nw p' 1 rW . 1 1 r i:;i ,u I k ; THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY JUL 18, 1902. H.V I r. 4. I Jf' ' ' ,. k .t, u, . P-V Im ,; ttt?v V ' IK 'i fe IK. f p' ,." IV r: V fc. k ' ' M fiv, fc t ? ? Ik WEST SCRANTON Vitrified Brick Pave Laid On Hyde Park Avenue Three Years Ago in a Deplorable Condition. Throe years ago the Alculrnz Paving compuny laid a vitrified brick navc ment on Hyde Park nvenue, from La fayette street to Division street. Tho lirlcks were lnld on a snnd bnso and the pave 'wan guaranteed for five years. Three years has elapsed, and Uio street from Lafayette to Jackson Is a night to behold. Commencing with the Merrllleld lot, on tho loft-hand side, and extending to Price street, the bricks have sunk half tho width of tho ntrcet. At the Intersection of Price street there Is a hole In the pavement some ten feet long and two feet wide, with a depth of ten to fourteen Inches, and at this point In the middle of the street Is a basin filled with mud nnd water, some eighteen Inches In diam eter and twenty Inches deep. If a wheelman or horse were to strike the hole just right, tho consequences would Indeed be serious, as a wheelman might be thrown from his wheel and killed, or a horse break n leg. From Price street to the Franklin engine barn the bricks are also sunk, nnd in front of tho barn tho whole pavement Is In a most deplorable con dition. Several times while the pave ment was In course of construction heavy rain storms occurred and tho water washed the sand from beneath the bricks and honeycombed tho whole thing along tho sides. Again, after the pave was completed, the company mixed weak cement and slushed It over the brlck3 to fill up tho spaces between bricks, but Instend of sinking In, the cement merely formed a crust on top, which travel soon wore off, with the result that water sinks In all the urovlens. Alderman's Court. Gertie Jones, .of Scranton, swore out a warrant on Tuesday before Alderman Noone, charging Mary Jane Matthews, of 727 Scranton street, with assaulting her, jumping on her face, and giving her several stiff body blows. The Mat thews woman was arrested and taken before the alderman on Wednesday, and although she admitted all the chnrges, the alderman was compelled to dlschatgc her, because of tho non appearance of tho Jones womnti. Margaret Hodges, of f30 Decker's court, swore out a warrant before Al derman Hollow, charging Annie Will lams, of 123 Bulwer street, with as sault and battery. The alleged assault took place on July 14. When the de fendant was arraigned belore the alder man she was held In $300 ball, which was furnished by Reese D. Morgan, of North Filmopc avenue. The Best Family Cough Remedy. Mour's French Tar, For Sil hy GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main avo. The Store Closes Every Evening S j at 5 O'clock, Saturdays Excepted j 9 That Shirt Waist Sale...: 5 Has seut more life and act' vity iato this great Sr iS and growing department than any thing that has yet & 5 happened in its history." The sale continues all of S it.; ' .. i. j it.. . i. r -' i3 iuis wees, aau as iue siocic tion before 3 the sale started, assortments are still e s comple !ete. The Price Reductions Are About One-Third Under Regular Prices. 3S 3 s i Other Summer Things at 3 a i Special Reductions All bright, clean and im ii I-Cl. .i.. r. "3 luc ,clL luc uiauuiaciurcr a. xvvery cut in price fg claimed, is an incontrovertible fact that will stand g the strictest investigation. SILK GINGHAMS Great assortment of Silk J .Glnelinms, handsome com " 'binntion of colors and fine fabrics. Special price 10c yard. TISSUE GINGHAMS Pino sheer goods, choice patterns and a new price. Special 15c yard. SWISS SILKS t These goods, although made of cotton, look like silk. Notice the price, p Special 13 l-3o yard. WASH SKIRTS Big lot of Wash Skirts made of Seersuckers, Per cales, Chambrays, Linen nnd Mercorizod Ginghams. Prices range from 50c to 81,85 each. 3 a a a a a a Globe Warebotis?. mmmrn&mmmmmmMimmm Mnrgarct Montgomery, of Kelly's patch, went before Alderman Noone nnd secured n warrant for tho arrest of Alexander Shlmlskcy, of Park Place, on tho chnrgo of assnult ami battery, attempted criminal assault and using vile langunge. Tho nrfnlr took place In Church place, Providence, on Monday night. The hearing has not been held yet. A peddler was arrested by Constable John Lance, and arraigned before Al derman Moses, on the charge of ped dling without a license. He wus com pelled to pay tho usual fine. Ooldle Hetzel, of Scranton street, had Annie Walters, of the same place, ar rested on the charge of assault and battery and disorderly conduct. At the hearing before Alderman Noone, the defendant was discharged on tho as sault nnd battery charge, but fined on the disorderly conduct charge. Mrs. Sarah W. Wallace, of 430 West Market street, swore out a warrant for the arrest of her husband, on tho charge of desertion nnd non-support. At the hearing before Alderman Kel lnw, yesterday, Mrs. Wallace testified that her husband has refused to sun- port her or the two children for tho past three years. In default of ball ho wns committed to jail. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Frank Shedd. of North Main nvcmip, who has resided on this side for over thirteen years, has been promoted to dls trl& superintendent of the I.ehlgh Valley Coal company, with headquarters In Pittston. Mr. Shedd wo-? formerly em ployed In the nfllee of Council & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Graff, of Park Place, have welcomed a dainty daughter to their home. Mls Uertha Sanders, of West Kim strot. entertain on Wednesday evening, In honor of Henry K. Sanders, of Hnrrl- mnn, Tenn. Dancing and various games were enjoyed until a late bour, when a bountiful collation was served by the charming hostess. Claude S. Shivcly, who for tho last three years has been manager of tho West Side store of the Atlantic and Pa cllic Tea company, has been assigned to the management of tho company's stoic In Pittsburg. James Saville, the markotman, enter tained his clerks at a clam bake, held at Gravel Pond. Thomas G. Kvans was united In mar riage to Mrs. Sarah T. Morgan, by Rev. D. I. Jones, of the Tabernacle church, on Wednesday evening. Both are resi dents of West Scranton. Mrs. Thomas K. Evans, of South Hyde Park avenue. i home from Jcrmyn. Henry Thomas, of Decker's court, was Injured by a horse stepping on his foot. While not serious, tho wound is very painful. Stephen H. Fletcher, of 111G Luzerne stiect. has returned fioni a two weeks' tilp to New Yolk, Philadelphia and At lantic City. Solvation-Army. Weather permitting a lawn social will be held at 14011 Lafayette street. Monday evening, July 21, when ico cream and cake will be seivcd. The Misses Mary and Anna Ddwards, o : was oi generous propor- c 8? This Week ts dainty as on the day when t NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 500 Men's Colored Madras Shirts, dainty stripes in good colorings. Special price 75c. WASHABLE HATS Children's White Duck Hats, with colored edges, Special 25c each. MUSLIN SKIRTS Special showing of Wo men's Muslin Skirts, hand somely trimmed, made nnd finished to perfection. Prices range from 81.00 to $8.00, . a?: I. & & & & I St" ter, I. & & daughters of Judge- nnd Mrs. II. M. Ed wards, of South Main avenue, entertained a largo number of young people at a lawn party Inst evening, Tho lawn and porch wcro beautifully decorated with flags and lanterns; and after an evening of delightful pleasure tho charming host esses served refreshments. Tho famous Dutch and Welsh teams of tho Klectrle City Wheelmen bowled throe gnmes last evening, tho honors being tak en by tho Dutch boys, who won two out of three games. The line up, w.ii ns fol lows: Welsh-Frank Watkllis, ouptnlnl Henry Morgan, Samuel Jones, Walter James and C. A. Kytion, Diitch-Jnlto Pfclffcr, captain; Dolph limning, William ltoo, William Dlchl and A. T. Stover. Columbia) Franchl, the young. son of Mcrchnnt Franchl, of Noilh Main ave nue, and a boy companion, yesterday, took a tin rnn, filled It with wnter nnd, after sealing It up, put It In tho lire. In a short time steam was generated, which blew the top off tho can nnd throw tho seaming not water in the race and on the nrms and logs of Columbus. The burns, while not dangcrou-', are very painful. Ho was removed to his home and medical attendance summoned, On July a, two weddings will take place at St. Patrick's church. The con tracting parties aro John Gallagher and Miss Margaret Lilly, both of Lnzcnic ntrcet, and Jamea MeDonoiigh,. of Twen tieth street, to Miss Kllsmbcth Malla, of Luzerne street. On July 2CS. Washington camp, No. ITS. Patilotlo Order Sons of Amcilca, will run an excursion to Mountain Pmk. Mrs. Morgan Lewis and daughter, Eth el, of Hampton street, loft yesterday for a week's stay at Harvey's lake. BEAD MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper, extra Trading Stamps free. 30 SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Bowling Match Between the Junger Maennerehor and the Arlington South Side Teani. Two enthusiastic bowling teams, rep resenting tho Junger Maennerehor and tho Arlington South Side team, oer splrcd and rolled tenpins on tho bowl ing alleys of the Arlington hotel, on Pittston avenue, last evening and played a series of three games, which were witnessed by friends of both teams, While no phenomenal scores were made, a fair average was 'main tained, notwithstanding the upplshness of the thermometer. Smith was high man with a score of 194, while Janssen hud high average with 183 2-3. The Individual and team score was as follows: JUNGER MAENNERCHOIt. Totals Heinz 11,-, llrt ya 3DI Schunk Vli l.'S 110 3D7 Hang 133 117 J'J," 310 Kopcrt l'.'l 107 II) 374 Janssen ltu laj Wl 313 Total3 I GDI 740 :1I2 SOUTH S1DK. Zutoger 14S ir,S 111 437 J. Silcsmor 1JJ li,i) bij 4V, AV. 5Jlcsmcr 139 l'!7 141 437 !' Itnll 110 14 1J1 4J3 Smith 1IJ ni 19 j 507 Totals 7lL' S03 76D :':31 NUBS OF NEWS. The memheis of tho Scranton Athletic club will meet at their rooms thlp even ing, after which they will pnrailo the principal street;, of tlii.s side and the cen tral city. nclvcitlHing their annual excur sion, which will lie inn to Mountain paik tonionow. Trains lcne at S.SO a. m. and 1 o'clock p. in. An apiou .social v.i.s held at St. Paul's Kvangcllcul church AVcdnesd.iy night, and was very laiRoly attended. John Murphy will spend Ihe next elcht days at Lake I.odore. whore he will ho the Biles t of the Catholic Total Abstl nenco T'nlon lOBlinent of I.anceis. John Phillips, of Yostvlllc, was clven a heaihiK liy Alderman l.cntcs yc-teiday on charges picfrired hy .M.ibbIg T.aw' rence. of Spring Brook. The accused was held hi JCflO bail for court. P.itiolman James MiOoUlriek retiirnccl from camp esteulay, mid did duty on his icRiilar beat last cvenhiB. The Knights of Malta will moot In weekly session this evening. Dr. Schley's Uuir Healing U.ils.im is guaranteed to emo all coughs. "No cine, no pay." For sale by all dealers. " Tho Young Woman's Christian associa tion rooms on Cedar avenue wero crowd ed last evening, when an enjoyable so cial and musical entertainment wns given under the auspices of tho members. A pleasing programme was rendered, and a dainty lunch of Ice cream and cako was served. READ MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper. 30 exira xrnaing stamps free. GREEN RIDGE. Mrs. V. J. Levi cntci tallied the Chin chilla Thimble club on AVednesday after noon. Among tho ladles piesent wcie: Mis. Sam Snyder, Mrs. Krcd Snyder, Mrs. A. 1. Akorley, Mrs. Harry Akcrley. Mrs. Freeman Leach, Mis. John McNultv, Mis. William Hall, Mis. Del Perkins, Mis. Ned Nichols, Mrs. James Holgate, Mrs. James Hush, Mis. Joseph Ottlnger, Mrs. Nano Krobs, Mis. Lydla Potter, Miss Flora Tilpp, .Miss Carrlo Tripp, Mlsa Eunice Hall. Mrs. Maiguret Harclny, of Hnltlmoic. Is visiting her father, Adam Pousor, of New York street. Miss Lou Dlmmlck has returned homo, after a week's outing at L.iko Sheridan. Miss Kiithciluc Sliunpf, of Hazloton. Is visiting ut the home of her tilstcr, Mrs. Peter Pouscr, of Mousey avenue. Mis. J. If, Ilagley, of Caibnndnlo, who has been visiting aroeu Rldgo friends for the past week, has retained homo. Mrs, M. R, Kays, of Sanderson avoniio, lias letiirncd from an extended vMt In Monintown. At tho legular meeting of flrrcn Ttldso loclgo of Odd Fellows, last evening, tho second degreo was conferred. Tho members of the Oi eon Uldgo Ihiehio club enjoyed a clam bake at Nay Aug park last evening. POLICE COURT CASES. Joseph Newman and Itcuhen C'hhcn, nowsboys, in rested by Pntrolmiin Malott for lighting on Washington avenue, wero fined In police cuiirt yesterday morning, Joseph Connors, a school boy, aged IS years, nrrcnted by Patrolman Harry Flax for using prof.ino laiiBimge, was lined ?3, which he paid. Simon J luff man, nged 10 years, and Ellsworth Rush, aged 30 ycais, both of Oxford, N. J who wero arrested for vagrancy and sleeping In a box car on tho Poplar street switch, were each sent up for ten dayi In default or ;i linos. Oeoigo Fassle, arrebtrd on South Waste ington avenue for being drunk and dlsor Ueily, paid a line of J. Wllllum McUulrc, who was arrested nt Lackawanna and Washington avenues for Insulting people, committing u nuisance and being drunk and dlsnrdPily, was sent up for bUty days in default of u JIO fine. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allon'i Toot Kasc, a powder, It cures painful tiiurtius, nerious leet Jinl Ingrowing iu(V aiui instantly talen the itlnij out of ponu and bunions It's the greiUt tomfort illscomy cl tlic ggc Allen's 1'oot-easo makm tlnht or new ilmr. ,?..! easy. It is s tcrtain cure lor tucating callous and hot, tired, achini; feet. Try it today, bold by all druggists and khoe stores. Don't accent suy substitute. By mill for 2jv la stamps. Trial package r'ltKK. AJdrctJ, Allen ti, Oluistcd, L Itov. N. Y. ' i 11 I ) . illlff. t Itlilllifi Ilit . VW ImIIIMi mm mmIm J a M M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMBmmm Mm Samter's K 5H Semi-Annual EHr 3H Clearing HPT NORTHSGRANTON COMPANV C TO GO TO ENCAMP MENT OE LANCERS. Sketch of the Captain and the Two Lieutenants Funeral of Miss Maud Chivers from the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Christ masMiss Blodwyn Thomas of Putnam StreetEntertained a Num ber of Her Friends at Her Home. Personals and News Notes. Company C, of the First Regiment of Lancers, Catholic Totnb Abstinence, union, of America, Is composed of CAPTAIN C. V. STEWART. members of the Father Whltty society, of North Scranton, one of the largest temperance organizations in tho state Their record as a drill organization is unsurpassed. 1 Captain Charles P. Stewart, of Com pany C, is also captain of tho Father V, ' .'';' , ' " i ' . - ' , - vH, M. J. COLEMAN. First Lieutenant. Whltty society. Ho received his mili tary training while u member of the Thirteenth regiment, in which ho served as private, sergemit und first lieutenant of Company I, He served ns second lieutenant of tho Father Whlttys In the competitive drill THOMAS FOLICY. Second Ltoutcnant, with the Olyphant society on August 7, 18S7, when they captured the tiophles. He was ulso their llrst llcutciiunt In a competitive drill at the old Htlvlng patk, In 1S97, when they captuied un other trophy valued nt J350. Martin J. Coleman, Hist lieutenant, hus been ti totul abstainer ull his life, J mmfmwmm f IHlUllllYmA and ti member of tho Father Whlttys for twclvo years. For two years ho was their recording secretary, nnd Is at present serving his second term as financial secretary. Mr. Coleman has always been an ac tive member In both the civic and mili tary branches of the society, and was second sergeant in the drill corps. He is one of the most untiring workers In tho cause of total abstinence in the Scranton diocese. Thomas Foley, second lieutenant, Is one of the, most prominent young men in tho total abstinence movement, hav ing been Identified with the Father Whltty society for the past ten years. He was transferred from the St. Mary's cadets In 1S92. Ho has been first vice president of the society for. two years, and an active member of the drill corps. Funeral of Miss Maud Chivers. Tho funeral of Miss Maud Chivers took place from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Walter '13. Christmas, on North Main avenue, yesterday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Long before trie time set for tho commence ment of tho funeral services, large throngs of people gathered about the residence to view the remains of the one who has gone beyond, into a better world. Services wero conducted at the house by the Rev. George K. Guild, of the Providence Presbyterian church, as sisted by Rev. George A. Cure, of the Methodist church. Dr. Guild preached an eloquent seiinon, paying a tribute to the worthy Christian life the de ceased had lived. A- large number of beautiful floral offerings were sent to tho home by her friends and acquaint ances. , The remains were taken over I ho Erie and Wyoming Valley road to Maplewood, whore interment was made. The following, who wcro her compan ions, nctcd as pall-bearers,: Ralph Gil lespie, George Evans, Burnham Guild, Earl Taylor, Robert Fish and Archie Morgan. Miss Thomas Entertains Friends. Miss Blodwyn Thomas, of Putnam street, entertained a number of her friends last evening at her home. The evening was enjoyahly spent in tho usual party diversions until a season able hour, when .refreshments wero served. Evan Thomas and Bert Thom as entertained tho guests musically. Among those present were:' Misses Martha Jackson, May Davis, Martha Thomas, Margaret Willis, Margaret Morgans, Alma Richards, Jennie Leon ard, Margaret Thomas, Annie Rhule, Margaret Williams, Tlllle Regan, Car rie Longmore, Mary Richards, Blod wyn Thomas, Minnie Thomas, Lizzie Thomas, and Lizzie Howells, of West Scranton: Messrs. David Thomas, Rich ard Hughes, Zaeharlah Williams, Evan Thomas, Daniel Davis, Ivor Danvers, Frank Coleman, Jenkln Thomas, Oflle Evans, Thomas Howells, Rossar Price, George Muckle, Edward Talman, Bert Thomas und Lemuel Lewis. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Miss Mary McAndrow left csterday to spend tho summer In Now York city and nt tho seashore. Tho Ulekron Colliery Keg Fund will hold a meeting In Leonard's hall, on West Market street, this evening. AH mcmbeis nio urged to bo present. Misses Sarah and Susie Heo have re turned homo after spending their vaca tion ut Lake Wlnola. Miss Mary Hinckley, of Nicholson, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hurt, of Oak street, Tho members of tho CliilHtl.in Endeavor Focloty of tho North .Main Avenue Bap tist church will conduct 'a lawn social at the homo of Brother Hull, on Summit nvemio, thlo evening. In caso of lain, tho soclnl will bo held in tho Tabernacle, William Peiin Giiest, of Watklns street, has retained home, after spending a few rtajs In Now York oily. Mlts Maiy Merrick, of Jennyn, Is tho' guest of her brother, Robert Merrick, of Green street. Tho North Summon Howling allejs will be open during tho summer months from 13 m. until midnight, Tho classes of tho North Scranton In stitute of Human Development ate mak ing extensive preparations for the elos Ing exercises of tho summer term, which tunes piaco on tho lust night of tho mouth, A piogramme, consisting of Swedish diHU, wand drills, parallel bar am! Hasbo work, and various other drills, bl being arranged. Or. Young, tho In structor, leaves August 1, accompanied by $100 Howard, ?100. Tho remleis of this pa per will bo pleased to Icnin that theio Is at least nno diead ed dlscaso that science, lias been ablo to cuio in all its stuges and that Is I'u. tarih. Hall's Catuirh euro Is (ho only posltivo cuio now known to tho medical fraternity, Catanh being a constitutional Ulseiibc, icqulrcH a roiistltutloiial treat ment. Hall's Calm ih Cuio Is taken In tel nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous sui faces of tho svstein. theto by destroying tho foundation 0f tho dl. case, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution ilmi moisting natuio In doing Its woik. Tho prnprictoru have so much faith In Its curative, povv eis, tliat they offer one Handled Dollars for any rase that It falls to cuio. Scud for list of testimonials. Audiess. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Pold hy Druggists. 75c. 'lolcl. O, Hull's Fumlly puis uro the beat. f CRYSTAL DJV (LA Bill I I L Bisi L Sold only in 5 'CRYSTAL DOMINO SUOAR'f Is crv .ssLHIllllTT " ' " lllflliilii nil kUial;1! S3rgi.-HB!2Zk -ga, ilcco sparkles like a cluster of diamonds, the result of Its perfect crystallization. Conre n form, perfect in quality, brilliant in appearance, no sugar made can equal It In ex c. When buying this sucar remember that the scaled package bears tho design of a Ino" Mask, "Domino" Stones, the name of "Crystal Domino," an well as the nlrnt ccllenco. When buying this sugar remember that the scaled package bears tho design of a "Domino" Mask, "Domino'' Stones, the name of "Crystal Domino," as well as the names of tho manufacturers. You will bo pleased tho momenfjon open a box, You will be better pleased when you nave triea u in your IT IS SOLD BY ALL and Is manufactured only by flAVEMEYERS IHIOAIcauT orating. '""b-""-''' i ic..;siM".0.K.. IlltVH " s ""Xil his brother, on a club swinging and jug gling tour through tho Central states. DUNMORE. Harry Wagner and sister. Miss Mar garet, have returned, to their homo In Reading, after a bhort visit at tho homo of Oscar Yost. Joseph Stlne, of Drinker stiect, spent yesterday at Lake Henry, and returned with a largo catch of plekeicl as usual. S. 13. lluikloy, of Cherry street, at tended tho Ciiilplu-Slmw wedding at Rock land, Mo., on Wednesday. Mrs, T, P, Lotchworth, of Chestnut stieot. is visiting friends at Crystal lake. Miss Gertrude Matthews, of North Hlakely stiect, returned homo yesterday from a visit of several weeks with rela tives at Aiicnim-on-tho-Hudson. Miss Alllo Tuft left yesterday for a month's stay at Big Pond. Mrs. T. J. Waig. of Dudloy street, has returned ftom a visit with fi lends ut Lo hlghton. William Helglcr, of Fifth street, has ac cepted a lueratlvo position with J. T. Porter, of Sciautou. Mis. J. II, Wltman, of Mooslc, visited friends In town yesterday. Mrs. Frank Sanders, of North Hlakely (treat, Is tho guest of friends In Pittston. Itnbert Evans, of Now York city, wns renew Ing old friendships In town yester day, Tho gong located at No. & bleaker did not. blow last night until the hose com panics Imil returned fiom the bceno of tho Uro nnd had been In ipinrters nearly half an hour. It lookB as though no gong at all would ho piofeiablo to tho piesent arrangement. Tho body of Ficd Olll, who died from InJuiles sustnlncd In Ohio, arrived lust night at the home of his father, Thomas Olll, ISO Potter street. BEAD HEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement In tWs paper, extra Trading Stamps free. 30 OBITUARY. LEO GALVJX, Infant sou of Council man Daniel Galvln, of tho Twelfth ward, died yesterday morning, nftcr a short Illness, ut the parental rcbldence, '26 South Webster avenue. Tho funeral will take place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, and Interment will be mude In the Cathedral cemetery. JOHN H. COOPBH, of I117 Green Ridge street, died last evening nt the Hahnemann hospital, where he had undergone an operutlon for hernia. He was 71 ypais of oge. Mr. Cooper had been employed us blacksmith ut tho sw"hSI ?'- W$m SBsFlsBBBBBBBSm m MBsssI LbsW' 'iilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW WQlyWssasWSsisB BnBjBfeiEZ!sMs3aalM ?. UiAN0MIHIOAcj.UTII "All Day" 1 tfi.a lui-m fyonimo tL. SUGAR, HWlHtttMl-"""" tb. sealed boxes! packed In neat SEALED BOXES, and Is NEVER tea, coucc, eiu FIRST-CLASS GROCERS.' y & ELDER SUGAR REFINERY, HEW YORK. Mother & Child are both benefitted by the use of ANHEUSER-BUSCH'S W " 7IIAOE MARK. The use of this food product brings robust health to all. Malt-Nutrine contains 14.60 genuine nutritive extract and less than 2 of alcohol. Absolutely non-intoxicating and positively strengthening and invig" Doctors recommend it. All druggists sell itl "Prepared only bff Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. ' Bretusrj of the famous Budwelser, Mtchelob, BlacK & Tun. Pale-Laser, Faust, Anheusar . Standard, Export Pale and Exquisite. SCRAWION'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THOSE ENTERPRISING! DEALER3 OAV SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARAOTER PROMPTLY ANO SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALE BIJGCIKS and WAGONS at all kinds; alsa Houses and building Lots at barealns. 1I0RSKS CU1TKD and OROOMKD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Works. SECURITY BUILOINO 4SAVINQ3 UNION Ilorae Office, MW-IM Mears Building;. Wc are mituring shaics each month which show a net caln to the Investor of about 13 per cent. We loan money. We also Issue J'UM, PAID MOCK $100.00 per share, Inter est payable semi-annually. ALDKltT BALD, Secretary. E, JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear 511 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer ol Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepared for the spring season, We make all kinds ol porch screens, etc. PETER STIPP, Central Contractor, nuildcf snd Dealer In Pulldlnp Mone, Cementing of cellars a spe cialty. Telephone 2592. Office, 32T Washington avenue. andTileManufaoturinqOompany MaUn of PaWns Brick, etc. M. II, Dale, Clencral Sales Agent, Office 323 Washington ae. Works at Nay Aug;, Pa., K. k W. V. ll.R. a works of the Scranton Forging com pany for over twelve years ami wus able to attend to his work there until last Thursday, Ho was one of tho old est residents of tho Green ltldgo see, tlou, and one of tho oldest members ol Asbury Methodist Kplscopul church, Ho Is survived by bis wfe nnd foui children, William, Kdward, Charles unu Miss Cupplc, Funeral notice luter. HAYPKN JKNKINS, tho 7-months. old child nf Thomas Jenkins, died ycs terduy at the home of the latter'l mother, Mrs. Mary Jenkins, on VI1 Hams stieet, near tho Avchbuld mine Tho funeral will be conducted Joinor. row afternoon by Itev. M. Walker. n teriuent will be mude Jn Wasnbuvs btrect cemetery, 1 f. v ' . ..s ''' J t- . -1 ' ar , r . ri-.A .... , ..-'