The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 21, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    J 57'"
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Going Out
This summcrP Perhaps
wo can help you In get
ting up your outfit. You
may need an oil stove, a
hammock, a coffee pot or
some cooking utensil.
Tho Modern Hardwaro
Storo can supply your
wants. See window dis
play. '
Foote & Shear Co, x
U9 Washington Ave. Q
M i. m
Scranton Investor
Vol. 2.
Conncll Building.
No. C.
Ten shares ottho Title Guaranty and
Trust Co. stock for sale.
Fifty shares of tho United States
Lumber Co. stock for sale at $212.
Twenty-live Eharcs of tho Interna
tional Text Cook Co. stock for sale nt
Economy Steam Heat and Power Co.
bonds for sale at $95.
Twenty-one shares of Clark & Snovcr
Tobacco Co. preferred stock for sale at
5133 1-3.
We want everybody to know that we
have money to loan on Scranton real
estate., We loan quickly and cheaply.
You are cordially Invited to come anil
sec us.
Offices open evenings. Use elevator.
R. E. Comegy & Co
'Phone, 100.
The Hardenbergh
of Music and Art
Season 1902 - 1003 opens
Thursday, Sept. 18. Most
modern and approved methods.
Send for prospectus. Carter
Building, 604 Linden street.
Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming
and General Draying.
New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street.
.New 'Phone 2057.
If You Are Considering
The purchase or sale of any high Brade
Blocks or bonds, better consult us. Wo
make a specialty of this kind of becurl
'tles. I. F HEGARGEL & CO.,
' Rooms 20G & 207, Commonwealth Blder.
Putting Away
Small Sums
Here you can put away small
sums not needed for present
use and while waiting your call
they draw interest.
School Controller U, T. Juync Is homo
ifrom a Ashing trip to Lake Poyntcllo.
Or, John O'Conucll, oe Philadelphia,
formerly, of Cmbondalo, was a Scranton
Visitor Satuiday.
William Morrow, of England, has been
visiting his niece, Miss Morrow, nnd other
friends In Tripp park.
Dr. and Mrs. Bcanlon spent cstorday
ns tho guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. P.
O'Mulloy at Harvey's lake.
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Slate, of North
Lincoln avenue, have returned from u
two weeks' visit to Laku Ariel.
Miss Amanda Carr, of 'Webster avenue,
left at midnight for Michigan, having
been called there by tho serloii3 illness
of a relative.
Miss Dora Robinson, of Clark's Green,
Who has been tho gtu-st of Miss ldu
Lewis, of North Hyde Park uvenue, has
returned home,
John Mnhdiicy, of Little Rock, Ark,, Is
tho gue3t of his mother at her homu on
rtttston avenue. J Jo was away trom ,tho
city twenty-four yens.
Mrs. J. II, Fisher, of this city, and her
guests, Mrs. Clurlea Hays, of I''l
f phla, and Mrs. M. IJ, Summers, of Willies
Barre, nro at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Fuwler and
daughters, Helen und Florence, of Jack
con street, huvu returned from u trip to
Albany and tho Hudson river.
Mr.' and Mrs. J. E, Thayer, of South
Irving avenue, have icturiied from an ex.
tended visit with relative.! In Hamburg,
Buffalo; also trip to Crystal Bcuch, Can
ada, and Niagara Falls.
Tho Misses Beatrice and Henrietta
Boos, of Adams ayjjimi;, Icuvo tolay for
Dalton, where thoy will spend the sum
mer, Their governess, Mis3 Smith, of
FhlUdelphlu, accompanies them.
Va Charles Wormsur, o fNew York, was
yesterday the guest of his father, Dl
r reetor"of Public Safety F. L. Wormser,
t the tatter's homo on Linden street.
JI( was accompanied by Ferdinand V
ylU, also of New York. i
Committee Mot Saturday and Framed
Its Report but Agreed to' Withhold
It for a Month Out o Deference
to the Representatives from the
Sixth Who Are Striving to Seeuro
a Re-cauvasa of tho Ward Fif
teenth Ward Gains the Member
That Its Neighbor Loses.
Formal apportionment of the repre
sentation iti common council was nuulo
Saturday under the, provisions of the
pecond class clty charter. Tho number
of members remain at thirty-eight, but
the representation of tho Sixth and Fif
teenth wards Is chanced, tho former
losing and tho latter gaining one mem
ber. The law provides that the apportion
ment shall bo made by a committee of
three commoners and two selectmen
on the basis of resident taxables re
turned by the city usscjsors on or be
fore July 1. The whole number of resi
dent taxablc3, it Is provided shall bo
divided by 40 and the quotient shall bo
the number dotci mining tho represen
tation. Kach ward shall have ut least
one member. A ward having resident
taxables equal to this quotient plus a
three-llfths fraction of the quotient
shall bo entitled to two members. A
ward having resident taxables equal to
twice tho quotient, plus three-fifths of
the quotient shall be entitled to three
members and so on.
According to the returns of tho asses
sors, Scranton has 22,760 resident tax
ables. The basic quotient is therefore
634. Three-llfths of this is 410. To bo
entitled to two counclltncn a ward mtfst
have at least 1,100 resident taxables. To
be entitled to three counellmon the
number would have to be twice C94
plus 410 or 1,804.
The Sixth ward was found to bo six
short of the number entitling it to two
members as at present. The Fifteenth
ward Bhowcd a good growth during tho
year and was found entitled to two
members Instead of one as at present.
The apportionment committee, after
formally making the apportionment,
has no further duty in the premises
except to make a report to the com
mon council. There Is no provision In
tho law for reviewing tho report, as the
work of the committee Is only a mat
ter of simple arithmetic; neither Is
there any provision for going back of
the returns of tho assessors; In fact
there Is an Inferential prohibition
against this in the clause specifying
that tho returns on which the compila
tion shall bo based must be the returns
of July 1 or previous thereto.
Selectman Regan and Commoners
Calpin and McGrecvy, of the Sixth
ward, are protesting vigorously against
having the representation of their
ward decreased and are alleging that
Instead of showing a falling off the
number of resident taxables in their
ward should show an Increase over last
year. They are demanding that the
assessors make a new canvass of the
resident taxables of their ward and
threaten that, If it is not done, they
will go into court. Just what they
will do in court towards securing u re
vision is not stated, and members of
tho apportionment committee declare
that court has no authority to interfere
in the matter,
Tho city assessors assert that their
returns were carefully compiled and
are as correct as it is possible for such
returns to be. They have made no for
mal reply, as yet, to tho demand for a
re-canvass of the Sixth, but do not hes
itate to declare they can not see why
It should be done. They are satislicd the
returns are correct, and have sworn
to their correctness. To agree to make
a re-count would be equivalent to ad
mitting that they swore to tho cor
rectness of something they weren't sure
was correct.
Chairman Paint., of tho apportion
ment committee, declares there is no
legal or other reason for making a re
canvass of the Sixth or any other ward.
Out of deference to the Sixth ward rep
resentatives, however, the committee
decided to postpone making Us formal
report to council for a month.
The apportionment committee con
sists of Messrs. Paine, William Lewis
and Galvln, of common council, and
Messrs. demons and Ross, of select
Grand Master of the Trainmen Visits
Local Organization.
P. II. Morrisey, of Galesburg, HI.,
grand master of tho Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen, was in the city
yesterday, In company with A. F.
Duffy, of Blnghnmton, N. Y,, chairman
of tho brotherhood's general commit
tee on the Laekuwunna system. They
attended a mooting of Moses Taylor
lodge of tho trainmen at A. O. U. W.
hall In the afternoon, and later con
ferred' at Hotel Jermyn, where Mr,
Morrisey was stopping. They left to
gether for Blnghamton on tho midnight
Mr. Morrisey said there was nothing
of public Interest uttached to his visit.
When asked concerning the relations
between tho trainmen and tho striking
miners, Mr, Morrisey said tho miners
had us yet mado no call on the train
men for assistance of uny kind, and
until a call wus made, he, of course,
could not say what tho trainmen' would
bo likely to do.
Thero wns n story afloat to tho effect
that Mr. Morrlsey's visit was the. result
,of complaints that trainmen who huvo
been thrown idlo by tho miners' strike
aro acting as coal und Iron pollce.whlch
Is In violation of ono of their laws,
making police oillcers employed by a
railroad company Ineligible to member
ship In the organization.
Street Car Men Postpone Action
Until Tuesday.
Tho executive committee of Division
1CS, of tho Street Hallway Employes
and the Central Labor union met, Sat
urday night, to receive Qeneral Man
ager Sllllmaii's answer to tho ultimat
um submitted by tho street car men.
President Shea reported that General
Manager Sllllinan hnd sent word that
ho had not yet heard from President
Clark but would hear from him before
Tuesday, by which Umo the. answer
would be forthcoming.
The committees discussed the situa
tion at length and udjourned until
Tuesday without taking any action.
Wonderful Progress of a Child Aged Six,
' Scranton, April 22, 1002.
Mr. J. Alfred Pennington,
Dear Sir: It gives mo great pleasure to noto the won
derful progress my little daughter, Vcrna, aged six, has
made In the short time she has studied at tho Conserva
tory. I had doubts us to the desirability of having such
young children study tho plnno; but her progress far ex
ceeds our expectations and 1 want to thank you for tho
kindly interest of yourself nnd faculty, and assure you of
my intentions to have her continue under your tuition.
Yours truly, J. H. BISB1NQ.
"Description of Courses" in New Prospectus
Arrived in the City from Camp "Sat
urday Night After a Long
and Tedious Bide.
Tired and exhausted, after a long
and wearisome day's Journey from Get
tysburg, the Thirteenth regiment ar
rived In the city Saturday night. The
ilrst section of tho train, bearing the
commissioned oillcers and the greater
number of cqmpanlos reached tho Dela
ware and Hudson station at 10.13
o'clock, and tho other section came In
about half an hour later," with tho non
commissioned staff, a few stragglers,
and portion of the baggage.
The homeward trip was Just as mon
otonous and tiresome as the Journey
from here, Friday, July 11. It took al
most fourteen hours, despite the fact
that expectations were entertained of
tho trains reaching' hero In time for
tho men to eat supper in their own
The regiment was aroused at 4 o'clock
Saturday morning, by the bugler sound
ing tho ilrst cull, and half an hour later,
every man in camp was upon his feet,
Industriously engaged In getting his
baggage ready for tho wagons which
were to convey it to tho waiting box
cars. '
Tho passenger coaches for the Thir
teenth were scheduled to leave at 7.45
o'clock, while tho Ninth regiment of
"WUkcs-Barro was due to leave at 7
o'clock. Colonel Dougherty and his Lu
zerne warriors found their train await
ing them, when they marched down to
the siding, but when the Thirteenth
arrived, all In readiness for the day's
traveling, they had to wait forty min
utes before tho passenger train's whis
tle was heard.
Tho Philadelphia and Reading was
pursued as far as Allontown, which
was reached at 4 o'clock In tho after
noon. An exasperating wait had to be
endured here, while the train was div
ided Into two sections, and Lehigh Val
ley engines nlllxed. The latter road
wus then pursued, as far as Avoca,
where tho two sections were switched
to the Delaware and Hudson.
There was another long wait here,
and many of the men took advantage
of it, by leaving tho train and ming
ling with the big crowd of Avocans,
who were out to welcome the regiment
home. Colonel L. A. Watres and Lieu
tenant Colonel F. W. Stillwcll were
both with the first section, and when
they arrived at tho Delaware and Hud
son station the men were formed 'by
companies and inarched to the Armory,
where they deposited their equipment.
Major George Whitney, of Honesdale,
wns in charge of tho second section.
The last days of camp were quiet and
uneventful. A pleasant occurrence
marked the end of his ilrst field work
as captain, for the new commander of
Company K, Will Gould. Captain
Gould's men presented him with a sou
venir of the encampment, in the form
of a handsome silk cushion, upon which
were worked views of the historic
points of tho battlefield. Thursday
night, Major A. E. Keller duplicated
Major Frank Robling's "pink teu" of
the previous night and entertained a
number of the regiment's oflicers.
This year's camp Is universally con
ceded to be one of the most pleasant
ever spent by tho regiment, and con
sidered from every standpoint was a
very successful week. Tho general
health was excellent, the work In drill
ing und Inspection beyond expectations,
and even the weather was of a charac
ter with which not the least fault could
be discovered.
Central Labor Union Is Now Can
vassing This Matter.
Talk of tho advisability of running
labor candidates for tho legislature In
all four Lackawanna districts, occupied
a good part of yesterday's besslou of
the Central Labor union. The matter
la being thoroughly canvassed und at
each meeting It will bo discussed. Final
action in the matter will hardly bo
tuken, tho lenders say, until late In
September. Sentiment Is divided on tho
(juration, but a majority, it Is claimed,
favors the ide'a.
The street car men's case was re
ported upon and National Committee
man C. O. Pratt, of Cleveland, made an
Tho meeting adjourned at 3.30, and
tho union marched in a body to Guern
sey halt to hear Rev. Thomas B.
Payne's address on "Capital and
The question of Labor day celebration
was brought up for( discussion, and it
was decided to huvfe u parado of' tho
local unions and trades councils during
the morning. An excursion will be run
to Lake Ariel in tho afternoon.
Weiss Piles Statement Against
Alleged Assailants.
An action In trespass was Instituted
In court by 13. Weiss, of South Wash
ington avenue, Saturday, through At
torney George Horn, against Moirls
Wlnt and Samuel, H,'ry and Edward
Jurkavltz, who, he alleges, assaulted
him, Juno 21, and inflicted serious In
juries upon him. Weiss asks $5,000
"Weiss alleges In the statement he
filed Saturday that he has been In
capacitated from attending to his busi
ness affairs and, moreover, compelled
to expend a large sum of money for
medical treatment, since tho date of
the assault.
This Annual Event Will Take Place
at Nay Aug Park Wednesday.
Tho Donations Received.
Tho newsboys' outing, which is to bo
held at Nay Aug park on Wednesday,
July 23, promises to bo the most suc
cessful of any that has ever been held.
Tho boys will give a parade through
the principal business streets on Wed
nesday morning, starting at 9 o'clockl
and headed by a band, will march out
to the park. Thero tho day will bo
spent in ways that are calculated to
please not only tho participants, but
Tthe spectators also, of whom thero will
probably be a multitude. There will be
races and sporting events of all kinds,
the boys will be given a dinner, enjoy
rides on the merry-go-round, and own
the park In every way.
On Monday the collecting committee
will bo around after the donations
which have been so freely promised.
Every donor should have his contribu
tion In readiness. The Scranton Trac
tion company has promised to provide
special cars to bring the boys back
from the park, so that they may sell
tho evening papers. The Times and
Tho Truth will not print their first
editions as early as usual, so as to give
their boys more time to enjoy them
selves. The following donations have been
promised for the occasion:
J. M. Chance, $1; Dr. McAvoy, V, Scy
bolt Milling Co., sack of (lour; Florey &
Brooks, blcyclo lamp; Megargcc Bros.,
$10; Hugh Kecnan, $3; Now York Evening
Journal, $10; Scranton Times, $13; Scran
ton Tribune, MO; Elmlra Telegram, $3; A.
P. Bedford, $3; T. E. Price, $10; Dlmo Sav
ings bank, three metal banks; Stowcrs'
Tacking company, hams; Philadelphia In
quirer, $3; Philadelphia North American,
$3; M. L. Goodwin, dictionary; Frank Cul
lon, $3; Philadelphia Public Ledger, U
Rohrvnsser bakery, 300 rolls; P. J. Mc
C'ann, sack Hour; W. J. Marvel, box lem
ons; A. Gorman & Co., prize; S. Rndln,
bas.0 ball pad; George Fclton, pocket
knife; S. L. Gallon, straw hat; Charles
Aronson & Co., accordion; Pierce's mar
ket, bunch bananas; Swcet'3 market, ono
dozen lemons; E. J. Horn, twenty pounds
sugar; Rose the hatter, prize, for pony
raco; B. Lehman, child's suit; Louis
Bombard, prfze; A. E. Rogers, pair cuff
buttons; L. Diiescn, boy's shirt; Gold
smith Bros,, pair boy's shoes; a friend,
book; John 11. Ladwlg, prize; J. J. Col
lins, prize; J. J. Grlllln, prize; M. J.
Horan, prize; Richards & Wirth, boy's'
straw hat; Lewis, Ruddy, Davics & Mur
phy, boy's shoes; Kramer Bros., sweater;
Mycr Davldow, pair slippers; Louis Con
rad, four boy's belts; Samtcr Bros., prize;
Mis. E. N. Willard, $3; Dr. Mary A. Shep
herd, 30 cents; Jacobs & Fashold, framed
picture. A. '-., 30 cents; D.. Harris & Co.,
pair boy's pants; D. Solomon, boy's
sweater; Adolph Marcus, pocket knife;
Conrad Bros., prize; Lackawanna. Safe
Deposit and Trust Co., three metal banks;
Sankor & Reynolds, pall candy; Jordan
Bros., $1; Hairy Bahs, Jr., 23 cents; Mor
ris Miller, 23 cents; Schank & Spencer,
pair blcyclo shoes; Hand & Payne, hat;
Foote & Fuller, watch; C. F. McBrldo, $1;
Dr. O'Mallcy, $J; J. H. Krcfc, $1; L. L.
Shoemaker, $1; E. M. Rlno, $1; Globe
store, ribbon for badges; Connolly & Wal
lace, prizes; J. A. Curtis, $3; Scrnntontun,
$3; Scranton Truth, $13; Scranton Rail
way company, special cars; J. L. Connell.
two boxes oranges; A. F. Duffy, box
crackers; Phelps' pharmacy, brush and
comb; Reynolds Bros., pocket knife;
Goldsmith B.izunr, ribbon for badges;
Charl03 S. Seamans, ?1; Mears & Hagen,
prizes; A. It. Gould, whip; V. A. Slmrell,
whip; C. P. Wentz .1 Co., 30 pounds
sugar; Rico & Levy, $1; John T. Porter,
box oranges; J. O. Ackcrman, box cakes;
National Biscuit company, box cakes;
Hess Bros., bnx cakes; T. J. Kelly ,i Co.,
box cakes; Chandler &. Short, box or
anges; Oswald Jones, bnx cakes; M. M.
Ruddy. 10 pounds sugar; Donnhoo & Co.,
M lemons; Henry Bergorhoff, fruit; Brnn
dow & Miller, ono ham; Swift .fc Co., ono
ham; Gunster &. Foibyth. knife; L. B.
Powell & Co., $1; R. A. If., $1; Footo &.
Shear, knife; P. U. rinloy, $.'; Jona3
Long's Sons, ribbon for badges; Rels
man Rrns., $1; Philadelphia Evening
Telegraph, $2; N. Weiss, shoes; Howley
Bros., $1; Thomas P. Gordon, $1; Ablng
ton Dairy, can milk and cream; C. B.
Scott, sot telegraph Instruments (prize
for messenger boys' raco); Williams &
McAntilty. $1.
Almost Given Away,
Tomorrow's Tribune will 'tell you
what a small nmoiint of money will do.
See "Cirlflln's Art Shop" ud.
Finest Havana
$3.50 and $3.75 a box
Equal to imported cigars
Garcia Conchas. .,.$3.50
ho. Flor de San
chez and Haya... 3.75
Juau I,opez, Key
West 05
F, Garcia Conchas,
eacn , .. ... ., ... . . .Ut)
Per box 2,25
Prod Kiblor Went ftp Pivo rlncca
nnd Miss Harpurjind Elmer Wil
liams Two Each Complcto Stand
ing of Every Contestant Who Has
Scored Sluco tho Contest Began.
What Hag Been Douo Slnco July 1,
Standing of Contestants
1. Charles Burns, Vandling.440
2. A. J. Kollerman, Scranton . 344
3. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. .333
4. Pred K. Gun3ter, Green
Ridge I 207
5. Wm, ' T. S. Rodriguez
Scranton 204
0. Horbert Thompson, Car
bondalo 227
7. Albort Preedmnn; Belle-
vuo 221
8. Maxwell Shepherd, Car-
bondalo 177
0. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton. 10S
10. L. E. Stanton, Scranton ... 04
11. Wm. Sherwood, Harford. . 70
12. Homer Kresgo, Hydo Park 61
13. J. A. Havenstrlte, Mos
cow 60
14. Harry Madden, Scrnnton. . 58
15. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 40
16. Prank B. McCreary, Hall-
stead 44
17. William Cooper, Priceburg 38
18. Grant M. Decker, Hall-
stead 37
10. Leo Culver, Springvlllo. . 33
20. Hcndrick Adams, Chin
chilla 33
21. Walter Hollstead, Scran
ton 27
22. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 25
23. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 23
24. Hugh Johnston, Porest
City 23
25. Miss Jane Matthewson,
Pactoryville 19
26. Fred Kiblor, South Scran
ton ,19
27. C. J. Clark, Peckville 18
28. Louis Gere, Brooklyn.... 18
20. M i s s Edna Coleman,
Scranton 18
30. John Mackie, Providence. 16
31. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 16
32. Eddie Morris, South Scran
ton 15
33. Thomas Dempsey, Oly-
phant 13
Nino contestants scored points on
Saturday In The Tribune's Educational
Contest, as follows: Miss Beatrice
Harpur, of Thompson, 0; Oscar H.
Kipp, of Elmhurst, 3; Charles Burns,
of Vnndling, 3; Albert Freedman, of
Bollevue, 1; Fred Klbler, of South
Scranton, 4; Elmer Williams, of Elm
hurst, 3; Miss Vlvan Mlkle, of Scran
ton, 1; Charles Dorsey, of Scranton, 5;
and A. J. Kellerman, of Scranton, 5.
As a result Miss Harpur Is advanced
ono position, passing Frank McCreary,
of Hullstead; Fred Klbler goes up live
places from the thirty-first and Elmer
Williams helps himself up over the
heads of two competitors.
Besides those whose names are pub
llshed In tho above table tho following
contestants have scored points:
31. Don C. Cnpwell, Scranton 11
33. Miss Mary Yeager, Green Ridge. 10
26. Walter Ellis, Hydo Park S
37. Emmanuel Buccl, Hyde" Park '7
3S. Miss Vivian Mlkle, Scranton 7
39. Charles O'Boyle, Scranton 5
40. Miss Nellie Avery, Scrunton 5
41. Henry Collins, Klzers 4
42. Joseph Newman, Bollevue 3
43. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scranton 2
14. Miss May Brown, Nicholson 2
45. R. D. Dorsey, Scranton 1
40. George Knickerbocker, Elmhurst. 1
The standing of the ten contestants
who have scored the largest number of
points in July follows:
Leading Contestants for July,
First Prize
Birdseye Maple Writing Besk.
Second Prize
Waterman Gold Fountain Ben.
1. C. W. Dorsey 00
:;. Albert Freedman "0
y. A. J. Kellerman ,57
4. Herbert Thompson 44
5. Maxwell Shepherd 32
C. Fred Klbler ' 19
7. Miss Beatrice Harpur 11
S.Charles Hums 10
0. Frank U. McCreary 9
10. Elmer Williams 9
Tho other contestants who have
scored points slnco July 1 aro:
11. Mls3 Mary Yeager S
12. L. E. Stanton S
13. Louis Gero C
11. William II. Sherwood C
15. Hendrlck Adams 6
10. Miss Edna Coleman C
i". Homer Kresgo ,.s G
IS. J. A. nnyenstritc E
11). Oscar H. Kipp 5
20. Henry E. Collins 4
21. Hugh Johnston 4
Straw Hats for Men
At Two-third Their Value and Less
Men never had a chance to buy good Straw Hats at such low prices. At prices
like these the Hat Department should and will be crowded all day today,
French Palms,
that sold at $3
$4, now
Knox Sailors
for Women
22. Eddlo Morris ..,,..,,, ,... 3
23. Josoph Newman ., i. ...... a
21. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez lt. 3
25. Miss Vivian Mlklo...... 2
20. John Macklo l
Thoy Created Trouble In Rev. Mc
Veigh's Gospel Tent.
Mlchnel Wler and John Oulim, two
young boys living In Pino Brook, wcro
Lflncd $2 nplcce by Mnglstnite Howe In
ponce court yesterdny morning, on tho
chnrgo of disorderly conduct. This con
sisted In (ho stoning of Rev. McVeigh,
nn Itinerant pastor, who conducted gos
pel services In a tent opposite tho ar
mory, Friday night.
On a number of occasions young boys
hnvo Interfered with the services, and
Friday night tho minister wont to tho
rear of tho tent and ordered a number
of lads, who wcro making loud remarks
and behnvlng boisterously, to lenvo the
They did so. but one of them threw a
large stono at him, its he left tho tent, i
nnd struck him a terrific blow over tho '
eye. jtov. McVeigh notified tho police,
who arrested Wler und Qulnn. Wlcr's
miner resisted arrest, nna when ar
raigned In police court, Saturday morn
ing, Insulted tho court. Ho wob fined
$20, $10 for contempt of court and $10
for resisting arrest. Rev. McVeigh
could not Identify either of the boys
n3 having thrown tho stono, but know
they were both in the crowd.
Has Been Chartered by a Number of
The now Citizens' Building and Loan
association, of Scrnnton, was Incorpor
ated at Harrlsburg last week. Tho In
corporators nro Henry J. 55leglcr, T. J.
Snowden, Robert P. Kochler, William
Dolko, H. T. Harder, R. A. Zimmer
man, and other well-known Building
and Loan association men.
A now feature has been introduced
Into this association In tho matter of
the reduction of premiums, heretofore
paid by the borrower. This association
proposes to loan money nt the rate of
$10 per month for $1,000. It has also
reduced its fines from 2 per cent, to 1
per cent. Its ofllccs aro at G01 Cedar
avenue and 414 Board of Trade build
ing. Beautiful Lake Clemo.
Lako Clemo is an Ideal ilnco to
spend a day, week or all summer.
First-class hotel, clean now boats, lino
bathing and fishing. Only twenty
eight miles from Scranton on tho Erie.
Four trains each way dally. For ho
tel rates, inquire of William Ilanloy,
Jr., 420 Spruce street.
Dr. LIndabury, Surgeon, diseases of
women a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8.S0
p. m.
Perfect and uniform success
in making finest food is more,
certain with "Whitos Beauty"
than with any other Flour.
It makes the finest flavored,
most tender, delicious and
wholesome food. It will
every house keeper to
"White Beauty" Hour.
We are sole agents
in Pennsylvania.
" !! HEM i
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, f
141-149 Meridian Street. 4.
Knox Rough
Hats, small
napes, $1.50.
$7 Palms, $4.
Hand & Payne,
Cor. Washington Ave. and Spruce St,
for Your
Wagon or
Carriage at
126-128 Franklin Ave.
4" !
If you want good clear
hay, we have it.
111 & Grain Go,.
Scranton and Olyphant.
25 Per Cent.
Discount on
traw Hats
All new stock in all shapes
including Panamas,
412 Spruce Street
See our new line of Negli
gee Shirts.
Having Reached Us
That people are soliciting work in
our name, we wish to notify the
public that wo have no agents
out whatever. Have you seen our
; . Guaranted to stand all storms,
j px muney refunded.
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.,
G13 Spruce Street.
and Burning
$2 Rough Hats
and Palms,
Some Nice
Hood Hey
Prime Sky
2jZai "; MVV'-
jfi "'l H tt