n'. THE SGRAtfTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1!)0L v, Z& h kxxxxxxxxxxx; THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Going Out Camping This summer? Perhaps wo enn help you In get ting up your outfit. You may need an oil stove, a hammock, a cofEco pot or soma ' cooking utoncll. The Modern Haidwaio Store can supply your wants. See window dis play. , ,i Footc & Shear Co. ti9 Washington Ave. !OOOOOOOOOOCX The Hardenbergh School of Music and Art Season 1002 - 1003 opens Thursday, Sept. 18. Most modern and approved methods. Send for prospectus. Carter Building, 604 Linden street. PETER N. HAAN Liveiy, Boarding, Cnb Service, Shop ping, Opera, Party, Wedding and Train Calls. HEAVY TEAMING AND DRAYING "Wcw Stables, 1415 Mulberry Street. New 'Phone 2057. If You Are Considering The purchase or .ilo of any high grade stocks or bonds better consult us. We make a specialty of this Kind of secuii tles. I. F HEGARGEL & CO., Rooms 206 & 207, Commonwealth Bldg. g5, KSN103BH PERSONALS. Judge and Mis. A. A. Vosbuig hao 10 tuined fiom Atlantic City. CleiU V. R. AV. Senile, of tho dlstiict federal couit, Is hpendlng his, vacation at Ills homo in Hubciuclumna. Miss Magglo MLtiiillu and Miss Lena Sclfiicd, of Beech hake, weic the guests of Miss Huiilson, of Mooslc, Sunday. Miss Ruth Miller, of 'Juo Tenth sticct, Is camping ne.ir La Flume a3 tho gucbt of her aunt, Mis. Itcv. U. R. Smith, of l-'actoij ville. Theodoio Mejcis ami wife, of Douance town, tho foimu n well Known diugglst. spent yesteulay as the gueat ot Mis. Ivcl Jer, of Clicbtnut htitet. Mounted Otlltor Chillies Pony Is a pi oud man tlicso da&, over tho aiilvcl of an Intant at his homo on P.iiUcr stieet. lt'fa a lusst, nitccu-poiiud gill. Dr. and Mis. II. I. Jones of San Tiau cIhco, nio tlio guests of John Mouis, of Madison avenue. They nio on louto for their homo after bojouinlng In Huiope for tho past je.ir. M. Pieston, of tho Republican; Super intendent Cli.ules U.imcwcll, of tho In tel national Test Book company, Samuel 1'oik, of tho Voi It Piintlng compan: W. A. Biovwilng, of tlio Timed, and Messis. Kun.a, Slie.iu, 1'. II. Cleiioek, Joseph Ham, of tho Scuintonion, and W. Y, Davis, of The Tilhuno, touslltuto a commltteo of tho Sciautcm Master Pilnteis' iii-sodntlon, who villi make an ofiklnl visit to tlio Wilkes-Bat to association tonight to ton BUlt on inatleis uppcitalnlng to tho In tel est of tho minting fiatcmlty of both cities. ANSWER PROMISED TODAY. The executive committee of the stieet car men's, union and Centinl Labor union will meet today to icceivc through Genoinl Manager Sllllmnn the answer of Picaldont Claik to the ul timatum submitted last week by tlio employes who nie aggrieved because of the alleged fulluro on the p.ttt of tho company to lle up to the agree ment icgaidlng rnefctence In tuna. Nothing was hcuul jesteiday as to what the answer would likely bo or even that it had been transmitted by President Clark. The likelihood, liow crr, is thut it will bo forthtomlng today, GONE TOR THE BONDS. City Cleik M, T. Lavelle and Recor der's. Societal'' Mttik K, L'dgar went to New York, yesteiday, to bccme tho bonds prepatcd theie for tare to Hucj & Sons. As soon as they ma sealed Uio ic corder will foimully notify ilaes & Eons that they uwult dcliveiy, If the latter continue to leftiso to take them the recotder will inoceecl to sell tliem on Hayes & Sons' account, and hold their J,yC0 certified check to make good any loss tho city may sustuln. The Ciescents Base Ball Club, of Curbondalo, and I'oit Jervla base ball club will pluy u match game at Lake I-odoie, July 23, the day of Never slnh lodge, 253, a of It, n. T of I'oit Jervls, excursion. The Riotheihood will run a special train put of Caibondale Rt 1.30 p. m., July 23. Fate, round trip. f;Q cents. if 1 ackavvannX a SCHOOL BOARD HASTROUBLE MR. ALEXANDER'S PROMISES NOT MADE GOOD. Tho ? 100,000 That Was to Be Ad vanced by Dick Bros., Pending tho Issuing of Bonds, Has Not Ma teilalizcd and Is Not Likely to for Somo Time A Possibility That tho Bonds May Be Awaided to New borgcr Bros, & Hcndcison, the Best Bidders. Now the school district Is In bother about its bonds. Unlike tho city, how ever, the school dlrcctois themselves ntc responsible for the bother. They are now facing the posulblllly ot the district losing n lot of Interest money by delay In having the proposed Issue floated. One week ago last night bids wcio opened for tho ?2jO,000 Issue of 3Vi bonds. New borgcr Bros, & Hender son, ot Philadelphia, bid 101 21-1(0. Dick Hi oi of Now York, bid 100 ai-lCO. There was one other smaller bid, New bcrger Dios. & Henderson hnd no rcp icscntntlvo prei cut. Dick Bros, weie lcpiespnted by Klchnrd Alexander, the hiiavo soung man who negotiated the county loan. The llnance cnilimlttee of the boaid leportcd forthwith In fnor of award ing tho Isfcuo to Ncwbcrgcr Bios. & Henderson.. Whllo tho committee was out framing its lcport, tlio board wns In recess, Mr. Alexander proceeded to get busy during the recess, and when tho committee icturned with Its tepoit, It found that tho board was not leady to accept Its recommendation. By a vote of sixteen to four tho board de cided to give Dick Bros, an opportun ity of making1 a supplemental bid and then, by a vote of fifteen to live, ac cepted tho supplemental bid. BOARD HAD BORROWED. The boaid had boironcd $.'0,000 from the local banks and was paying C per cent. Inteiest on it, Mr. Alc.xandci knew this. He went among the mem bers, talked about the standing of his house and tho pievlous satlsfaetoiy dealings It had had with the boaid; called attention to the fact that the city authoiltles weie having no end of trouble by leason of dealing with new and unknown houses, assorted th.it lie had neer heaid of Newberger Bros. & Hcndeison, and wound up by saying that Ills lioue was teady to advance $100,000 in cash Immediately If the board would ghe it the bondb. The fact that the boaid was nhc.idy paying Interest on $50,000 boi lowed money and would have to' boriow an other $.r.0,'000 at the same late at once, made the offer of Mr. Alexander a tempting; one. Some of, tho members protested against the pioposed :habby treatment of Newberger Bios. & Hen derson, but the ready money to wipe out the loan and avoid tho necessitated loan, coupled with the impiession given by Mr. Alexander that Ncuboiger Bios. & Henderson weie nn unknown film, led a majority of the boaid, including somo of its ery best members, to vote for the Alexander pioposition. As It appeared to them, the immediate ad vancement of S100.000 would, by Its saving of Interest charges, ovcicomc tho difference between the two bids by n maigm of $1,"0, and, moie dcshablc than nil, give acsuianee that there would be no dilly-dallying about tho floating of the issue, such ns the i!ty was oHcoiintoiliuj in its dealings with Hayes Bios. SIGNKD AN AGREEMENT. Mr. Alexander letlrcd with the com mittee and signed an agreement to take the bonds at his bid nnd advance tho 5100,000 within three days. One week has passed iind the money Is not foith comlng. Another week must pass be fore theio Is any possibility ot the Alexander pioml.se being made good. Tho chances aie that two weeks or more will pass befoie the advance will be at tho disposal of tho boaid. DIckBios. wiote they weie leady to stand by the promise of their Mr. Alex ander, but before they could advance the $100,000 some little formalities would have to be attended to. Tho boaul would have to meet and authorize tho district ticasuior to glc a piomlssoiy note for tho $100,000 nnd dliect Its presi dent nnd secietniy to sign a paper 10 celptlng for the $100,0C0 and agreeing' to i etui n It "If for any icason Dick Bios, decide not to take tho bonds." At this juiKtuio the board woke up. Tieasmer Baiker still I.s and for some weeks is likely to bo In El Paso, Tox or some place in New Mexico. Not an ticipating any necessity for a special meeting, a number ot the membcis of the bonrd have gone away on summer vacations and oven a tegular meeting next Monday night I.s haidly likely to have a minium. Dlstiict Solicitor D. J, Iteedy, who was consulted after the board woke up, advises against com pliance with tho demand tlmt the presi dent nnd secietaiy of the boaid shall sign an agieemcnt that the $100,000 shall bo i etui ned "If for any reason Dic,k Bios, decide not to take the bonds." WHAT BOARD MAY DO. The icadcis of tho boaid have suited out to make the best of a bad bargain, but with 111 hopes of succeeding to any consldeiable extent. Word of the dlfli cultlrs In tho way of compliance with Dick Bios. demand) wcio forwaided to the hnusp, only to be met by n lesponso that their attorney was up in the Maine woods. His addicts has been seemed nnd Solicitor Becd has wiltten hhn, telling what the board Is willing to do. The chances nio that the board will quit negotiations with Dtek Bros, and seek to patch up n trueo with the oilg nal best bidder, Newbeigcr Bios. & Hendeison. Tho hitter's agent when heie. a few days ago, said his house might agreo to oveilook the ticatment It had been acconled and take the bonds ot tho figures It offeied. A defi nite proposition Is expected fiom them tomoiiow. Bauer's Band Will Run an Excursion to Ci.inberry Lake. N, J Sunday, July 27. Tiulns leuve Kcranton (Delawaie, Lackawanna, and Western station) tit 8 H. in. Adults, t; chlldicn, "5 cents. Tickets good only on special tiulu; must be exchanged on tiain for legulur ticks ts. This will undoubtedly bt the cheap est excursion to leave Sc'innton this bcason, the entlio trip covering over two bundled miles, passing over the Pocono mountain und through tho famous Deluwaie Water Gap. O'Hara's "leador." New Jot Just.rcceived. Have ytu tried thl3 nritchlcss Ec, clfiar? Regards Her Progress . as Wonderfol. Scranton, Pa., Aptll 28, 1002, Mr. J. Alfred Pennington, Dear Slri My llttlo daughter, Martha, entered your school in September without any knowledge of music Sho is not yet nine ycai3 old, but in five months sho learned to play in all the major and minor keys. I ro gaid her progress as wonderful. Her oxorclsos aro pleasing, and the competition of class work is quito Inspiring. Yours vory truly, M. T. RICHMOND. "Description of Courses" in New Prospectus TOTAL AMOUNT OF CITY ASSESSMENT THIS YEAR The city assesrors yesteiday com pleted their tabulation or the 1002 as sessment. It shows the number of oc cupations and their valuations, the number uf dogs, and tho value of prop erty In each of the three glasses. In the Hrst class in which Is included city lealty and pcisonul property, the No. of Val- No of Name. occupations, uatlon. Dork. Flint ward l.KII $ 01,010 ". Second wind 2,2IR in:' 00 1VI Thlid wnid (i.7 27,S.'0 Kl Font til waul 1,1,7." Pfl.V.'i )'! Klfth wald 1.S10 f'i?S-, 41 Sixth ward iiv, ;-,:o 52 Seventh w.nd "IS ?,15 41 HiRhth waul S.'1 fi),.-,i) -U Ninth waul 1; 131 St5 101 Tenth waul 731 rr,010 71 Blrventh wuul 1VA t" 4J5 117 Twelfth ward r.Sl 1?.410 A Thiiteenth ward 1 r,2 !M,r,70 H1 I'miitopntli wald PD." 51,2V, " riftoenth waul 1.11.' h1,4o 140 Sixteenth wald fl.'7 7.1.2"iO 37 Seventeenth ward .... 1.2V) 122.113 7s eighteenth wind .... ::.! is r,on ri Nineteenth waul 1711 d7.V.5 I'l Twentieth waul 1.121 47.1.'3 103 Twcut -first ward ... MB 30.GJ0 SS Total 21.591 J1.373 b.0 KENNEDY AND OTHERS MADE DEFENDANTS John Harvey, Harry Cardell and John Halohan Want 5,000 Apiece for Palse Ariest. John Haivey, Harry Caidcll and John Halohan jesterday began actions in ticspass asainst Loul3 Vlshneskl, John Shiilllioeskl, John Dragoonis and William Kennedy to lecover $5,000 apiece for false surest and Impiison ment. Kennedy 13 buigess of Dickson City. The tin eo plaintiffs me employed as firemen at one of the Delawaie and Hudson collieiles at Olyphant, and on July 11, Cardell went to DlcKson City to have some washing done. Ho asked Haivev and Halohan to accompany him and they did. In Dickson City the men were ac costed by VIshnisKI, Shallhooskl and Dragoonis, Fpecial olllceis, and taken befoio Buigess Kennedy, w he to charges of cariying concenled weapons, resist ing an est and assault and battery weie lodged against them, The bur gess fhicd them $23 each, and In de fault they were committed to the coun ty jail, where they remained until tho next day. They allege that their an est was entirely unw .11 ranted, and that they weie not served with a wan ant or other legal lnstiumcnt of any kind prior to being placed under .most. The plaintiffs aie represented by Attor neys J. II, Toirej, It. J. Mutiny and Joseph O'Biien. HEABD BEFORE ASBITRATORS. Two cases were tiled befoie nrbltia tors In tho couit house yesteiday. One was the ia-e of Philip Swaits:, of Old Foigc, against the Weston Mill com pany, whli li was hand befoie Attor neys C. It. Haw ley, Lewis B, Cuter and Jnmcs V. AVntklns. Tlio other was tho trespass cafo of Martin O'.Malley against the Scranton Railway company, and the aibltrators weie Ciiailcs 13, 'Daniels, C. B, Oaidncr and L. P. IVcrteni.iu. O'Malley asks damages, alleging that a culvert built by the defendant company cncioachc3 on his laud. An Idonl Family Besort. Lake Clemo offers unusual advan tages as an Ideal family summer le soit. Business men with families -can secure good accommodations tit the liako Clemo hotel, .111 up-to-date sum mer hostelt y, under the management of William Hanley, jr. Good tralji ser vice to and fiom Scianton is given by four trains each way dally. line fish ing, bathing and boating. Twenty eight miles via Eilo intlioad. For latea, Win. Hanley, jr., 120 Spiuce st. Wo 'savo joti monov and appio ctnto vour tt.ulo. Wo in n the I.UADING IMPORTING AND niC TAILING TKA OOJII'ANV in this couutiy, having inoio blanches than any other tluco companies combined. It will be nppniont to ou thut tho linmcuso output that wo hiivo for goods gives us a DIS1 TINCT ndvnntaeo over our com petitor mid on.iblcs us to giro moio Value and better Quality for vour money than unv other store, A X- "P T?lrrlr Orflnmw 0 Butter, per lb , 81c A, & P, Blended Coffee, per lb, M , 15c Choice Diinkinp; Teas, per lb. , , , 40c 20 Pounds Pine Granulat ed Sugar, . , , , .,$1,00 Tho ONIjY UOl'SR that actually saves you cash for cash. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,, 411 Lackawanna nvonuo. 321 North Main avenue. 'Phone. 73-2. Piompt dcliveiy, New 'Phone, 12J. I RICH oil poor! IP V3& valuation is $30,353,343. In the second clnss, which Includes suburban piop erty, the valuation Is $7,139,SI0. The valuation of piopeity in the thlid class, or agricultural property, Is $(1,665, SoO. The total valuation Is $65,631,633. Appended Is n table showing the valu ation by wnids und totals: 1st Clnm. "nil Plnsa. : ul ClaFS. Vnl. piop eity leal l,4!)3fl3 312,777 1.W1, li 324.20) 4.M.7S0 SP,10O 23 3J0 113 DI0 75 CO! 1R0 203 13.2 0 140 310 r'.oin 4S7.ir 121 .!', 22S,')1 A !'.0 71.013 30 !l .') 1.203 313 No of Vnl nronertv Val. mon- DogK. real t perronal. crtv icnl. $ 1.812.S ji.ijn.oo-i 2 tu.'.Hn 11S,203 2,111.25 2.2J(i.Vi3 S",I,B70 10.0311, ;i- 5.730,o:o ninio 1,700,2'0 4.'i."00 S.SiH.onn 2,ni0,oo-, !H.!,4"j 3 77li S.!5 U 371. sj) 3'S 3"" 1.4'1.473 1,712.703 14 ,M)0 15l,t) 2ii,sr, 117,430 DO, 1o l.'.'JIO io-, sn 72 333 VCt 933 S'i,40 11 1.1 13 d0.703 4o'),li33 'iS'lUM Ow.lio ' Vs'i '",00 072 S 1,230,703 1,728 f30 333 3l3 $7,135,S40 JO ft'w.SSO TOMORROW'S OUTING. Pifth Annual Event for the News boys of the City Will Take Place at Nay Aug Park. The fifth annual newsboys outing will be held tomorrow at Is'nv Aug park. The indications are that this will be the largest affair of tho kind that has ever been hold In this cltv. Ar rangements are about completed to give the youngsters one of the happiest times Imaginable and the Indications are that nearly 2,000 boys will take part in the picnic and the paiade that pre cedes It. The following contributions have been received for the outing, in addition to those published in jesterday's papers: feci anton 'limes, $3 worth of job piint lng; I. S. Schutzcr, $3; J. W. Watkins, $1; Doughetty & Thomas, CO cents; It. It. P, $1; A. A. Chase, 50 cents; Dr. Hellner, 25 cents; O. P.. Stoll, 25 cents; W. P. Joyce, boiled ham; H. O. Coursen, box oranges; McConnell & Co., pilzc; Mahon's shoo stoie, pair boy's shoes; Lewis & Rellly, pair bicycle shoes; C. II. Schadt, ice; Hayes & Vat ley, lib bon; R. H. Piendeigast, prize; M. P. Hoillyi $5; Dr. G. D. Hill, $5; Philip Robinson, $3; P. II. Durkin, $2; II. L. Evans, pocket knife; New Yoik Amcil can and Journal, 55; George A. Dicker son, bunch bananas; Gcoige M. Mullcy, bunch bananas; William Chappcll, bunch bananas; Enos Fljnn, ten pounds sugui ; Rtianc & CI111K, ten pounds sugar; M. Malum, ten pounds sugar; J. K. Smith, ten pound!) sugar; McDonough Bios., one doeir lcinons; Mulheiin Bios., one dozen lemons; W. II. Dale, one doen loaves bicad; AV, C. Cowles, pocket Unite; George M. Davis-, base ball bat; C. F. Ciossman, live pounds sugar. ' Theie will be about thlrtv laces ot v.tilous kinds for Hie boys, Including running, s.tek.whcclbaiiow, blind, pony, mule and other i.ices. Thiec greased pigs will be let loose to bo chared by the gnnilns anil a "gt eased turkey pull," a novelty In this section, will be one of the uttiactIois. Tho paiade will fonn at S.CO o'clock and fftcr a 111.11 cli thiough the buslnesti crntte, will pantile to tho paik behind a baud. Dr. O. E. Itlll will bo the chief mar slntl of the parude, and n number of assistants are to be uppolntcd by lilm today, . Ribbons. For good typewriter lihbons, call up "Smoot.'.' lie sella them at 75 cents each, or $7 per dozen. Guernsey build ing, city. Dr. Llndabuiy, Suigcon, diseases of women a speciulty, 215 Connell building. Houis: 11 a. m. to 4 p. in.; 7 to 8.30 p. in. Finest Havana t SgYt I $3.50 and $3.75 a box Equal to imported cigars Garcia Conchas, ...$3.50 I,a Flor de San chez and Hay a,., 3,75 Juan L,opez, Key West 05 F, Garcia Conchas, each 05 Per box .-..,. 3,25 E. G. COURSEN YOUNG LADIES DID BEST WORK MISSES MATHEWSON AND YEA OEU SCORE WELL. Each Made Good Advances In Tho Tiibuuo'a Educational Contest. Seven Others Also Helped Them selves Tho En tlio List Changed fiom Eighteenth Placo Sown Con testants Aro Waking Up to Tholr Own Intorcsta, Standing of Contestants Oharlos Burns, Vnndlln(r.440 A. jr. Kellcrman, Scranton. 347 06car H. Kipp, Elmhurst. .333 Prod K. Qunstcr, Oioen Bldgo i .207 Wm, T. 0. Rodriguez Scranton 200 Herbert Thompson, Cai- bondalo 230 Albert Procdman, Belle vim 221 Maxwell Shopheid, Cnr- bondale 183 Chas. V. Dorsoy, Soianton.105 L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . . 08 Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 70 Homer Kiesgo, Hyde Park 61 J. A. Havenstrltc, 'Mos cow 60 Harry Madden, Scranton . . 53 Miss Beatrice Haipur, Thompson 40 Frank B. McCreary, Hall stead 44 William Cooper. Pricaburg 38 Grant M. Decker, Hall stead 37 Hcndrick Adams, Chin chilla 36 Miss Jane Mathowoon, Fnctoryvillo 30 Lee Culver, Springville. . . 33 Walter Hallstcad, Scran ton 27 Harry Danvers, Provi dence 20 Louis MeCuskcr, Park Place 23 Hugh Johnston, Porest City 23 Mis3 Mary Yeager, Green Ridge 22 Fred Kiblcr, South Scran ton 20 C. J. Clark. Peckvillo 18 Louis Gere, Brooklyn 18 Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton IS John Mackic, Providence. 1G Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 16 Eddie Moiris, South Scran ton 15 2. 3. 4. 5. O. 7. 8. O. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 23. 27. 28. 20. 30. 31. 32. 33. Nino contestants "-cored points es teid.iy in Tho Tiibtino's Educational Contest, as follows: Miss Jane Matliew son, Factory vllle, 17: Ficd Kiblei, South Scranton, 1; L V. Stanton, Scianton, 4; Hendilck Adams, Chinchilla, 3; Heibeit Thompson, Caibondale, 3; Jllss Mary Ycaqer, Giccn nidge, 1; William T. S. Ftoclilguez, Scianton, 1; Maxwell fchep hcid, Caibondale, 6; A. J. Kellcnnan, Scianton, 3. As a lesult, eveiy contestant below eighteenth place is changed about thlj moinlng. Miss Mathewson and Miss Yeager each took long jumps upuuid In the list, the Factory ville oung lady going fiom twont -fifth to twentieth place, and Miss Yeager fiom thirty fifth to twenty-sixth. Thomas Dcinp sey, of Olyphant, has had his name diopped from tho list because ho Is now below thirty-third place. The contestants nil seem to bo awakening to the fact that this con test means mote to themselves than to any one else and by their exertions alone Is there any chance of winning a- scholaishlp. Ot course, the larger tho number ot points a contestant has tho wider choice he will have when the con tent closes, while those who loiter now will have to work doubly haid at the end to catch up. The standlrg of tho ten contestants who have scoicd the hugest numba of point j In July follows: - Lending Contestants for July. First Price Blidseye Mnplo Writing Desk. Second Prize Waterman Gold Fountain Pen. l.C. V. Dorhcy 80 2. Albert l-'rccdm.in 70 'i.S, J. Kolleiman eo 1. Ilcihctt Thompson 17 5. Maxwell Shepheid rs G. Vird Kiblcr LO 7. Miss JIary Yeager 20 S. Mlsh Jane Matliowson 17 9. L. U. Stanton 12 10. SIIi-3 nentrlce Hurjiur 11 'U-U.'ZIBH.II l SCBAKTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Day and evening EiOmIour of tho Scianton IUihlne. h College will reopen Tuesday, September 2. AViite, call or 'phono (StJ) for Intoi niatlon. Iini.li kz "Whltmote, corner Adams and Linden. O'Hnia'a "Lender." New lot jiibt ii'cclvd. Il.tvo you tried this matchlcfcs 5c tlsnrV " TSngnfflRTCTYtTOylJyjy Stra w At Two-third Their Value and Less Alen never had a chance to buy good Straw Hats at such low prices. At prices like these the' Hat Department should and will be crowded all day today, French Palms, that sold at $3 $4t now $2.00 Knox Sailors for Women $1.50. A Titnd of Anxiety for Thousands, PAINE'SCELERY COMPOUND Wilt Banish the Summer Blues and Other Distresses That- flake Life Miserable and Unhappy. This Is the senson when wo hear men and women complaining about thulr unhappy tun hnlf-deiid condition. Thqy Hnd that physical nnd mental cncigy hns deseiled them, and they are sink ing deeply In the pit of despondency. The lint summer weather always pio tltices thousands of miserable reeling tnoitnls. They lack neivo foice.strengtli and tiue vitality. They cannot rest day or night, und life becomes a bur den. The gieat recuperator, builder and sticngth-glver tor nil wcniy, wninout and suffering people la Pnlno's Celery Compound, now so unlvoi sally prescrib ed by medical men. When tho gtcat medicine Is used at this season, lan guor, despondency, Irritability, nervous ness, sleeplessness, headache, dyspep sia, nnd digestive tioublcs hie perman ently banished, nnd men and w onion go about their duties and wotk with n vim, will, and energy that indicate health and physical stiength. Mr. J. H. Clark, Newaik, Del., who wa.t in a critical condition of health fiom tiottbles extremely common in summer time, wiltc3 thus ubout his marvelous rescue fiom death: "When I was attacked with nervous prosti.ttlon, I went to one of our local doctors. I continued to grow woise, and consulted other phslclnns, but with veiy little nppateut good. No tongue can express or pen describe my feelings and stiffen Ing from this terrible disease. After spending considerable money In the vain hope of being cured, I was led to tiy Talnc's Ccleiy Com pound, and It Is this jnedlcine which enabled mo to enjoy the health I now have. After the torture I experienced night and day for jeais, the change Is wonderful." 1R53 The Pridmore Automatic Copying Press Gives four times more pressure than any other press. A!! sizes in stock The screw is designed so H9 to maJce-backing-off- impossible. REYNOLDS BROTHERS; gw $ Hotel Jermyn EKaS5ICia32EaE25S3EES 1 1 whahw bUUTl BWWiEBIIg OIL.S I Maloney Oil & ManiiiacfUring Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. &, ' OLD 'PHONE BOS. NEW 'PHONE SBBl o Hats for Men Knox Rough Hats, s m a II shapes, $1.50. $7 Palms, $4. Hand & Payne, Cor. Washington Ave. and Spruce St, mmaMmmammmmammmmmMKmtmmmmmsaammm mimm Blliij lo Extra Stamp's with every sale for $i.oo or over at NETTLETONS Bring this Coupon, Mid-summer Sale closing tut odd sizes at reduced prices. Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords at 00c, 75c, 81.00, $1.23, 82.00. Men's Shoes at 08c, 81.25, 8176, 82.00, 82.25, 32.50 83.00, 83.50 and 84.00., Opposite Connell Building. 134 Washington Avenue. Everything for Your Wagon or Carriage at BittenbenderSC ? 126-128 Franklin Ave. .! Complaints Having Reached Us That people are soliciting work in our name, wo wish to notify the public that we have no agents out whatever. Have you seen oux (I STORM KING" UMBRELLA? Guaranted to stand all storms or money refunded. Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co., 313 Spruce Street. Costs nothing to see this Press and Riirninu MIIU WUIIIIIIg 1 $2 Rough Hats 4 and Palms, ' 4 1 $& Some Nice Panamas Reduced. 1111 "" i nMll'i'fi 1 i l - X " " ,1(.,.' 1 -t .J; lf ' y ' J-."