- 41 THE SCHANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY. JULY 21, 1902. -i X i il ill I II MMd UfcMJM. X ABLE TO WORK The man who cannot work cams no, wages. savings. For the laborer continued ill-health means at last poverty and dependence, two things which revolt tiis soul. To the sick laboring man it is a matter of the first importance that he regain his health, and in the surest, speediest way. Perfect and permanent health has been restored to thousands of sick, run-down men and women by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, after doctors had altogether failed of giving any lasting benefit. Please accept my thanks for your wonderful medicine, 'Golden Medical Discovery,' which has brought me from the bed to a healthy man again," writes Mr. G. W. Brisco, of Abilene, Kans. "When I began taking your medicine I waa run-down in health and flesh, had no appetite, had heavy Eain in abdomen, headache, backache, dizziness, shortness of rea'th, also eyes were weak, could not do any work. Before I had tried your treatment I had taken a good deal of medi cine from home doctors, but only received temporary relief. After using five bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery I am now able to do a good day's work and do it with case. The relief was something that I could not describe. It has enabled mc to do my work steadily ever since." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dis eases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and so enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food which is the only source of physical strength. When a man is as Mr. Brisco wps -'run-down in health and flesh" and grows too weak to work, his condition points at once to dis ease of the stomach, as surely as weakness and loss of flesh are due to loss of nutrition. The first thing to do is to cure the stomach. When the stomach is .made well and strong by "Golden Medical Dis covery," the torpid liver becomes active, the kidneys are regulated, the heart recovers its tone, and the body is once more in perfect health. Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Dis covery." There is nothing "just as good" for dis eases of the stomach. FlREEm Dp' Piece's Common Scnso MoeSlcal mmmwMmmm Adviser containing mora titan a thow ''sand pages is sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay exponso of mailing ONLYa Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or 21 stamps for the book in paper covers Address Or. R. Vr PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. . Tunkhannock, July 19. Mrs. Thomas 'A. Purdon, of Dalton, Is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Wood ,vard. on Second street. Miss Mame Vaughn, of Scranton, Is Visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. El mer Vaughn, at this place. The Lehigh Valley Railroad company have a large force of men working on tho Montrose branch, and it is contl dently expected that wide gttage trains .will be running from Tunkhannock to Montrose within a year. Hugh Calla han, of this place, has charge of the work. Rev. Samuel C. Hodge and wife arc spending a two months' vacation on Long Island. Lculs Hilkowich, of Now York, Is spending a few days with his family here. Mrs. Hanry Provost and Miss Callio Bogart leave today for Vermont, where they will visit friends for several weeks. Archdeacon Radcliffc, of the Central Pennsylvania dioce.sp, conducted ser vices at the Episcopal church on Sun day. There will be a regular meeting of the J. W. Reynolds Worat-n's Relief corps, Ih tho Grand Army hall, on Tuesday evening, July 22. Daniel Collins, of New York city, is Visiting his mother, Mrs. Daniel Col lins, on. Second street. The primary Sunday school class of the Presbyterian church cleared $4.75 at their social, held in the pnrlors of the church last Friday evening. Squire Dennis J. Hurley, of. Mcshop pen, was doing business in town on Saturday. Mrs. William West Is entertaining her father, William Johnson, of La thropo, Jackson Ross caught ft seven-pound yellow bass In tho river here on Satur day. BRADFQRD COUNTY. Bprclfl to the Scranton Tribune. Towantln, July IS, Tho postmaster at Granville Summit sends his receipts to the postmaster at Scranton. Hy having a slot machine he secured, during tho last quarter, 2,600 copper coins, which were securely wrapped In strong paper and placed In a catch-mall pouch, So heavy were tho pennies that when tho email bag was grnhbed by tho arm ex tending from tho fast mull train on tho Northern Central railroad the package broke through tho pouch and tho pen nies flew In all directions along the trucks for quite a distance, Two whole days wPro bpent by tho postmaster, his wife, a daughter, two bona and two hired men li looking up tho coin, und al was found except 606, The lost pennies represent inoro than tho earn ings of the olllce for u quarter, and now It is reported that the postmaster The Best Diarrhoea Medicino on Eaith. That is what Mr. W K. Landers, a prominent farmer near Indianapolis, Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era and Diarrhoea Remedy, Reud his testimonial: "It Hives me great pleas urefto tell you how much Chamberlain's Colc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy jias done for me, I have used Jt for nine years and I think It is tho best medicino on earth. It has saved my life several times, I would not think of being without a bottle of It In the house." For sale by all druggists. snys ho will forward greenbacks In tho future. During a heavy storm near Troy, lightning struck a large barn belong ing to J. J. Rohlnyer, which was en tirely destroyed by lire. Three horses were binned, besides hay, farming im plements and machinery, to the amount of $2,500. Tho 6-ycar-old daughter of John Croak, of Marshviow, while playing near workmen on Friday, was acci dentally struck across tho hand with an axe, which necessitated the ampu tation of one of her lingers. II. L. Robinson, formerly In the em ploy of tho United States Express com-, pany at Towandn, and later at Niagara Falls and Rochester, has just been honored with an appointment as sta tion .agent al Wllkes-E.irre, A severe thunder and hall shower, passed over this section yesterday afternoon, doing damage to tobacco and other rrons. While Fred Collins, of Waverly, was visiting at Forksvillo and playing with PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES -Cut out the pictures appearing on this page each day. (haw a. poncil mark aiouml tho hidden object, have them until Saturday, then hand them or tako them to Tho Tribune office in an envelope nddresscd to "PujmIo Department." Enclose in tho cnvelopo your -name, ago and address. Tho boys and girls who couectly mark tho six pictures appearing dining tho week, and ului'o answers are fust received, will havo their names published in Tho Tilbuno Monday morning. La3t Wcok's Those who weio llrst to bend in correct answers last week wero the following: Ago. 1. B.ubara Horner, SOJ Qulncy nvc- uuo 10 2. Clementine J. Dorsuy, 1213 Llmlon stieet is 3. Edna Y, Knnx 7 I. Patilck Tloinoy, 3.M Franklin avn.. 11 G. Solum E. Haith, 170 Binok street. Dumuoro u 6. Harry Keast, Dunmoro w Find tho father children, Answers for labt Monday. July 11 Tho wife Is under tho millers plpcstemj tho ton at lower paddlo of water wheel. Tuesday. July 15-One Is unde-. the hoi sou nose and the other over general's upllftod nnn. Wednesday. July 10-One Is under the tight urm of jumping gli and tho other in front of her. AGAIN, . Sickness swiftly swallows his L ,;, l--1--J' some other lads, he received a 32-calibro bullet In his thigh. Ho was brought to the Packer hospital. O. II. Lancaster, proprietor of the Mountain Lake hotel, has just married Miss Mamie S. Benjamin, of Hopewell, N. J. A valuable horse owned by James Sh.iylor, and being pastured near the town, died from exhaustion from tho effects of being ridden around a field by four young boys. Tho parents will be compelled to pay damages. A log house, over eighty years old, was demolished by a fierce wind storm In Crofut, a few days ago. An advertising agent, giving his name as Boyle or Brennon, has been arrested at Waverly for obtaining money on false pretense. He had been working the hotel chart scheme in that vicinity. Mrs. Frank Becker, of Camptown, fell from a lumber wagon and broke her neck on Tuesday, causing instant death. The Frcoland Fishing club, of Lu zerne, are enjoying their annual out ing on the river near Wyaluslng. Their chef Is D. Howard, of tho Sterling hotel, Wllkcs-Barrc. The Sisters of St. Agnes' school of this place have presented Rev. Father McAndrew, of WIlkes-Barre, suitable gifts at his silver jubilee. Tho First National bank, of Wy.ilus Ing, has just declared a three per cent, dividend on the capital and placed $1,000 In the surplus fund. i Puszlo Solvers. 7. Walter S. n venue .. Bennett, 1322 Madison ' S. Harry W. Potter. 4H Eighth street. 9. Ruth Coleman, Thump, Pa 10. Waiter L. G. Kotab.i, 1113 Fnliileld s 5 aventio 11. Sarnh Chandler. 711 Linden street.. 7 12. Can la Emeiy, Elmhurst 8 12. Everett Dale, Daloville, Pa 12 II. Walter IJIoes. Peekvlllo 7 13. Margaret Dale, 12D W. Market St.... 9 10. Rex Myeis, Carbnndalo and mother of these Week'3 Puzzles, Thursday, July IS One Is In tho crotch of tho tiee nnd tho other over the loft arm of tho mothor. Friday. J.ty 18-One U In trees in front of Halo and the other next to hangman's right arm. Satin day. July 19-Ono is under her left arm and the other beneath the punching bag HALLSTEAD. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Hnllstend, July 18. Mr. Htongcr, ot the Mitchell house, recently kilted a black stialto on tho road to the oil and gas well, which was 'between five and six feet long. Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Hall and daugh ter, Clara, and boh, Charles, of Scran ton, nro visiting relatives In town. Miss Laura Van Fleet, of Nicholson, Is the guest of Mrs. Allen Ward, of Pino street, Frank Corwln has accepted a posi tion in Norwich, N. Y. Mrs. Margaret Wood and Mrs. Rose Dayton lcavo todny for Atlantic City. John Robinson, Who recently had an operation performed at a Scranton hospital, has returned home, much Im proved. ' Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, a boy. Fred Lamb, of Albany, N. Y., was a recent visitor1 In town. Miss Grace Harding, ot Harford, is visiting her numerous friends In Hnll s'tcad. Grant Decker, of Syracuse, Is enjoy ing a short vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. MJlIard Decker. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Waterman were Blnghamton callers yestcrduy. Misses Rose and Agnes Griffin, of Susquehanna, are spending a fow days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simons havo returned to their home In Hoboken. Mrs. Charles Roncy has returned from Susquehanna, whoro she has been visiting friends. Miss Carrie Mead entertained a num ber of her friends at a pedro party Thursday 'evening. Tho Yoke Follows band of tho Young Men's Christian association recently elected N. J. Brown, as president. Tho family meeting at the association will bo led by William Williams, of Great Bend. The Hnllstend band, assisted by tho Susquehanna band, will give a. concert in Great Bend, Saturday evening. NICHOLSON. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, July 20. Dr. Longstroet, of Scranton, was in town last week and performed .an operation on Mrs. Wil liam Werklmcr, assisted by Drs. Deck er and Heller. E. D. Bell and family arc spending a week at Jeffer's lake. Mrs. William McGloon died Friday morning, after an illness of two weeks. Miss Carrie Stephens, daughter of Jeremiah Stephens, lert last Saturday for a visit In the West. She will go to Seattle before returning home. Mrs. Charles ..Osborne Is visiting Har ford f i lends. STAGE NOTES. Tho veteran actor, W. J. Lcmoync, Is able to bo out again after a long and severe illness. Alficd Aarons will havo "The Knicker bocker Girl" and "My Antoinette" on tho road next season. Ellta Proctor Otis Is to star next rea son in "Oliver Twist." It la also repott ed that Wilton Lackayo will probably play Syltes. Julia Aithur (Mrs. B. P. Cheney) has successfully undcigope an operation for appendicitis in Boston. ' John W. Albaugh, Jr., has boon engaged for tho leading part In "Captain Molly," tho new play by George C. Hnzlctnn. Wilson Barrett wroto a play of four acts und tho bettor part of a novel while on his South Afilean four. George Fox, the well known "Humpty Dumpty" clown, has signed with one of tho "Way Down East" companies for next season nnd will play HI Holler. Saiah Bernhardt has given out the positive Information in England that alio will play Romeo to Maude Adams' Juliet In this country dining tho season of 1913. Edward E. Rico Is to produce "Ktiicj High Ball" next season by Charles Hor wita and Fred V. Eowcis. Ho has als-o accepted a musical comedy from an un known author entitled, "Ships That Pass in the Night." Lillian Blauvolt has returned to thl3 country for tho summer months. Sho will not slug while on this sldo nnd will return to England in tho autumn to par ticipate In tho music festivals in which Lillian Nordiea is also to sing. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS SUMMER TOUR TO THE NORTH. Vacation Trip to Canada via Penn sylvania Railroad. Tho Pennsylvania railroad personally-conducted tour to Northern New York nnd Canada, leaving August 12. cvovcrs many prominent points of In terest to the summer tourist Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Rapids of tho St. Lawrence, Quebec, The Saguenay, Montreal, Au Sablo Chasm, Lakes Uhamplaln antl George and Saratoga. Tho tour covers a period of fifteen days; round-trip rate, $123. Tho party will bo In charge of one of the company's tourist agents, assist ed by an experienced lady as chaperon, whoso especial charge will be unes corted ladles. Tho rate covers railway and boat fare for tho entlro round trip, parlor-car seats, meals en route, hqtol entertain ment, transfer ehurges and carriage hire. For detailed itinerary, tickets or any additional Information, npply to ticket agents, tourist agent, 1196 Broadwny, Now York; or address George W. Boyd, assistant general passpngcr agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. REDUCED RATES TO SAN FRAN CISCO AND LOS ANGELES. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Biennial Meeting, Knights of Py thias. On account of the biennial mooting, Knights of Pythias, at San Francisco, Cnl., August U to 22, 1902, tho Pennsyl vania Railroad company will sell ex cursion tickets to San Francisco or Los Angeles from nil stations on its lines from August 1 to 9, Inclusive, at great ly reduced rates, These tlckota will bo good for return passage until Septem ber SO, Inclusive, when executed by joint agent at L03 Angeles or San Francisco and payment of B0 cents made for this service. For specific Information re garding rates and routes, apply to ticket agents. REDUCED RATES TO SALT LAKE CITY, Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Grand Lodgo, B. & F, O. E. On account of tho grand lodgo, B. and P, O. E., to be held at Salt Lako City, August 12 to 14, tho Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell excursion tickets to Salt Lako City front all sta tions on Its lines at reduced rates. Tickets will bo sold and good going THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" I IUII IILIIIU, Only Halt a Cnt a Word. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Young lady nn cashier! tnliat bo experienced. Apply at FInloy'B. Situation Wanted. ENGINEER wnnts position, stationery or hoisting nnd portable; holds llccnso and refcrenros flrtcen years' experience; steady, sober; will go any place. for steady work. W. T. Morris, Forty Foit, Luzcrno county, Pa. LADY wishes day's Wilt In or out. CJ7 Leo court, Scranton. SITUATION WANTED-lly a young lady dressmaker; German; address A. K., Olyphant, Rnx U. SITUATION WANTED by young wo man, with child; would lllto position as housekeeper or general bousownrk; l'cfct oners given. Addrcs3 12C0 Maple street, city. SITUATION WANTED-Dy a young man as shipping nnd stock clerk; has good habits and hns a position at present, but desires a cliango for good rousnn. Can furnish good leferonco. Address II. C, caio of Tiibunc. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED ROOMS for font, niodorn Improvements; private family; gen tlemen preferred, at E37 Adams uvenuo. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas nnd batht gentlemen pre ferred, at K9 Adams avenue. Real Estate. LOTS, houses nnd farms for J. C. Zurfllch. sale. Sec FOR SA LE Elegant sites for homes in upper Green Rldgo; cholco neighbor hood; most dcslrnblo loculltv for homo In Lncknwanna county. J. A. Marvino, 17SG Sandoraon avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Wrlto for our special mar ket letter. Free on appllnntion. S. M. Hllibnrd & Co., mombcia N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. 14 and W llroadway, New York. Established 1S01. Long DIstnnco 'Phone 2.1SS Hiond. Wanted To Rent. WANTED A small house or Hat, prpf.T- nmy iiirnlHlica, In ueslinblo location. To guln attention, state terms. P. O. Eox 327. Boarders Wanted. BOARDERS WANTED-WI1I tako sum mer lioardcis; threo large ally rooms nnd gtiod table boaid. Address O. 1C, Dnlton, Pa. Beard and Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE snlto of looms with first class table bo'ird, can be obtained at S33 Jefferson aventio. Strayed. VSN-V. STRAYED ON tho premises of the Del.v waio nnd Hudson Co.. at Minooka, July 11, one dark brown horso mule, 10 yens old. 1,130 pounds; one dark blown maro mule, !) years old, 1,130 pounds. Owner can have same by calling at Greenwood colliery nnd paying charges. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmoro, launders shirts nt be. each and collars and cuffs at lc. each. on August G to S, inclusive, nnd will bo good to return until September 30, Inclusive. Tickets must be validated for return passage by joint agent at Salt Lako City, for which service a fee of 50 ccnti wllll bo charged. For specific rates and conditions, ap ply to ticket agents. GRAND SEASHORE EXCURSION. To Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City, via the Le high Valley Railroad. Tickets on sale July 22nd, limited for return passage to August 1st, and will bo honored on any train except tho RIack Diamond Express. Fare for tho round trip from AVIlkcs-Harre, $3.00. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. Special Seashore Excursion. To Long Branch, Ocean Grove, As bury Park, via New Jersey Central, Tuesday, July 22, 1802. Round trip, $3; children, 5 to 12 years, half fare. Round trip tickets, good going on regular trains on above date and good leturn Ing on any regular tialn, on or before August 1, will bo on sule at tho follow ing stations: Scranton. Tavlor. Mnn- slc, Avoca, Plttston, Yatesvlllc, Lallln, Miners' Mills, Parsons, Wilkcs-Rane. J. S. SWISHER, Dist. Passenger Agent, Scranton. The Silver lake Assembly, Silver Lake, N. V., July 20-Aug. SI. For tho above occasion special ex cursion tickets winy be purchased via the Lackawanna railroad to Silver Lake and return, at rate of $7.20 from Scran ton. Tickets will bo on sale July 15th to August 21st, Incluslvo, going limit date of bale, with final return limit to Sept. 1st, 1002, Inclusive. Children be tween tho ages of 5 and 12 years at ono half adult rate. S06.25 to San Francisco and Los An geles, Cal., nnd Return via tho Le high Valley Railroad. On account of tho biennial meeting, Knights of Pythlus, nt San F.finelsco, August 11-22, the Le'hlgh Valley rail road will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal at JCG.23 good going August 1st to 0th, In clusive, good for return passage to Sep tember 30th, good on nny train except the Rlack Diamond Express. Sco Le high Valley ticket agents for further information. SUNDAY EXCURSION. To Glen Onoko nnd Mnuch dumb, via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, July 27, Special train will leavo Wllkes-Rarro at 8.25 a, in. Faro for tho round trip; Adults, $1,00; chlldien, 75 cents. Switch hack tickets will bo bold on tho train, Consult agents for particulars. Reduced Rates to New York City nnd Return. For all trains July 2!)th, Lackawanna railroad will sell round-trip tickets at rate of one-way fare plus one dollar, with a final return limit up to and In cluding August 3rd. Children between tho ages of S and 12 years of ago, at one-half faro charged adults. No Order Accented for Less Than 10 Cents. Help Wanted Male; COAL. MINERS WANTED - TIIC POCAHONTAS COI.LIt-RIUS COMPANY Mr. A J. King, Superintendent, with bituminous coal mines In tho town of Pocahontas, Tazewell County, Stato of Virginia, on tho Norfolk nnd Wcstorn Hall way, want some good, experienced coal miners nt onco. WAQES; For pick mining and loading entry coal M cents por car I'or pick mining alid, loading room coal , 73 cents per enr J' or mining and londlfig maclllno under-cut entry coal ...,70 cents per car I' or mining and loading muchluo under-cut room oonl...,iS cents por car , Jtifildc track layers $2 00 to tz,T tier day Insldo track layer helpers , JI..V) to $1.75 por day Insldo timber men. $2.00 por day Int-ldo timber men helpers........."-, Jl.BO por day Parties of 10 can procuro special tickets for $10.73 for each person over tttt Pennsylvania Railroad from Philadelphia, to Pocahontas. Regular fnro for on person alone, $11.33. Arrangements can bo tnudo to advanco tho railroad fare to ro spoiiHlhlo persons. , , Good miners will get regular employment and good accommodations, ns tho town of Pocahontas linn over J.noo inbnliltauts. POCAHONTAS COLLIERIES COMPANY. Bnl Arcndo Bldg., Phlla. For Rent. COTTAfiM irnu mitt nt Waveilv from this data or for August only; furn ished; seven looms. Inqullo W. A. San ford, COG Paull Uldg., or Waverly, Pa. FOR RENT-Afler September 1, eight room house, all modern conveniences, with steam heat free; good location; rent moderate. Apply at Tribune ouice. FOR RI3NT Half ot a now doilblo houso, 9 rooms; nil modern Improvements, US Webster nvcntio. FOR RENT-927 Green Rldgo Btrcot, 0 room house, modern improvements, steam heat, moderato rent, excellent lo cation nnd neighborhood. Inqtllro lo3G Washington uvenuo. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Qulck, Bti night loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to G por cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 311-315 Connoll building. BA NKING. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE I at Scianton, In tho Dtuto of Pennsylvania, at tho close of business, July lti, 1W2: RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts $ 1.SG2.021 22 Ovci drafts, secured and unso ciucd 1,70117 U. S. bonds to secuio circula tion 50.00U 00 Stocks, securities, etc 7,00J,S7.1'JJ lianking house, lurnituio and llxtuies 70,100 S3 Duo fiom National banks (not rcservo agents) 07,517 13 Duo fiom State banks and bunkcis 20,14.) 52 Due from approved rcservo agents G3G.1S4 45 Internal revenue stamps S53 20 Checks and other cash Items.. 10,30S 23 Exchanges for Clearing house. 22,909 27 Notes of other National banks 23.O0J 00 Fractional paper cuneucy, nickels, and cents 1,12114 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, vl.: Specie $171,373 (-0 Legal tender notes 479,529 uO G13.102 60 Redemption fund with II. S. Measurer (5 per cent, of cir culation) 2,300 00 Total $10,433,959 63 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 200,000 0) Sin plus fund 1,000,000,00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 523,21149 National bank notes outstand ing 49,100 00 Duo to other National hanks.. 33,072 31 Due to Stato banks und bank ers ; 12.S23 53 (Tuo to approved reset vo agents 27.G59 S7 Dividends unpaid 110 00 Individual deposits subject to check 8,475,297 G3 Time certificates of deposit....- 10-ViSG 04 Certified checks 3,313 14 Cashier's chucks outstanding.. 22,110 07 Notes and bills rciiiscountcd... Nono Bill spayablu. including certif icates of deposit for money borrowed Nono Liabilities other than thoso above slated Nono Total $10,155.99 OS Stoto of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss.: I, Isaac Post, cnsbler of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge' and belief. ISAAC POST Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this lEth day of July, 1902. JAS. II. TORREY. Notaiy Public. Con cct Attest: W. W. SCRANTON, O. L. DICKSON, J. A. LINEN. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD 111! at Scranton, in tho Stato of Pennsylvania, at thq eloso of business, July 10, 190-'; RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $2,310,710 72 Ovcnliatts, secured and unsc- ciucd 1.0JI 21 U. S. bonds to securu circula tion 50,00000 U, S. bonds to securu U. S. de posits , 471,000 00 Premiums on U. S. bonds Nono Stocks, securities, etc G5I,29G 37 Banking house, furnituto und llxtuies 50,000 00 Duo fiom National banks (not rescno agents) 2 1, D IS 17 Duo fiom Stato banks und bankers 2,133 05 Duo from upproved rcservo agents 413,317 21 Internal revenue, stamps 19I 50 Checks and other ca-ili- Items... 4.700 11 Exchanges for clearing houso.. 5,311 5S Notes of othor National banks, 3,105 00 Fractional papnr curioncy, nickels, and cents 2,071 2G Lawful Money Reserve In bank, Specie $110,195 19 Legal tender notes, 17,000 00 1S7.195 19 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (3 per cent, of circu lation) .' 2,500 00 Total ,.$U9S,SI.' DJ LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid hi $ '.'OO.OW 00 Surplus fund UXI.OQUW Undivided prollts, lets expenses and taxes paid 22,172 8G National bank notes outstand ing , 60,000 00 Duo to other National banks... 20,100 41 Duo to State I) inks and bankers D.CGj '! Duo to Trust companies and Savings banks 21.S7S 72 Duo to upproved rcservo agents .,,.,, 5,901 OS Dividemls unpaid , 332 50 Individual deposits subject to Check 2.73S.19I22 Demand certificates of deposit., SM.7.V) 00 Cei tilled cheeks 2.GIJ 10 ('ashler's checks outstanding.,, U M United States deposits 470,328 W Deposits of U, S. dlsbuislng of- fleets ,,.,.,..,,,, G5 91 Total 5l.10S.su i.J Stato of Pennsylvania, County of Uick. awannn, ss.; I, William II. Peck, cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho nbovo statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge nnd belief. WJt. H. PECK. Cashier. Subscilbed nnd sworn to before mo this 19th day of July. 1902. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. Notary J'ubllc. Correct Attest! HENRY BEL1N. JR., GEO. H. CATL1N. LUTHER KELLER. Dhectors. 4 DIRECTORY. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REAL ESTATE Only Half a Ctnt a Word. Help Wanted Male. BANKiJVQ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE TRADERS NATIONAL BANK at Scranton, In tho Stato of Pennsylva nia, at the closo of business, July 16, 1902, RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts Jl,4,i4,S73 SG Overdrafts, secured and unse cured '., 257 Gt U. S. bonds to sccuro circula tion 180,00000 U. B. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 120,000 00 Piomluifis'un U. S. bonds 10,000 00 Stocks, securities, otc 108,818 35 Banking houso, furniture, and fixtures 140.000 00 Other real estato owned 7,400 00 Duo from National Banks (not rcservo ngents) 9,475 22 Duo from approved rcservo ngents 102,262 07 InternaLRovcnuo stamps CO 82 ChccKs and other cash items... 3S9 75 Exchanges for clearing hoU30.. 15.41S 5S Notes of other National Banks 5,625 0C Fractional paper currency, nickels, nnd cents 1,29011 Lawful money rcservo In bank, viz.: Spccio $70,072 10 Legal tender notes 40,000 00 ' 110,072 10 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation) i 9,000 00 Duo from IT. S. Treasurer, oth er than 5 por cent, redemp tion fund 1,600 00 Total ."$2,340,139 53 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In J 250,000 00 Surplus fund '. 125,000 00 Undivided prollts, less expenses nnd taxes paid 21,196 22 National Bank notes outstand ing 180,000 00 Duo to othor National Banks... 69,380 54 Duo to Stato banks and bank ers 43,25251 Dividends unpaid 525 00 Individual deposits subject to check 1.3S7.099 31 Demand certificates of deposit. 115,290 24 Certified checks 2,610 51 Cashier's checks outstanding... 785 47 United States deposits 120.000 00 Notes, and bills rcdlscountcd.... 50,000 00 Total .J2.340l39"53 Stato of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, ss.: I, F. W. Wellcrton, cashier of tha nbovo named bank, do solemnly affirm that tho abovo statement is trim to tho best of mv knowledgo nnd belief. F. W. WOLLERTON, Cashier. Subscribed and nfllrmed to before me this ISth day of July. 1902. ALBERT L. WATSON. Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. W. WATSON, J. J. JERMYN. CHARLES P. MATTHEWS. Directors. LEGAL. NOTICE of salo of horses impounded In tho City Pound on Dlx court In the cltv of Scranton. Notico is hereby given that two bay mares, ono 14 hands high, about 12 years of age, small whlto stripe on loft hind leg, tho other about 10 yeais of age. with heavy mnne, four whlto feet, with no shoes, and bmnll star In forehead, nro Im pounded In tho City Pound in Dlx court, in tho city of Scranton, and havo been so detained for five dnys last past. Tho owner or owners having failed to reclaim said animals notico Is nereby given that unless tho samo are reclaimed, and tho expenses Incident thereto paid bv tho owner or owneis, tho said horse3 will bo sold nt public salo on Thursday, tho 21th day of July. 1303, nt 9 o'clock a. m., nt tho City Pound on Dlx court, be tween Linden nnd Mulberry street, di rectly in tho icar of tho city hall of Scranton. Said horses will bo sold for cash to the highest bidder. THOMAS RICHARDSON, Pound Mnstor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of an in tended application to the Govornor ot Pennsylvania, August 5, 1902, for a char ter for a banking company to bo called "Tho South Sldo Hank." of Scianton, Pn to bo located In the southerly part of tho city of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Tha specific object for which It Is to bo char tered is to oxerclso banking privileges under tho provisions of tho Act entitled "An Act for tho Incorporation nnd regu lation of hanks of discount and deposit." approved May 13, 1S76. Tiio capital stock to bo llftv thousand dollars. WELLES & TORREY, Solicitors. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAUI.DING. C. P. A.. 23 Tiuders Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SGI. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B Renl Estato Exchango Bldg., 120 Wash ington avo. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BUVQ STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 726 CONNELIi building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGKR. PAULI building, Spruco streot, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII. 115 WYOMING avo. Patent Attorneys. P AT E N TS H,AZGl!S&li Tho only Ilconsed and equipped patent solicitor In tho city. No charge for In. formation on patentability; over ton years experience. t Kcplncrlo & Co., Mcars Bldir. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE EMC CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK lln uvenuo. Rates reasonablo. P, U1EQI.ER, PioprlotorVT SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W, Pnssougor depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch. Proprlotor. Scavenger, A. H. DRiaaS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. 11. Hrlggs. proprietor, Lcavo oldeis 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcko's diug btorccornor Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 311 LACK.. ave.,, Scranton. iptis. of Wlro Screons. Miscellaneous, MEGARGEE BROS,. PRINTERS' SUP. .piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine, WaxehouBo, 130 Washington aviwu-. f ta&c .-,&-i . J kAtUi -A K . -, ....