The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 18, 1902, Image 1

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pUt?" . - wP' Wwimc! i$lw: SmPfflfp
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Mr f. y
"fc, -
Comes Out Emphatically In Favor
of the Invlolabllltu of
Eentiment at Indianapolis Strongly
in Favor of the Assessment Plan
Instead of a National Strike Pub
lic Sessions of the Convention An
thracite Delegates to Caucus and
Decide Upon a Programme Likely,
However, to So Guided by Mitchell.
First Breaker Started Since the
Strike Other Developments.
' By Exclusive Wire fiom The A-doclatcil Wesi
Indianapolis, July 17. If the voice
- and inllueucc of PiesJdent .Mitchell, of
the United Mine Workers, shull pre
vail with the members of his organiza
tion, there will he no general strike of
the organization. The chances of such
a' step being: taken now are very re
mote. In his speech in the convention
this afternoon, Mr. Mitchell advised
strongly against a strike and urged
that the bituminous mlnris continue
et work, and that u system of assess
ment upon the members of the order,
which he outlined, be carried Into ef
fect as the best means of affording aid
and support to the striking anthracite
men In the east.
!,vPyv,Hls recommendation, if It had been
f '.i (Vldoptcd by the-convention this aftrr-
loon, would have settled the entire
cstlon for which the convention was
wi' .,,. caueci, ana an lmmeaiaie adjournment
vr .v i . ! iiiiiii . ii, t I'll. j ii ui in i
I! - " ..'4dnnr tho KinrernsHniiK nf Prn.irlni-it Mtt-
$ '-;il''Ki fchell provoked a long debate, in which
H '", l"ts Hciiumi hciiiiiiicni wiih against me
t'V; ordering of the strike. The men from
CT tj t wit: uniirticiit: regions miaiiy niauo a
v 1 reciucst that thev be allowed to hold a
paucus, to determine upon an expres-
elbn of opinion us to what they thought
the convention bhould do, and asked
an adjournment of the convention for
this purpose. Their requests was
granted and the adjournment 'taken.
The men who were in favor of a strike
were In, a decided minority in the con
vention. Three speeches were made by mem
bers of the anthracite districts, asking
that the soft coal men walk out, and
twice as many were made by the an
thracite men, urging the soft coal men
to continue at work.
Open Session.
When the convention mot in the af
ternoon, a motion was made and car
jJ that the convention go at once
into ex6cutivc session. John P. Reese,
of Iowa, moved a reconsideration of the
vote, by which this action was taken,
, declaring that In view of the momen
tous Issues depending upon the action
of the convention, secret session were
"The entire United States is watching
this iC&nvcntlon," said Mr. Reese, "and
we must take no chances of being
plueed before the country in a wrong
light. If we go into executive session,
the newspapeis will get It Just the
-isanie. The papers always get the pro
ceedings of the convention when It
goosNinto executive session, and they
alwa. will, oven it they have to buy
J Jtieir i.iws front some of the gentlemen
I -who nro in favor of uu executive ses
sion." Tho speech of Mr. Reese carried the
duy, the vote was reconsidered and Jt
was Qeciueu tunc tne meetings or. in:
convention would be open to the public.
President Mitchell's Address,
President Mitchell then made his ad
dress, which was as follows:
Gentlemen, in opening this convention I
deem It my duty to make a few prelim
inary remarks and to suggest, In a series
of recommendations, thu policy, which
would, In my Judgment, best protect tho
Intercuts of the striking anthracite mhio
workers and preserve unimpaired tho in
tegrity of our entire organization.
As you aro aware, tho constitution of
th,o, United Mino Workers of Amoilca ro
qulres tho president to call a special con
vention upon tho application of llvo dls.
trlcts. regardless of whether or not tho
Judgment of tho president Is in "accoid
with tho views of tho districts making
euch application or with tho purpose for
nY which tho convention Is called,
In detcrmlnlnc tho cravo and lmnnrtunt
question which now confronts you name
ly, tho advisability of Inaugurating a na
tional suspension of coal nilnltiQ In de
fense of our struggling fellow workers In
Sky tho anthracite Hold of Pennsylvania It Is
H. imperative that you bhould weigh with
tho grcatei .VsMblu caio tho momentous
problem vitli which you lmvo to deal;
neither passion nor prejudlco should In-
tluenco -your action In any particular, and
1 slncorely trust that your dec olon,
,K whatever It mny be, shall carry hope and,
inspiration to tnnt great army of men,
women and children hi tho nuthrnclty
fluids, who aio watching and praying ih
expectation thut this assembly will dovlso
I omo measure which shall piove sufficient
h enublo them to. obtain llvlns wages
And humane, American conditions of em
ployment. Personally, I wish to Impress
upon you a realization of tho fact that
their success will be yours, and thely de
feat will bo your defeat! moreover the
destruction of .the United Mlno Workcis'
organization In tho anthracite coal fields
of Pennsylvania would prove the greatest
hock to the American trade union move
ment. Tho eyes of tho entire nation aro
' centered upon thut contest, tho heurts of
j., all liberty-loving, patriotic cltlzons heat
,ii o.Mi-u,,,, nun ii. uiiu I icei sum mat
n great victory win bo achieved If tho
coal miners themselves will set the exam
ple and tako the Initiative by doing their
I; juu uuiy.
Opposed to Breaking Contracts.
I hao been so closely asssocla'id with
MK struggles or the anthracite mine
UriUv3Ev3 r&
workers, have taken such part In their
successes and failure nnd havo felt so
keenly their Joys and sorrows, that It
grieves me more than language can ex
press to say that my views are not In
accord with the views expressed by some
in favor of a national suspension of coal
mining: but much as I cherish the es
teem, tho colilldcncc nnd friendship of my
craftsmen, who have honored me so sig
nally, I cannot and will not forfeit my
light to that esteem, confidence nnd
friendship by subordinating my personal
conviction of tho right ami advocating a
policy which would. In the end, bring
disaster nnd dishonor upon the organiza
tion over whose destiny It Is my prlvllcgo
to preside. I have, during nil my .life In
tho labor movement, declared that con
tracts mutually mndc should, during their
life, he kept Inviolate; and while at times
It may appear to the superficial observer
or to those Immediately concerned that
ndvnntnge could be gained by setting
agreements aside, such advantage, it
gained, would, In tho very nature of
things, bo temporary, and would ulti
mately result In disaster, because a dis
regard of contracts strikes at the very
vitals of organized labor. The effect of
such action would be to destroy confi
dence, to array In open hostility to our
cause all forces of society, and to crys
tallize public sentiment In opposition to
our movement.
Sympathetic strikes have many adher
ents, and the cllleacy of such methods
appeals strongly to those who, being di
rectly involved In trouble, do not always
recognize the effect of their action upon
the public mind: but the past history of
the labor movement teaches lessons that
should not be forgotten today.
As far as my knowledge goes, I do not
know of one solitary sympathetic strike
of any magnitude which has been suc
cessful; on the contrary, the most con
spicuous among the s.Miipathctic labor
struggles have resulted hi Ignnmiuoiis and
crushing defeat, not only for the branch
of Industry originally involved, but also
for tho divisions participating through
sympathy. In my judgment the 1'nltcd
Mine Workcis should not repeat tho mis
takes, which, like mlli'sloiies, mark tho
path trod by the tolling masses in their
ncvcr-ccaMug struggle for belter and
higher civilisation. This, llko all,
progressive movements, haw met with re
pulses, but gathering new strength In ad
versity, moves forward and onward again
in its march tn ultimate victory. Kiuii
defeat should teach lessons of Inestimably
value In framing tho lines upon which
present and future battles shall be fought
and won.
If this convention acts wisely. If It leg
islates judiciously, I feel coiiltdent that
public sentiment will be so concentrated
against tho arig.iut and unicasonablo
attitude of the anthracite coal opeintora
that they will be forced to yield and
make a settlement with their employes
which shall Insur'n living wages and fair
conditions of employment, and establish a
basis for future adjustment of w.)ge
questions that shall render strikes, with
their attendant bufferings and looses, un
necessa ry.
It bad been the proud boast of Vnited
Mine Workers of America that during the
past several jears, or since our organiza
tion becamo a power In the labor world,
contracts b.ihed solely upon the honor and
good faith of our union have, under tho
most trying ehepnistances, been kept in
violate, and in this supremo crisis a fail
ure to llvo up to tho high standard that
has made our union pre-cniliicnt among
organizations of labor, would prove a
substantiation of all the cunrt-'es and al
legations made against us by our enemies
nnd would cnnlirm, beyond the possibility
of refutation, tho specious argument of
tho anthracite coal operators that the
United Mine Workers of America is an ir
responsible and unsafe body with which
to deal.
I am llrm In my conviction that tho
strike in the anthracite fields can and
will bo won without repudiating our sol
emn contracts with the bituminous oper
ators, provided tho bituminous minors
will rise to tho occasion and do their full
duty by their struggling follow workers;
and with this In mind, I desire to submit
for your consideration tho following spe
cific recommendations:
1. That tho national .secretary-treasurer
bo authorized and directed tn immediately
appropriate J.'iO.ono from tho funds In tho
national treasury and placo it at tho dis
posal of the officers of Districts 1, 7
and 'J.
2. That all districts, sub-dlstticts nnd
local unions be appealed to, to donate
..'nm the surplus in their treasuries as
largo amounts as they can affoid.
3. That an assessment of not less than
fl per week bo levied upon all memnors
of local unions, tho amount so levied to
bo collected at the earliest posslblo mo
ment nnd forwarded to tho national scc-ictary-treasurer.
I. That an assessment of 23 per cent,
bo levied upon all national, district and
sub-dlstiict officers, whoso salaries
amount to JiM per mouth or mnro,
Ii. That an appeal bo mudu to all Amer
ican trade unions and tn tho general pub
lic for financial assistance to carry tho
bttiko through to a successful Issuo,
(!. That a commltteo bo selected from
this convention to draft an address to tho
American pcoplo, sotting forth In proper
form tho policy of tho minors' organiza
tion .and appealing to tho people to bring
all posslblo pressuro to bear on tho ofll
cers and stockholders of tho anthracite
coal carrying mails to compel them to
treat considerately tho appeals of their
employes for arbitration.
firm In my conviction that the adoption
of theso recommendations nnd concur
rence hi this policy will Insure success
nnd conscrvo tho best interests and the
welfaio of our organization, I submit
them to you and bespeak for them your
eurucst consideration, with tho sincere
hopo that whatovcr policy you dccldo
upon, tho honor and Integrity of our or
ganization will bo preserved.
Greeted with Applause.
The speeech was grctted with grer't
applause from both unthraclte and
bituminous men.
President Ryan, of the Illinois miners,
nt once offered n motion, which was.
promptly' seconded, that the recom
mendations be adopted. The question
was being put, when a delegate rose to
ask for Information, and then began
the debate, which continued ur ll ad
journment. '
Delegate William Downey, of Injl
nna, spoke strongly In favor of t e
adoption of President Mitchell's reco.n
mendatlons, and when he sat down he
was greeted with cheers. Patrick Oil
day, of CeutrarPennsylvunla, president
ot District No. 2, u bituminous district,
urged that tho question of u generul
strike be left to the soft coal men en
tirely. It was for them to decide what
they wished to do for the striking an
thracite miners, he said, and he thought
the anthracite men should remain out
of the discussion nnd allow tho bitu
minous men to settle the ctucstlon.
John S. Do Sllvn, of District No. 0, of
Slinmokln, Pu nmde a ringing speech
In favor of tho rccomincndntlons of tho
president. He said he wanted the world
shown thut when the miners ot the
United States signed a contract, they
lived up to It.
Several of the anthracite men snoke
of a desire to hold it caucus 'to cnnble
them to net ns a unit In presenting
their demands to the convention. Mr.
Ryan, of Illinois, offered to withdraw
his motion that the recommendations
of the president bo adopted, until the
anthracite men could hold a caucus,
nnd President Mitchell said If the an
thracite men wished the hall for tho
purpose of holding u sepurate session,
they could have it.
Lewis L. Lewis, of Parsons, Pa an
anthracite delegate, said that neither
he nor any other unthraclte man was
sent to the convention for the purpose
of asking the soft coal men to violate
their agreements. "We would not vio
late our agreements," he snld, "and wo
do not propose to nsk others to do the
sume thing, We must show to the
world thut we know how. to respect
contracts, and to the soft coal men In
this convention I say: On your life,
do not break your contracts. Do not
let it be known that you are that sort
of men."
Patrick Pltzpatrlck, of Duntnore, Pa.,
an unthraclte miner with snow-white
hair, made a ilery speech, urging the
soft coal men to strike, saying It was
the duty of the members of the organ
ization to stund together, nnd thaj if
the anthracite men were beaten In tho
East, It would be only a short time
before the bituminous men were de
feated In the west.
Don't Want Them to Strike.
D. J. Davis, an anthracite miner,
urged the bituminous men to stick to
their contracts. "VVc don't want you
to strike," he said, "but we do -want
something' to help us to keep on strike."
Patrick Finney, a youthful soft coal
miner from the Pittsburg district, urged
that the contracts of the soft coal men
be lespected. He also warned the con
vention against following tho advice of
the elderly Mr. Fitzpatriek, saying thut
the sage counsels of the young men
should be followed rather than the In
flammatory advice of the aged. Mr.
Kitzpatiick endeavored to get the Iloor
for a reply, but a rule had been passed
forbidding any delegate to speak more
than once upon the subject, under dis
cussion, und he was forced to take bin
John Fallon, an anthracite man from
the First district, urged a general
strike. "If you soft coal men," he said,
"are going to drive us back to be
slaves, then wc want you to break your
Other speeches were made, those In
favor of the recommendations of Presi
dent Mitchell being In tho ratio of three
to one, compared to those against. On
motion of John Dcmpsoy, secretary of
District No. 1, an adjournment was
taken until 10 o'clock tomorrow, in or
der to enable tho hard coal men to hold
a caucus.
Caucus nt Night.
At a caucus of the Illinois delegation,
held tonight, it was determined to op
pose any general strike. It was also
decided to stand by the recommenda
tions of President Mitchell, with tho
exception of tho one declaring In favor
of an assessment of Jl per week on
members of the union. This assessment
should, the Illinois men declare, be
made on a percentage basis and Illinois
will fight for this on the floor of the
convention. Action similar to that of
Illinois was taken by Ohio tonight.
The meeting of the anthracite miners,
held after the adjournment of the con
vention, resulted In nothing but the
conclusion that there is no wuy in
which a strike can be forced, and that
those members of the anthracite dis
tricts who aro anxious for a strike will
bo disappointed. There was a long de
bate in the caucus and finally a vote
was decided upon, but when It had
been taken partially, it was seen that
the result would be so strong in favor
of upholding the recommendations of
President Mitchell that the vote was
not concluded. While there is an ele
ment among the anthracite men that Is
greatly disappointed, it Is not likely
that any fight will be attempted upon
the floor of tho convention. President
Mitchell said tonight:
"I tn gieatly pleased with the out
come of the work done by tho conven
tion so far, nnd I have no doubt that
the policy outlined in my speech today
will be carried out substantially. Some
minor changes may bo made, but tho
policy, as a whole, will bo followed by
the convention, i am certain,"
Breaker Starts at Nanticoke,
Wilkes-Bnrre, Pa., July 17. What is
said to be the first attempt to operate
a breaker in the nnthrnclte coal region
since tho strike was declared, was
made ut Nanticoke today, when the
Susquehimua company started up Its
No. 7 breaker at that place. Some of
the local operators ure Inclined to look
upon the move ns the beginning of the
breaking iro of the strike. An ofllelul
of tin coniiany gave out this state
ment relative to the matter:
"W e are running stock coal through
our No. 7 broukerQut Nanticoke. We
shull continue to run the coal through
tho breaker, day after day. The coal
Is Intended for shipment. We have
plenty of ilt to ship and will continue
shipping it from this colliery."
At tho V.'udquarters of the strikers
In Nanticoke It was said that the start
ing up of the bleaker had no signifi
cance. This statement was given out:
"For some time past a. number of
bosses In the employ of the Susque
hanna Coal company ' p are not mem
bers of the miners' i.'..ton, have been
cleaning the roadways In the mines of
coal. This coal, which is called stock,
not mined coal, wub loaded on tho cars
today and sent to the breaker, whpe
It' was put through the crushers and
then loaded on cars ready for ship
ment. Where It will be shipped we do
not know. Only a small amount of
coil was sent through tho breaker. Not
a ajuelo miner reported for work and
as tfp breaker Is equipped" with pat
ent Coalplckers, the services of boy
coalplckers were not required. The
starting of the machinery of a breaker
can be done by one man, and no sig
nificance must be attached to It. Our
ranks are us firm us ever,"
Ninth Led the Great Column of
Soldiers and Then Game
the Thirteenth.
Ten Thousand of the State's De
fenders Passed in Front of Gover
nor Stone and His Staff Heat Was
Intense and a Number of Persons
Were Overcome Secretary of War
Boot and Adjutant General Corbin
Aro to Be Visitors at the Camp
Today Notes of the Camp.
Special ficm a Staff Correspondent.
Camp Meade, Gettysburg, Pa., July
17. Ten thousand men stood under a
torrid, blazing sun at C o'clock this
afternoon, formed In two long lines of
regiments, extending along two miles
Regimental Siiigcon.
of the division parade ground, und were
Inspected by Governor W. -A. Stone..'
The heat was intense, and as a result
tho review proved the most severe test
of the soldiers' endurance which they
have yet undergone. Many members of
tho Thirteenth succumbed to the heut.
Governor Stone and staff began tho
inspection promptly at 5 o'clock. The
governor, who was finely mounted on a
superb black charger, looked dignified
and Imposing. He wore his usual re
viewing garb, dark colored trousers, a
long black Prince Albert coat and a
high silk hat.
Tho review passed without a single
hitch. Tho governor left the field nt
5.45 o'clock, and took his stand with
his staff, before the division headquur
ters. Each of tho regiments passed In
review before him, prior to Its depart
ure from the Held'.
Third Brigade Led.
The' Third brigade, by virtue of its
seniority In the division, led the ad
vance, before the division quarters.
Colonel C. Bow Dougherty, senior col
onel of tho brigade, rode proudly before
his command, the Ninth regiment of
Wilkes-Barre, and second In line was
the Thirteenth. The first company of
Major B. Rush Field's battalion wus
Company B, of Scranton, commanded
by Captain John W, Kambeck, senior
company commander of the regiment.
Behind the Thirteenth marched tho
Twelfth regiment, of Wllliamsport.
Next came tho Eighth, and the Fourth
brought up tho rear.
The Second brigade followed the
Third, and the First was last in line.
Next cunic the Philadelphia cavalry
and three batteries of artillery. At the
head of each brigade rode the brigadier
general commanding and his staff.
The brigades formed In front of divis
ion headquarters, tho Third facing the
governor nnd his staff. The Second
was formed In the rear of the Third,
and the First behind the Second. Tho
cavalry and artillery were in tho rear.
Tho bands ceased playing, the specta
tors who thronged, the field rlvlted their
attention on the bcene, and Governor
Stone, accompanied by his staff and
Major General Charles Miller, com
manding tho division, and his staff of
ficers, rodo slowly out to conduct the
Passed Along the Line.
Beginning with the Ninth, und then
passing to the Thirteenth, they passed
down tho long lino of the Third brigade
and then proceeded to look over the
other commands.
It was an Inspiring scene. The long
lines of khaki-clad soldiers, standing
still and motionless, tho standards
fluttering gently In the breeze, the soldierly-looking
horsemen" riding along In
mute review, and In front tho rows of
white tents, with, tho national banner
and the standard of the commonwealth
waving In unison from the governor's
Some memory must have come over
the great mass of spectators of tho
day, nearly forty years ago, when near
ly twenty times the number of men they
were gazing at had met on the sumo
field. Recollections must have swept
over them of the day, when the flower
of the Confederacy, the last hope of a
lost cause, had striven with fierce, de
lirious fienzy, to turn the tide of vic
tory, when shot and shell had screamed
thtough the air, and the peaceful val
ley had echoed with tho sob's and
groans of wounded men.
A telegram was this morning re
ceived at division headquarters stat
ing thut Secretary of JVar Ellhu Root
and party would arrive In camp to
morrow noon. Among those who ac
company tho secrptury aro Adjutu't
(L'vntliiucd uu I'aso 3.)
- VfwHHiHiiil
Coroner Miller After tho Facts in the
Klondike Mine Disaster.
By Kiclustvc Wire from The Auoclatrd Prcts.
Johnstown, Pn July 17. Coroner
Miller and his jury this evening made
an Investigation of the Klondike mine,
the scene of the recent explosion, un
der the guidance of Fire Bosses Grif
fith Powell and Thomas J. Lewis. The
coroner nnd tho Jury wished to see the
place where so many men met death,
so that tho evidence, which will be ad
duced nt the Inquest next week will be
perfectly plain and clear to those who
have to render a verdict of the affair.
The coroner says his Inquest, which
will begin next Wednesday and will
continue several days and possibly u
week, will be a thorough one nnd thut
he 'expects some sensational develop
ments to result from his searching In
vestigation. Inspector Evans stated
this afternoon that he thought the
things which would bo brought out
would be of a sensational nature.
Senator Spooner, if He Wants An
other Term, Will Have to Make
Peace with Governor.
By Fxrliuhe Wire from The Associated Pref.
Madison, Wis., July 17. Governor
Robert M. La Follette, of Madison, was
today renominated for governor by the
state Republican convention. The vote
was as follows: La Follette, 790; White
head, 266; Scofleld, 5; Froellch, 3; ab
sent, 2. James C. Davidson, of the Sol
diers' home, was nominated for lieu
tenant governor.
Washington, July 17. Senator Spoon
cr's friends in this city are greatly dis
appointed In the failure of the effort to
obtain the unqualified indorsement of
the AVIsconsin Republican convention
for his re-election to the senate. As
the contest ended, Mr. Spooner did not
got the free indorsement for another
term. On tho contrary, his candidacy
was made dependent upon hfs accept
ance of the platform which tho La Fol
lette faction created and which the fac
tion that had supported Mr. Spooner
had been opposing.
In very plain language the conven
tion stipulated that before Mr. Spooner
shall take unto himself the indorsement
of tho convention lie must "express his
willingness" to "support the platform
principles here adopted." A part of tho
platform principles adopted wus an un
qualified Indorsement of Governor La
Follette, of his measures and criticism
of thpjeEsIa,turcJ(fornot enacting tho
laws' henad recommended. The adroit
wording of the platform adopted Indi
cated that the La Follette faction were
intent upon carefully hedging the
Spooner candidacy with conditions and
pruning all flowery and flattering orna
ments from tho Spooner boom.
The construction of the platform gave
a double disappointment for Mr. Spoon
cr's friends. In the first place they
wanted the convention to demand his
re-election and to request htm to with
draw the declination he made a year
ago. They argued that Mr. Spooner Is
a national figure und that his re-election
should not be dependent upon local
Issues. The convention declined to ex
tend the invitation. Attention was
called to the fact that his former dec
lination was still standing. However,
If Mr. Spooner should "find It possible
to reconsider this decision," then, with
the conditions before mentioned, he
could consider himself indorsed by the
It is the opinion of some Wisconsin
politicians hero that the outcome will
be thnt Mr. Spooner will have to ally
himself openly with the La Follette
faction If he wants to come back to tho
senate. Tho belief Is expressed that If
such proves to be the case the senator
will decline to make the deal.
United States Customs Steamer
Shearwater Lost in Typhoon and
Nineteen Are Drowned.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prea.
Manila, July 17. A severe typhoon
swept over tho southern Islands, Juno
14 and 15. Tho United States customs
steamer Shearwater was lost off tho
island of Martnduque.
Nineteen of her crew, including three
Americans, were drowned.
Officers of Good Templars,
Py Excluslte Wire from The Associated Press.
Pltlsbiug, July 17, Tho principal ovent
of tho thlid and last day of tho Good
Templars' convention was tho election ot
ofllccrs, which resulted as follows: Qeorgo
Rankin, Jr., of Wllkensburg, G. C. T.i
John Dixon, or Johnstown, G. C; Miss
Gertrude Smith, of Wcstnort. Pu.. G. V.
T.; Edward Coleman, of Philadelphia,
G. S. of J,; MUs Oraco C, Embree, of
West Chester, G. S.; Mrs. Elizabeth A.
Bishop, of llarrisburg, G. T.: airs. Annie
J. Weichmonn, of Philadelphia, D, P. W.
Tho convention adjourned this evening to
meet In Johnstown tho third Tuesday of
July, 190.1.
Movements of Vessels.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pres.
New York, July 17,-Salled: La Tour
alno, Havre. Havre Arrived; La Lor
tnlno, New Vork. Naples Arrived: Ho
henzollorn, Now Vork. Plymouth-Arrived!
Pennsylvania, Now Yoik. Queens-town-Sailed:
Majestic (from Liverpool),
New York. Rotterdam Bailed! Staten
dam, Now York, via Boulogne Stir Mer.
West Hazleton Gas Company,
By Exclusiv(,Wire from The Associated Press.
Harrlsburg. Pa July 17. Among tho
phtjjtcrs. Issued today by the stuto denai t
ment was ono to tho West llaslcton Gas
company, West Hazleton, Luzcruo coun
ty; capital, 11,000.
Earl Cadogan Resigns. .
By Kxcluthe Wlr(y'rom The Associated' Preu.
London, July 17. Karl Cudogan today
resigned the lord lieutenancy of Ireland.
James Devlin the Victim of a Shock
ing Crime.
Special from a Staff Correspondent.
Harrlsburg, Pu., July 17. Tho charred
body of James Devlin, probably a
tramp, with the skull crushed, was
found this morning In a car of steel
billets In the yard of the Pennsylvania
Steel company nt Steelton. Tho car In
which the body was found was on fire
three times yesterday and the. flames
wore extinguished euch time "by the
yardmen ibefore much damage was
Tho theory of Coroner Krause Is thnt
Devlin was murdered, and that the car
was set on fire to hide the crime. Dev
lin had been living at Steelton'for about
three months and is not known to any
body here.
Kentucky Mob Hangs Anderson to
Beam of City Scales.
By txrlusive Wire from The Associated Pmm.
Owensboro. Kv.. Julv 17. .Toshiui An.
derson was tuken from jail here early
tnis morning by a crowd of men nnd
hanged to tho crossbeam of the city
Thursday nleht. Anrtprsnn went tn
the home of his wife, three miles below
town, called her out and shot her throe
times, mslantly killing her.
Identified by His Victim, He Is Seiz
ed by a Mob, Tied to a Tree
and Roasted.
By Exclush e Wire from The Associated Press.
Clayton, Miss., July 17. William Ody,
a negro, la3t night attempted to as
sault . Miss Virginia Tucker, of this
place, and was burned at the stake at
midnight. The attack was most bru
tal. The young woman was driving in
the country when she wus dragged
from the buggy so violently by the
negro that both her legs were broken.
Miss Tucker Is highly connected in this
vieiniT;, She at tho point of death
as a result of her Injuries.
The young woman was at a lonely
spont in tho road when tho negro hailed
her with the Information that she had,
dropped a package. Miss Tucker
stopped her horse and tho negro ap
proached, as though to pick up the
Ody seized tho girl's wrists and
dragged her from the vehicle. The
young woman screamed and was found
a few minutes later by Dr. William
Hltt, who was driving in the country.
Dr. Hltt gave the alarm and posses
soon were searching In every direction.
Just before midnight, one of the posses
came up with Ody, who tried desper
ately to escape, but was captured and
bound. He was brought at once to
Clayton. In the meantime, news of his
capture spread, and from all directions
crowds began to form and make for a
central point.
The negro was taken into tho pres
ence of Miss Tucker, who positively
Identified him, although he denied that
he was guilty. Ody was removed then
to a spot In the country near the scene
of his crime and a bonfire built around
a tree. Ho was told to prepare for
de'ath, and when the manner of his
execution becume apparent, he begged
plteously for mercy. Ho was bound
securely und put into the flumes, and
in a short time his charred bones
marked tho place of executlpn.
Insane Man Runs Amuck.
By Exclush c Wire from Tlic Associated Press.
Now York, July 17. Henry F. King. SO
yours old, entered tho ofllco of tho New
York Foundling nsylum this afternoon
and shot two sisters of charity. Ho then
ran Into tho grounds of tho Institution
nnd shot himself in tho left breast, mak
ing only a flesh wound, King was taken
to u pollco court, whoro ho was commit
ted without ball for examination Sat
urday. Tho Injured sisters .no Sister
Angclo, -15 years old, shot In tho right,
and Sister Cecelia, W) years old, shot In
tho left arm and side, Neither was fa
tally hurt, King, who has been a fre
quent vlsltor'to tho foundling nsylum, W
behoved to bo demented. Ho suffered
for some) time from molaneholin, accord
ing to the pollco and on May 7. waa ar
rested In tho yawls of tho institution af
ter ho had attempted to commit suicide.
Princeton's First Base Ball Captain.
By Exclush c Wire from The Associated Press.
Princeton. N, J July 17, Tho Rev, Dr.
L. W. Mudgo, '62, who organized and
captained Pilnceton unlvcislty's Hist baso
ball team In 1KB, left Princeton today
with his family for Downlngtown, I'u.,
whore ho will tako up his duties as pastor
of tho Prusbytcrlun church, Dr, Mudgo
In his undergraduate days was captain of
tho team for three, years and regular
pitcher for llvo years, iio was formerly
pastor of tho Second Presbytorlun church
of this place.
No Decision in the Sixteenth.
By Kiclushe Who bom The Associated Press.
Sunbury, Pu July 17, At an udjourncd
meeting of tho Republlcun congressional
conferees of tho Sixteenth district, held
here this afternoon, forty-eight ballots
were taken without a cholco for the lull
term. Fred Oodehniics, of Milton, niid-C,
C, Evans, of Berwick, each received sov
en votes. William K. Loid. of Mt. Car
fuel, was nominated for the unexpired
term of the lato Rufus K. Polk,
Caught nt Last.
By Exclush e Wire from The Associated Press.
Manila, July 17. The threo Gultrrez
brothers, who are charged with tho mur
der of an apprentice named Vlcnvlllo.who
was a member of tho party commanded
by Lieutenant Communder J, C. Gill
moie, of the United States gunboat York
town, captured by the Filipinos in April,
1&J9, havo arrived at Baler, Principe
province, after having evaded the mili
tary und constabulary, for two years.
Boat Gontalnlno a Partu of Seven'
teen Pleasure Seekers Was
Party Was Made Up of Waiters and
Waitresses of a Hotel of the Isle
of Shoals Near Portsmouth, N. H.
Two of the Dead Men Were Law
Students nt Harvard They Lost
Their 'Lives in Trying to Save
Others Number of the Bodies Not
By Exclush e Wire from The Associated Pit. '.
Portsmouth, N. H., July 17. A nine-'
teen-foot whaleboat, containing six
teen waiters and waitresses employed
at the Oceanic House, Star Island, Isle
of Shoals, who had gone out In the bay
this afternoon on a pleasure trip, in
charge of Skipper Fred Miles, was cap
sized during a sudden squall and four
teen of tho occupants were drowned.
The other three were rescued by fisher
men, who put out from the shore In
their dories. Most of the bodies were
lecovered. The names of the drowned
HENRY KARRINGTON. head waiter, of
Cambridge, Mass.
W. A. ALWAHD. assistant head waiter,
ot Fredcrlckton, N. U.
UHRTHA GRAHAM, Danvers, Mass.
MAY ADAMS, sister of Eva. Portsmouth.
CATHERINE HOWES, Saxonvllle, Mass.
ELIZABETH HOWES, sister of Cather
ine, Saxonvllle.
BESSIE ClIAHE. Mnldcn, Maes.
ANNA SIIEEHAN. West Medford, Mass.
EVA MARSHAL. Haverhill, Mass.
MAY MARSHAL, sister of Eva, Haver
hill. ISAHELLE KAOUSKA'. Cambridge,
The saved are: .
Alice Hnggorty." .,, , - ,, " '
Lillian Uresnahnn. . .-"
Skipper Fred Miles. ,
Tho bodies of .Farrlngton, Alward
Bessie Chase, Eva Marshal and Isabella
Kaouska havo not ypt been recovered.
All the others were tuken from the
water by fishermen and then to the
island, where they were worked over
for a long time by two tloctors, but
without success.
Farrlngton and Alward were both
law students at Harvard university,
rooming at Forsyth hall. Both were
good swimmers und lost their lives In
trying to rescue tho others.
Interesting Pacing and Trotting
Events Were Decided.
By Exclush e Wire from The Associated Press.
Watcrtown, N. Y July 17. Threaten
ing rain considerably lessened tho ut
tendunce at the central circuit races
here today. The weather, however,
cleared and interesting races were run.
Tho 2.29 trot, unfinished yesterday, was
decided In one heut, Gulea getting first
money, with Helen Russell second,
Schersondo third. Time, 2.''5. The races
today were 2.22 pace, 2.19 trot and spe
cial half-mile race between locul horses.
2.2J puce, purso JWO
Undo Tom 1 1 1
I'ptnn Girl 2 2 r.
Slick Goods 1 2 7
Dorfmonl ' 5 2
Mabel Vaughn ;: 4 t
Mary Hamilton s ti 3
Mabel Fund 7 7 9
Lex 9 S ii
Foundry Boy 6 9 8
Best tlmo 2.19'i.
2.19 class trotting, purso JI00
Fltz 1 1 1
Nelllo D 2 3 :t
Nelllo T 3 3 2
Baron H dls.
Tlmo-2.21'4: 2.21: 2.23?i.
By Exclusive Wire hum The Associated Press.
Detroit, July 17. Following uro thr
summaries of the Grossu Potato races:
2.til pace, JI.MW, Dan Patch; 2,13 trot.
J1,2C0. Major Dolmnr; 2.0S pacing to
wagon, Houtos Crooko; 2.13 trot to wag
on. Loulso Jefferson: 2.27 trot, ?l,200, Dar
win; 2.09 pace, $3,000, Wcdguwood; 2.07
trot, J2.000, Tho Monk; 2.27 pace, J1.00J.
Gold Brick,
Titusvllle Gun Tournament.
By Exclusive Who from The Associated Pfeai.
iitusvillo, Pa., July 17. Tho second day
of tho Inter-state sportsman tournament
was shot off In a gale, which prevented
high scores. Leroy's 153 out of. a total of
170 targets thrown Is considered a re
markable performance under the weather
conditions. J, T. Mallory and ex-Sfato
Champion Atkinson are tied with 1(6 for
second place, and J. 8, Fanning and L.
V. Byer come third with 143, each. A
largo number of trap followers still re
main In tho city to participate In 'tomor
row's events, which will conclude the
meeting. Tho next big shoot In Western
Pennsylvania, will bo held at Greenylllo,
on Aug. 14 and IS.
. -v.
Local data for July 17, 1903.
Highest temperature ...,,., SS degrees
Lowest temperature ,,,,,,.,,,,, 61 degrees
Relative humidity;
ii a. m. , ,..,.,.,,,. 01 per 'cent.
8 p. m ,..,,.,,,,, D8 per cent.
Precipitation, 21 hours ended S p.'m..
0.CS Inch.
Washington, July 17. Forecast M
-f for Friday and Saturday: Eastt
f em Pennsylvania Fair und warm
-f Friday; Satdrday, Increasing
cloudiness; fresh southwest winds. -U
if. ::AA-;fc.t:
fry -
. .:.,i i.m
. " ,
':. ' .