Ek 'S-VSS awrawj mmk wai-. ay.1 i&4&ft,Ui-r- T HS? HWsHKMS&tsttrtsttns: K'vtf f t .?ri feSJt.'ais-.Si'f '.m ifivr-mraF asresf-c? "1 "-' sEJfc33?C,T.. m fwsHffiBii,43r3HBff'tsi ig"gaifcis m8?: aagjsggfre AnUBVhBAlt..n I WPWi'ili J t (?.3T'"HSl,'-Tt..llVJIliKHiroElili ,,t4'iniO-,li-fi:(1HB.!tIJllBV,Uii;j." Jl .". ? J,l jJrEBSifi t'lUMIV if Sff (i , , wrw'fem'Wr '''ClW iffl't I ,W ' rrv-f- '. sr VV, is- THE 80KAJST0N TRIBUNE- WDNEHIJA If, JULV 2& 1902. iff feu EV Mill 1 The Nrw CUIzomh HulldlnB nml I.onii Auioclnllon will loun Jl.OOO ftl $10 u month. Vain Jior cent, on wtoek tiuymcnts. Vines mo only 1 per cent. HKNKV J. BlKOf.nil, t'icslctcnt. Ml Ccdur Avonnc. T. 3. SNOWUIIN. Vice Pi evident, MnMin Snondcti l.nmber to. HENHY 1'. BinniilJU. Secietiiry, ZlpRlor & Schumacher. II. T. HAltDlJU, Tiriimiicr, GL Adams Avenue. JOHN SUHKl'lllt. Jn., rvnnn. BaUltiR Co , 310 Kim St. VIUjIAM DHMvU. , 1211 Mtilhctiy Sticet. JACOK V. MtMiUR. , . ,. Int. Act. til Hon nl of Tinrtc llltls. hunrv scniiuunT. II!) Ninth BUcct. lOUL"ltT P. KOKHIjISH. M7 TJmlen Street. JACOB nUPPHNTIIAI s:n s. livhiB Avcnnc. auonan smith. , Aldeiman Mcyci x Offleo. n. A. SSIMMOllMAN, AttoitiPV, 111 Hoaul of Tiade BUlR. HUNItY J. SPRUKS. Of SpitlU"! Biothcis. oooooooooooooooo Y "They Draw Well." Morns' Magna ugars Th" best "alnc for "' cent?. Try one and you w 111 smoke no other. , , Alt the Irndlnff btnndt of Re. clcnrs nt $1.75 per loc, or fi for 2oC. The largest variety of Pipes and Tobaccos In town. E. C. MORRIS, The Cigar Man 325 Washington Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo Knights of Columbus. fThc Knlfihn of Columbus will hold a special meeting tonight. Bowling Postponed. The bowling same th.it whs to lme taken plate this eenlng between the .UacKus Llub and the Arllngtons has bien pobtponcd. Newsboys' Picnic. The following additional uontiiliutions to the ncwHbos' picnic weiu made cs-tn-day: J J. ".Vllllnms J-'; P M. Joidan, 1, H. J. Wdltei. Jl: II. B., :'5 cents. Donations Acknowledged. The SNteis of St. Joseph's Foundling home acknowledge with thanks a dona tion of die taatcil.il fiom Potei J. O'Donnell, of K.iilio.ul inuiuc, Scianlon. Ice Cream Social. X The Ladies' Aid society of All Souls' nl oi baliht chinch will hold an ice 'i cam hocial on tho chinch lawn Wcil k -ichday cNcning. July -J If wc.ithei is btoiiuy it will bu held hi tho chuich. Moonlight Dance. Piofosor J. Piank Slc,?el will conduct a moonlight dance ut Mountain Paik Au gust 4. It will bo chapel oned by JIis. Sirgel, Jtis. Flank Buuulagc, Mis. Kd Blid and Mis.. (Jeoige Davis. Civil Service Examinations. On August l'h tho Culled States tlill Feivlcc comniKMon will conduct cxnniina tlons for tho following positions: Picis nian. Philippine serico; compositor, qual llled as linotpo operator oi as machin ist HuoUpe opoiatoi, Philippine seiicc; bookbinder, Phllipphip teilce. Reunion of Mumfoid Family. The lli.sl ipunlon of the Mumfoid fani il will bo held .il tho homo of W. W. Mumford. Stauucca, Pa., on Wednesday, August :n All mciubeiH of the family, whether of the .Mumfoid name oi not aio imltcd to be pic&ent, Those CNpeetlng to ntteiul w'ill pleaso I'ommuuicatp with Min nie B Mumfoid, Stauucca, Pa. Tho Piesident's Cabinet. Inqulier Seiotaiy of s-tate, John lln ; sei'iPtniy of the tieahiiiy. Leslie M. Shaw; sccietary of war, Ulthu Boot; hee ictary of t he na. W. II, Moody, secie taiy ol Inleiioi, IJtli.in Allen MitcluoiU; Feiietaiy of agi ieulturo, James Wilson; attorney gcuei.il. Philander ('. Kno.; postmabtei gcucial, Ilcniy U. l'.inc. Violated City Ordinance. T. At. VtneenL and Joseph Kluolskl, both of Chestnut stiei'l, West Scianton, wcio jesteidaj aiialgncd befoio Mag stiato v. S. Millar, ihaiged with Inning 'iolated the city oidlnancc, by udlng on .he left bido ol the load. The men wcio tlncd $3 null. They wcie aiicsted by Special Ofllier Moigiin on Pcnii lucniie, wheie the two blcullslw had collided. Honesdnle Water Company, J. 1) hloiker and William Walker spent jenteid.iy In HoiumIhIo iuspeellug the new woik of the MoiiPMlalo Water ipmpany. This gives thorn a laigo Mor ago lesanoli that togplhei with tho thuo Hand wpilug lakes t mulshes nno of tha b'bt watei (.iipplle.s In Northe.ihtein Penn sylvania. They lmxe iiImi puuhascd land pultabln for another iei-eiolr and rnn demncd tlio waters of tho nutlet of Cajaw pond. This Mipply they do not Inlciid to tibo except In extiemo dimiths and Iheii for maiiufm tilling pui poses, 'Mm com pany is Hpailng no pains oi money to go their patious a pel feel rein, with their now iPhPiwilr the aio In position, by lajlug a shoit distant c of pipe, u go tho town ii eiy luavy pi e sine for (no piotectlou any (lino they may sen fit to abandon theli Ilia engines now in uso, Blid at u ciy iiomlnnl uite. In and About The City Are You Going to the Seaside Or to the Country ? If so, have The Tribune follow you and keep posted about your friends. Fill out this coupon and mail to us. r from'1111"16 publ,Bh,aB ComPany Scranton, Pa., change my paper Old Address ..,,.,,.,, to New Address ......,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, " ' ' ' ' ' ..,.....,,.,,.,, , . ir ou aie not a subscriber you can fill out the two bottom lines and 6cSuVmomh!W,t ' iW,promy- 'ih9 Tribune coVuiscinS "week "o? CiaARMAXEBS MEETING. Made a Donation of $25 to Miners' Belief Fund. At the meeting of the ClRarniakern' union last night, $25 was voted U the striking miners, Kniloiscmctit wits also given a icro hillon comniciidliiB tho Liquor Dealers' assiielntlon for iiRrcelng to sell only blue label uIruis. The locals In Vllkcs Uilne, Cailjontlalo and 'Olyphaiit have also ctuloised this resolution. Cf.. A. Kntzwlnklc was named its dele gate to tho American Federation of Labor convention, and George Dothlcr, a. A. Kntzw Inkle, John J. Claik and Daniel Harris as delegates to the Cen tral Labor union. WILL RECEIVE THE RETURNS. News of Big Fight Will Be Read from Stage of Star Theater. Itcturnn fiom the Jcffrles-Fltzslm-mons prize light will bo received at the Star theater Filduy night, and te.rd fioln the Rtage. A four-round sparring exhibition Is also billed for the night. In addition to these two featuics Mnnnger Hculngton has secured Max Lutbeg, the famous little wrestler, who will be hi the ring to meet all local comers. He will try to throw any thiee men In one hour, or forfeit $25 to each. . GREEK CATHOLICS. International Convention Held Here Yesterday Is Attended by Near ly One Hundred Delegates. Twenty-five priests, and about sev enty lay delegates, lepiesentlng a to tal of forty-one Gieek Catholic chuiches in the United States and Canada, conened liv St. John's Gieek Catholic church, Bellevue, yesterday, for the puipose of healing the leading of the by-laws regulating the govern ment of the church. These weie lead and discussed and amendments made theieto. They will be finally passed upon nt a second con vention, which has been called for Oct. 20, at Hazleton. Rev. Andrew Hoda boy, of this city, vicar general in the chut eh, presided over the convention und celebrated a mass, before the morning session. The chuich was handsomely decomted, a vast quantity of bunting and American lings giving It a decidedly ornate appearance. The attetnoon business meeting was in session fiom 2 to 4 o'clock, dinner having been first served the delegates at the Scianton house. In the after noon they weie shown over the Tilpp faun, the estate lecently purchased by the chuich. Hev. Father Cornelius Leuiisln, of Shenandoah, who was the author of the by-laws yesteiday submitted to the convention, in a conveisatlon with a Tribune man, last night, said: "Our object in holding these conventions lb to get all the Gieek Catholic churches in a torpoiutlon, secure a charter for It and then govern It by the by-laws now under consideration. In the by laws which wete read to the conven tion, today, weie clauses defending the light to use our national language, In the cclebiatlbn of inass, the right to letain oui Gieek rites, cciemonles and the old Gieek calendar, -and advocat ing man luge among the eleigy. "We are at present under the domin ion of the Roman Catholic chuich and Latin blbhops. Without in any way. severing our connections with the chuich wo desiie to huve a Gieek bishop of our own. The hentimenl of the convention was unanimously in favor of the election of a bibhop, by the people and clergy. "Theie was a gieat deal of comment and discussion on the by-laws, after their reading, and they will now be printed in icvlscd foim, and copies sent to every Gieek Catholic church in the country. They will then bo brought up for final action at the Hazleton con vention." Tho Gieek Catholics expect to havo a bishop of their own within a jear, and the Rev. Hodaboy, of this city, is thought to be tho clergyman upon whom the honor w'ill fall. After the Hazleton coneentloii, full .statements will be senl to the Roman chuich au thorities at Rome, expicssing tho Greek (hutch's attitude, legaiding the blshopilc. A number of the delegates to the convention left the city last night, and the icmainder will leave this morning. OBITUARY. THOMAS M'NULTY, nil old, lespect ed and esteemed icsident of Pino Btook, died at the home of his daughter, Mis, J, F. Loftus, 001 Wyoming avenue, yes teiday moiuiug, after a lingering ill ness. Ho Is survived by four daugh ter and three sons. They aie; Mrs. James F. Loftus, Mrs. Thomas Red lugton and Thomas L,, of this city, and Mis. James McLoughllii, .Mm tin, Michael and LUzle, of Philadelphia. Funeral announcement later GUUTUUDK DECKER, daughter of Mis. 13. P. Decker, of I2J North Sum ner avenue, pabsed to her luvvaid on Monday, after an illness of several yeais. Sho Is survived by her mother and hi other, Hany. Tho funeial will bo held tomouow ut 2 p, m. fiom the late home, and Interment will be made In the Fotest Hill cemetery. MKS. ANNIK N. WAR-DULL, wife of John t Woidcll, of 122J Linden sticet, died last evening. Hho was nged :i;i yrais, and waa well known in the city, The funeial announcement will bo made later. New Porto Rico Clgais. ' New lot of brcvas mid palilalia shapes just icceived ut O'Huui's elgar btoro, CAR STRIKE IS STILL PENDING COMPANY'S ANSWER IS NOT SATISFACTORY. General Manager Silllmnn Declines to Read the Disputed Clause as the Union Employes Would Havo It Interpreted Granting That There Is an Honest Difference of Opin ion, tho Union Men Decide to Send h Commltee to Mr. Sllliman to Talk the Matter Over. Tho threatened renewal of the street car strike Is postponed, at least for a few days, General Manager Sllllmau's leply to tho letter of the men was re ceived last night. It was, In substance, tneicly a reltctatlon of the claim that his Interpretation of the disputed clause Is the coirect one. The Joint commit tops of the street car employes' union nnd the Genital Labor union decided to send a committee to General Man ager Sllliman with a view of reuciilne a settlement by talking the thing over, nnd If that proves unsuccessful, to havo the dispute nibltinted. The joint committees, nt the conclus ion of their meeting last night, gave out the following statement: The following letter was sent on July 11: "Frank Sllliman, Jr , Genet al Mnnnger. "Dear Sir: At the close of the street car strike In this city, Apt II " Inst, tin ngreement was entered Into between your company and the Amalgamated Associa tion Sticet Railway Employes, Division 168. "The agreement was entered Into In good faith by organized labor In this city, and all opposition to your companv was Immediately lemoved at the close of the strike. We believe that the compio mlse made, If fairly carried out, was a sacrifice by organized labor, but agreed to the pioposltion .submitted by ou because we felt that a better feeling could be es tablished by a lompromlsc by both par ties to that unfortunate affair. "Section No, 0 of our agreement reads: " "To employ no men except those on the pay loll Sept. 30, 1101. until the num ber of men so emploved are the same us on Sept. 30, mOI, at which time the runs will be ranked among the men according to their length of service.' "The time has come when the number of men has been reduced to the number In the employ of tho company on Sept. 30, 1W01. We now ask you that ou com ply with vour agreement; that the uins he 'tanked among the men accoiding to their length of service.' WOULD RCGRirr TO STRIKE. "We would regiet the nccesMtv of a lcpetitlon of the 'trouble which for six months existed In this city as a result of the lastTsliikc of laboi emplojed on our lines The mat.er tests enthely In vour hand. We ask thai 5011 give tills 1 matter your most earnest consideiatlon, with a view of pieventlng a trouble which must result in a gieat loss not onlv to our compnnj, but to the gcneial busi ness Intel ests of this city. "Cential Labor union executive commit tee acting In conjunction with the execu tive committee of the Stiecl Hallway Km plojes union requests that jou take tills matter under advisement. "The lolnt committee of these organisa tion will meet in .special session on Wed nesday evening, Julv Ifi, to receive our answer, as to whethei or not jou aio willing to comply with the lciiulicmcnts of the agreement, submitted b youisell, at the close of the last stilke. '"An official of Division US will wait on you on Wednesday atleinoon to leceive your answer. "Executive Boaid, Division KS, "P. J. Shea, PicMdont. "Executive Bo.ud, C. L U. "John If. Deviiic, President.'1 The joint committee met on Wednesday, July lb, to receive the answer of Mr. Sll liman to the communication submitted. Mr. Sllliman Informed the committee, tbiough I'rc'ldcnl Shea, that he had sub mitted the matter to Piesidcnt C.uk and would bu unable to answer the commit tee until Tuesday, July 2.' The following answer was ucelved fiom General Manager Sllliman: "Scianton, Pa., July 2., 190-'. "Mr. V. J, Shea, iiesldent Division Ins, Amalgamated Association Stieot Rall- wn Kmplojes of Amei lea, Scranton, P.i. "Dear Sir: Jn answer to vour letter. which was handed to me on Julv II I1 beg to state that this company intends to fully comply with all the conditions of the agicemenl made with jou, duled April 7, 1D0J. and Is compljlng with thoi teims in wo undei stand them. FL'LLY EXPLAINED IT. "Fiom jour letter, however. It appeals you aie not Mtllslltd with our Interrela tion of Section No. 6 of the agreement, which piovidcs that the 'inns shall ho ranked among tho men accoiding to their length of service.' The meaning of this dause, as wo have intcipicied It, was ful ly explained to jou befoie the settlement was made, nnd It was stated and certain ly must have been clear to j-ou that we did not piopose in any way to obligate ourselves regarding tho cniploj ment of our men. In such a manner as to neces sitate giving the men who entered our servlco on Apill 7, 1'iOJ pilorlly over tho men who vveio In our servlco befoio that date. This wo had repeatedly refused to do In tho numerous cffoits that weie made to leach a settlement of tho stilke. Wo think that thero Is 110 giouud for jour contention that jour length of sei vlco should dale pilor to Apill 7, 1902. You left tho sci vlco of the company Oct, 1, 10O1, nnd, ns well known by j-oii, our mles and lecoids for a number of jears established the precedent that when one leaves our employ, and Is aftei wards rc cmplojcd, his length of scivico dates from the time he was taken back, "i'mits tiulj', "Frank Sllliman, Jr., "General Manager," It was the unanimous sentiment of the Joint committee that tho answer of Mr. Sllliman was unsatisfactory and evasive. A eommllU'o of tinea was appointed to meet Mr, Hllllmau and lnfmni him that Ills luterpietatlou of the agi cement did not meet tho approval of tho committee. If utter a fair discussion of tho dlffet enecs of opinion, In tho matter of Intel -protullou of tho written agreement, Mr. MYEH DAVIDOW. Sensational Shoe Prices for July Clearing Sale Prices that despite their extreme Iowness, mean tor you values ahead of any thing yet known in Footwear retailing. n P, S3 H MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS Men's Vlel Kid, Volour Calf. Patent Calf, Patont Kid and Hiiamcl Shoes uiul Oxfords, light and heavy soles, liand tievved. we 10 $4 00. salo nilco only J.-'.tS. Men's Hox Calf, Vlcl Kid, Velour Calf Shoes und Oxfoids, vvoitli J.'CO, ut ?U0, Men's Vlel Russet and Box Cult, heavy cole,, J.) 00 Uhoes ut Jl its. Men's (l.M Shoes, Tan and Black, at 97c. LADIES' SHOES AND OXFORDS Ladles' odd lot f uauovv width, WOO, fj CO and $4 00 Shoes ut 97c. Ladies' Rubset Vlcl, tine ?.' 50 Shoes, at 97c. MYER DAVIDOW, THE MYEH DAVIDOW. CHANGEJF LIFE, Some Sensible Advice to Wo men by Mrs. E. Sailer. "Dkir Mns. PiNKHAUt When I passed through what la known as change of life,' I had two years' suf fering, sudden heat, and as quick chills would pass over mo j my appctlto was variable and I never could tell for a sBSbsL am MRS. E. BAILER, President Gorman Rollof Association, Los Angolos, Gal. a day at a time how I would feel tho next day. Firo bottles of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound clianged all that, my days becamo days of health, and I have enjoyed every day since now six years. " Wo have used considerable of your Vegetable Compound in our charitable work, as we find that to restore a poor mother to health so she can support her self and thoso dependent upon her, if such there be, is truer charity than to give other aid. You havo my hearty endorsement, for you 'have proven yourself a true friend to suffering wo men." Mrs. E. Saileb, 750M Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. fBOOO forfeit Ifaboue -tlmonlal Is not genuine. No other person enn give such helpful advice to women who are sick as can Mrs. Plnkham, for no other has had such great experience her address Is Lynn, Mass., and her advice free if you are sick write her you are foolish if you don't. Sllliman cannot view tho matter In a proper light, the committco Is Instructed to offer to submit tho whole matter to an Impaitlal boaid of atbltratlon. The Identity of the committee which is to wait on Mr. 8Illlman was not dis closed. CITY HALL APPOINTMENTS. John Stanton, for many yeats a superintendent at the Lackawanna It on and Steel companies mills, was jesteiday appointed foi email of a now chnnt ff-mi. fm mnrl In thp limp.m nt highways and seweis. The salary Is 52.2o per dav. Cat adoc Morris was appointed in spector of the Eleventh waid sewer, vice Ganett Wien, lcslgned. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List of Icttcis lemalnlng uncalled for nt tho Scianton pnstottlcc Julv 2J, 110.'. Poi sons (.ailing foi these htteis will pleaso saj- adveitised, and give dale of list. En a II. Ripple, postmastci. Andeison. II. M. l.esIg, Jed Atwater. Edwaid Millai. Miss Irene Alnev, Mr. D. U. Mclvin, Miss L. Diooks, !. A Matthew, 1'iank V. Blown, Miss (liidlo Millies, T. licemlsh, Ilanj- Mutiny, Miss Gcr- Uadglej, Mis. Mar- trndo gictta Moiebel, M. Biandt. Mrs. I J Mlciike Co. A. E Hvid, Thomas " O'Bllcu, Miss Helen Black . WainerPetias, Mis. M. J. Lbi. Co. Pailow, Mis. Mar- Hlglln, A. W. gaiet Pattcison Bioekwaj-, II. Buss, John Ciovvle.v, Mis. Jen-La Itace. W. nlo (nui.se) Boiler, Sadie Chiise, Mis. Lllll-Snover, Mai In S an E Suaioz, Dr. A. C. Con. Mis. Alien Spcncei, A. J. Cnnlon Sons, p. J. Stewait, Miss Jcs Clulst, Mis Mar- sh A. gaiet Stanton. Miss Ella Casing, Ileniy Shiffei, Mjs. Jessie Davis Delllc Smith. I.andon Davidson. M. II. Seliall. J. P. Denmme V. A. Smldh Mis. Annlo Evans, Ruthio SdimaMz.Mi.s Annie Voslei. D 'A Sigafoos, Mis. Will- Gllgallon.Miss Maiy lam (2) Glnley, James J, Scianton Castle. No, Oicnn. Mis. M. F. 117. A O K. M. C. r.iimths, T. S, Simon, Mis lletnian GiKIlths. Mi- LniuaSmllh, William J. House, Mis C. B. Tlnglev, T. J, llalcv. Mis, Mar-Tmnej-, Miss Llzzla gaiet Tallni, Mis. Edwaid lllrsehneld. ,T. J, Wodd, Mis. Will llnmbkc William lam C. James, Fied Wade, John ,T. James, John G. Wolf, Chailcs Oscar Kcillng, George A. Weaver, Piank Kennedv. Andiew Williams. Cluis. care Law son, L W. Chas. Kubs. ITALIAN. Antonio D. Agostluo. Donienlco d'Aml co. Antonio Ulnlale. Victor Rovlti. Mr. Alllx car Victor Roditl, Antonio Lucluna. ' POLISH, Piter Mnrclkwnic. Mis. Jowa Slman utle, Mnrcale Rautkiudl, Jan Zoiawskj-, Mis. Knty Wojtkovskv, Josef Hordws cevvsky. J. Wcszlnskl, Slanvs Malluowsk , Edw. rashkowskl. Anton! Tuicsyuskl, Cialls Dumhlew.srl, Wllblm Slavvlnskl, Fijnk Stanchcvvski, Jan AiiiovvskI, Wa dvstau Bosotonskl, Wolentey Yendrols zcnskl, Poter Beltuicbv, Adonmo Kvved nrnwlezlns, Jnn Grodesky, Adam Kiup skl, Mich SUInvoll. HUNGARIAN. Jazubas Jankowskos. Finns Adamus, Yuaas. Mallsauskos, Majk Lorboiwics, Jorefu Vloskemu, Ziinnl Ciimca, tUanj slaw Uiiuda, Anslonlf Adiosltn, Wleh tiiiju AV'otoiusanka, tiiui Czvs, Mis. Mar to KntkaiiHkmtle, Catlcs S. Sickles, Janus Km paw iczu, Antanas Cindzunas, Jakob Woloska, Levvouas Jewavauskas, Peter Woszkls, Benedvka Slnklejeovvn, l'cter Batloltl, Rsan I.ukns. Telepcsclk Tedor, Maczo Tula. Jnn Cok, Mai tin Tekuh, Wlktorja Wolowlee, Hoiniit Kenlg, Os car Waecknill, Ignacv Kaszuba, Janns Gatamlackn, Anton RiiMlnckas, Piaiicls Koweanskor. Mike Saflon, John Csolei nal, Sznlla Mai ton. Fecllr Tynlclm, Ku Ilk Andias, Mlko Slogeils, Kuteitua Cor mnk. ' Mis. B. Bnwen, St! 3 David, Wladlstaw Dawidowskoma, W. M, D-ivIs, Amy Fer guson. J, Hnffeit, Miss Mm lei Jones, Finnclska Kozlatcn. Stlf. Maslai, Thorn as Peicv Mouls, R, P. Peirj-, Chai les Smith. Edwaid Smith, Rnulluas Senanio. dls. Miss Mamo Tajlor, Joseph Wvnj tauckas. Ml'IJU BAVIDOW. v t MYElt DAVIDOW. THIS IS THE "NEWSIES" DAY WILL HAVE ANNUAL OUTING AT THE PARK. Two Thousand Newsboys to Parade and Picnic Will Be Purniahed with Free Sinner and Sweetmeats, Given Bides on the Merry-Go-Fvound and a Hundred or So Prizes for Athletic Superiority Pro gramme of the Say and List of Prizes Additional Contributions Acknowledged, The Scranton newsboys will have their fifth annual outing at Nuy Aug park today. It Is estimated that neatly two thousand boys will participate In the parade and picnic. Preceding the picnic nt the park the newsies will parade the principal streets of the city. They will form on the court house square, Washington avenue side, at 8.30 a. in. Dr. G. 13. Hill will bo grand marshal and tho West Side band will furnish music both 'during the parade and at the park. The line of march will be down Linden street to Wyoming avenue, to Mulberry street, to Penn avenue, to Spruce street, to Franklin avenue, to Lackawanna ave nue, to Washington avenue, to Mul berry street, to the park. At tho park the newsies will ,be taken In hahd by the committee of arrange ments nnd piovided with everything that will make them happy. There will bo Ice cream, lemonade, watermelon nnd cake, sandwiches and pie, and, In fact, everything that appeals to, the healthy, lusty-lunged youngsters. The boys, too, will be furnished with free rides on the merry-go-round, nnd then will come the races and athletic con tests of the day. Hugh Keenan will mnnage all the sports. The vailous athletic contests and prizes follow: LIST OF PRIZES. 1. Tug of war. 2. Pig race First prize, child's suit; second prize, shoes. 3. Foot race (boys G to 8 years) First prize, boys' shoe; second prize, knife; third pilzc, boy's belt. 4. Foot race (boys 8 to 10 yean) Fiist prize, bojr's shoes; second prize, knife; third pilze, boy's belt. 5. Foot race (boys 10 to 12 years) First prize, boy's shirt: second prize, straw hat; thlid prize, boy's belt. 6. Foot lace (boys 10 to 12 years) First pilzc, hat; second prize, plotuie; third prize, boj's belt. 7. Wheelbarrow race (boyi 9 to 12 jeais) First prize, brush and comb; second prize, slippers. Peanut scramble. 8. Wheelbarrow lace (boys 9 to 12 years) Fitst prize, ; second pilzc, combination pencil. 9. Wheelbarrow race (hoys 12 to It jeais) First prize, Bernard's; second pilzc, knife. 10. Wheelbarrow blindfolded race Fiist prize, package. 11. Sack ince (boys S to 10 years) Fiist prize, package. 12. Sack lace (boys S to 10 j cars) First prize, package. 13. Sack race (boys 9 to 12 years) First prize, package. II. Sack raco (bojs 10 to 14 years) First prize, package. 15. Ban ell 1 ace First prize, sweater. 16. Three-legged lace (boys 8 to 10 j-cars) First prize, package. 17. Three-legged nice (boys 8 to 10 j-eais) First pilze, package. IS. Three-legged race (bojs 10 to 11 yeais) Fitst pilzc, package. 19. Three-legged race (bojs 10 to 15 yeais)1 First prize, package. 20. Blcjcio raco (boj-s 7 to .1 jcars) First prize, Collins'; second prize, metal bank; third prize, knife. 21. Blcjcle race (bojs 'J First prize, cuff buttons; base hall pad; third prize, to 12 j-eais) second prize, 22. Blcjcle raco (bojs 9 to 12 j-cais) First prize, boy's pants; second prize, sweater; thlid pilze, knife. 23. Bicjcle race (boj's 12 to 15 jcars) First prize, bicycle shoes; second pilze, straw hat; third prize, . 24. Blcjcle nice (bojs 12 to 15 years) First prize, blcj-cle lamp; second prize, dictionary; third prize, pocket knife. 25. Messenger bojs' biko race First prize, telegtaph Instrument; second prize, metal bank; third prize, knife. 26. Pony race First prize, metal hank containing $1.50; second prize, watch. 27. Pony race First pilze, mctnl bank containing Jt.00 and whip; second prize, watch. 28. Donkey race First prize, sack flour; second prize, Rose's. 29. Pony raco (free to all winners) First prize, sack flour; second prize, met al bank containing $1.00. CO. Pig race First prize, accordcon. The following contributions have been received for the outing In addi tion to those .published in yesterday's papers: Frank M. Vandling. $2; J. T. Boyer, 100 lemons; II, G. Dunham, $1; Mer ceiau & Council, $1; George A'. Millar, $1; Merchants' and Mechanics' bank, $2; Isaac Tost, $2; G. W. Fritz & Co., l; Casey Bros,, $3; Victor Koch, 50 cents; F, G, Folej, 25 cents: P. II, Durkln, 2; T. II. Fronch, Jl; Dr. G. E. Hill, 5; Lackawanna Dalij' company, can milk; Schouor Bros,, 500 lolls; Guthcluz, Wels scr Si Krajcr, ham; Connolly & Wal lace, ribbon for badges; Atlantic Ten company, sugar; Joseph Block, 100 "Famous Rlppei" cigars; M. Norton, a sot of books; 'Robert Meirlck, $5; . II. Hall, $7; Thomas Miles, ; Frank E. Boyle, $l; II, J. Walters, $1; If. S. Gal lughcr, 10 pound box of chocolates. Cholera Infantum, This has long heon regarded ns one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases to which Infants are subject. It can bo ciued, however, when piopcrly treated. All that Is necessary Is to give Cham berlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, us dliected with each bottle, nnd a cute Is certain. For bale by all druggists. MYEIl DAVIDOW. 3 H M e c Ladle,1 Vlcl Kid, Iluttou, Patent 'lip, .' 30 and $3 00 Shoes, at $1.17. Ladles' Patent Leather $1 B0 Shoes, nt 07c. Ladies' Juliets and Soutliei n Ties, wot th J1.60, at 97c. 1,000 pairs of Ladies' Dongola, nutton and Lace, Jl 60 Shoes at 97c Hoys', Youths' and Little Gents' Shoes at P7c, The above are only a fow of the many liai gains. AVo Invito jou to cull and ex amine our goods before buying clsowhere. Remember tlieio's no tioublo to show vou goods and you will suiely save money by It. FaVkS." MYElt DAVIDOW, I' Ours Is a Lamp Store, and what we haven't In Lamps Isn't much of a lamp, Lamps, 23 In. tilth, 9 In. globe, partly painted by hand, center Oral burner. 98,00 Geo. V. Millar & Co. Walk In and III! XXKKXXXKXX:OttUXXXXXKXXX20CXX ft Wash Fabrics If and Wash Suits Are being: offered 'this week at Irresistible Prices that not only charm the beholder, but Indicate a lesson In practical economy not likely td be soon forgotten. Ladies' Stylish Wash Suits ix t.g sf Choice of 10 Lovely New Styles, ranging in AL thl ) value from $2.50 to $4.50 each. The assortment K,V includes suits in fine fast color Cambrics, yokes full tucked back and front; shirt, belt and stock trimmed with Pique piping, etc. Batiste Suits with piped seams, full tucked, etc. Suck Suits with sailor collars, etc., in all the good colors and choic eest patterns of the season. The making and fitting qualities of every garment is perfect. No extra charge for alterations, If re quired; we guarantee a fit. Equally good values in Smart Wash Suits nt$2.50, $2.98, $3.50 and $4.50. ' Tour size is here in full choice of styles and patterns. The Sale of Wash Fabrics Is attracting-wide attention. Every yard offered Is of this season's manufacture, and you know we took the lead from the very .outset for novelty and dainty loveliness. These reductions are guaranteed and not mere nights of a vivid imagination, let loose to catch the unwary. AT FIVE CENTS THE YARD Light and dark figured Lawns and Dimities; goods worth So the jard. AT NINE CENTS THE YARD Lawns, Batlstfcs, Dimities and Swisses; goods worth 12'c and luc. A SHILLING THE YARD Gicnadtnes, Swisses, Eonita Silks; goods worth 15c and ISc tho yard. i McConnell & Co., xg The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. UXKKMKKSOgKKSKKSOgKXSOOQgXX Muslin Curtain We have secured two hundred more pairs of MUSLIN RUFFLED CURTAINS, of the same style and quality as those offered by us a few weeks ago. They are 40 Inches wide and 2 and 3 yards in length. One Lot at 50c These are plain muslin, with ruffled border, and actually woth 7 cents. See Oil? Window Display. Williams & Advertisers of Real Bargains Only. 129 Wyoming Avenue. This is the best time in the year to look after your, uphol stered furniture, Special prices now in the Drapery DoparK ment where you can select your tapestries, while work left in the Upholstery Department now will be completed and ready (or delivery when you return from your vacation Closed Saturday Afternoons During July and August, GRIFFIN ART SHOP 211 North Washington Avenue. CAn VTI T As an Introduction to our New Art Studio, rWIV. ivLJ an Washington Avenue, For the next three days, this unparalleled offer is made to anyone who presents this Mad" at the studio on or before Saturday the 26th of this month, we will make one dozen of our $4.00 Imperial Cabinets for $2.00 Without this coupon the price $4.00 prevails. Mr. Griffin, Himself Haies Ajl Sittings. Don't forget the new address, opposite the court; house. IDS Wo 'sell better Lamps for. less money than others wo can afford to. We buy In larger quantities and get better prices. 134 Wyoming Ave. Look Around. FIFTEEN CENTS THE YARD Imported Dimities, line Em broidered Tissues, Lace Stripe Ginghams; goods worth 25c the yaid. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS THE YARD Silk Ginghams, in lace stripes and nil the colors; chaimlng as sortment, FOULARD SILKS AT 39 CENTS Balance of our choice stock of Silk Foulards, dainty, fashion able designs and the best of qualities. Special sale prices this week, and they begin at 39e. Sale One Lot at 75c In this lot are some beautiful effects in stripes that were made to sell for $1.00. McAnulty T . "w- . V . iur ' . &&& r :Mm-M&&- wwmmtm I - III tgy-gMJy--Mfef,