The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 16, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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If You Don't Believe This Veiaclotls
Narrative, Affidavits Are In Re
serve Thrilling Encounter of
Court Clerk Searlo with a Colum Grove Pike Other News and
Gossip of Susquehanna County.
tipcelal to the Scranton Ttlliuno.
Susquehanna, July IB. Samuel Isnac
boii, a pcreRrlnuthiK Hebrew peddter,
whose lioinc la at Honosdute, monthly
.makes a tilp through this section, ex
I'lianRhiff blight tinware mid
for old It on, rage, snoop pelts, hen's
fcatheis and like "truck." Sammy has
lor yi-uis dtlven a gothle-f rained steed,
a relic of tlio famous Delaware & Hud
son canal. It Is a fast steed with a
tCLOid of less than a mile a minute.
gammy and his outfit, one cold night
In December, arrived at the home of
Farmer Charles Hobs, at Hurnwood,
and asked permission to lemnlu over
night, which was ginnted, and the horse
was bedded down and Sammy laid hlm
helf away to dream of a big day's busi
ngs, with two hundred per cent, profit.
Sometime In the night, Sammy heatd
ills charger neighing and p.iwlng the
bain lloor, fearfully.1 Awakening his
liot, the two went to the b.un, wheie
they found the hoie evidently In Its
last stiugglc. About seventeen kinds
of cuios for all kinds of horse aliments
weic poured down the beast In rapid
bin cession, but It soon gae a loud sigh
and became mutlonlc-b.
Sammy know that Ills best fi lend was
a-gonti , and he duw a upon a pile
of rags and ciied real tears. Ross told
him that good hoises were icnl cheap
since the Hocr war closed, but he ic
fnscd to be comloited. At last ho was
pi e ailed upon to ictuin to his bed, but
theie was no sleep for him.
When the trows weie singing their
ii ornlng bongs Sammy aiohe and went
tu the bain, wheie lie skinned the horse
and took off Us .shoe. He was bound
to get some money out of the deal.
Then he strolled oer to Fiddle lake, to
Ijrt a man who owed him a dollar to
inter the lemalns In an hour lie re
tuined to the bain wheie he was amaz
ed to find the standing up and
getting a moinlng lunch off the feed
bo. Tile old hoise was mudi the woise
tor wr.u but he was still In the ling.
Then a blight Idea -tiuck Sammy,
lie curies a little nil stoe with him
on the wagon, ami melting tome glur,
lie fixed half a dozen or so sheep pelts
and glued them upon the horse, wheie
the skin Med tu be. He lieatlv pieced
In the places where the skins didn't
join nitelj.
The old hoise 'coined to be surprised
at its new rainnient, but he soon same
to look upon it as a matter of fact and
he ate Thai ley Ross' oats and waxed
fat. All the people inmc to see It, and
it was the wonder of the wood acid
settlement. In two months the horse
fully tecoered and happy Sammy
dioe it to his home. This summer
owing to its, Wfitm he pastuies it
oci In Texas township, but in the fall,
it will again be drhen. Last week
Sammy sheaied the animal and realiz
ed seven pounds of wool, which will
help pay for the pasturage.
Tlie Susquehanna count Republican
oeeutle committee will meet at Mont
josc toelaj, to ai range for the nominat
ing convention.
The Gieat Bend chamois tannery will
soon lesume business. An experienced
tanner has been secured In New York.
The Hallstead-Great Bend industries
Hie "looking up."
About J175 was realized on account of
the Fourth of July celebration at
Unlondale. The amount was presented
to the Caipentcr biotheis, who aie pros
pecting for coal near thp borough.
The lomains of the late Charles F.
Meeker, of Monti oho, weie on Saturday
Intoned in McKune cemetery, Oakland.
The Main street public drinking
fountain, piescnted to the borough by
the W. C. T. U a few s since has
gone Into innocuous desuetude and the
place that once Knew It will piobably
not know it again foiever. Somehow it
never nppeared to flU-n-long-felt-wnnt.
tiulte a large number of our people
object to drink water in public, and
otheis dilnk it only upon a phvslclan's
Inscription nnd so the fountain, which
was an ornament, was never a neces
sity, A fountain which gave forth
lager, heel buttermilk or seltzer would
have been appreciated, and the names
of the donois would have gone down
tho centuiles. But just plain water.
fiom way back In the township that's
E. R. W. Seai lo, esq., and family, of
Rcranton, are spending the summer in
their lottage at Columbian grove, Jive
miles north of Susquehanna. "Ed."
puts in about fourteen houis of each
day sitting in a boat, tempting min
nows, turtles, etc.. to bite his hook, and
swapping lies with the horny-handed
gi angers of the vicinage, On Monday
he bouovved a lamprey eel of n neigh
bor, with the avowed intention of
catching a pike. He had a yearning
desire to truthfully tell Judge Aichbald
that ho had caught a fish weighing
more, than six ounces,
Edwatd had been playing pinocle
with the farmer bojs, the night before,
and, as ho sat In the boat. In the hot
sun, he was soon in the land of nod.
The bait danced joyously with the tide.
I.lko a flash, a big pike tlaitcd out fioin
under a log, grabbed the bait, swal
lowed It and commenced making for
the left bank of the stteam,
"Ed." had tho end of the line tied
mound his knee, and, as the big flBh
tightened it, he awoke to fine! himself
floundering in the stream. Ho at once
saw that the boat was nearer than the
shore, and he made an effoit to return
to tho craft, but the line was drawn
tight and tho big flsh was fast huuling
?100 Reward, ?100.
Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased
to Icain that there Is at least one dread
ed disease that science has been nblu
to cuie In all its states and that is Ca
tanli. Hull's Caturrh Curo is tho only
positive euro now known to tho medical
fraternity. Catnrih being a constitutional
dlscdse, renulies a constitutional treat
ment. Halls Catairh Cure Is taken In
tel pally, noting dltectly upon the blood
mid mucous sui faces of tho svstem. there,
by destiovltig tho foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and aBsistlnfc
nature In ,dolng Its work. Tho proprietors
have so much faith in Its curative pow
cia. that they offer olio IIundreirDollars
for any case that t falls to Jura .Bend
or list of testimonials. 0fRa
Address, V, J. CHENEY & CO , ,
Bold by DniBElsts. 75o. Tolodo, Oj
Kail's Family pills aro the best
Kidney Disease Kills.
Hundreds of Thousands.
Kidney diseases should be attended to
at once, for almost 00 per cent, of our un
expected deaths of to-day are from that
catwe. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy Is tho only sure cure known for
diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and
blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic
constipation. It Is marvelous how it stops
that pain in the back, relieves the neces
sity of urinating so often at night, drives
away that scalding pain in passing water,
corrects the bad effects of whiskey and
beer and shows Its beneficial effects on
the system in an incredibly short time,
George L. Smith, foreman of the Hoi.
ley Manufacturing Company's Works,
Lockport, N. Y., says In a recent letter:
"I have used Dr. Dasvid Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy with the most bene
ficial results I was troubled with
gravel and kidney complaint very
severely, it bothered mo a great deal,
and have found groat relief from its
use, and cheerfully recommend It."
"Favorite Remedy" Is tho most suc
cessful medicine ever discovered for kid
ney, bladder, liver and blood diseases.
Its" record of cures has made it famous in
medical circles everywhere. It is recog
nized as a specific. It purifies the blood
and dissolves the excess of uric acid in it,
clears up the urine, restores the kidneys
and bladder to their normal condition,
and gently moves the bowels.
It is for sale by all druggists In the
New BO Oont Slzo and the regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free by nail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y,
Pr. DrtIiI Kf DOfdy'n GolAen Flatten strength
en Maicbi, remove pain anywhere. Ific oach.
him ashore. Ed. set up a series of
shouts, to mouse the farmers ashore,
but his efforts were fruitless. When
within two lods of shore, Ed's left leg
came in contact with a stump, the end
of the line was released, and, with a
series of flounders and plunges, the
pike disappeared from levv and was
seen no more. Ed. waded ashore, and
he is now anxiously waiting to give
Judge Aichbald a thrilling account of
his captuie by a submarine monster.
Rev. Mr. Buffum, district superin
tendent of the Scranton Anti-Saloon
league, addressed two audiences In the
Oakland Methodist church on Sunday.
The Crescent club, of Carbondalc,
will play In Susquehanna on Saturday
afternoon, with the home stars. The
clubs are well matched, and un inter
esting game is expected.
In a. Jew das the "Cuban Giants"
will play in Susquehanna, with the
home team.
Because "Susquehanna Borough" was
written on the special election returns,
instead of "The Borough of Susque
hanna, Depot, Pa," it will probably be
necessary to hold another election be
fore the boiough can proceed to eicct
the $10,000 public building.
Within two j ears, 8.000,000 flsh fry
have been placed in the river, near
F. E. Brush, of Oakland, on Saturday
caught a 12-pound pike in the river,
near Columbian Giovo.
Arthur Moore, of Oakland, on Sat
urday caught In the river, at the "Nar
rows," twelve bass, weighing thirty
six pounds.
When a man gets such an elevated
idea of his own Importance as to think
that the earth Is one entire, aching
void waiting for him, picparations
should at once be made for an early
f unci al.
Panama hats show which way the
wind blows.
A married couple may bo one, but
that one cannot tiavel without two
railroad tickets.
"I want to be an angel, for that I
hope and pray; I want to be an angel
but, of course, not right nway!"
If a man wants to go thrqugh life
and please everybody, he must travel
on a back road.
The congressmen now homewaid go;
Praise God from whom all blessings
There are signs that the Republican
senatorial muddle will be "fixed up,"
satisfactorily to those most concerned.
Democrats will hardly profit by It.
With seventy known Republican can
didates in the field, there Is a probabil
ity that all of the offices in Susque
hanna county will be filled, next fall.
The office doesn't have to hunt for the
County Democrats are coaxing each
other to accept nominations.
Susquehanna county Prohibitionists,
who never have a chance to be kicked
out of office, will open 'no "bar'l" this
. year, although they may be said to be
on a "still hunt." Blessed are those
who expect nothing, for they shall not
be disappointed. Whitney.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho Scronton postofflre, July , 19UJ.
Persons ealllng for these letters will
pleaso say advertised and give date ot
list. Ezra II. Ripple, Postmaster.
Aronson. O. Jones, John R.
Bmvo, Hurry. Jurtson, C. E.
Baiiett. LdlH. Kenyon. A.
Baldwin, Archie, Llilei, James.
Belmar Mfg Co. Llpmnn. Joseph.
Black. Mis. Ann Lannlng, Mrs. F.
(vvdow). Metnlie, A. E & Co.
Murklns. Alex. McClenuhan, Wm.
5" '.' ,M. Sw.Anu-le' , Mengcl. I. ura.
R.irtehtl Miss CarrleMarlres. Matk.
Bieese, Mis HerbertMoion, T. B.
Cnmeion, Ellas, Mahon. John.
Connollv, Bridget. Mohr. John U.
Case. Mis. Clara, McCaithy, Fiances.
Conway, Master Jo-McQauy, Mis. Kate.
' seph. McDormott. Bridget.
Carpenter, MissNash, Ella,
Ruth. Pierce. H. S.
conway. flir. anui'lcison. S.
M,1 ","'" Poifectlon Welding
Collo, H. A. Compound Co.
Carson. T. p., Jr. Rhodes, Mrs. Ella
Shamplln, Charles. p.
Daggers, Miss Fan-Roth, r. C.
nlc. Ruaue, John,
Evans, Mrs. Mary. Bobbins. .Adam.
Evans. T. D. Smith, Esther,
Gravel, Mrs. James. Stearns, Mis, Clius.
Gerhard. Miss Isa- N,
bel. Chaffer, Mr. A. J,
GHIieit, F. N. Khofglcs. Mia.
Grlfflth3. Mr, W.,Sweoney, Miss Anna
(131 Dollmoro ave) Seller. I,, a.
Flnnegan. Miss Bes-Schi Ibens, Mrs.Wal-
sle, tor,
Ferguson, Mrs, Wct-Slh'lus, Miss Mary.
tie, Rhean, Nora,
riolelman, Harry. Sucaman, Miss VI
Hughes Mrs. Jen nona.
nln (care of John fejboldt, John.
O'Boylo). Staples. J. P
Haley, Edward. Trine. Mrs. W, U
Hames, Roval W. Tcrwllllger, Thos. A.
Hajivon. Will II. Tlglie, Jas (Tel. Co).
Halooman, Albort. Trimmer, J,
Hartman, Frank W. William, B. A.. Jr.
t ',3)' .... Williams. Mrs. F. H.
Joiner. Will. WMtchafts, Miss
Jeffrey, Miss Julia Minnie (Jewish
H. Home).
Jones, Andrew, Young, Levi.
West Scranton Station.
.Fh!' J&,1orthw 8.! p.,eter Curososto,
Nlcolo Dl Geo. Woterepk nnrilenuki mi!
chael Llnkey, AndorseJ Matau. Plerrl
x -tz.f. ..- -rr:. ,::. .-v. ..
iKrvuu. Aim. oia&rcie rrnninun i.
..mmwMuiv, f la. ueorge vvrignt.
Wall Street, Kevitw.
New York, July 15, Prices of slocks
started upwards with a tush this morn
ing, aparently ns an extension and a
bioudcnlng of tho buvlng movement
which became conspicuous vcstcidny In
tho Qinngets and Pacifies. Iholc was an
appearance of confident demand from
new sourres. and the open selling of tttb
oroKci.s wnicn navo oecn ompiojcu ny
the western contingent during tho recent
rise did not affect the sticugth of tho
markot. 'litis gave itso to Hie convlc
tlon that largo capltnlUts who have hith
erto held aloof from the maiket weru
coming In prepared to continue the up
ward movement of slocks. Ihetn was ac
tive realizing In Mlssoml Pnclllc and in a
few other slocks under cover of this
stirngth and tho whole uiarkol ultimately
.gave way. Thrru was a momentnty
check to the downward movement ef
fected by a rally In Missouri Pnclllc to
ei point over last night, but tho market
gavo way again and receded generally to
below last night's level, with only n few
stocks resisting tho downward tendency,
Tho market closed heavy and not far
above tho lowest. Among the late points
of sticimth were Amalgamated Copper,
the United States Steel stocks, tho Chi
cago nnd Alton stocks and the Toledo,
St. I.ouls and Western prefcired. The
advance in Amalgamated Copper was In
expectation nf action on the dividend to
monow. Tho steel stocks responded
f i actional! v to the showing In tho brief
tiled In roplv to tho suit against tho com
pany's bond conversion plan, Including
nflldavlts fiom the corporation's officials
bearing on the value of assets. Total
sales for tho day, 735.000 shares Thr
bond market was Irregular. Total salos,
par value, H,770,000. United States new
4's declined 4c on call,
The following quotations sre furnished
Tho Tribune bv Halght & Frccse Co , 311
815 Aleafs Building. W. D. Runvon, man
ager. Open High.Low.Close
Amal. Copper 03'i u" Ut'i t4V6
American lco 9 fii 94 0
Am. Ice. Pr SVi MV4 354 3G6
Am. Eoco. Pr 11V 13'fc (flU SlVi
American Suiror ....127.. unit 127U 12SU,
Anaconda Copper ... 9'-g 100 PSV4 100
Atchison 88 K86 87 87T6
Atchison, Pr 1014 101 100& 100'i
Bait & Ohio lOS'f, 101'i ins 108V4
Brook. R. T (MS. hit. iWU r.TO
Canadian I'aciuc . ...i;i4't
Chcs. & Ohio 49'i
Chicago & Alton .... .W
Chic & G W 30t4
C, M. & St. P 183
C, R. I. & P 11
C. R I. &P iso
Cnl. ruel & Iron.... 01
Col A: Southern .... iJ1,
Col. & South , 2d Pr. At,
Erie .17'i
Hocking Vallev SS
Illinois Central pj3r;i
135 H4H 13t4
40"A 40 41H
4U4 384 4tk,
POM, 23 2114
1R3U 181V4 182
91i 01 OUi
I'tOSi 100 lOOVi
01 ti
HI Hi 'A
si ie
40' 4fiVi
37H 37)5
88 88
WW H-n
140'i 14014
332V ns
14Sti 14i
28; 29
274 27ii
Louis. & Nnsh 1J1 lit
Manhattan 13JH 13T
Met St Rv HSV4 141'i
Mclran Central .... 20 20't,
Mo IC. & Tex 27 2SH
Mo K. X- Tex , Pi . . 59U wi
MO I'HOUlf! HITt 1ll-i 119V. 111
T-, Central InO'; rO'U llSfc, 15;
Norfolk & West ..!. 31 S3 B 33
Pennn. R TJ mil ir.iri iijiz. i-jl;
People's Gas 1021i 102 10214 I02fc
I'lpsecl Steel Car.... 47 47 4GM
Reading MVt (5714 4
Reading, 1st Pr S(, s
Rending, 2d Pr n 714 71 '
Republic Steel 18 18 is
Republic Steel. Pr .. 73V. 71'4 73'A
St. L & San T 09 70 89V4
Southern Pacific fi fii,M bG
Southern R R 37H S7Vj 37
Southern R. R, Pr.. 9h 07 9S?i
Tenn. Coal & Iron... fi4'R 644 03
fi,ens I'acino 43 41 43VI
Pnlon Pacific tns'4 10SU 1071.
Pnlon Pacific. Pr ... nnu m nntc
T. S I.cither 1J3,
TT. S. Steel :rr4
V. S. Steel. Pr Wii
Wabaxli 3014
Wabash. Pr 4r,ij
Western T'nlon S0V,
AVlsconsin Cential .. 2G
39' k
WHEAT. Open. Hlch. Low. Close.
sentemncr ."x, T'-i-
December 73 73
September (,l r,l
December 47U 4714
OATS 3 2
September 20 2914
December 2S5!, 2Sv
September 15 7t IS 9
Jn""nrX 1S53 18 55
September 11. 4", n -,n
January 1120 1120
September 1093 n 00
January 10SO 10 SO
IS 47
11 20
10 S"
10 SO
18 02
18 47
11 2z
10 S3
10 SO
Open. High. Lovr. Close
. K 4-i 8 4", S4i 8 45
. S07 )S07 8 07 S07
.7 87 7 87 7 87 7 87
. 7.7G 7.7G 7.76 7.7G
AllRUSt ....
October ...
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dally Co, Pr....
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co
Plist Nat Bink (CarbotMale).
Third National Bank
Dime Dep & DIs. Bank
Economy L.. II. & P. Co
First National Bank ljoo
Lack. Tmst & Safe Dep Co... 193
Clark & Snover Co. Pr 125
Scranton Savings Bank b00
Traders' National Bank 223
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 3
People's Bank us
Scranton Packing Co
Scranton Passenger Railway,
first mortgage, duo 1920 115
People's Street Rnllway, first
mortgage, due 1918 115
People's Street Rallwav, Gen
eral moitgago. duo 1921 113
Scianton Trac Co , fi per cent. 115
Economy It., H. & P. Co
N, Jersey & Pocono Ice Co
Consolidated Water Supply Co ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by H G. Dale. 27 Lacku. Ave.)
Flour $4 40.
Butter Fresh
dalrv. 23c.
creameiy, 24c. j fresh
Cheese 12a12',c.
Kggs Nearby, Jlc,: western, 20c.
Harrow Ueans Per bushel, IJ 35a2.40.
Gieen Peas Per bushel, J2 23.
Onions ii 00 per bag.
New Potatoes J2,73a3 per bairel.
New York Grain and Produce Market
Now York, July 13 Flour Market was
weak and SalOc, lower; winter patents,
H83u4; winter Htriilghts, 53b"io3 85; Min
nesota patent, 3 00.i4.10; winter eMras,
JJ.10aJ33; winter low grades, $J?0a315.
Coin Spot weak; No. i, 70K.C elevator
and 71c. f, o. b, atloat; option market
was weak all day. The close was alic.
net lowei; July closed C9'c; September,
Wiic; December, Bl'Sc. Oats Spot easier,
No, 2 50c; No. 3, too.; No. 2 white, 59c, ;
No 3 white, 5S',t.; tiack mixed western,
ra57c; track white, western. 59a03c;
track white western, C9afi3c; tiack white
state, 69at)Jc; options generally weak and
lower. Wheat Spot weaker; No. .' led,
78T4c. elevntoi ; No. 2 red, 79caS0lic. f. o.
b. afloat; No, 1 1101 them Duliith, 8.'c. f.
o b. iitlotit. Between flno weathoi all
thiough tho west and a ery weak corn
market, wheat tloveloned consldnrnhln
bcalness. The close was weak nt lia
lTc. decline. July closed SOHc; fioptem
bcr. TO'tc; December. 77?e. Butter
Steady; cienmery. ISaSUjc: do. fadorv.
IGalSc; renovated, 17al9'Jc; Imitation
cieameiy. 17al9c,; stato dairy, 17'4a.OV4o.
Cheese In esular; new state full cream,
small colored fancy. 10c,; small white,
10e,; laigo coloipd, fl'ic; laige white, 9V4c.
Kggs-li regular; stnte nnd Pennsylvnnfn,
;o.ij0Vic,; western candled, 19Hc; south'
western, 15al7He.
Philadelphia Grain nnd Produce.
Philadelphia, July 13. Wheat Initio,
loner; coiittuct grade, Jn, 77a77Mc.
Corn Dull and nominal; wo quote No. 3
yellow on tiack, 7.",ia73e. Oats-Steady;
No, 2 whlto clipped. 60c, Wool Un
(.hanged. Piovlslons Unchanged, But
teiwc, lower; eNtra westoin creamery,
Sl',4o.: do. nearby prlntB. 2lc. Kggs
Steady; fresh neuiby, 10c; loss oft do.
western, 19Hc,; do. do, do. southwestern,
19e,; do, do. southern. UalSc, Cheeso
Stoudy; New Voik full ci earns, pilme
hinall, lOHalO'ic; do. do. do. fair to good,
DVsUlOe. Rellned Sugars Quiet but steady.
Cotton Unchanged. Tallow Film; city
prime in tierces. l)JaGHc; country do. do
enkej". 6?4abo.!fthe',U;v Jt.hpSsedl wwk
bairels, 6V4a6c; do. dark, 0'ia6V4c;
takes, GHafific. Mve Poultry-Steady;
fowls, 13a13lc; old roosters, OaOWc;
ciuiiit, i-iuriiena inline; spring iiucks, 13a
14c; old do. lOalle. Diesscd Poultry
Steady; fowls, choice, 13c; do. touth
cru and southwestern, 12&ni3e : do. fair
to good, llHalJc," old roosters, 3c; broll-
In our Men's Fine Footwear, all our $
5.00 ana o.oo graaes, in jounson 5c f
Murphy and The Stetson, in all season-
able leathers and lasts. High QQ CHS
Shoes and Oxfords, reduced to 00. OU i
Men's Tan and Russian Calf Shoes, $
$4.00 and $5.00 values, at OO EL ft t
I this sale,
Mens Black and Tan Shoes and
j Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.50
J grades, reduced to. . . .
i Men's Tan Shoes and Ox-
fords, $2.50, now selling at.
J Ladies' Patent Leather and Dongola J
J Oxfords, $3.50 and $4.00 OQ Afl
S grades, reduced to. . . . vU.UU J
Ladies' Patent
Oxiords, $2.25,
Ladies' Dongola
1.75, reduced to
Lewis, Ruddy,
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $600000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to 8.30.
Parties desiring a good, s.ife Investment
for small sums of money with a high rato
of Interest write us for partlculais. A
resident solicitor wanted.
Pennsylvania Improvement & Investment Co..
703 Baer Bldg, Reading, Pa.
ers, ncarbv large, 20a22c; do. small and
medium, 15al9c ; western do, large. lb.i
18c ; doll small, HalSc Receipts Flour,
1,300 bancls and l.loS.000 pounds In sacks;
wheat, 4"),000 bushels; corn, 1,000 bu.shels;
oats, 6 000 bushels. Shipments Wheat,
1.200 bushels; corn, none; oats,i",000 bush
els. Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, July 15. Bulls In the corn pit
who engineered the corner In July options
abandoned their position today and the
ellow cereal left to itself fell from Its
lofty price and floundoied JOc. under yes
terday's best llgure. Natuially most of
the Intel est In grains today centeied
about July corn. As a result the cfroct
of the break was felt In all other grains.
Yot natural conditions weie bearish
enough to break ( prices and nne wcitnor
nd lower cables besides tho h9vv re
ceipts caused such general sellng In all
tho pits that September corn closed la
IVsc lower; September corn, lalHc
down: July corn 154c lower and Sep
tember oats alc lower. Provisions
started stmng but could not withstand
the press in o of tho gialn break and
closed a shade to 20c lowei, Ca3h quota
tions were ns follows; Flour Easy; No.
2 spring wheat. 7a7c: No, 3 spring, 70a
74c; No. 2 red, 74!4c; No, 2 corn, (j6afcSc. ;
No. 2 yellow, t!6a07c ; No, 2 oats, 4Sn18V'c;
No. 2 white. &2!Su52ytc; No 3 white, f.0a
BJHc: No. 2 rye, Glc; good feeding bai
ley. ; fair to choice malting, 70a71c; No.
1, "a seed, 31,40; , No, 1 northwostern,
J1.40: prime tlmothv sped. tK7v moo
pork, per ban el, U8 i7'SatS 52; laid, per
100 pounds. JU.20; short rlhs, sides, $107011
10 8.1; shnulders. 9),n9c; short clear
sides, U.37V4alJ 30.
Chicago Xive Stock Market.
Chicago, July 13 Cattle Receipts, 4 000,
Including 1,000 Texans; steady; good to
prime steers, nominal, 57.75u8.70: poor to
medium, JI50a7W): stockers and feeders.
J2 50a5; cows, 1.40a5 75; heifers. J.' 50a
6 60; tanners. J1.40a.'.40; bulls, jJSOaSm:
calves, $.'Ma5 50; Texas fed steers. a(.,75
LI?.nfce,pts todny. 17,000; tomonow,
30.000; left over. F-.f-OO; steady to 5c hlghi
er; mixed and butchers, J2 05a8 10; good to
choice heavy, $7,71nS,15; rough heavy. J7 'i
n7.70; light, I0.90a7.70; hulk of sales, J7.u0a
7 9.. Sheep Receipts, 10,000, sheep.
"Mh w w. iuhijoi ; minus, unsor: crooa
mlgSSSh;lr"',3Mtt4a8 falr to cholce
Buffalo Wve Stock Market,
Kast Ruffalo, July IB -Cattle-Receipts,
200! unchanged. Hogs Receipts. J140
heorvy, 8i5a8.20; mixed, 17 0Ja8.10; pigs
J7S0; rongbs, J7,10a7.S0: stags. JoUlO
Sheep and I-umbb Receipts. 400; stcadv:
jSSSSwek'SS "Ma5J5i ahee'p:
East liberty LJye Stock,
rast Liberty. July 15.-Cattle-Steadv:
choice, t7.J5aT.S0; prime, t'lToHT.13; Bood
that) JO. 1ogs-I.ower: pi line hcaUcs. ta
8 10; mediums, t7Ma7.9': heavy Yorkers
17 MJ light Yorkers. t7.SSa7.80: pl? WJai
7 80: roughs Sheep-Bteady ; best
wethers. tl.I0a4 20; culls and common, tl 80
aS; choice lambs, t5 75a6 25; veal calves,
Oil Market.
cl!y' Juy. 15 -Credit balances. 123:
certificates, no bid: shipments, 7SSJ3 bur
ruls; aeraico. 68.424 baireh: runs, 15.WJ
bairels; average, 75,398 bariels.
. yU.VU
$2.00 1
$1.25 1
Leather and Dongola
$1.50 ;
$1.25 !
Davies & Murphy,
BUGGIES nnd WAGONS ot all Kinds; also
Homes and Building Lots at bariraiM
Lackawanna Carriage Worts.
Home OIQce, 209 209 Hears Building.
We are maturing shaiea oach month which
anow a net gain to the investor ot about 12
per cent. We loin money. We also issue
FULL PAID STOCK $1(10 00 per share, inter
est piyable semi annually.
ALBERT BLL, Secretaiy.
rear 511 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of
Hire Screens of all kinds, fully prepared for
the spring: season. We make all kinds of
porch screens, etc.
Oeneral Ccntractor, Builder and Dealer in
Pullding Stone, Cementing- of cellais a spe
cialty. Telephone 2592
Olflce, 327 Washington aienue
The scranton Vitrified Brick
and tile manufacturinqoompahy
Makers of ravine Brick, etc. V. H t)jb,
General Siles gent, Office 32J Washington
ac. Works at Nay Mig, Ta , U A. W. V. K It
A few days can bo pleasantly spent
In a trip to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C.
Steamers sail dally except Sunday
from Pier 26, North River, foot of
Beach street, New York.
Tickets, Including meals and state
room accommodations, $s,00 one way,
$13,00 round trip, and upwards.
Send stamp for Illustrated book,
81 Beach Street, New York, N". Y,
Trafllo Manager. J, J, BROWN,
General Passenger Agent.
Eooms 1 and 3
Commonwealth Bldg.
Made at Mooslc and Ituslidalc Works,
I.aflin & Rand Powder Co.'s
tlectrlo lUtterlcj, Electric Ep!oderj, t'j.
plodlnj )ltlt, fcifcty Fuse.
r.. I
hr I
C Clearing l11! Sale
Our Great
Clearing: Sale
Hundreds of people
daily of this Great
OOr ui'ccac fine values, white ground,
Vl iJ?WI2iCd sprinkled with small and
medium sized dots. In Red, Black, Green, and Blue.
Makes up very charming in Summer dresses.
Clearing Sale price a yard 16$c.
IMPORTED SWISSES. Lovers of fine wash Fabrics
will note the fine texture of this lot placed in this Clear
ing Sale. German manufacture. Pink, Tan and Blue
ground with black dots. One piece, in particular has
small dots and an embroidered leaf in black. Value, 59
and 69c a yard. This Clearing Sale price is 39c a yard.
Duck Skirts.
A full line of Duck Skirts for
women, worth $1.25, Clear-
ing Sale price 9oC
Wash Suits.
A splendid value and well made.
You would have to pay for these
suits in many places, and early in
u.s oaauii, t.. uui .
Clearing Sale price. . . ) i .Vo I
Sc WASH CLOTH. New Mrcel "Knit" not
woven. There are many good points about
this Cloth over the old fashioned kind. -Sold
at the linen counter at Sc.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno li), 1&0.'
Trains for Carbondalo leave Scranton at
6 44, 7 J6. 8 30, 10 U a. m ; 1J 03, 1 12, 2 11, i W,
6 '.D, 6 23, 8.24, 9 13, 10 04 p m ; 12 18, 1 J8 a m
For Honesddle 6 44, 1013 a. m.; 211 and
B 19 p in.
For. AVIlkc!-Barie-t38 7 41. 8 41. 9 47,
10 33 a. m : 12 0J, 1.42, 2 18, 3 28, 4 33, 6 10,
7.4R, 10 41, 11.49 p m.
For L V. R. R Points 7.41, 9 47 a. m.;
2 18, 4 33 nnd 11.49 p m
For Pcnniyhnnla R. R. Points 6 38,
fl.47 n. m ; 1 42, 3 2S and 4 J", p m.
For Albany and all points north 7.36 a.
m. and 3 SO p. m
For Carbondalo 8 50, 1133 a. m.; 2 11,
S.5B. 3 52 and 11 17 p m
For Wilkes-Ban e-9 38 a. m.; 12 03, 1 5S,
3 2S C 32 and 9 17 p. m.
For Albany and points north 3 36 p. m
For Ilonesdale 8 30 a. m ; 11 33 and 3 53
p m
W. L PRYOR, D. P. A . Scranton, Pa.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect June 15, 1902.
Trains Leave Scianton.
For Philadelphia and New York Ia D
& H It R . at 7 41. through Parlor Cir
and Day Coach Caiboml.ilo to Now York
and 9 47 a. m, with L V. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, and 2 18, 4 35 (Black
Diamond Express), and 11 49 p m. Sun
dajs, D. & II. R. R , 1 58. 9 17 p. m
For While Haven. Jlnltton and princi
pal points In the regions, via D fi. H.
It It., 7.41, 2.18 and 4 J3 p in. For Potts
ille, 7 41 n. m.
For Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Hnr
llsburg and pilnclpal Inteimcdlato sta
tions, la D. & II. R. R . 7.11, 9 47 a. m ;
218, 133 (Black Diamond E-cpiess), 11.49 p.
m. Biinauyw, w. cc n. i. i , a. m.;
1 5S. 9 17 p. m.
Tor Tunkh.innock. 'lownndn, Elmlrn,
Ithnc.i, Genea and principal Interniedlntu
stations via D . L &. W. R. R , 6 Jo a. m.
and 1.D3 P. m.
For Gcnea. Rochester. Buffalo, Nlng
ni.i Fails, Chicago and all points west Ma
D &. H. R. R. 1203 p m : 328 (Black
Diamond Express), 10.11. 11 4'i p m. Sun
das. D. & H R. R , 12 OJ, 9 17 p m
Pullman p.nlor and sleeping oi I.plilgh
Valley Pallor cats on nil trains between
Wilkes-B.iro and New York. PhllaUel
pblu, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge,
R01.EIN II. WILBUR. Gen, Supt., 26
Cortland stiebt, Now Yoik
CHARLES S. I.EE, Gen. Pass Ast , 25
Cortland stieet. New York,
A. W. NONEMACIIER, Dlv, Pa-.s. Ast.,
South BetbleliPin, P.i.
For tickets and Pullman leservntlnns
apply to city ticket office, t& Public
Squnie, Wllkes-Bnne, Pa.
Erie Raihond Co., Wyoming Division
Tiulns leave Scranton for Hawley and
local stations nt 8 15 a. m . l..n, li'.O awl
7 33 p. in. Sundajs. at 9 00 a. m and 1 3j
For New York. Ilonesdale and Inter
mediate points, at 1 J5 p m
Trains nirho at Scranton at R.".o n. m,
.1 09. 7 21 nud 9 15 p. m. Sunda) s, 1 00 p. m ,
and 8.15 p. m.
New Yorki Ontario and Western.
Time Table III Effect Sundnv, Juno 13, jdoJ.
Leave Leaio Arrive
Trains. Scianton. Cubondilo. Cadosla.
K,, 1 10 o0 a, 111. 11 10 11. in 1 oa p. m.
".?' '" 400i in. inn, m enoh.n..
No. T
ii. .',.. T a 1. ri, iiin.inin t. ... .. .:'
''.ea)e ,Ije:M' Airlvo
Cadosla. C.irbondnlo. Scinnton.
rt 30 a. m. 7,2i a. in.
, S 10 n. m 10 0I a. m. lo 40 n. m.
No. o
No 4
v 2 ;.lil'in iii ni, (lip m,
SUNDA VB u.Ni(i, .nuittii uuunii,
ou" Leavo Jeao Aulvo
Trains. Snanton Cnrbondiilo. Cndosla.
No's ...,.Ti 11 ni.Ar.C.uboiuialoT.lipm
o. ....- 'gol,-!-,! HOUND, '
l.cavo Leave Arilvc
Trains. Cndosla. Caibondale. Scmnton.
vo 1, 6 no a, m. 7.21 a ni
No 10 .... . . i & P ' M 1J- '". 0 43 p. in.
Trains Noh. 1 nn woek das. and 9 on
Sumluys connect for New oik pltv, Mid.
illetown. Walton, :soi with, Oneida, Os
woko and all points west.
Tialn 3 for Pojntelle. .M'nlton, Dalbl,
Sidney, Norwich and all New Benin
branch points
Train No. 6. with "Qunktr City Ex
press' nt Scranton, via C. R. R. of .N. J.,
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City. Baltlmoie
Washington and PennsvlvanU state
Pea time-table and consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines
J C ANDERSON. O. P A . New York.
J. E. WELSH. T. P, A., Scranton. Pa.
are taking advantage
Merchandise Event.
Pique Skirts.
For women,
quality Pique,
Made from a good
t 9E; MnJ
- 98c
Hot Days.
You will need a cool House 'Wrap
per. Our assortment Is in good
shape; that is. the $1.00 kind, and
during this Clearing Sale we
will sell this kind for but. . . 75C
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Effect June 29, 1902. .
Stations In New York, foot Liberty
sti eet and South Ferry, N. R.
Tialns Ieae Scranton for New Tork,
Philadelphia. Easton, Bethlehem, Ailed
town, Blauch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash
ley, Wilkes-Barro and Plttston at 7 30 a,
m , 1 p m. and 4pm Sunday, 2 10 p. m,
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7 30 a m , thiough solid vestibule train
with Pullman Bufft Pallor Car tor Phil
adelphia with only one chango of cars
for Baltimore and Washington. D. C , and
all principal points sputh and west.
For Avoca, Plttston nnd Wllkes-Barre.
1 P m. and 4 p m Sunday, 2 10 p m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Glove, etc,
7 30 and 1pm. '
For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg
la Allentown nt 7 30 a. in , 1 p. m. and4
p m. Sunday. 2.10 p m.
For and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.,
1 p m and 4pm
For rates and tickets apply to agent a
W. G BESSLER. Gen Manager.
C. M. BURT. Gen Pass Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule In Eifect June 16, 1902.
Trains leave Scianton: 0 38 n. m., weok;
das, through vestibule train from
Wllles-Bane. Pullman buffet parlor car
nnd 'oaches to "Phllndelnhla. via Potts.
ville; itops at principal Intermediate sta
tions Also connects for Sunbury, Hr.r
ilsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the West.
9 47 a. m . week dns. for Sunbury, Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg ana the West.
1 42 p m, week duvs. (Sundays. 1 5S .
m ). for Sunbury. Hnrrlsbuig, Philadel
phia. Baltlmoie, Washington and Pltts
butg and the West.
3 2S p m., week days, througu vestibule
train fiom Wllkes-Barro Pullman buffot
parlor car and cenches to Philadelphia vln.
Pottsvllle. Stops at principal intmrnediato
4:5 p m.. week davs. for Hnzleton, Sun
bui.v, Hairlsbuig. Philadelphia and ntts-
We' J. R. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
Dolaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Tialns leave Sciniiton for New York
At 130. J 20, b03. 7 30 nnd 1010 a. m.; 12 40,
3 40, 3J3 p m. For New York and Phlla
delphln 7.50, 10 10 a. ni , nnd 12.40 and 3 31
p m. Foi Gouldsboio At ii 10 p. m. For
Bllffalo-l.lS. C22 and 9 ftfl a. m.; JDS 6 50
and 11.10 p. in I'oi Blughuniton. Elmlru.
nnd way stations 1023 .1. m , 1.05 p. m
Foi Oswego. S 1 .icusii nnd Ullca 1.J5 and
li2-' a in.; 15.3 p m Oswego, Syracuss
nnd Utlta train nt t 22 a m. dally, except
Sunday, For Montrose 9 00 a. m; 101
nnd 6 DO p. in. Nicholson accommodation
4 00 nnd 0 15 p. 111,
Bloomsbuig Division ror Northumber
land, at C35 and 1010 a. m ; 135 and 610
p. m For 'Plymouth, nt 810 a, m,; 3 40
and 9 05 p m
Sunday Trains ror Now York, J 50, 3 20,
C03. 10 10 a. in.; 3 40 nnd 3 33 p in. For
Buffalo 1, It and 0 22 a, m,; IK!, b60 nnd
11.10 p. m, I'or Elmlra nnd way stations
10 23 a. 111. For Blnghamton and way sta
tions, 9 00 n, m Rloomsburg Division
Lcavo Scranton, 1010 a. m. nnd 610 p in.
General Agent for the Wyomlcf District for
Dupont's Powder
lllnin;, Dlutinr. Sportlne. Fmokelesa and tha
Itepauno Cliemlcal Cmpanjr'a
Ealety Fuse, Caps and Exploder Room 491 Cob.
uell Building .Scranton.
K '. MULI.IQAN .....
1 Plymouth
.......Wllkei Bin