SfT.ll '.,i:.i 'MfeP' f " r . 1V'' 3P :y $r"l ' ret 54 IJ n Ms r? r M y- : hx. J. if Ife. I' ? I?1' lfl$ IS PLEASANT DAY ATTHE LAKE IHH MEN AT CAMP HOBAN BRIGHTEN UP. Weather Has the Effect of Inspiring the Hope That the Remainder of the Camp Will Be Satisfactory. This Will Bo "Bishop's Day" and Bt. Rev. Bishop Hoban Is Expected to Pay a Visit to the Camp Somo Gossip About the Lancers. The fnlrly pleasant weather of yes- rday atoned In a cootl measuie for the perversity of the eleincnls since the Klrst Lancers' encampment begun at Luke Lodore on Friday. There was only one rainfall of any dlstutblng force. This fell In the even ing about 6.30, while the battnllon dilll was in pi ogress In the pavilion, and wits of only short duration. The camp was, therefore, In extraordinarily line spirit, and new hope illled the soldlcis that they would yet icallzc the keen anticipations thev had of the week's stay at the lakeside. The only happening of Importance was the battalion drill, which took place In the pavilion. This was due to the circumstance thai the ball field, designated us the cit 111 Held, was still wuter-soaked fiom the abnormal lnln fall and wholly unllted for even careful picking of one's way. The dtlll was the most satisfactory of the encampment. It was the first conducted with the teglmentul band, Rowley's band, of Wllkes-Baiie, and with the stlirliiE stialns of the mlll taty match filling the pavilion, the Lancets took on new spirits and made a l espouse , that was highly gratifying to Colonel Phillips and Major McNIch olK By the end of the week, the sol dlcis will make a showing that cannot but win the warmest admiration of the onlookots. THIS IS BISHOP'S DAY. Today will be "Bishop's day" In camp. lit. Rev. Bishop Hoban, who lias taken a special Interest n thp en campment, lending his personal efforts to Its success, will visit the Lancers and will be received as a eucst of honor. He will artlve on the afternoon tinln and will be met at the station by I tow ley's Regimental inand and the leglment. The ptocesslon will conclude with a battalion di 111. Tomotrow pionilbos to be a busy and interesting day In Camp Hoban. Nevci Mnk Brothel hood of Hallway men, of Tort Jen is, will lun an excursion to the lake. Thev hae made aitange ments for special ttalns to and from the lake both fiom Poit Jervis and Scranton. It Is expected that thete will be sevcial thousand poisons piescnt from between these noints, A featute of the day will lie a ball game between the descents, of Carbondaie. and the Poit Jeiis team. SOME CAMP GOSSIP. John Mav, of Company l, who was Indisposed for u d.ij or two, has wholly recovered and Is on duty again. The giant of the camp is Private Hart, of Company B. Lieutenant John Devanney, of the com pany oi ganged in Catbondale, but in camp a detached member of Company B, has the m.iikbmanshlp and the Minko iccotd of camp. He lias shot the tails oft nine chlpmmiKs and sttuck a rattle snake on the tail. Sits. J. r, Phillips, of Wilkes-Baire, wtfe of Colonel Phillips, was a visitor at officers' (matters on Sunday. Among jestetday'b vlsitois wete Misses Uuldcn und Fuddrn, of North Sciaiiton. Spiov Intel est was given last night's pioceedlngs l a cout t-nun ti.il of M. r. 3'lvnn and Patrick Ttcllly, privates of companv B. The two delinquents slept In a hotel in Wavm.irt. They tried to pass the gu.uds In the euily mottling, but were dlbcnvcied and leported to hcadquaiteib. lloth men wete the butt of the camp iokcis all day jesterday. Tltlb ilsh story, will easily surpass any that may be told (luting the encamp ment. Yesterday foicnoon, Private Dom rlck Gcttitv, of Company C. Noith Scranton, went llshlng on the lake. Somehow, he can't tell volt why, a fish swiped his bait and his hook. Genlty pulled Jit. Pish into the boat, because he didn't Know how to let go. When released, tho llsh began to flop and jump mound the boat, Just like any fish would. Get lily wasn't next. With a des petate grunt, ho cxclnlmcd, '"I'll fix ou, ou rascal!" Relieved of this much, ho laid hold of a pall of water and proceeded to pour It over the athletic fish to dtown him. Now ho'b Irving to llgure bow tho sucker became mote active (lining his bath and seemed tickled to death. Rowloy'.s hand, which enlivens camp with splendidly lendeicd music, Is under the direction of Tom Rowley, a fotmer Caiboudalhin, who Is hewing out inlto n leputatlon In the Luzerne county seat as a hand leader. Besides the lienor It enjojs because of the music or Its hand, Wllkes-Batio also has tho honor of tho best drilled com pany in camp. Tho Young Men's Drill Order, from tho Liuemo capital, tuns nwuy with all the picc1I(. It is llkcwlto the hcsl apepatlng company In camp. Johnnie Doughei, of Atchbald, gteoted a host of acquaintances In camp on Sunday, The bojs missed the inevitable bouquet on Johnnie's coat lapel. Tills glaring oversight In his toilet was nttrl j buted to the lalny day, BAUSCHMEYEB, IS NOT DEAD. Hoadleys Tanner Was in the City Yestorday. Frank Rauschmev er, the Hoadleys farmer, who had such a desperate en counter with n snake u week or so ago and who was leported to bo dead, was )i tho city yestetday to nssuie ids f 1 lends that ho Is very much alive, Ruuschineyer was bitten by the snake on tho, cud of tho index linger of tho Jeft hand, but amateur surgery In dulged In by Ruuschmeyer on the spot and a laige dose of untl-suake bito medicine, such as every woodsman pio vldcs himself with, saved his lite, ' ' ' t Marriage Licenses. John Gallagher' ,,, , Sirnnton Maigatot Lilly , Sciantou Thomas J, McGairy ,.,,,,, Dunmoio Maty Catroll ....,.,,, 8cinn.ton John McU&nough Sciniiton Elizabeth Malta , ....Sciantou Edwaul J, Conway .,, ,,,.,Sciuntoti Margaietli Logan ..,,..,, Scinnton A WEL1 KNOWN ALBANY MAN. Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. About eighteen months ago Mr, Y. S, . Manning, of Albany, N. Y., widely known In trade circles as the repiesen- tutlve of the Albany Chemical Co., was suffering fiom a protracted attack of dlurrhoea. "I tried Chumtwrlaln's Col- ie, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy," he says, "and obtained immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend this medicine to those similarly afflicted!" Sold by all dvufffjlfcts. ' ' , t I Wouldn't it make you hungry I I to hear a talking machine I I SAY I I Zu Zu I The best 1 Br 4m VP I Ginger Snap m I you ever tasted. j jg J I 5ccnts Mi i?fl a package. M(A A H I JM ffidsb. I jfiiu.iiiMiiiuiumiini.iiiiiii,iuiiiiiii)iiiiiiin "V, jT xlisllb I WAi4 I THE MARKETS Wall Street KeTle-w. New Yoik, July 21. Theio wcio vailous demonstiatlons of stteugth in individual stocks today, hut the sustaining force of these advances was taken advantage gn oveiy occasion to sell other stocks tor the pin pose of lealizing piollts nhls was et fected without any notable damage to ptices, owing to the judicious and caie tul manner In which tho maiket was fed. In the lust half hour of the market, hovv evct, when It became known that ar langemenls bad been made for a ship ment of $1,000,000 In gold to Europe by tomonovv's stcamci, the whole maiket turned downwatds and closed active and easy. No much was left of culler gains in anv case, and Pennsjlvania. which was the conspicuous leader of the early maiket, closed at a small net loss The enilv sttenctli of this stock was attribut ed to tho supposed acquit ement of contiol of Reading, but the other subsidiary com panies failed to pattlclpate, Chesapeake and Ohio and Not folk and Western be ing among tho weak stocks foi the dav. The decision of the coal mlneis' conven tion against a geneial stiike wns antici pated vvith ccitainty, and the large buy ing of last week of the soft coal cairleis was on that account The heavy lealizing of the day was doubtless on the giound that all the good news coucctnins; theso stocks for the piesent has been published. Among western ralltoads the active spec ulation shifted to Missouri Pacific. Atchi son and St. Louis Southwcstoi n. Repot ts of weather favoiable to the eiops was tha continuing Influence on these stocks, hut it failed to affect tho piieo of other stocks which would be equally benefited by good ciop3. Old litmois wete levlvcd of a closer i elation between St Louis South western and Chicago and Lastcin Illinois The lepoits of dnmage bv floods In the western states vveie ignoied. The lndus ttlals weio Idle and neglected. The fail mo of tho judicial confeicnlo which was expected to take up tho appeal in the case against tho I'nlted States Steel stock cotneislon plan may have been an Influ ence In killing speculation In those stocks. London was quite a bcavv seller of stocks this moiiilnc beio nnd was Itself a suf ferer fiom liquidation from Paris of ac counts In South Afi leans. Total sales, WW.OOO shaies. Theio was an easier ten dency In the bond market which shows a lather notable lae'e of Investment de mand. Total salrs par value, M.T0i.0WI Tnltcd Slates old fours tegular declined per cent, on tho last call, The following quotations s,re furnished The Tribune by Haight & Kreeso Co , Ji ll! Meais Building. W. D. Run) on, man ager. Open.High.Low Close Am.ll. Copper t-Vs l"''i '"s (HBa Am. C. & F UJ-& !)J'8 HJ-H a.'i Ameilcan Ico IHi U 1H3 11','j Am. Ice. Pr oSV'a JS'i JS'4 3S4 Am. Locomotive i .!l7s '- "! Am. Loco, Pr 9 in 01 flr8 0JU- Ameilcan Sugar ....UOn l.-FJ 1 "J 12'1'8 Anaconda Copper ...105 lni lol 10! Atchison h9 !U sO P0U Atchison, Pr loin li).,3H mm lui'i Bait. &. Ohio 110 ll llu Ill's Bro'ok. R. T 7J'i 7J'i 7(iV TOKj Canadian Pacific ....UiV. 1J7U 3 ''i 1.74 Cheg. &. Ohio MVs Wi HI S", Chicago & Alton .1.. I 41'', '4 1!8 Chic. &G. AV J'l'i llt III C. M. & St. P lSi',4 lJn 1S178 1M78 C R. I. & P ISO ISt ISO 1S1 Col. Fuel & Hon .... 9T 0791 Do'l WJ Col. & So'lthetn .... ."114 ,1U 3.! !)' Col. & South, 2d Pr. f h 41'8 41?i 4078 Del. & Hud 171 170 171 1711 Bile .TOi f.STs RS .IS Brie, 1st Pr . t.9Ta 70 1,1)4 u9?i Kilo. 2d Pr ."it M SI lil Hocking Valley OlVt 9I'4 9l'4 5M'i Illinois Central Ih.1 lhi. lir. luvs Kan. City & South.. SIT-a 2U3i S8 3G'' Louis. & Nash 140 urn;, no no Manhattan i:.'i 1J7U 1 !"i'n 1 j'i7,. Met. St. Ry loin lVMi l.-,on VJ) Mexican Cential .... 30'', .504 30 30 Mo K. : Tex 30'H '."in riVi llo K, & Tex., Pr.. h bin i i,i mo. p.ieinc in novi inn iir8 N, Y, Cential 1J'4 JSl lum lMJi Norfolk & West .... l..' il.' OOn 'l Out. & West 3I', 31'', 3I'5 31'8 Pacino Mali 4on ml 4or. 4on Pciuiu. R. R HiOVi H'lH 1.w IM's Pcopio'R Gas ior, join loin mils Ptcssed Steel Cur ... 17 4Si 47',i IS MeauitiK Mi 07-n if ti7 Reading, 1st Pr SMI MU wit sr,i'. Rending. I'd Pr 7. 7Jn 7:n 7Jn Republic Steel W Wl JS'i IS'i St. L. & Bm. V 71 7l' 71 71'', noutnern rneiiio ,,,. i.i i4 i(R us Southern R. R :i0'i 31", :isi ran Southcin R. R. Pr.. fi'n 07n 97H 07n Tcnn, Cu.il & lion.,, uin raw4 ')'g i-va Tcmis & Pacltls .... 4"i'l 4'i'i I4"5 It I'nlon Paclilo ...losn insi, 107';, 107, t'nloii Pacific, Pr .. 9S U8 om iijii U, S. Leather 1I& r.la 1 14 H'4 B, 8. Leather, Pr ., ST. K, S' si p, s, steel .. ,...,,.. liTfc 41 ion 41 V. B. Steel. Pr 00H oov. 90' MV4 Wabash , 31', :ilJ 31 31 Wabash, Pr Hn 47H 4i.n 47 Western Billon fS1i W, SS Rf. Wheel. & L K. ,..(.. 1'1'i Sl'i L-I'm '.'PK Wisconsin Continl ., :'S 5S Wa '.TO l-diilriid. "I.tlgltts. Total sales. 03!,t0rt shares, Money, 3 per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN Jk PROVISION. WHEAT. Onsn. High. Low. Clos Soptember ....... "-' 7." 7in 71H December .., 71 fia 7lVi 71 September ....... con fil't C0',8 covi December ....... IflU WA 4a 46 OATS. September .,...,. 33 331 av 33M December 32tf 3Yt 3J'.J 32i PORK. ' Septehber ,18 20 18.23 18 00 18 00 LARn. September .,.,....'10.75 10 SO 10 67 10.7S ms. Beptcmber , 10.70 10.77 10.07 10.07 NEW YORK CQTTON MARKET, Open. High. Low. Closa. August .,,., 8 CO 8 60 8.47 S 41 September ......... SIS Sltt i.li x.rj October ,.,., 7.03 7 93 7 90 7 00 Eecftinhfir ......... 7.83 7.83 7.80 7.81 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on. Par of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co , Pr.... 60 County Say. Bank & Trust Co 300 Fiist Nat.'Bank (Carbondaie). ... 500 Third National Bank 530 Dimo Dep. &'Dis Bank 300 Economy L H. & P. Co 45 Fltst National Bank Uoo Lack. Trust As Safe Dep. Co... 193 Clark & Snover Co, Pr 123 Scranton Savings Bank b00 Tiaders' National Bank 223 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123 People's Bank 1J5 BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 33 Sciantou Passenger Railway, (list moitgage, duo 1920 115 People's Stieot Railway, fust mortgage, due 191S 115 People's Stieot Railway. Gen eial moitgage. due 1921 in Scianton Tiac. Co , per cent. 115 Economy L, H. & P. Co 97 N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by H G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.) Flour-$4 40. Butter Ftesh cicamciy, 21c. j fresh daily, 2Jc. Cheese 12al2'c. Eggs Neat by. 21c.; w ostein, 20c. Mm tow Beans Per bushel, J2 35a2.40. Gt eon Peas Per bushel, $2 25. Onions $2 00 per bag. New Potatoes $2 73a3 per bai 1 el. New York Grain and Produce Market Now Yoik, Julv 21. Flour Market was dull and easlci with buveis and sollcis again apatt. AVhciit Spot easv: No. 2 led. 7S',.e. elevator; No. 2 led, 79naS0c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 noithein Duluth, SJ'le. f. o. b afloat. Big teceipts and a poor demand foi spot gialn weakened a cent per bushel today. Tiade was gcneially llKht and local, with sentiment bcailsh. Final piices showed &04c. Ilet loss. July closed S073c; September, 77c; December, 77'bC C01 n Spot cusv ; 'No. 2, 7014c. ele Mitor and 70'ic. f. o. li afloat; option maiket was strong at fltst on covering but after midday broke shaiplv on a wlthdiawnl of support and closed ',aic. no lower. July closed 70nc; September, uine Oats Spot strong: No 2, bJc: No. 2 white. 04c ; No. 3 white. Kiic ; Hack mixed western, I,2afi3c; track white west ern. GSabGc; tiaclc white, state, fiJawic; option maiket was stiong and active on July for a time, but later turned weak all lonnd llnough geneial unloading, lound thrqugh general unloading, Butter Steady; ctcameiv, 18a21Ke.; do. faeloiy. loalSc; lenovatcd, 17al9Vc; imitation cieameiy. 17nl9c; state daily, njjiiOVic. Cheese Quiet; now state full cieam. small coloicd fanc.v. 10c : small white, 9-H nlOc; Uigo colntPd, 97sc; huge white, 9nc. Ekbs Flim; state nnd Pcnnsyl cania, 20aJ0Hc: western candled, 10',:C.; southwcstoi n, Hial'c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, July 21. Bcailslt sentiment, caused by fair weather and tho better movement in siains, was In the ascend ant today on the boaid of tiade. For a shoit time July oats thtcatened to Hlam liedo tho ttowd of shorts by touching a now tecoid nt b7c. In tho end, howevei, soiling was fico In cvei.v thing und Sep tember wheat closed na';C, lower; July wheat He lovvei; September corn. a8c. down; July coin 2c. lower; July oats. l'c. down and September oats, unc. lower, Piovislons closed 7',4o. to 37Vc. lower Cash quotations weio ns follows: Flour Kteudv; No. 2 spiiiiR wlieitt. ; No, J, "ua 74c; No. 2 led, 7ii'Jju77l,Jo.; No. 2 corn. ; No, 2 jellow, Ii3',uii0e.; No. 2 oats, ri0afj7c; No. 2 white, ; No U while, Knulc; No, " lye, fil'zc,; good feeding bniloy, ; lair to diolco malting, 70a7.'c; No. 1 ln seed, $1,11; No. 1 not tltwcsteiu, $1.51; lillnio tituothv seed, $'i"3; mess pnik. per b.iuel. $17 IKM 17.93; laid, per 100 pounds, $10Wh10,(p7'4; shoit libs. siilcH, $ior.,-nioir.; iliy KhoiildriB, 98ii9lc,; shoit clear sides, $11 37Jall.W. Buffalo Xiive Stock Market. Bast Buffalo. July 21,-Ciittlo-Recelpts, 3,7'0; good cattlo seaieo and stiong; 10111 111011 dull und Iowei : inline stccis. $7.7" 1 S V.I; diolco 1,200 to l.TOi) pounds, !5 7m",50; fair to good, $".73ali SO; stags, 1,000 lo 1,1. 'A puutuls, tiiaoW; fair to good, $3 25a."90; diolco Itclfcis, $iia(i .'.": fair to good, $1,7!a BM; light to fair, $J.7.'ia4.2.i; best fat cows, ", i.'.e'i ',o; fair to good, $lal,7u; cauneis to cpnmon, $2a3G0; eNport bulls, $3a3 23; butchcis. $latu); sausage, $jno.U90; fiosh cows and spilngei.s, good eovs actlvo anil stiong; good to ostra, $30aii0; fair to good, fiThita; common. $lSa20. Veals Receipts, 1,81; stiniig to lOo. blghor; tops. $ii7,',a7; lair to good. $fiiu;V); common to light, Wa 5 73. Hoks Recelptij. 1.1,000; actlvo; heavy stiong light, fiulOe. higher: heavy. JS.I'a R27',i; niKed, $S 0.318 1.3; Yoikem nnd liimt, do, $7 93.i8; pigs, $S; loughs. $0 90a7.10; stags, $.3 73a0;'3 Sheep nnd Lambs Ho eclpts, 3,000 head: sheep stiong. 23e. high ei ; lambs, steady; lambs, $ii Mai) w)j fair to good, $3.7.3.Ui: culls to common, $!WU cm: euillngs, $1,73.13 23; sheep, top mixed, $4 23n4 40; fulr to good, $)a4 20; culls to common, $.'.'. Jail rj); owes, $la4 25. Chicago Xive Stock Market. Chicago, July 21. Cattlo Receipts, IS, BOO, Including MX) TiiMins, 1,000 westoru; Choice stiong, uthcis slow; good to prime steets, $7.73nbu3; poor to medium, $1 toa 7.U): stockeis and feedeis, $JG0n5; cows. $1.40a5 W; hclfois. $.' 23a6 23: cauneis. $1.40 H2 50; bulls, $.'2Ja0 2J; calves. $.! Mao.75; Texas fed stceis, $l.loariC3; wostoin steois, $5 20a5 75, Hogs Receipts today, 21,000; tnniouow, 18 000; left over, 13,000; 13u20o. lower than Fildayj mixed und butch, ois. $7.13a8; good to chrlio heavy, $7.S0a 8 10; rough heavy, $7.13a7.73; llKht, $aH 7,70; bulk of sales. $7r5a7 90 Sheep Re ceipts, J4 000; 10al5c. higher; lambs, stronu to 10c. higher; good to oholco wethers. $1 ulOi; western bheep, $3 5Qal3: native lambs. $Ja6SS. ' sw& y.y.r mm,mt FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus) $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS n & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODY.McLELLAN &C0. BANKERS, No 57 Uroadway, New York City. MEMBERS Ni:V YORK S10CK EXCHANGE. STOCKS, BONDS and INVESTMENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN iosiaia Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. DR. DENSTEN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 311 Spruce St. Scranton, Pa All Acuto and Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and CJhlldicti. NUUVOIJS. CiinONIC, BRAIN. FEMAI.U and WASTING DISKABllS A BPUOIAWy. Consultation and examination fieo. Of. Ilcu liouib, dally and Sunday, S u, m. to 9 p. in. Fatal Accident on Steam Xauncb. Bjr lUclushc Wlie from The Afjoclttil Prnt. I'hlladelplilii, July 21,-Tho boiler tube on tho steam launch Harold, owned by W, D, Staugcr, of I'onsauUon, N, J., blew out today whllo the yacht woh lying In tho Dclawaia liver 'opposite Toircbdalo. A. Wuiren Stanger was knocked oor boaid and ill owned and J. y. Van AVI11 kle, tho engineer, wan fatally scalded, The. other occupants of tho launch es caped Injury. Oil Market. Oil. City, Julv 21. Ci edit balances, 122; certificates, no bid: bhlpmeiits, 130,021 bm rels; iivprpge. 72,9-7 buiicls; lunu, 157,327 bauds; a vol ago, 60.373 barrels. IhllgntnreU on rery box at cM Laxative Brorao-0uinineTbi.t ' rnindf inir, rnra caui j Dressers, Sideboards and Slmp'y Offars 25 to 40 Par Cnt, Mora Valua Thai Moniy Ever Bsfars Purohassd. T The circumstances leading up to these' unusual opportunities are quite commonplace. he Scranton furniture concerns who ordered these goods were unable to tike them when they arrived. The opportunity to buy the shiprriehts at remarkably low figures being presented to us, was taken advantage of. and from the brisk trade of vasrerd.iv wa h.tve heen infnrmpH In lirm unmistakable that Scranton's thrifty buyers for the home appreciate the enterprise which permits them to grasp opportunities of such staple character. If your fall furniture wants are likely to take the form of Dressers, Sideboards or Iron Beds, an investment here this week will net you ai Hium oi irom iweniy-iive to Dressers Dressers Posi tively worth Jio. Opportunity Sale price $0.05 Dressers Posi tively worth $12. Opportunity Sale price $7.93 Dressers Posi tively worth $15. Opportunity Sale price $1().0() Drossers Posi tively worth $20. Opportunity Sale price $12.75 'lPPR?9KjLsMME Unmarked Wagons Make deliveries when desired. All prices and reductions arc marked in plain figures. MELDRUM. 726 WYOMING AVENUE. ffECA USE here llas been sucl1 a demand for the pretty, popular 24c line of Cotton Dress Goods, we re-ordered and they are here today. SHEER WHITE DIMITIES, dainty colored Striped Lawns, etc. To-morrow they may be gone. They sell as fast as they are put on sale. Why shouldn't they when mother or daughter can secure material for a cool, dainty gown for only Five 25 cent pieces. 1 8 Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock yi ! i i4 i ! t tt ti I PILSNER 1 N.iS,S,.. Scranton, Pa. Old M'hone, 3331. New 'Phone, 293S, RAILROAD TIME TABLES, Delawaie and Hudson. in Efftut Juno lis. jwj. Trains tor Omhondalo leavo Sciantou nt 611, 7.3U, SUG, 10 U a. in.: l-'UJ. 1.1.', :'li, asu, &v9, b.'O, b:i, u.is, luui , m.; l-'.b', l.SS II. 111. Kor lloneidalo ti.U, 10.U a. m.; -.11 und S'J p. in. Kor WIllJCs-Baue-ti-XS, 7.11. 8.11, 9 17. low. u. ni.: l.'ui, i.i.', 2 1b, yjs, ij, oio. 7.4S. 10-11, U, p. ill. For U V. It. It. Points 7.41. D.47 u. m.i Sis. 433 nnd 11.49 p. m. Kor I'oiiusylwinlu It, R. Points 0 JS, 9 47 n. in.; 1,1.', 3 b and 4 :io p. in.' For Alhany and all points noith 7.50 a. in. und 3 00 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Cm hopdalo-S CO. 11.33 il. in.; ill, 3CG. C.5.' ami 11 17 p. m. For Wllkes.Uaiie-syi a. ni.; 12 03, 1.0S, 3'JS, U3J ami 9.17 p. in. For Albany nnd points noith 3M p. ni. For Honciilale-S. W a. m.; 11.33 and 3 SJ p. in. W. L. PUYOR, V. V, A., Scruiiton, Pa. soo STORE OPENS TODAY AT B-OLOSES The Opportunity Sale lorty cents on tlie dollar. Sideboards Sideboards Re markable value at $11.50, go during the Opportunity Sale for only $8.50 Sideboards Re markable value at,$i5. Opportunity Sale' fig ure, only $11.50 Sideboards Re markable value at $20. Opportunity Sale fig ure, only $16.50 Sideboards Re markable value at $25. Opportunity Sale fig ure, only $18.75 ;conomv SCOTT CO. I RAILROAD 'JfMTABLES. HEADnJoSYSTEliT Central Bailioad of New Jersey. Ill Effect Juno 9, 19Di Stations In Now Yuifc. root Llhorty street and South Ceiry, N. R. Tialns leave Stianton for Now Yoik, Philadelphia, Eislr.u, Bethlehem, Allen ton p. Maueh riiunU, White I linen, Ash Icy, "VIIUcs-Hairo and I'lttston at 7.30 it. in . 1 P. in. and 4 pL in. Sunday, .' 10 p. ni. (junker City Expiess leaves Scianton 7.30 a. in,. tlnmiRli holld vestlhule tuiln with Pullman Buffet Puiloi Car for Phil adelphia with only one chniifioiof uus for Haltlmoio nnd WitbliliiBton. D. I', and all piiucipal points bouth and wist For Avoea, Plttston and W'llkes-B.uie, 1 p. m. and 1 p in. Sunday, L' 10 p. m. For l.iniK Biamli, Oie.in Oinvc, etc,, 7..10 and 1 p, m. , . For Reading. I.elianon and lliiulshuijr via Allentnvvii at 7.30 a, m 1 ). in. and 4 i in. Siindnv, L'.io p. in. For T.iniauu.i and Pottsvlllo, 7.30 a. ni.; 1 p. m. and 1 p m. For tntes and tickets apply to agent at station. V. (1. Hl-'SSl.ER. Gen Manager. C. M. BURT, Oen. Pnsi ABt, Pennsylvania Ralhoad. Schedule in Effect June HI, 1.'. Tinllib leave Si'iautonj ii IS a, m.. week davs, thiough vestlhule tiaiu fiom Wllkeii-Ril'e. Pullman huffet p.ulor ear and eoaehes to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; stops nt piiucipal luteiinedlato stu tloiis. Also connrctu foi Siinhuiy, Uar ilHhuig, Phlladelphlii, Paltlmoie, Wusli jiigtim and for Plttshuip iiudtho V.'est, 9 47 u, ni.. week dijs. foi Siinhuiy. Ilar ilshuig, Phlladelphl-i, Uiltlmme, Wa&h. jngton and Plttshmg and the West. I.I.' p. in. week l.in. (SuiiiI.ijh 1.3S p. in), for Suiihmy llaiilsbuig, Philadel phia, Il.iltimnie, WiiBhingtou and Pitts hiiig and the West 3 28 p. in., week dajs, tlunugli vestlhtllo tialn from Wilkes. Ikiue, Pullmnii hurfot liailor eir and coaches tu Philadelphia vli Pottsvlllo, Stops at piiucipal Intel medi ate stations, 4 33 p. ni,, week dnvs. for tliuletou. Siin huiy, ilairlsbuig, Philadelphia und Pitts. )U'g J, R, HI'TCUINSON, Gen. Mgr. J. H. WOOD. Uen. Pttbs. Ast. Erie Railroad Co., Wyoming Division Tialns have Scianton for Mnwlev and lotnl btatlons nt 8.13 a. in. 133, 5 3) and 7 33 p. m. Sundas, at 9 00 a. in. and 1 J3 p. in. For Now Yoik. Honesdalo nnd Inter mediate points, nt 1 33 p. m. Tialns aiiivo at Sciantou at S 30 a. m.; 3 09. 7 -'" and 9.15 p. m. Sundays, 1 00 p. m. and S.13 p. m , 1 m0mmwmimi0km AT Bt of Iron Beds illy iffWji' of Enameled Iron Beds All Sizss and Colors IKON BKDS-Never sold for lcs-? 9 QB than fl 30. Oppoitunlty l'eims ""' IRON BKDS Never sold for less A IK than 1)00. Oppoitunlty Teims t IRON BEDS Never sold for less i en than J9.00. Opportunity Teims U.iJW ITtON BEDS Never wold for less Q B( than $1200. Oppoitunlty Terms ""' IRON BEDS Never sold for les3 O OK' than J1300. Opportunity Tei ma v,vn IRON BEDS Never sold for less IfK tlianJISOO. Opportunity Terms Ii'a Our Comin; Augu3t TraJa Sale Will Eclipsa All Events of Modarn Mercliandising, 1 3 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, In Effect June 1. 190.'. Tialns leavo Scianton tor New York At 130 JH), C03 7.30 and 1010 a. m.: 1C 40, 3 40, 3 33 p in. Foi New Yolk and Phila delphia 7.30. 10 10 a. m . nnd 12 40 and 3 3? p ni For Gouldhhoio At 010 p. m. Foi Buffalo 1 13, U22 and 9 00 n. in.; 103, 0 3C nnd 11.10 p m For BliiKhnmton. Elmlr.i and way station"! 10 -3 a. m., 103 p. m. For Oswego. Svi.ieuso and Utlca 1.13 and J2-' a in ; l.Ti p m. Oswego, Syiacusa and Utlca tialn nt bJ2 a. m. dally, except Sundav. For Monti ose 9 00 a. m.; 1,03 and G 30 p. m, Nicholson accommodation 4 00 and li 13 n. ni Uloomslnug Dlvlblon For Northumher laud. at l33 and 1010 a. ni.; 133 nnd (,10 p. m For Plymouth, at S10 a. m.j 3.10 and 9 03 p ni. Sunday Trains For New York, 1 30, 3 20, 0 03. 10,10 a. m.: 3 10 and 3 33 p. m. For Buffalo l.l'i 'and 6 JJ a. m.; 133, 6 3) and 11.10 p. m. For Elnilra and way stations 10 23 a. m. For Biughamtou and way sta tions. 9 00 n. in Hloomsbuig Division Leavo Scianton, 10 10 a in. and 6.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effort Juno l5.inoi , Tialns Leave Scranton. Tor Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. & II. R, R at 7.11. thioiiRh P.ulor Car nnd Dav Coach Cnibondalo to Now York nnd 9 47 n. m.. with I.. V. Coach Cnihon d.ile to Philadelphia, ami 2.18, 4 33 (Black Diamond Expiess). and 11.49 p. m. Sun- s davb, D. &. II. R. R , 1 58. 9.17 p. in. For White Haven, Hazleton and princi pal points In the coal icglons, via D. & II. R. II., 7.41. 2.1S nnd 4 33 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 7.11 n. m For Bethlehem, Eabton, Rending, Hur llshuig nnd pilnclnil Intel medlato sta tions, via D. At II, R. R.. 7,41. 9.17 a. ill.; 2.18, 4 Ti (Black Diamond Express), 11,49 p. . in. Stindavs. D. &. II, R. It,, 9 31 a, m.; 1.3S, 9.17 ii m. For Tunkhannoek, Towailda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D., I,. .V W. R. R, 6 35 a. m. and 1,33 p. m. Fur Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag in.1 Falls, Chicago and all points west via, D. ,L- II. R, R.. 12 0.1 1) 111! 3.2S (Black Diamond Emucs), 10 41. It, 10 n. m. Sun iliivs. D. .S..H. It. R. 12.&I, 9,17 p. in. Pullman nailor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley Pallor ears on nil trains between Wllkc.s-li.iiie and New Yoik. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge, ItOMilN H WU.RIJR Gen. Supt., 23 Cortland sticet. New Yoik. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pahs. Ast . 23 Coitland stiert, Now Yoik, A. AY NONEMACIIER, Dlv, Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullmnn reservations' npply to city ticket office, CD Publla Square, WllkovRairo, Pa. , New Yoik, Ontario and Western. Illlio Table In Effect Sundav, .lunu 13, 1903 NORTH BOUND TUA1NS. Leavo Lc.ivo Aulva Tialns, Scianton. Carbondaie. Cadotla. No, l lo::oii, in. 11,10a.m. Wip m, No.il 4 00ji, m, 4 lip, in, h00p. in. No. 7 6 lo p ni.Ar.Caibnndalo 6.16 pin SOUTH HOUND. Leavo l.cavo Aiiivo Trains. Cudosla. Caibnndnlo, Sciantou, No, il ,,,,,, ii no it, m. 7,23 a, m. No, 4 sioa.m, looi h. in. 10,iOa,m. No. 2 2,13 pm. KlOp in. 4.43 p. 111. SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH HOUND. Lc.ivo Leavo Anlvo Trains, Stiaiitoti, Carbondalo. Cudosla. No. 0 ,,,,., R 30 a. ni. 9 10 p.m. 10 43n. ni. No. S ,,,,,, 7.00 p. in Ar.(aibondiile7.43 p.m SOUTH BOUND. Leavo Leave Arilva Tialns, Cadosla, C.iihondalo. Scianton. No. ii , . , . , , il 30 u. m. 7.23 a, m. No. 10 .,,.. 4,30 p. in, 13 O. p m. G.lip.'m. Tialns Nos, 1 mi week da.vs, and 9 on Sundnys connect for New York city, Mld dletown, Walton. Noiwlch, Oneida, Os wego and all points west. Tialn 3 for Poyntelle, Walton, Delhi, Sldnev, Noiwlch and all Now Bctlln bianeli points. Tl.ilil No. tf, with "Ouaker City Ex. nress't at Sciuiiton. via O. R. It. of N. J., for Philadelphia. Atlantic City. Baltlmoro, Washington mid Pennsjlvania statf points. . See tlmo-talilo und rousult ticket agent for connections with other lines. J, C. ANDERSON. G. P. A , Now York. J. IJ WELSH, T, P. A., Sciuiiton, Pa. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS ." "o. i hx i , y. p. .