w imsT' Wkl PKSRlMPPRlltlKP t -! f .t " . nz kxxxxxxxxxxx; THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Please TV. Children By purchasing & O Ferris Lawn Swing They're nice for older folks, too. They're well Braced y and made to lost. Q Three kinds prices: V $4.50 $7.50 X AND Q 2 passengers 4 passengers X Foote & Shear Co. 119 Washington Ave. bOOOOOOOCXXX The Hardenbergh School of Music and Art Season 1002 - 1903 opens Thursday, Sept. 18. Most modern and approved methods. Send for prospectus. Carter Building, 604 Linden street. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Heavy Teaming and General Braying New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. New 'Phone 2057. If You Are Considering The purchase or sale of any high grade stocks or bonds, better consult us. Wo make a specialty of this kind of securi ties. I. F flEOARQEL & CO., Itooms 206 & 207, Commonwealth Bids. J1 Slippery Stuff When drawing your pay lay aside a portion of it for a rainy day by using our savings de partment. THE PEOPLE'S PERSONALS. Jliss Claik, of Chiuc.lt avenue, Is spend ing her vacation at Atlantic City. Congressman Irving P. "Waiiser, of Kor rlstown, was at the Jermyn yesterday. JIl&s Josephine Piolilc, of New York, la vlbltlng Miss Vivian Burnett, of 203 Jef ferson avenue. 'Mr. and Mrs. duties l Pellcn, of Dun morc, hdvo lcturned fiom u. fortnight's visit In Connecticut. Mr. and airs. J. B. Morton aro enter taining their daughter, Mrs. John llag gerty, of New York. Mlbbes Nettie Phillips and Emily Smith, of West Pittston, mo visiting Uieiuia in the city for a few days. Miss Bertha Kelly, of Ahh stieot, has accepted a position with the New York bankrupt storo at Allcntown. Mlsa Jeniilo Kauffmun, of Pie.cott avo' nuo, left yestoulay to spend her vacation with ft lends In Wllliamsport. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo A. Dlokcrson and daughter, Uvelyn.of Putnam sticot, leave this morning for Atlantic City. Mbs Lizzie Jenkins, of Prico & Jenkins and her sister, Mrs. T. Joftcisoit Key ltolds, nro at tlio Wlnola houso, Lake Wlnola. William E. Morgan, of Climch avenue, accompanied, by his daughter, Melrlon, and .son, Moi timer, ate visiting ft lends in Blatington, Pa. Mrs. Arthur Kehrcus and daughter, Helen, of Foirst City, and Miss I.auta Davis, of llydo I'atk, spent yesterday with Mrs. J. U. Peck, of Notth Park. Mrs, A, H. Van Dental k, of Church avenue, and Mrs. Elizabeth G. Gay, of Lexington, Ky., are spending a tew dajs In Caibondale, as the guests of Mr, Jc elah Van Dennaik, . Mrs, Gcoigo W. Napo and ton, llnbort, will leave today on tlio 6,21 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train for Buf falo, for a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mis. William Moser. READ MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper, extra Trading Stamps free. 30 A Vacation Necessity. When you provide all. other comforts that money will buy and It Is u good deal of money usually with most of us to secure the comfort mid enjoyment of your family, do you think you ought J to overlook one ot mo jeast expensive and most profitable? It Is certainly u comfort and an enjoyment to have u dally letter from home In the shape of a live newspaper while you aro away on your vacation, You can sit In a shady nook, no matter how far I'tom your usual scenes, ami1 mid of the dully life of the town where ul your Inter ests IJe ami friends reside, and when you get back home again, you will not have to go around and giopo for the misting links of Intelligence. Have The Tribune sent to you while, on your va cation and it will be the best outlay you have piade toward the comfort and enjoyment of that testing time. It will be sentT postuge paid, to any address In the United States, Canada. Cuba or , Mexico, for the same price us at homo, EO cents a month, Scranton Athletlo club excursion to Mountain Park tomorrow. Trains leave t 8.20a. nj. and 1 p. m. 4PHBayPjigIE& MORE STRIKERS HAVE RETURNED TAYLOR WASHERY IS AGAIN IN OPERATION. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Company Succeeds in Starting Up Its Fifth Washory with Twenty flvo of Its Former Employos Prac tically All tho Wa3herlos In Thl3 Region Now in Operation Local Labor Union's Contributing to Miners Big Mass Meeting. With twenty-five of Its old employes, tho Delaware, Litcktiwnnna. and West ern company yesterday starUd up Its Taylor waahery. This makes flvo wosh etlca this company has In operation. They arc turning out 6,000 tons of coal dally. It has thus far 'been used ex clusively for making steam at the col lieries. Practically all tho washcrles In this region aro now in operation. Tho local Typographical union and Brothei hood of Carpenters and Joiners have voted to make weekly contri butions to the minors. The members of the Typographical union will con tribute a dollar apiece ouch week, dur ing "flic continuance of the strike. In view of President Mitchell's declaration In favor of a call on all labor organ izations for financial aid, It Is likely the other unions hereabouts will be soon following the example of the prhiteis and carpenters. MEETING AT NORTH SCRANTON. A joint mass meeting of all United Mine Workers ot North Scranton was held In St. Mary's hall, on West Mar ket street, Ihst evening. The hall was taxed to Its capacity with miners, to listen to the addresses given by John J. Kearney, of Archbald: Anthony Schlosser, national organizer; John II. Devlne, president of the Central Labor union, and Hugh Fraync, president of the State Federation of Labor. The meeting was opened with nn ad dress by Chairman Richard Butland. He was followed by the North End quartette, which rendered several pleas ing selections. Tho various speakers all made en couraging addresses, assuring the minors that they would win. Manager John R. Mullory and Editor Charle3 Thaln, of the Courier-Herald, the official organ of the Central Labor union, of Wllkes-Barre, havtf been held in $11,060 bail each, to answer at court for libelling twenty-two employes of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern company at the Pettebone and Woodward collieries. UNFAIR LIST POSTED. Several weeks ngo tho town of Ed wardsvlllo and the upper end of Ply mouth township were flooded with cir culars headed "Unfair List," and bear ing the names of the twenty-two prose cutors, with the subscription to the effect that these men wore unfit to as sociate with honorable men. Detectives John Hannigan, James Fancy and J. W. Casey, of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany, were detailed by Chief Adamson to discover who was responsible for the publishing of the circulars. The arrest of Mullery and Tltain was tho result. They were given a hearing before 'Squire Pollock and required to furnish $300 ball In each of the twenty-two cases. P. M. Gllllgan and Patrick Col ligan became bondsmen. John T. Lena han appeared for the company's em ployes, and James L. Lcnahan, for the defendants. Fifteen mules owned by the People's Coal company, which were sent out into the country when tho strike began, were taken back to the Oxford last night. That company is said to have applications from a large number of its men, who want to return to work. MOSKOWSKA WAS REJECTED. Had His Bride-That-Was-to-Be Com mitted to Jail. Miss Antionette Seplosky was Wed nesday night committed to jail in de fault of $300 ball by Justice of the Peace C. XV. Thompson, of Greenwood. The charge was false pretense. Behind this an est is a romance that has a tinge of tragedy in It for Anthony Moskowska. He is il thrifty Russian, 32 yeats of age, who has long dt earned of the Joy of having a wife and a fire side of his own. Seven weeks ago, An tionette came to this country and took up her residence with relatives. She was from Anthony's part of Russia, and ho called upon her soon after her arrival. It was a case of love at first sight on his part, and the young woman, who is 21, pretended that she reciprocated. She ngteed to mairy her ardent lover, and ho furnished tho money with which she purchased an elaborate trousseau, Tuesday the lovers came to this city rtnd seemed a marriage license, Wed nesday they were to have been wedded, but that morning she sent word to Moskowska that she could not marry him. He pleaded with her to keep her word or return to him the things ho had purchased for her, but she would do neither, and In despair ho went be fore Squire Thompson and lodged in formation which caused her arrest. When she vns committed to Jail Mos kowska pleaded with her to marry him and savo the disgrace of Imprisonment, but It was all In valu, Yesterday Joseph Nogalvlck agreed to breoniQ her bondsman, She was taken beforo Judge Edwards and re leased, LACKAWANNA NOW HAS IT. Old North Mill Site Has Been Regu larly Transferred. Tho deed transferring tho old North mill slto passed, yesterday, from tho Lackawanna Iron and Steel company to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company, The con sideration has not been made public, As explained previously In The Til- bune. tho new owner will ntlllo tlin land for machine shops, a freight depot anil additional yard room, The Best Diarrhoea Medicine on Earth. That Is what Mr. V, E. Landers, a' prominent farmer near Indianapolis, Ind says of Chamborluin's Colic, Choi era and Dlajihoea Remedy. Read his testimonial: "It alves me great pleas ure to tell you how much Chamberlain's Colic, Choloia and Diarrhoea Remedy has dona for me, I have used it far nine years unci I think It Is the best medicine on earth. It has saved my life seyerul times. I would not think of being without a battle of It In the house." For sale by all druggists, THE SCRANTON An Expression of Mr. J. Alfred Pennington, Dear Sir: Wo are entirely satisfied with our daugh ter's progress In music at tho Conservatory. It Is surpris ing how soon the reading of music becomes easy under the Farltcn System. Tho recitals aro of partluular value to students, because of tho unusual cure bestowed In preparation for them, as well as the conlldcncc gained by each experience. Wo hope our daughter may eompleto tho entire course. Sincerely yours, v MRS. D. S. HAIN3. The New Prospectus Will Soon Be Issued SITE FINALLY FIXED. D., L. & W. Car Construction and Repair Shops to Be Located in the Upper Part bf Keyser Valley. Bids have been asked by the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany for tho work necessary to install extensive car construction and repair shops In Keyser Valley, on tho far side of the Keyser Valley branch, just back of the Cathedral cemetery. It was originally intended to locate the shops near the Dodge colliery, where Scranton and Taylor meet, but the rocky formation of the ground made excavating too expensive and tho com pany's engineers looked about for an other site. Several tracts In Keyser Valley owned by the company were viewed and An ally the one indicated above was se lected. The work of Installing the shops will begin at once, CITY OWNS OLD GONG. Presented, Through Dr. Logan, by the L. I. and S. Company. Thiough the efforts of Rev. Dr. S. C. Logan, D. D., Scranton Is now the possessor of the old blast furnace gong, which for more than thirty years has sounded tho city fire alarms. When the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company was moving away, Dr." Logan conceived the idea of securing the old gong to the city, and to that end wrote a personal letter to Presi dent Walter Scranton. The latter brought the matter up before a meet ing of the directors, and the result was a resolution donating the gong to the city. Dr. Logan conveyed the resolution to Recorder Coimell and the gong was ac cepted by him for the city. The re corder" and Superintendent Ferbcr, of the Are deparcment, interested General Superintendent Clarke, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company In having the gong placed at, the com pany's machine shops, where there Is a constant pressure of eighty pounds of steam, nearly twice what theie was at tho blast furnace. Mr. Clarke hud the gong placed as desired, and yesterday it was tested for the first time. With the heavy steam piessure, the gong bounds much louder than It for merly did, and formerly It could be heard in Nicholson, twenty-one miles away. Dr. Logan contemplates some formal ceremonies to commemorate tho trans fer of the historic gong to the city. WHY HE FAVORS BRICK. Building Inspector Brown Explains to Commoners' Committee. Plans for the proposed $10,000 police and Are headquarters In tho rear of city hall were submitted Thursday night, and by that body referred to its building committee for Inspection. The committee met last night and had Su perintendent tJrown go over the draw ings with them, The committee heartily approved the general Idea of tho building and found no objection to any featuie of it, ex cept that It was to be of brick. The majority of tho members favored stone of tho same quality and cut as that in tho city hall. Superintendent Brown stated that he himself at Atst favored making the building conform In style and material to city hall, but when became to con sider that the top of the two-story new building will reach only tho bottom of tho second floor of the city hall, be cause of depression of the ground In the rear of the hall, he concluded that the now building should have a de cidedly distinctive style, as a, means of saving it from assuming the appear ance of an addition to the hall. The committeemen were disposed to veer around to the supeilntcndent's way of thinking, and decided to ad journ until next Thursday night, to have opportunity to give tho matter consideration. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES, Alson M. Price, who served In Company D, Kitty-eighth teslmcnt of Pennsylva nia Infantry, was yostciday granted a veto) an's llcenso to peddle, The Northern Lackawanna Railroad company yesterday filed indemnifying bonds in favor of Gustuv Wensko and Philip Penkolskl, whoso properties In South Scranton will bo damaged by tho building of tho railroad, James Kearney was jestcrday brought In on a ball pleco and entcicd ball In tho sum ot $M0 to appear at tho next term of court for sentence, At tho last term, ho was convicted of embezzlement. C, 8, Woodruff became his bondsman yes terday, Jacob Ilartman and William Luther, by their attorney, A. A. Chase, brought iut yestetday against tho Scianton Stool company, Each scekH to recover $3,000 damages, caused by tho Hoods In tho Lackawanna liver last sptlng, tho alle gation being that tho Hooding of their ptPiiilscs was caused by tho Steel com pany narrowing tho river channel near tho lower steel mill, i READ MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement In this paper. 30 extra Trading Stamps free. The annual excursion of the Scran ton Llederkranz will take place Mon day, July 31, to Mountain Park, Bauer's full band and orchestra. Tickets, 70 cents; children, 60 cents. Tialns leave at 8.30 a. m. and I p. m. Go to Mountain Park tomorrow with the Scranton Athletic club. TRIBUNE - FRIDAY, JULY IS, 1902, Entire Satisfaction Scranton, May 24, 1002. CAMP OPENS TODAY. Companies of the First Reglmont of Lancers of C. T. A. U. Will Proceed to Lake Lodorc. Today will mark the opening of the first regimental encampment In the United States of men whoso aim Is holding aloft the banner of total ab stinence. Tho First Regiment of Lan cets, of the Catholic Total Abstinence union, of the Scranton diocese, will as semble this morning at Lake Lodorc, and remain under strict military disci pline for one week. The regiment is composed of two bat talions, with four companies In each battalion. The ofllcers and companies are as follows: Colonel, J. T. Phillips, ot Wllkcs-Barrej major, Walter A. McNIchols.West Scian ton; chaplain, Rev. J. V. Moylan, North Scranton; surgeon, Dr. W. J. L. Davis, West Scianton; sergeant major, Michael F. Kelly, AVcst Scranton. First battalion Company A, Wllkcs Bane, Captain M. Ramsey; Company G, Wllkes-Barre, Captain Joseph Moran; Company E, Plymouth, Captain William Jones; Company F, Plahi3, Captain M. A. Burke. Second battalion Company B, West Scranton, Captain John P. Murray; Com pany C, North Scranton, Captain C. P. Stewart; Company II, South Scranton, Captain James Arthur; Company K, Car bondalc, Captain TTmothy J. Gllhool. Strict military discipline will be en forced throughout tho encampment, and tho staff ofllcers have formulated general camp orders, which will be en forced as follows: G 00 a. m. Roll call. 6.30 a. m. Mass. 7.00 a. m. Mess. 8.00 a. m. Police and sick call. 9.00 a. m. Guaid mount. 12.00 m. Mess. 1 00 p. m. Battalion drill. 5.00 p. m. Recall. 5.13 p. m. Dress parade. 6.00 p. m. Mess. 7.30 p. m. Band conceit. S.0O p. m. Retreat. 10.00 p. m. Taps. This order will bo observed during each day except Sunday, when mass will bo celebrated at 11 o'clock. The commissary department will be looked after by competent caterers. Rowley's band, of Wilkes-Barro, will accompany tho regiment, and remain in camp during the week. The camp will be formally opened tomorrow morning, when the regiment will attend mass at 6.15 o'clock. Special excursions will be run to the lake on Sunday, when a military high mass will be said. Rev. J. V. Moylan, chaplain of the regiment, and assist ant pastor of Holy Rosary church, North Scranton, will be celebrant; Rev. Thomas Hanley, of Honcsdale, deacon, und Rev. P. J. McManus, of Green Ridge, sub-deacon. The choir of Holy Rosary church, and Rowley's band will assist In rendering the mass. The First battalion will leave Wllkes Barre over the Delaware and Hudson railroad at 9.03 o'clock this morning, and will be joined in this city by Com panies B, C and H, and at Carbondale by Company K. HEARINGS AT HARRISBURG. Protests Against Granting Street Railway Charters, Secretary of the Commonwealth Grlest gave a hearing yesterday at Harrlsburg on protests against tho granting of charters to four street rail ways in this county, on the ground that they were In conflict with tho routes of corporations already char tered. It was found that there was no conflict In the case of the Maylleld, Carbondale and Crystal Lake company, and the protest was withdrawn. Tho opposition admitted In tho case ot the Tripp Park company that tho conflict of routes wns less than the amount limited by law. The remaining point Is whether the Punooku Street Railway company and the Stafford Meadow Brook Street Railway com pany could uso three hundred feet al ready used by tho Scranton Rallwuy company, READ MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper. 30 extra Trading Stamps free. 25c Buys Mint Sauce Raspberries and Currants Large shipments for Thurs day, Watermelons Ripe and sweet, Rocky ford Melons, 3.50 per crate. Golden Queen, Porto Rico, Red Spanish and Sugar Loaf Pines. E. G. Course!!. D0RSEY IS IN NINTH PLACE PASSED STANTON YESTERDAY WITHOUT KNOWING IT. Three Contestants Scored Yostorday in Tho Tribune's Educational Con tost Miss Coloman Passed Two Competitors Maxwell Shepherd Made Substantial Gain A Good Time to Begin Three Months Bo fore Contest Closes. Standing of Contestants i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 522. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Charles Burns, Vnndllng.448 Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. .330 A. 'J. Kellermnn, Scranton . 330 Fred K. Gunstcr, Green Ridge 207 Wm, T. S. Rodriguez Scranton 264 Herbert Thompson, Car- bondalo 225 Albert Freedman, Bclle- vue 220 Maxwell Shepherd, Car bondale 174 Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton. 08 L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . . 94 Wm. Sherwood, Harford. . 79 Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 60 J. A. Havenstrlte, Mos cow 60 Harry Madden, Scranton . . 58 Frank B. McCreary, Hall stead 44 Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thonipson 40 William Cooper, Priceburg 38 Grant M. Decker, Hall stead 37 Lee Culver, Springville. . 33 Hendrick Adam3, Chin chilla 33 Walter Hallstead, Scran ton 27 Harry Danvers, Provi dence 25 Louis McCusker, Park Place 23 Hugh Johnston, Forest City 23 Miss Jane Matthewson, Factory ville 19 C. J. Clark, Peckville 18 Louis Gere, Brooklyn .... 18 Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton 18 John Mackie, Providence. 16 Eddie Morris, South Scran ton 15 Fred Kibler, South Scran ton 15 Thomas Dempsey, Oly- phant 13 Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 13 Three contestants added to their scores yesterday In The Tribune's Edu cational Contest. They were Charles W. Dorsey and Miss Edna Coleman, of Scranton, and Maxwell Shepherd, of Carbondale, A friend of Mr. Dorsey's who sub scribed for the paper for three months requested the three points to go to the former's credit, although Mr. Dorsey will not know it until this morning. This help enabled Mr. Dorsey to take ninth place away from Leroy Stanton and still have a margin of 2 points. Miss Coleman went up two positions ngaiu yesterday, duplicating the ad vance of the day previous. Maxwell Shepherd, of Carbondale, added materially to his score. Ho is now only 20 points away from the 200 mark. This is a good time for new contest ants to enter. Over three months of the contest are left. Full particulars will be mailed on receipt of request. The standing of the ten highest con testants for July follows: Tho standing of the ten highest con testants for July follows: Leading Contestants for July. First Prize Birdsoye Maple Writing Desk, Second Prize , Waterman Gold Fountain Pen. 1. C. W. Dorsey SI 2. Albert Freedman 69 3. A. J. Kellcrman 43 ?. Herbert Thompson 42 5. Maxwell Shepherd 29 8. Fred Kibler IE 7. Frank B. McCreary 9 8. Miss Mary Yeager 8 9. L. E. Stanton 8 10. Charles Burns 7 NATIONAL OFFICER HERE. C. O. Pratt, of Cleveland, O., national executive committeeman of the Amal gamated Association of Street Railway Employes, Is in the city to ndvlso with the members of Division 16S In their dealings with tho company regarding the grievance submitted to General Manager Sllllmau, Monday. Mr. Pratt is stopping at tho St. Charles. He declined last evening to say anything about his mission or to comment on the local situation, READ MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper, 30 extra Trading Stamps free. Keep Cool Look Cool Be Comfortable What will contribute more to your comfort and appearance than a White "Negliges Shirt We show all styles in White Negligee Shirts priced from, $1 to $2 NE Horner Washington Ave, s ond Spruce Street '"Hi""!1" ' i I I ! tmmmmmmmm i mmmmmmm i i i ' 11' " ' I I wmmmmMmmmmmmt wmmmmtmmm t li "ItlLLEDBY"GRlEFT John Qulnn Succumbed In tho Scran " ton Prlvnte Hospital. The murder ot Mary Qulnn In the Keyser Vulley six weeks ago Is re- rntlnil 111. flln .Innfl. rt ItnH lihrtltmi. John Qulnn, In tho Scranton Private nospuai at lu.uo o'clock yesterday morning, after a short Illness, caused through grief over his sister's mur der. lie had been very melancholy 'over Blnco Mary died, and was Inconsolable. This Is the fourth death In tho family within a year. Deceased was .10 years of age, and conducted a hotel on Twenty-fifth street. Two married sis tors, Mrs. James Cooncy, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, and one brother, James, sur vive him. The funeral will occur Mon day morning. Services will be held In St. Patriot's church, and Interment will be made In the Cathedral cemetery. DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL. Verdict of the Coroner's Jury in tho Gallagher Case Coroner Saltry conducted an Inquest In tho court house last evening to Iri qulro Into tho death of Edmund Gal lagher, the boy who was crushed In the elevator In Tho Tribune building re cently. After hearing tho testimony of tho father, P. XV. Gallagher, and his son, Caslmlr, the jury rendered a verdict that death was accidental. The juroi3 were M. J. O'Toolc, Thomas Cosgrove, John .1. McWIIllams, Joseph A. Mur phy, Charles L. Teeter and Howard Davis. , CITY AGAINST COUNTY. Employes of City Hall and Court Houso to Play Ball. The city hall and court houso em ployes' respective ball teams will play at Athletic nark tomorrow nffnrnnnn. The city hall team Is made up as fol- lows: necse, c. r.; uolter, p.; lilscle, lb.; Frank Phillips, 2b.; Hcalcy, 3b.; Cosgrove, 1. f,; Schunk, r. f.; Lynolt, s. s.; Grimes, c. m READ MEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper. 30 extra Trading Stamps free. SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Day and evening sessions of the Scranton Business College will reopen Tuesday, September 2. Write, call or 'phono (SG2) fdr information. Buck & Whltmore, corner Adams and Linden. i Dr. LIndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.j 7 to S.30 p. m. , m For a good time, go to Mountain Park tomorrow with the Scranton Athletic club. Perfect and uniform success in making finest food is more certain with "White Beauty" than with any other Flour. It makes the finest flavored, most tender, delicious and wholesome food. It will pay every house keeper to try "White Beauty" Flour. We aro sole agents in Pennsylvania. .J , GAS j White Beauty j Flour i will remove all anxiety as to the Coal Supply for your kitchen, and will also save your wife much of the drudgery of housekeeping.' Cooking with Gas Is af chedP as. coa,f is cleaner, and much more convenient. Wo are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking ' Ranges for $9,75 and up. This price Includes putting thorn In y6ur kitchen ready for use. AH connections free on first floor. How About Hot Water ? A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers that question. We have them. Price connected, $io, Fuel gas, gross $1,00; r.jt 90 and 80 cents per thousand. Ranges and Hot Water Heaters room, No, 126 Washington Avenue, OPEN EVENINGS c,.su n a T!l,W?i.lU 'J3 IH W.WVM.S, 4$0$S? Lubricating OILS $ MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, f J " 141-149 Meridian Street. S OLD 'PHONE OSS. NEW 'PHONE 8B31 ... ii ' 'IS ' t if . Everything for Your Wagon or Carriage at Bittenbender&E. 126-.128 FranKiin Ave. A 4 .& : 4f C' PerOenl. Discount on All new stock in all shape? including Panamas, 412 Spruce Street Sea our new Hue of Negli gee Shirts. Hay Good Hay rime Hay If you want good clean hay, we have it. Dickson Grain Co,, Scranton and Olyphant. Complaints Having Reached Us That people are soliciting work in our name, wo wish to notify tho public that we have no agents out whatever. Have you seen our "STORM KING" UMBRELLA? , Cuaranted to stand all storms ,,c money refunded. Scraotoa Mrella Manufacturing Co., 313 Spruce Street. RANGE on exhibition at our sales J UNTIL 0 O'CLOCK, & wa,w4 r1 K Ml . WW aS.. .fcT.JE' JKP.. and Burning a Straw Hats T 'f J fl II i I r " - ? V V j . rM - r- ' ' Lri. .,,iJ2M&.