mr-mmmm vwW4 tWv fWVw r fr'T 3RC. - ) li . '''. ' THE SCRANTON TRIBU3IONDAY, JULY 14, 1902. ffi - i mim I' ;, ?i V i r .. Vi, INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR HEPOBT ON THE 1001 PRODUC TION OF COAL. Returns from Producers of 07 Per Cent of the Output Show That Last Year Exceeded That of the Prev ious Year of Eight Per Cent. Pro duction of Anthracite In Pennsyl vania Showed a Phenomenal in creasePetroleum Briquettes as Manufactured in France. The United States geological survey han completed u report of the ntoduc tlon of coal In this country for the your 11)01, whluh Is Interesting l view of the strike now on In the anthracite fields. The figures are enormous nnd show u jlurgo gain over the piecedlng year. The returns are from producers of 07 per cent, of the usual output, and show that In 1001 I he pioductlon amounted to 292,240,758 short tons, valued at $348, 813,831. In 1D0O the output was 269,881, 827 short tons. The increase last year, then, was 22,33S,93l tons, or 8 per cent., valued nt $41.922.4G7. The production of nnthraclte In Pennsylvania showed phe nomenal Increase, the gain being 17', per cent, over 1900, which Is the largest Incieasc made by the anthracite trade In twenty years. This gain was due In pnit to the decreased output In l'JOO, owing to the miners' strike that year. According to the latest statistics, Illinois ranks second In the list of states producing bituminous coal, being ex ceeded only by Pennsylvania. Of the twcnty-sb-von coal producing states alt but four shotted Increased production in J901. The four states which lost ground were California, Montana, New Mexico and Tennessee. The following tabic shows the coal production for 1901: Total Total Bituminous. pimluct. v.ilue. Alabama 9.07S.I.77 ? !).!s7.m Aibam-aa l.iSI.I.'lrt 2,013.193 f'uliloitilu J.'.1.07U vm.m t'nlnriidn 3,i,!)9,01U C, 111.891 Georgia mid North ('.Molina 351,5.23 1.'0,S3 Idaho 0 0 Illinois 27.3n.-J9i; 2S.JU.27S Indiana li IHl.'.fllU 7.07'i.R12 Indian Tonltnry 2.IOii,9lt :i.vs7,793 Iowa 3.57S.522 S 010.274 Kansas I,:s.52ii li,973,:si Kentucky ri.4S7.99l rj.20S.091 Maryland .-i.lin.127 r.,0il.49l Michigan 1,ni)VJ) J,5n,73i5 Sllssouil 3.79'l,99! 4.703,174 Montana 1.W.08I 2,009,310 Now Mi'N-kn l.osii r.lfi ,.riil,iS. Nnilli Dakota'3 21-',iV!3 Ohio 1P.Wi.721 19.7N1.95S Oingon , 09,011 173,610 '.nnslvanla &2.914.840 82 03:i,Ki TennoMiCO :i,5l,Vil ;j.9b9,2IO Texas l.ORii.012 1,885,083 Ttah 1.122.11:'. 1.C00.OS2 Vhglnln 2.97!,1VI 2,52.1.270 Washington 2.57S 217 4.271.0W V.'rat Vilginlii 2J.Slli.nt IIO.DOS.TO.-! Wyoming I.4S.1.T7 (;,O0O,1,2 Total bituminous. ...Mlji-WVil J.'IO.W.Sll Pcnnlv'lii tilithruflteli7.l71.Wi7 11 2,.".') 1,020 Total .29J,2lii,".-B JJIS.blti.SU Compared to other countries the T'nited Stales produces nearly 20 per cent, more coal than Great Britain, SO per cent, more than Germany, 700 per cent, more than Austria-Hungary and more than 800 per cent, more than France. Great Britain's output in 1901 was S, O0O,00O tons lew than In 1900. The Brit ish dependencies aie developing their coal mines rapidly, however, and as the ilelds recently discovered In British Columbia aie said to bo practically in exhaustible England has no fear that she will lack for fuel. Petroluem Briquets in France. The briquets are mostly composed ,of petroleum, crude or refined, and possess nil the advantages of coal and petro leum without the inconveniences of either. They weigh one-half as much as coal; leave only 2 to 3 per cent, of residue; do not torm clinkers; do not melt or tun: burn without smell or smoke; do not absorb molstute: will float on the water (density, 0.830); do not explode, and are not liable to spon taneous combustion under any eiicuni stnnces; will keep Indefinitely, retain ing all their uualltles of combustion; give off a very white flame eight to ten inches high; produce twice ns much heat as coal; can be used in any kind of furnace; nnd are eas-y and ngiee.ible to bundle. The manufactuu1 of these briquets Is very simple. They are made without heat and no danger attends the oper ation. The petroleum Is placed in one tank and the i-homluils In another, and both are allowed to mil into a mixing ap paratus, when the chemical combina tion is formed Immediately. Tho pro duct is then passed to a press, where tho desired form Is given; the briquet is now lendy for or It can bo stored. The pressure used In molding the forms Is about 300 pounds per square inch. As will be seen, the mode of proced ure is very simple and the necessary plant very Inexpensive, lequlring: only tanks, mixer, and pi ess, with small motor power for the latter two. Woiks elected lit a cost of, say $20,000 would turn out hundred tons a day. Tho use of this chemical combination ns a binder and enrlcher solves a dllll culty frequently encountered In tho making of coal-dust av sawdust bil quets. United Stales Consular Reports. Tunnels nnd Trolleys. Expectation Is that tho Hudson river tunnel will be ready for use some time in 1904. Tltlo of the company oignnlzert under the laws of New York to com plete tho tunnel is tho Now York and Jersey railroad. This company suc ceeded to the piop'erty and franchises of the Hudson Tunnel Itallwuy com pany, Terminals on both, sides of the river have been acquired, tho New York tei initial being located on the block bounded by Christopher, Tenth, Greenwich and Hudson streets. Elec tric cars will come to the surface at this htutlou and transfers of jMssengeis will bo nuido to both the elevated and Metropolitan street railway lines In Now Yoik, i The expectation Is that In due course Jersey tiolley lines generally will jeueh New York through tho tunnel, and for this? rcuson Interest, attaches pattlcu larly to the through trolley line Phila delphia to New York, of which tho Tho widest possible publicity should bo given to the fact that summer diar rhoea u children und cholera Infantum can ulwnyn bo cured by tho Judicious uso of Chamberlain's Colic, pholera and Diarrhoea Itemed-. It never falls, When reduced with cold water and Wectened It Is pleasant to take, which )h very important when a medicine must be given to small children," For lale by all druggists. Camden und Trenton and the Trenton and New Brunswfck railways are Im portant links. 'The projected tunnel under the Delaware river between Phil adelphia and Camden, to be Used main ly by electric lines, adds Interest to the comprehensive plans now being exe cuted looking to consolidation of Jersey electric lines Into one company.' When this consolidation shall linve been made It Is believed that the Con solidated Trnctlon company of New Jersey (controlled by pcoplo to whom the Pennsylvania rallioud Ib friendly) will bo found tn dominate the electric railway Hold of that Htate. Today's D., I. fe W. Board. Following Is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: MONDAY, JULY 1, 1902. Pushers 7 n. m., Hansen 11.43 n. m., throning; 7.30 p. m., O. lluikhart; 9 p. m., Case. Helpers 1.30 n. m Coflar; 7 n. m Wld ner: 10 a. m., William Wardcll; 3.15 p. tn., Lattlmcr. NOTICH. If. Gllllgon and crew will run No. MJ Monday morning, July It. This and That. The Lackawanna colliery nt Oly phnnt, Pa,, nnd tho Northwest col liery nt Carbondale, Pa are to be equipped with forced draft nppnratus. Largo steel-plate fans driven by direct connected engines of the niniinc typo are to be installed. The Andrew Carnegie gold medal for 1902 has been awarded by the Council" of the Iron and Steel Institute to Dr. J. A. Mathews, of Now York, for tho roseurch carried out by him as a holder of an Andrew Carnegie research schol arship during the past year. The medal has been designed by. G. W. de Saulles of the royal mint. Tho first recipient, Dr. Mathews, has previously lecelvcd a fellowship for the encouragement of scientific research from Columbia col lege, New York, where ho has been working under the guidance of Prof. H. M. Howe. For the present year the Council of the Iron nnd Steel Institute has awarded six Andrew Carnegie re search scholarships, each of the value of 100. The fact that aluminum Is now being used Instead of copper as an electrical conductor by some lighting nnd power companies lends special interest to a paper recently read by Prof. Joseph W. lllchards, of Lehigh university, before the New York Electrical society. On that occasion he announced that half of the world's production of aluminum is produced by an electrical process at Niagara. To secure the same degree of conductivity It is necessary to have the diameter of the aluminum wire one fourth larger than that of a copper one. The former will then weigh only half as much ns the latter, but it will be half as strong again. At present prices the aluminum will cost fiom 10 to 20 per cent, less than the copper. GOOD ROADS LEAGUE. Organized by a Number of Well- Known Citizens of This County. The following have organized the Good Itoads League of Lackawanna county: Freeman Leach, William Streatcr, Bernard McGreavy, Frank J. Lewis, John McNuIty, J. T. Boyce, J. W. Oakford, B. I. Akerley, J. C. Bailey, W. D. Creasdalc. H. E. Paine. James Holgatc, H. J. Northup, George W. Beemer, T. E. Stone, G. W. Bieseckcr, Oscar VanBuskirk, C. "VanBuskirk. Charles H. Bleseeker, S. Van Sickle, W. C. Hall, A. I. Ackerley, Ashley Bought, B. F. Ackerley, A. J. Thompson, John Butterfleld, B. A. Whitney, George Champlln, W. S. Frace, E. A. White, T. S. Parker, O. B. Jones, Everett Warren, T. J. Foster, A. H. Christy, George C. Yocum, F. H. demons, C. S. Woolworth. H. C. Shafer, H. C. Reynolds, T. H. Watkins, W. L. Mat thews, C. D. Simpson, H. H. Brady, jr., F. L. Phillips, Stanley P. Allen, W. W. Watson, W. S. Diehl. J. A. Linen, W. S. Palmer, Charles P. Savage, Charles P. Matthews, Jesse Hunt, C. M. Pallmann, G. S. Griffin, George E. Stevenson, H. M. Ives, Samuel Rolands, Henry Belln, F. L. Thompson, J. D. Hopkins, L. VanCampen, C. D. Stark, F. M. Youngs, Joseph Kircher, S. E. Koons, John P. Butler, Ward B. Par ker, T. 13. Schillings, Edward H. Da vis, J, H, Rlttenhouse, H. L. Tuylor, J. C. Morris, Wallace G. Moser, E. A. Jones, A. R. WetheiJy, W. L. Hill. The officers of the league are: J. W. Oakford, president: A. I. Ackerley, vice president; George E. Stevenson, secre tary; Henry Belln, treasurer. Tho di rectors are: John Woodbrldge, G. W. Beemer. Freeman Leach, Dr. N. C. Mac-key. T. H. Watkins, E. L. Fuller, Joseph Kircher, Charles P, Matthews, T. J. Foster. F. H. demons. The fol lowing hus been ndoptcd by tho league: preamble:. Wheieas, It Is desirable to pcimnncntly linproNc; tho condition of our public toads, and Wheieas, This object cannot bo ac complished except by tho united efforts of nil. Therefore, It Is considered ad visable that wo form out selves into an oigaulzation to bo known ns the Good Roads League of Lackawanna county. OBJECT, Tho solo and only object of this organ ization Is tho Impiovcmeut of our public roads, CONSTITUTION. Article I Any citizen of Lackawanna county may bcconio a mombcr of this league by signing tho constitution and by-laws and paying an Initiation feo of 50 cents. Aitlclo II Tho ofllcors of this league shall consist of a president, vice presi dent, secretary, trcasuicr and eleven dl icetois, Aitlclo HI Tho offloois faha!! perfoim such duties as belong to their lesncetlvo Oflk'Ch. Aitlclo IV The annual meeting for tho election of ofticois shall bo hold on tho llrst Thursday In January of each year, Tho legular meetings shall bo held at thn tlnio and pluco dcslguutvd by tho by laws. Artlclo V Tho league mal adopt such by-laws ns shall not bo Inconsistent with this constitution. Aitlclo Vl-Nothlug heieln shall pre vent tho incoipor.itlon of this league by tho couits of Lackawanna county, pio vlrtcd that such action Is taken ut a spe cial meeting tailed for that purpose and that every member of tho league shall have been notified by postal card of such meeting and piopused ucllon ami tho saino bo carried by iv majoilty voto of present. Aitlclo VI f Ten members bliall consti tute a quorum for the tjausactlou of business. Aitlclo VIII-Tlils constitution may bo amended or abolished by a two-thirds voto of thoso present at any regular meeting, provided that full notice of such proposed amendment has been given at a previous regular meeting. AMATEUR BASE BAMi NOTES. The Blue Stars woulcTilko to play Hid Icks team any time quilng tho coming week. Answer through The Tilbuno Charles. Joseyhj manager, THE MARKETS SATURDAY STOOX QUOTATIONS. Thn following quotations ro furnished The Trlbuno by llalght ft Frccse Co., 314. 310 Meai-B Building. W. D. Itunyon, man' agor. Open. High. Low.Closa Amnl. Copper ,,,. 61 MM K2W fil Am. Car & Foundry 3IU :il'i 3ii 3154 vwncrmiii ico .,,,,, H',i Am. Ice, l'r ,3.1 Am. Locotuntlvn .... 32 Am. Locomotive, l'r full Am. S. & Ito'g. Co. 4i4 Amer. Sugar ...,,,,12( Anaconda Copper , 99 Atchison ... , sui 9'-, Mi 9 ;ti . 97 KM ."21 107 i "1(4 .29 (4 I7R IM'U 90 3I ss If-if ,t.' 1.H14 GSV4 1121 1MV4 07 Si 10314 10li lillli Ml 701 1714 731& fil( (IPi ::7 9i! fil 42T ioni 12 s-n :9U 901 1 2i;- 41 3.1 31 n- , 9JJ4 12S1S 91 1074 "if 491 ;is 29i U9i, 190i$ 90 :ii 4.-.T4 SSV4 lilt, 1 MH i.ii n 27i rsv4 111(4 t 32i 1.14U 101 fifiUj M' 70(4 m, 01' fi-1'i H7 no fip', 42? mm 'M 12', 8T!i .19' 90'- 29,4 4i 12S(i 97 M 99J 107(4 134T I9'.i .18 291i 179 190(4 90 ;iij; 4lf WPi ',4 1611, lll'l Ki VP,n 0."S'4 1I.1T4 Ml 07 324 1.14'i 101 0(516 Ml 7014 17i 7314 (fll 0114 Atcitlson, l'r ,,, on i Halt.' & Ohio tftjli Mchlson, l'r ,,, nils Canadian Piiclllo ...DIV Chcs. & Ohio 49 Chic. A Alton Xih t'lllc. fc (It. West.... 29 4 C. M. & St. Panl...l7S-' Chic, n. I. & Pac.lK9',i Col, Fuel It Iron.... 90 Col. & Southern .... 3J Col. & So., 2d l'r.,.. 4VJ Kilo u. n ;ti!"4 Hocking Valley .... ssy, Illinois Central lispi Kan. City & Smith.. 3.1'i Louis. St. Nnshvlllo..lll Manhattan 11 nj Mo., Kan. & Tevas 2fi'J Mo., IC, & Tex., Pi-.. GSM Mlssouil Pacillc ....112TA N. Y. Central lMi,4 Not folk & Western. r.T-M Out. & Western ;t2U Ponnn. R. n Iii People's Gas loia Rending R. R cc.ij Rending, 1st. Pr.... KH4 Rending, 2d. Pi- Tn'i Republic Steel 171. Republic Steel, Pr... 7.1V6 St. Lo. a San Fian. tft South. Pacific (1174 Southern R. It ir? South. R. n Pi- Oil Tciin. Coal & Iron.. M Texas & Pnclllo 4J7J Imlon Pacldc lo'ivf, Union Paellic, IV.... 9ft'i It. S. Leather vi U. S. Leather, IV.... Ki V. S. Steel sn'l II. S. Steel, IV MV. Wabash 'ty Wabash. IV r. Western t'nlon Si :i7 9fi filU 4274 m 90 l'!l 391 90U 21H 41 8014 cent. .- 8,114 per -luwu saics, jy; I0O. Money, 3 CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WHEAT, September December CORN. September December OATS. September December PORK. September January ., LARD. September Jtimuiry ., RIBS. September Onen. Hlgli. Low. Cloa. ....73)4 ....filW 47C- ....30 30 ....18.70 ....1S.60 ....11.17 ....11.27 74 7114 73 73 r,2 30)4 30 1S.S0 18.00 11.31 11.27 73'4 fil" 47 3014 30 18.70 IS.OO 11.17 11.27 fill! 47 -1014 SO 18 72 IS GO 11.1.1 11.27 10.S3 ..10..S2 10.&7 10 s: NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. . Open. High. Low. Close. AllRii.-t 8.41 S.11 S44 R.4S September 8.12" soi s.11 October 7.w 7.m; 7.92 7.93 December 7.8J 7.M 7.S2 7.S2 RANK STATEMENT. Reserve, incieasc Loans, decrease Specie, decrease Legal Tender, increaso.... Deposit, decrease CI 1 dilation, Increase ? 2.142,17.1 4,107,000 2,009,. .00 10,4 19, Mi) 93,900 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of IOO. STOCKS. Lackawanna Daily Co., Pr.... County S.iv. Bank & Trust Co Flist Nat. Bank (Carbondale). Bld.Askcd w 300 500 Third National Bank K0 Dime Dep. A: Dis. Bank 300 Economy L H. & P. Co Fil st National Bank 1300 Lack. Trust & Safo Dep. Co... 193 rinvk Snover Co. Er IK 40 Scranton Savings nam:.... Tiadcrs' National Bank.... Sciauton Bolt & Nut Co... People's Bank bOO 225 12.7 US Scranton Packing Co Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 115 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due 1918 113 Peoplo's Streot Railway. Gen eral moitgage. due lO'l 113 Sciunton Trac. Co., fi cent. 115 Economy L., H. & P Co N. Jersey & Pocono Ice CO Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 35 97 97 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale. 27 Lacka. Ave.) Flour $4.40. Butter Fresh daii-v. 2Jc. creamery, 21c; fresh Cheese 12al2',4c. Eggs Nearby, 21c.; western, 20c. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.35a2.40. Green Peas Pcf bushel, S2.25. Onions $.'.00 per bag. Now Potatoes $2.73aJ per barrel. WHAT ONE DRY SPELL COST. Special Coiiespondcnce of Tho Tribune. Washington, July VI. IV IS NOW practicable to determine the effect of the drouth of 1901 upon tho expoit tiado of 1902. Tho treasury bu reau of stutlhtlcs has just completed Its preliminary tlgures on the exports of bteadstuffs nnd piovlslons and, as they show about 97 per cent, of tho total ex ports, a reasonably accurate measure ment of tho cxpoitatlon of articles af fected by tho diouth of last jear can now bo made. Tho tables show tho 1 x poits of quantities and value of corn and cornm'eul, oats and oatmeal, wheat flour and other biendstuffs, also live cattle, ficsh beef and other beef products ns well as other provisions. Tho direct and most maiked i eduction of couise Is in corn which was most hugely affected by tho drouth of 1901. Tho oxportatlon of coin nt the pilncipal ports, shown by the preliminary rcpoit of the Inn can of sta tistics, amounts to 20.000,000 bu-ibcls In the fiscal year ending Juno 20, 190J, ttgalnit 170,000,000 at tho samo ports in tho pieced lng year, tho value for 1902 being 10,000, 000 do'ilais against $S.',000,000 tho preceding year, a 1 eduction of $i;i),000,000; the com plete tlgures will probably show tho to tal exports at about 27,000,000 bushels against 181,000,000 bushels In tho preced ing year, Importations of comment havo aloo fallen from $.',000,000 In 1901 to $1,000, 000 In 1902. making 11 total 1 eduction In coin expoits In round terms, as shown by tho piullmlnuiy llgiues, $07,000,000. Coin paied with the llst-al year 1900 tho reduc tion Is still gi cater; tlio coin exports of tho fiscal year 1900 were tho largest In thu history of our export trade, having amounted to 213,12J,H2 bushels while for tho year just ended tho complete llgiucs will amount to about 27,000,000 bushels. But thu effect of tho drouth upon tho expott tradu did not stop wth coin, tbougli In this Item It Is most lurgely up patent. The icductton In the quantity ot corn available for llvo stock naturally In ct cased the consumption of oats and, ns a icsult, the exportation of oats fell off from 37,000,000 bushels In tlo tlscul ear 1901, to 10.000,000 bushels In 1902, and the vnluo fiotn about $12,000,000 In 1901, to $1,000,000 hi 190.'. la oatmeal, cxpoitatloua fell from 90,000,000 pounds In 1901 to D9.000,. 00 pounds in 190.', while tho vnluo fell fiom two and mio.nunrtcr million dollars In 1901 to a llttlo over 0110 and ono-haic $100 Howard, $100. Tho readers ot this paper will be pleased to Ic.iiu that there Is nt least ouo du-ad-ed discuho that sclcuco lias been uhlo to cuiu in all its stages am) that Is Ca. tarrli. Ilall'H Cutuiih Cm a Is tho only posltivo ciua now known to tho mc-dicul fraternity. Cat an h, being u constitutional disease, icriulrcs a constitutional treat ment. Hull's Cutairh Cmo Is taken in ternally, uctlug dlicctly upon thu blood and mucous surfaces of tho gyUum, thcie by deutioylng tho foundation of thn dis ease und giving thu patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature In doing Its woik. Tho proprietors huvo so much faith In lis dilutive pow cis, that thoy offer one Handled Dollars for uny caso that It falls to cuio. Send fur list of testimonials. Address, l- J. UUUNUY & CO,, Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists. 75c, ' Hall's Fumlly Pills uiu tho beat. Cubanola , cigars have no drugs nor l tiavorings gi which , give heartburn and with health digestion IMPERIAL CIGAR CO.. THE SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THBSB ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUIt NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALE nUGOIES nd WACSONS of tit kinds; also Homes und Building LoU at bargain, HORSES CLIPPED and GROOMUD at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carriage Work. . SECURITY BUILDINB 4SAVINQ3 UNION Home Office. 203-209 Mcars Building. We are maturing shares each month which snow a net gain to the investor ot about 12 per cent. Wo loan money. We also isue FIJM, PAID STOCK $100.00 per share, inter est payable semi-annually. ALBERT BALL, Secretary. E. jdsBPH KUETTEL. rear fill Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepared for the spring season. Wc male all kinds of porch screens, etc. PETER STIPP. General Contractor, Builder and Dealer in Building Stone, Cementing of cellars a spe cialty. Telephone 2592. , Otnce, 327 Washington avenue. The scranton Vitripieo brick and tile manupacturinq company Makers of Paving-Brick, etc. M. II. Dale, General Sales Agent, Office 329 Washington ac. Works at Nay Aug, Pa., E. k W. V. R.R. FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital. $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 Pays 396 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8,30. Parties desiring a good, safe Investment for small sums of money with a high rato of Intel est wrlto us for particulars. A icsldent solicitor wanted. Pennsylvania Improvement & Investment Co., 703 Boer Dldg, Reading, Pa. !Mwygfiig million dollars in 1902. Thus the reduc tion In valuo of tho exports of btead stuffs, clearly traccablo to tho drouth, was: Coin nnd cornmeul, Sti",000,000; oats ami oatmeal, S,000,000; total J7u,000,000. Two other maiked reductions In tho exportation of products of ngilculturo uiu beef, including llvo cattle and cotton. Tho cxpoitatlon ot llvo cattlo lias fallcit from 401,000 In 1901 to 319.000 In 190; tho exportation of fresh beef fropi aso.OOO.OOO pounds In 1901 to 200,000,000 pounds In 190-'. and tho total valuo of cattlo anil b'oet pioducts has fallen fiom 80,000,000 In 19JI, to 90,000,000 in mo:', a loss of in cotton tho reduction Is wholly duo to tho leduccd.pilccs, the quantity exported for tho year being IW.OOO.OOO pounds gi cater than in the piecedlng year, whllo tha value was Ul,000,000 loss than tho pro ceding year, One other Item of cxpoits which will show 11 marked 1 eduction dm lug thd last jenr is lion and steel. While tho total Hemes of exports havo not OuOn received by tho bureau of statistics, surilclcnt havo been lecelvcd to justify an estimate that tho reduction in exports of lion and steel will amount, In lotmd terms, to fcJO,. 000,000, due In a laigo ine.ism'o to incieaso In tho homo demand upon our inanufau tuics, and in putt to the ilecicascd de mand ubroad. Tho principal reduction III tho oxpott tiado of tho year will then stand: Corn and and oats nnd oatmeal, J73,000,(W0, duo chiefly to tho drouth of 1901; beef and beof cattle, Jll.OCO.nOO, due to Incrc.ibcd homo demand mid shoitago in muteiiut for feed of stock; cotton, JJI.000,000, duo to ) eduction In pilccs; manufactures of lion and steel, JJO.OOO.OOO, duo to luct eased homo demand and decreased foreign demand. Thus In four Items of exports-corn nnd oats, beef und beef cattle, raw cotton, und muiiufactuics of iron and steel, tiiu 1 eduction for tho lUc-al year wl amount to about (130,000.000, whllo tho total reduc tion In all exports Is but about W,000,000, thus Indicating that tho general exports aside fiom theso four clashes. In which conditions weio abnormal, will show 0, tatlsfuctory growth when the complete figures of (lie fiscal car are picsentcd. interfere and ONLY .Wholesale Tobacconists I09 Lacka. Ave. ljFive Cent cigar that does? iH sj,,,,,,, Special . it X Shoe X .t In our Men's Finp KnnfwMr oil J $5-oo and $6.00 grades, in Johnson & 5 Murphy and 1 he'Stetson, in all season able leathers and lasts. High 0Q PA X ohoes and Oxtords, Men's Tan and !t 00 and $5.00 values, at AA C 2 this sale. S Men s j Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.50 J grades, reduced to. Men's Tan Shoes and Ox fords, $2.50, now selling at Ladies' Patent Leather and Doagola Oxfords, $3.50 and .$4. 00 CO flfl .- grades, reduced to. Ladies' Patent Leather and Dbngola J Uxtords, $2.25, reduced lo. ....... . Ladies' Dongola Oxfords, $1,715, reduced to Lewis, Rutfdy, Da vies & Murphy, s J 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunster&Forsyth 253-327 Pen n Avenue. Lager Beer.. Manufacturors of Old Stock ti$iigfiiif$i3jgtiit33iiigiitiftiii l PILSNER ! Hrcw-ry. tl t n n .ii5vin,i?i, .. dcranion, ra. Old 'Phone, a33 1. New 'Phone, 2935, 1 1 S 0 4 H K H H H ft DISTRIBUTORS OF CUBANOLA CIGARS Sale wear, an our reduced to VVilIU Russian Calf Shoes, f 0 0 0 Black and Tan Shoes and $2.00 ! $1.25 1 . . . . tJlO.UU J $1.50 $1.25! SHORT SEA TRIPS A few days can be pleasantly spent tn a trip to Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. ' Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA TH13 Steamers sail dally except Sunday from Pier 26, North Hiver, foot of Beach street, New York. Tickets, including meals and state room accommodations, JS.OO ouo wuy, $13,00 round trip, and upwards. Send stamp for Illustrated book, OLD DOMINION STEAHSH1P CO. 81 BeacU Street, New York, N. Y. II. 13, WAUUHl, Trulllu Munager. J, J. HKOWN, General Passentjor Agent, Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton end Wllkes-Barre, Pa, Stationary Engines, Machinery, Pumps. Boilers, Mining MINI! K RAILROAO. TIME TALCB. Delaware arid Hudson. In Effect Jiinbll). 1903. Trains for Cnrbondalo leaVo Be ran torn a I (Ml, 7.30, S.ISU, 1013 II. mil 12.03,,l3.U,3.M,M U..U, d.iu, o a,, ju ut n, in., xit io, i..ia m.r . Kor Honcsdalo-O.H,' 10.13 a. m.; 2.n ahd 629 p. m. . Kor Wllkos-Hnrro-0 3S. . 7.41, Ml, 9.47, 10 M a. 111.; 12 03, 1.4J, L'.ig, 3:iS, 4.30, 6.10, 7.1R. 10 41, lt.41 p. m. , j . Kor U V. It. It. Polnts-7.41, 0.47 a. m.J 2.1R, 4.35 and 11.19 p. m. For Pcnlisylvanla It. It. Points 6.38, 9.47 a. m.i 1.42, 3.'.'S and 4 SS p. m. For Albany nnd all points noith-7.54 . m, and 3.C0 p. tn. HUNDAY THAIN8. . Kor, 11.33 a. m.J, 3.M, S.f.2 and 11.17 p. m. . . For Vllkes-nario0.3S n. m.i 12.03, 1.53, 3.2.1, 32 and 9.17 p. ill. For Albany and points north 3.68 p. tn. For Honesdalo 8.50 n. m.i 11.33 and 3.E3 p. m. W. I,. PttYOti, tt. P. A.. Bcratiton, Pa. Pennsylvania Bnilroad. , Schedule lii Klfect Juno 16, '1902. Trains leave tjcianton: 0 33 a. m., weok days, tluougli vestibule tialu trom Wilkcs-Uarro. Pullman buffet parlor car nnd coaches to 1'hllndclplilu, via I'otts lllo; stops at ptliielpnl Intcrmedlato sta tions. Also connects for Bunbury, Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoio, Wash inglon and for I'lttsburg and tho West. 9.47 a. m., week days, for Suubury, liar rlsburg. I'hlladclphla, Ualtlmoro, Wash ington and rittBhure and the West. 1.42 p. m., weok tlnvs. (Sundays. 1.G8 p. m.), for Bunbury, Hnrrisburg, PlilladoN iihla, Baltimore, Washington und Pitts burg und tho West. 3.23 p. m., week days, through vcstlbula train from Wllkcs-liarro Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal Intermediate stntlcns. 4 35 p. m., week days, for Hazlolon, Sun' bury, Hurrlsburg, Plilladoiphla and Pitts burg. J. B. HUTCHINSON. don.,Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Juno 15, lOOi. Trains .Leuvu Hcrunton, For Philadelphia und Now York via D. & II. R. II., at 7.41, through Parlor Car and Day Coach Curboudala to Now York nnd 0.47 a. m with L. V. Coach Caibon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.35 (Black Diamond Express), und 11.43 p. m. Sun days, D. & H. It. n., 1.58, D.17 p. m. Kor Whlto Haven, Hazleton and princi pal points In tho coal regions, via D. & H. It. R 7.41, 2.18 and 4.55 p. m. For Potts vlllo, 7.41 a. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, liar rlsburg and principal intcrmedlato sta tions, via D. & II. R. R 7.41, 0.47 a. m.: 2.18, 4 3a (Black Diamond Kxpress), 11,49 n. in. Sundays, D. & Hi R. R., 0.38 a. mT: 1.5S. 9.17 p. m. tor TunanannocK, xowanua, Elmlra, Ithaca, aenova and principal Intcrmedlato stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.35 a, m. and 1.53 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. &. H. R. R., 12.03 p. m.; 3.28 (Black Diamond Express). 10.41, 11.49 p. m. Sun days, D. & II' R. R., 12.03, 9.17 p. m. Pullman parlor and slocplng or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on nil trains between wiiKcs-iiarro ana jnew iorK. 1'niladel phla, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge, EOLI-IN II. WILBUR. Gon. Supt, 26 Cortland street, Now York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt, 20 Cortland street. New York. A. W. NONEMACHHR, DIv. Pass. Agt.r South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman rcservatlona apply to city ticket office 69 Publlo Square, Wllkes-Barre. Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Eailroad of New Jersey. ' In Effect Juno 29, 1902. Stations in Now York, foot Llborty street and South Ferry, N. R. , Trains leave Scranton for Now Yoik, Philadelphia, Euston, Bethlehem, Allen town. Mauch Chunk. Whlto Haven. Anh. Icy, Wilkes-Bairo and Pittston nt 7.30 a. m., 1 p. in. nnd 4 p. m. .Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves, Scranton I 7.30 a. m.. through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffut Parlor Car for Phil adelphia with only one change of cars for Baltimore nnd Washington,. D. C, and all pilncipal points south and west. For Avoca, Pittston nnd Wllkes-Barre, x p. m. anil i p. in. sunaay, -,ju p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Glove, etc., 7.30 and 1 p. m. For Heading, Lebanon and Harrlsbur via AUentown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. r ttor -ramaqua ana rotisvine, i:m a. m.( 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. For tatcs and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 1, 1902. Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1.50. 3 20, 6.03, 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.; 12.40, 3.40, 3.33 p. m. For New York and Phila delphia 7.50. 10.10 a. m and 12.40 and 3.33 p. m. For Gouldsboro At 6.10 p. m.. For Buffalo 1.15, 6.22 and 9 00 a. m.; 1.C3, 0.50 and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmlra and way stations 10.25 a. m., 1.05 p. in For Oswego, Syracuso and Utlca 1.15 and 0.22 a. m.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Syracuso and Utlca train nt 6.22 a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.03 and 6.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation '4.00 and 0.15 p. m. Bloomsburg Dlvlslori For Northumber land, at 6 35 and 10.10 a. m.; 1.55 and 6.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. va.; 3.40 and 9.05 p. m. Sunday Tialns For Now York, 1.50, 3.20. 0.03. 10.10 n. m.: 3.40 and 3.33 p. tm .For Buffalo 1.1) and 0.2.! a, m.; 1.53, 6 50 and 11.10 p. m. For Elmira and way stations lu ,'n a. m. i' or .uinKnumion.ana way sta tions, 9 00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division Lcavo bcranton, iu.iu a. m. ana ti.iu p. m. Erie Railroad Co., Wyoming Division Tialns leave Scranton for Hawloy and local stations nt 8.13 a. m., 1.33, 5 20 and 7.53 p. in. Sundays, at 9.00 n. m. and 1.33 p. m. ' For New Yoik, Ilonesdnlo and Inter mediate points, nt 1 33 p. in. Trains nulvo at Scranton at 8 30 a. m., 3.09. 7.23 and 9.13 p. m. Sundays, 1.00 p. m., and 8.15 p. in. New York, Ontario and Western. Imo Tablo In Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 1902. NORTH BOUND TRAINS. Leave Leave Arrlva Trains. No. 1 . No. 3 . No. 7 .. hci anion, aruonuaie. Uatiosla. ,,10 30 a.m. 11.10a.m. l.oop. m. .. 4.00 a. m. 4.44 n. m. ann n r,. .. 6 10 p. m.Ar.Carljondalo 6.4S p,m J BOUTII BOUND. V Leave Leave An Ivo I Tialns. No. 6 No. 4 uuuosia. v-ui uoiuiaio. scranton. vmh. m. 7.25 n. m. ,, ,K.10a. m 1001a. in. 10.40a.m. ... 2.15 n in. 1 00 n. in. 4.4.-, iv m No. 2 SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND. Lcuvo Lcavo Aniun Tialns No. 9 , No. 5 . Sciunton. Cniboudalo. Cndosla. 8.211 a. m. 9.10 p. m. 10.43 it, m. 7 00 p. m.Ar.Cai bondalo 7.43 p.m SOUTH BOUND. '"I,- Lcavo Lcavo An Ivo Tialns. Cadoslu. Carbondale, Sciauton. No. o A ,?! a. m. 7.25a.m. No. 10 4.30 p.m. iiOi, p. in, o. H p. in, Tinlns Nos. 1 on week days, nnd 9 on Suudnss connect for Now York cltv, Mld tilotown. Walton, Noiwleli, Oneldu, Os wego and all points west, Tiuln 3 for Poyntcllc, Wnlton, Dolhl, Sidney, Norwich and all Nuw Berlin blanch points. Tiuiu No. C, with "Qunkor city Ex 11108" at Scranton, vln C. H U of N. J for Philadelphia. Atlantic City. Baltlmoro WnshluBtou und Pennsylvania slato points. Seo tlmo-tnblo and consult ticket agents . ror connccuoiiH wiin oinor lines. J. C. ANDllRSON. fi. P. A.. New Yoik. J, E. WELSH, T. P, A., Sciunton. Pa. The Moosic Powcle Co, Rooms 1 nnd 2 Commonwealth Dldg. SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING; POWDER Hade it Mooslc urn! Ilu-ihjjlo Workj. Laflln & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric lUttctlci, Llecliia Hiplodcrs, t'j. plodlnj; lllists, bfety I'uu. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S XAVVl XJ-AJTAJVIB V if9.J ft W4 f ' .i- ...:. J. . -, fk" . ' Jf- . ., -