The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 15, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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'15 . v.SWS-Sv..
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Funeral of Mrs. De Martino Largely Attended
from the Residence oh Chestnut Street.
Victory fjor Alumni Club.
At 0 o'clock yesterday morning from
Bt. Hide's Italian Catholic church, on
Chestnut street, was held the funeral
services' of the late Mrs. De Martino,
who died Saturday afternoon, after a
long Illness. At the homo at 911 Chest
nut street, Just before the church ser
vices, many friends of the deceased
took their last farewell of the face and
form which had been &o dear to them
In life.
Prom the home the funeral cortege
moved to at. I-uclc's church, where a
solemn high mass of requiem was cele
brated by Rev. Antonio Parocco, of
Carbondale, and ltov. Father Sprocco,
of St. Lucie's church. The church wag
crowded with the friends of the do
ceased, and the church choir sweetly
rendered several sacred selections at
tlio close of the service.
Hanked around the casket were flow-I'l-f
of rate beauty, which were cairled
to I he cemetery by ibe following:
James Halastrere, Louis Chlnco, John
CailuccI, John White.
At the conclusion of the church ser
vices the cortege moved to the Cathe
dral cemetery, where Interment was
! The pall-bearcrs weie selected fiom
the most Intimate ft lends of the de
feased and were: John Pinto, Alfonso
Dcncdellu, Dattalla Dominic, Samuel
Ilcfferman, Peter Hondl and Peter
Events of Today.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Baptist chuicli will picnic at Nay Aug
park today. The ladles nie icquested
to meet at the corner of .Main avenue
and Jackson street at D.30. They arc remtesteel to come provided with
the u.sual lunch.
The members anil lady fi lends of the
Klectrlc City Wheelmen will enjoy one
of the popular ping-pong socials at the
club house tonight. The boys have
made unusual preparations to entertain
the Invited guests.
The Gamma Nu society of the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian chutch will
hold their annual pliulc at N.iy Aug
park today. At li o'clock the gentlemen
will join them, when lunch will be
served by the young ladles.
Alumni, 8; Browns, 7.
The AVcht Hide Alumni base ball team
are congratulating Iheins-elve.s on the
victory over the Olyphant Hrowiis on
the hitter's gi omuls. The game was
played on Saturday, in the presence of
over ".GOO snectatois.
Both teams worked haul and up to
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
-B Si
The Store Closes Every Evening S
at 5 O'clock, Saturdays Excepted g
1 Shirt Waist Weather 1
I Has Just Started I
And ladies who have put off buying till now g:
are in luck. No matter how backward the sea-
son may be,-our stocks come in just the same,
for the orders are placed while the snow is yet (K:
; on the ground. Sp
jg pCCTTf T Heavy stocks and retarded sales, be- 1
r AV.Ev3U.aL A cause of the cool, wet season, But 5;
$ -they'll go now. The bright sunshine, high 51
1$ temperature and low prices, make a strong 5!
r$ working" combination which, no woman of taste ;
or discretion can resist.
The Goods are all new.
Prettier Waists cannot be had.
The assortment is limitless.
Crisp facts for busy readers.
S Colored Waists
.ritiiu unci uuicy, tsiripuu uuig-
ham and Madras'Waists, extra
quality. Former price
Former price Hue.
' " Now, -10e.
T.lvifiTi Colored Wnlstfi. nnlkn.
dots nnd fancy figures, with
;.. white inset-tings, Former price
- "91,00 each.
IS" . Now, 75c.
!C Meicerlzed Lawn and Olng-
ham Waists and Ohambray
g waists, fancy tucks and pearl
buttons. White and colored
trimmings, Gibson effects
1 j5 among them. Former price
91, uu eacu.
Now, $1.00.
rS Mercerized Waists in plain
UB colors, tucked fronts, Former
I5 Pce ?175 each.
Now, 511.35.
A . Fancy Madras Gibson Waists;
2 JKniokerbocker Waists with
rj polka dots; plain Chambray
-m wnioitj wim wuue nemstitcu
Former price f 3.00 each.
Now, $1.50;
I Globe Warehouse.
the ninth Inning neither gained any
advantage, but at this Juncture Spen
cer, Hopkins, Phillips and Harrington
all mado star plays, and as a result the
Browns lost the duy to the highly
elated Alumni.
Indianapolis Convention.
Meetings have been held recently to
elect representatives to the Indianapo
lis convention, which wjll be called to
order on Thursday. As u result of the
election the following gentlemen will
represent tlie West Side locals:
Local H28, James Bolton: No. 210,
David Jenkins: No. 637, W. II. Thomas;
No. 1072, Itlchaid Phillips: No. 1755,
William J. Thomas; No. 1617, Michael
These delegates will leave this morn
ing, and upon their return, at the close
of the convention, will give a full io
port to the local they represent.
Funeral of Mrs. Jennings.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Richard
Jennings took place yesterday morning
from the home of her son, Thomas It.
Jennings, 121 North Filmore Avenue. At
S o'clock the f uncial cortege moved to
St. Patrick's church, where a solemn
high mass of requiem was celebrated
by Rev. P. K. Lavcllc. The floral trib
utes were many and beautiful, and
completely hid the casket from view.
At the conclusion of the mass the
remains were borne to the Cathedral
cemetery, where the body was laid ut
' On Thursday evening the Djnvorth
league of the Simpson Methodist KpKco
pnl church will have charge of the pfuer
service ut the Allls niKslon.
At the Sabbath evening service of tho
First Baptist church, Miss Ruth Ueddoe
wing a beautiful solo.
Rev. J I. C. McDormott. of the Simp
son MjMiodlit church, will
spend the month of August at Ocean
The inembeis and fi lends of Miss Anna
Hughes' Sunday school class of the Simp
son Methodist Kplscopal church. ciijocrt
n picnic at the Ore Mino spring near Lake
Scianton. Satin day. The event was a
most enjojaljlc one, lunch being served at
3 o'clock.
Funeral services over the lalo 13lmcr K.
Hoosc, were held Sunday afternoon fiom
the home on Stratford avenue. Rev.
James of delated nnd inter
ment was made in the Dunmurc ceme
tery. On Tliiusday, August 7. the First Bap
tist church Sunday school will picnic at
Nay Aug Park.
The funeral of the infant child of Mr.
nnd Sirs. William Wallace, of IM.' Noilh
Ninth street, was held at tho Water Gap
icsteiday morning.
Tomorrow all tho Wcot Side eiocery
stores will close.
The infant child of Mr. and Mis. Patilck
Hughes, of Luzcine stiect. was buried
at the Cathedral cemetery Sunday after
noon. The six-months-old child of 31rs. Catli-
White Waists
White Lawn Waists with
all-over tucks, neat and dainty.
Former price 1.00 each.
Now, TSc.
White Embroidery Waists,
tucks and insortlngs, button
back and front. Former price
$1,50 each.
Now, $1.00.
India Linen Waists with
tucks and embroidery, perfect
ly finished and sweetly pretty.
Former price $1.75 each.
Now, $1.50.
White India Linen Waists,
knlckerbocker style, embroid
ered fronts. A special price on
this lot.
Now, $1.85.
Many other fine white Waists
elaborately trimmed and styl
ishly made and finished, The
price cutter has done his work
with these, too.
A powder to be shaken Into th thocs. Your
tttt led tttollen, nervous nd hot, nntl get tired
easily. II you have tmartlng Icet or tight hocj,
try Allen Foot-East. It cool t lie feet, unit
make walking eiy. Cures swollen, sweating
licet. Ingrowing nail, Misters and callous jpott.
Itellcvcs coim and bunion ol all pain and gives
rest and comfort. Try It today, Sold by all drug.
glta and shoo stores for IBe. Don't accept any
substitutes. Trial package KllCB. Address Allen
S. Olmsted, La Hoy, N. Y.
erlno Cedarovitch was Interred In tlio
Cathedral cemetery yesterday af lei noon.
Tho next meeting of Local No. 037, will
bo held In Jayne'a linll Thursday after
noon, July 17. All in cm be is are earnestly
requested to bo present,
Tho one-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Sloan died on Monday. The fu
ncial will bo held this afternoon and and
will bo private, with Interment In tho
Cathedral cemetery.
Tho six-months-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. James Ulekci, of 3.V1 Evans court,
died yesterday iiftcrnoon. The funeral
will bo held fiom the home this afternoon
with Interment In Cathedral remetcVy.
Joseph, tho tlirce-months-otd son of Mr.
and Mrs. Dovcvo. of 1119 Swctland street,
died yesterday afternoon. Tho funeral
will be hold Wednesday afternoon and
will be private. Interment in tho Cathe
dral cemetery.
One of John IIowclls' twin girls, aged
three .weeks, died yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mr. and Mi-h. Reese Clrif
lltlis, of 1-13 South Kllmoro avenue, whero
they have lived slnco the death of Mis.
llowells at their birth. Tho funeral will
ho held this afternoon nnd will bo pri
vate. Interment In tho Washburn street
Sir. ami Mrs. dairies K. MeGovcrn, son
Fiank, ami Jtlas Mary Owens, of South
Lincoln n venue, will leave this morning
for 1111 extended trip to Buffalo, Niagara
Falls nnd the Grcnt I,akos.
.Tho Misses .aura Meyers and MntRaret
Undiicn. of Kingston, are vHHIng Miss
Helen Unas, of Noith Siimnei' avenue.
Miss Emmmet Ellis, of Lafayette treot,
Is quite seilonsly lndlHpocd.
Thomas Howell, of Washburn street,
Is 011 n business trip to Cleveland, O.
Mr. and Mis. John n. Tliomns, of South
Lincoln avenue, are spending the sum
mer nt Gibson.
Miss Anna Davis, of Fourteenth street.
Is homo from Carbondale.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hi own, of Chest
nut street, have welcomed a baby daugh
ter to their home.
Mrs. Softly, of Swctland street, Is vis
iting friends at Stairucea.
William Davis, of Oxford street, Is In
Hartford, Conn., nn a business trip.
All nnnngements for the exclusion to
Mountain Pink on July W of tho Wash
ington Camp. No. ITS, Patrlollo Order
Sons of Ami'iic.i have been completed.
Tim pxcmMon train will leave the Cen
tral depot at S.13 o'clock, nnd the tickets
for this train will also be found good on
the 1 o'clock train.
The Father Whltty society, ono or the
largest temperance organizations In tho
state, is making extensive preparations
for the encampment at Lake Lodore.
which opens Friday. The young men of
tliu organizations are di tiling faithfully,
and they stand an excellent chance of
wining the drill piize. Rev. J. V. Moy
lan. of tlio Holy Rosary cliureli, spirit
ual director of the society and also of the
Catholic Total Abstinence I'nlon regi
ment. Is working hard tu make the en
campment a Mieces-h.
I'atiolman .May at Ilrlck avenue nnd
Oak stieet last evening ancsted David
Andrews, of Brick avenue? and James
Gallagher,, of Wayne avenue, who were
engaged In a light. Andrews and Galla
gher had been drinking heavily all day
and about (i o'clock they began disput
ing oxer which' one was the stronger and
best man. Finally, they went out into
the street, in front of Henry's hotel, to it out. Patrolman May lodged both
or tnem in the station house.
Rev. Dr. Wlialcn, of Baltimore, who has
been the gUPbt of Row N. J. MeMnnus,
at the Holy Rotary parish house during
tho past week, has returned home.
Miss Martha Thomas of Pittston, is the
guest of her sister, Mrb. Fred Mayo, of
N01 til Main acnue.
The members uf the Cliristlnn Endeavor
of the North Main Aeuue Sun
day school will conduct a lawn social at
jtlie home of Riother Hall, of HOI Sum
mit avenue, Fiiday evening. In case of
lain, the social will be held In tlie Taber'le. A delightful time Is anticipated.
The ii111111.1l picnic of the Sunday school
of the Memorial llaptlst chinch was held
at Nay Aug park yestciday. Three car
loads of the meiry picnickers left tlie
fquuro at D o'clock a. m. and returned at
7 o'clock 11. m.
Tlio porch patty which was announced
to take place at the Voung Women's
Christian association parlors Thursday
evening of this week, will bo given this
evening Instead of Thursday. The Outing
club extends a most cordial Invitation to
all young women to attend.
A new electric light lias ben placed at
the corner of Spring street and Edna ave
nue. John W, Smith, of Gardner nvcniie, hni
left, to spend his vacation with Hones
dale friends
Percy Shires left Saturday for a islt
with friends and relatives In Wyoming
county. ,
Tho Star Social club will hold their
annual outing next Sunday at Lily lake.
A clam bake will bo ono of the fealuies.
Other refieshmeuts in abundance will bo
provided and thero will bo no lack of ma
teihil comfort for tho Inner man. Boat
racing and a ball gamo between the slnglo
and 111111 1 led men will bo among tlio pas
times nnd a proguimme of music will
also lie provided. Tlio outing is for mem
bers and their wics, families and sweet
hearts. They will niaku tlio journey to
tho lake In hand wagons. Tha commltleo
of nriaugements Is mado of Jacob Kacst
ner, William Rosar, Jacob Mirtz, Charles
Nye, Georgo Hurtnian and Peter Phil
lips. Jacob Wlrlli was ariaigncd before Al
derman Lentes esterday to answer
charges of assault and battery ami
threats to kill, preferred by his wife Tho
parties leslde at mo ll'ak sticet, and ac
cording to Mrs. Wlilh, Iter husband camo
homo ill 1111k on July :l and began abus
ing her. Sho Mated that ho caught her
by tho and only for tho Interven
tion of a neighbor named Murray ho
would havo cho!:eir her to death, Ab It
was not tho (list tlmo Wli'th assaulted his
wife, tho alderman decided to hold him
for roiut. and ho was ieitihed to furnish
ball lu tho sum of J.. Jacob Helper
qualllled iih his bondsman,
Max Cholnofsky, of 11W Stono avenue,
wiih arrested yesteiday at tho Instance of
Albert Dura, of GH Elm stiect, on tho
chargo of eiuelty to iiiilmnls. It appears
that trouble has existed for some tlmo
between the paittes, because, of the con
dition ,of an alloy gutter between their
niopcrtlcs, whlfh mado nccess for Dum's
horso dlflleult. Yesteiday ho started to
fill tho gutter and grndo tho ulloy, when
Cliolnofaky Intcrfeicd, and not content
with abusing Duia struck his hoiso a
vicious blow with a shovel. Tho defend
ant w.alved a hearing and gavo ball lu
The Best
Medicine on
That Is whut Mr, W. B. Lunders, a
prominent runner near Indianapolis,
Ind., says of Cliamberluln's Colic, Choi
era and Diarrhoea Remedy, Head his
testimonial; "it slves mo great pleaH
ure to tell you how much Chainllerlatn's
Colic, Choleru und Dlurrhoeu Hemedy
has done for pie. I liuvo used it for
nine yeais und I think It Is the best
medicine on earth. It has saved my
life seveiul times. I would not think
of being without a bottle of t In the
house." For sale by all druggists.
In Which to Take Advantage of tho Mo8t Liberal Offer Ever Made Doctor Churchman Dyers Will Treat
All Persons Applying Deforo August 1st for the Nominal Sum of $15 Until Cured, Medicines Included.
This Does Not Mean $15 a Month, but $15 for a Complete Cure-All Cases Accepted This Month Under
a Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money Refunded This Is Positively tho Last Special OiTer Doctor
Dyers Will Ever Make The Great Quaker Physician Performing Cures Almost Akin to Miracles.
Kndowcd by fortune with the rarest
scientific tialnlng, endowed bv Inherit
ance with tho Gift or Hcnllng, Doctor Ry
crs has bestowed freely of his gifts to his
kind. His naino with tlio honor which
Jhcno triumphs press upon It, will llvo as
long as tho science of mcdlclno Is known.
Doctor Dyers could command most
any fee, and his regular fees tiro high,
but In order to glvo every ono an oppor
tunity to bo cured at a nominal price,
ho will ngreo to treat all persons apply
ing befoio August 1 on tho following
He will cuarantee to treat all ner-
flons applying at his office before
AiiD-nof i in h v,nmni .., .(Vi :. "mi urcauru uiseaso. Ktnmn, i;a
August 1 for the nominal sum of $15 tnrrh or Rronehlal trouble. I had tried
until cured. That Is, 815 covers the
enure cost ror a cure, medicine in
cluded, nnd no further fee will be
asked. ,
He furthermore agrees, that If tho
patient is not completely cured in a
specified length of time to return '
the money paid without any quib
bling or evasion. It has always
been the principle of his life never i
to keep a fee unless the patient was
Doctor Byers wishes to make it em- I
photic that this offer expires' on '
August 1st, and under no circum
stances will he treat, patients at a
special rate atrain. This Is absolute
ly and positively your last chance to
be cured at a nominal price.
Diseases Due to Cell Disorganization
The different tissues of the body are
made an of minute colls, and when these
cells become disarranged, disease Is tho
icsull. By supplying tho proper nutri
ment to the cells, perfect health enn be
obtained. All diseases, no matter how
chronic, can be cured by bilnglng tho
cells back to their normal condition. Tlio
tieatment used by Doctor Byers Is not al
lopathic or homeopathic. it is n treat
ment based upon an exact science and
cures with the certainty of a fixed law.
Doctor Byers never accopts a case un
less he knows to a certainty tho causo of
the trouble, and this can only be deter- i
milled ny a scicntiuc A-itay examination.
Ills X-Ray outfit Is tho most elaborate
and complete In this country. By his spe
cial Fluoroscopic atta hment ho is able
to examine all parts of the body nnd
Ilnd out to an absolute certainty the
cause of the patient's affliction. Como
and be examined; it Is absolutely free.
He will not chargo you ono cent. Como
and find out what your trouble Is and
ho will advise you In reference to n cure.
It Is all ficc. Ho asks no compensation.
Mrs. Jane Splane, corner Larch
street and Wyoming avenue: "I had been
tumbled with my stomach for a good
Willie. After eating I had such bloating
spells It caused distress nnd smothered up
sensations, dizziness, nervousness, and an
all-gone feeling. As a result of Doctor
Bycis' tieatment J am entirely free of
theso symptoms, and recommend tho
tieatment to my friends.
J200 to appear at court. His father quali
fied as bondsman.
All South Side giocers will bo closed
tomorrow because o their excursion to
Lake Ariel.
Philip Bycr, Gugene, Clans and August
Schneider were tho guests, of ex-Sheilff
Charles Robinson at Mnplewood yester
day, and arrived homo last evening with
a fine catch of fish.
Andrew Uutledge, wife and sister, of 42S
Cidar avenue, ariived home yesterday
from a ten days' vacation spent at Lake
Dr. Schley's l.ung Healing Balsam is
gii.ii.intecd to cure all coughs. "No cure,
no pay." For sale by all dealers.
Tlie stieets received a much needed
flushing by city employes lust evening.
The Scranton ttacngcrrmide will meet
for singing practice tills evening.
Ferdinand Fleisch, a resident of G20 Ce
dar avenue, had a paralytic stroke at
tho lower Steel works yesterday and was
taken home in .a serious condition.
The Ilinggold band will meet for prac
tice In Schlmpff's hall this, evening.
Miss Dcvanney, of SID River street, will
conduct a euchro In St. John's hall, South
Side, Wednesday evening, for tho bencllt
of Father Itcllly's new church.
Tho funeral of the late George Dropp
wus held from his Into home 011 Drinker
street yesteiday afternoon. Kov. W. F.
Gibbons, of tho Prcsbytciian church, offi
ciated, A large number of i'i lends and
ncighbois wcio present to pay their last
tributes of respect. Interment was made
In Duuuioio cemetery.
Miss Kdith I.carn, of l.opez, has re
turned to her homo after 11 abort Htuy
with Mrs. M. W. Ghomberllii, of Blnkcly
Miss Laura O'Hora, of Church street,
has returned homo from a with
Pittston friends.
now It. A. MeAndrow, of Wilkcs-Rarre,
accompanied by his sister. Miss Mary
MeAndrow, of this place, leave today for
an extended Biiropcun tour. They will
be gone sovcral mouths.
Mis. Walton has returned to her homo
In Now York city after a visit of bovcral
weeks at tho homo of Dr. J, It, Muiphy. '
Mrs. Peter Sleglo and son, Stewart, of
i:im stieet, left yestorday for a visit with
Wllllamsport fi lends.
Mrs. G. W. Jones and Mrs. William
Hall aio guests of relatives at Hollster
vlllo .
Mrs. Ilobert White, of Milt street, has
returned fiom a visit with friends tu Now
York city,
J, D. Hnmback has returned from Buf
falo, whcio ho hu'M spent tho past fow
Iloin To Mr, nud Mrs. llartwlck. of
Dloom street, a son anil daughter. To
Mr. and JUrs. V. D. Callsbury, of Hutlor
atrcot, a son.
Miss Mtnnlo L. Peck, of Capouso ave
nue, Is attending a house puily glvon
by a friend at Tciwanda, Pa,
Mis. Sawyer, of Yonkcrs, N, Y nnd
Mrs. Wilght. of New York city, aro
spending a few days with their brothoi,
C. Von Stored, of Capouso avonue.
Mrs. Alfied Hunt, of Delaware street,
Is entertaining nit aunt from Now York,
Colonol F. L. Hitchcock nnd family will
leave for Stat light lake tills week.
MUS. SAIUH KERNis', an aged real,
ilfitit ot 328 Phelps atreet, illed 'at her
lioino on Sunday. Deceased had been
allluer for some. time, and her death
was not unexpected, She la survived
by tlneo daughters, Alice, alary und
Jennie, and one son, Frank. Her uls
ter, Mrs. R. Kelly, also survives. The
funeral will be conducted tomorrow,
with a requiem mass lu St, Peter's
cathedral at 0.30 o'clock and Interment
In the Cathedral cemctety,
of Mis. Peter Knupp occurred on Sun.
M. H. Fine, 888 Union St., Peters
burg (Clly)! "I would like to add my tes
timony to tho'many others who spenk of
your success In treating them. 1 havo
made such wonderful Improvement slnco
being treated by you that 1 feel It would
bo an Injustice to you If I did not no
khowlcdgo It to tho nubile. You are nt
liberty to uso this lottor. Tosslbly It will
bo tho means of somo sufferer making nn
other effort to cast off thnt burden of
, .... . . ... . ..
f-yfimM0MSS9K ate
. a . Af;mu..i.uKr4. ..
: , ,nin'jBiBBBi.:
" . . .. ,. -. ." tgmM&tsMmxBwtXA.' ' j
Doctor Byers was born of Quaker
parentage and received his early
education under the influence of that
religious denomination.
He graduated with honor from the
Jefferson Medical College of Phila
delphia, 1872.
Matriculate of the Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy.
Pull course attendance Pennsyl
vania Hospital for Acute and Sur
gical Diseases.
To learn 'where they can find it instituted competition, Wc
pride ourselves in keeping1 what all the ladies want, at all times.
Genuine bargains in Silk Gingrliams 39c yd
Scotch Zephyrs. 32 inches wide, only a few patterns .12 I -2c yd
Imported Scotch Ginghams, regular 30c quality 19c yd
Imported Zephyr tiiiiKhams, 32 inches wide 35c yd
For the mountain and sen shore Shirtwaist Suit, what is prattler
than Galatea Cloth ? You may economize about 50 per cent, in pur
chasing this week.
wholesomeness is "on
lager.'1 All Anheuser-Busch
beers are thus "lagered" until
perfect for use.
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n
St. Louis,
VreWera of the famous Budwolsor,
Pnlo'Lager, AnheusofStnndurd,
day nfternoon, July 13, at her home, 2D
Schubert street, lJInshumton, N. V, She
had ninny friends In this clfy, through
her two sons, 11, A. and S. K. Knunp
und daughter, Mary A. ICnapp.
JinS. ANNA M'ANDUBWS, a widow,
aged 78 years, art Inmate ,of the Hill
side Homo blnce April I!:'. 1S99, died
yesterday afternoon. The authorities
aro anxious that her relatives com-
for children tectlilns. la tho pie&miptlon ol
ono of the best fumalo physicians unj
nurses in tho United States, and has been
used sixty yea 1 11 with nevor-rullltie sue,
rcss by millions uf motheis for their chll.
drcn. During the piocess of teething its
value is Incalculable. It relieves the chili
nam nam. cuipm illnrrlinpu. Lrrlnlni? it, tlit
h0"'f.l8,J S1,"1, wlml-cplle. tly kJvIbs he.iith I
twcnUr-flvc cents a bottle. ' '
many advertised remedies, but failed to
rceelvo benefit lu every caso and had
fully mndo up my mind not to be deceived
any more, believing that all advertised
lemedlcs to cure chronic disease was u
fako and was Just robbing tho afflicted,
Your treatment has put now llfo In me. I
begin to feel that tho distress of tho
shortness of breath Is n thing of the past,
In December, 18S0, I was taken with la
grippe nnd over since I have been troubled
with a shortness of breath and had given
up all hopes of ever getting lid or this
lustres'!, but t thank .the good Lord that
I have found one doctor whose tieatment
Is within reacli of all and who docs as
ho ndvertlsea to do.
:s,,! :A"
' v . v.l
i! ' i ', v
- . S s ' -'- . '" I
Full course attendance Blockly
Hospital for Skin and Chronic Dis
eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's
Hospital, Philadelphia. v
Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clin
ics Diseases of the Throat.
Late Examining Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid
Association of Cincinnati, O.
Late Examining Physician Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Association of
New York.
on Lager.
Beer stored
and maturing
till mellowed
and ripened
U. S. A.
Mlcholob, Btacll O Tan, Faust,
Export Pale and Exquisite.
V holeshle Dealers,
munlcate with the home beforo funeral
arraiujements are completed,
City Officials and Property Holders
on a Junket.
Director of Public Works John K,
Iloche, Superintendent of EngiueerliiK
Joseph P. Phillips, Selectmen John J,
Schneider, D. W, Vuughun and Thomas
C Melvln, and V, Mv Spencer, Stephen
SpruUs and M. Mcrrlman, Linden street
property holders, are home from a trip
made to Boston and Providence for the
purpose of Inspecting tho new bltuinln
ous pitch pave, which It Is piuposed to
lay on I.ludcn street from Montoe ave
nue to the park.
All were well pleabed with It and dls-
posed to have It used here,
ri'ho Pavo ls n,ale IUC "' the
Mrs. Samuel Brokenshire, Jcrmyn,
Pa.: 'Tor over ten years t suffered thn
most agonizing pain from eczema. Both,
legs wero entirely raw from the kneca
down to the feet. They Itched and burnt
.10 I had to sit nnil fan my legs to keep
them cool. Hud to lay at night with m
tegs on a pillow. Had spasms as tho re
suit of the pain, coming on every twenty
minutes, ily friends ..'xpectcd mo to dla
In every spasm. All doctors gavo mo up.
said It was Impossible to euro mo or oven
for mo to Jive. Tteadlng about Doctor By
ers my husband decided to try him as a
last lesort. His treatment noted llko
magic, the pains nnd Itching havo 'en
tirely ceased. I sleep all night, have no
moro spasms, am nblo to do my house
work, and the legs nro almost healed up.
11 t. tllat Doct01' Uycrs has saved my
Mrs. Barbara Dickson, Parker
street, Providence: I had chronic diar
rhoea for fourteen years, which cause
violent bearing down nnd dragging pain
In my abdomen and loins. My bowels
were often moved us high as seven times
In ono dny. The straining finally brought
about severe protruding piles. , Thesa
caused mc much misery. When I Went tr
Doctor Byers' oriiee I was so weak from
my suffering that I could hardly drag my
self nlong. Tho llrst trcntment ho gava
me drove all tho pains out of my hips
and legs. My bowels now move regular
ly onco a day, and the piles havo ceased
troubling me. God bless tho good Quaker
doctor for what ho has dono for rce.
Mrs. M. Queenie, Avoca, Pa.: "1
nnd been troubled with pain In the small
of my back for 13 years; was confined to
my bod for two months this .winter, tho
pain at times being so sovero It mado m
Acrcam. I had such a queer feeling In
my head nnd would tnltn stwh f1lv
spells 1 was afraid to go any plnco wlth
. out taking some one. with mc. My stom
ach also troubled me so I could not eat
anything without great distress. Doctor
I Bycis' treatment has relieved mo of all
theso distressing symptoms and I want tc
' recommend this good-Quaker doctor, who
Is so kind and sympathetic with all Ills
Wm, Sutton, molder, residing at
Banksvllle, Pa., says: "I had been
troubled 13 ycais with a dischargo from
my left ear, with loss of hearing, pain
and distressing noises. My car was moro
like a machine shop than anything else,
as It kept up a continual roaring. Dr.
Byers has stopped tho discharge, restored
the hearing nnd rid mo of tho distressing
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Sprues St., Scranton Pa
Office Hours. 9 a. m. to 12; 2 p. m. to 4.
Evenings, 7 to 8 Daily.
Sunday, 10 a. m. to 12 nl.
and Lawn
The Largest and most
artistic line ever shown
in the city.
121 Washington Avenue.
When in Need
Of anything in the lino of
optical goods wo can supply it.
and Eye Glasses
J Properly fitted by an oxpert
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of prescript
tion work anil repairing,
JYIercereau & Connell,
133 Wyoming Avenue,
fashion of macadam. Broken stone Is
laid to a depth of four or five Inches
and over that is the cushion composed
of stone broken juto small grains and
mixed with pitch and powdered llme-
It can be laid for less than $2 a yard
and lb claimed to be better lu every
way and fur mdre cndurablo thun as-Shalt.
S ,
1 v , "
iLitJ jfflji 'PiV V