1 m ontiton V I ' rr-' ' a.waMSMBWcR. mlvtlF'" r rw A J p , - IJMPMBga,nijMBJgJHfTIIMKHJ MBr-ZlJCJr illgL k f J 1 1 '9fLi?'AiKpGiaMMffKP9'VHc' THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIV ING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1902. TWO CENTS. f "V '? M ' ,,vr ISSUES AN TO AMERICAN PEOPL OiflGla!. Prooramme of the United Mine Workers as Fixed at Indianapolis. ' ALL LABOR UNIONS ASKED TO GIVE AID ITust Before Adjournment President Nicholls Secures the Adoption of ' nn Amendment Instructing Locals and Inviting Other Unions Every where to Act ns Employment Agen cies for the Temporary Placing of Striking Anthracite Men The Union's Demand Now Is for Arbi tration. By I'xrhisive Wire from The Associated Press. Indianapolis. Ind., July 20. The pro gramme ratified by the General con vention of the United Mine Workers prior to adjournment yesterday after noon was as follows: 1. That the national treasurer be au thorized and directed to Immediately ap propriate 0,000 from the funds of the na tional treasury and place It at the dis posal of the officers of Districts Nos. 1, 1 and !), (the anthracite districts). 2. That all districts, sub-districts and local unions be appealed to to donate from the surplus In their treasuries as large amounts as they can afford. 3. That an assessment of 10 per cent, he levied on the gross earnings of all members of local unions In Districts G, f, 12, ID, 23 and 25, and an assessment of il per week upon all members of local unions In Districts S, 5. 11, 13, It, 15, 16, 20 nnd 21. The members of districts now on strike which may resume work before this assessment has been removed, shall he assessed either 10 per cent, of their cross earnings or $1 per week, whichever their district may decide, from the time work Is resumed. 4. The assessment shall be paid direct from the local unions to the national sec retary, and tho local unions will be held responsible for the payment of the same. B. An assessment of 23 per cent, will be levied upon the wages, salary or per centage received from tho organization of all national, district and bub-dlstrlot officers and organizers. 6. The assessment shall begin with, the 16th of July. 1902. 7. All contributions made from the na , tlonal office to the anthracite region will ha divided pro rata to each anthracite district In accordance with the. number tf minora nnd mine laborers In each of them, as shown by tho most recent coal reports. S. That a circular bo Issued to the American people. An Amendment by Nicholls. The following amendment, submitted by President Nicholls, of Anthracite District No. 1, was Included: 9. That each local union In the regions that are at work select a committee, which shall seciue ft oik for as many of the men on strike as po-slble and tho locality whore the local union Is situated, and that the local Inform secretaries of the strike districts of the number of men needed, the kind of work, wages and ar rangements for tiansportatlon. That tho same proposition be submitted to all local unions tu the American Federation of Labor. 10. That tha circular to our local unions shall Include a recommendation tliut committees be appointed to canvass the business men and other citizens of their locllltics for subscriptions. Manifesto. Following Is the circuit ,.o the peo ple: We, the representatives of tho United MlnT Workers of America, In convention assembled, fully appreciating tho gicat responsibility wo owe to our constituents nnd the vast community of which wo are n. part, hereby state, for the information of all who desiro to know, the line of action wo lmvo determined to pursue In the present crisis In our affairs, and tho reasons that have Impelled us to this de cision. As miners of coal, we view with tho exalted prldo of a parent tho wonderful industrial development of the past flf tcen years, with all tho attending influ ences upon the civilization of the present which It has produced, Hut when we look upon the enormous fortunes that our labor has made possible, with the In numerable comforts and luxuries that It brings to the peoplo Lt large, and then examine tho paltry ryttaiiee we receive ns wages for tho labor we have to per form, tho dangcis wo undergo, tho damp ness we must endure, tho foul air wo mist breathe, and the peculiar rheumatio and lung tumbles, superinduced by them conditions, which wo must bear, wo naturally foci that we are being unjust ly rieolt with in the small amount of this world's goods which wo receive In return for so much labor und so many sacri fices. The great combinations of capital which control tho coal industry have become so powerful that no miner can hope, through his Individual efforts, to secure a Just shuro of tho wealth which his labor has produced. The history of Industrial development In the post has shown that when capital combines tho workers must comuine, eise tney win rail one by one, an unpltlcd sncrlliee In the struggle for existence. J'op many years the coal miners of America have been imbued with the truth of this position. The extremely low wages paid to an thracite miners: tho refusal of tho coal companies to have, tha coal properly weighed, or permit the mineis to employ a man, at their own expense, to seo tho coal they havo mined weighed, measured or credjted; Uifs great number of hours the miner must work each day in the most unsanitary conditions: the cruel and Unjust manner In which they have been treated by petty bosses, clothed with a little brief authority; tho arbitrary as sumption by he employers that neither tho miners nor the publlo have any rlghtB that ore entitled to consideration by them, havo forced tu to organize, not foi the purpose of taking from the operatots that which belongs to them, but for the purpose of securing, by business methods, better treatment than wo have received In the past und fair recompense for our jabor. we uuvu sougnt to accomplish this end APPEAL 1 I by conciliatory methods, by submitting?!, disputed points to arbitration, and by refusal to work upon tho terms offered us, commonly spoken of ns strikes, when all other other means of adjusting tho grievances' complained of havo failed, As proof of our sincerity, we point to the joint convention system of adjusting the wages and conditions of employment from year to year, which wo have by our persistent efforts Introduced and llrmly established In a great mnjorlty of tho bituminous fields of the United States. For tivo years we have annually made contracts In this manner with many of the bituminous coal operators, and not withstanding tho allegations that are persistently made that we are an Irres ponsible body, we feel proud of tho fact that, while It may have been to our llnanctal Interests on many occasions to cast them nslde, and we were under no legal obligations to any one, wo havo faithfully lived up to the letter and spirit of every contract we hnvo made, nor shall we violate them now. One hundred nnd fifty thousand of our craftsmen In tho anthracite region of Pennsylvania have sought to secure bet ter wages nnd relief from many galling conditions under which they have been compelled to labor In tho past. They have tried by every honorable means known to civilized men to adjust the grievances with their employers without resorting to a strike. In this they hnvc failed becnuso the employers have as sumed to bo the only parties lntereitcd In all the unctions Involving tho opera tion of the mines, a position that has not been sustained by the conditions existing since a stoppage of work has taken place. Some of the coal operators have been quoted as saying that tho question Is not ono of wages or other conditions of cm ployment, but that they believe It to be an opportune time to destroy the union. Whether they havo made this statement or not, tholr actions Indicate that their purpose Is to destroy our organization. If it Is the purpose of the coul opera tors to destroy our union, then upon the principle that self-preservation Is the first law of nature, we would be fully Justified In taking drastic measures to prevent the accomplishment of their designs. Wc be lieve wo have within our reach the means by which that purpose can be thwarted. No legal power can compel us to work. If wo desiro to remnln Idle. Wo believe that our Interests In the community of which we are a. part, and our obligations to the operators, with whom we havo agreements, require that we shall not inaugurate a general sus pension of work in the coal trade. They may destroy our union, hut they cannot make us violate our contracts. To Continue Struggle. The struggle In the anthracite region will be continued until our demands have been gianted or a competent board of ar bitration has declared that we are wrong. No class of men realizes more than we do the great power of public opinion. Jts influence Is potent for good or evil, In accordance with the manner In which it Is used. No right can bo secured and maintained without its support, and no wrong can ;ong exist thut meets with Its concentrated opposition. Realizing this fact, wo appeal to tho people at huge to bring all possible pres sure to bear on the ofllcers nnd stock holders of the anthracite coal-carrying railroads and other anthracite coal in terests, to treat considerately tho ap peals of their employes for arbitration. The care of 150,000 men and .their fami lies hi a protracted struggle, such as this Is likely to be, will require the expendi ture of a large sum of money In the pur chaso of food. Our own resources nre limited. AVo havo levied a largo assess ment on those of our members who are at work to assist us in caring for those who are on strike. Wo need more money for thnt purpose, and we appeal to every trade union and trade unionist, to every citizen whoso In terests nre Involved, and to every lover of fair play, to nssist us in raising $1,000, 0U0 per month from outside sources, as long as the strike may last. We believe that with this amount of money, together with tho amount re ceived from our own members, we can continue tho struggle until Justice has been secured for the anthracite miners. President Mitchell has made the fol lowing estimate of the number of strik ers and dependents In each district nnd weekly revenues to be derived from each district under the decision of tho convention, together with amounts of weekly assessments by districts. Cost of Maintaining Strike. District No. 1, Pennsylvania (anthra cite) JIlucis on stilke, estimated, 70.5CO. Number of dependents, estimated, 317,000, District No. 7, Pennsylvania (anthra olto) Miners on strike, estimated, 18.0C0, Number of dependents, estimated, 90,000, Dlstilct No. 9, Pennsylvania (anthra cite) Miners on strike, estimated, 52,000. Number of dependents, jMlmatcd, 262,500, Total strlkcis In anthracite field, esti mated, 150,000. i Total number dependents In anthraclto field, estimated, 750,000. Kstlnmted weekly expense In anthraclto field, J300.00O, District No. 17. West Virginia (bitumin ous) Number of strikers, estimated, 23, 000; number of dependents, estimated, 73,OCO. Revenue for Defraying Expem.es. Estimated contributions from districts, JIOO.OOO; estimated contributions from sub districts, J100.000; estimated contributions from locals. $200,COO; total, $100,000. Estimated revenue from weekly assess ments by districts: No. 2, Pennsylvania, $1,000; No. R, Pennsylvania,. $30,000; No, 0, Ohio, $0,000; No. 8, Indiana (block), II. 000; No. 12. Illinois, $50,000; No. 11, In dlana, (bituminous), $10,000; No. 13. Iowa, $13,000; No. 11. Kansas, $10,000; No, 15, Colorado. $7,000; No, 1G, Maryland, $5,000; No, 19, Tennessee, $8,000; No, 20, Alabama, $10,000; No. 21, Arkansas, $7,000; No. 23, Kentucky, $10,000; No. 21, Missouri, $S,000, Total, $211,000- Estimated publlo contributions (Week-ly)-$2J0,; Grand total Income, 491,000. At Wilkes-Barre Headquarters, Wllkes-narre.Pn.,' July 20.-,The strike headquarters of the United Mine Work ers in this city, which have been closed since President Mitchell went west, will bo re-opened on Tuesday, when Mr. Mitchell and the district presidents wll return to this city, After a bilef conference as to how relief funds shall be distributed the subordinate ofllcera Will return to their nomes and take charge of the distribution in their re spective districts. When Mr, Mitchell returns to this city he 'Is expected to remain hete until tho strike comes to an end. It Is said now that tno miners have denned their position, the Civic Fed- oration will make another uppcal to the coal operators to arbitrate. STRIKERS THREATEN MURDER. c Armed Men Invade Home of a Non-Unionist. EtctitMre Wire Irom The Associated 1'res. ottsvllle, July 20. Six armed strlk- yesterday Visited the residence of .o Ellcrshergcr, of Llewellyn, who Is irtH.iiMlnii iini'lmnn n ml tl tn tvln r ylvers, threatened to blow his head W unless he should promise to remain away from work, Ellersuerger's wife fainted from fright. Coal and Iron policemen rescued Kl lersberger from tho strikers, all of whom were anested and held under ball. FOUR DAYS ADRIFT IN MID-ATLANTIC American Liner Belgenland Breaks Shaft, but Is Finally Towed in Safety Into Halifax Harbor. By Inclusive Wire Ir'om The Associated Press. Halifax, N. S., July 20 The Ameri can Line steamer Helgenland, from Philadelphia for Queenstown and Liver pool, was brought to this port yester day In tow of the Harrison Lino steamer Scholar. The Belgenland broke her shaft on July 9 In latitude, 40.57 north, longitude 51.07 west. Four days later In response to signals of distress, she was picked up by the Scholar, which was on her way from Galveston to Liverpool. The Belgenland has on board 129 first class and seventy-four sccdnd-class passengers und all were reported well. The accident caused little excitement. When the shaft broke on July 9, the engineer made repairs by placing sheet bunds over tho shaft. Tho machinery was then started. In half an hour the bands broke and the steamer was again helDloss. Further efforts to make repairs were fruitless and for the next four days the steamer lay drifting, while constant watch was maintained for a vessel. No rough weather was encountered. Twice u distant craft was seen and signals were made, but apparently they were not seen fop no help came. On Sunday, July 13, at 2 a, m., a light was sighted and four rockets were sent up. They wcro seen and soon the Scholur was steaming alongside. When the Scholar's captain learned of the situation he decided to abandon his voyage and tow the disabled vessel to Halifax. SPIRITED GIVING AT ROCKY SPRINGS Last Day of Missionary Alliance, Combined with Bishop Simpson's Eloquence, Nets $31,000. By Etclusiie Wire from Tlic Associated 1'resj. Lancaster, Pa., July 20." The seventh annual convention of the Christian und Missionary Alliance, which has been In session the past' week at Rocky Springs, came to a conclusion this evening. It was the day for annual contributions and tho worshippers were aroused to the greatest religious enthusiasm by the exhortations of Bishop A. B. Simp son, of New York, and other eminent divines. A number of rings and other articles of Jewelry were placed in the contribu tion boxes. This morning $10,000 was raised, and at the afternoon meeting this sum was Increased to $31,001. This money will be used exclusively for the work of the church In foreign fields. Among tho larger contributions were Philadelphia branch, $G,000; Pittsburg, $6,300; Altoona, $1,000; Newcastle, $1,000; Baltimore, $1,000; Scranton, $1,500; Lan caster, $2,000. This district of the alli ance Includes New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Delaware, West Virginia, Mary land and the district of Columbia, KING ATTENDED SERVICE. His Progress Continues to Surprise His Doctors. By Txelushe ire from The Associated Presa. Cowes, Isle of Wight, July 20, King Edward today attended divine services, which were conducted by Commodore Lambton, the commander of the Vic toria and Albert. Queen Alexandra and tho other members of the royal family aboard the yacht were also present. A cold northeast wind necessitated the enclosing of the sides and stern of the deck, where the king usually stays. His majesty now rises at 9 o'clock In the morning and takes his breakfast a half hour later, after which he Is vis ited by his physicians. Tho king's pro gress continues to surprise his doctors, LOOTED THE POSTOFEIOE. Burglars at East Stroudsburg Got Away with $600. By Exclushe Wire Irom The Associated Press. East Stroudsburg, July 20. Tho post oilleo was entered by burglars early Saturday morning, the safe blown open and stamps and money amounting In all to about $600 were taken. The olllce was liadly wrecked by the explo sion that forced open the sufe, Nitro glycerine was used nnd the safe door was blown off, parts of It being thrown to the rear of the olllce. A box containing $81, representing box rents, wos left behind, as was a gold watch belonging to Miss Mamie Place, the clerk. Gave HisLife"foTa Dog, B Eicluslve Wire Irom The Associated Press. llatlmore, July 20. Daniel Furney, 53 years old, dashed in fiont ot a rapidly moving train at tho Lafayette aveuio crossing today to rcscuo his pet fox ter rier which was on tho track. Ho saved the dog but was himself run down und cut to pieces. Trouble Also in Germany, Bjr Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'reai. Berlin, Juy 20. Tho West Gorman Cot ton Spinners ate agitating for a gchoral curtailment of production. They claim (hey lose eight pfennigs to every pound of yarn sold, the dally le.siies amounting to 50,000 :ga SWEPT BY A HURRICANE Eleven Persons Killed and Hundreds of Homes Unroofed In Baltimore-Damage Done. STORM LASTED ONLY FIFTEEN MINUTES Came Suddenly from the Southwest and Skipped the Business Section of the City, Exhausting Its Force 'Along the Eiver Front and in the Harbor Pleasure Parties in Small Boats Roughly Handled Many Pathetic Incidents Effect of Storm in Other Places. ! Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Prtss. Baltimore, Md July 20. A Herce tornudo, characterized ny a wind storm of extraordinary velocity, thunder, viv id lightning and a heavy rain, suddenly burst upon Baltimore at 1.30 p. m. to day, coming from the southwest, with the net result that eleven persons lost their lives, hundreds of houses were unroofed, trees In the public parks and streets were torn up by the roots, many buildings damaged and several people injured. The storm exhausted its fury in less than fifteen minutes. Tho dam age done In the business part of the city was comparatively slight, being confined to the blowing down of signs and injuries to roofs. It was In the portions of the city along the river front and in the harbor where the wind spent Its violence. The Dead. Of those who perished nine were drowned In the harbor from open boats, one was killed by a falling tree and one by a live wire. The following Is a list of the killed: Drowned in the harbor ROY BAT1SMAN. aged 12 years. JOSEPH CAIN, 10 years,. JOHN CAIN, 6 years. THOMAS CARROLL. 21 years. HARHY McCORMICK. 19 ears. MRS. MARY SCHULER, !H years. HARRY S. SCHULER, 10 months old OLIVE SCHULER, 4 years. CHARLES SOHLLER. 7 years. Killed by falling tree WILLIAM CORNISH, colored. Killed by live wire CHARLES SCHAEFER. The first three victims In the above list were out in a rowbout on the river with three other companions. When the storm broke the boat was capsized, three being drowned and the other being rescued by a tugboat. Tho boy killed by a live wire had, in company with two other, boys, gone into a shed for protection, when the shed blew down and a live wire fell on one of them, resulting in his death. Pathetic Incident. The drowning of Mrs. Schuler nnd her children was the most pathetic incident of the hurricane. Michael Schuler, with his wife and three children, accom panied by his brother-in-law, Joseph Cooper, nnd his wife, had gone out Into the harbor for a sail In a thirty-foot boat. When the storm came, Schuler and Cooper took In sails. Schuler sent his wife and children Into the little cabin, and he stood at the tiller to keep the vessel's head toward the wind. A sudden gust of wind threw the boom of the vessel around, knocked Schuler down nnd pinned him to the deck. An other gust capsized the boat, releasing Schuler, who, with Cooper und his wife, wore thrown Into tho water, leaving Mrs, Schuler and her children pinned In tho cabin. Cooper saved himself and his wife by hanging to the bottom of the overturned boat, and Schuler saved himself In the same way, after making frantic efforts to get at his Imprisoned wife and children. A crew from tho schooner Edward H, Hunt rescued Schuler and Cooper and wife nnd towed tho capsized vessel to the wharf, where It was righted and the dead bodies of Mrs. Srhuler and her three children taken from the cabin. Thomas Carroll with four other young men were out In the harbor in a row boat, which was capsized. Carroll was drowned, while his four companions clung to the rudder of the steamship Chathami from which perilous position they wero rescued by a tug. Camp Meeting Victims. A colored camp meeting was In pro gress In Paradise grove, near Powhat tan, on tho Liberty road. The congre gation had Just been dismissed when the storm broke. A huge oak tree fell upon the tent In which the services had been held, Sevornl of the worshippers were caught beneath It as It fell, The tree hud to be sawed Into pieces before the Imprisoned men and women could be released. William Cornish was crushed to death by the falling tree. The others were not seriously Injured, A hole several feet In diameter was blown In tho wall of St, Mary's Star of the Sea Catholic church, In South Balti more, A portion of tho stone cornice, weighing more than a ton, fell to the street. Fortunately no one was Injured by the falling stone and brick, The damage to the church Is estimated at $7,000, While the storm was at Its height a boat's crew from the German steamer Breslau, at anchor In the harbor, picked up two men from a boat which had been capsized off Wolf street. ' At the foot of Concord street the Merchant and Miners' Transportation company's house was unroofed, with small damage to building, but the rain poured In on tho valuable cargo stored therein, doing a damage which Is esti mated from $100,000 to $300,000. Gas Exploded. The gas reservoir in South Baltimore, tiontuining about 300,000 feet of gas, was blown over, the gas exploding, without Injuring anyone, tho damuge being placed ut $15,000. Tho damage to the shipping In the harbor was general, but not of a seri ous nature, Including such as the rip ping of sails and the loss of masts and spars. The weather bureau hero reports that It wits more In the nature of a whirl wind than a tornado. The wind blew ut tho rate of sixty-four miles an hour und tho rainfall was fifty-six one hun dredths of an Inch. The first Indication of tho storm wus apparent nt 12.25 p. m, nnd tho sun reappeared nt 1.45. Re ports from outlying districts are meagre, but so far as known tho storm was confined to Baltimore and suburbs. Great Loss in Iowa. Keokuk, Iowa, July 20. Exploration of the flooded districts of the Missis sippi river from Keokuk south shows conditions beyond tho appreciation or realization of any but those of long ex perience with the Father of Waters in Its most destructive mood. The situation Is growing worse hour ly and a great conflagration would not be more rapidly destructive. There Is not the slightest chance of stopping this most costly flood in the history of the great river. The correspondent of the Associated Press went all over the worst damaged area today In the steamer Silver Cres cent and found everywhere the great est crops ever known under water deep enough (o float a steamboat. People at the river cities give accounts of losses aggregating many millions of dollars. Hundreds of farmers rich ten days ago are penniless and homeless. Careful estimates gathered from the Statements of best Informed people In dicate the loss up to today Is about six million dollars, with every prospect of two or three millions additional by the rise above, not yet reaching the lower stretches of the river. Most of this loss is on the Missouri side of the river between Keokuk and Hannibal. Storm in New York State. Bhighamton, N. Y., July 20. The heavy rains prevailing In this section for the past few days reached a climax last night, when three separate cloud bursts occurred within the limits of Broome county and several in sur roupndlng territory to the northward, breaking mill dams, washing out rail way tracks and highway bridges and doing much other damage, besides de laying trains. Four persons are dead and two are seriously Injured. The lots to property will reach $200,000. The dead are: James Cook and wife, drowned at Afton, Chenango county; the 6-month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Cook, and Michael J. Ryan, of this city, killed In washout. The seriously Injured are: Engineer Edward Furran and Fireman Willis E. Marsh, of this city. Boat Overturned. Tolchestcr, Md., July 20. James B. Post, aged 20, und Theodore C. Parker, 21 years old, of Baltimore, who came here today on an excursion, wore drowned this afternoon. They, with four companions, wcie rowing In the bay. A wind squall overturned the boat. The other occupants of the little craft clung to lt until rescued. FORT LEAVENWORTH SOLDIERY AROUSED The Stabbing of a Comrade in a Negro Joint Brings on an In cipient Blot. By i.xclusio Wire from The Associated Press. Leavenworth, Kan., July 20. The in cipient riot, started late last night by several hundred soldiers from Fort Leavenworth.who demolished the house of a negro In the lower quarter of the city, following the stabbing of Eli Loucke, a cavalryman, by an Inmate of the place, ended quietly soon after mid night and today all was quiet. A com pany of the Fourth cavalry arrived soon after midnight and rounded up those soldiers who had not voluntarily returned to the post. Today Loucke was reported to have a chance of re covery. The groups of soldiers continue to discuss the trouble and there were threats to finish up tonight the work of last night, but It Is believed no further trouble will occur unless Loucke should die. The general sentiment Is with the soldiers and there Is some talk of organizing a vigilance committee to drive out the tough characters and thugs, unless the police shall take de cisive action In that direction. Another Johnstown Victim, By Exclushc Wire from Tho.AssocIated'rres. Johnstown, Pa., July 20, John Retal llck, one of tho llro bosses who was res cued from tho Cambria Rolling Mill mine after tho explosion Thursday afternoon, July 10, died today In tho Cambria hos pital. Ho was W years old and Is sur vived by a wife nnd daughter, Retnl llck was ono of the four live men taken from the mine Thursday night nt 11,23 o'clock. IIu was found sitting uncon bdous lieplilo a small stream of water lit ono of the headings adjacent to tho one In which the explosion occurred. The deatli list is now 112. Two Negroes Shot. By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Tress. Kosciusko, Miss., July 20. Two negroes, Monroe Hallmaii and James Gaston, weie shot to dea(h ut Cross Roads, thirteen miles west of Kosciusko by a mob. Tha troublo nroso from the organization nf secret societies of negroes, with tho In tention, It Is said, of Inciting the negroes Into violence against tho whites. Killed Because She Rejected Him, By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Press. Marshall, Mo,, July 20. aeorge Wiley thot and Instantly killed Miss Dovlo Flynn at her home here at midnight lust night' and then committed suicide. The woman bad 'refused to marry him. She died within a few minutes, without mak ing a statement, ' President Spent a Quiet Day. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press, Oyster Bay, N. Y July 20.-Presldent Roosevelt passed a quiet Sunduy at Saga more Hill, There wero no .callers. Tho president und his f.imlly attended re ligious services In the morning at Christ Episcopal chutch, uf which Mrs. Rwso yelt L u member. LEHIGH VALLEY HIBERNIANS ADJOURN. Next Meeting Place Will Be St. Louis Officers Elected. By Exclusive Wire from 'flic Associated Puss. Denver, July 20. The forty-second bi ennial convention of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians of America adjourned nt midnight to meet In St. Louis In two years hence. Tho following officers wero chosen: President, John A. Dolan; vice-president, T. J. O'Sulllvnn; secretary, J. P. Brce; treasurer, M. J. O'Brien; direc tors, John Keating, Chicago; P. J. O'Connor, Savannah, Ga,, and W. J. Cronln, Boston, tracyHunt is abandoned After Forty Days of Chase, Oregon Bandit Makes Good His Escape. By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Prew. Tueoma, wash., July 20. After forty days of continual pursuit by men and bloodhounds, all organized effort to capture Hurry Tracy, the escaped Ore gon convict, has ended. No further posses will start after him. The pur suit of Tracy through Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Thurston, Pierce, Kitsap, Sno homish and King counties has cost these counties $10,000. Tho fact that Oregon declines to pay' Mr. Swaggcner, of Chchulis, the reward for Convict Merrill's body, has done much toward the dropping of the Tracy hunt. ACROSS THE OCEAN IN 38-FOOT BOAT The Abiel Abbot Low Sighted While 875 Miles Out Skipper and Son Both Well. Dy Exclusive ire from Tho Associated Press. New York, July 20. The Abiel Ab bot Low, a thirty-eight foot launch, equipped with kerosene oil engine und 'in which Captain Henry Newman, a well-known New England boatman, ac companied by his 16-year-old son, sailed from College Point, L. I., on July 9, on a three thousand mile voyage to Fal mouth, England, was reported having been spoken by two vessels which reached this port today. Captain Ivon, of the French bark Tourvllle from Naptes, reports having sighted tho little craft on July 13 in latitude 40.33 degrees northward and longitude 61.32 degrees west, but lt was so far away thnt he could not communi cate with the occupants of the boat. The American liner St. Louis, from Southampton and Cherbourg, also re ported having sighted the Low. The little boat exchanged color's with the big liner on July IS In latitude 41.34 de grees north, lonuitude 03.35 degrees west. The two occupants seemed to be In tho best of spirits and waved their caps to the officers and passengers of the St. Louis. Captain Newman, before sailing from this side, said he expected to reach England in less than thirty days. In the nine days she had been to sea, when sighted by the St. Louis, she had cov ered approximately a distance of S75 miles almost a hundred miles per day at which rate she should reach her destination, If no mishaps befall her, In a month's time. Pauncefote Died a Poor Han. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. London. July 20. The announcement that Lord Pauncefote's family was left with piactlcally no estato save a small homo seat In Gloucestersblre will result In the granting of a larger pension to tho widow than Is oidlnarlly given. Lord Pauncefote's ambassadorial career left his family .several thousand pounds poorer tliun would have been the cato had he not been compelled to Incur extru expenses. McKinloy Memorial Assured. By Excluu've Wire from 'Ihe Associated Press, Cleveland, July 20. It Is believed the entire sum necessory to erect tho me morial to the Into President McKlnley at Canton Is about completed, and that tho next Important step will bo tho raising of nn endowment fund of $200,000, the In terest of which will bo used to care for the memorial. It Is hoped to raise this money among tho pergonal friends of tho late president. Death of John W. Mackay. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rte. London, July 20. John W. Jlacltny, of San Francisco, who bad been suffering from bent prostration since Tuesday last, died at his residence nt 0.30 o'clock thin evening. The Immediatu causa of death was heart failure, Tho right lung was found to bo congested and tho symp toms Indicated pueumonlu. Established a New Record. By Kxclushe Wire from The Ajoclatcd Press. New York July 20.-At the Manhattan liearli track today, Lottlo Brandon, paced by single motors, lode 311& miles In ono hours. Llzctte's old record for wo men was 23 miles and 123 yards. I Steamship Arrivals. By Kxclushe Wlro Iron, The Associated Press. Now Yoik, July 20. Arrived: Colum bia, aiusgow and Movlllo; St. Louis, Southampton and Cherbourg; Umbrlu, Liverpool and Queenstown. Oklahoma's Population 600,000, By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Preo. Guthrie. O. T., July 20, The commission appointed to reapportion Oklohomu bus announced tho total population of the territory to bo 600,000. TRAINS COLLIDE One Killed and Nineteen Others In lured Were Taken from the Wreck. CREW OP ONE TRAIN FORGOT ORDERS As a Consequence the Trains Came Together with Terrific Force on a Straight Line of Track Crew of Both Trains, with the Exception of One of the Firemen, Jumped He ' Was Killed. By Exclusive Wire frcm The Associated PrejJ. Rochester, N. Y July 20. A fatal head-on collision occurred between two passenger trains on the Lehigh Valley railroad near Hope hospital, this city, this evening, In which one person was almost instuntly killed and nineteen others more or less seriously Injured. Both trains were running at a high rate of speed when they came together. , An engine and one passenger coach of one of the trains were thrown from the track down an embankment and Into the Erie canal completely wrecked; feeder and were the other engine was demolished but remained on the roadbed. The Incoming train, which consisted of a combination smoker nnd baggage car and two day coaches, was due In this city at 6.30 o'clock, but was a few' minutes late. The outgoing train con sisting1 of a combination smoker and baggage car and one day coach, left promptly on time at 6.30 o'clock. The two trains came together with terrific force on a straight line of track, one half mile south of Clarissa street bridge, near Hope hospital. Crew Jumped. Just before "the crash came the crew of each engine, with the exception of Fireman Putnam, of the Incoming train, jumped and escaped w(th slight In juries. Putnam was caught In the wreckage of his engine and horribly mangled, death resulting Instantly. On the east side of the track at the scene of the wreck Is the Erie canal feeder, while on the west side Is the Genesee river. The force of the col lision was so great that both engines rebounded fifty feet. The engine of the Incoming train was thrown to the west on Its side and reduced to scrap Iron. The combination smoker and baggage car following Jumped the tracks to the east side, slipped by -the engine, turned on Its side and fell with a crash into the canal feeder. The day coach fol lowing the combination car also jumped to the eastward and burled Its forward end In the canal feeder. The remain ing coaches of the Incoming train re mained on the roadbed. From the combination car and day coach, which went into the feeder, all of the Injured were taken. Many of them narrowly escaped drowning as tho water from the canal had entered the cars to considerable depth. It is admitted by the crew of tho In coming train that they had received orders to meet the outgoing train at Mount Hope, but that tho order wus forgotten. Killed and Injured. The following Is the list of killed and Injured: THE KILLED, PETER W. PUTNAM, aged 30. of Hoebofcler, fireman westbound or out going train. Leaves widow and two children, THE INJURED. Robert Mathews, Lima, N, Y,, shoulder badly bruised, Byron G, Vary, Lima; wrist badly cut with class. Fred MoVlttle, Rochester; face cut badly and seriously bruised. Charles Hoffman, Rochester; artery of wrist cut und bruised; Injuries serious. L.' A. Rauss, Washington. D. C; Bhoul der, arms and legs badly bruised; se vere cut on right elbow; Internal Injuries feared; If otherwise, will probably recover. Charles R. Dernnrd, Rochester; bad cut in forehead, seriously bruised and suf fering fiom ehock; will recover unless Internal injuries develop, Emma J. Ualley, Rochester; side serious, ly bruised; Injured Internally; suffer ing greatly from shock; recovery doubtful. Gladys Vogen, 9 years, Rochester; scalp wound nnd suffering from shock; will probably recover, Mrs. Mlnnlo S. Tyler, Rochester; shoul der badly Injured; suffering from shock and Internal Injuries feared. Sidney G. Tyler, husband of Sirs, Tyler, severely bruised; not dangerous; TAKEN TO HOMES: Mr, Honderof, Rochester; hurt about hend and left shoulder; not serious, Mr, Horn, Rochester, cut on face; not serious. Mrs, Horn, Rochester, both legs hurt at knees; Injuries serious. . AT HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL: Mr. Mercer, New York city; badly cut nnd bruised. Mrs, Mercer, New York city; cut and bruises. J, G, Longfellow, Rochester; bady wrenched shoulder, hands and arms cut; will recover, . , Mrs. J, G. Longfellow, Rochester; badly Injured Internally, severe contusions; will probably dlo. & t.-H WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, July 20. Forecast -f Monday and Tuesday: Eastern -f Pennsylvania Ruin Monday; Tues- day fair and warmer; light vari- -f ablo winds becoming fresh west. -f , . . 1 1 t. .t.t. M ; X .- ,, .. . . '-f ,i, ' h i . . .?J. r.. . - -I ii'4t .Ki..ftri3"l . J liVj kt - ,rf. YUack .safrrf.a I' .,?. lt Ji-4i,rtati.-'ii ,.iAU ..- -.