Van Wormer Monday,
Postotllco Inspector Duiea n a bus.
Iness cjUler In town Jfopdav.
Born To Jlr, and Mis. Mnitln I-'lynn,
Jiondny, n boy,
JIls. D. :. Htuufoid has ictuincd to
liur homo fn Coitlnud after spending
fomo time with fi lends heie,
Walter Coon, who has been spending
the past thieo weeks with his patents at
Towanda, has returned to Hullstcad.
Special to the Scrunton Tribune.
Nicholson, July S.'.-Condiator C. M.
' 9100 Hewnid, $100,
Tho teadcis of this paper will ho pleased
(a euin tlirt theio Is at least one dicul,
ed. dlscaso' that selenco has been ablo
to cuio in all its stuges and that Is C'a
tanh. Hall's Cntuuli Cuio Is tlio only
positive cine now known tu tlio inedlcul
Jiutcinlty. C.itauli peliiK a constltutloual
cllseatse, iciiulies a constitutional
ineut. Hall's Ciuaiih Cuiu is taken in.
temully, uctlng dliectly upon tho blood
nnd mucous sulfates of tho v item, thuie.
by (Icstiovliig the foiiiulullon of tho ills,
cqso. nnd giving tho patient stiength by
bulldlug up the loiiptitutlou and assisting
liatmo in doing Its wnik. Tho iU'opiiutois
havo so inucli ialth in Its curatlvo povv
ere, that they nf(cr ono llumlieil Dollais
tor any enso that It fails to cute. Bend
for list ()( testimonials.
A'ddiC33, F. J. CHK.NBV .t CO ,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
iuU'gJL''amily Tills urq tho best.
1 -
with losa,of linlr, when nil clso fnlls. hold
ChnrtcrhoHBO So,., London. French Depot;
CllfcM. COUP., Solo Props., Boston, 17. &. A.
(Clincolato Coated) are n new, tasteless, odor.
liquid Conci'itA Resolvest, as wclrns for
Put up in pocket vials, containing 60 doses,
Nichols nnd family aio visiting their
many fi lends hue.
Mi. and Mis. Spauldlng, with their
daughWr from BInghamton, N. Y ale at
the lake with Galusha Bought nnd ftim
ily. Our station agent, Jf. D, Kelly, is
spending .1 few das In New Voik.
L D. Bell and lamlly hivo ictuincd
fiom their outing at Jcffets lake.
Tho f uncial of Mis. William McGloan
was hugely attended.
'J'he coiner stone of the new Methodist
Lplscopul chuich will bo laid next Til
day. m
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Dundaff, July '.'-P. V. Biogan, P. V.
Cionin, P. J. Pi ice, L' J. lliumc, P10
fessor C. A. Bui He and Undertaker SI.
V. B.utctt, all of Aichbnld, am at tho
Pui pie cotjtigo foi the hot season. Thcso
gentlemen 111 c a jolly company nnd 1110
having a lino time. They have not paint
ed tho town led, but they maltc It ling
with sleigh hells, hoins and Indian clps.
Mis. Kiank Bllckens, ot Dielvson Cltj ;
Mis. T. P. Letthwoith and her iilend.
Miss Anna Davies, ot Dunmoie, have
taken looms In Geoigo Bogeis' house on
Main sticct.
O. T. Hull is making some ch inges nnd
impiovcmcuts In his Ktoic building at tho
coiner of Main nnd Lako sticcts.
Tho faimcis icpoit a vciy fair hay
ciop, but io cxpeilenclng tioublc in get
ting it In on account of tho wet weather.
Tho now telephone exchange Is to bo
located at the itslduiLc of Tlieodoi e.
Wells, on Lake sticct. Miss Suslo Wells
will be tho "hello gill."
Tlfo Cluistlan Ihuleavoi society iccent
ly oiganized at tho l-'iist Baptist chinch
of this place, now launbcis about twenty
live, memhcis, and Is In a thriving condi
tion. Miss Maud Mlllaid, plesldcnt: Miss
O1.1 Hull, scuctnry; Miss Maltha Halk
5ei, oiganlst. Regular meetings caLh
l'llday night at 7 0
T. W. Boeder, who been ti.iv cling
tlnough Washington, Califoinia and oth
er points south, his engaged buaid with
A. A. Rlchaidson, on Lake sticct. Jus.
rtecdei, who is iiiiilnvnllrl, and who has
been .staying with iclntlves near 131k
mountain, will Join her husband ciy
soon at tho Bichaulson home.
, Bbcr Hanson, of Indlnrn, Is visiting his
sister, Mis. Jlcniy Veiland, on Willow
AVIlllam Scianton, wife and fiicnd, of
Scianton', made a shoit stop in town
Mondav afteinoon, Thcv wcio tiavellng
In an automobllo and wcio en louto for
Wavcrly, Pa via Jlontdnlc.
Hmcison Wint, wile nnd family, of
Wllkcs-Baue, aio visiting Mis. Wint'a
sister, Mis. Finnk P. Baker.
Woik was commenced this moinlng on
tho foundations tor tho new Pittston
opcui house,
Tlio liver lose two ice; liciu this moin
lng. By oidcr of Mayor Coicoiau nil tho
coHloctlniiuy and Ito cieam stoics wcie
closed jcstcidiiy, and tho ding stores had
th6lr soda fountain:) and confectionery
tases closed,
Contiactnts Deishlmcu & Giiffln have
commented woik uu tho now iiniiox to
tho Juiictltni school building.
Bov. D, at. Geoigo ictuincd homo sea
toiday after a tlucu weeks' tilji to Wu
terville, N, Y,
Tlio Cluistlan Alliance peoplo of this
vltlnlty 1110 holding tent meetings on Lu
zeinu uvonuc.
Bov. D U, Low Is, pastor of tho West
Bldo Baptist church, wuh taken suddenly
III Satuiday evening and was unablo to
occupy his pulpit yestciduv.
Tho ecuislou of tho Congicgntlonal,
Biond Htieet Molhnillat Jlplscopal and
Methodist, Piotestaut Sunday schools ot
Pittston and tho Pilmltlvo Methodist
cjiuich of Avoc.i, goes to iiarvcy's lake
on l-'ild.iy o tthls week,
A young son of Geoigo Allen, of Spilug
sticet, was bitten by 11 vicious dos ycstei
day, T. W. Hopkins, William Kllgallnn and
J. 1 Costollo wcio yesteulay eleclud
delegates to tho stalo convention of Cath
olic TempeiancQ societies, Thoy will iep
lesent the St. Alojslus society of this
I'lepai'atlons mo being mndo for tho 10
palilug of tlio asphalt on Main sticct.
Tho Tiacthai company has abandoned
Its plan uf making a belt line of tho West
Pittston and Duijea Hues. Tho plan was
to have gnuo Into effect Mondav mid 01
ilei.s had been Issued to that effect, but
they wcio rescinded. Hatuuluy afternoon.
Jnnu's Miller, of Caibondalo, was a
caller In town Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Davis, o, Wllkcs-Baue. Is
visiting her cousin, Mlss,Mliinla Robllng,
of MinooUa avenue.
Mr. nnd Mis. William Stevenson have
letinned after spending a few days In
Chailes MeC'i Indie, of Scianton, was a
culler In town Monday.
Mis. Jtunlu Giover leacs today for
Jamestown, N. Y,, wheio alio will spend
two wces
Mis Jolin Hobeits loft cstciday for
J'ateibon, N J., vlwio bho villi Join her
- - , ' .
iSiL&Oa'JUli. l . -' , Ss..
prmipir'KiAfr -,,,- v
husband, who has accepted n position in
that place.
' MIks Cnirlo Singer, of Btroudsbilrg, la
visiting her cousin, Mable Singer, of Dia
mond nvenue.
l'rom The Tilbimo Bureau, Tllyou'u
Htccplccluiflo Pier.
Atlantlo City, July M.-The hot wave,
tho L. A. 'i nicet, tlio Bolloimaltcr'B
convention, tho Jewish Chautauqua ami
tlio lioitio show combined to diaw 1111 lm
nicuso cloud to the shoie dining the
past week. And speaking of the hoi so
show lecalls tho hoiloia capturctl by Dr.
John L. Went, of Scianton, Di. nnd
Mis. Wonts! occupied n box at the show
as guests of Mr, and Mis. W. 1. Finch,
Dr. Wentz's Loid Golden mid Loid Bill
Hunt, 1i n niagnlllccnt pair of chestnut
gcldlngn, wcio uwaidcd the blue ribbon
In the class for harness hoiso palm, al
though 11 stiong social pull was out to
sectlie the prlro for Biandon and Bolmar,
a splendid pair belonging to Mis, John
(Jcikcu, who Intel to bo rntlsllctl with tho
led. Dr. Wqiitz nlso cnptuied two bluo
llbbonsPIn the champion class, which
placet) tho Scianton stable at tho head
of nil slnglo competitor.
Mm. A. I!. Nealon and Mis J. II. Co
hen, of Scianton, wcio cntlcia nt The
Tilbune biiUMii.ou Slccplcchaso pier
dm lug the week.
Kx-Shcilft Clercnco U. Piior was igt
Intel ested spectator tit the hotso show,
and ho was the loudest theio In applaud
ing the success of Dr. Wentz's pair over
the Get ken team, which the swell set
had backed for tho honor.
Chaliman Cicnsyj of tho Demociatlc
stato committee, was at tho Avon Inn
over Sunday with S. J. Bellly, ot Wlll
lamspoit, and lklltor 13. B, Gcrbcr, of
the Beading Tclegi'am.
Recent arilvals fiom Scianton legls
toied at piomlncnt Atlantic City hotels
Include J. A. KNch, at the Bilghton; S.
S. Bull, nt tho Wlndsoi; Bcithn Waul,
at the Chelsea: Rev. D. W. MeCailhy,
Rev. J. J. McCaithy, 12. W. Jones and
fain II', Mi. 'i. W. C. Kclser, son and
daitghtci, Mis. A, B. Kcitlou and sister,
Mis. S. J. Bhkctt. of Buffalo, at tho I'tc
donla; Miss F. O'Bilcn, at tho Colwyn;
H. A. Chase, nt tho Jackson; B. W.
Wood, nt tho Gladstone: Henry B. Dl
bert, at tho Sotliom; Geoigo Cianc, Chits.
Relsman nnd Haiiy Gicenbcig, "at the
Isleswoith; R. 11. McLean, at tho Kiog
111010; Mr. nnd Mis. C. Joimjn, Dr. and
Mis, J. Wcntz, John 1. Wentz, Jt., and
L'. B. Smith, at the Plciicpont: Geoige
Gicenbtug nnd H. Relsman, at tho Islos
worth; L Scianton, at tho Stuillng; Wil
liam Williams and wife, at the Heveic;
Mr. and Mis. A. J. Atkinson, Giand Con
tial; L' B. Duncan, at the New L'ngland,
and J. W. Kear, nt U10 Dunlop.
Vlsltois to Atlantic City fiom Scianton
and vicinity nio invited to call at Tho
Tilbune bin can on the Steeplechase Pier
and leglstcr their aiilvnls at tho shoie
for pcisonal mention In this paper. They
will theio llnd Tho Tilbune on flic and
can obtain any Infoimatlon dc-iicd fiom
our icptcscntativo.
Col. Tom Leslie.
American League.
At Philadelphia R ILL'.
Cleveland 0 2 :' (I 0 0 0 0 0- I 8 1
Philadelphia uiunoaaj ail o
Battel ies Joss and Wood; Hustings,
Wiiddcll and Poweis, and Schicckcngost.
Umplie O'Loughlhi.
At Boston
'u Aiuaiuu i,,
Chicago 1-1) 0 0 fi 0 0 0 0 1 1, 2
Boston 0U00J00.! 4 7 0
Battel icsPIittt and Sullivan; Young
and Ciigcr. Umplie Sheildan.
At Baltlmoic R ILK.
Dettoit 311002 000-710 1
Baltimore 2 0 0 12 0 0 0 0311 1
Battel ies Mullen and Buelow ; Picntls,,
Shields and Robinson. Umpire John
stone. At Washington R.H L
St. Louis i o;:o 1 0 1 1 0 7 I! ?,
Washington ...'.... .0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 t: 1J 0
Battel ies Harper, SudhofC und Kahoe;
Townsend, Patten and Claik. Umplie
Cuiuthcis and Connolly,
National League.
At Bionkljn (ilist game) R.II.H.
Philadelphia 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 n U S
Biookljii 1 0 1 0 0 1 I 0 7 10 1
Battel ies Dtiggleby and Jncklltsch;
Donovan mul Abeam. Umplio Ihnslle.
Second game Il.ll.13.
Pliil.idelplil.i 0 0 00000000 ti 0
Bi'ookln 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 ,1
1'i.izpr and Dooln; Cvans and Fan ell.
Umplie L'mslle.
At Chicago It.lI.LJ.
riiicimmti ooo ooi oooi s 1
Chicago 7 2 000000 UU 1
Battel Ies Thlelmnn and Bcigen; Tuj
lor nnd Kllng. Umplie O'D.iy.
At St. Louis R.1I.L3.
Plttsbutg 1 o 1 0 0 J 3 1 0 i) It 4
St. Louis 0000300003 0 3
Battel Ies Philllppi nnd O'Connor; Cur
lie and Ran. Umplie Bt own.
Now Yoik-Boston: not scheduled.
Eastern League,
rinvldt'iicc, 3; Woicestcr, 2 (that game).
Providence, 3; Woicestci, 2 (second
Toiouto, 3; Monti eal 1,
Rochcstei, 3; Novvaik, 1.
Jeibey City, 11; Buffalo, 10.
Tho Machinist base ball club of Allls
Cluilmeis company: Plenso nsstuo tho
Scinntou Bolt and Nut company as soon
as possible through Tho Tilbuno of their
game with ott on tho Chens gi omuls,
Satuiday, July 20.
FOit Till! LIT'i'l.i; ONUS Cut out tho plctuies appealing on this page each
day, thaw a pencil mink aiound tho hidden object, save them until Satmday,
tin it send them or tuku Ilium to The Tilbuno oillco In an envelope addicsatd to
"1'iuzlo Dontu tment." IJutloso in tho cnvclopo onr name, age and addies3. The
bos anil gills who couectly mail; tho nK plctuies appealing (lining tho week,
nnd whoso nnsweis aio Hist lecelved, will havo their names published In Tho
Tilbuno Monday moinlng.
. .1 .111... ..II , f I. I I
Washington leading his army at
Pvlnccton. Find his two adjutants.
J v '
- J" .
& v.jj,.
Do Not Be Deceived. You have
Kidney Trouble, and You Do
Not Need a Physician to
Tell You So.
Pain in the back is an almost infallible
sign of kidney disease ; a surer sign is
the condition of your urine. If you have
a pain in tho back, then look to the con
dition of your urine. It is easily done.
Take a glass or tumbler and fill it with
urine; after it has stood 24 hours, if it
has a sediment, if it is milky or cloudy,
if it is pale or dfscolorcd, stringy or ropy,
your kidneys and bladder are In a dan
gerous condition and need Immediate at
tention, or the consequences may prove
fatul. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy Is the one medicine that really
cures all diseases of tho kidneys, liver,
bladder and blood, lhcumatism, dyspep
sia and chronic constipation, and It will
take you but a short trial to convince
yourself of Its wonderful curative power.
G. F. Sammerof No. 409 Tioga street,
Syracuse, N. Y., in a recent letter says i
" I vrai afflicted for years with
severe pains In my back nnd kid-
neys. I tried many doctors nnd
manv medicines, but got no relief.
I bought a bottle of Dr. David Ken-
nedy's Favorite Remedy nnd it has
entirely cured me."
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Now BO Oont Size and tho regular
fl.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Dr. PaTld Kennru)'a Clirrrf Italnam best for
Coldi, Conghi, Comumption. 23c, 50c, $1.00.
Biennial Meeting,Knights of Pythias,
San Francisco, Cal, Aug. 11-22.
For the above occasion ticket agents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sell
special excursion tickets to either Pan
Francisco or Los Angeles nnrt return,
at rate of $66 25, fiom Scranton, datea
of sale, August 1 to U, with llnal leturn
limit to reach original starting point,
not later than September 30. See tho
Lackawanna ticket ngent In reference
to stop-off, authorized In cither dhec
tlon; also vailablo routes and side tiips.
$66.25 to San Fiancisco and Los An
geles, Cal., and Eeturn, via tho
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
On account of the biennial meeting,
Knights of Pythias, at San Francisco,
August 11-2.', the Lehigh Valley rail
road will sell cscuislon tickets to San
Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., ut
$66.25, good going August 1 to S, In
clusive; good for letmn passage to
September 30, good on any tiuln except
tho Blackv Diamond expiess. See Le
high Valley ticket ngents for further
Sunday Excursion to Glch Onoko and
Mauch Chunk, via the Lehigh Val
ley Railroad, July 27.
Special tialn ill leave Wllkcs-Banc
at S.25 a. m. Fare for the round tilo:
Adults, $1; children, 75 cents. Switch
back tickets will be sold on the train.
Consult agents for particulars. ""
The Silver Lake Assembly, Silver
Lake, N. Y., July 29-Aug. 21.
For the above occasion special ex
cuislon tickets may be put chased via
the Lackawanna railroad to. Silver Lake
and return, at rate of $7,-0 fiom Scran
ton. Tickets will bo on sale July 15th
to August L'lst, inclusive, going limit
date of sale, with final return limit to
'Sept. 1st, 100-', inclusive. Chlldicn be
tween tne ages or a ana ia yeats at one
half adult rate.
Reduced Rates to New Yoik City
nnd Return.
For all trains July !iath, Lackawanna
raihoad will sell i omul-nip tickets nt
rate of one-way laic plus one dollar,
with a llnal leturn limit up to and In
cluding August 3id. Children between
the ages of 5 and 12 years of ago, at
one-half faio chaiged adults.
Knights of Pythias Meeting, San
The Nickel l'lnte will bell
August 1st. to 10th. Inclusive, special
excuislon tickets, Buffalo, N, Y. to San
Fiancisco anil return at rate $62.00,
gootl upturning to Sept, 30th., account
above meeting. Best accommodations,
fust time, lowest rates, See neaiest
agent or wilte R, 13, Payne, genoial
usent, 2D1 Jlaln .stieet, Buifalo, X, Y.
Homeseekeis' Excursion.
To points till, tin otigh .the Vest via
Nickel Plato lnllitnttl. Lowest rates,
bes,t accommodations. Through tourist
car Service, finest coaches. Club meals
hUi v it;'?
i .
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Tor Rent.
T.-nr? nt'M'i' Kttrv Hnnlnmhnr 1. eight
loom house, all model n convcnliK.cs,
with steam hent fico; good location;
lent modciate. Apply at Tilbuno otllce.
FOR mJNT-0J7 Oicen Hldgo stioct, 9
loom house, modefli Impiovcmcuts,
steam heat, ninilciate lent, excellent lo
cution nnd neighborhood, lntiulio Ijjij
Washington nvenuo.
Per Sale.
l'Oll SALi: PutiaU that talk, sing, and
(lancoj nlso a nov lot or uun in i-ar-rotsi
all tlno healthy nuilo bliils; tliu-n
months' guaiautee. Iilld and tage, $3.
1'ox, 19 N. Ninth stiret, Philadelphia.
Wantod To Rent.
VATi',n-A Hiniill h&tiso or flat, nrofel
ably furnished, In desliablo location.
To gain attention, stato tcims. P, O. Box
Furnished Rooms for Rout.
FimNISItUD ROOMS for rent, modorn
improvements! privato family: gen
tlemen piofoucd, at 537 Adams nvonuo.
heat, pas nnd bath, gentlemen pio
fcircd, ut K9 Adams avenue.
Real Estate.
LOTS, houses and f turns for sale.
J, C. Jiurflloh.
FOR SALK tllegant sites for homos In
upper Gieon Rldgo: choleo neighbor
hood; most dcslrnblo locality for home
In Lacknwanna county. J. A. Marvina,
173G S.indotson avenue.
Business Opportunity.
FOREIGN EXPORT coipoiatlon oigan
ling with Scianton cnpllal. Oppot
tunlty to light paitles. "E.poit," Tilb
une ofllee.
out delay. Wiito lor our special mar
ket lettor. Freo on application. S M.
lllbbaid Sz Co, membeis N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Echanire. 41 nnd 40
Bioadway, Now Yoik. Established 1S6I
Long Distanco 'Phono 21"!S Btoad.
Honey to Loan.
Qulck, stialght loans oi Building and
Loan, At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 3H-213 Council building.
Boarders Wanted.
mer boaideis; three laigo niiy looms
nnd good tablo boaid. Addicss O. JC
Dalton, Pa.
Board and Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE suilo of looms with
first class tablo board, can bo obtained
at 333 Joffeison avenue.
THE FAL'ROT Dining loom, which will
no inn in connection witn tno I'ltuioc
llottso at tit) Linden stieet, will ho oppii
this evening at 11 Adams avenue. Din
ner will bo sCived fiom i, to 8 o'clock.
launders shlits at Sc. each and collars
and cuffs ut l',c. each.
Situation Wanted.
WANTED A .position hv a competent
gill; good cook. Addicss S. N., SI!)
Jloosle street, city.
ENGINEER wants position, stntloueiy or
liolsting and pot table; holds license
and icfciento; llttecu eals' cxpeiicnce;
steadv, sohci ; will go any place lor
steady woik. W. T. Jlotiis, Foity Foit,
Luzeino t ounty, Pa.
LADY wishes dav's woik in or out. bJ7
Lee cotut, Scinntou.
diessmakcr; Gcimun; nddicas A. K.,
Ob pliant, Box U.
ns shipping and stock cleik; has good
habits and has a position nt piosent, but
desltcs a change foi good icison. Can
furnish good lefcience, Addiess H. C,
cue of Tilbuno.
Sjc to $1.00, also meals a la carle. See
nearest agent or wilte R. 13. Payne,
general agent, 281 Main street, Buffalo,
N. Y.
To Glen Cnoko and Mauch Chunk,
via the Lohigh Valley Railroad,
July 27.
Special train will leave 'Wllkos-Barro
nt S,2."i a. in. r.uo lor the round tilp:
Adults, $1.00; chlldicn, 75 cents. Switch
back tickets will bo sold on tho tialn.
Consult ugents for ptutlculais.
S66.25 to San Francisco and Los An
geles, Cal., and Return via tho Lo
high Valley Railroad.
On nttouut of tho biennial meeting,
Knights of Pythias, at San Francisco,
August 11-J2, tho Lehigh Valley lall
load will sell excuislon tickets to San
Fiancisco and Los Angeles, Cal., at
$fiC23 good going August 1st to Oth, in
clusive, good for i etui n passage to Sep
tember ,'ioth, good on any tialn except
tho Ulnrk Diamond Kxpresd. See Lo
hlgli Vulley ticket agents for further
m i
Special to tho Scranton Tilbune,
Spilngvllle, July 22.-Itnln bin fallen
hcio evciy day slnco last Wednesday.
That day was blight and beautiful, with
u cool und clear evening, Thuisday was
nilny, and still It comes. Faimors cut
down lots of grass on Wednesday, which
yet lieu on the giound In a spoiled con
dition, Grant, son of Augustus Button, Is dan
gcioiiily 111, and no hope tor his tecov
eiy Is eulei tallied, l.ttst Fildtty night ho
was thought to ho dying, hilt rallied. Ho
has been sick since caily spring.
Leo Culver will glvo a p.uty to his
joiiug fi lends on Tliuisdny evening, nt
the homo ot his put ants, S. O, Culver
ami wife,
Rov. Father Mi Cube, of tho Auburn
Catholic chinch, passed tlnough hero on
Monday, .on his way to give spiritual
consolutlon to Mis, J. A. Itoztllc.
N. M. Tltniau litis told his guioery anil
incut business to Emmons & .aton, who
will coutinuu the business ut tho old
Geoigo Btishnell inudo a business tilp
ovpi to Nownik Vulley, N. Y last week,
In tho inlciest of Stuurt Illlcy, his cm
ployei, Mis. Diiukl Tltomua Is vciy ill,
Tho Oi anger plcniu It to hu held at
Lako Carey again this year, tho date
being Aug. II. Tho bund hcio mndo mu
slu lor them lust car and guv a such
good satisfaction that it hits been Illicit
ugaln this sear,
James Vose, tho Insurance solicitor
from Tunkhuniiock, was doing business
In town on Monday,
Chuilcs W. Tyler, of Now York, Is vis?
itlng at Father Tier', up on the hill.
His family accompanied hlm-
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Tliiwi 10 Cents.
Help Wanted Male. I
Mr. A J. King. SupQilnlendeiit, with bituminous coal mints In tholown oi
Pocnhontnu, Tiifowell County, Btttlo of Viiglnlu, on tho Norfolk mul Western Ralt
way, wniiu somo good, experienced coal lnlneiu nt once.
For pick mining and loading entry coul 00 cent per car
For pick mining and londlng mom conl 7it edits per car
For mining and Uniting maclilno imlct -out entry coat, ..,70 cents per car
For mining nml Intullng intieliluo under-cut loom coal ...ns cents per oar
Inside titick Taycis , J2 00 to J2.'i" per day
Insldn tiack layer liclpcis Jl no to 1.75 per day
Inside timber men SJno per day
Ihsldo timber men liclpcis. per day
Panics nt' lo can procure special ticKpiH for $10.7.1 for rneh poison over the
Pennsylvania Raihoad fiom Philadelphia to Poctthontns. Regillar faio for ona
poison ulone. $11 ".3. Aiinngemcnts can bo mndo to advanco tho raihoad fine to re
sponsible poisons. .,..'.. . '
Good mlncis will got regular emplov mont Hnj jr0oJ nccommodatlons, as the
town of Pocahontas has over I W) liihiblttints.
An cxpciicnced Hnt Salesman
to tako chargo of Hat Depart
ment. Must havo first-class
YOUNG men wanted anv distance, copy
lettt'is, homo evenings and letuin to
us. Wo pay $10 pel thousand send nd-dic"-ed
envelope, pai tlcttl us and copy.
F. M. C. DlpI. 4Jtl, Iloc 1111, Philadelphia.
WANTED-Soveial men ot good appeal -unco
and .ulilrcss; men full of busi
ness; peimatiPiit work; good pay. Call
pcisonully WediiPsdav, ! tnU. Tabaid
Inn Llhiniv. in Ninth Wnshinglou ave
nue. Ask lot Mr. Anthony.
CIVIL Service Government Positions
7,'J7J appointment mndo between July 1,
1001, nnd A pi II 13, lit).. Only common
school education i cquitcd for esainlntt
tlon. Catalogue of Intoimntlon tuc t'nl
iimblnu Coriespondenco College, Wash
ington, D. C.
WANTED Young man who mulct stands
elthei bookkeeping or shoit-htind Ap
ply bv lolli't onlv. .tntlng espeilcnce,
lefoienctM und salary epectctl. Footo
tVt Fullci Co.
Help Wanted Female.
YOUNG ladles wanted any distance, copy
lettois, home evenings and letuin to
us. Wo p.iv $10 per tnousund semi .ni
di csscd envelope, and tupy.
F. M. C. Dept. Eil, Bo?: 1111, Philadelphia.
$3 00 REWARD Package containing
bracelet and locket addicssed Stephen
'D. Engle, Htizlcton, Pa. Geoigo AV. Finn.
New 'phono SOS.
NOTICE ot snlo of hoises impounded in
the City Pound on Dlx couit in tho
cltv of Scianton
Notice Is heicbv given that two biy
mutes, ono 11 hands high, about U ve4is
ot age, small whito stiipe on left hind leg,
tho other about lu cais of age. with
heavy 'mane, four white feet, with no
bbocs. and small star In fotehcad. me im
pounded In tho City Pound in DN cotut,
In the titv of Scianton, and hue been so
detained lor live dnjs last past.
Tho owner or ownois having tailed to
redalm said animals nntlio Is nciobv
given that unless the same tno leclaimed.
and the eponscs incident theieto paid
by tho owner or owneis, the said hoises
will bo 'told nt public .tlo on Thuisdav,
tho 21th ihiv of July. 100!, at 0 o'clock a.
m, at tho City Pound on Dk c-niiit, be
tween Linden and Mulhcuy stieet,4 di
lectlv In the lear of tho city hall of
Said hoises will be sold for cash to the
highest blddot
Pound Muster.
IN RE: Estate of Hnivoy S. Cooper, late
of tho township of Newton, county of
Lackawanna and Stato of Pennsylvania,
Lotteis tcstiunenlaiy on the nbovo
named estate having been gi anted to tho
linden signed, nil poisons hiving claims or
demands against the sumo will piesent
them for pavment, nnd nil poisons Indebt
ed theieto will mako immediate navmont
Eecutiiecs, Raid Mount, Pa.
5l-3l7-r,1S Council Building,
Attorney for Estate.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiadeis' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG1.
Rcul Esluto Exchtmgo BlUg., 12ti Wash
ington avo.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spiitca stieet, Scianton.
Patent Attorneys.
nTr IVITCS I" all countries
PA I LN I O or the Globe.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In tho city, No ehuigo for In
foi uintlon on patentability; over ten jcuis
Itcplorlo& Co., Alcars nidjr.
Hotels and Restaurants,
lln avenue. Rates ic.ihonablo.
P. iSlEGLEIt, Piopriotor,
Passengor depot. Condtieled on tlio En
lopcan plan. Victor Koch, Piopilotor.
nnd cess pools; no odor; only Improved
pumpb used. A B. Bllggs. piopilotor,
Leavo unlet. s 1100 North Main iiveiuo.
or Elcko's ill tig stoie, coiner Admits und
Mulbouy, Both telephones.
Wir,e Scteeus.
avo., Scianton, mfis. of Who Screens.
plies, envelopes, pupoi bags, twine,
Waichouso, 1IJ Washington uvcmio,
bo iiad In Scianton at tho nous stand
uf Relsman Bios., tOJ dpiuco mul UU
Linden; M. Norton, 3.'-' Lackuvvanua
avo.; I. 8. ScliuUei, 211 Spiucu stioit,
Eiio Bailrond Co., Wyoming DivlBloA
Tialns leavo Scianton lor Havvlev and
local stations at t 15 a. in, l.b.',, R .'0 nnd
IK p. m. bumla) s, ut 0W a. m. and K'3
ji. m. -
For Now Yoik, Hoiiesdnlo and Inter
mediate points, ut 1.33 p m.
'i'ltilns iiuivo ut Sciunton nt $30 a. m ',
3 0V. 7 '-'." and 9.13 p. m. Sundays, 1.00 ik, m.
ami S 13 p m.
' 'r r
Only Halt a Cent a Word.
Help Wanted Male
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Westdrn.
, , In Effect Juno 1, 100.'.
linlnu leavo Scranton lor New Voik
At 1 .no. 3 20, (J 03. 7.30 and 1010 n. in.: 12 10,
.'140, .'lir, p. m. For Now York and Phlla
dolphin 7.30. 10 10 n. m nnd 12 40 and 3 33
P in. For aotlldsboro At (M0 p. m. For
Buffalo l.lii, G22 nnd 9(HI a. m.i 1.5.",. 650
und 11.10 p. m. For Blnghnmton. F.lmlin
unci way stat Ions 10 23 n. in, 1.0S p. m.
Foi Oswego. Sviacuse and I'tlca 1.13 and
ii22 a. m,; 1.33 )). m. Oswego, Sjiacuss
and Utlca tuilti at (122 a. m. dully, except
Stindav. For Mnntiose 900 n. in.; 10:
and il.'o n. in. Nicholson accommodation
4 ijo and i: 13 n. m
Bloomshuig Division For Northumber
land, at (JJ3 nnd 1010 n. m.; 133 and UK!
p m. Foi Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3.43
and 0 0", p. m.
Siindnv Trains For New YorK 1.50, 3 21.
no3. n. m.; ;i40 and as', n. m. For
Buffalo 1.15 anil ti -'2 a. m.; 133, B50 and
11,10 p. m. For Elmlra und way stations
in 21 a. in. For IlInRhaniton nnd way sta
tions, ooo n. in. nioomsburg- Division
Leavo Stianton, 10.10 a m. nnd t! 10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Juno 13. 1002.
Tialns Leave Scianton. ;
For Philadelphia and New York la D.
& II R. R, nt 7.11. tlnough Pallor Car
and Day Coach C.irbonclnlo to Now York
and 9.17 a. m. wLth L. V. Coach Cnrhon
ilnlc to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4. (5 (Black
Diamond Expirssl. nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun
davs, D. it H. R. R '.-,. 9.17 p. m.
For AVhlto Haven. Hazleton and princi
pal points in the coal legions, via D. fc
H. R. R, 7.41, 2.1S and 4 33 p. m. For
Pottsvlllc. 7.11 n. in.
For Betlilehem, Eoslon, Reading, Har
ilsbuig and pilnclpal Intel mediate sta
tions, via D. ,Vi IT. R. R.. 7.11. 9 47 n. m.;
2.1S, K!3 (Black Diamond Expiess), 11.49 p.
m Sundiiss, D. & 11. R. R., 9 38 n. m ;
l.r,"S, 9.17 p m.
For Tttnkhannoek, Townnda, Elmlra,
Ithaca. Geneva and prlnclnnl Intel mediate
stations via D.. L. & W. R. R, 6 33 a. m.
and 1 3", p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Nlag
ai.i Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D, & II R. R., 12 0! i) in.; 3.2s (Black
Diamond Expiess), 10 41, 11.19 n. m. Sun
davs. D. &.H. R. R. U 05. 9 17 p. in.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lchlqh
Valley Pallor tins on all trains between
Wilkes-iini 10 nnd New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLL1N II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 28
Coi Hand street- Now York.
CHARLES S LEE. Gen Pass. Agt., 28
Coi Hand stieet, Now York.
A. W. NONKMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations
npply to city ticket odlce, 09 Public
Square, Wllkes-Bniie, Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29, 1902.
Stations In New Yoik. foot Liberty
sticct and South Fciry, N. R.
Tialns leave Scianton for New York,
Philadelphia. Easton. Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mnuch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wilkes-Bano and Pittston nt 7.20 a.
m , 1 i). m. and 4 p, m, Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Expiess leaves Scianton
7.30 a. m., tlnough solid vestibule tialn
witlt Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phil
adelphia with onlv ono chango of cars
tor Baltlmoic and Washington, D. C and
all principal points south and west. ,
For Avoca, Pittston and Wllkes-Barre,
1 p m. nnd 1 p. in. Sunday. 2 10 p. m,
For Long Branch, Ocean Giove, etc.,
7 30 and 1 p. m.
For Rending, Lebanon and Harrlsburg
via Alloutown at 7 30 a. m 1 p. m. and 4
1). m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Pottsvillo, 7 30 a. m.;
1 p m. nnd 1 p. m.
For latea and tickets apply to agent at
W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedulo in Effect Juno 18, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton: 0.18 a. in., week
davs, tlnough vestibule train from
WilUcs-Btir'o. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllc; stops at pilnclpal Intel mediate sta
tions. ANn connects for Sunbury, Har
llsluug. Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the West.
9 17 n, m.. week dajs, for Sunbury. Har
ilshuig. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the West.
1 12 p. m, week (Sundays. 15$ p.
m.), for Sunbury. Haulsbiirg, Philadel
phia, Baltlmote, Washington and Pitts
buig and tho West.
.'J2S p. m., week davs, tlnough vestibule
tinln from Wilkcs-Bnue. Pullman buffet
pallor car opd coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvillo. Stops at pilnclpal intermcdl
ato stations.
1 33 p. m., week davs, for Hazleton, Sun
buiy, llmiisbiirg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
" J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. II. WOOD, Gen. Puss, Agt.
Delaware and Hudson,
In Effect Juno Hi, 190.'.
Tialns for Caihoutlalo leavo Scranton at
(III, 7.JI), SSi:, 10 13 II. m.; 12.03, 1,12, 2.11,
3 30, 5 29, 0 23, S 21, 9,13, 10.01 p. m.; 12.13.
1.SS a. in.
For noncsdalc-ii.ll, 1013 a. m.; 2,11 and
u 29 ii. in.
For Wllkes-Biuic-USS. 7.11. S II. 0 47,
10 M a. in.; l-'.OI, 1 IJ, 2.1S, 3.28, 4 33, ti.10,
7.4S. 10.11, 11.19 p. in.
For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.11, 9,47 n. m,L
2.1S, I33 and 11,19 p. m. .
Foi Pennsylvania R. Rt Points C 33,,
9.17 a, in.; 1. IJ. J.2S nnd I m p, m,t. ,"
For Albany and all points ninth 7,30 JL
m, and a 5'j p in. ;
For Caihoudalo-SW, 11.3J n. m.P' 2.U1,
3.". 5 52 and 1117 p. m. ' " ! ' " Ji-
For WllkPH-Hui9-''3S ll. rib! 12.03, LSJ.
3.2S. u3J and 917 P. Ill -
Foi Albany and points not Hi 3 Ji p. m-.
For llonesdale K30 a. nt.; 1133 and 3 63
p. in - V
W. L. PRVOR, D. P, A Scianton, Pft.
New York, Ontailo and Western
Tlmo Tnlilo hi Effect Sunday, Juno 13, 190J
Leave Leavo ArrlVa
Tialns. Seiauton, Cnrbondiile. Cndosla.
No, l 1030a.m. 11.10 n. m. 1 oil p. m.
No. a , 4 no p.m. 4 Up, in. fcWii, nr,
No. 7 U 10 p m.Ar Caibondalo bit! p m'
south hound. z:
Leavo Leavo Aulue
Tialns. Ctitlosla, Caibondalo. Scrantqlf.
No. i! iIMn, m. 7 2"a. m
No. i S40n,m. loot a. m, moti.ior:
No. 2 2.15 p. 111. 4 (M) I) ill, 4 13 p. IB..
Leavo Leave AuiVB,
Tialns. Sc lantcui. Cniliondalo. Cudosla,
No, 9 910pm. 10 43a, m.
No. 5 7.iH)p. in Ar.CaihonduloTdJ pm
Leave Louvh Alilvjs
Tialns Cacloalti, Caibondalo, Sciantou,
No. i! ....,, liSiln. in. 7.23a, rrf.
No. 10 1 30 p. in. ti ml p. in. o 4 p, tii.-
Tialns Nos. 1 on week ilas, and 9 on
SundiijH tonnect for New Voik cltv, MId
dletonu. VnItoti. Noiwldi, Oneldq, Os
vvegn and all points west.
Tialn J for Pnvntcllc. Walton, Delhi,
Sldttev, Norwich and nil Now Beilln
bianch points.
Tialn No. ii, with "Quaker City Eft
pie,ss'' at Sciautou. via C. R. R of N J.,
for Philadelphia.- Atlantic City. Baltimore.
Washington .incl Pennsylvania stat
points . W, -
See llme-tnbto and consult ticket agenti
for lonneellons with other lines
J. C. ANDERSON. G P. A , New York. '
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton. Pa.
it I