" I 'V5. IttE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, 3TJLX 18, 1902.. M IF YOU ARE SICK And need medicine for your Kidneys, Liver, Bladder or Blood, get the Best. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorita Remedy. If you nro suffering from kidney or bladder disease, the doctor askss " Do you desire to urinate often, and are you compelled to get up frequently during tho night? Doesyourbaek pain you? Does your urine stain linen? Is there a scald ing pain in passing It, and Is it difficult to holfl the urine back ? If so, your kidneys or bladder are diseased." Try puttingsome of your urine In a glass tumbler, 'let it stand twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment, or a cloudy, milky appearance, your kidneys are sick. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will surely relieve and cure the most dis tressing cases of these dread diseases, andnophysiclancanprcscrlbeamcdiclne that equals it for kidney, liver, bladder and blood diseases, rheumatism, dyspep sia and chronic constipation. Walter D. Miller, of Delhi, N. Y., writes : "I suffered for years with kidney trouble and severe pains in my back, at times it was so bad I cotdd hardly . walk. My stomach also troubled me and I frequently had twinges of rheu matism. I suffered a great deal and received no benefit until I began the use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. After taking it a short while it cured me." It is for sale by all druggists in the NawBO Oont Slzo and the regular $1 .00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Sample bottlt-tnouxh for trial, frte by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y. Or. Divld Ktnntflv's OsWtn Drept Instant relief. NwralgU, NiMimttUm, Inliei, iumi. 83c, 60c ooooooooooooooooo "They Draw Well." 0 Morris' Magnet Cigars 8 Th best i-nluo for .". cents. 0 Try ono nnd you will smoke, no other. All tho lending biands of Tic. clprnrs at J1.7H per box, or B for I3c. Tho largest variety of Pipes and Tobaccos in town. I E. C. MORRIS, v The Cigar Man A 325 Washington Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo In and About JMM The Gity Will Eehearse Tonight. . The choir of the I'enn Avenue Baptist church will iclicurc tonight tit tho church. Struck by a Street Car. Frank lloran, a hoy ichlillug In the. rear of S07 Adams iivciiuc, was struck by a trolley car Wednesday night on Adams avenue, and w.is slightly injured. Jlo :"was taken to the JWjses Taylor hospital. Boy Burglars at Work. A number of boys effected an entrance Into J. 1.. Council & Cu.'s htore, at Frank lin avenue and Centre sticct, early last evening, and" appropriated several boxes of sum, which wuro afterwards recov ered by the police. Tho offenders escaped. Prohibition Convention. The Prohlbltionlhts of Lackawanna county will hold their annual convention, Aug, "9, at Nay Aug park. Dr. .Swallow and other speakers of note will bo pres ent and make addresses. The affair will be in tho form of u basket picnic, 'tem perance rally. All trlends arc invited.. Interfered with the Mail. Peter Hubert, a driver in tho employ of the Consumers' lco company, was ar rested on a warrant yesterday by Special Officer W. F. Clifford, charged with ob structing the mall ear on Um way to Dun'more recently. Ho was analgiied be fore v Alderman Howe for a hearing, and was' discharged after a settlement was' affected. Excursion to Maueh' Chunk. Tho Central Ilallroiid 'of New Jersey will- run nn excursion to Munch Chunk, Glen Ohoko and tho Switchback next Sunday, leaving Scranton at 7 si. m. Their annual excursion to Long Hranch, Ocean Grove and Ahbury Park will go op. Tuesday next, July :.'.', and the annual excursion to Atluntlo City will go on 'Friday, Aug. 1. D., Xi. & W. Bay Days. Tlio Delaware, Lackawanna nnd West ern company will pay their mine employes as follows: Monday Archbald, Ucllovuc, Bcllovuo waslicry, llrlslilu, Cayuga, Con tinental, Diamond, Diamond washery, Dodge, Hampton, Humptnu washery, Holclen, Hydo Park, Oxford, Oxford waslicry, Pyno, Sloan, Htorrs, Taylor, Taylor wasliory. Tuesday Avondalo, AuchlnrloHs, Ullss, Hallstead, Pottebono and. Woodward. Urged to Become a Candidate. Prof. John J. Costello. of West Market street, Is being urged by his friends to scok tho Donioerallu nomination for Btnto senator. Mr. Costello Is a well known man and known to everybody throughout tho poui-ty. For tho p.iht thirty years ho has been n teacher in tho public schools and is at present prin cipal of No. :u school In tho Thlid wnnl, Ho lias scivcd tlireo years in tho hclcct council, representing tlio Third wunl. BEAD HEARS & HAGEN'S Advertisement in this paper, extra Trading Stamps free. v SO SECOND IN THE REVIEW IConcluilcil from Piifte I, aonrrnl Uorbln, Major (Jenorn! Wood anil Paymaster Hittct), of tho United States anny. Review for Root, They nro expected to arrive in Get tysburg at I'-'.O.'i o'clock, Hiul will he escorted to division headquarters. An olhcr review of the division will ho held In their honor at -'.30 o'clock to morrow afternoon. A ahnm battle will take place. Major U. P. Ocailmrt, of the Twelfth regiment, was brigade nnicer of tho day today, and Captain 13. II. T. Con rad, of Company A, was regimental of lleer of tho day. Lieutenant Smith, of i-iMipA-i xzxm-. "'WX..' y.&'Z&i 'A'Pii m ,? 'S wfn&3Mm ' 'h, fZSZ?l'ZK -3.$-"i? msssaz ;':.;- iHBUllllllllllH ':.' :m:Armm; ,- ''JHKV i I A.', . ,s . ,.,t 'V?..r. J. -:-:x-rh.' CAPTAIN K."H. F. CONRAD, Of Compnny A. Company I, was odicer of the gunrd. It Is now about deckled that the Thir teenth will break cui'np Saturday morn ing and leave here at 7.00 o'clock. There was little work besides the re view for the regiment today. Major Itobllng, however, conducted a drill of the Second battalion early this morn ing. General Gobln would have liked to put the Third brlgude through a drill today, but was unable to secure the division parade ground, on account of the inspection of the First brigade, which was In progress. As none of the other grounds is largo enough for brigade maneuvers, the entire week has passed without a single drill of the brigade, as a brigade, taking place. Adjutant General Stewart rode a horse for the lirst time today since the accident to his leg last year. The homeward movement of the troops will begin tomorrow afternoon, and It Is expected they will all he gone at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. CAMP NOTES. Company M's regimental mascot, Billy. 13 of Invaluable service In patioling the company stieet. William lh a sage, ven erable looking goat, and up to dale has eaten every scrap of paper and every particle of rubbish which tho boys place befoie him. Captain Fred Drake, of General J. P. S. Gobin's staff, is earning the general thanks and universal commendations of visitors to hcadniiartcis tliehc days, by his ability as a mixer of cool and re freshing drinks. Captain Drake, who for merly commanded Company I of the Thirteenth, Is an adept at mixing that pleasant concoction, known as tho "horse's neck." At nearly any hour, dur ing the warm afternoons a happy little group of officers may bo encountered oiit sldo the captain's tent and General Gobin always explains their presence, by tho brusque comment, "Celebrating another officer's birthday, this afternoon, I sup poso?" Frank Coffin, Company D's popular corporal, was wildly snatchcj fiom his cot Thursday night, by n number of tho other boys, and dragged to tlio htrcct pump, where he was soundly boused. Tlio escapade was the result of some peculiar plots on Coffin's part, which weio dis covered by the others. f William Johnson, the non-com.'s clever cook, received a compliment fiom Gen eral Gobin this morning, which caused him to blush a msy ebony. The general happened to pass the mens tent, and no ticing Johnson's kitchen, stepped In and spoke of the blight nnd cleanly appear ance. William was the pioudost man In tlio camp today. A spirired game of golf occurred in non com.'s row last uicht. Sergeant Major Charles Adams, of tho Third battalion, first expounded tho principles of tho game, nnd a match then took place, in which a number of tho junior officers participated. "Lieutenant Newberry, of tho First bat talion, can make a nimrter so farther than any man 1 over met," Major Rob ling remarked solemnly last night, and then added: "No reflection is Intended on the adjutant's generosity. You know ho Is tho man who sends up thoso Fourth of July balloons every night. 'I (Much laughter, mingled with groans 'from tho, K.fston delegation.) Lieutenant Kzra H. Hippie, Jr of Com pany D, makes a very efficient instructor of the guard, Thoro nro no less than four members of tho Murphy family at picsent quartered with Company C. Kx-Lleutennnt Thos. F. Murphy, of tho United Slates army, Is Its captain, ono of tho brothers Is a cor poral, another u private, and htlll an other Is his guest. "Tho wrath of Kclleriniin and Malia," Is tho thenio of a pathetic illrgo sung today by Privates TJryden and Thomas, of Company (J, who last night braved tho wrath of tho uou-conimlsslnued officers and today grlovo over the punishment, Mvlft and Mire, which was meted out to them. Tho talo Is long and Bad, nnd to bo propel ly nppreclnled should be heard from tho eloquent lips of the company bard, "Father" McCnurt. esq, Last night tho two privates uunuyotl and vexed Ser geants Mnlia and Kcllermim, until tho latter two gave chase, puisued them about a mile, and brought them back to camp In durance vile, They woro then forced to promise nnvur again to give offense, nnd mild punishment wns Indict ed. This took tho form of hulrcuts.wlilch Are You Going to the Seaside Or to the Country ? If so, have The Tribune follow you and keep posted about your friends. Fill out this coupon and mail to us. Tribune Publishing Company, ScrantaPa., change my paper from Old Address New Address to If you are not a subscilber you can fill out the two bottom Hues, and the paper will be ent to you promptly. Tho Tilbune costs 12 cents a week or W cent a month. removed only tlio growth on one sldo of the head. Tho pilvattn vowed vengeance, nnd when tho non-commtasloncri oIHccis retired for tho night, they found their cots wcro filled with popper. Another stem chiiso ensued, nnd when tho smoke of conflict had cleared awny, tlio privates linil been forced to eat n spoonful of pepper each, and In addition had been given a practical llrtisliallon of tho work ings of tho water cure. A boxing match between Prlvato llry den and Captain Murphy, of Company C, aroused a good dcnl of Interest early Tuesday evening. Tho match resulted u a draw. C. H. Derby, n former Scranlonlnn, Is In camp with 'Compnny M of the Ninth regi ment, Dr. A. J. Wlllson, of tho Lackawanna hospital, Is attached to tho hospital corps of the Twelfth regiment, of Wit llnmsport. Dr. Wlllson's homo Is there. A number of qnlet little games of poker have been going on In tho company streets, and many nnd weird are tho Btortes which are heard, of big bets and strangely wondrous hands. The star story Is of a game In C street. A prom inent Scrnnton guest was one of tho par ty nnd wns the heaviest loser. At ono time ho thought he was safe In netting pietty heavily on a full house, which con sisted of a quintette of fives nnd trays. All that was out against him at tho time wcro another full house, with three kings as tho stellar components nnd four little Jacks. Today tho visitor has a headache. Mrs. II. Rush Field, of KiiHtnn, bus been tho guest of her huslmnd, tho com mander of the First battalion, A laughable scene occurred Inst night nt tho regimental band concert. Ser geant Bauer and hit men were playing In front of hcadqunrtcrs, when Drummer Mike Tlghc, Just liberated from the guard house, slowly approached to take his place. There was a nod bv Sergeant "Bob," and with a crash, tho band broke Into the strains of "Hall to the Chief," despite the fact that this selection Is usually played only for the governor or some dignitary of equal rnnlc, Tglic's face was Immediately wreathed In smiles nnd the crowd laughed and cheered with n vigorous good will, which showed Its own feelings In the matter. Leon M. Levy. NEW STREET SIGNS. It Is Expected They Will Be in Place Before October 1. Before October 1, it Is confidently ex pected by Director of Public Works Roche, every street nnd nvenue inter section In tho city will be Indexed with a substantial and readily legible "sign board." The size adopted is that manufac tured by Benham & Brother, of Mil ford, Mich. It Is 'a patented contriv ance comprising both post and sign boards. The post Is of iron pipe, two Inches In diameter, with a jacket ex tending eighteen Inches above grade to give It additional support. It extends Into the ground two and a half feet and rests on an anchor Imbedded in cement. The "sign-boards" are a little oyer seven feet above the grade. They are of 16 guage galvanized Iron, In two sheets clamped about a rod, extending from the top of the post. Between tho upper and lower "boards" Is a ratchet arrangement on the projecting rod, which permits of the signs being placed They Must Live Within a Mile of the Court House A few bright boys nnd girls, 7 to II years of age, who llvo within a mllo of the Court, House, can earn n year's In struction In singing and a llttio money, too. Unsy work. Apply at tho studio of Alfred Wooler, Carter Building, sec ond floor, 001 Linden street. Friday, Sat urday and Monday, July 1!!, 19 and 21. This has no connection with The Trlb lino's Kdticattonal Contest. at any angle at which the streets may Intersect. Tho names of the streets are painted In black on n white background. These colors arc the most legible nnd tho paints best withstand tlio weatlfer, Every street find avenue intersection In the city will have ono of theso stand ards planted at one of its corners. This means every street Intersection on the map, whether or not it Is traveled or has to be located with the nld of sur veyors. The map shows 1,050 intersec tions. Tho money to be appropriated, $2,000, will buy 1,176 ot the signs, tho cost being $1.70 apiece, In place. This will leave 12G signs available for mark ing the courts, Tlio resolution authorizing the signs has passed select council and the streets and bridges committee of com mon council, It will likely bo made a law in tho course ,of two weeks. Ben ham & Brother say they can put all the signs in plnco in forty-five days. FORMERLY RESIDED HERE. Peter Haran, One of the Victims of the Utah Mine Disaster. Word was received in this city yes terday that Peter Huron, a former resi dent of Scrnnton, was one of tho twenty-nine victims of the Daly-West mine disaster In Utah on Wednesday. He left here a year ago for Park City, Utah, and secured employment In the Daly-West mine, where he worked up to tho time ot his death. Deceased was an active member of St. John's T. A. B. society, and Division No. 17, of the .Ancient Order of Hibernians. He Is survived by tho following brothers and sisters: Patrick, of Phelps street; Daniel, of Park City, Utah; Mrd. M. Sheerlns, of Price street; Mary, of Ca pouse avenue; Annie, of New York, and John, of Aclurc, Ireland. Beautiful lake Clemo. ' Lake Clemo is an Ideal place to spend a clay, week or all summer. First-class hotel, clean now boats, line bathing and fishing. Only twenty eight miles from Scranton on the Erie. Four trains each way dally. For ho tel rates, inquire of William Hanlcy, Jr., 420 Spruce street. Scranton Athletic club excursion to Mountain Tark tomorrow. GAS ORDINANCE AGAIN DELAYED i CLERICAL ERROR RESULTED IN ITS GOING OVER. Three Attempts to Amend Its Pro visions Were Defeated by Its "Fourteen Friends" Messrs. Chit tenden nnd Merrlman Make Fur ther Allusions to the Allegation That the Similar Ordinance Passed Last Year, and Vetoed by the Re corder Was Corruptly Passed. At last week's special meeting ot se lect council, the Consumers' Clns com puny franchise ordinance wus tabled by tho action of its friends In voting to tnblo an amendment to it vhlch its foes had presented, forgetting that if an amendment Is tubled the original mensure Is, ulso tabled, Tho ordinance and Its amendment was tnken from tho table at Inst night's regular meeting and passed on first rending by a vote of 14 to 7, after it hnd been freed ot this amendment and several others which the opposition at tempted to nttach to It. The vote was divided ns follows: For the ordinance Messrs Von Bergen, Costello, Morgan, Kvnns, Began, Ma loney, Nngell, Schneider, Quitman, Cos grove, Coleman, O'Boylo, Coyne, McAn drew II. Against the ordinance Messrs. Ross, Melvln, Chittenden, Merrlman, demons, Vaughun, Oliver 7. After the amendment limiting the term of the franchise to forty years had been duly killed, Mr. Merrlman, all un daunted, proposed another which would fix the maximum price to be charged for gas at 90 cents nnd, after the denfeat of this, still another which aimed to compel the company to lay pipes to all city buildings In the Eighth, Ninth, Slxteeenth and Seven teenth wards, within a specified time, so ns to make effective the clause at present in tho ordinance, which pro vides that free gas shall be furnished to all city ouiiaings along tne line or ine company's mains. Tho last amendment was killed by a vote of 11 to 10. Messrs "Von Bergen, Schneider and Coyne voted with the minority seven. A CLEBICAL ERROR. Mr. demons called attention to the fact that there was a clerical error In the clause levying a tax on the com pany's gross receipts. To carry out the evident intention of the ordinance It should be amended by inserting the words "and every year thereafter," fol lowing the clause levying a tax for the first year in which it is proposed to tax the company. Tho friends of the ordi nance had quite determined to put tho measure through without amendments, (.Continued bn I'dgc 8, FREE TRADING STAMPS. : 30"TRADING STAMPS FREE -30 A Gift Sale 3 D1YS FRJLIAY. SATURDAY fli INDHY-3 DAYS This is 30 extra stamps free, and does not include the regular stamps that are given in addition. Cut out the coupon and present it with your purchase of goods and secure thirty extra stamps with a purchase of 1.00 or more, July i8th, 19th and 21st. Wash Goods , Light printed Dimities, 6c kind v. 3c New light figured Lawns, 8c kind 6c New Dress Ginrhams, red and blue stripes; loc value fie Best blue snipe Seersuckers, 12 i-2c goods. 9c Dimities, Lawns Batiste and Swisses, 12 i-2c goods ioc Mercerized plain Ginghams, 25c kind 17c Swisses, Batistes and Lappets; special value. i2c AH medium and fine grade Wash Goods( at greatly reduced prices such as Silk Ginghams, Mousseline de Soje and Grenadines, White Goods, Linen Suitings and Skirtings. Dress Goods and Silks. Ocean and Mountain Serges and Mohairs, navys, browns, reds and greys, 39c. 59c. 75c, $1.00 Black Suitings and Skirting? in Serges, Whipcords and Basket effects at 50c, 69c, 95c Foulard Silks. 58c Foulard Silks. Special sale price 39c 75c Foulard Silks. Special sale price 59c Black Taffeta Silk, full yard wide; sure to wear 90c Black Taffeta Silk, full yard wide; wear guaranteed; value $1.35 , $1.00 Silk Stripe Challies, plain shades.' 29c Henrietta, Serges, Whipcords, all shades... 50c Sdifs, Jackets and Skirts. Seersucker Underskirts, blue stripe 45c Black Mercerized Underskirts 89c Duck, Pique and Linen Skirts at special sale prices. Black Silk Dress Skirts at about one-half price. Separate Jackets, Suits and Dress Skirts' at a big reduct'on in price. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Gingham, Madras, etc, 75c and $1.00 kind for 59c BfalififUI White LauJn Waists. Some very prettily trimmed. Others tucked or hemstitched; at much less than regufar prices. Hot Weather Onderutear and Hosiery. Ladies' Lace Trimmed Vests 10c Ladies' Silk Ribbon Vests iac Ladies' Fine 25c Mercerized Vests 19c Lndies Fine Lisle Vests 25c Children's Sleeveless Vests I2c Misses' Fine Grenadine Stripe Hose 25c Ladies' Lace Hose .- i5c La-lies' Fine Grenadine Hose 25c Ladies' Lace Hose 40c, 5oc, 75c and $1.00 Ladies' Pin? Mtislin Underwear At Special Prices. Beautiful Gowns, made from finest materials, 69c up to $4.50 Skirts, muslin, long cloth or cambric; plain or very nicely trimmed 39c to $8.50 Corset Covers, all prices, no trash . . 25c to $2.00 Drawers, good grade goods, only . . .25c to $2.00 P. N. Corsets. All new shapes, summer weight garments; the best fitting, best sellers, best values made. Prices $1.00 to $3,00 Ask to see our little wonder 50c Batiste Cojset. White Silk Gloves are very scarce, two clasp 39c White Lace Gloves the proper thing for summer 25c to 50c Milanese Suede, Lisle or Lace Gloves in shades of grey, tan or castor . . .25c to $1.00 Torchon Laces and Insertion to match, all widths , 3c White and Linen Serpentine Laces 6c to 15c Black Chantille Lace, 50 all different styles; va'lues I2ac and 15c. Sale price 8c Infants' Swiss, Lawn or Lace Caps, 75c for 50c; $1.25 for 75c Infants' White Lawn and Long Cloth Dresses and Skirts at special sale prices, Neck Ribbons, new pretty bright stripes,, . ioc Fancy full width Ribbons, all new 35c value for 25c New Stock Collars, special value , 25c Ladies' pure linen white hemstitched hand kerchiefs; 18c value ioc Colgate's Toilet Soaps, the ioc a cake kind, Box, 3 cakes, 20c 30 STAMPS Given away with every purchase of $1 or more JULY 18, 19 and 21, gm Mears & Hagen 415-417 Lack. Ave. : : t t t , FRUIT LOST ? Thcro Is moro fruit spoiled from using poor, narrow, thin rubbers, than any other cause. Why take tho chance when you can got 1 dozen L- K l!; ilJjP IB POR 10 CENTS? ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM. Now and Then I We Get Thinking H About our Men's Furnishing Stock and when we' O get in that strain somehow or another we cannot help O getting just a little egotistical. We feel proud of the O stock we have to sell you. Here's some specials: MEN' COLORED SHIRTS AT 48c. Made of fine materials, in an admirable assortment of pat terns, possessing all the polnta good shirts should, and wash able colors. Same of these are worth 75c. Special 40c each. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR. All the kinds and the best of thcii kinds at special prices. Thin Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 25c. Fancy Ribbed Underwear, 39c These 39c goods arc worth 50c of anybody's money. MEN'S SUMMER NIGHTSHIRTS These without collars are preferable for summer wear and we've lots of them. 50c, 75c and $1.00. MEN'S FANCY HALE HOSE Fancy drop stitch and em broidered Socks. 2 pairs for 25c. Fancy lace effects, 25c and 50c a pair. MEN'S SUMMER SUSPENDERS ' Light and durable, with just enough rubber In them. 25c and 50c. The "Guyot" Suspenders, all sizes, 50c a pair. , MEN'S SUMMER NECKWEAR Choice assortment of Neck wear. All the fashionable styles, shapes and fabrics. 25c and 50c 'each. MEN'S LEATHER BELTS ' The new shapes and lots of them to choose from. 25c to $1.00 each. LINEN COLORED SHIRTS Fine lot of Linen Colored Shirts, with black stripes and figures, $1.00 each. We are enjoying a reputation for suiting men's fancies in furnishings at this counter. i McConnell & Co., w The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. UMKMMM5U)JnKKKSKKKKKK0KX Adjustable Couches The most comfortable, the most durable and the best couch to buy. We have secured a new line of the best make, in mahogany and oak frames, upholstered in velour, ver onn and silk plush. The shades of color are the popular red and green. The prices aro exceptionally low, and warrant your inspection. Take elevator to 3rd. floor and ask to see Adjustable Couches. liilJMBl 129 Will lie. This is tho best time in the year to look after your upholstered furniture. Special prices now in the drapery department where you can select your tapestries, while work loft in the upholstery department now will be completed and ready for delivery when you return from your vacation. A "For Rent" sign on your houso will only bo seen by the casual passerby. A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may bo contemplating a change of residence. Only One-Half Cent a Word, HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Ascot (or tho Wyoraicg DUUIct for Duponts Powder Ulnlng, Dlutlnjr, Sporting, Fmokclta nJ tbi Itepauno Chemical Compiny'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Etfety Fuse, Caps ind Eiplodcr. llcora 401 Coo Btll Building ,Scriaton. ' A0UKCIE3. i JOHN B. SMITH & i0. rijuiouth K. W, MULMQAN WIlkciHarra Allis-Cbalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing; Co., Scrantoa and Wllkes-Rarre. I'a, Btatlonary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. ' l N 1 frl J , hM