. " 'tfl VfrV- r THE SCrfANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY 3VLY IS, lOOL 8r- E i. ' 1 . l . T 1 m- 1 L 4 -t 4 GF i- I' ' I A. it f . f. ? If, t F-' i t r V MMMMMNfNi STORE CLOSES AT 5 P. Mi Three Arm Towel ftax, 14 Cents Each or Two for 25 Cents. Finished in Polished Golden Oak. Each movable arm is equipped with ball ends. Two 2-inch brass screws for fastening the rack to commode or wall, are in place for instant adjustment. Lightness, strength and attractive propor tions perfectly combined'. UmMmL'jmm m m GAS ORDINANCE AGAIN DELAYED (Concluded Irom 1'agc 3.) so us to save It from the delay con . sequent upon going bsiult to common council, and It was with roluctnnee they voted for Mr. demons' amendment, al though the umendment was absolutely essential to make the tax clause of the ordinance binding. Two of the friends of the measure, In fact, voted against this amendment. They were Messrs. Evans and Nagell. The ordfnance passed first reading by the 14 to 7 vote and, under the rules, went over for printing. During the discussion of the proposed amendments, Mr. Chittenden and Mr. Merrlman both referred to the allega tions that the similar ordinance vetoed last year had been passed by question able methods and that the franchise will bo used solely to "squeeze" the Scranton Gas and Water company. Mr. Chittenden argued that when the new company sold out to the old com pany the latter would make even for the expenditure by Increasing Its rates to the public. To prevent this, a limit should be fixed to the price to be charged by the company operating un der the new franchise. Mr. Merrlman expressed surprise that the council gave such general support to a measure which had been vetoed once because it was put through with the use of money. No one made reply to any of the declarations of Messrs. Chittenden and Merrlman. TRIED TO KILL IT. Mr. demons made a final desperate effort to kill the ordinance by moving to indefinitely postpone action on It, but thirteen of the "fourteen friends" were solid against the move, and it went the way of the others. The one to go over to the minority was Mr. Von Bergen. Mr. O'Boyle startled, or, at all events, meant to startle the council by an ex pose of municipal rottenness which had no equal since the days when so many of Mr. O'Boyle's fellow-members had ex- attached to their titles of council men, but the solid men of the council had anticipated the "expose" and with very few explanatory word's made Mr. O'Boyle and his sensation shallow and ridiculous. He had discovered that a man up in Nay Aug park was drawing pay from both the city and the county. The man was employed by the county to super vise the work of the prisoneis who are engaged In improving the park. The city furnishes the teams for this work and by an arrangement with the county the city otllcials paid part of the man's wages in consideration of his extend ing his supervision to the teamsters. When such councilmen as Vaughan, Chittenden, demons et til. explained and lauded the action of 'the city oill clals In making this urrangement, Mr. O'Boyle's "expose" fell flat. The total expense to the city for work clone at the park by prisoners since April 1, last, amounts to $SS.13. The first measure Introduced last night was a- rcsolutidn by Mr. Ross, calling for plans for a bridge over the river at Race street, which was washed away by the spring flood. This Is one of the Improvements which It was in tended should be cared for by the sur plus revenue from liquor licenses, made unavailable by the cutting down of the tax levy with a view of making cam paign thunder for the Democrats. Where Mr. Ross proposes to get the money to replace the bridge has not as yet been disclosed. SEWER FOR WEST PARK. As a result of Wednesday night's? "town meeting" of the property-hold SPECIAL SALE FOR ONE DAY ONLY. 9C Each OR 3 25c Will buy a picture (8x6K enclosed in a nice ebony nnlshed frame. A variety of subjects for selection. s For Friday Only 3 for 25c AHBB'-'taBHlHIBHHAA.I 322 Lackawanna Avenue. Scranton 's New Furniture and Carpet House. "Tlie Store That mmmmi$imtmM ers, of West Park, Mr. McAndrew pre sented an ordinance for a sewer sys tem In West -Park and an ordinance extending the operations of the ordi nance against roving cattle, to 'cover the First district of the Twenty-first ward, excopt that portion lying west of Fllmore avenue, between Pettobono and Dickens streets. When the ordi nance was passed some ten years ago, the territory of the Twenty-first ward In question was pretty much a com mon pasture lot. Recently It has built up rupldly and the property owners want protection for their lawns and gardens. Preparatory to the paving of Provi dence road, resolutions were presented by Messrs. McAndrew and Von Bergen, respectively, establishing the fence lines of the thoroughfare and permitting the director of public works to use his judgment as to narrowing the roadwuy at occasional points for the purpose of savlngj shade trees. Both resolutions were adopted. Mr. O'Boyle introduced an ordinance for paving Scranton street from the river to the Bloom tracks. Mr. Von Bergen introduced an ordinance for a bath tub In the Liberty hose house. A resolution presented by Mr. Qulnnan was adopted, extending; to November 1 Contractor James McNally's time for laying flag walks In the Twelfth ward. The sewers Unci drains committee re ported favorably an ordinance for a sewer on Section 13, of the Fifth sower district, in the Second ward, and a resolution authorizing Howell Morgan to connect his property, corner of Lu zerne and Sixteenth streets, with the city sewer. The resolution ,was adopted. A resolution directing the director of public works to enforce the ordinance for laying flag walks on Capouse "ave nue, between New York street and the Seventh ward line, was favorably re ported from the streets and bridges commltttco and adopted. SEWER IS TOO SMALL. Regarding the Ninth district sewer, Director Roche wrote councils that tho cause of the overflows was that the capacity of the sewer was too small for the water It is called upon to enrry, and that Mjnie relief must be gained In tho near future by the contemplated diversion of tho Dumnorc surface water now emptying into the sewer. Chairman Oliver announced his ap pointment of Messrs. Schneider, Reg.m and Quluuau as the selectmen's repre sentatives on tho joint committee which is to induce tho Scranton Rail way company to issue transfers be tween the South Side and Bcllevue lines. Concurrence was given the following resolutions of common council: Provid ing for a cross-walk in front of the Dunkerly property, on Meridian street; authorizing the purcha.se of a new city bqal; directing tho director of public works and city solicitor to report on the merits of the damage claim pre sented by Thomas May, of 2231 Jack son street. The resolution for the pur chase of new files for the eighteen ad ditional common councilmen was dis courteously referred to committee. The following ordinances passed first and second readings: Establishing the grade of the alley south of Green's lane; providing for flag walks on Mar garet avenue. Tho following ordi nances passed third reading: Provid ing for rebuilding the sub-structure and repairing the superstructure of Hollow street bridge; establishing the grade of all ungraded streets in the Fifteenth ward; appropriating $2,500 for repairs to Franklin Engine house; appropriating $1,700 for- repairing tho garbage crematory. READ MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper. 30 extra Trading Stamps free. 9c Each OR 3 25c inches) glass covered and Of For Friday Only 9 3 for 25c. Saves You Money.' it FOR FRIDAY ONLY m timi0nMiiAmm0 THE MARKETS , Wall Street Review. Now York,. July 17. Tho aggregate sales of stocks today show a further Increased volumo of dealings, which fairly crossed the. million Rhut'o mark. Substantial up ward pi ogress was mado and tho market was uroiui in the sonso mat a large num ber of different securities were dealt In and tho tiadlng was also better distrib uted amongst tho fow stocks In which tho pilnclpal activity was centered. Tho sumo preference was shown for tho low ptlccd stocks today, with tho exception of u spcculatlvo Incursion Into tho trunk lines and Vandorbllts. An ottempt was made to bring the speculation back into tho high-priced western railroads, but It will be observed that tho desire to tuko nrnllts on the considerable advance which those stocks have had was still too eager to allow much upward pi ogress, llio United States Steel' stocks renewed tho struggle to advance, but again met heavy sales at every stage. Some of yesterday's conspicuous low priced stocks were acute ly affected by profit-taking. Total sales, for the day, 1,121,1100 shares. Bonds were active and firm. Total sales, par value, $4,031,000. United Stutes lefundiug twos and the old fours declined 6 per cent, on the Inst call. Tho following quotations ire furnished The Tribune by Halght & Freese Co..-314-315 Mcars Building. W. D. Runyon, man ager. Open.High.Low.Closo Amal. Copper 65 tiSli 84 lil'i Am. Car & Foundry ,12 3214 32 3214 American Ice -lOis 11-,'i 10g 11-Ti American Ice, Pr. ... 39 :'.9fc 3!) S9',s Amor. Locomotive .. 32'i 32'i 32 "i 32'i Am. Locomotive, Pr. 91T& 9.1 93TS, 91 Am. S. & Rc'g. Co.. Wik "iM ':k 47 American Sugar ....OVS 29',i 12S'j 128& Anaconda Copper ...101 102 101 102 Atchison Mi's S9',i SS'fc W Atchison, Pr 101', 01i 100 101 Halt. & Ohio 109','t 109 10ST& W9 Riook. Rap. Tran... 70',i 71 t.9'4 70? Canadian Pacific ....135' 1S.V4 13". Iffili Chcs. & Ohio u MVi KlVi Cfi',1 Clilc. & Alton 41?, 4Pi 43 4! Chic. & Gt. West.... BO1 3114 3016 31 Chic, Mil. & St. P..1R2U lK2?i 181 1S2H Chic. R. I. & P,ic...191 191 190 190 Col. Fuel & Iron .... !l33i 99 9r,?i 'MV2 Col. & Southern 1.... 341 3.1 31 34'i Col. & South., 2d Pr. 4S1i 1!1',5 4S:li 4914 Ul'lo R. R 3S 39 3Sli 38 Kile, 1st. Pr "014 70iJ 70", 7014 Kile. 2d. Pr r.l'. Ki UPA BUS llncklng Valley SS SS SR V Illinois Central 105'. ldTi IhT.li Knife Kan. City .t South.. 331 3." ' 1-nuls. &. Na.shville..l11 ltl'i 1104 11016 Miiulmttim Ry 133 rsii 183 131 Mot. Street Ry 119H I.VM, 119'. 119 Mexican Central .... 29"i 29'. 29'i 29'. Mn.t Kan. &, Texas.. 29 3014 29 29 Mn., K. & Tex., Pr. 01 ill', ro's 01 Mlssouil Pacillc 113'i 113 112;i 112 X. Y. Central 100 101 100 101 Norfolk & AVpstevn. 59 i', ;,9 00 Dnlailo R- Western. 3.1 "J 31'. 3.! 31 Pai'lt'u! Mall ioi; 411 inr, 41 Penna. R. R 131 1" 131 133"t People's Ons 10214 lOi't 102'', lOPfc RoihIIiik Ry fiS IR1J 1.7 05 RcndillK, 1st. Pr 87',', 87'. S7 87 Rending, 2d. Pr 72 7.1 72 72 Republic Steel 18 1MJ is 1S Republic Steel, Pr... 71 71'4 7! "Hi St. T.nuls & San V.. 7014 71 70'i 71 " South. Pacillc. '07 fWf 07 117 Southern R. R 3S 38 37 38 South. R. R.. Pr.... !7!J 971', 97' 97'i Tenn. Coal & Iron... 03'. OOi, 03', 03 Texas & Pncillc ... n " 10 I."," 1316 Union Pacillc 108 IM WT 107 Union Pacillc. Pr. .. 91 91 91 91 U. S. Leather 12 12 12 12 V. S. Steel in 10 40 10 V. S. Steel, Pr 92 92 91 92 AVabash 30 31 3d 31 Wabash, Pr 43 47 43 ,0 AVo.xt. Union Tel. ... 80 8014 SO'i SO'I AVhrel. & Uake Krio 22 211;, 22 "I AVIsconsin Central .. 27 28 271A 2s' CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. AA'HKAT. Onon. Hl&h. Low. Close. September 7116 72 711A TS December 71 72 71 7211 CORN. September 50 fill', r.9 Ct December 10', 4071 40 10 OATS. September 23 29 29 29 December 29 23 29 29 PORK. '" " '" September 18.02 IS 02 IS 33 18.55 LARD. September 11.20 1120 10.97 11.02 RIBS. September 10.82 10.82 10.77 10.77 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Open. High. Low. Close. AiiBiist $a; September s.07 October 7110 December 7J3 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... CO County Sj.v. Bank & Trust Co SOO First Nat. Bank (Carbondale). ... Km Third National Bank 530 , Dime Dop. & DIs. Bank uoo , Economy L,, II. & P. Co 45 First National Bank ljoo Lack. Trust & Safe Dop. Co... 193 Clark & Snovor Co., Pr u3 Scranton Savings Bank ww Tradors' National Bank 225 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123 People's Bank tS5 BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 33 Scranton P.issengor Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 115 ,,, People's Streot Rallwuy, lirst mortgage, duo 1918 115 Teoplo's Street Rnllwav, Gen oral mortgage duo 1921 113 Scranton True. Co., 0 por cent. 115 Economy L., II.' & P. Co , ... 97 N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co 97 Consolidated AVator Supply Co ... 103 Scranton .Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Avo.) Flour- 1.10. Huttor Fresh creamery, 21c. j fresh dairy, 23c. Chccse-12al2',Sc. Eggs Nearby,. 21c; western, 20e. , Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.33a!,10. Ciocn Poii3 Por bushol, $2.23. Onion $2.00 per bug. Now Potntoes $2,73a3 por barrel, Flour and Hill Teed, Scranton. July 17, Flour Unchanged. Mill feed Somo grades lower In sympathy with tho lower prices on coarse grains In tho genorul maikcts. Quotations are for cur lots, reported for The Tilbuuo by AVusliburn-Croiibv Co.. Scranton ofuce, 728 Council building, Carl Goodoll, man ager. Fancy patent, $4.25, wood; lirst clears, $3.23, wood: bran. 200-pound sacks, $19.00 per ton; standard middlings, '200 pound sacks, $22.00 per ton; Hour mid dlings, 200-pound sacks. $'.'!. CO per ton; red dog, 140-pound sacks, $20.00 per ton, New York Drain and Produce Market New York, July 17, Flour Market was fairly active and a trlflo steadier. Ryu Hour, steady; fair to good, $J,23a3,40; choice to fancy, $3.G3a3.70, Wlicut Spot steady; No. 2 rod, 7!c, elevator; No. a red, 79a8oc. f, o. b. uiloat; No. 1 noith ern Duluth, 81c, f, o. b. afloat. Options hud a strpng opening and uubseriuent ad vanco. Later they yielded to realizing but finally Improved on covering uml cloyed firm at a partial c. not advance. July closed S0c; Sopt., 7714c; Dec. 77c. Corn Spot steady; No. 2, 70c. elevator and 71c. f. o. b, afloat. Option market was uiibettlc.d, the July option showing Uttlo chungo west, whllo tho September ad vanced sharply on active coveting and higher cables, and closed firm at ac. net advance. July closed 00c; Sept., BH4C.: Dec, 51c. Oats-Spot stendy; No. 2, 5014c; No. 3, B6c.j No. 5 white. 6914c; No,. 3 white, 59c: track mixed western, C0aS7c: truck whlto western, 5Sa Cic; track white state, KaOlc. Options strong and higher pn tho July In Chicago, followed by later reactions unci an unset tled close. Butter Steady; creamery, IS i own before." So doei our megnlf Icent Aucuit Sale, Credit You? Certainly! m 221-223-225-227 Wyoming Avenue. a nSl'ic; do. factory, IGnlSc.: renovated, 17al914c: Imitation creamery, 17al9c.i stato dairy, 17!4n20!4c. Cheese Stonily to firm: now stato full cream, small colored, fancy. 10c: small white, 10c: laigo col nrnrl. !1U.iinr.rv Ittcn-n lutitin QltiOSitv l?r?or Btcady: stato and Penna.. 2o.i20i4c; Vent em, candled, 1914c; southwestern, 10al7e. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, July 17. Corn hold tho centro of tho spcculatlvo stugo through today's dealings and tho July options inado very erratic turns for a dead deal. Conditions were romarkubly bearish In tho coarser grain but support by the bull ciowd that looked very queer considering tho an nouncement tlmt tho bull Interest had abandoned July, gave tho mnrkot good strength. AA'hcnt and oats hnd crop fig ures against them and made good ad vances for this reason, aided to some ex tent by the corn Improvement. At tho close July corn was c lower; Septem ber corn. 116c up: Sopt. wheat, c. high er, and Sept. oats, c. higher. Provisions closed 714 to 1214c lower. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Dull and easy; No. 3 spring wheat. CDiiiSc; No. 2 red, 73'ic: No. 2 corn. 03aO."Uc; No. 2 yellow. 03ati3'4c; No. 2 oats, 60.i30V4c; No. 2 white. 5ll4a3lc; No. 3 whlto, 5314u5Jc.: No. 2 rye, GOaOtc; fair to choice maltlnb. 70.a7.lc; No. 1 flaxseed. $1.30; No. 1 northwestern. $1.43; Grime timothy seed. $3.75: mes. pork, per nrrcl. J18.12J6alR.47V4: lard. $11.15: short ribs, sides, $10.G3alO.7.V. shoulders, 9a9'2C.; short clear sides, Jll.37J4all.30. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, July 17. Cattle Receipts, 5,300, Including 1,500 Tcxons: choice, steady; others, very dull; good to prime steers, $7.73a8.73; poor to medium, $l.50a7.30; stackers and feeders, $2.50a3.25; cows, $1.50 n.".75; heifers. $2.50n0.50: canners. $1.50.1 2.50; bulls, 2$.50a5.50: calves, $2.50a0.75; Texas fed steers, $4,i0. Hogs Receipts. 17,000; tomorrow, 13.000; left over, 4,300; opened strong to 5c. high er; closed pasy; mixed and butcbeis, $7.30a8.03; good to choice heavy. $7.75:i 8.1714; rough heavy. $1.50a6.50; light, $7a 7.75: bulk of sales, $7.G0aS. Sheep Receipts. 7,000: sheep. 10 to 15 cents higher; Iambs, 1" to 23 cents high er; good to choice wot hers, $3.73al.73; fair to choice mixed, $2.4iia3.00. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, July 17. Cattle Receipts. 73: steady. Hogs Receipts, 3.000; slow and demand light; heavy, JKiiS.W; mixed. $7.90a8; pigs, $7.80; roughs. $7.10a7.25; stags. $3.75a0 5O. Sheep and lambs Rpcelpts.l.OOO; stendy; spring lunibs. $0 25n0.75; fair to good, $3.75a6; culls to common. $1.50,15 50; year lings. $1.50a5: wethers, $l.23a4.50; sheen, ton mixed, $1a1.25; fiilr tn good, J!.50-i 2.75: culls and common, $2.23a3.23; eweb, $3.75at. Oil Market. Oil City, July 17.-Credlt balances. 122: cprtltlcatcs. no bid. Shipments, 107,w7; average, 71,701. Runs, 109,911; average, 79,300. FINANCIAL TEN GENT COPPER During tho last year coppe'r has gone down from seventeen to twelve cents a pound, and the production Is still in creasing. Wo are expecting a still fur ther reduction and are prepared for it. The properties of tho George A, Treadwell Mining Go. are situated on the Arorde Copper Belt, in Yavapai County, Arizona, just south of and on the same belt with the prop erties of the United Verde Copper Company. It has been proven recently by sworn testimony in open court that copper was actually produced on the Verde Copper Belt at three and a half cents a pound, The GEORGE A. TREADWELL COMPANY has the largest and best holdings of any company operating on the Belt. In fact, It has pretty much all there Is of A-aluo on the Belt except tho property of the United Arerde Com pany. 1 It will produce copper as cheap as if not cheaper than any other com pany operating in that district, and much cheaper than It win be produced anywhere else, Tho gold and silver values In the ore are ALWAYS sufliclent to , materially reduce the cost of the copper, and SOMETIMES enough to bring tho cost of the copper down to nothing. AVo arc entirely satisfied with ten cent copper, and at that price can pro duce it at a handsomo profit and pay generous dividends. Can any other company In the field except tho United A'erde do as much? Our capitalization is three mil lions and tho par value of the stock $10 a share. A limited amount of the stock is for sale at $11 a. share up to July 20th, and on and after that date at S13.G0 a, share. Make checks payable to tho order of the GEO. A. TREADWELL MINING CO., and send to 27 William Street, Now York, MYRA B. MARTIN, Secretary. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday eveaiug3 from 7.30 to 8.30. mmmmm?; "Owt .events rait their ihd- Jonas lonq's sons rvsArs- OUR FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES A Glass Sale of Great Importance In. Basement for One Hour Sale No. 1 blers; Begins Promptly nt 2 O'clock. who failed to supply themselves last Friday of this splendid -i value. Por sixty minutes today buy them at, each 5C At 8c. each A great sale of Fruit or Salad Howls. Ranuua Dishes, large lemonade or Water Jugs, Celery Trays, Flower Vases. Syrup Jugs, Sugar Sifters, covered Rntter Dishes. All Imitation of cut glass patterns, and every article fully worth twice today's price. For sixty mln- t utcs buy any article for "C At l'Jc. each Sale of luilf-gullon glass Jugs,' large Fruit Dishes, Glass Table Sets of six pieces, fine Cracker Jars, largo size Water Bottles, made from best quality Imitation cut glass. This combination will offer you one of tho choicest selections. Yalue, 39 cents. For sixty minutes n today I v C At 2Hc Sale of Toilet, Paper. Large size roll; full count and weight. Jonas hong's Sons special value. lOach Sc, or regular value for 25c 6 rolls is 4Sc. Friday buy 6 rolls for sixty minutes at Grocery Store News. Sale of Sugar The best American Sugar at this one hour less than the wholesale price. Canning time you nepd sugar. Today you can buy for one hour only, not a minute before 2 or after 3 o'clock, ten ai pounds of this sugar for C Sale of Tea This brand Is our well known Basket Fire Japan Tea We always retail it for GOc. per pound. For today's hour sale buy -n It, per pound, for OC Sale of Raked Deans Put up plain or In Tomato Sauce. Regu- mr lar price, ll)c. a can. For sixty minutes, per can 72c Sale of New Potatoes As fine as can potsibly be had, and sold for this one hour at a price that ought to command your strictest at- fin tention. For sixty minutes today buy a pock at -,w Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock. At 40c Sale of men's, fine Negligee Shirts. Full line of sizes: cuffs to match; mostly stripe effect;, good many In black and white stripe; well made und a good honest value. Sale near Wyoming- avenue en- t trance. For today buy these shirts at 'tOC At flic, each Sale of Women's Shirt Waists, Wash Suits and Whlto Pique Skirts. The suits are made from white polka dot lawn; have long waist front and full graduated flounce. The skirts are regular made from a good value pique and are worth $1.G0. Today choose suit rA or bklrt on the second floor for sixty minutes "c At 10c. a yard Sale of Whlto Goods. A combination lot of 40-Inch whlto lawn and check and striped nainsook; checks are small and large. Tf wp can speak for this sale by past experience, then we can readily say there will be great quantities sold. Come early; value, 10c. n Ono hour 1UC At 33c Boys' Fine Laundried Shirt Blouse Waists. On sale on the second floor. Detached collars; size 5 to 12 years; mado of Madras cloth, cheviot and fine wash percales. Every garment mude from light ac and durk patterns, and regularly sold nt 60c; today buy them at oc At 6c. u yard Sale of Lawns and Dimities. This Is a great lot of fine Oc. goods, and Includes tho best A'arlety wu huve had this season. Colors and designs are strictly very good quality of fabric, excellent. To secure Choice of patterns It will necessitate you being on time to the mln- : ute today. For one hour, a yard OC At 20c. each Sale of Women's Muslin Drawers on the second floor; mado of good muslin, with deep hemstitched runic; also hemstitched nana rume; an sizes; a splendid bo an extraordinary bargain Sale No. 3 ?:t.50. them Begins Promptly nt 4 O'clock!" kneo; an elegant hose, them, per pair 15c. value. At SJ.SO. Sale of Parlor Rockers on tho fourth lloor. Elaborately mado; built of selected quartered oak; all hand-rub polished; made with three panels In back with etched carved top. To close out theses oq $100 Rockets today, we will place them on sale for one hour only.at 'oy At Gfte. ix yard Sale of Seersucker Ginghams; unquestionably the best offer wo huve displayed In the glnghum line for some little time; all good patterns; fast colors, and a fnbrlo that usually sells for 8 or 0c; e-i, today 'for one hour buy It at....,' ,., ojq.L . At 19c pair Sale of Uoys'Kneo Punts on tho second floor. Pants are nil wool; taped seams; good waist bands; full cut size; 3 to 15 years; come In plain blue, Oxford, grey, plaid and checks. Frlduy for one hour 0 buy them for....,.., ,,., , , .,.., ,.. lyu At He a yard Salo of Fine Embroidery Lawn and Nainsook; nnrrow and wide edges, with smull und largo patterns of needlework. This Is an excellent Item and will be a feuHt for all who lovo line embroidery; g jc value up to 25c. a yard, For one hour today buy It at ,,.,. Irw At Sc. euch Sale of Women's Ribbed Vests; made from good cotton yarn; low necks nnd no sleeves; crochet silk trimming. A hot weather garment, and one that will pay value, 15c, Sale price, ,., Advertisers Jonas Long's Sons i sVwxSAVtVVVi JONAS LONQ'S 90N9. vvwvi GREAT 1 At L'c. Sale of scmi-porcclaiii sau cers; can be used for Berries, Salads, Vegetable Dishes or Ice Cream Dishes; gjood size; a good value at 4c. Sixty minutes, each 2C At 2Jc. each Sale of Table Tum individual Glass Fruit Dishes, and large box of 1 ooth Picks. A com- lunation of rare excellence to from for sixty minutes today at, each ,v. choosc 22c At He. each Another lot of fine thin blown Tumblers. A variety of styles and sizes. We repeat tlus sale today nurposclv to allow manv customers At 7c. Sale of figured Silkolines on the third floor. A wide range of pat terns for medium price Drapery in cot ton goods. There is nothing made that is equal to pretty colored Silkolinc; Wi inches wide; good designs. Regu larly sold at 10c; today buy them at, per yard . y C At Sjlc. yard Sale of Point de Paris laces; widths 2 to ( inches; pretty edges; woven in odd floral designs. Values up to L'fic. yard. Every dress or garment will lake on lace trimmings. These beautiful patterns will embellish any garment. Sold Friday at, 1 a vard o2C article, and at today's price will 20c At $1.08 Sale of Women's Wash Suits. This will be the Suit Sale of the season. So, ladies, make note of it ; be on time on the second lloor. These wash suits are up-to-date in every par ticular. Pleated front and back and pleated graduated flounce, lias stock collar made from Chambray and lta tistc; colors arc tan, blue, pink and black and white. Regularly sold at For today buy at $1.98 At 11c. a pair Sale of Children's F'ast Black Cotton Ribbed Hose. Silk .finish; good dye; double heel, toe and For today's hour snlo buy j j c you to ouy mora man one; , ..,, , ,. 8c of Facts Only. RAHLROAjW Delaware and Hudson. In Krfcct June It), 1003. Trains ror carbondale loavo Bcranton M 6.44, 7.30, 8.36, 10.13 II. m.i 1103, 1.12, 2.11, 3.66, 5.29, 0.13, 8.21, 9.15, 10.04 p. m.i 12.18, 1.3S a.m. For Houesdalo-6.41, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 und 6.19 p. m. .. .. For Wllkes-Barrc-6.3S. 7.41. 8.41, 9.47, 10.K a. m.i 12.03, 1.4:', 2.13, 3.23, 4.30, 8.10, 7.48. 10.41, 11.49 p. 111. For h. V. R. R. Polnls-7.41, 9.47 a. m.J 2.1R 4.35 and 11.49 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. PolnU-4.38, 9.47 a. m.; 1.42, 3.28 and 4.3ii p. m. For Albany nnd all points north 7.38 a. m. and 3.6U n. m. BUNDAY TRAINS. vl For Carhondnte-S.50, 11.33 a. m.i 2.11, 3.M, 6X2 and 11.17 p. m. . For Wllkea-Iiarro-9.33 a. m.J 12.03, 1.58, 3.2R. 0.32 and 9.17 p. m. For Albany nnd points north 3.69 p. m. For lloncsdulo 8.G0 n. m.; 11.33 and 3.SI p. m. W. It. PRYOR, D. P. A.. Scranton, Pa. Lehigh Valley Railroad, in Effect Juno 15, 190J. Trains Leave' Bcranton. For Philadelphia and Now York via D. & II. R, R., at 7.41. through Parlor Car and Day Conch Curbotidulo to New York and 9.47 a. m with L. V. Coach Carbon dnlo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.35 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun days, D. & II. R. n., 1.5S, 9.17 p. m. ,For Whlto Haven, Hazloton and princi pal points In tho coal regions, via D. & II. R. It., 7.11, 2.18 and 4.35 p. m. For Potts -vlllo, 7.41 a. m. For Rethleheni, Knston, Reading, Har rlsburg and principal lntermcdlato sta tions, via D. & II. R. R., 7.41, 9.47 n. m.: 2.18, 4.35 (Block Diamond Express), 11.49 n. m. Sundnys, D. & II. R. it,, 9,3s a. m,: 1.6S, 9.17 p. m. For Tunkhitnnock, Towanda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal lntermcdlato stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.35 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlftf nra Falls, Chlcngo and all points west via' D. &. II. R. R-.. 12.0.1 p. in.; 3.28 (Black Diamond Express). 10.41: 11.49 p. m. Sun- uays, jj. a 11 ". .. i.'.m, .u p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Vnlley Parlor cars on all trains between Wllkes-Bnrro and New York, Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 28 Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. I.I3B, Gen. Pass. Agt., IS Cortland street, New York. A. W. NONEMACHER, Div. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pn. For tickets and Pullman reservations) npply to city ticket office, C9 Publlo ' Square, WIlkes-Barro. Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Ealhoad of New Jersey. In Effect Juno 29, 1902. Stations In New York, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains lcavo Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, KaBton, Bethlehem, Allen town, Mauch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash ley, Wlllccs-Barie and Plttston nt 7.30 a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.20 n. m., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil adelphia with only one change of cars for Baltimore and Washington. D. C, and all principal points south and west. For Avoca. Plttston and Wllkes-Barre. 1p.m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. I For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, otc, i.uu anu 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentown at 7.30 a. m 1 p. mi and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Tamanua and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. , ' Schedule in Effect June 16. 1902. Trains lcavo Scranton: U.38 a. m., week days, through vcsllbulo tialn from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; stops at principal Intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. 9. 17 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho AVest. 1.42 p. m., weok dnvs, (Sundays. 1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadel phia, Bultlmorc, Washington and Pitts burg and tho West. 3.2S p. m week days, through vcstlhula train from WIlkes-Barro Pullman buffet parlor car nnd ccaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at principal lntermcdlato gta,ti criH 4.35 p. m., week days, for Hazleton. Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts burg. J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Juno 1, 1902. Trains lcavo Scranton for Now York At 1.50. 3 20, 6.05, 7.50 and 10.10 a. in.; 12.40, 3.40, 3.35 p. m. For Now York and Phila delphia 7.50. 10.10 a. m., and 12.40 'and 3.33 p. m. For Gould3boro At 6.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15, 6.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.53, 6.50 and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmlra nnd way stations 10.25 a. m., 1.05 p. m. J , For Oswego, Syracuse ana unca l.lo nnu 6 22 a. m.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse nnd Utlca train at 6.2! a. m. dally, oxcept Sunday. For Montroso 9.00 a. m,; l.Oj nnd 6.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 6.15 p. in. Bloomsburg Division For Northumbor lnnil. at 6.35 and 10.10 a. m.'. 1.55 and 6.10 1). m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 9.05 p. m. , Sunday Trains For Now York, 1.50, 3.20. J 6.05, 10.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 3.35 p. m. Fori Buffalo 1.15 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.55, G.50 andl 11.10 p. m. For Elmlra and way stations 1 2.1 a. m. or uingnumion ana way sta tions, 9.00 a. m. Bloomsburg Dlvlslon Leavo Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Erie Railroad Co., Wyoming Division Trains lcavo Scranton for Hiiwley and local stations at 8.15 u. m 1.35, C.20 and 7.55 p. m. Sundays, at 9.00 a. m. and 1.3J For Now York, Honcsdalo and Inter mediate points, nt 1 35 p. in. Trains arrlvo at Scranton at p.3n a, m., 3.09. 7.25 nnd 9.15 p. m. Sundays, 1.00 p. m., and S.15 p. m. i New York, Ontario and Western. v Time Tablo In Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 1902. Ul NORTH BOUND TRAINS. Lcavo Leavo Arrlva Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadosla. ii 10.30a. m. 11.10a.m. 1.00 p.m. No. 3 4.00 p. m. 4.4 1 p. m. 6.00 p. m. No 7 6.10 p. m.Ar.Carhondale 6.46 p.m W0, ' SOUTHBOUND. ' Lcavo Leave Arrive Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale. Scranton. vn 6 050a.m. 7.25a.m. No 4 8.40 a. m 10 01a.m. 10.40 a. m ' 2.l5iun. 400 p.m. 4.45 p. m SUNDAYS ONLY. NORTH BOUND Leuve Leave Arrlv Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadosla. No. 9 ".30 a. m. 9.10 p, m. 10.45 u. m. No B 7.00P. m.Ar.Cnrbondalo 7.15 p.m 1N0, SOUTHBOUND. '"'" Leavo Lcavo Arrlva Trolns. Cadosla. CarhomJalo. Soruntrtn, No. 6 , 6g a. m. 7.25 a.m. Nil. 10 4.30p.m. GOOp. m. 6.45p.m. Trains Nos, 1 on week- days, ond 9 on Sundnys connect for New York city, JUJ. dletowu. Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os wego and all points west. Train 3 for Poyntollo, Walton, Dolhl. Sidney, Norwich and all New Berlin brunch points. Train No. 6, with "Quaker City Ex. press" at Scranton, via C, R. R. of N. J for Philadelphia, Atlantic City. Bnltlmon Washington and Pennsylvania stat points. I Seo tlmo-tablo and consult ticket agent! for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. G. P, A.. Now York. . J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton. Pa. The Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 3 Commonwealth Bide. SCRANTON, PA. t MINING AND BLASTING r POWDER Hade at Moosic and Kushdile WorU. H Laflin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER L'lcctrlo batteries, Klcctrlo i:. plod tn, Ux lilodlng l!Uts. Safety Fuse. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. u -i Vv , f & . ' X.Sf ' ,.'5 "1 W . . . i yisiiM J--tat vu ,m it .- , . Trslgi. a h .." MA .-jJgfcSB.Wf,! TClKg&KV. u. ,, 4tf, tf-i ,JtM .-A..W- Si V '.'. afVtt&-. .. 4. .1