The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 23, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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K. '
Ever Play
It's ft pleasant way to
spend a lotKiiro hour a
Bnnie that botli young and
old folks can enjoy.
If you want the best
Croquet Sets X
innilo you win Ret them
here. Prices muco from
$1.33 to 51'J.OO per act.
Foote & Shear Co.
H9 Washington Ave.
The Hardenbergh
. School
of Music and Art
Season 1002 - 1003 opens
Thursday, Sept. 18. Most
modern and approved methods.
Send for prospectus. Carter
Building:, 604 Linden street.
livery, Boarding, Cab Service, Shop
ping, Opera, Party, Wedding
and Train Calls.
New Stables, 1415 Mulberry Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
If You Are Considering
Tho purchase .or sale of any high Emtio
stocks or bonds, bettor consult us. Wc
make a specialty of this kind of securi
ties. I. FHEQARQEL & CO.,
Rooms 20fi & 207, Commonwealth nidi?.
Large or Small
This bank studies tho needs of
its customers and properly takes
care of them, whether their busi
ness is lanjo or small.
City Controller P. W. Costcllo is soil
ously ill.
Andrew J. Healey, of Dunmorc, is seri
ously III.
feasor of blolosy in the Brooklyn Boys'
High school.
Charles Relsman has returned from a
vacation spent at Atlantic City.
Dr. C. H. Tilton bus returned from at
tending the dental convention nt As
bury Park, N. J.
Mrs. Charles Connors returned jehter
day, tn her homo in Buffalo after an
enjoyable visit with her sister, JIis. V.
A. SImrell, of Adams avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 2, Low is, of Brooklyn,
31. Y., aie visiting Mrs. Lewis" patents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Wheeler, at Sjs Madi
son avenue, thl3 city. Mr. Lewis Is pro
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ollplu, of Virginia,
Minn,; Miss Kfllo Crawslmw, of Minne
apolis, Minn., and Mr. William I'yle, of
Punxsutawncy. I'a are tho guests of
Mail Carrier B. K. AVeldy.
IThey Are Charged with Interfering
with Street Car Traffic.
George Taylor, Joseph Cnllcau and
(John Faiinon, thieo young boys living
on Chestnut street, Dunmorc, were ar
raigned before Magistrate- John T.
Howe yesterday, charged with Inter
fering with fetieet railway tralllo hi tho
borough. Fiinnou was disi-lmrged. hut
the other two boys were lined the costs
in the case, and reprimanded.
Sterner measures might have been
adopted, had II not 'been lor the Inter
cession of tho Herunton Hallway com
pany, which was represented at the
hearing by Special Agent Stephen
Dyer, It was claimed that on July 0
nnd 7, tho hoys hud dieted in a very
disorderly manner. They not only put
email rocks on the track, but also
threw stones at the passengers.
For good typewriter ribbons, call up
"Smoot." Ho sells them at 73 cents
rach, or t per dozen.
Guernsey bulld-
ins, city,
Our laundry work Is better than ever,
tThe Lackuwuiiiui, SOS Pcnn avenue,
O'Hara's "Leador."
New lot Just received. Have you tried
this matchless Be. cigar?
Uy Special Wire. Ileturns front tho Stago,
by hounds, of tjio
Friday Night, July 25, 1002.
tFour hounds Sparring Inhibition.
MAX Ll'TBKO. tho little demon
,'REbrLKU wjio will endeavor to throw
ny T1IRKK men In ONK HOUR, or for
feit (22 to each man.
Admisisou 25 cents 'to any part of tho
t ,, -, ,
President Nicholls Discusses the In
dinnnpolig Convention and Botioves
tho Strikers Aro Now in a Position
to Fight for the Granting of All
Their Demands Is Not in Favor of
Wasting- Any Energy in nn Effort
to Stop Soft Coal from Entering
tho Anthracite Bogion.
The big relief fund for the striking
miners Is not to bo distributed pro rata,
but according to the men's needs, says
District President Nicholls, who re
turned yesterday from the Indianapolis
The plan at present being followed In
distributing relief will be continued,
Mr. Nicholls says, This plan docs not'
contemplate tho distribution of any
money whatever. Instead, the relief
committees df tho various locals will
receive applications for assistance and
meet these applications by furnishing
what groceries and other supplies tho
wants of the applicant and tho condi
tion of tho fund muv warrant.
Tho boards of the different districts
will devise plans of their own for an
plying tho fund. Tho board of this dis
trict will have a meeting for this pur
pose In the course of a few days.
President Nicholls is satisfied that the
fund will be amply sulllclent to com
fortably support the strikers, and that
It will be continued as long as the
strike lasts, no matter If it was on a
voa r.
Some of the locals still have as much
as $2,500 In their treasuries, Mr. Nli-h-
olls nays, and, will not call for help from
the general fund for some Mime. Every
day sees additional miners securing
temporary employment hcie or else
where, and before many weeks a go"od
Percentage of them will be self-qupport-Ing.
Thousands of them have gone to
other coal Holds and thousands of
others were only deterred from follow
ing them by the fear that the strike
was to be made general.. Now, that it
Is known there will be no strike in the
soft coal regions and that the anthra
cite strike and the opening of many
new mines In Ohio and West Virginia
Is making plenty of work there, tho
younger men, and particularly the
laborers, will go thither In large num
This, Mr. Nicholls explains, w ill effect
a double good, because it will avoid t lie
drain they would make on the relief
fund and Increase the number of con
tributors thereto.
Tho fund, Mr. Nicholls points out,
will not rely alone on the contributions
levied by the Indianapolis convention.
Local unions all through the bitumin
ous regions have sent word that they
will at onco make voluntary donations
of goodly proportions from their tieas
uries. One local in Illinois, which has
$7,000 in its treasury, has already voted
to give every cent of it to their anthra
cite brethren. Trades unions all over
the country will make donations from
their treasuries, besides levying weekly
contributions on their members. Con
tributions will also come from Ling
land, and as Ben Tillett has given as
surance that tho British workmen will
do tho handsome tiling, it can be taken
for granted it will be handsome. Tho
whole world of unionism realizes that
this light must be won and proposes
that It shall not be lost, If money can
save the day.
"There isn't a thing more to be de
sired," enthusiastically declared Mr.
Nicholls. "Our position is perfection
Itself. The fight is as good as won. I
can not now see any possibility of our
losing. Our position is now so strong
that I, for one, would not favpr settling
the strike until every one of our de
mands are granted. Before the Indian
apolis convention it would have been
possible for tho operators to settle the
strike by granting 1,01410 of the de
mands. I firmly believe now that we
should hold out for everything wo have
asked. Previously we would have been
content with a victory. Now wo arc in
a position to completely rout the enemy
and I think wo ought to be satisfied
with nothing short of that. Tho oper
ators declared for a tight to a finish."
Regarding tho matter of preventing
soft coal fiom being shipped into the
anthracite region, Mr. Nicholls said he
did not believe the miners should con
cern themselves about this; that It was
the anthracite operators who wore tho
ones to be concerned. If solt coal comes
here It will hurt the strikers.' eain-c. of
course, .but It will hurt the operators
mure, .ur. .-icnous contends. To liavo
their competitors supplying their trade,
and possibly capturing a good portion
of It permanently, will have a tendency,
he thought, to help bring tho operators
to terms.
Mr, Nicholls referred to a despatch
from Indianapolis quoting him as being
m nivor or a general strike and denied
that ho had ever made such a declara
tion. "I was never in favor of ,-i gen
eral strike,'- said he, "and was pre
pared to light It with all my strength
on tho Hour of the convention. The
sentiment of the anthracite miners was
against a general strike, in fact there
was hardly any sentiment whatever In
favor of the proposition. The thing
was uovcr seilously considered."
Efforts aro being mado by the strike
leaders to prevent the opening up of
the Oxford colliery of the People's Coal
company. Pickets aro posted at tho
various approaches to the stockndo
gates and when a .workman comes
along he Is held up and efforts made to
persuade him to turn buck.
Tho thlrty-llvo men who went to work
at the Oxford, Monday, aro Italians.
They aro being quartered nt the col
llery. An Kalian organizer of tho
United Mine Workers endeavored to
communicate with them yestetduy, hut
was unsuccessful. The Italian consular
iigcnt, F, Tlscar, has beeti appealed to,
by tho strike leaders, to uso his Inilu
epco to prevent his countrymen from
taking the btrlkers' places.
Preparations aro under way to re
sumo operations at the Ontailo ami
Western company's Archbald washeiy,
but Interfeicnee on the part of-the bor
ough authorities niay cause tho com
pany some unexpected delay,
The water used at the washery is
secured trom a drain currying a small
natural stream thiough the town to tho
liver, The borough built tho drain, and
Burgess Burko asserts that tho com
pany has no right to tako tho water
without permission of tho borough fiu
thoiitles. Until that permission Is se
cured, tho burscss says ho will prevent
me company from using tho water.
J Chief of pn" MfU-iv i,H rpcplyed
Regards Her Progress as Wonderful,
Scranton, Pa., April 28, 1002.
Mr." J. Alfred Pennington,
Dear Sir: My little daughter, Martha, entered your
school in September without nny knowledge of music.
Sho is not yet nine years old, but in flvo months she
learned to play in all the major and minor koys. I re
gard her progress as wonderful. Her exercises aro
pleasing, and tho competition of class work is quito
inspiring. Yours very truly,
"Description of Courses" In New Prospectus
Instructions to stop any of tho com
pany's workmen from pumping water
from the drain.
The North End Glee club, composed
mainly of striking miners, will meet
tonight to consider un offer for Its ser
vices nt one of the amusement houses
In Atluntlc City.
Lancers at Lake Lodore Entertain
tho Man for Whom the Camp
Was Named.
Yesterday Bishop's day gave addi
tional interest and pleasure to tho
lancers In Camp Hobau, on Lake Lo
dore's shores.
The one whose name the camp bears
Ut. Rev. Bishop Hoban was the
guest of honor. He mis warmly wel
comed and was received as one to
l-'list Regiment C. T. A. L". Lancers.
whom .the soldiers felt they owed much.
In realizing the project of this week of
military life In tho beautiful rural spot
which was their temporary home.
The bishop was greeted, therefore,
with the feeling that one would hold
towards a benefactor. There was a
noticeable response among the men
during the day; they wore more active
and alert in the drill movements and
easily made the best showing of tho
week. When Bishop Hoban, at the con
clusion of the icview, delivered a kind
message to the lancers, they glowed'
with appreciation. A pleasant surprise
In his talk was the announcement of
his intention to present the regiment
with a silk flag.
After thfc bishop's departure, tho holi
day spirit took hold of the men. Col
onel Phillips, responding to tho tone of
feeling, relaxed .somewhat and from 3
o'clock tho lanceis were away from the
enmp and were scattered through the
grove, enjoying various diversions.
During most of tho afternoon, Colonel
Phillips, Rev. J. V. Moylan, the chap
lain, and Major McNlcholls were In
terested spectators nt a closely con
tested gaiuo of ball between "sides" of
the lancers. Boating on tho lake ap
pealed to a number, who enjoyed the
nt. Rev. Bishop Hoban reached Lo
dore about noon, Ho was accompanied
by Rev. P. J. Mc-Maiius, of Green
Ridge, and Rev. John J. Grifiln, chan
cellor of the diocese. The whole regi
ment, headed by Rowley's Regimental
band, met the bishop at tho depot and
led tho way to tho pavilion. Dinner,
which was ready, was served and after
a short social season, the bishop and
the accompanying priests, together
with Chaplain Moylan, Major McNlch
olls and Adjutant Snee, embarked on
the launch and hW a delightful ride
around the wood-lined lake.
The Inspection of camp by the bishop
followed. Then came tho event of the
day, tho battalion 'drill nnd dress
parade, Tho pavilion, which is an ac
ceptable substitute for the damp dilll
ground, was the scene of the manoeu
vres and tho review. The blshon Indi
cated, by appioving nods and satisfied
smiles at this or that execution, that
ho was well pleased. Whatever there
might bo lacking In this belief was sup
plied when, after the drill, lib mado a
brief talk, in which ho 'heartily con
gratulated tho lancers, Colonel Phil
lips and the other oiliccrs. He also ad
dressed encouraging words to them,
and told them of his Intention to pre
sent tho roglmoht with a flag. At this
juncture ho fegrotably took his leave
to catch tho tniln for Scranton.
Today will bo .1 big day, as several
thousand visitors aio expected at Hie
excursion of tho Neversinl; Brother
hood of Trainmen from Port Jervls. A
big featuro will be a ball gamo between
Carbondiilo and Port Jervls. Special
trains will run from Scranton and Car
boudalc. Tomorrow the regiment will conduct
an excursion to the lake, special trains
being arranged fiom Wllkct-llarro to
Day and evening spsslons of tho
Scrunton nuslness College will reopen
Tucsduy, September a. Wrlttj, cult or
'phono (862) for Information, Buck &
Whltmorc, corner (Adams and Linden,
Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of
women a speclulty, 213 Connell building.
ours; u a. in. to 1 p. m.; 7 to 8.30
p. m. .
Get "The LucRa wanna Finish' on
your linen. It's admired wherever seen.
KnS P"PH HVPiiU? .
jiiIaHLk: .'.: : "1
Local Eecrulting Station Does ;
Bushing Business Wilkes-Barre
Station Is Abandoned.
A rushing business Is being done
these days by the local recruiting ofllco
of tho United. States army, and hardly
n day passes that tho soldier boys In
charge do not write a new name on
their books.
Scranton is now tho centre of the
entire Northeastern Pennsylvania re
cruiting division, of which Cnptuln Ed
ward Lloyd, of the Fifteenth United
States Infantry, is in charge. Last
month twenty recruits were sent away
by the local station, and every man
was a resident of this city. Tiie July
roster, however, shows a goodly per
centage of Wilkcs-Baneans, who aro
now learning the joys of a "rooky's"
The enlisting bureau formerly had a
station at Wilkes-Barre, but the vol
ume of business there was so slender
that It was closed, and Luzernltes who
have military aspirations must now
have them gratified through the Scran
ton ofllcc.
Tho ofllces at Hnzleton and Towanda
have also been done. away with. Tho
majority of infantry recruits sent away
from hero go to Columbus, O., bar
racks. Tims far In July, eight men
I have enlisted, and a huge number of
I others have signified their Intention of
coming 111 lor examination uunng me
latter part of tho month.
William L. Kagan, of Forest City,
was the first July recruit. He was as
signed to the Twenty-third infantry,
which is now stationed at the Platts
burg, N. Y barracks. William Head
ley of Wilkes-Barre. enlisted July 7,
and was sent to the Columbus barracks.
Ernest Brown, another Wllkes-Barre-an,
enlisted the same day, and was
afcslgned to the Eleventh battery of
field artillery, located ut Fort Hamil
ton, N Y.
Hawiey A. Gould, of 702 Adams ave
nue, enlisted July S, and was as'slgned
to the same battery as Brown. John
A. McHugh. of Peckvllle, enlisted July
l.'i, and obtained a berth with the Coast
artillery, at Port Slocum, N. Y. Ed
ward J. Ituniic, of Wilkes-Uane, who
underwent examination July IS, is now
at the Columbus barracks.
Martin Langan, a young man from
Duryca, enlisted In tho cavalry July
1R, and was assigned to the Jefferson
barracks, Miss. Joseph Keller, another
WIlkes-Bauean, was the last man to
enlist up to date. He' signed his name,
July 21, and was assigned to the Coast
artillery at Port Slocum.
Smallpox Is Far from Being a Very
Fatal Disease, According to
Eci anion's Experience.
That smallpox is far from being a
very fatal disease Is shown by an ex
amination of tho reports of Secretary
Sweeney, of the bureau of health.
The present epidemic broke out hi
January of this year. Tliatinonth theio
were six cases reported. February had
five; March, none; April, 10; May, 16;
June, 11, and July, thus far, 4. Out of
a total of fifty cases only one deuth
occurred, making tho percentage of
deaths smaller than that for anv con
tagious disease that bus prevailed dur
ing the name period. The one death
was that of tho Brace child, In West
Scranton, mid the fatal termination of
tho case was due In a measure to tho
fact that its character was not early
Tho disease Is still prevalent, but Is
being gradually stamped out. The four
cases reported this mouth are In the
same community In North Scranton.
The nine oatlcnts In tho emergency
hospital aro all doing well and recovery
Is confidently expected In each Instance.
To the efllclent manner In which tho
health authorities luivo coped with the
disease Is attributable In some degree
the small percentage of deaths, but tli
primary explanation o tho small num
ber of deaths Is found 'in thqf.nrt that
smullpox is not a very fatal disease.
Pay "tea store?" 35c
when you can buy Cour
sen's Special Java and
Mocha Coffee at 25c,
5 pounds, $1.00. This
Coffee wijl compare with
any 35c coffee elsewhere.
When you waut the bsst
Coffee and tea for the
least money go to
Ho Was Taken from tho Bottom of
tho List Throo Others Scored
Points Kellcrman Mado a Big
Gain on Burns Contestants Are
Bunched from Ninth Place Down,
Standing of Contestants
1. Charles Burns, Vnndling.449
Z. A. J, Kellorman, Scranton,S65
3. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. .333
4. Fred K. Gunstcr, Green
Bidge 207
5. Wm. T. S. Bodriguez
, Scranton ;. 205
0. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondalo 230
7. Albert Freedman, Belle-
vue 221
8. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondnle 183
0. Chas.W. Dorsey, Seranton.108
10. L. E.'stanton, Scranton. t . 08
11. Wm. Sherwood, Harford. . 79
12. Homer ICreage, Hydo'Park 61
13. J. A. Havenstrite, Mos
cow 60
14. Harry Madden, Scranton. . 58
15. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 40
16. Frank B. McCreary, Hall-
' stead 44
17. William Cooper, Priceburg 42
18. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
10. Hendrick Adams, Chin
chilla . . i 36
20. Miss Jane Mathewson,
Factoryvillo 36
21. Lee Culver, Sprlngville. . . 33
22. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton 27
23. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 25
24. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 23
25. Hugh Johnston, Forest
City 23
26. Miss Mary Yeager, Green
Bidge .' 22
27. Fred Kibler, South Scran
ton 20
28. C. J. Clark, Peckville 18
29. Louis Gere, Brooklyn 18
30. Mi s s Edna Coleman.
Scranton 18
31. Eddie Morris, South Scran
ton 18
32. John Mackie, Providence. . 16
33. Elmer Williams, Elmhuist. 16
Four contestants returned points yes
terday In The Tribune's Educational
Contest, as follows: A. J. Kellerman,
Scranton, IS; William Cooper. Price
burg, 4; Eddie Morris, South Scranton,
3; Charles Dorsey, Scranton, 3.
The only change In position was that
occasioned by Eddlo Morris going fiom
thirty-third to thirty-first place. In le-
allty, ho is tied with three others for
twenty-eighth place. Of course, two of
uic contestants imct to drop down a peg
on account of Morris' elevation. These
were John Mackie, of Providence, and
Elmer Williams, of Elmhurst.
A few points will make a great deal
of difference to many of the contest
ants. From ninth place down they aro
pretty well bunched together,
Kellerman made quite an encroach
ment on the big margin Burns had over
him nnd incidentally went from third
place to second In the list of leaders
for July.
Tho standing of the ten contestants
who have scored the largest number of
points In July follows:
Leading Contestants for July.
First Prize
Blrdseye Maple Writing Desk.
Second Prize
Waterman Gold Fountain Pen.
1. C. W. Dorsey S3
L'. A. J. Kellcrman 78
3. Albert Frccdmau 70
4. Herbert Thompson 17
5. Maxwell Shepherd .IS
6. Fred Kibler ' 20
7. Miss Mary Yeager :o
S. Miss Jane Mathewson 17
0. L. K. Stanton 2
10. Miss Beatrko Harpur 11
102 Miles to Cranberry Lake, N. J.,
SI Bauer's Band Excursion.
Sunday, July 27. Trains leave Scran
ton (Delaware, Lackawanna nnd West
ern station) at S a. in: Adults, $l; chil
dren, 73 cents. This Is not only the
cheapest excursion to lenvu Scranton
this bi-asou, but the members of the
band Intend giving their patrons a
royal good time. A caterer will provide
refreshments for the needy. The band
will give a concert ut tho park.
New Porto Biro Cigars.
Now lot of hrovas and piintclla
shapes just received ut O'Hara's cigar
stars, -
Get "Tho" Lackawanna ' on
your collars, cuffs and shirts. It's dif
ferent, 30S Ponn avenue,
At Two-third
Men never had a chance to buy good Straw Hats at such low prices. At prices
like these the Hat Department should and will be crowded all day today,
French Palms,
that sold at $3
$4, now
Knox Sailors
for Women
Haul Made by Police Yesterday
Morning at 213 Contor Street,
As the result or nrald ciyiv yester
day niornlng'on the disorderly house
nt 213 Center street, of which May
Whitman was proprietress, $170 In ilnos
were paid into the hands of the police
authorities yesterday. Lieutenant Fce
ney and a squad of patrolmen raided
the house, as the result of a number of
complaints, which have been mado to
Superintendent Day, that th women
solicited openly from the doorway and
brazenly flaunted their vice.
The Whitman woman was lined $50
yesterday morning, ami tho six women
found In the house were each fined $10.
Flvo men were found In tho house, two
of whom were fined $20, while the others
paid $10 apiece.
A Scranton Doctor's Success.
The July Issue of Osteopathic- Suc
cess, 0110 of tho leading journals de
voted to tho advancement of tho sci
ence of Osteopathy, devotes consider
able space to tho report of several tf
the remarkable cures mudc by Dr.
Herbert I. Furmun, superintendent of
the Green Kldgo sanitarium of this
city. Dr. Furmun has certainly mot
with wonderful success since settling
in Scranton, some j;carH ago.i Besides
building up a largo city practice, ho
has opened a sanitarium, euld to bo tho
best equipped osteopathic Institution In
tho cast, which receives many patients
not only from other parts of this state,
but from other states as well.
O'Hara's "Leader."
New lot just received. Have you tried
this matchless Se. clear?
The "Lackawanna Laundry" finish Is
just as nice as can be.
Try it. 308
Ponn avenue.
Perfect and uniform success
in making finest food is more
certain with "White Beauty"
than with nny other Flour.
It makes the finest flavored,
most tender, delicious nnd
wholesome food. It will pay
every house keeper to try
"White Beauty" Flour.
Ve are sole agents
in Pennsylvania.
Of anything in the line of
optical goods we can supply -it.
and Eve Glasses
Properly fitted by nn expert
From $1.00 Up J
Also all kinds of prescript
tion work and repairing.
I Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
I Wliif a I
I Til h 12 sPruce Street.
I Perfect and uniform success M
Malory Oil 5 MantofacUiring Company, t
141-149 Meridian Street. 2
1 1 ' ' ii i
Hats for Men
Their Value and Less
Knox Rough
Hats, small
shapes, $1.50.
$7 Palms, $4.
Hand & Payne,
Cor. Washington Ave. and Spruce St,
for Your
Wagon or
Carriage at
126-128 Franklin Ave.
4, '
25 Per Gent.
Discount on
Straw Hats
All new stock in all shapes
including Panamas,
See our new line of Negli
gee Shirts.
Good Hay
Prime Hay
If you want good clean
hay, we have it.
& Grain Co.,
Scranton and Olyphant.
Having Reached Us
That people are soliciting work in
our name, we wish to notify the
public that we have no agents
out whatever. Have you seen our
Guarantcd to stand all storms,
'..fir mtmey refunded.
"A ,
Mrelfc Manufacturing Go.,
i.h 313 Spruco Street.
and Burning
$2 Rough Hats
and Palms,
Some Nice
VI j.
- -v,
4" : Ar
. I-.
& M,.;
. j a
V- -7
. if c