The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 21, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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fclje fytawton tilmt
Contu a Month. ,
nftt a nrntTA-nn trtilnr.
O. P. BYXBEE, BUBlitesa Monnscn
Now York omce: IM NniwaiJ St.
Soto Agent for Foreign Advertising.
Entered nt'tho Poxlomco nt Scranton, I'o.,
as sccona umss iuuu whim"'
itri. 4nt1t nnrmlt
Tribune Is nlwn?s glna to prim
Bhort letters from it3 friends bear
ing on current topics, but its rule is
that these must bb signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's real nnino,
nnd tho cqndltlon precedent to ac
ceptance Is that nil contributions
shall be subject to editorial revision.
Tim flat hatr for advhutisino.
Tho following tnblo shows tho price nor
Inch ench Insertion, upaco to ho used witn
In ono year:
I UQit OIJiVO . J . ...J.
mm on Piil
of nend-l Posl-
DTSPT.AT. Pnnor. lug. I tlon.
Lfss than BO Inches .CO .55 '92
R0 Inches 40 .41 .J
100 .10 11 "
IM " r. .275 "
ROO " M .22 '.21
1000 " It! .175
t ........ ....... u.a1.. tnnc rt rnn
f.nlence, nnd similar contributions in tno
nature of ndvcrtl.slng Tho Trlbuno maKcs
a chnrgo of 5 cents n lino. .
Hates of Classified Advertising fur
nished on application.
SCKANTON, JULY 21, 1002.
I.leutonant Governor W. M. BROWN.
Secretary nf Jntcrnal Affuirs ISAAC B.
Jndge-A. A. VOSBl'RO.
Commlsbloncrs-JOHN COURIER MOR
Mine Insppctois-I.L,nWI3T.,YN M. EV
First Dlstrlct-JOSEPH OLIVER.
Second District JOHN SCHEfI.n,,JR.
Fourth District-!". A. PIIILBIN.
Election day, Nov. 4.
District President Nlcholls Is quoted
at Indianapolis as saying that he never
was personally in favor of a strike.
That must refer to tho proposed gen
eral strike. Mr. Nlcholls is generally
credited with having been the parent
of the anthracite strike.
Christian Endeavor Progress.
forthcoming retirement of
John Willis Eaer from tho
general secretaryship of tho
United Society of Christian Endeavor
to become one of the assistant secre
taries of the Presbyterian Board of
Home Missions supplies an occasion for
glancing at the growth of the Christian
Endeavor movement. This is concisely
set forth in the resolutions of the trus
tees reluctantly accepting Mr. Baer's
"When Mr. B.ier assumed the duties
of general secretary at the St. Louis
convention In 1S00, there were 11,013
Christian Endeavor societies in all the
world; today there are more than 62,000
societies. Then there was a total mem
bership of GGU.000; now the enrollment
exceeds 3,(100,000. In ISOO the United
Society of Christian Endeavor was the
only national organization; now there
are United societies in Canada, Mexico,
England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales,
Australia, South Africa, India, China,
Japan, Switzerland, Spain, Germany,
France, Italy and Jamaica, many of
these having their own general secre
taries. Thus, where in 1S90 the move
ment had barely started in a few
lorelgn countries, there are
Christian Endeavor societies in prac
tically every country on the globe,
while the Endeavor constitution and
literature have been translated Into
more than fifty languages and dialects.
In 1S00 tho local work was largely
limited to the development of the young
people's prayer meeting. By natural
process, lcspandlng to conditions us
they arose, tho society bus not only
broadened its lleld of usefulness in the
local church, but has developed a ser
vice of wide Influence and Importance
along tho vuiious lines of flouting
Christian Endeavor for the sailors,
societies In army posts for the soldiers,
societies in prison tamps (as among the
Boer prl&oneis In the late South Afri
can war), personal work for prisoners
and societies In penal and reformatory
institutions,' noonday evangelistic ser
vices, open-air service's In summer,
work In missions and hospitals, and
practical effprts in behalf of Christian
citizenship and good government, In
deed, In all lines of Christian philan
thropic effort the Interest of the young
. people has been awakened and their
activities enlisted by this movement."
To a largo degree this growth reflects
the Industry, persuasiveness, tact and
fine moral enthusiasm of Mr. Uaer. In
jhjs new (eld there Is no reason to doubt
that hei will bu equally a power for
g8fcd;?Tha nature of that Held and tho
character of Mr, Baer's work In it are
well Indicated in the following state
riibntXiby the Presbyterian Board of
Home Missions:
TTlio board of homo missions believes
that tho evangelization of our country
has a deeper meaning and a wider reach
than ever beforo, Tho Ralvatlon of our
cities, tho training of our foreign popula
tion to Ideals of Christian citizenship, tho
gospellzlng of new parts of tho country
co rapidly tilling up that now utates aro
born in a day, ond tho extension of our
- national authority and Institutions to tho
islands beyond our shores, unite in a call
tXr a strong and steady homo mission ud
jance. Desiring to help tho church to
answer theso calls and meet theso duties,
fno board has made larger plans, and to
hlslst In carrying (hem out has elected
yjhn Willis Uaer, general secretary of
tho United Society of Christian Endeav
or, os nn assistant secretary of the board,
Mr. Baor has accpted tho office, and will
sbter on his duties on the first of Octo-W-r,
Bccauso of Ids long and successful
farcer In kindred mission work, his proved
executive ability, nnd his ntrong purson
allty, the board receives him to Its offl
clal staff with largo expectation and most
cardial welcome.
It Is a line thing to see our churches
keeping pace with the swift piovement
of events.
The statement that Congressman Ht
tletleia had been commissioned by the
president to draft an administration bill proves to haye been fan-
clful. Tho president la not commls
elonlng anybody to do tho work of
congress. But he Is getting ready to
give congress somo good advice, nnd
Mr. Llttleficld la just the kind of man
to profit by It,
Tho friars are not to bo ordered out
of 'the Philippines: they will merely
find It desirable to scnkjOthcr fields, tho
suggestion coming through their ec
clesiastical superiors. All's well that
ends well.
Views of John W. Gates.
THE CAREER, of John W.
Gates from tho tlino when,
in the enrly seventies, he be
came dlssutlBflod with $100 a
month salary nnd expenses ns a. trav
eling salesman for u barbed wire fonco
manufacturing concern and decided to
set up a business for himself, down,
through tho long scries of Nupoleonio
plunges to tho comparatively recent
execution of his corner on corn, tho
usufruct of which Is reported to be
$1,500,000 of profit, Is full of human In
terest. Ho Is a gambler and ,a sport
and yet withal a man of exceptional
shrewdness, absolutely loyal to hts
friends; and his head Is full of Ideas,
for making money. He engineered the
wire trust, first suggested tho steel
trust, played ducks and drakes with
Louisville and Nashville and cleans up
a million or two on 'change every little
while, just for pastime. Yet notwith
standing the checiinesa of his methods,
ho Is a master of exact knowledge and
Is trying hard In his maturer years to
become conservative.
Tho other day ho talked long and en
tertainingly with a New York Commer
cial Advertiser reporter concerning a
variety of topics. Naturally chief
among these was the subject of rail
roading, Mr. Gates' present hobby. Ho
predicted decreased freight rates with
Increased profits, explaining the latter
by calling attention to the wonderful
Improvement taking place in the trans
porting business and also In the shut
ting off of rebates. "The amount of
money paid out by railroad Companies
In rebates since tho passage of the in
terstate commerce law In 1SSG would, In
my judgment," ho said, "almost pay
the national debt. What has made the
railroads poor has been the carrying of
people for nothing and cutting nominal
tariffs actually In two in many In
stances." Speaking further as to the future of
railroading he said: "The railroad
inteiests of this country are to
go tluough a continual process
of consolidation. Small linos will
be absorbed by larger ones. The ten
dency of freight rates in the United
States will within the next ten years
be lower, and yet tho profits of the rail
roads will, in my judgment, be even
greater with the lower rates, owing to
the Improvements in rolling stock and
motive power, roadbed, the cutting out
of curves and cutting down of grades
and increasing train loads. Only a few
years ago every man of any prominence
in the United States who was riding on
a railroad pass felt as though he was
entitled to it. This Is being done away
with more nnd more each year, and
justly so. The standard of railroad
men is being elevated. ' Closer compari
sons are being made; the cost of main
tenance of road, rolling stock and main
tenance of equipment is reduced. Great
er care is exercised in the purchasing
and engineering departments. Many
men who twenty-five years ago were
presidents or general managers of rail
roads would not today be considered
suillclently efllcient to opeiate a log
ging road. The system of accounts has
become a science and has been brought
down to tho finest possible point. Ten
yeuis ago nearly every prominent rail
road In the United States was slow in
paying Its current bills, letting them
run two or three months past due and
in many cases three to six months. To
day there is scarcely a prominent rail
road In the United States that has not
millions of dollars in Its treasury.whieh
it Is continually using to better the con
ditions of its road-bed, to put In new
steel bridges In place of wooden struc
tures, to cut out curves and cut down
grades, to erect new docks and general
ly to enhance the value of Its property."
Mr. Gates Is of the belief that tho coun
try has seen the last of serious rate
wars, and that the developments of the
future will be wholly In the direction of
greater economy, stability and har
mony of service.
One other point In this interesting
man's Interesting Interview Is his opin
ion of ship subsidies. On this point he
What this country lacks most today 1o
further leach tho inntkets of tho world
properly Is butter shipping facilities by
water. This can only be accomplished
to my mind by subsidizing steamship
lines. My theory would ho to do that on
tho following basis: Pay subsidies to ev
ery ship built of American malcilal, by
American woikmen, at so much per ton
for each 1,000 ndles, so much for each ad
ditional thousand miles or fractional part
thoicof on any products which they might
tianspoit to foreign countries, whothor
It bo agricultural or manufactured mato
lal. My reason for this statement Is
that what Inteiests tho farmeis of tho
United States and tho manufactures of
tho United States uro not speedy steam
ships which aro ablo to traverse tho ocean
at tho rato of 25 knots per hour, but ships
that will cheaply transport tho pioducts
of tho United States, whether they bo
agricultural or manufactured, to all parts
of tho world at tho lowest possible rato,
thereby Insuring to American producers
tho highest obtainable piico for their
products nnd encouraging munufuctuiers
to pay tho present or even a higher lute
of wages to American worklngmon, Cer
tainly no sane man will arguo that any
American shipbuilder an constiuct ns
cheaply in tho United Suites us In foreign
ports on account of tho ono question of
labor. Besides this, every American ship
owner has to pay a higher rato of wages
to his hcamen than is paid by the for
eign shipowner handling tho same cioss
of tonnage.
Mr, Gates' view on tho subsidy ques
tion Is absolutely sound.
If General Buller imagines that he
can write history better than ho mado
It In South Africa, ho Is probably cor
rect. In tho matter o'f tho crowning of
King Edward on August 0, seeing will
be bcllevlns.
Count Matusakata, Japan's former
minister of finance, says he fears that
American business men are doing
business at too rapd a pace and are
taking too many long chances to es
cape serious setbacks in case of mis
fortune. Tho opinion -Is warranted !
yet tho foundations or our present pros
perity aro durable.
Banker Moroslnl'n gift of $100,000 to
tho fund for tho restoration of the Cam
panile at Venice will undoubtedly in
spire other poor Italian boys to como to
America nnd grow into wealth like
wise. If they shall make ns goor citi
zens ns ho has made, they, will de
serve a cordial welcome.
Reports from Blucflclds leave little
doubt that tho latest revolution In
Nicaragua is on its last legs. A tu
multuous battle has Just been fought,
nnd the Invaders have been beaten
back with u loss of four killed.
Captain Strong's desertion of May
Yohe, after n year of scandalous living,
exemplifies tho course of nature. It
would properly punish this pair should
they bo made to live together the re
mainder of their lives.
William Jennings Bryan is certainly
making n plucky though hopeless fight
against the past tense.
General Wood's comment that tho
Pennsylvania guardsmen are soldiers
covers tho ground.
A little civil service reform is needed
In the consul generalship at Havana.
A stogie trust Is the latest. This is a
burning shame.
Progress Toward
Tree Protection
Special Correspondence.
Washington, July 20.
THERE is reason to feel that tho
American peoplo havo been awak
ened to tho need of safeguarding
their great forest areas and intro
ducing in the management of tho lumber
business scientific principles of forestry.
On July 1 tho bureau of forestry begnn
its Held season of 1S92. and its work Is
now being carried on In twenty states.
Tho bureau has appointed ninety new
student assistants for this season, tho
entire field force numbering 1G5 men. Tho
work Includes, among other things, tho
gathering of the necessary data for several
working plans, a study of a number of
well known commercial trees, the exam
ination of farm woodlots, and a study
of tho treeless areas with a view of de
vising plans for forest extension.
Tho bureau of forestry begins tho new
fiscal year of 1902-1903 with an Appropria
tion of $291, SCO. The amount for tho year
just ended was J1S3.410. This increased
appropriation shows how this work com
mends Itself to congress, and It makes
possible a much wider range of work. Tho
present senson's work Is by far tho mo3t
vailed and Interesting yet undertaken by
the bureau and Is being carried on in
Maine. New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa
chusetts. New York, New Jersey, Mary
land, Tennessee, Kentucky, West . Vir
ginia, North Carolina, Michigan, Min
nesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Da
kota, Montana, Arizona and California.
Later In the season It will be extended to
still other states and territories.
Tho field work necessary for a work
ing plan for tho tract of tho Great North
pin Paper company which was begun
last field season Is being continued now,
nnd will bo finished this year, it is be
ing carried on by two fully -equipped
parlies, each consisting of fifteen men.
A working plan Is being mado for tho
tract of hardwoods of the Llnville im
provement company, lying around Grand
father Mountain in western North Caro
lina. The bureau is also makins a care
ful study of tho forest resources of Ot
sego county, New York, with the purpose
of drawing up a simple and direct man
ual of Instructions for tho management
of tho prlvato forest lands In that county.
Tho expenses of the field work aro being
borno wholly by airs. Alfred Corning
Claik, who Is greatly Interested in for
estry, and desirous that the forests of tho
county shall bo treated In a practical
Through tho co-operation of Mr. Ring,
forest commlslsonor of Maine, a study
has been undertaken of tho forest condi
tions of that state. This Is to Include nn
Investigation of tho behavior of tho
spruce after lumbering, in order to draw
up simple nnd practical rules for has
tening tho production of a second crop
upon lumbered laud. It entails also a
careful study of tho flro problemmnd of
tho host means of fighting tire In this
region. This Investigation further In
cludes a consideration of local log scales.
Much attention will bo given during tho
present season to tho examination ot
woodlots, In tho management of which
tho nsslstaneo of tho bureau has boon re
quested. Two skilled men will bo du
talled for this work, and It Is tho Inten
tion ot tht bureau that Its ngonts shall
visit nil woodlots for which applications
havo been made.
Ono of tho most Important and Inter
esting undertakings by tho bureau during
tho present field season Is a careful study
of n number of tho most valuable Amor
lean commercial trees. This will Ineludo
among others a study of tho Adirondack
balsam. In Franklin county, Now York,
Imident-to tho work of tho bureau In
connection with tho Chippewa Indian res
ervation In Minnesota a careful study of
tho. red pine Is In progress, A study of
tho rato of growth of tho sugar plno In
California, which was begun last season,
Is now being continued, Last year's work
began In tho northern part of tho state
and In southern Oregon, and this season
tho examination will bo continued south
ward with tho Idea of covering tho full
commercial rango of this Important tim
ber tree, The southern hardwoods will ho
studied In Kentucky, North Carolina and
West Virginia. This work will bo main
ly devoted to a consideration of tho oaks
nnd tho yellow poplar, tho Idea being to
study them In their rommo'rclal ranges,
nlong with other trees which occur In
mixture with them.
On July 1 tho division of forest exten
sion was established In tho bureau of
forestry to take rhargo of tho work hcro
toforo dono by tho section of treo plant
ing, Tho work of tho now division will
bo to dovlso plans for Increasing tho for
est area whero It Is deficient. This It will
do by tho encouragement of planting
whero that Is necessary to secure a
stand of trees, nnd by Improving tho con
ditions for natural seeding over areas
whero tho present forest stand Is In
sufficient. Several parties are now m
tho field In connection with this work, in
tho Mlddlo West a largo number of land
ownors havo mado application for assist
ance In establishing woodlot and otlior
forest plantations, nnd the work of ex
omlnlng these farms ond preparing plans
for thorn Is pow under way, On tio for
est reserves recently established In the
snnd hills if Nebraska, by President
Roosevelt's ' proclamation, preparations
for extcnslvo planting are being carried
forward as lapldly as possible Tho nee
cssary buildings will bo erected, seed beds
and nurseries will bo prepared, and a
largo quantity of seed collected In prepa
ration for planting next spring. A field
pnrty of seven men Is making a forest
survey of Oklahoma, Including a special
study of forest conditions on the
Wichita forest reserve. On tho Pres
cott forest reserve In Arizona an Inves
tigation is being mado to devise methods
for Incicaslng tho forest stand by Im
proving the conditions for natural seed
ing. In Massachusetts nnd Now Hamp
shire a party studying the reproduction
of white pine, on old Holds nnd pastures,
for tho purposo of determining tho beat
conditions for eecd germination. In ad
dition a patty will study tho results of
planting to reclaim tho sand dunes. alom?
tho Atlantic coast. A great dcul of work
has been dono for this purposo on Cnpa
Cod In Massachusetts, and somo In Now
Jersey. A thourough Bttidy Is also being
mndo of tho drifting Rand along tho Col
umbia liver In tho vicinity of Tho Dalles,
Oregon, to devise means for controlling
it by planting.
Tho work along thin lino by tho bu
reau of foicstry Includes on Investigation
of the distribution of forests, tholr char
acter, extent, nnd tho available supplies
of timber. Tho study of the forest ie
sources of tho beat timbered counties of
Maryland la being continued, This work
was begun In 11)00 nnd Ivib been going on
through each field season since. Exam
inations nf tho forest conditions nnd re
sources of Votmont, nnd also of portions
of tho northern peninsula of Michigan aro
being made. Investigations havo begun
In tho collection of published nnd unpub
lished data, showing tho post nnd pres
ent yields of wood of various kinds, In
cluding Imports nnd exports nnd con
sumption for nil purposes. This Inves
tigation also Includes a consideration of
Amcilcan woods In foreign markotP, nnd
foreign woods In homo markets. Atten
tion is behig given to tho collection of
data showing tho production nnd vnluo
of by-products of American forests. This
will Include commercial gums, rosins, tur
pentine, and tar extracts.
In short, tho wholo subject of forestry
In Its Innumerable aspects Is being lapld
ly approached from a sclontlflc basis.
From tho New Yorker.
A gentleman, whose liberality In no way
corresponded to his means, found out ono
day that thoro was somo remainder nlo In
his cellar almost spoiling, and decided to
get rid of It without delay.
Tho next morning when ho was rambling
over his estate, ho camo across a party
of workmen. Addressing tho man In
charge, ho ostentatiously presented tho
ale to tho men, nnd said they could go
and fetch It ns they liked.
A few days afterward ho happened to
meet, tho foreman again, and Immediately
proceeded to extract from him in somo
way a sultablo acknowledgment of tho
bounty recently bestowed.
"Well, Williams," said tho donor, with
tho air of a man who had granted an un
speakable favor, "did you and your men
havo that ale?"
"Oh, yes, sir, thank you, wo bad it,"
was tho reply.
"That's right, and how did you like It?"
said the gentleman, desiring a warmer
expresslbn of gratitude.
"Oh, sir, it was Just tho thing for us,"
was tho rather vaguo response.
"Ho, that'll do then. But what do you
mean by 'Just tho thing?' "
"Well, sir," said WIIHanjs, "if It 'nd
been a little bettor wo shouldn't a 'ud It,
and If it 'ad been a little worso wo
couldn't a drinked It."
All our Hen's Kussett and Black
Oxfords go at $2.00. In the $3.00
grades go nt $2.00. Welted soles,
correct to shapes.
Lewis & Reilly,
114-116 Wyoming Avenue.
i when in Need i
Of anything in tho Una of
T optical goods we can supply it.
and Eve Glasses!
Properly fitted by an expert ,j,
optician, .j.
From $1.00 Up J
Also all kinds of prescrip-
tion work and repairing.
Mercereau & Connell,
133 Wyoming Avonuo.
Atlantic City.
Directly on tho Beach In Cholsea,
Atlantic City.
Opens Now. July 1st
Location, nppolntments and services un
excelled, Tho finest bath establishment
on tho coast. Many novol features of
equipment, which will make It an Ideal
resting place for unyonu requiring special
personal attention. Konklot nnd terms by
addressing THE AGNEW CO., Atlanjlc City.
Kentucky Avenue, lint Hotel from Peach, At
lantfa City, N. J.; J3 Ocean view rooms; ca
pacity 100; wrlt((or frecial rates. J, I).' Jenk
ins, IVop,
Holland House
Reached by Heading Hallway from Phil
adelphia und by ferry from Atlantic City.
Ulectrlo lights', artesian water; resident
physlclnni surf bathing; excellent fishing
and bailing.
On a spur of the Alleghany Mountains. Lehigh
Valley railroad; near Towanda. Ilathius, tUrlng,
sports, etc. Excellent table, ftcasoiiahle rate
l, O., Apex, Pa.
Send for booMet.
StrouiWburg, Fa. Capacity, ISO. Delightful
ly altunted; enlarged, refurnished, modern,
cou yen la noes; eleotrlo lights; service first
cla;, Uoolileta, rates. Apply J. K. KulKE.
: $9574 ' I j
2 Scholarships In Syracuse University,
at $432 each $ 864
1 Scholarship In Buckncll University... 520
1 Scholarship In tho University of Roch
ester 324
Preparatory Schools'
1 Scholarship In Washington School for
Boys 1700
1 Scholarship In Wllllamsport Dlckln-, '
son Seminary 750
1 Scholarship In Dickinson Colleglato
Preparatory School 75C
1 Scholarship In Newton Collegiate In
stitute 720
1 Scholarship In Keystone Academy. .. 600
1 Scholarship In Brown College Prepar
atory School 600
1 Scholarship In the School of tho Lack
awanna 400
The Scranton Tribune's
Educational Contest
Tho special rewards will ho given to
tho person securing tho largest num
ber of points.
Points will bo credited to contest
ants securing new suhscrlbois to Tho
Scranton Tilbuno as follows:
Ono month's subscription....? .no 1
Threo months' subscription. 1.13 3
Six months' subscription.... 2.50 G
Ono year's subscription 5.00 12
Tho contestant with tho highest num
ber of points will be given a cholco
from tho list of special rowards; tho
contestant with tho second highest,
number of points will bo given a
NOTICE that according to the above rules, EVERY CONTESTANT
secure a Special Reward or not.
Those wishing to enter the contest should send In their names at once.
will be cheerfully answered. Address all communications to
Special Honor Prizes for July
To be given to the two contestants scoring the largest number of points during the month of July:
FIRST PRIZE A BiriVs-Eye Maple Writing Desk, Value $12.00.
SECOND 'PRIZE A Gold Fountain Pen.
Special Honor Prizes for August, September and October will be announced later.
This popular State Institution is located in the midst of the
Delaware Water Gap-Mount Pocono Summer Resort Region,
the most healthful and picturesque in the state, and one that is
visited by thousands of tourists annually.
In addition to the departments of the regular Normal Course,
we have special departments of Music, Elocution, Art, Drawing and
Water Colo.r, and a full College Preparatory Department. You can
save a year in your college preparatory work by coming here,
Tuition is absolutely free to those complying with the new
state law. This gives a rare opportunity to those desiring a com
plete education and should be taken advantage of at once, as this
law may be repealed by the next Legislature.
Boarding expenses are $50 per week, which includes fully
furnished and carpeted room, heat, electric light and laundry. The
additional expense is less with us than at most other schools.
Among these are a new Gymnasium, a fine Electric Light
Plant, and a new Recitation Hall now being erected, which will
contain fifteen large and fully equipped recitation rooms. In ad
dition all bed rooms will be replastered and fitted up, and various
other changes made in the dormitories for the further comfort and
convenience of the pupils of the school.
Catalogue for 1902, gives full information as to free tuition,
expenses, courses of study, and other facts of interest, and will be
mailed without charge lo those desiring it. Fall Term opens
September 8th, 1902.
E. L. KEHP, A.- M., Principal.
Swarthmore College
( The Course in Arts
Offers Four Courses of Study J ' "e LOUTSe in SCieUCe
Lcauios to Degrees; jfa Course in Letters
I The Course in Engineering
Character Always the Primary Consideration
Extonsivo Campus; Beautiful Situations nnd Surroundings;
Sanitary Conditions tho Boat; Thorough Instruction;
Intolligont Physical Culture.
DR, JOSEPH SWAIN. President,
School of the
' Scranton, Pa.
Certificate admits to many Colleges. Thorough Prepar
ation for Harvard, Yale and Princeton. Lower School four
year course. Upper School four-year course, Experienced
teacners only.
For Catalogue and Information Address
nox 464 Alfred C. Arnold, A. B.
List of Scholarships
Rules of the Contest
choice of tho remaining rowards, and
so on through tho list.
Tho contestant who secures tho high
est number of points during any cal
endar months of tho contest will ro
ceivo a speclnl honor roward, this re
ward being entirely Independent of tho
ultimate disposition of tho scholar
ships, i
Each contestant falling to sccuro a
special reward will bo given 10 per
cent, of all money ho or sho turns In.
All subscriptions must bo paid In ad
vance. Only new subscribers will bo counted.
Renewals by persons whoso names
irnrr-'TPi nw 1 1 o
. aa-vnvA
ramiiJ?flaT9nwwl'i-i,w'r' -H "-".-...-uW.J ,a
Scholarship In Wllkes-Barre Institute 276
Scholarship In Cotult Cottage (Sum
mer School) 230
Mimic, Business and Art.
Scholarships In Scranton Conservatory
of Music, at $125 each 500
Scholarships In tho HardcnbcrghSchool
of Music and Art .' 460
Scholarships In Scranton Business
College, at $100 each 300
Scholarships In International Corre
spondence Schools, average value
$57 each 28S
Scholarships In Lackawanna Business
College, at $85 each 170
Scholarships In Alfred Wooler's Vocal
nro already on odr subscription list
will not bo credited. Tho Trlbuno
will Investigate) each subscription and
If found Irregular In any way reserves
tho right to reject It.
No transfers can be made after
credit has onco been given.
All subscriptions and tho cash to
pay for them must be handed In at
Tho Tribune ofllco within tho week
In which they aro secured, so that pa
pers can bo sent to tho subscribers at
Subscriptions must bo written on
blanks, which can ho secured at Tho
Trlbuno office, or will bo sent by mall.
WILL BE PAID, whether they
All questions concerning the plan
Tribune, Scranton, Pa.
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