Bia mwfWW r,V' f tribune. cranton .?. . v W1U.W - - P J Tf?E ont.y scraWton paper receiv in?g the complete news service of the associated press, the greatest news agency in the world. SCR ANTON, PA., MONDAY MOKNINCJ, JULY 14. 1902. TWO CENTS. TWO GENTS. v;&. 1 "'"fcr'i,Ji mmmmh Wm 1 f X. ' y li . Wi k ' :H,i '"Ll B PROFOUND . fti Funerals of The Victims of the . Terrible Mine Explosion Held Yesterday. TWO MORE RESCUED VICTIMS EXPIRE ftThe Fatality List Raised to 114. Mine Superintendnnt Robinson Does Not Believe There Are Any More Bodies in the Mines General Manager Price Has Been Given Permission to Resume Work in all Sections of the Mine but the Klon dike. By Kxtluilie Wire from The Associated Press. Johnstown, Pa., July 13. After a con sultation this evening with the four state initio Inspectors summoned here to make a thorough inspection of the Rolling Mill mine of the Cambria Steel company, today, James E. Roderick, chief, of the state bureau of mining inspection, dictated a notice to General ManAger C. ifcS. Price, of the Cambria cotnptfny, granting formal permission '(to.jesuine operations in all sections of J$e mine, except the Klondike, In the li'ornlng. The Klondike workings will likely be closed for several days, until pei feet security la assured through the brutticlng of openings and repairs ne n"cpssltated by the explosion. Two more deaths of rescued victims have occurred since last night. Early this morning, John Seher and Yasante Sibolla expired at the Cambria Gen eral hospital. These men were among the six living last brought out of the mine Friday afternoon, of which four oticrs have expired. These deaths raic the total fatality list to 114, al though the company records have It one less. Much confusion has attended the compilation of the record. Mine Superintendent G. T. Robinson this evening said: "I would not like to assert that there are .Iiq more bodies In the mine, but Ii don't think there, are. -There may be a few." Extent of Disaster. It le generally regarded as certain that the full extent of the disaster is now known. State Inspectors say tonight that all of the -workings are now- free of gas and the nlmost perfect ventilating apparatus are rushing currents of pure air Into the uttermost lecesses of the subter lanean workings. There has not been a, single place outside of the old aban doned chambers that has not under gone the scrutiny of experts to pro nounce everything In as good condi tions as could be asked or demanded. At 0.30 a. m. State Mine Inspectors Joslah T. Evans, of Johnstown; Joseph 'Williams, of Altoonu; C. B. Ross, of Greensburg, and I. G. Roby, of Union town, left Chief Roderick and the mine officers at the mine office and entered the mine. They went all tluough the Klondike, making air tests and noting the, conditions controlling ventilation. They found many openings which-retarded the proper course of air cur lents and noted them. The inspection lusted four hours. After finishing the Klondike section, the experts went through all the other sections which have never manifested dangerous symp toms. They found matters In ordinary shape, and at 4.30 p. m. the men left the mine to report at the hotel to Chief Roderick. The talk went over all the men knew of the mine before and since the ex plosion, the effects of the explosion and all pertaining to the prospects of future Immunity from a shnllur eutus trophe. The men paid particular note to the ferreting out, if possible, of the cause of the explosion and the fact whether the blame rests on any one now living, upon whom heavy punish ment would ullght. Inspectors Reticent. Of course, the inspectors would say nothing as to their discoveries. They will remain mute to the public on the subject until called upon to testify at the Inquest, the date of which Coroner Miller will not llx until tomorrow night. Chief Roderick will leave tomorrow, but says he will return for the inquest, ns , will his other out-of-town subordin ates. "I decline to say what my conclus ions are since, r have talked with the ones who were In today," bald Mr. Rod erick, "but I will say that I consider the Rolling Mill mine a well-conducted Institution.." Most Interest centered to day In tho funeral obsequies, which were scattered throughout' the city, Tho black cloud of mourning was heaviest over Cambria city, where the foreign population dwells, Scenes of Huturduy In this section' weic repealed, but only with sterner force. It was a grim fete day, Jit which the number of partleuptuts was augmented by throngs the morning trains brought in, The outsiders tamo fiom towns within a radius of fifty miles or more. These visitors spread themselves out In Miuuds und took in tho various points of Interest associated with the dread tragedy, To the foot of the tramway Hading up to the main pit mouth nl paid a visit, Hundreds gathered there at a time, In the vuln hope of seeing newly discovered bodies brought forth, to grutlfy their curious guzc. All the churches of Johnstown paid more or css attention In their morn ing services to the disaster. Collec tions were lftet In many for tho bene fit of tha bereft families of the poorer victims. Special musses weio said In the J4thollo churches, The afternoon was devoted to fu neral., Over.Uatnbrla city the deep in- SORROW v.Sii 1 Y "Y W m Y """ yv Y' juniiiMUTW toii.iiloiiH of tolling bells rolled t?&V! lltlllll'ruun MUll Ul Hiii-L. .ultimo jr ..1... ..It . ..tA Tln..ta rJl?"3 out mournful dirges through nl every thoroughfare, and more than once the sweet stralnR of "Nearer My tiod to Thee" told significantly the sad ness of the occasion. Catholic societies were out In their regallii. Tho national Hag hung limp nnd lifeless in the still air, while among Its folds was min gled streamers of mourning. Incess antly processions moved out and along Chestnut street towards the Catholic cemeteries, near Morrellvllle. Tho funeral of Mike Sabot, one of tlje conspicuous self-sacrlflcing heroes of the disaster, took place from St. Mary's German Catholic church. The large church was packed with friends and those who did not know the little dead fellow, but who had heard the noble story of his achievement, which brought him glory, but only at the expense of his life. Sabot was about 17 years old. He was a trap boy and knew the mine like a book. Ho was out at the mouth of one of the headings when the explo sion came. He found himself un scathed, and Immediately rushed to the rescue of the falling men beyond him. He had dragged three Ipto a working that the afterdamp had not reached, ana to his help they owe their lives today. Hack he plunged into the main head ing and on to more bodies. -Faintness overcame him and ho toppled over and died. When found his hands were still clutching tho clothing of one man In a manner which showed conclusively the boy was In the act of dragging him out to safety when overcome. ' Mike's coffin was draped in pink, and a profusion of handsome flowers were strewn on top. As the cortege moved away from the chuich, there was not a dry eye In the crowd which stood about, the men with bared heads. Thousands of Spectators. "" Down Fouth street, where St. Ste phen's Catholic church (Slovak) stands, the street was blocked for squares by the thousands of spectators, carriages and mourners. The funerals there commenced at 2 o'clock. The church was tilled with af fecting expressions of grief! Five cof flins at one time were distributed in front of the altar. At 3 o'clock they commenced to leave for the cemetery. As the throngs commenced to evacuate" the church,, the -Jjell'broke forth lnitf wild ringing. Up In' a gothlc window in front ap peared the face of a lone nun. Her body was bent forward in an attitude of supplication. As she stood there a benignant express overswept her fea tures. Tenderness and mercy seemed symbolized there. She stood as a shrouded angel overlooking the scene as the coffins were brought forth. She was statue-like in the absence of mo tion only, as the embodiment of spir itual and human life could not be mis taken in her. Away the long procession moved, the bands and the clanging bells alone dis turbing the universal quiet. Around the corner at St. Mary's Greek Catholic church there were being held services for the dead simultane ously with those at St. Stephen's. Further down the street the Croatlons were having their funerals. In all the foreign churches the congregations dis played emblems of their societies. Variegated colors were worn bv the women, robbing the scene somewhat of its mournful character, All night Saturday workmen dug graves In the Morrellvllle cemeteries. By this morning they had enough com pleted to care for the day's arrivals and for those who were taken out Saturday and had to be stored In a barn until excavations could be made for them. The burial was simplified by the dig ging of long trenches, In place of sep arate graves. In one of these twenty flve coffins were lowered. The Interment of Labor Boss John R. Thomas, sr., took place In the after noon. Interment was made at Grand View cemetery, Westmont. All the graves In this cemetery were lined with white. All were decorated with a wealth of, flowers. REPORTERS VISIT THE MINE. Graphic Description of the Scenes of the Underground Tragedy. By l.xclushe Wire from The Associated P.ress. Johnstown, July 13, Down Into the vast workings of the Rr illng Mill mine, through the Klondike section und into the death chambers of that gloomy vault the Associated Press Tepresentu tlve was taken today, to ether with four other newspaper men, under tho personal guidance of Mine Superin tendent George T, Robinson. The trip extended into every point or the mine where dead or living were found. The members of tho party are the only out siders who have been permitted to make tho trp, and saw more of the interior workings of tho mine than many who are regularly employed there, Tho treat ment of the visitors was most courte ous and Mr. Robinson did not neglect to show them everything worth seeing, or any Information regarding details of tho disaster or work of rescue, "We are bo confident that we have done everything human skill could pro vide to muko this mine safe that wo court the widest publicity of every do tall nssoclated with last week's awful happening," he said. The tour of the seat of the disaster extended over seven miles of workings, III and out, and lasted three hours. That there could bo no possibility of accident or (lunger, tho party was ac companied by Flrebosses Griffith Powell und Benjamin Hurtcll, trip riders Em ery Hoffmuu and Mike Lovus, Assist ant Muster Mechanic Philip White operated tho air motor through the Klondike. Into the Westmont pit mouth tfre party plunged at 3.30 p. m. There wm u speedy run u mile and a half through (Continued en I'ug 6. 'Mm ..'. mi liAW REDUCING THE ASIATIC FLEET. Admiral Wildes Ordered to Put Small Gunboats Out of Commission. By Exclushe Wire from 'flic Atsoclatcd I'rrss. Washington, D. C July 13. Secretary Moody has Instructed Rear Admiral Wildes, the ranking naval officer In Philippine waters, to place tho gun boats Arayat, Basco, Calamlnnos, Mar Ivolcs, Panay and Paragua out of com mission. These vessels arc small gun boats which have been engaged In pa trol duty In the lower IrIiiiuIb of the archipelago. This action Is part of the movement recently decided upon to re duce the active nuvnl force on the Asi atic station. It will furnish a considerable number of officers and men to reinforce the present quota on the station, which Is not at all commensurate with the duties to be performed. Orders also have been sent forward for tho withdrawal of the supply ship Arethusa, now at Cavlte, from the station. She will come to the New York navy yurd. It Is probable that the gunboat Prince ton also will be withdrawn from the Asiatic station In a short time. TO TEST THE NEED FOR SQUARE MEALS Further Experiments with Emergen cy Rations to Be Made in the Army. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, D. C, July 13. There arc to be further experiments to ascer tain how long sqldlcrs can go without tho ordinary "square meal." Brigadier General Weston, commissary general of the army, while gratified with the results obtained from the emergency ration, believes that It can be improved, nnd he proposes to recommend that further tests of the ration, under 'con ditions which will simulate war, bo made. The rations Issued for one day's sub sistence consists of four ounces qf evaporated beef, eight ounces of parched wheat, seasoned with one quarter of an ounce of salt, and two ounces of sugar. The whole Is placed In a can and carried by the soldier. Trials of the ration made in the Philippines have been very satisfac tory. THE VATICAN HOPES. Efforts to Establish Diplomatic Re lations with the' United States. ' By Kxcluslvc Wire from The Associated Press. Rome, July 13. There is apparently 'disposition on the part of the vatjean, to take" "advantage or' 'the Philippine question to forward Its desire for the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States. The Vatican authorities hope that the question of the purchase of the friars' lands and other matters involving the payment of money will render indispensable the continuance of relations initiated by Governor Taft for at least two years, while they are also hopeful of reserv ing the question of the withdrawal of the friars from the islands so as to pro long these relations even longer. It has frequently been announced, and it was positively declared by Secretary Root in his Instructions to Governor Taft, that the negotiations with the Vatican In regard to the friars' lands are simply a business proposition, and have no diplomatic significance what ever. NO NEWS PROM THE MISSING STEAMERS. U. S. Revenue Cutter Thetis Search ing in Vain for Overdue Vessels. By I'xclushe Wire from The Associated Press. Seattle, Wash., July 13. As late as July 1 no news had been tecelved at Nome from either the missing steamers Jeanle or Portland, The United States revenue cutter Thetis was still search ing for the long overdue vessels. The steamer Ellhu Thompson left Nome July 1 for Seattle, by way of Juneau. She sailed two days subse quent to the departure of the freight steamship Cbnemaugh. The Thompson left Juneau today. There her officers gave out the Information contained. The latter was sent by cable to Skag way, thence by telegraph to Dawson and back to White Horse and over the Ashcroft to this city. GORGEOUS GARB POR ARMY, New Dress Coat Proposed for Officers a Very Gay Garment. By Exclude Wire fiom The Associated Press. Washington, July 13. Secretary Root will submit to -the president the report of the army board on change In uni form. If the president and secretary approve, officers In future will, on dfess occasions, be decked out In a gorgeous coat, similar to the German army coat. The cuff bears a half-Inch cord of cloth, red, yellow or light blue, accord ing to the arm. The collar beats two rows of gold lace, each half an Inch thick, with alternating stripes of red, yellow or light blue cloth, according to tho arm. Above u gold lace band on tho cuff Is a French knot indicative of tho rank. Tho shoulders bear u strap of twisted gold cord. The overcoat pro posed is a loose, hanging affair, ex tending to the ankles, McBrler's Body Pound. By Exchuhe Wire from 1 he Associated Press. Detroit, Mich,, July 13. A special to tho Tilbuno from S.iult Sto Marie, Mich., says: "Tho body of J, H. Mollilcr, hon of James McDiler, a wealthy ship owner of Kilo, Pa,, was taken fmin the river this morning by doikmcn. It had been In the water forty-live days and was badly decomposed. Tho wot do "My numo Is J, II, MeHilor," wero wrljtcn on an enve lope, indicating suicide, Mcliilcr has been missing from his homo In Kilo two months. Xing Xdward's Progress. By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Press. London, July 13. The pi ogress of KJng Edward toward recovery Is muliituiiied and It Is understood that he frill ho trans ferred to tho royal yacht Victoria and Albert at xYorUraouth at noon next Tues- UUjr. t SERVICES AT CAMP MEADE Thirteenth and Ninth Reolments Met In the y. M. G. ft. Tent in the MornlnQ. CHAPLAIN WAS IN CHARGE Excursions from Many Points Caused the Camp to Be Crowded with Vis itors Yesterday Thirteenth Regi ment Arrived in Camp at 12.30 Sat urday Afternoon Encountered Many Delays En Route If Soldiers Are Called for During Encampment the Third Brigade Will Have to Respond. Special from a Staff Correspondent. Camp Meade, Gettysburg, Pa.,, July 13. Tho Thirteenth regiment arrived here at 12.30 o'clock Saturday af ternoon, after a fourteen hours' trip, which had be6n protracted to a seemingly unnecessary length by a series of unfortunate de lays. A wreck on tho Lehigh Valley prevented that route being taken to LIEUT. COL F. W. STILLWELL. Aligntpwn, As "v,as. -at first jntended, and the train was switched at Mauch Chunk to the Philadelphia and Read ing. This extended the route by some fifty or sixty miles. Moreover, the two locomotives drawing the 'train ran out of steam several times, and a number of waits were thus necessitated. The train had been divided"" Into two sec tions at Avoca, and these were united at Allentown, The regiment on its arrival here, found that the advance guard had done Its duty nobly, and everything was ready for the boys' accommodation. The mess tents were all put up, and were welcome sights to the hungry sol dier lads, many of whom had not eaten since 6 o'clock the evening before. Duties Light. The day was spent quietly, guard mount being held at 3 o'clock, a dress parade at E.30 and a drill of all the regi ments of the Third brigade in the even ing. The latter has what Is7 considered by many to be the best location ' In camp. The headquarters lie 'directly In front of Cemetery Hill, with the tents of the brigade extending In a long line, to the left of General Gobln's headquar ters. The Fourth regiment lies at the foot of the hill, nearest the town; next comes the Eighth, then the Twelfth, next the Thirteenth, and then the Ninth, Major General Charles Miller, com manding the division, has his quarters and those of his staff, located at what Is known as the Bloody Angle, where Pickett's famous charge centred, This CAPTAIN, W. A. IIAUB, COMPANY U Is, about a mile north of the Third brlgude heudquurters. The Second and Third brigades ure stationed to the right of General Miller's quarters, the former lying In front of tho famous Round Toil Hills, and tho Second lying to their right. Two troops of United States cavalry, and a light battery of artillery, which arrived yesterday from Fort Meyer, Vn are quartered, on that portion of the field, where the first day's lighting occurred at tho battle, not far from the Third brigade's quarters. They are under command of Captain D. T. Lew Is, of tho Second cavalry, A hospital field corps is quartered with them, Makes a Pine Showing, Tho official figures given out from division headquarters show tho' Third brigade to have tho magnificent show ing of 3,109 men and officers present, out or a total of 3,16b'. Of this number the Thirteenth regiment furnishes 648 men und officers. In making' the trip from Scrunton, Friday night, It was tCo'utlnucd on Pago 3. V- piflhtisiBfesfr mm miii in i .ihhih vt 'J-lti"l"J"k'VtVJs" siiBC-iBifVMsHsK9 s4sHHHHHIIlBsiHsfflkillllHiHK' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBySBK'lMflvSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV THOUSANDS OP VISITORS. Camp Meade Experiences Its Great est; Sunday. By Exclusive Wire from The AuoiUted Press. Gettysburg, July 13. Thousands of visitors came to Camp Meade today, and Gettysburg experienced Its great est Sunday. Nearly every prominent city In the state was represented In tho throng and the feminine contingent ap peared to bo In the majority. Tho Third brigade received the mujority of tlie visitors, as General Gobln's command Is so situated thut all were obliged to pass there, ' The historic on the battlefield re ceived a large share of attention. Dur ing the day General Gobln accompanied his staff over the scene of the first day's fight. Lectures wero delivered to large audiences of soldiers at "Bloody Angle" and "Devil's Den." Nearly all of the regiments Attended religious services. A largo amount of bread and canned corn, furnished by contract to the troops, was condemned today and the soldiers arc eating hardtack until such time as an edible supply of bread can be secured. SALISBURY RESIGNS The Premiership of Great Britain Accepted by Hon. A. J. Balfour. By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Tress. London, July 13. The Marquis of Salisbury has resigned the premiership of Great Britain, and Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, the first lord of the treasury and government leader In the house of commons, has been appointed to suc ceed him. The Marquis of Salisbury tendered his resignation at nn audience which he had with King Edward last Friday. Yesterday Mr. Balfour visited the king nnd accepted the premiership. Washington, July 13. The appoint ment of Mr. Balfour to the English premiership will not result In any change In the existing relations be tween Great Britain and the United States. This Is the opinion of state de partment officials, who express the opinion that Mr. Balfour will bo as much disposed as was his predecessor, Lord Salisbury, to continue the friendly' relations between the two countries. KITCHENER IN LONDON. Hero of the Hour Receives Great Popular Tribute Masses and Classes Honor Him, By Exclusive Wlic from, The Associated Press. London, July 13. Lord Kitchener reached London at 12.48 yesterday af ternoon, and his progress through the metropolis, after three years' absence at the war, was one of the most mem orable of the many remarkable demon strations of the last three years. The small procession of carriages contain ing the general and his staff. In simple, serviceable veldt dress, lacked spectac ular features, but evidently the crowd was there, in its tens of thousands, to see the .man of the hour, and not a pageant, and from the moment he set foot in London to the time of his dis appearance beneath the portal of St. James's palace, General Kitchener re ceived such an outburst of popular en thusiasm as quite overshadowed the demonstrations on previous and sim ilar occasions. The platform at Pad dlngton railroad station when he ar rived looked more like a reception room of the war office or India office than a railroad station. It was covered with red carpets and decorated with a profusion of flowers and palms, while rows of decorated stands, crowded with spectators, had been erected at all parts from which a view of the returning general could be obtained. The platform Itself was crowded with distinguished personages, Including In dian princes In resplendent costume, generals and other ofllcers in full uni form, and many women in beautiful summer dresses. The Prince of Wales, the Duke of Connaught, the Duke of Cambridge, who Is now very Infirm; Lord Roberts, the commnder In chief; Lord Lansdowne, the foreign secretary; Mr, Brodrlck, tho war secretary; the Duchess of Somerset, Lady Roberts, Lady French, Major General Sir Fran cis It, Wlngate, who succeeded Kitch ener as sirdar of the Egyptian army and governor general of the Soudan, and Major General Slatln Pacha, Brit ish Inspector general of the Soudan, were among those who assembled to greet the general. Soon after u luncheon, which occu pied an hour und a half, the general proceeded to Buckingham palaco to see the king and queen. General Kitchener was speedily con ducted to the king's sick chamber, and his majesty, from his couch, extended a wurjn welcome to the general, and personally expressed his thankH for tho termination, of hostilities. Tho king then presented to Loid Kitchener tho decoration of the new Order of Merit, The general then saw tho queen, after which he drove to Lord Roberts's resi dence, In Portland Place, , i . - . i i i . Steamship Arrivals, By fc'xcluslic W'ln- from The Associated Press. Now Yoik, July 13. Anivcd! Palatla, Genoa nnd Nuples; Rotterdam, Rotter dam und Douloguc Sur Mcr; Cyanic, eipool and Qiiccustowu, Southampton Salted; liluchcr (fiom Hamburg and Boulogne), Now Yoik; Filodetlch der (fiom Bicrncii), Now York. I.Iz ard Passed; Kcelimd, Now York for Antworp, Liverpool Ai rived; Celtic, Now York via Qucenstown. UumbuiR A I rival: Graf Walderscc, New York via Plymouth nnd Cherbourg. Qucenstown Sailed; Uinbrla (fiom Llveipool), New York. m w Mitchell in Chicago, By Excluslte Wire from The Associated ('rest. Chicago, July lO.-Prcsldent Mitchell, of tho MIno WrkorV union; who arrived In Clilrugo today refused to 'dlM-uss the strike. Ho vs 111 uddress the convention of 'loiig&horcnicn here tomoriow und then will go to Indianapolis. ALL EYES ARE UPON INDIANAPOLIS NEW CHINESE MINISTER. Sir Lian Chen Will Succeed Mr. Wu at Washington. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Pekln, July 13. Sir Llan Chen, sec retary of the Chliicsc embassy to the coronation of King Edward, wus today appointed Chinese minister to' tho Uni ted States. Washington, July 13. Mr. Wu,- the Chinese minister at Washington, was not surprised to hear of the appoint ment of a successor to himself, as ho has been expecting an announcement of this character for some time. Ho had received notice that his services would be required In another capacity and for this reason had been prepared to hear of the naming of his successor at' any time. Sir Llan Chen, the new appointed minister, is a comparatively young man, being only a little over forty years of age. Like the present minister he Is said to be a man of progressive Ideas, whose opinions have been formed from his educatlon.whlch was received part ly In the United States. He Is a grad uate of Yale. Minister Wu has not been officially advised of tho appoint ment of his successor. The retiring minister, Mr. Wu, has been at the capital since April, 1897. His relations with the administrations of Presidents Roosevelt and McKlnley have been of a most cordial character. FRIARS ARE A MENACE. President Roosevelt Thinks It Un wise That They Should Remain in the Philippines. By Exchi-are Wire from The Associated Press. Oyster Bay, N'. Y., July 13. President Roosevelt and Secretary Root were so busily engaged today In the, consider ation of Important subjects that neither one attended church. Mrs. Roosevelt, accompanied by four of the children, Theodore, Jr., Archi bald, Kermlt and 'Ethel, attended ser: vice at Christ Episcopal church. One of the Important, questions discussed between the president and Secretary Root .was that relating to Governor TafteVnegotfatlons-with the Vatican rc spectlng the Philippine friars. xBoth Mr. Roosevelt and the secretary of war deem It unwise that the friars should remain In the archipelago with the prestige they now possess. The atti tude the friars assume Is regurded not only as a menace to the peace of the Islands, but also as an obstruction to their government and to the conversion of the inhabitants. No news could be obtained at Saga more hill, but It Is unofficially under stood that a note Is being drafted In response to one. transmitted by the pope through Governor Taft to the ad ministration. Ample assurance is given that the United States will take strong ground In support of Its contention that the friars must be ellmlnate-d from the Philippine equation. It is absolutely certain that no offi cial statement of any phase of the situ ation will be made public until the ne gotiations with the Vatican have been concluded. Miss Alice Roosevelt arrived here this afternoon, shortly before. 6 o'clock. She has been enjoying a brief sojourn In the Adlrondacks. VAILSBURG RACES. Hurley, of New York, Wins Both Amateur Contests. By Exclusive Who from The Associated Press. Newark, N. J July 13. There was nn attendance of over 6,000 at the Vails burg bicycle track today. Marcus L. Hurley, of the New York Athletic club, won both of the amateur races, the half-mile In 1,03 2-5 and the five-mile in 11.15. The Spartan open race for profes sionals at two miles. was the race of the day and brought out thirty-three start ers. As a ?10 prize went to the winner of each lap It wus a series of constant sprinting, which kept the spectatois on their feet most of the time. Houseman won the first lap, Then Krebs led at the second, third and fodrth laps. Bald won tho fifth, Fenn the fclxth und Tom Butler the seventh. Then the cham pion, Kramer, got his wheel going and won the race In a fighting finish by about two feet, with John Bedell sec ond. The time, 4.11, Is probably the fastest ever made In a scratch rate. THE REVOLUTIONISTS DID NOT TAKE BLUEFIELDS, By Kxclushe Wire from The Assoelatrd Press, Managua, Nicaragua, July 1.1, Tho ill- rvctoi'-genernl of telegraphs of Nicaragua declares thut llluellclds has nut brcu taken by thu revolutionists. Government icpui'ts minoiinco tho cap- tiiro July 7, of a number of lovolutlou- lata near Bliicllelils, DEATHS OF A DAY, By Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Press. Now Yoik, July W. M;8, Ada Eugenia Vi unman I.esllo died todny ut her hunw In this city ufter a lingering Illness, Bh' was born In lSli!, and when only sixteen years of age, was widely known by liar contilbutlans In prosa and erne to the kudlng periodicals. Sho munlcd ,l fied Leslie a bou of Frank Leslie, After his dentil Mrs, Leslio edited the Ladles' iUzuur und a number of other peilod Iculs. In it-cent yens sho assisted her sous, Arthur ami Frank, In orgunlziug the LchIIo syndicate. Now Yirk, July 13, General Thomas J. Moigau, who has been III at Youkers, where ho lived, died today, aged 02. Death was due to kldnoy Oflbcasc. Gen eral Morgan was born In Franklin, Ind. At the outbreak of the Civil war, ho en listed as a private and roso to the .rank of brevet brigadier general. President Harrison niado him commlslsoner of In dian affalis. Tho body will bo taken to Rochester, N. Y., for burial, Tenth Week oT the Great fln thraclte Strike Man Wit ness the Crisis. THE ILLINOIS MINERS ARE AGAINST STRIKE Much Will Depend Upon the Action of the Convention to Be Held' on Thursday The Illinois Miners Control the Situation Their Atti tude Is Plain at Present. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pres. Wllkes-Barre, July 13. The tenth week of the great anthracite miners' strike may witness the crisis. Every thing now depends upon the national convention, which meets at Indianapo lis on Thursday. If the convention votes solid support to the hard coal miners now on strike the conflict with the operators may bo prolonged Indefi nitely, on the other hand, should substantial support not be forthcom ing, It may have a discouraging effect on the strikers, and the operators, tak ing advantage of it, may1 attempt to resume operations at some of the col .llcries. This is tho concensus of opin ion, as expressed In operators' and strike circles. No effort will be made by any of the large coal companies to start up any of their mines this week. Indianapolis must speak first before any move Is made In that direction. The beginning of the end will come when the first colliery Is started. Many ot the local assemblies of United Mine Workers of District No. J; held meetings today, to give final in structions to their delegates, who will represent them In the national conven-, tlon. Just what the instructions are is not known. It Is expected, however, that all the delegates from the anthra cite region will vote as a unit in the convention. Sheriff Jacobs reports that the whole region 'is unusually quiet. Illinois Miners Will Not Strike. Springfield, 111, July 13. The United' Mine Workers of Illinois will not vote for a general strike at the na tional convention, to be held at In dianapolis this wee. Without the-vote of the Illinois delegates, 'it is said, it will be Impossible to call out the soft ccal men. The attitude of the Illinois miners was made evident last night, when the returns from the various districts of tho state were received at general headquarters. Of all the unions In the state, only one, and this an inconsc quontial locul, Instructed its delegates to the national convention to vote for a strike. Altoona Against Strike. Altoonn, Pa., July 13. Reports from all the sub-districts of District No. 1', United Mine Workers, show that dele gates elected from this field to the na tional convention are untnstructed as regards voting ,for a general sympathy strlkt. All of the eight men chosen are con servative miners, selected especially to avoid, if possible, bringing the central bituminous field Into a sympathet'c strike. The delegates will urpe the convention to donate a day's pay weekly to the anthracite men, permit ting the bituminous miners to continue at work. The soft coal miners In this field are now earning $5 and $6 dully by reason of the full supply of cais available and the enormous demand for coal. Dues Exonerated. Ph.Iadelphla, July 13. At n mcetlns today of the arch-diocesan Catholic To tal Abstinence union, tho board of gov ernorr was entitled to exemption from the payment of the percentage tax for ICOl-lSOL', all societies In the coal re gions that are In financial difficulty by reason of the mine workers' strike. This action was taken at the sugges tion of the union's president, tho Rev, lilchard F. Hanagnu, who announced the receipt of a letter from an official of u tPinpernuco society In the mining dlstilctf, enclosing a portion of Its per caplta tax, tho members being unabjn, to lontrlbuto tho full amount. It was decided to return the money. LEDGER COAX ARTICLE. By Excliithe Wire from Thu Associated Press. Philadelphia, July 13. Tho Ledger, in Its coal article tomorrow, will say; "The anthracite coal trade Is without any material change, Tho strike still paialyzes tho movement of coal, nnd whllo there is some anthracite available, tho prices quoted by dealers are, high and tho demand small. Bituminous con tinues rcpluclng anthracite for must ur cut usos, and tho change may In some cabes hecorno pormanont. Tho warm weathor makes tho publio very Indiffer ent about tho situation, as domestic con sum ci3 do not need much coal." ' YESTERDAY'S WEATHER.- V Local data for July 13, 3902; Highest temperature ..,..,,..., 93 degrees Lowest temperature ..,,,,,. 53 degrees Relative humidity; 8 a. m . ,., 72 per cent, ii p. m, ..,,,, ,,,, , M percent, Precipitation, U hours ended S p.' m. pone. i f 4- 4 41 WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, July 13. Forecast for Monday and Tuesday; East ern Pennsylvania Fair Monday and Tuesday; warmer Monday n southeast portion; fiesh southwtat WII1CJ3. . . &. . . 1 1 i, .t ir 't iV ! s ' 4 J. tt 1 , x it ,! : Ml m M TO.-I t: m 70 m i H il vi "H W1 r A & ( ) Jg uMjdM 3"V SUV'r- ,SJ..