ELa t ',. '! vtMf trew1 wjiwft;ffl' Kii:'T3ropgAT'irwLaivT""r-yBKriW'ww i'lir "rTMwapapswr ' T' rww"Trm'."H,MiiiflHmj C4 $ v"ti $W iyW9& 3 fww$p x '''wmw-ww ifPfw m& 'MVY Ul ' ' V '' lit r Tt "' ' . 4. ' J a ? Vm THE SCRANTON TRtBUNE-r THURSDAY, JULY' 17 ;L902 T 1 ?' - I tt . $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MONEY 7 FOR L' YOU! 1 TIIll QUICKEST WAY to Ret money vheti you win not afford to wait for Id In to come hcic nmt KCt a lonn on yolif hoiiHchold fiitnltiiic. Wo will lutnil on tlio amount yon wntit within im hour or two after you aplc. Tlio easiest way la to Borrow Money On Your Household Furniture WHY 7 Because mhi cmi pay lit Juii hcncer yon know jon will liave tlio money to jpate. Yon pay In hnuill eiiny Installment, rlllter weekly or monthly. You nmy lma the loan for ono month or for whole year. THE cmiAl'lIST WAY to Ket out of iliiimdtil tiouhle la to Ret ii nmitll loan fiom ti. Wc will tell you at flrt ex actly what n lonn for any amount for nny length of time will coat. Wo lIiimro onlr a moilcrnto into for the use of the money, nntl ou will lie nut pt lied to find how ery low our clmrfiis nie. You pay only foi tho actual tlnio you Heop tlio money. Tills eompmy does iiat iIiiuko compotuid Interest nt all. nor nto there any cvltii charRcs of any kind. NO 1'UHI.K'ITY.- Ko nuestlons ale asked timontr join friends or iipIkIiuom. No endorsement ot papers here. Kierjthlns fair and sriuaie. From $10 to $300 Loaned If you want tn keep your friends and neighbors from kiiowlnjr that you arc hard upwecan help you. Private Rooms for Free Consultation. Remember that there Is no compound interest to pay and that you pay us whenever it is most convenient. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CALL, $ SCRANTON 207 Wyoming Avenue. Hight In the lieu t of the shopping disliiet. C'omenlent for the ladles Plenty of private ofllccs. $ $ $ NEW 'PHONE. 2826. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Excursion of the Scranton Athletic Club Saturday Pioginmme of the Events Arranged. The committee in cIi.iirc of aii.iiikc mentis for the Set anion Athletic chili's outlns to riounlnln paik Satiiiilny hne dono considcinlila ln.stliiiR In impelling for the event, mid many pilcn hac Ik en donated b local tiadc-mcn which will be awaided to the v.lnneis ol the call ous events. ' It -vn III bo one of the highest ociiilons of the jonr, and Hip cnnmiltlci his ai ranged the follow liur iio-iiimmo of events: I. Tug of at Mm tied men l Sunnton Athletic rlul) s single men of Scianton Athletic club. -. Kgg lAoe (bo between 0 and 12 jears old) rice for nil 3 Tumbling, pejformaiue Kieo foi nil. 4. Sacl; lace Fito foi all. 5 Broad jump Hee foi all fi. Thice-legged ince Ktou tor all. 7. Ilunnlng' (l'.'O nid"3) (.'lass No J of Eei.intoti Athletic club. .S 1'nt men's i.tcc I'lee for all !. Ilunnlng (," . N) Cla.b No. 1 ot Seinnton Athli lie tlub. lO.'Biond lump C'l.it.s No. 1 of Sci.iuUm Athletic club II. Putting the shot (Hi pound-.) Class, Is'o -' of the Sci.tnton Athletic chili 1.'. Rtiniilng (1J0 ni ds) and long hlih jump Cl.us No. 2 of Scianton Athletic club. 1.1. Kit is omen' i i.ice II Cllinhlng Clii's No 2 of Scinuton Athletic club. IS. Bowling llocs Indians n. Mam mon's Ilougli Rldeis" NUBS OP NEWS. A dog which had become ilangeimis to resident on AVIllow stioet Tnesdin. was Killed by Police Oflleer Ocoige iCeili. St. Mnrj's Glee and Duimntle ii'-so-clatlon will hold ii soelal unci smoker In St. Italy's hall net Mondav night. A Inbv glil bat, hi i hod at tlu homo of Ah. and Mis. John Bom, of Mi. IlkUoij Fticet. Tills completes u list of nun doon child en boi'i to this iouplo, all of whom nio nllvo and well, The Misses Coin nnd Molvlui Ymmg of 732 Pltthlon avenue, aie spending tlulr (nation wtlli frlendu at Mount Cobb Homy Henn, of Maple stieet, was ov cicomo by heat whllo nt woil; Tuesday nnd had to bo assisted homo whole he ic cctved mcilknl ticntmont, Active piepiuntlons ale bring made li tho committee having In ehaigc the Hie K oiy Stieet Piosl)teiiau thuioli Sunday peliool CNcuislon which goot to I,aUu Ariel next AVednesdav, July 21. A meeting of tlio old Century Hose com panv Is tailed lor tomonow night at tho hone lioiue on Pittston nvemie. Gcneial Quint cotnmandeiy. Knights of Malta, will meet In weekly ses-sion tomoi )ow nlglit ut lliiitmnirn hall. Dr. Schley's l.uiw Healing lialsain Is guai autecd to cm o all coughs. "No Hire, no pay." Tor miIo Iij all denlci.s, The Cciman netois who rominNo the opera tioupo wltleli has fuinNhecl manv excellent plays nt Muslu hall for .seveial Jiionlhs past, will visit this slda tomnuow evening ami givo a fieo entcrtnliimcnt of their best talent, In honor of tho dol man singing societies of Scianton, who hnvo been among their bent pitions din ing tho summer. The plav will bo pro seated nt Germaula ITall on Cedar avenue. w.heio ie' cMliinents will be fcived iluihtg tho cnteitnlnmont. Invltatloua have been extended tn tho Seiiinton Kacngeiiunde, the .lunger Maeuuei'dinr, and the Hctnn ton I.lcdeiUionsi societies. Pcicy Wagner, who vas nuc.sted and tnUen bofote Aldeunati t.entes Tuesday evening, fmnMied ball Instead of being committed to .'ill an was hinted In Tho Tiibuno jcstoiday, NICHOLSON. Special to the Scranton Tilbune, Nicholson. Jnlv 15 Mr, mid Mrs. John Ualley, of Hiiiilsbuig, mo vlhltlng Mid. Kallpy's p.uents, Mr. ami Mis, D. i, Illnck. Mrs. ShaVcr, of Hrookljn, N. V Is vis iting hej- sister. Mr. V, C, Deikei. Mm, n. W. Titus Ulted her sister nt Old Force Monday, XIri?, A. I,. Tluiei', of Hlnghaniton, Is culling on f i lends heio. Mr. und Mis. S, 1 Tlffaiiy nio enjoying the cool breees of I.ako Nlcjiolson this week. Mis. W. I.. I,oi d Is visiting her patents ot apilngWIIe. i The widest possible publicity should tie elvwn to the fuct that summer dim-, rhoeu in ihlltlren and cholera Infantum can tilvvavs be cured by the Judicious use of Cbainuei Iain's Colic, ciioleiu and 3")lairioea Itemudy. It never fulls. S'hen reduced with cold water and sweetened It Is pleasant to take, which Is very Important when a medicine jnust be given to uniall children. For ale by all druggists, $ $ $ $ $ MONEY pok YOU! 'PHONE, WRITE LOAN GUARANTY CO I P. O. BOX. 94. OUR EDUCATIONAL LEAD. Complied (or Tlio Tilbune by "Walter J. Ilallud. "Clod his inado Ameikii the sihool housio ot the woild." fiancls AV. Paikci. "To open the door of tlio stboolhouse Is to i!o.sc tlie door of tho jail." ictor lliuo, Uiiiiug tlio ono bundled and fotty sKlh annual commencement eetclses of the I'nlveislty of Pcnusjlviiul i Piovost lliyiion announced that Joseph 'Whar ton, founder at the Wh.tltou school ot lin.imo and economy at the unlveislty, hat hieieaoed his endowment of tho Fchool fiom f200,0O) to jW,PuO. Among the dcgu.es confcned cliiilng PiincitnnV i ommencement was the le gteo of mttstoi of aits upon Geoige S. Staik, a ltcgio and the (list of his nee to lecelvo device fiom tlio unlveislty. Io is a. Tesldent of Knltimuie. At the annual meeting of the tiusloes of Olierlln college it was announced that the Institution would got tho fund of $"jOa,l)0 stalled by John V. f!oi.kefellei, who offeted WW 000 pi ov hied the ti lis ted would obtain ?!00,(HH) fiom other soui ccs. The latter has been .seemed. The ltoiotigh council of Voplat. Lon don, his accepted an oiler fiom Audiovv Ciiincglc of $7"00o foi tho establishment ol lice libiaiics in the boiough. It Is leatncd that Mis Helen M. Gould, o New YoiU, is the doiini ol $10,000. the gilt ol wlili h to Mount lloijolce college was tcccntU aimounccd. Spain did Tint build a single school house in Potto Rico hi I0O o,us We have opened t-Mi vvitlt neaily .'O.lM'j pupils, and mo opening moie. hi Tuba, under Governor Geaeial Wood and Cotnmis bionei Matthew I,. Ilttuna, we opened uenilv ","W schools, with an ouiollment of about 173 M pupils, and ait nveiage attendance of 7J per cent. Tlio annual siinuiier session ot Cornell unlvei.ily opened with the laigest ,-.t-tend.iiM o in Its hlstoiv. Tlio number en lolled Is over AH) The school coveis a pel led ot six weeks, ending Aug, li; Tlio vvotk of pushing education In C'ulu began the day the Yankees landed. A tioopei nulled his uililiei blanket to the mill ot ,i .shanty for a bl.ieLbo.ud, ami with a piece ot sou limestone as a sub stitute loi chalk, gave a destltuto band of little icconccnliiidos thcli Hist demon stiatlon In mathematics. Kiom that modest .statt tho uoik of instrnetlnn bns gone forvv.iid wltliout a lilt Dining tlio liast tvelvo months W) schoolhousca havo been built an aveingo of moie than one lor evetj day in tlio j car and tho total iiunihei of separntu schools now hi opei.tlton Is something over -I.iiOO, If Cuba will only build upon this solid lock of knowledge thnt has been laid tor hoi, thoio Is ii chnnco of bettor things for hoi coming gcncintlons. Her possl. bllltlcs lor tho futuio will ho measured by tho fitness of her people, nnd their tit ness will bo detci mined by their adapt ability for education, These little school, houses, sitting modestly on every hill and In oieiv valloy, nio temples of npo for tho Cuba of totnoi i ovv." Cicdoilck J. llnslilns, In l.os Angeles Times. ".Mi Pieshlont, theio have been moie, scliol.us lit our public nnd pilvato silmols nuil colleges tho past 5 car than ever be foio In our lilstoiy. 1 mean not only In tho aggicgiite, but i datively to popula tion. 'Ilieio was haidly a lty in tha countij whoso hchool facilities were ado. iliiato last fall to aciommndato tho uchol. nis who sought ndnilsslou, Mirny of our pilvalu schools havo been compelled to tin u uway iippllinnts. and tho entcilug classes of our colleges showed iccord hi calling icglhtiy, Wo havo tho best sjstem of public schools In tho woild, 'Wo luivo tho bcs( paid torn hem, tho most comfoitulilo stiuctiiiea, nnd nil army of b holms who nie leaping beucllts far giealer than oyer bctoie In oiu history nnd fin gi cater than can bo rouno u any other countiy, nnd ns 1 havo nlia,iil shown wo uiu expending for education 40 per cent, as much as nil tho other count tiles of the woild combined," Sen.it'Ji Galllngei, ALIi VICTIMS ACCOUNTED FOR. Rolling Mill Mine Again Resumes Its Normal Activity. Dy Excluilic Wire (from Ihe AuoclittJ lrrti. Johnstown, July lo. Two hundred and slxl.v-lhc mliieis ictuincd to work In the Rolling Mill initio toiluy, and six bundled tons of coiil weio sent .out to tho mills. A fuithcr senuh of tho Klondike icsult. ed In finding uu bodies. It Is thought that evrty miner bus been accounted fui There is no liuth that tlio bodies butted n (he Slavish cemetery had become uu-coveied. $ NEW OASES OF SMALLPOX, Two Moio Children Reported Suffer ing from the Disease, A neivpnse of smallpox wns illscov orcd ycflletday In the home of Mr, nnd Stis. James Gallagher, on llrlck n ve nue, North Scriiiilon. Tho Ictlm 11 Jaincp, their 17-your-old son, who Is suffering from n tnlltl attack. He was removed In the ambulance to the etner Reney hospital ut S o'clock jcateuliiy nftuiuoon, Kate, the 16-yoar-old daughter of Mr, nnd Mis. Mm tin Mot an, of Putnam Mreet, la nlso a victim of the dlscuso. Dr. Ilouaer dlnj;nosed both cases yes terday. The hitter case Is of a mild nature, similar to that of Gallagher. Tlio ambulnnco went to the residence, but Mrs. Moran icftiscd to huvo her daughter sent to the hospital, Health Officer .Thomas V. Lewis will fumigate both places this inotnlng, THE NEWSBOYS' OUTING. Committee Will Melt This Morning in A. F. Bedford's Office. The 'Newsboys' Outing committee will meet this morning In the office of ,A. P. Hedford, Roaid ot Trade building, to further unnngements for the picnic to be held next Wednesday, July 2J, at Nay Aug pink. The following additional donations vveie iccelvcd ycsteiday: Mis. K. N. Wlllutd, $3; Joseph Block, 100 "Famous Hipper" clgnis (to bo sold for the fund); Dr. Mary A. Shepherd, 50 cents. Cash donations or other contributions will bo gratefully lecelvecl by the com mittee. All who may desire to contrib ute can do so by sending checks or notice of a wish to make ti donation to the secretary, K. L. Hatfield, Tilbune, or the tieasuier, T. J. Fleming, Times, Scianton, Pa. TAYLOR. Tho lteds were defeated In one of the most lntci cstlng Barnes of the season on tho homo grounds jesterdny afternoon by the Old 1'oigo team, The homo tcum hit the ball h.ud, but they failed to place their hits safo until tho ninth inning, when they took a batting tally and scored four runs. With tho score a tie at tho ending of tho ninth the lctori won out on an eiror which should have been an easy out. Both pltcheis did good work, but Williams, of the visiting team, had a shade the best of the argument. About l.ulM) spectators witnessed the contest. Tho scoio by innings: Tnvlor 0 0 0 1 I) 0 0 0 1-5 Old Poigo !0 1 X I) 00 01-fi Battel icsItccd and Glvnn; 'Williams and Phillips Umpire Keogh. The Sabbath school of tho Methodist nplscopal chinch enjojed a pleasant daV.s outing to Nny Aug park yestetdav. Tho tiip was made by tiollcy. A special cur was engaged for the occasion, which left the cliuicli corner nt D n. .n , and on tho leturn left the paik at i p. in. All letfntted having a most delightful time. Thu Independent Politicnl club of the Fh st w.ud met on Monday evening in their rooms In Da'vls' hall and transacted business of hnpoitiince In ihe interest of the oigiiulzutloti. The following ofll eeis weic lc-elccted: Picldcnt, Kdgar David; -vice piesldont, J. B. IiikIIs; tec ictniy, 13. O. 33vans; tieusurer, W. J. Davis. Ten new members were admitted In the otganlzntlon at the last session, which now makes a membership of 4'. The club will meet again next Monday week. Alfred Jones, nf Storis' street, Is homo from his tiip to Wales. Born, to Mr. anil Mis. John 13. Owens, of Tnvlor stieet, 'on July II, a dnughtet. LtieUawnnna Valley council. No 81, Jun ior Older United Ameiicnii Mechanics, will meet this evening In regulnr session. Mrs. Peter Jones, of Wllkes-Buire, has leturned, after spending the past few weeks ns tho guest of friends and reln tics in town. Mi. Kdw.uil Wceden nnd ilnughtei, Anna, of AVcst Sctantoit, vveie the guests of Mi. Gcoigo M. Thomas, of Main street, vcsteulay. The Oiloles and Gre.vs, two loeul teams will cross bats this afternoon on the Kiierslde gi omuls. The Reds will journey to Honcsdalo on Satuulny, to play tho repicscntntlve team of that place Mis. William Mnckenzlo and daughter, Miss 1 lilt i let, of Union stieet, have to tal ned fiom a islt with her son. Dr. Robert Mackenzie, at Pittibuig. AV. G. Davis, of Noith Tnlor, is homo fiom his trip to Nlles and Youngstown, Ohio. Potomnn G. S Decker, ofNoith Scran ton, was in town Inst evening. CLARK'S SUMTUT. A Until report has been nindo by the committee of tho Ladies' Aid soclet.v, having in chaigo the cclebintlon on July 1, showing a nut prollt of $79. Tho ladles aie to bo cougiiitulntpd upon thcli splen did effoit. The nrtatigenients were ad mltnbly caiilcd out, making it n day of pleasutc, as well as financial gain Miss Knto Atherton is qulto ill nt her home on Woodl.iwn Pink. Ktid Smith Is lapldly lecoveiing fiom the Injuiy to his face, caused by tho explosion of a blank caittldgc, near his eve, bv his joung son, Altliui. tecentlj. He will not lose the tight of tlio ee, ns was at Ihst feared. An entcitiilnmont will bo held In tho Methodist KpKopal chinch on Thuisdny evening of this week. Tlif programme Includes a drama and some special music, bcsldo oilier Inteicstlng numbers, Miss Nellie Alger spent Sunday In Pitts ton, visiting fi lends. Mbs Anna Fadden has letiuned to her duties in the Correspondence Schools, af ter a couple of weeks' Mitntloit, Letny HenJ.inilu, ot New York city, Is visiting fi lends In this place, Rev. and Mis, J, S. Custnid visited fi lends hi Scianton, recently. Mis. John Singer, of Scranton, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. S. V, Sinner. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scianton Tilbune. Tunkhannock, July h Leo Stark nnd Unity Piovost aio on a vkit to Philadel phia this week, John 13. Woir, of Moiilstovvn, N, J died nt the homo of his patents hoio on Tuesday inotnhig after a shoit Illness TliQ fiinei.il will take plaeo at tho icsi denco this (Thuibday) iitteiuoou at .1 o'clock. Deceased was a oung man ot "8 jcnis, nnd la suivlved by his joung wife, who was with hint at his death, , John AVllllnm Towiibcnd Is sutTorlng from peritonitis nt tho l(omo of his p.c leuts on Putliiiin stieet, nnd little hopo is entoi Inlncil of his sin vising tlie attack, A muiiiaijo license whs gi anted on Tuesday to llliam lltiiuges, of Keeleis huig, and Miss 13va Weber, of Ceiitie nioiclaud. John W, Ayets, of Thuiston, was killed by lightning whllo wth n party of buckle, bony pickets on tho Poikston mountain on Tuesday. The putty sought refuge f i oin a showei under a tteu and a bolt struck tlio tiee. killing Aois instantly, and lendcilng Thomas Vase, another o( Ihu ii.ii ty uiKoiiscious, and sciioiislv la Juilns AValter Stark, of White's Pony. Ayeis leaves a widow nnd a laifie family of small chlldieii, AH OLD AND WELL-TRIED REI1EDT. MRS AVINSLOW'S SOOTIIINO SYRUP for children teething, Is the prescription ol one of the best fumnle ili blciuns ancl tiutses In the United States, and has been used ,slt.v eats with never-falling sue, ie3S by millions of mothers for their chlN dreu. During the process of teething lis value Is Incalculable. It relieves the child fiom pain, elites dlairhoeu, giiptng in Uu towel3, and wlnd-colle. I)y glvln? healtU (o the child It lests tho mother, Pilto. twenty-live cents a. bottle. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS SOLEMN MILITARY MASS. Mrtmmoth Excursion on This Occa sion to Be Run to Lake Lodore Next Sunday. On nccount of the C. T. A. U. Lancers' encampment ut Lake Lodore nntl the Iniptcsshc ceremonies Incident to a Solemn Military Mass on Sunday, July SO, exclusion trains wilt be run via the Dcliiwaic and Hudson iiillroad for Ihe nccommndatloii ot every person desir ing to be present and witnessing the event, on Sunday morning, leaving Sctiinton, Lackawanna avenue depolr ns follows; 7. IB, S and 9 it, in. Fare fiom Scranton: Adults, 7 cents; chil dren, 45 cents. Reduced rates from all points, LACKAWANNA RAILROAD. New Sunday Train Service to and . from Philadelphia. Lackawanna Limited tinln No. , cast bound, leaving Scranton at 3.33 p. in., and No. 3, west bound, nrilvlng Scran ton nt l.oO.p. m,, now connect dally with Pennsylvania tnllroiid at Manunkn Chunk, to nnd ftoin Philadelphia, anil Intel mediate points on the Uelvldeio division. , Lehigh Valloy Railroad. Effective Sutuiduy, July Uth and every Saturday thereafter, the Lehigh Valley tallroad will operate a train be tween New Yolk and Wilkes-Banc, to be known as the "Mountain Special," for the accommodation of people desir ing to spend Sunday out of town. Train will consist of vestibule coaches, nnd Pullninn pallor car and will urn on the following schedule Leave New Yoik, Saturdays only, Tvventy-thlid street at 2.10 p. in., arrive rllkes-Bane, 7.03 p. m. Leave Wilkcs-B.trre, Sundays only nt 6.00 p. in., arrive New Yoik, Tvvcnly thiid street at 11.15 p. m. Train will stop at ptlnclpal stutlqns. Special Seashore Excuision. To Long .Brunch, Ocean Giove, As buiy Park, via New Jeisey Central, Tuesday, July 22, 1902. Round tiip, $5; children, C to 12 years, half fine. Round ttlp tickets, good going on legular' trains on above date and good leturn Ing on any regular train, on or befoie August 1, w 111 bo on sale at the follow ing stations; Sctantotl, Taylor, Moo slc, Avoca, Pittston, Yatesville, Lallin, Mincis' Mills, Pal sons, Wilkes-Banc J. S. SWISHER, Dlst. Passenger Agent, Scianton. The Silver Lake Assembly, Silver Lake, N. Y., July 29-Aug. 21. For the above occasion special ex cursion tickets may be pin chased ia tlie Lackawanna rallioad to Silver Lake ami leturn, at rate of $7.20 fiom Scran ton. Tickets will be on sale July 13th to August 21st, Inclusive, going limit date of sale, with final letmn limit to Sept. 1st, 1302, Inclusive. Chlldien be tween the ages ot 5 and 12 years at one half adult late. Nickel Plate Road Is selling -vety lovv-iate one-way and round trip tickets to points In Colorado, Utah, South Dakota, Minnesota, Arls consln, etc. Three splendid fast through trains each way daily. Finest coaches, Pullmans and tourist cms. Individual club meals, 35c. to $1.00, also meals a la caite. See neaiest agent or wilte U. K. Payne, general agent, No. 201 Main stieet, Buffalo, N. Y. Reduced Rates to all points tlnough tho west via the Nickel Plate load. Fast time, finest equipment, everything for comfort and coiuenience ot passengers. See neaiest agents, or wilte It. E. Pujne, gencial agent, No. 231 Main st Buffalo, N. Y. HONESDALE. Special lo the Scranton Tribune. JJonesd.ile, July 10. Measurements are being made by Geoige Campbell, of Massachusetts, for le-numbeiing the buildings and sttcets of Iloncsdale, for fiee mnil delivery. Many buildings now nie adoined with two numbeis. Frank Myers has decided to eicct a factory building on his vacant lot, op posite Ileininns' wagon factoiy. East Iloncsdale, in which it Is pioposed to start a knitting mill, adding another industry to the many alteady In opei ation. Nc.st Saturday ntteinoon the Taylor Reds will play ball with the Iloncsdale team on the Ilonesdnlo Held. Mrs. Davis, of AA'abhlngton, D. C, 13 being entei tallied at the icsidenco of E. C. Mumford. Mis, Bishop nnd daughter, Miss Grace, spent Wednesday In Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusenbeire hnvc returned from their wedding tour und are domiciled at the Allen house. The bund concert given fiom the bandstand erected by Ilemy 'A. Rus pell, nfter the Red Men's parade, Mon day evening, was enjoyed by all the people of Honcsdalo and vicinity, who dcslte very much to bo favored with PICTURE PUZZLE. TOR THE LITTLE ONES. Cut out tho pletutes appeal lug on this page eacli day, diavv a pencil mnrk mound tho hidden object, savo them until Hatutduy, then send them 01 tuko them to Tho Tllbimo ofllro In an envelope addressed to "Puzzle Dcnaitment." Enclose In the envelope your name, ago and ndchess. Tho bojs and gills who coueclly matk the six pletutes appealing during tho week, and whoso iinswets nto lit st. 1 delved, will havo their names published in Tho Tiibuno .Monday morning. I L-i-i-1 -? -' -1 This careful mother wntn Iter child to oyold the nclthbois' two dogs. Find these canines. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" I lull llblliuj Only Half a Cent a Word. Help Wantcd-Mnle. WANTRD Thmoughlv cipeilenced silts men for Linens, White Goods and Do mestics. Goldsmith's llnwinr. -- rf y .ns y AVANTKU-At tho Aionit Shoo Shining pallor, nlnglu niton, N. A'., two good coloied shoo shlneis: good wiigeo; steady woik guntuntccd, CIVIL Sotvlcc aoveitinieut Position" ",'.172 appointment niailo between Julv 1. 1901, and Apt II 13. 110J. Only common school education leqiilted for examina tion. Cntalogito of Information free t-ol-itmhlun Coriespondenco College, AAnsli ington, 1). C. WANTI3D Seveial young men to can vuss; expenses advanced: must bo nblo to give good lefcictice, Call on Grot go AA'nlkcr, Lncknvviinna A alley House. AA'ANTRD rompotent machinists to woik In lingo uillrnad shops near rittshiitg; utininirled men ptoteiied. AVages pnld, 23 ,2il nnd 27 coiitii per hour. Poimnnent eniplovmcnt given for satls factory service. Fieo inlltnnd tinnspor tatlon furnished from AAilkes-Rauo to Plttnbtug. Tor furtlipr InfoiiTintloii nd dtcss C. L. Snder, 0J2 Moonoy Building, Buffalo, N.-A.. In writing, givo age. ex perience, where last etnplovod, nnd on what kind ot woik. others. It Is due to the band that some way should be devised to pay for the expenses Inclined for these concerts. The Red Men's excursion on Tues day landed 1,033 excursionists nt Sho hola, Olen. About eight hundred ot these weie from Iloncsdale. The ex cuislonlsts arrived home nt 7.30 p. m after spending a delightful day. It was a financial success for the Red Men. DURYEA. AVllllnm J. Anderson spent Sunday with friends in AVIIkes-Harre. Mr. Benjamin Richardson Is spending n few weeks nt tho homo of her daughter, Sirs. J. 11, Rollls, ot Sehuviklll county. Mrs. S. C. Dills spent Tuesday with fi lends in Parsons. Allss Bertha Smith was a caller In Avoen. otoiday. Dr. N, Ii. Pier and wife have returned homo, nfter .pending their summer vaca tion at Elmhuist. D ALTON. There will be set vices at the Baptist church, both morning and evening, nct Sunday. In the morning the pastor will -peak upon "Tho AA'ork ot tho American Baptist Homo Mission Society," and in tho evening ho will speak on 'The Mes sage of the Sea." XL BASEBALL, j American League. At Philadelphia R.H.E. Chicago 12 0 10 2 0 0 1') 7 2 Philadelphia 012100000112 S Batteries Patterson ancl Sullivan; Plank, Mitchell nnd Schrcekengost. Um pire O'l.oughlln. At Baltimore R IT.E. St. Louis 1 00 01 t SI 0 11 17 2 Bnltlmoie 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 5 S 0 Batteries llnrper and Knhoe; Shields and Btesnahan. Umpires Jonnstono nnd Caruthcis. At AA'.ishlnptton (10 Innings) R.H.E. Dotrolt 00200020 4 3-1! 17 1 AA'abhlngton 0 021130100 S 14 4 Battel lesA'engbr and McCiulrc; Orth and Dt 111. Umpire Connolly, At Boston- R.H.E. Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 33 7 t Boston 110 000000-2 12 .I Batteries Mooro nnd Wood; Dlneen and AA'nrncr. Umphe Sheridan. National League. At St. Louis R.H.E. Philadelphia ., 0 0 0 10 0 10 0-2 7 1 St. Louis 00 00 0 000 0-fl fi 1 Battel les White and Doom; O'Neill and O'Neill., Umphe O'Day. At Cincinnati R.H.E. New Yoik 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 00-2'ti I Cincinnati " 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 x-7 11 1 Bnttetles Evans and Yeugor; Ilahn and Beigen. Umnlio Poweis. At Chicago- R.H.E. Brooklyn 0 10 12 2 10 0-713 2 Chicago 001000000-1 3 4 Hal teiles Kit-on and Aheiitn: Wil liams and Kllng. Pmnho Cuntllllon. At Plttsbutg R.H.E. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 7 3 Pittsburg 0 1 1 003 2 2-S 13 0 Batteries Plttlngei, Hnlo and Moian; Chesbro and Zlmmer. Umphe Emslle, AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTTS. The Slldeis, Jr.', would llko to play tlio Miiflmll TSnq Snturdnv moriilncr at 9 30 o'c lock, on tho Mocs Tavior Hospital grounds. It accepted answer In Tribune. Manager, Joo liynn; captain, AA'Ill Bioadbent, Tho Slidets, Ji., would llko to play tho vmirif" OtIi-MkiIm nn Tnesdav moraine, on tho Moses Talor Hospital grounds, at 0.20. Answer In Tribune. Manager, Joo Plynn; captain, AVill Hioiuiuent. No Order Accepted lor Less Tlian 10 Cents. Help Wanted Male. COAL. MINERS WANTED Tim POCAHONTAS COLLIHRICS COMPANY Mr. A J, King, Supeihitondeut, with bituminous coal mines In tho town of rocahontns. Tarcwoll County, Htato of Vhglnla, on tho Norfolk and Western Hall' way, wauts Bomo good, oxpeilcuccd coal miners at once. ' AVAQES: lor plrk mining and loading entry coil .....M cents per car lor plek mining nnd loading loom con! 73 conls per car Ivor mining and loading mnolilnr undct-cut ehtry coal, .,,70 cents per car or mining and londlng ninchlito unact-ctit rcfom coal ...5S cents per riir Itisldo trnck lnyets J00 to JJ.23 per dny Inside ti acit Inver iiclpots 1 $1,30 lo $1.73 per day Insldo timber men f-'no per-dny Inside timber men hclpeis..... ji.fti jtcr day I'm tics ot 10 can nroctiro special tlcKets for $10.7.1 for each petson over thu Pennsylvania Rnlliond fiom Phllndeliihl 1 to Porn lion in . lUguUr fato for ons pet son nlore. $14 S3. Aitnngomcnts can be made lo advaitco the inlltohd faio to ie Bponslblo poisons. v , Oood mlneis will get tegular employment and good accommodations, as the town of Pocahontas hns over I.WW lull "'Hants. POCAHONTAB f'OLLlERIES COMPANY. ,7)1 Alcncle llldg.. Phlla. For Sale. FOnSALT3 Soiiiui," "iionest rTrnise,'''lfl hands high; light bay; cloven bundled. Knlo's livery, McKcnua court. . Situations Wanted. SmwnON'AVANTED-Uv a widow to go out cleaning or washing by tho day. Address 712 Schncll court. AA'ANTED AVnshlng. honing, cleaning nnd sciubblng to do by tho d ly bv a competent woman. Apply 41S Willow st. SITUATION AVANTED-Hv a voting mini as shipping and slock cleik; his good habits and bin a position at piesent, but dches n change foi good iciison Cnn furnish good icfeionce. Adchess JI. C, c.no of Tiibuno. Real Estate. LOTS, houses nnd fitims for siile. See .1. C. Zutflleh. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In upper Gtcen Rldgc; choko neighbor hood; most deshable locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Mat vine, 1730 Saniloison avenue. Honey to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OV MONEY TO I.OAN Qulck. sti night loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to G per cent. Call on N. V. AA'alker, 311-313 Council building. Board and Booms. A'ERY DESIRABLE suite ot looms with fltst class tnblc board, can bo obtained at 333 Jeff ci son avenue. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Diitnnoie. iRiutdeiH sliltts at Sc. each and colluia and cuffs at l'Se. each. Lost. T KIT Af liilrn A t I.I . nnnl. ntl,.1 rfrt. tulniiig sum of money and tiip tickets to Lake Ailel und retiiin. Rowatd If ic tiiincd to C. 11.. old Adams uvenue. LOST In Globe stoic, package contain ing one silk and one lawn waist. Tind er will please return to Tiibtiuo office. Strayed. THREE sttav mules -camo to tho prem ises of .1. II. Rhodes at Elmlmist July 14. Owner can havo samo by palng for ndveitlslng and keeping. Two light blown nnd ono dark blown. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND AVHEAT TRADERS with out delay. AVilto for our special mar ket letter. Tico on application. S. M. Hibbntd & Co, mombois N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, II nnd 4'5 Bioadway, Now Yoik Established 1S61. Long Distance 'Phone 23SS Bioad. LEGAL. NOTICE ot sale of hoises Impounded In the Ctty Pound on Dlx couit in tlio citv of Sciunton. Notice is Itetoby given that two bay mines, 0110 It hands high, about 12 cats of age, small whito sttipo on left hind leg, the other about 10 jeats of ago. with heavy mane, tout whito foot, with no shoes, nnd small stai in foiehcud. uio im pounded hi tho City Pound In Dlx couit. In the cltv of Scianton, and havo been so detained tor live dnjs last past. The owner or ovv nets having failed to reclaim said animals notice Is neioby given that unless tho samo aio leclaimed, and tho expensts incident thereto paid by tho owner or owncis, tho snid horses will bo sold at public sale on Thursday, tho 21th day of July, 1003, at 0 o'clock a. m nt the City Pound on Dlx couit, be tween Linden nnd Mulbony street, dl lcctly In tho icar of tho city hall of Scianton. Said hoises will bo sold for cash to tho highest bidder THOMAS RICHARDSON. Pound Mastor. PROFESSONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDAVARD C. SPAULDINO. C. P. A.. 23 Trndeis' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1864, Architects, TREDERICK L. BROAVN. ARCH B, Rcnl Estate ENchango Bldg,, 12U AVash lngton nvc. ' Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDINC, S15 CONNELL BLDC. STEVENSON fcKNIGHT, 720 CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAULI building, Spruce sttcpt, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII. 115 WYOMING avo. Patent Attorneys. pat e N ts in'saw.1." Tho only licensed and equipped patent sollcltur III tho city. No chaigo for In fninuitlnu on patentability; over ton yeais cNpericuco. Rcploirlc & Co,, rtlcnrs Mig, Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAKE, l.'i AND 1.7 FRANK II 11 uvciiuo. Rates rcasonablo, P. S51EGLER, Pioprlctor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L & AV. Pm-seuger depot. Conducted on tho Eu jopeail plan, Victor Koch. Piopiletor. Scavenger, A. H. HRiaOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS mid cess pools; no odor; only Impiocd pumps used. A. B. Ihiggs. piopiletor, Leave ordets 1100 Not lit Main avon 10. or Elcko's chug stote, coiner Adams and Mulbeuy. Both telephones, Wire Screens. JOSEPH KITETTEI-. REAR 311 LACK V. avo., Scianton, mfts. of AVI10 Scieoni. Miscellaneous. MEUARQEE BROS., PRINTERS' sup plies, envelopes, paper bugs, twlao. Warehouse. IW Washington u venue. THE Vv'lLKES-BARRK RECORD CAN bo hud in Sciuutou ut tho uowa sUud of Rclsniun Bios, 4W Spiuco and Wi Linden: M. Notion, 322 Lacicuwamu avo,; I. S. Schutzct, 2U Spruce. bttaU DIRECTORY. Only Half a Cent a Word. I Help Wanted Male. For Bent. I' OR RENT After September 1, clgltt 100m house, nil modem conveniences, with ntcitm licat tuinlslied; good location; tent model ate. Apply nt Tribuno ofllce. POR RENT rive unfurnlshcil looms, second door; all Impiovcments. 410 Qtilncy avenue. TOR RENT Half of a new double house, 9 100ms; all model 11 Improvements, 43J A dialer uvenue. FOR HENT-0J7 Cicen Rldgo strcctt 0 100111 bouse, model 11 Improvemcnta, steam heat, moderate tent, ovcellnnt lo cation nnd nelgliboihoocl. lncutrc 13J.' Avashlngtoii avenue. TOR KENT At Uitlton, liouso fuinlshcd" or unrutiilsbcd; modein linptovenienls; sliott distance fiom stntlon; will lent for stimmer or longct. Addicss AV. B. Slade, Ditllou, Pa. TOR RENT Cheap, !-room cottage, Heait Lake, Pa. two bonis, well wa tot. Rofeicnce leiiulled. J, A'lctnt richad, 111 ngliani ton, N. A. Furnished Booms for Bent. ROOMS for lent with or withouriooict Gentlemen picfeticd 311 Madison ave nue, theen Rldgo FURNISHED ROOMS for tent, nioijin Impiovcments; piivato family; gen tlemen pieteued. nt 537 Adams avenue FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, "with ' bent, gas and bath, gentlemen pio fericd, at 339 Adums avenue. Wanted To Bent. AVANTED A small house or flat, picfer alily fuinisbeil, In deshablo location. To gain attention, itate tcims. P. O. Box S27. Good Hay Prime Hay If you want good clean hay, we have it. Dickson & Grain Co., Scranton and Olyphant. I When in Need Of anything in the line of ,, optical goods we can supply it. 4, I Spectacles I and Eye Glasses ! Properly fitted by an expert J optician, From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescrlp tion -work and repairing, J Mercereau & Connell, 133 Wyoming Avenue, Tlie Matchless Splendors or tlie v- Canadian Rockies ; EANFF the LAKES in tho CLOUDSi TOHO VALLEV, the GnEAT'CLA CI Kit a region described by Whyni pcr, the conqueror of tho latterhorn, ns tifty or sixty Swltzerlands rolled into one leached only by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Dally tinnscontliiental train sejvlce tlnoughout the year from Toionto and Montieal. IMPEHIAL MJHTED, ctos lug tho tontliiont In 07 hours, leavcfc Toionto und Monti cat (coinnienclng Juno 15 next, eveiy Sunday, Wednes day und Kilday. Sleeping and dining cms attached to all tlnough trains, riist-dabs hotela In the mountains, Swiss guide ut thu pilnclpul points, ror rates, etc., apply lo neaiest agent of the C, I', i., or to E. V, Skinner, S Uioadwjy, New Yoil;. ' ROBERT KERR, Passenger Tiafflo Manager, Montreal. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Plckspn Jlanufaatuilng Co., Scrantoo and WIIUes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Bolters, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Hay -vl . Ji-.