The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 18, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    iV - ' rK
, " T' J ft,
J. ' 4 . '
$ $
$ $ $
THIS QUICKEST WAY to get money when you enn not
nfTord Jo wait for It, Is to come here unci Bet n loan
on your household lurnltuic. Wo will hunt! you tho
amount you want within an hour or two utter you ask. Tho
easiest way la to
Borrow Money On Your
Household Furniture
WHY? Because you enn pay us Just whenever you know
you will have the money to rparc. You pay In small
ensfy Installments, either weekly or monthly. You may
liavo tho loan. for one month or for a whole year,
TUB CHEAPEST WAY to get out ot HnatTelal trouhlo Is
to got a small loan from us. Wo will tell you at tlrst ex
actly what a lean for any amount for any length of tlmo
will cost. Wo charge only a moderate ralo for the use of
tho money, and ou will bo surprised to find how very low
our charges ate. You -pay only for tho actual time you
keep the money. This company does rfot charge compound
Intct est nt all, nor nro thcic any extra charges of any kind.
NO PUBLICITY. No questions aro asked among your
friends or neighbors. No endorsement of papers here.
Everything fair and square.
Prom $10 to $300 Loaned
If you want to keep your friends and neighbors
from knowlnjr that you arc hard
upwc can help you.
Private Rooms for Free Consultation.
Remember that there is no compound interest to
pay and that you pay us -whenever
it is most convenient.
$ $
$ $
$ $ $
$ $ $
207 Wyoming Avenue.
Right In the heart of tho hhopplng district. Convenient for
tho ladles. ricnty of private offices.
NEW 'PHONE. 2826.
Bp;cUl to the Scranton Tribune.
plttston, July 17. From now on tho
work of macadamizing Luzerne ave
nue. West Plttston, will be pushed with
much more rapidity. Larger shipments
of material will be received and tho
steam roller will bo kept at work night
and day. Civil Engineer Funington, of
Syracuse, who has charge of the work,
has received an offer of a lucrative
position with the New York and Sus
quehanna rallioad, with headquarters
at ToWandu.
Tli Brothers 'base ball team, of
Hughestown, which has a record of
winning sixteen games out of seventeen
played, will, go to Honcsdalo on Satur
day, July 26, and will endeavor to add
that fast team's scalp to its belt.
Amos Cadman, of Nufus street, is
confined to hfs bed with an attack of
The Lehigh Valley firemen's base ball
team from Sayre was hero today and
defeated tho Tlttston lircmen of tho
'same road by a score of S-7. The game
was a close one all tho way through.
Edward Schmaltz, who 1ms been tho
Brothers' most successful base ball
pitcher this .season, left yesterday for
Susquehanna, having accepted an offer
to play on the Independent team of that
town. It Is bald Susquehanna vIH play
him behind the bat, in which position
he has few equals in this city, besides
being a splendid pitcher and always re
liable with tho stick.
Tho Pennsylvania Coal company 13
preparing to adopt an overhead haul
age system In transporting No. 10 culm
pile to No. S washcry, a distance of
2,000 feet. It will be tho only place In
the upper end of Luzerne county where
a system of the kind is used. Civil En
gineer Durham, of Trenton, represent
ing a manutacturing and construction
company of that city, was hero yester
day, staking out the lines for the plant.
Tho company is also constructing a belt
line from the old Paradise culm pile on
the Mosler farm to No. S washery, and
It will be ready for uso within a few
William Cmnubell, a member f
Eagle Hose company, had ono of his
hands painfully humeri at the lire In
Hughestown, Tuesday night.
The residence) on Benedict street, oc
cupied by the Cunningham family and
owned by William Drury, was badly
damaged this morning by a stroke of
During tho heavy storm this morning
a amull bhanty at the top of tho Ewcn
culm pllo was fired by lightning.
Tho Butler washery, which has been
Jdle for tho pat,t few days of a
break in tho machinery, resumed work
this morning.
City Clerk Piannery and his assistant
are busy at work preparing tho city's
tax duplicates.
Grant Simmons and Miss Jennie Will
iams, both of this city, were united In
marriage last evening at tho parson
age of tho First Baptlbt church, Rev.
Robert Holmes ofilclutlng.
.Special to tho Scranton Tilbunn,
Welsh Hill, July 15,-Haymaklns Is
the order of the day.
W. H. Butler's new bani was raised
Saturday last,
' Miss Martha Vaughn, of Scranton, is
the guest of MIbs Mary K, RIchurdH,
Mr. and Mrs, S, J, Owens, of North
Maine avenue, uro with us for tho
Gladys Reebe, of Carbondale, is
spending a few days at tho pleasant
home of Mr, and Mrs, w, D, Jones.
At Wednesday night's business meet
ing of the Congregational church, the
The widest possible publicity should
be given to the fact (hat summer diar
rhoea In children and cholera- Infantum
can always be cured by the judicious
use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera unci
Diarrhoea Remedy, it never falls.
When reduced with cold water and
sweetened It Is pleasant to take, which
la very Important when a medicine
must be given to small children. For
tale by all druggists.
$ $
$ $ $
P. O. BOX, 94.
new revised by-laws were unanimous
ly adopted.
Mrs. Mary West and daughter, of
Factoryvllle, visited at John Watkins'
last week.
Mrs. Thomas Reynolds, of Forest
City, is visiting her son, E. A. Rey
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Tunkhannock, July 17. Mrs. D. W.
Stark, of Wyoming avenue, Is enter
taining her cousin, Miss Ottlie Thomp
son, of New York city, this week.
Mrs. A. B, Woodward visited her
daughter, Mrs. Thomas A. Pardon, at
Dalton, on Wednesday.
John William Townsend, an unusual
ly promising young man, died of gan
grenous Inflammation of tho bowels at
the home of hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Townsend, on Pdtnam street,
Wednesday evening, in the twenty
first year of his age. He was taken ill
while engaged at his duties in a res
taurant in New York, and had only
been at homo for about a week pre
vious to his death. He was very popu
lar among those who knew him, and a
successful and useful career was pro
phesied for him. Ho had by his own
efforts prepared himself for college, and
had he lived, he would havo entered
Yale college tho coming fall to take a
legal course, Tho funeral will take
place Friday morning at 10 o'clock, at
the Roman Catholic church.
Attorney Everett J. Harding, ot
Wllkes-Barre, Is visiting friends at this
The primary class' of tho Presbyter
ian Sunday school will give a concert
at the church Friday evening. The
programme comprises solos, duets, re
citations and tableaux. Cake and lem
onade will be served to all. A silver
oit'erlng will be taken at tho door,
Everybody is invited.
Mrs. Albert Lee, Miss Elizabeth Go
blo and Mrs. Hush Cortrlght, of Wllkes
Barre, aro Visiting for a few days at
U. W. Lewis and family will occupy
ineir cottage ut Lake Carey for tho
next two weeks.
13. E. Briindugp and Albert Lee spent
Wednesday at Dalton.
Harvey Slcklriyof Wllkes-Barre, was
calling on telatlves and friends in town
on Tuesday,
Spoclat to tho Scranton TilbunR.
Harford, .Tuly 17. Mrs. Will Follott,
of Factoryvllle, visited her sister, Mrs,
Paris Tirfany, recently.
Frlduy evening tho Young Men's
union class will hold an lco cream so
cial nnd phonograph entertainment on
tho church lawn. Come and help tho
young men,
Mrs. Rodtlcld, of HInsdnle, 111,, spent
Sunday with old friends In vlarford,
W. L. Rogers and family, of Scran
ton, are visiting Harfdrd friends,
Mrs, Parry and daughters, of Susque
hanna, aro spending some time with
her mother.
Mrs. M, J, Chamberlain was called
to Plains Tuesday by tho Illness of her
fathor, J, c. Williams.
Miss Jennie Clmmoerlaln has accept
ed a position ns teacher at Ehnhurst.
Miss Ella Follett, of Binghamton, N,
Y spent Sunday with Miss Clara Tiff
any, Tho Misses Laramie, of Scranton, arc
tho guests of Deforest Decker,
Mrs. Lawrey and children, of Car
bondale, uro the guests of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Asa Hammond.
W, B. Guile und wife will soon occupy
the houBe by tho mill,
MUs Eva Sophia has been visiting
friends In town,
Mr. and Mrs, Hornco Sweet and Mr.
and Mrs. A. T. Sweet ure visiting H, S.
Sweet, at' Troy, this week.
Mrs. Will Howard, of Scranton, and
Mis, Freeman Bruudage, of South Gib
son, were tho guests of Mr, and Mrs. E.
C, Peck, Wednesday,
Jacob Whitman has finished haying.
Burglars entered E..E. Jones store
!at Thursday -night. .
Mrs. Houck, of Chicago, was the
guest ot her sister, Mrs, Cooper last
Mis, Charles Osborn and children, of
Nicholson, are spending some time with
her parents.
Mrs. J, C. Tanner Is Improving very
Special to tho Scranton Tribune,
Factoryvllle, July 17. Itov. William
Heller, of Port Jcrvls, N. Y,, a former
pastor, has been a pleasant visitor 'In
town this week.
Wilbur J. Qllmore Is homo from Ber
wick on a short vacation.
Mrs. George Walton returned from
Rending last Tuesday, where she had
been visiting relatives,
Mrs. Hattle Martin Bristol, of Cali
fornia, Is spending some tlmo with her
father-in-law and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Bristol.
Mrs. Lendbeatcr and Mrs. Horton, of
Now London, Conn., who have been
visiting relatives In this vicinity, left
Thursday morning for their home.
They wore accompanied by their sis
ter, Miss A'nna Place, of East Lemon,
and their cousin, Mrs. Stanley SImrclI,
of this place.
There will be no preaching at the
First Baptist uhurch next Sunday, as
the pastor, Rev. G. R. Smith, is tak
ing a two weeks' vacation.
Services at tho Methodist church as
usual, and services at the old Baptist
church both Friday and Sunday even
ings of each week.
The entertainment nnd social at the
Methodist church Wednesday evening
was very well attended and an Inter
esting programme was rendered by the
young people.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, July 17. Miss Inola Dun
bar, of New York city, Is spending the
summer with Mrs. O. D. Roberts.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Beardslcy on Monday, July 7.
The young people of this place on
Tuesday enjoyed a straw ride and .pic
nic to Loomls lake In honor of Miss
Mabel Dcrshlmer, of Scranton. Those
who attended were Miss Alta Finn, Lil
lian Byram, Sndie Soger, Inola Dun
bar, Edna Brown, Mabel Jeffers, Sadie
Clark, Bessie Tiffany, Daisy Smith,
Myrtle Phillips, Mrs. E. M. Tiffany and
Miss Dcrshiinor; John Bisbcc, Claude
Roberts, Lyman Kellum, John Sager,
Rev. Mr. Lewis, Tracy Brown, Glenn
Roberts and John Tiffany, jr.
Mrs. O. D. Roberts, Mis. Charles
Dunbar, Mrs. AV. E. Brown, Inola Dun
bar and Edna Brown spent Wednesday
at Jeffers lake.
Mrs. Mac Carpenter and children,
Josle and Mildred, are visiting at Wat
son Jclfcrs', in Harford.
Roy Carpenter, of Binghamton, Is
doing his haying on his farm near this
Miss Bella Shifter, of Nicholson, is
visiting her sisters at the Foster house.
Guy Davis Is visiting Ills parents at
Now Milford.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Ariel, July 17. David Smith and
Martin Griffin, of Clark's Summit, weie
callers on C. A. Benjamin last Tues
dav. Miss Lavinla Justin, of Clark's Sum
mit, is visiting at Lake Ariel.
The young people of Treslerville gave
Leroy Benjamin a surprise "parly.
Twenty-two persons spent a pleasant
evening, at games and dancing. Ice
cream and cake was served.
A. R. Bowcn moved his family from
this borough to PnttsvIlleon Tuesday,
where ho is Interested in a coal mine. We
i egret the departure of Sir. Bowcn and
his lumily very much, as they weie well
liked by our townspeople. What is Tay
lor's loss is Pottsvlllo's gain.
Tho Taylor Quoit club challengo tho
West Scranton Quoit club to a series ot
Runics. If acceptable inquire of David G.
Reese, captain.
Tho Old Forgo Methodist Episcopal
church will conduct a social on tho
church lawn on Monday evening, July
21. A good time is promised all.
Tho following people fiom this town
left yesteulay to spend a week's vacation
nt Harvey's Lake: Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Williams and son, Leslie; Mrs. Samuel
Hallos and dnughteis, Jessio, Christian
and Ruth, and son, William, Mrs. David
Grifllths and children, Slishcs Silvan Pow
ell, Bessie and Urlan.i Evans, Mary Grif
llths and Lizzlo Davis.
Washington camp, No. 41).', Patilotlc Or
der Sons of Amoilca, will meet this even
ing in regular session.
Miss Lizzie Lowls, of West Scranton,
has been tho guest' of Miss Anna Phillips,
of Taylor btreot, for the paut few days.
Master Jiimes Clcary has icturuod homo
fiom his visit with telatlves at Suubury.
Tho Reds, tho homo aggregation, will
havo as their opponents somo strong out
of town team on tho liversido grounds
this afternoon. A good gamo la promised,
Tho ladles of tho Calvary Baptist
church aro making elaborate arrange
ments for their annual outing to Nay Aus
park on July si.
Tho'North Tylnr Invlnclhles ncoopt tho
challengo of tho Taylor street team to a
pamo on any (Into on tho rlvciblda
Mrs. William Richards, of North Tay
lor. Is slowly recovering from her re
cent Injury.
Mr. and Mrs. David Williams, of Wash
ington street, and Mrs. Thomas Grifllths,
of High btrcet, uro homo from their vlfeit
at Chicago, III.
Invincible commandrry. No. :."2, Knight a
of Malta, will meet this ovenlug In regu
lar hosblon.
Mrs. James Morris, sr,, and grandchil
dren, Gertrude and Gcrshom Morris loft
yesterday to spond a week's vacation ut
Lako Wlnola,
John Parker,1 of North Taylor, has re
turned from his trip to Clovcluud, O.
The following letters lemaln uncalled
for at tho Olyphant pohtofflces Frank
Hurley, Mrs. John McAndrow, M. K
Rl holds, M. J, Sullivan, Thomas Walsh,
Mai Ilonun, John' Garden, Gcorgo Evans,
Mai Ion Harrington, W. Hauuigan (2),
Mist Anna GHIoghy, of Scranton, It
tho guest nf Miss Lizzie Dohuty of Dun
mntu btreet,
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Mrs, Philip
Mooie und children are visiting relatives
ut ninghnmton, N, Y, J .,
Mrs. John Luugan nnd brother, Eu
gene O'Hoylc, aro spending a week at
Tunkhannock. ,
Miss Anna Miller, of Arohbald, Is visit
ing her mint. Mrs, John Ferguson,
P. V. O'Mallcy spent yesterday at Dun
more. Mm. Jonah Davis, of Edwurdsvtllo,
spont Wednesday with friends here.
Bcrllo Davis left yeiterdiiy for Phila
delphia to tpend a few weeks,
ror cnuami leouuns, is mo prescription oi
nurses in the United States, and has linn
used sixty years with nuver-falllnc sue.
cess by millions of mothers for their chlU
cren. During the process of teething Hi
value is incalculable. It relieves the chill
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In tlu
bowels, and wlnd-collc. By giving health
to tho child it rests th mother. Price,
twiaty.llye cent a bottla.
Mammoth Excursion on This Occa
sion to Be Bun to Lake Lodoro Next
On account of the C. T, A. U. Lancers'
encampment nt Lako Lodoro und the
Impressive ceremonies Incident to a
Solemn Mllltnry Mass on Sunday, July
20, excursion trains will be run via the
Dclawnro and Hudson railroad for tho
accommodation of every person desir
ing to bo present nnd witnessing the
event, on Sundny morning, leaving
Scranton, Lackawanna avenuo depot,
ns follows: 7,45, 8 and 8 a, in. Faro
from Scranton: Adults, 75 cents; chil
dren, 45 cents. Reduced rates from nil
Now Sunday Train Service to and
from Philadelphia,
Lackawanna Limited train No. G, cast
hound, leaving Scranton at 3.35 p. in.,
and No. 3, west bound, nrrlvlng Scran
ton at 1.50 p. in., now connect dally with
Pennsylvania railroad at Mnnunka
Chunk, to und from Philadelphia, and
Intermediate points on tho Belvldere
Lehigh Valley Eallrond.
Effective Saturday, July 12th and
every Saturday thereafter, the Lehigh
Valley railroad will operate a train be
tween Now York and Wllkes-Barre, to
be known as the ".Mountain Special,"
for the accommodation of people desir
ing to spend Sunday out of town. Train
will consist of vestibule coaches, and
Pullman parlor car and will run on the
following schedule Leave New York,
Saturdays only, Twenty-third street at
2.10 p. in,, arrive Wllkes-Barre, 7.03 p.
m. Leave Wllkes-Barre, Sundays only
at COO p. m arrive Now York, Twenty
third street at 11.15 p. in. Train will
stop at principal stations.
Special Seashore Excursion.
To Long Brunch, Ocean Grove, As
bury Park, via New Jersey Central,
Tuesday, July 22, 1002. Round trip, $5;
children, -5 to 12 years, half fare. Round
trip tickets, good going on regular
trains on above date and good return
ing on any regular train, on or before
August 1, will be on sale at the follow
ing stations: Scranton, Taylor, Moo
slc, Avocn, Plttston, Yutesville, Laflln,
Miners' Mills, Parsons, Wllkes-Barre.
Dlst. Passenger Agent, Scranton.
The Silver Lake Assembly, Silver
Lake, N. Y., July 29-Aug. 21.
For tho above occasion special ex
cursion tickets may be purchased via
the Lackawanna railroad to Silver Lake
and return, at rate of $7.20 from Scran
ton. Tickets will be on sale July 15th
to August 21st, inclusive, going limit
date of sale, with final return limit to
Sept. 1st, 1002, Inclusive. Children be
tween the ages of 5 and 12 years at one
half adult rate.
Lake Poyntelle. 1
The Now York, Ontario and Western
special Sunday excursion train to the
mountains will leave Scranton on Sun
day, the 20th Inst., at S.30 a. in. and,
returning, leave Poyntelle at 5 p. m.,
arriving in Scranton at 6.45 p. m. The
return faro from Scranton will be $1.00.
'Ter Diem" Freight Question.
The Central Railroad of New Jeisey
has issued the following circular to all
In connection with tho "per diem" ques
tion tho following extract from a general
letter recently issued by a largo business
linn in Pennsylvania, may bo of assist
ance to you In dealing with shlppeis und
consignees, and It Is desired that you
(liioto it freely In the transaction of busi
ness upon which It has positive bearing:
"Jn view of tho new per dlcnr plan offj
cunrglng clcmuringo which tho railroads
propose to enforce, commenting July 1,
wo In turn shall he obliged to chargo back
to shlppeis any Mich charges tiaceablo to
causes beyond our control, such as
"Failure to render comploto shipping
documents promptly.
"Necessity for rejecting, or delay in ac
cepting, by reason of materials not being
as represented.
"Apparent shoit weights, making It nec
essary to hold cars until nrilidttccl.
"Any other cause for which wo are not
responsible." C. W. Huntington,
Geneial Superintendent.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Following Is .tho make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
Summits, Wesf-fl a. m., Nichols, with
Frounfelker's crow.
Pusliorf 7 a. in,, Hntiscr; 11.43 a. m.,
Morau : 7.S0 p. m., Murphy; 9 p. m., W. H.
Helpers 1.30 a. m., Latthner; 7 a. ni,,
Gaffney; 10 a. hi,, Sccor; 3.13 p, m., Stan
ton. NOTICE.
L. G. Wllmnt and crew will run No, 01,
Friday, July IS,
FOR THE LITTLE ONES, Cut out tho plctuiea appealing on this page each
day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, save them until Saturday,
then send thorn or take them to Tho Trlhimo olllco in an envelope! addressed to
"Puzzle Deiiartinent." Entioso In tho envelope your name, ago and nddiess. Tho
boys and gills who corieetly mark tho six plctuics appearing dining tho week,
and whose answers aro llrst received, will havo their names published In Tho
Tribune Monday morning.
Fim Cunningham nnd Knowlton,
who wera concerned In the execution of
Captain Hale,
IUII llblMUf
Only Half & Cent a Wcrd.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTHDTtwTghly experienced sales
men for Linens, White Goods and Do
mcRtlcs. Goldsmith's Bazaar.
CIVIL Service Government Positions
7,072 appointment mndo between July ,
,1001, unci April 13, 1002. Only common
school education lcqtilrcd for examina
tion. Catalogue of Information free Col
umbian Correspondence College, Wash-
1IIHIUU, 1J, t.
WANTED Severn! young men to can-
vukhj expenses advanced; must do
nhle to rIvo good reference. Call on
Ocorgo Walker, Lackawanna alloy
WANTED Competent machinists to
work in largo railroad shops near
Pittsburg; iininnrrlod men profcried.
Wages paid, 23 ,2ft nnd 27 cents per hour.
Permanent cmplovment given for satis
factory service. Froo railroad transpor
tation furnished from Wllkes-nnrro to
Pittsburg. For further Information ad
dress C. L. Snyder, IU2 Moonoy Building.
BtUTalo, N. Y., In wilting, glvo ago. ex
perience, where Inst employed, and on
what; kind of work.
Situation Wanted.
man, with child; would llko position
ns housekeeper or general housowork;
ipforences given. Address 1K6 Muplc
street, city.
i i
V. K. Wllmot and crow will run Nealls'
run, Fildny, July IS.
This and That.
F. K. Hlgbeo, who was with tho Cen
tral Railroad of New Jersey freight de
partment up to December 16, 1001, when
ho retired, has Just been reinstated ns
superintendent of car service to succeed
W. M. Young, resigned. The appoint
ment became effective July 15.
The combined excursion of tho Primi
tive Methodist, Methodist Episcopal
and Congregational, churches of Pltts
ton and Avoca will be run to Harvey's
lake on July 25. A special train will
leave tho Lehigh Valley crossing at
7.J3 a. in.
Rev. P. J. Golden, of Scranton, spent
Wcdncsduy with friends here.
Misses Lizzie Hiltz, Lena Faust,
Mary Ruddy and Margaret Alkman, ot
Scranton, were entertained by Misses
Jessie Brown and Lizzie Decker on
Wednesday evening.
Misses Jennie Graham, of Pottsvlllc,
and Lizzie Graham, of Scranton, are
spending a few weeks at the family
residence on Main street.
Mrs. Frank Howard is spending sev
eral days at the home of her parents,
at Corning, N. Y.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. K. Bailey are visit
ing friends at Preston Park.
American League.
At Boston ' R.II.E.
Cleveland 0 0 3 0 0390
Boston 0 2 0 0 0243
G.imo called after ilfth inning rain.
Batteries Wright and Bomis; Young
and Criger. Umpire Sheridan.
At Philadelphia R.II.E.
Chicago 2 200 00 0 00 I 7 1
Philadelphia 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 X 7 12 3
Battciles Piatt and Sullivan; Hustings,
Wlltbo and Powers. Umpire O'Lough
lln. At Washington- R.H.E.
Detroit 2 00 0 00 000211 3
Washington 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 x 9 10 1
Batteries Miller and McGuirc; Patten
and Clarkw Umpire Connolly.
At Baltimore Gamo foifoitcd to St.
Louis score, 9 to 0 on account of non-appearance
of Baltlmoto team.
National League.
At Boston R.H.E.
nohton 1000 100 00-2 7 0
Pittsburg 3 0 2 2 00 1 Ox S 10 0
Batteries-Carney, Hnlo and Mornn;
Lcover, O'Connor and Smith. Umpire
At Cincinnati R.H.E.
NevJ York 0 0220000 2 fi 11 0
Cincinnati 10 0 10 0 10 0-3 S 1
Batteries Mattbcw.-iiu and eager;
Thcllmun and Bergen. Umpire Powers.
At St. Louis- R.H.E.
Philadelphia 10 2 2 0 0 0 0 1-012 0
St. Louis 03213100X-1013 4
Batteries Frazer, Dugglchy and Doug
lass; Yciitcs, O'Nell und O'Ncll. Umpires
O'Day and Brown.
Chicago-Brooklyn; not scheduled.
Eastern League.
At Montrcnl Toronto-Montreal, gamo
postponed; wot grounds.
Newark, 2; Buffalo, 4.
At Pjovldcncc Providence, 3; Worces
ter, 4,
At .im-MPv ntv .Toi'hdv Cltv. 7: Roches-
tor, 1 (first gamo). Jorsey City, 4; Roch
ester, 2 (second game).
No Order
Accepted lor Less
Than 10 Cents.
Help Wanted Male.
Mr. A. J. King, Superintendent, with bituminous coal mines In tho town '
rocahontas, Tazewell County, Stato of Virginia, on tho Norfolk and Wcstorn Ral
way, wants Bomo good, cxpoilenced coal mlnois at once.
For pick mining and loading entry
j'or pick mining and ma
Jror pick mining and loa
J'or mining and loading
For mining nnd loading
loauiug loom
Inside trnck layers.....
Jiixmo trncie layer uoipurs , ?i.fu to Ji.iu per uny
Inside- timber men por clay
lnsldo timber men helpers.... , i$l.B0 per day
.Parties ot 10 can procuro special tickets for $10.7.1 for each poison over th
Pennsylvania Railroad rrom Phltadolphlii to Pocahonlns. Regular fnro-for oni
person nlone, $11.33. Arrangements ran bo made to advance- tho railroad faro to re
sponsible persons. . . ,
A Good mlnois will get regular ernploi ment and good nccoihmadatlons, as t'. .
town of Focahontnft has over 1.000 InhabUants.
For Sale.
FOR HALE Sound western mare, 9 yenrs
oui: wcignt, i,.w. earn narowuz,
rear 211 Fifth street.
FOR SALE Sound, Inmost homo. l.:i
hands high; light bay; eleven hundred.
Knlc's livery, McKcnmi court.
Furnished Rooms for Bent.
FURNISHED ROOMs'tar rout, mo-lorn
Improvements; pilvato family: gen
tlemen proforred, at 337 Adams avnnuo.
beat, gan nnd bath, gentlemen pio
fcrrfcd, nt 039 Adams avonue.
Real Estate.
LOTS, houses and fauns for sale.
J. C. Zurfllch.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homes In
upper Green Rlrtso; choice neighbor
hood; most deslrablo locnlltv for homo
In Lacknwnnna county. J. A. Mnrvlne,
1738 Sandorson avenue.
Money to Loan.
Qulck, stialght loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 314-313 Connoll building.
Situations Wanted.
go out cleaning or washing by tho
day. Address 712 Schnell court.
WANTED Wnshlng, Ironing, cleaning
and scrubbing to do by tho day by a.
competent woman. Apply 41S Willow st.
as shipping and stock clerk; lias good
habits and has a position at present, but
desires a chnngo for good reason. Can
furnish good reference. Address H. C,
care of Tribune.
Board and Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with
first class table board, can bo obtalnod
at 333 Jefferson avenuo.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Wilte for our special mar
ket letter. Freo on application. S. M.
Hibbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 44 nnd 40
Broadway, Now York. Established 1581.
Long Dlstanco 'Phone 23SS Broad.
LOST On Spruce street, between Floroy
& Brooks' nnd Dime Bank, thirty dol
lars In bills. Reward if returned to Dan
Carmlchucl, 1343 Dickson avenue.
LOST Small, datk. Jersey cow, with
black face. Finder plcaso notify 1303
N. Washington avenue.
launders shirts at So. each and collars
and cuffs at lc. each.
GERMAN Building Association. No. 9,
vs. Michael Greeula. In tho Court
of Common Pleas of Lackawanna County.
No. 3S8, May Term, 1002.
Notice Is hcroby given that tho under
signed, nn auditor appointed to distribute
tho fund In Court In tho auoo stated
case, will attend to tho duties of his ap
pointment at his otllce. No. 202 Paul!
building. In the City of Scranton, In Mild
county, on Tuesday, the 2.'d dnv of July,
100.', at 10 o'clock a. in., at which tlmo
und place all porsons having claims upon
s.ild fund aro required to appear and
present tho samo or otherwise bo de
barred from coming in on tho distribution
J. M, WALKER, Auditor.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG4.
Real Estato Exchango Bldg,, 120 Wash
ington nvo.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spruce stieot, Scranton.
Patent Attorneys.
PA I C.lM I Oof the Globe.
Tho only licensed and equipped patont
solicitor In tho city. No charge lor In
formation on patentability; over ten years
Rcploglc & Co., rtlcars IMtfjr.
Hotels and Restaurants. ,
Hn avenue. Rates icasonahlo.
P. KIEULHIt, Proprietor,
PUksonger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropium plan. Victor Koch, Propilotor.
und cebs pools; no odor; only Improv'ud
pumps tibed, A. 11. Ilrlggs. propilotor,
Lcuvo onlois BOO North Jlalu nvoii'io,
or Klcko's dt ne store, corner Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wive Screens.
avo., fcScrnnton, infra, of Wlro Gcreon.
plies, envelopes, pa por hugs, tviao.
Warehouse, 110 Washington nvonuo.
bo had In Scranton at tho newu stand
of Relsnmn Bros., 40J Hprucu and C0J
Linden; M. Norton, 3.M Lackawanna
uve.; I. S, BchuUer, ill Spruco stro-jt.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
JIolp Wanted Male.
coal 90 contn ror car
coal ,. coins per car
tnnciiino under-cut ent.-y coal, ...70 cents por car
lrmiiltno Utlilnr-nllt rnmri mill ...rRnrn! nnr pjip
(2.00 to 2.23 per day
For Rent.
COTTAGE FOR rent nt Waverly from
tins dato or for August only: furn
ished; seven rooms, lncpilio W. A. San
ford, CtW Paull Bldg., or Waverly, Pa.
FOR RENTAtter September 1, eighth
room house, all modern conveniences,
with steam heat free; ' good location;
rent moderate. Apply at Tribune office
FOR RENT Five unfurnished rooms,
second floor; all Improvements. 410
Quincy avenue.
FOR RENT Halt of a new doulilo house,
9 rooms; all modern Improvements, 433
Webster avenue. s
FOR RUNT 927 Green Rldgo street, 9
l oom house, modern improvements,
steam beat, moderate lout, excellent lo
cation and neighborhood. Inqulro 1338
iishlngton avenuo.
FOR RENT At Dalton, house furnished,
or unfurnished ; modem Improvements;
shoit distance from station; will rent for
summer or longer. Address W. B. Slade,
Dalton, Pa.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED A small house or (hit, prefer
ably furnished, In deslrablo location.
To gain attention, state terms. P. O, Box
md Lawn
yThe Largest and most
artistic line ever shown
in the city.
121 Washington Avenue.
manufacturers of
Old Slock
Brew try,
... 43510 45.1!
N. cevcntli be.
.Scranton, Pa.
Old 'Phone, 333i.
New 'Plione, '2935,
Matchless Splendors
of (Ho
Canadian Rockies
BANFF tho IKk In the CLOUDS,
C1LJR :i region described by Wliy'ni-
pcr, the conqueror of tho Mntterhtfrn,
as fifty or sixty Swltsieiiauda rolled jnto
one reached only by the
Canadian Paclr'ic'Railwiy
Dally transcontinental train service
throughout tlio year from Toronto nnd
Montreal. IMPERIAL LI 3! ITKD, cross
ing tho continent In 07 hours, leaves
Toronto unci Montreal (commencing
Juno 15 next, every Bunday, Wednes
day und Frlduy, Bleeping and dining
cars attached to nil through trains,
Flrst-tiass hotels in the mountains.
Swiss guides at the principal points.
For rates, etc., apply to nearest agent
of the C. P. R., or to 13. V. Skinner, 333
Broadway, Now Yorlt.
Passenger Traffic 'Manager, Montreal.
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