The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 22, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    i wm-v-'tFf'Tr rmn-u ZmiJtmm -SR?fl
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JCJIA' 22, 1902. , ' fe
., .
UpeclQl to tho Scranton Tribune.
Honesdnlc, July 21. The regular qunr
terly mooting mid communion Borvlcos
will Ijo held in the Methodist church nfcxt
George Miller, of Boston, Mass., wlro Is
visiting his parents tit Sccteyvlllo, sang
two solos very acceptably nt tbo morn
ing service on Siinilny. In tho Prcsbytcr
inn church. At tho cloo of tho sermon
tho rain wa coming down In torrents
nnd whllo the congregation lingered Mr.
Wilier snug several selections. Ho sings
In a prominent church In Boston, and
has a pleasing, woll culllviilcd voice.
Tho contest In ,lhe Wayne-Susquehanna
senatorial district Is atltl utiboltlcd. At
the meeting In tho Allen house on Satur
day, nn nrljournment wns taken until
Auk. 4, to meet tit the Allen hotie.
There will bo both morning und even
ing services In tho Presbyterian church
next Sunday. After tho Hist Sunday In
August, tho church will bo closed for the
Mr. nnd Mrs. Russell Van Kurcn, of
'Jersey City, spent Saturday and Sunday
with tho former's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
yV. J. Van Kurcn, of Third street.
Mr. and Mrs. Ncwklrk and sons, Frank,
"Warren and Hoy, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
are at tho residence of S. Frank Cory,
on Third 6treet, for n few weeks' stay.
Attorney Fred Beers nnd family, of
Scranton, are at the homo of Sir. Beers'
parents, on Fifteenth street.
Manngcr W. J. Sllvcrstone speaks In
complimentary terms of his reception at
Gettysburg, at the lunula of Captain X.
E. Blgelow, Lieutenant Dodge nnd mem
bers of Company 15. Miss Adelaide
Dodge, who wns a visitor at camp, In
company with Miss Janet Rlgclnw, re
turned homo on Saturday. Mls Blgelow
will visit friends at Mlddlctown, I'a be
fore returning home. Mr. M. B. Allen
was also a guest of Company 12, In camp.
Conductor Tierce, of tho 1),. law arc and
Hudson llnncsdale Until, Is off on a vaca
tion. Conductor Ball Is aetlns In his
' Company E and the Uoncsrlalc officers
of the Thirteenth regiment ai lived home
from camp Sunday morning at 1.30, after
being eighteen hours on the ro.itl. Chap
lain William Ii. Swift occupied his pulpit
on Sunday morning. With tl.c exception
of the tedious return ti lp, no Incident oc
curred to mar the enjoyment of tho most
successful camp ever held. They all re
turned In excellent health.
Miss Alice Burns, who has been the
cuest ilf her brother. Dr. K. W. Burns,
returned to her homo In Scr.mton this
Miss Edith Torrcy has as her guests
Bliss Helen Sauge, of Runway, and Miss
Julia McGec, of Jersey City.
On Saturday, notwithstanding the rain
and sloppy condition of tho held, tho
Taylor Beds nnd Honcbdale teams put
tip a well matched game, the score at tho
tnd of the ninth Inning being a tie, 2-2.
From present indications negotiations
have closed between the Crescents nnd
Honesdale teams, and they will not meet
again. There- has been too much play
ing by outsiders.
Among the Scranton gentlemen who
ppent Sunday with rolath-es niil friends
In Honcsdalc .were Joseph Watte, Dlck
Bon Torry, L. Bissell, Ned Kicfcr. Russell
DImmick, Wesley M. GaiiWer and Henry
The Erie offers a most delightful ex
cursion fiom Honcsdalc, July 29, via Kew
burgh and down tho Hudson rl or to Now
York on u day lino steamer.
The Maple City band will accompany
the Uonebdale Loidorkranz's excursion to
Lake Lodore, July 30.
tjpecial to the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. S. E.
Loomis, of La Grange, 111., aio visiting
their son. E. M. Loomi3.
C. L. Carpenter, of AVavcrly, was in
town last week.
Mis. Wirren Whitney, of Chautauqua,
visited Mis. E. M. Titfany, on Thuisday
Ruel Tlngley Is nt picscnt in the Moses
Taylor hospital, at Scianton, wheie lio
has undergone an operation tor appendi
citis. Much anxiety is shown by his
friends for his recovery.
L. P. Bell, of )LcsterbhIie, will spend tho
week with his parents nt this place.
Mrs. Riiub and daughter, Olive, of La
Grange, 111., aro visiting Mr. and Mis. O.
W. Loomis.
J. C. Merrill has sold his houso to A.
J, Green, who expects to occupy it by tho
first of October.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mori 111. of Lestcr
fehtre, and Mrs. Wlllard Ballon spent Sun
day -with their patents nt this place.
Tho Junior union will servo Ico cream
on Ida Sterling's lawn on Satin day even
ing, July Si. All iinitcd.
On Ftlday, July IS, tit 1.30 p. m. tho
pplrlt of Mrs. Eliza Towkobborry passed
to the great beyond. Tho doccas-rd had
been n sufferer from a complication of
diseases for tho past boventeen months,
and whllo nt times sho appealed some
vhat impioved, she would soon havo a
moro severe nttnek and each time glow
worse. "She had tho kindest caic by her
relatives nnd especially by her daughter,
Mrs. B. C, Tinglowlth whom sho lived.
All through he, 'jifierlng sho had been
cry patlont und Jiowcd Christian forti
tude. Mrs. Tewkcsberry Is survived by
$mm 3nti Slaying.
At the start in a long race, the advant
age often appears to be with an outsider.
But the race is won not in starting but
in staying, The quality which wins is
staying power. It is so in the race of
life. Staying
power wins, and
as a rule the best
stayer is the man
with the best
stomach. All
physical strength
is derived from
food which is
AW 11
lsaAJSna assimilated.
When the food
eaten is only part
ly digestea mtd
assimilated there
is a loss of nutri
tion which means
loss of strength
and the geuernl
result is physical
Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Discovery
giyes strength nnd staying power, be
cause it cures diseases of the stomach
nd other organs of digestion and nutri
tion. It enables the perfect digestio;j
and assimilation of the food eaten, and
o strengthens the body naturally by the
nutrition derived from food.
I ws troubled with Indigestion, for about
two years." writes Win. Bowker, Hsg., of Julia,
etta, Latah Co . Idaho. ."1 tried diflcrciit doc.
tori and remedies but to no avail, until I wrote
to you and you told me what to do. I sintered
with a pain in my stomach and left side and
thought that it would kill me, Haw I urn glad
to write this and let you know that I am all
right. I can do my uork now .without pain ami
X aont nave umi urea iccuui; uui i uscu iu
Five bottles of Ur, r
tree's Coldeu Med
ical Discovery cud two vials of his ' 1'lcasaut
fcllets' euro
m rae."
Accept no substitute for Golden Med
ical Discovery. There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
tiiooa ana lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets ore easy and pleas-
,, , ,.!. a' ,., fi--.t,.i Inv-itlu..
WJttotakc. A most etfecUye laxative,
two children, Carl Tcwkosberry, of Seho
ncclady, N, Y nnd Mrs. H. C. Tingley,
of tlits place: four sisters, Mrs. Mary
Shnppeo nnd Mrs. Henrietta Kent, of El
nilrn, N. Y.J Mrs, llnll nnd Mrs. Baker,
of, Towanda. Tho funetnl was held ftom
the houso Sunday at 1 o'clock, nnd from
tho Btooklyn Methodist Episcopal church
nt 2.80 p. m, Interment was made In tho
Brooklyn cnmelnrv.
Spcclll to Hit Scrnton Tribune.
Lake Arid, July 21. This community
was shocked to receive tho sad Intclll-
FOR THE LITTLE OKKS.-Cnt out tho plenties appearing on this page each
day, dmw a pencil mark uioiind tho hidden object, save them until Saturday,
then send them or tn'co them In The Tribune ofllce In nn cnvolopo addressed to.
I'uzzlc ucpaitment." Enclnso in the envelope your name, ago nnti nntness. ino
bns ami girls
who correctly mink the six
nnd whoso nliswcis are ilrtt received, will
liiouno luonaay morning.
"Where nro the
this little fellow.
pence of the death of Miss Maud Chlv
ers, of Scranton. Miss Chivers was born
and raised in this community, and for
two yea is previous to her diparture for
Scranton Miu muda it her home, with
Mr. and Mrs. E. If. Samson, where she
ias iccognlzed as their own idilld. While
here she gained it host of fi lends and
took an acthc part in both church and
Simday school work. She was u blight
girl nnd last year she left this place for
Scranton, where she could have better
school facilities. Last fall sho enrolled
a3 a rtudciit of tho Scranton High school
and would have graduated in 1D03. The
funeral sen lees were hold at KUeis, and
Inteimcnt war. made at Klzprs1 ccmotery,
by the side of her father. Sho leaves a
mother, four bistpis and brother to mourn
their Jo.s.'vlz.iJMvs.JVaj'jiOiMcirliig, Nel
lie, Pciiil, BSrtlin, Edith and Ray Chiv
ers. Born, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Fryer, on the
ISth Inst., a boy. - '
Homer Swingle, of Trcslatvlllc, proceed
ed to paint tho town led last evening,
nnd, according to all accounts, got the
worst of the lob.
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Chapman, of
Avoch, 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Glossinger, pump runner nt Hotel
Columbia, Is going to spend six weeks
at St. Louis tills fall. He expects to
start Sept. 1.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
New Mllfoid, July 21. Thomas Brick
has iclurncd fiom Xewaik Valley, whcio
he lias been visiting iclallves.
Mis. Chailes Qulnii cntcitaincd friends
from llullstciiil last week.
If, J. Blown, of Unlondale, is spending
a fow d,ts at the homo of AttI Stoddaid,
in the tnniishlp.
Mrs. Helen McColIum, of Great Bend,
was In town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr Vails entertained
their gianddaughlcis, Miss Jesslo Burt
lett, of Blngliamton, and Misses Miibol
and Marlon Osboine, of Harfoid, last
E. W. Moigitn, who has been spending
somo tlmo In Salem, Mass., has ictiiiiicd
to his home In Now Mllfuid.
Mis. John'Cliambeiiln is stiff eilng with
nn lujuieil knee, caused by a. fall.
Dr. and Mis. G. I. Clements uro enter
taining J, Outh. of Lendvlllc, Col,
Fictl Clink and wife, of Cubondalc,
wcio leci'iit vlsitois In town.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. DoWItt entertained
Hon. Jeioine DoWItt and wife, of Hlns
li.imton, Sunday.
Mis. Vienna llnydcn. of Washington
Is !sitlng her mother, Mis. M. A. Vail.
Mis. John Golden, of Cohocton, N, Y
visited her sister. Mis. Canduce Qtilnti,
last week. Sho was accompanied homo
by her niece, Miss Katu Qulnii.
Mis. L. Mooie, Is vHtltig frionds
at Tioy, N. Y.
Special to tho Scianton Tilbuno.
Forest City, July 21, Tho funeral
josepn f. unite, on Saturday, was
very largo one, attesting the universal
esteem in which ho was hold by tho com
munity. A solemn high muss was cele
brated in St. Agnes' chinch nt I'.SO o'clock.
Hov. P. J, lioland, of Scianton, waa cclo
burnt; Itev. Father O'Mnlley, of Pittb
ton, . deacon, nnd Itev. Waiter Gorman,
of Cubondalc. sub-deiuion. Hov. .1. w.
Ilealy, of Pleasant .Mount, was muster of i
ceremonies, aim ino pastois uf St. An
lliony'b and St. Agues' chinches were
present hi tho sanctuary. The choir was
abslucd by several members of St, Huso
choir. Ciirbondulc, Itev. Father Ilulund
Pleached tho seniion, ami paid a duo
tribute to the iwcniplHry character of iho
depaitcd, After tho ceicmony tho re
mains wpro taken to Scianton mid burled
In tho Cathedral cemetery. Among tho
floral pieces weio a pillow, Inscribed "Our
nailing," from tho family; gates ajur,
fiom tho Hillside Unto company, urnl a
largo number of casket bouquets. Tho
pallbearers wore classmates of tho de
ceased. They were; Paul O'Neill, of
PIcatant Mount; Jiunej Oidlng, of For
est Clt ; M. J, lioland, Curbondae;
Thomiib O'Mallcy, Ulyphunti Thomas
White, North Scianton, ami Martin Caw
Icy, of Aichbald.
P. J, Fleming litis moved Into Slyron
Woodnuiusco's house,
Misses 1 Ml 111 and Anna Milton have
been lulling In town,
John J. Ueurie nnd ('. J, Jay arc homo
from Mlddletnwn, whcio they hayo been
employed on a now water plant, -
Mis. A. D, Kchrcn and dauehtcr, Helen,
uro visiting In Scranton,
There will bo a meeting of tho United
S?" JI.w"L.Ln ,9"!. "
i4"uwojr owning. rtnurcsBcs win ne
mad9 hy IaVi Jamw. Moore, of Avoca;
Jamcs Kearney, of Olyphnnl, nnd Rev.
M. Orlowlskl, of Duryca. , Everybody
Mies Anna Montlbolla, of Dupont, hns
returned homo, nftcr several months'
stay In Philadelphia,
Hev. J. Ji Ki Floleher, of Plttston,
preached In tho Lahgclirtp Presbyterian
church on Sunday,
John Davis returned homo on Saturdny
from Diego, West Virginia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Morrow, of
Scranton, spent Sunday nt the McCaffcr
ly residence In Brownsville.
Miss Mary OnlliiRhcr, of Jermyn, Is
tho guest of Miss Nclllo Early, of tho
North End.
James F. Connolly has returned home,
nftcr spending some tlmo In New York
clly. Ho Is now yutdmastor In tho Erlo
Miss Ella O'Mallcy Is visiting friends In
Atclibald. i
lit. Rev. Bishop tlarvey, of Altoona,
spent yesterday with Rev. M. F. Crane,
Fied Bowers Is spending ft fow days at
Nlngnra Falls.
Tlin manv frlcndi of Nicholas Mc-
Luughtln will be sorry to learn that ho
plctutcs iippenring riming tuo weeK,
their mimes published In Tho
two companions of
was, perhaps, fatally Injured whllo con
structing a bridge in Ohio. Mr. Mc
Laughlin superintended the construclion
of the bridges of the Rapid Transit line
last winter.
Mr. and' Mrs. D. 13. Brown, of Pcck
villc, spent Sunday with friends hero.
The Reds, tho local pride of the bas-e
ball aiena, journeyed to Honcsdalc on
Satin day, and gave a grand exhibition
of tho national game, with tho strong
tls?eis of that place. It was one of the
finest and most interesting exhibitions
plajcd on tho llonesdale grounds this
season, and notwithstanding the thrcat
cjilng weather was witnessed by nearly
1, ."00 people. The score was a tie, 2-2.
Both teams plajcd a fine articlo of ball.
Tho Reds received a run in the opening
Inning on a. pass to W. Stone, who stolo
Second, added by a bunt by Day. He
advanced to third on n lilt by Touhill to
center field, and later scored on ii passed
ball. No.moie runs were scored until the
sixth inning, when the Tlgeis secured
their first hit of the game. Both sides
scored one each in the eighth, and the
ninth inning closed without cither team
scoring. The teams were tied and in or
der to allow the locals to catch the train
l'niplro Spencer called the game. For the
Reds, Schilds and Morris can led olf the
honois uf tho day. Tho former struck
out eight nl the opposing batsmen, and
allowed but thico scratch hit.t. Tho lat
ter's playing at slioit was of tho sensa
tional older. Ills ono hand stop of a
stialghl dilve was loudly applauded. Day,
llncti and Evans participated in a num
ber of good plays. Miller, the colored
short stop, easily can led off the honor
for the Honcsdalc team. Hessling also
twirled a line game. Tho impartial woik
of Empire Spent er was met with the
general satisfaction of lioth teams. The
homo team speaks well of tho lino treat
ment accorded them by the Honesdaleans.
The score by innings:
Taylor 10 0 0 0 0 0 10-2
Honesdalo 0 0 0 0 0 10 10-2
Hits Honcsdalc, S; Tuylor, 3. Erioib
Hoiiesdale, I; Taylor, 1. Battel les
Schilds and Toye; llessltng nnd Vottcr.
James P. Law and son, James, bpent
Sunday at Houcsdnlo.
W. II. Webb, of Wllkcs-Bane, was a
visitor in town ycsteiday.
American League.
At Philadelphia It. II. E.
Cleveland 1 1 Z 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 10 5
Philadelphia 1 1 0 0 1 1 ti 0 1-11 15 1
llattciits Mooie, Wright und Wood;
Hustings, Plank, Waddell and Powers
and Scliicekengcat. Umpire O'Loughlhi,
At Boston R, II, E.
Chicago 00O0OO21O-3 7 2
Boston 10010 a It) 5 12 2
Il.itteriea PattcrMin and JlcFnrland;
Dlnccn and Wurnor, Umpire Sheildan,
At n.illlmoio It. II, E.
netiolt 002 123 0 9'o-8 11 1
Hdlllmoio 000 000 0000 (i 1
llatteiles Slevcr and McGuIro; Wiltso
nnd Itobliibon. Umpire Johnotone,
At Washington- n. n, i;.
l.ouls , ,,0 10 00000 01 S 1
Washington OOlOOooix 2 G o
Batteries Powell and Kahoo; ouh and
Clark. Umplics Connolly and C'aruthors.
National League,
At Brooklyn It, II. E,
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 S 6
Brooklyn , 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 O.n-10 11 o
Batteries White and nooln; Kltson
ami Aheain und Farrcll. Umpire Emslle,
At St. I.ouls-
R. II, E.
lAAlnAIIA t.11 ,1
,,,, u u v u 1 1 v , ig .
.St. Louis ,.,,.,.,,,000 000 10 1-2 9 3
naiieucs rooio ami wergen; juurpiiy,
Ropn und Ryun. UiupheBrown,
Other clubs pot scheduled.
Eastern League,
Woicebtcr, 'J; PioWdence, 3.
innines (iaiKnc33.
All other games prevented by ruin,
Cholera Infantum,
This has lonsr been regarded as one nf
the most dangerous and futal diseases
to which Infunts are bubject. It can be
cuied, however, when properly treated.
AH that Is necessary Is to give Cham
berlatn'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and castor oil, as directed with
each bottle, and a cure is certain. For
tale by all druggists.
In Which to Take Advantage oftjio Most Liberal Oi'i'er Ever Made-Doctor Churchman JByors Will Treat
All Persons Applying Before August 1st for tho Nominal Sum of $15 Until Cured, Medicines Included.
This Docs Not Mean $15 a Month, but $15 for a Complete Cure All Cases Accepted This Month Under
a Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money Itofundcd This Is Positively the Last Special Offer Doctor
Dyers Will Ever Make Tho Great Quaker Physician Performing Cures Almost Akin to Miracles.
. 11?.vctl , fortunf with tho rarest
sclontllo tialnlng, endowed bv Inherit
ance with the Gift of Healing. Doctor Hy
eia has bestowed fieely or lilt gifts to hH
kind. Ills nanip with tho honor which
theso tiliiinplm press upon It, will llvo ns
long nH the science of mcdklno Is known.
Doctor Hycrs could oomimind most
nny roe, niul his legulnr fees nro high,
....i.l V"". la K,vo every ono nn oppor
tunity to bo cured at u nominal pi Ire,
ho will iigtco to treat nil poisons npply
ng bcfoio August 1 on tho following
Ho will guarantee- to treat all per
sons applying- at his ofllce before
August 1 for tho nominal sum of $15
until cured. That is, $1B covers tho
entire cost for a cure, medicine In
cluded, nnd no further fco Will bo
Ho furthermore agrees, that If tho
patient is not completely cured in a
specified length of time to return
the money paid without nny quib
bling or evasion. It has always
been tho principle of his life nover
to keep a fee unless the patient was
Doctor Byers wishes to make It em
phatic that this offer expires on
August 1st, nnd under no circum
stances will he treat patients nt a
special rate again. This is absolute
ly and positively your last chance to
be cured at a nominal price.
Tho different tissues of tho body aio
mado up of minute cells, and when thso
cells become disariunged, disease is tho
result. By supplying tho proper nutii
ment to tho cells, perfect health can be
obtained. All diseases, no matter how
chronic, can bo cmed by bringing the
cells back to their normnl condition. The
ticatment used by Doctor Byors is not al
lopathic or homeopathic. It is a tieat
ment based upon an exact sclenco and
cuics with the certainty of a fixed law.
Doctor Bycis nover accepts a caso un
less ho knows to ii certainty tho cause of
the trouble, and this enn only be deter
mined by a scientific X-Ray examination.
His X-Rny outfit 13 tho most claboiato
and comploto In this country. By his spe
cial Fluoroscopic nttachment ho is able
to examino all paits of tho body and
find out to an absolute cortalntv tho
cause of tho patient's affliction. Como
and lie examined; it Is absolutely fico.
Ho will not chaigo ou ono cent. Como
and lind out whnt your tioublo Is and
ho will ou In leferciiLo to a cm p.
It is all fico. Ho asks no compensation.
Mrs. Jane Splano, corner Larch
street nnd Wyoming avenue: "I had been
tioubled with my stomach for a good
while. After eating I had such bloating
spells It caused dlstiess and smolheicd up
sensations, dizziness, neivoiisness. and an
all-gone feeling. As a lesult of Doctor
Byeis' treatment 1 am entirely fieo of
these symptoms, anil recommend tho
treatment to my friends.
To Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Islo
City nnd Ocean City, via the Le
high Valley Bailroad.
Tickets on sale July 22nd, limited for
return passage to August 1st, and will
bo honored on any train except tho
Black Diamond Express. Fare for tho
round trip from A 'Ilkes-Barrc, 53.00.
Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents
for further particul.u s.
To Glen Onoko nnd Mauch Chunk,
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
July 27.
Special train will leave Wilkes-Bnrre
at 8.25 a. in. Fare for tho round trip:
Adults, $1.00; dilution, ","i cents. Switch
back tickets will be sold on the train.
Consult agents for particulars.
The Silver Lake Assembly, Silver
Lake, N. Y., July 20-Aug. 21.
For tho above occasion special ex
cursion tickets may bo put chased via
the Lackawanna railroad to Silver Lalto
and return, it rate of $7.20 from Scran
ton. Tickets will be on sale July 15th
to August 21st, inclusive, going limit
date of sale, with final icturn limit to
; Sopt. 1st, 1902, inclusive. Children be
tween the ages of G nnd 12 years at one
half adult fttto,
SGG.25 to Son Francisco and Los An
geles, Cal., and Return via tho Le
high Valley Railroad.
On account of the biennial meeting,
Knights of Pythias, nt San Francisco,
August 11-22, tho Lehigh Valley rail
road will sell excursion tickets to San
Francisco nnd Los Angeles, Cal., nt
$6(5.35 good going August 1st to 9th, In
clusive, good for return passage to Sep
tember 30th, good on nny tiuln except
the Blnck Dlanioiul lCxprcss, Spo Le
high Valley ticket agents for further
Reduced Rates to Now Yorl;
and Return.
For all trains July 29th, Lackawanna
railroad will bell lound-trlp tickets at
rate of one-way faro plus ono dollar,
with u dual return limit up to ami In
cluding August 3rd, Children between
tho ages of G and 12 years of ago, at
one-half fare charged adults.
Nickel Plato Road
Is selling veiy low-rato one-way and
round trip tickets tn points In Colorado,
Utah, South D.iltotn, Minnesota, Wis
consin, etc. Throe splendid fust through
trains each way dally. Finest coaches,
Pullmans and tourist curs. Indivlduul
club meals, 3je, to $1,00, also mculs a
la carte, See neatest agent or write
R. K. Payne, general ngent, No. 201
Main stieet, Butfulo, N, Y,
Reduced Rates
to nil points through the west via tho
Nickel Plate load, Fust time, finest
equipment, everything for comfort nnd
convenience of passengers, Seo nearest
agents, or write j, k. Payne, general
agent, No. 201 Main St., Buffalo, N.
The following young people visited Bald
Mount on Sunday; Palmer Smith, U. H.
M. II. Tine, 838 Union St., Peters
burg (City): "1 would like to add my tca
tltnony to tho many others who Bpeak of
your success In ti eating them. I havo
mado such wonderful Improvement slnco
being treated by you that I fool It would
bo nn Injustlco to you If I did not ac
knowledge It to tho nubile. You mo at
llbcity to use this letter. Possibly It will
bo tho means of fouio sufferer making an
othcr erfort to cast oft that burden of
life, that dreaded disease. Asthma, Cn
Invrh or Bronchial trouble. I had tried
'.. " S ,-. "--v -f
Doctor Byers 'was born of Qunker
parentage and received his early
education under the influence of that
religious denomination.
He graduated with honor from tho
Jeffei&on Medical College of Phila
delphia, 1872.
Matiiculnte of tho Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy.
Full course attendance Pennsyl
vania Hospital for Acute and Sur-
I gical Diseases.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Rent.
FOR RENT After September 1, clght
toom lioiise, nil model n coincidences,
with steam heat tree; good location;
rent modeiate. Apply at Tilbuno olllcc.
FOR BENT 927 Green RIdgo street, 9
loom house, modem Improvements,
steam heat, inodeiato lent, excellent lo
cation and nolghboihood. Inquho 1j-i
Washington avenuo.
Wanted To P.enfe
WANTED A small lious-o or flat, prefer
ably furnished, in desiiablo location.
To gain attention, stuto terms. P. O. Box
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
Impin; omenta; privato lamlly; gen
tlemen piclerred, at 537 Adams avenue.
heat, gas nnd bath,. gentlemen pio
fened, at 539 Adam3 avenuo.
Real E3tate.
LOTS, houses nnd l'uims for salo. Sea
J. C, Zurflleh.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homoi In
upper Gieen RIdgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most desiiablo locality tor homo
In Lackawanna county, J, A. Marvine,
1736 Sandeison avenue.
Dusiness Opportunity.
out delay. Wllto for our special mar
ket letter. Freo on application. S, M.
lllbbani & Co., mombeia N. V. Conioli
dated and Stock Exchango, li and 10
Broadway, Now Yoik. Established 1S0I.
Long Dlstnnco 'Pljono 21SS Bioad.
Money to Loan.
Qulclc, stialebt loans or Building and
Loan, At lrom 4 to C per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 3U-313 Council building.
LOST Packago containing luucelot nnd
locket addicssed Stephen D. Kngle,
Huzldtoir, Pa, Liberal toward, Geo, Y.
Finn. New 'phono 909.
luundcis shirts nt 8c. each und collars
and cuffs tit 1'ic, each.
Von Stoich, John Whor, l.ottlo Smith,
Slury Jones uud Muigurct Bubson,
Dr, nud Alts, Chuilcs A. Milts, of Ynnk
cis, N, Y., mo bojouruliig at tho homo
uf .Mr, and Sirs, S. E. Finn, ,
Miss Otneu Purdy la visiting friends In
New Jersey,
.Mls-s Lena Northup is spending thu
month at Ocean Oioyc, N, J,
Tho I.iickuwauua station litis been
beautified with u ficsh coat of paint.
All niembeis of tho Baptist churOi
choir uro requested to meet at tho dure
of prayer meeting on Thursday ovcidng
to ifhearso selections from tho now bong
books for a sacicd bong service in tho
near futtiic,
Mlji. Chailes Miller is moving her stoio
nnd household goods into ono of tho
stores of tho Eaton block. '
Summer boatdcra arc continuing to
como out here, which, evidences tho popu.
Ui'lty of Dulton ns a summer icsoit.
Mrs. I. 11. Sillier euturulncd, last week,
Sin. Beldlcman and bon, of Now Yoik
many advertised remedies, but failed to
roicio benollt In every caso nnd had
fully mndo up my mlnif not to bo deceived
nny inmc, bullelng that all advertised
icmcdlea to cure chronic dlscaso was a.
fako nnd was Just miming- tho uflllcled,
Your licatmcnt has put now llfo In mo. I
begin to reel Unit tho distress of tho
shortness of brritth Is iv thing of the past,
In December, 1SK), I was taken with la
gilppo nnd ever slncf I have !jun troubled
with a Hhoitncss of bicnth and hud given
up all hopes or over getting Mil oi tin
distress, but I thiinl: tho good Loid that
I have found one doctor whoso treatment
Is within reach or all and who docs as
ho advertises to do.
lr,'n,' '" - ,v s'ii ;
Full course attendance Blockly
Hospital for Skin and Chronic Dis
eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's
Hospital, Philadelphia.
Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clin
ics Diseases of the Throat.
Late Examining Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid
Association of Cincinnati, O.
Late Examining Physician Mutual
Preserve Fund Life Association of-
New York,
No Order
Accepted for Less
Than 10 Cents.
Help,- Wanted Male.
Mr. A J. King, Supotlnlondont, with bituminous coal mines In the town of
Pocahontas, T.iaowell County, Stato of Viiglnla, on tho Norfolk and Western RalV
way, wants bomo good, oxpciicnccd coal miners at once.
For pick mining and loading entry coal 90 cents per car
For pick milling and loading loom coal 73 cents per car
For mining and loading muciilno under-cut entry coal.. ..70 cents per car
For mining and loading machine under-cut room coal....DS cents per car
Inside tiack layers S2.00 to $2.23 per day
Insldo Hack layer helpers J1.50 to $1.7o per day
Insldo timber men Jf00 Per day
Inside timber men helpers 51. GO per day
Parties of 10 can proem o special tickets for $10.73 for each person over tho
PemiHvIvnnin Rnlhoad fiom Philadelphia to Pocahontas. Regular faro for ona
person alone, $11.33. Airanscments can be made to advanco tho railroad faro to ro-
Good lulnois will get regular employment nnd good accommodations, na tha
town of Pocnhnnlns has over 1.000 inhabitants.
An experienced Hat Salesman
to take charge of Hat Depart
ment. Must havo first-class
WANTED Young man who understands
either bookkeeping or short-luind. Ap
ply by letter only, stating oxpcilence,
lcfeieiiccs und salary expected, too to
i: Fuller Co,
AN ACTIVE Philadelphia wholesale
houso currvlng largo lino of Hosiery,
I'udoiweiir, Ulovcs, .Men's Furnishing
Cooilti, Notions and Whito Goods deslies
a fow salesmen. Arrangements can bo
mado to commenco now or between now
ami January 30th. Men wanted who uro
soiling theso lines to prompt paying
trade. Correspondence considered btiictly
cnulldcntlnl. Slato uvoiago annual bales,
tcnltoiy coveted and how frequently vh.
ited. Addiess Notions, P, O. Box 19.',
Phlludolphln, Pa,
Situation Wanted.
WANTED A position by a competent
girl; good cook, AddiesB S, N kl'J
Slooblc stieet, city.
ENUlNEElt wants position, t;itlonory nr
JiolsthiK niul portablo; holds lleunso
and rofcicnco; llfloen years' cspoilunco;
steady, sober; will go any pluiu tor
steady wmk. W. T. Idoirls, Foity Fott,
Luzcrno county, Pa,
LADY wishes day'K work In or out. 0.'7
Leo coutt, Scianton,
SITUATION WANTED-By a young lady
dressmaker; German; addrcs A. K.,
Olyphanti Box U,
man, with child; would llko position
as hntiboUecpor or geneial hotuownrk;
icfeioiices given, Address 12VJ Muplu
btrcet, city,
ns bhlpphig nnd slock cloik: has good
hnblls and has n position ut pioauut, but
desires n ihango lor good toason. Can
fuinish good icfcrencu. Addtcsa 11. C,
cttro of Tilbuuu.
Doardor3 Wanted.
BOARDEUS WANTIin-Wll! tuko mini
mur boaideiH; tlueo laia ulry moms
and good tabic boutd. Addiess O. K,,
Palton, Pa,
Roard nud Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE sulto of roonu with
llrit class talilo hoaid, can bo obtalnsd
at 3JJ Jeff ci son uvenuo.
Mrs, Samuel Brokonshiro, Jermyn,
I'a.: "For over tun ycniu I suffered tho
most ngottlzllig pain from eczema. Both
Itgs wuro cntholy. tuw from tho knees
down to Iho feet. They Itched nnd burnt
so t hud to sit and fan my, legs to keep
them cool. Had to lay at night with my
legs on 11 pillow. Had spasms as tho re
sult of tho pnlii, coming on every twenty
minutes. My friends expected me to dlo
In every spasm. All doctors gave mo up,
said It was linposslhla to euio mo or oven
lor mo to live. Heading nbout Doctor By.
cm my husband decided to try him ns n
Inst resort. Ills tit-atment acted like
magic, tho palus and Itching havo en
tirely censed, I sleep nil night, havo no
moro spantr.M, urn ublo to do my house
work, mid tho legs uro nlmost healed up.
I feel that Doctor Byers him saved my
Mrs. Barbara Dickson, Parker
street, l'i evidence: I had chronic diar
rhoea for fourteen ycniu, which caused
violent beating down and diagging pains
In my abdomen and loins. My howels
wcio often moved as high as seven times
In ono day. Tho stiahilng dually brought
nbout sovere protruding piles. These
caused 1110 much misory. When I went tc
Doctor Bycis' olflco I was so weak from
my suffering that I could hardly drag my
self along. Tho first ticatment ho gave
mo drove all tho pains out of my hips
and legs. My bowels now move regular
ly once n day, and tho piles have ceased
troubling me. God bless tho good Quaker
doctor for what ho has dono for mo.
Mis. M. Queenie, Avoca, Pa.: "I
had been troubled with pain In tho small
of my back for 13 ycai; was confined to
my bed for two months this winter, the
pain at times being so severe It made ma
Acream. I had such a queer feeling In
my head and would tulto such idlzzy
spells I wns afraid to go any placo with
out taking somo ono with mo. My stom
ach nlso troubled mo so I could not eat
anything without great distress. Doctor
Dyers' treatment has relieved mo of all
theso dlsticsslng symptoms nnd I want to
recommend this good Quaker doctor, who
is so kind and sympathetic with all his
Win. Sutton, molder, residing at
B.inksvllle, Pa., says: "I had been
tioubled 13 ycais with a discharge from
my left car. with loss of hearing, pain
and dlsticsslng noises. My car was moro
llko a machine shop than anything else,
as It kept 1111' a continual roaring. Dr.
Hyeis has stopped tho dischaige. restored
tho hearing and lid mo of tho distressing
Chief Consulting riislciaii of the Bl
Choline Treatment.
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Sprues St.,
Scranton Pa.
Office liotiis, 9 a. m. to 12; 2 p
m. to 4.
Evenings, 7 to 8 uauy.
Sunday, 10 nr" m. to 12 m.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Help granted Male.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1864.
Real Eslato Exchango Bldg., 126 Wosh
Ington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spruco streot, Scranton.
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and equipped patoiit
solicitor tn tho city. No chaigo for 'In-
foimntlon on patentability; over ten years
Rcplofflc & Co., Alcars Bldfr.
Hotels nnd Restaurants.
lln avenuo. Rates icabonablo.
P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor.
Passenger dopot, Conducted on tho Eu.
lopcan plan. A'letor Koch, Proprietor.
and cesn pools; no odor: only ImprortSd
punqis used. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor.
Lo.i v orders UOO North Main aven)io.
nr IMcko's thug bloio, comer Adams and
Mulbeiry, Both tojephones.
Wire Screens.
avo., Scianton, infra, of Who Screans.
piles, euvolopes. paper bags, twine.
WuiehotiBO, UJ Wnbhiugton avonuo.
ho had In Scianton at tho news stand
of Relsman Bros.. 403 Spruco and W
Linden: M. Norton, 32 Lackawanna
uve.j I. S. Schuuor, 211 Spruco atre-sU'
a y
" -
M. iff-le
. &V V . ' ' - ?
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tS-afflHftiittt.!fcJiMi,.. .
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