imaKmmHmmammmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm&mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,'-- l ' - ' - bs. VI NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Bpcclnl tti the Hcrnnloii Tribune. Ilotiesdnle, .luly 11. Major George II, Whllhev took llirce fine saddle horses to camp ut Gettysburg, one for his own use1, one for Chaplain Wlllliiitt H. Swift and the other for the commissary. II. Scott Salmon la spending a few days In New York city. Allss Frcdorlokn E. Turner cnter ttitncd ut cards, Friday liflernoon, at her home on Eleventh street, In honor of her "guest. Miss Ilulbcrt, of Scran ton. A few yearn ago Henry 7.. Russell, whose generosity Is always manifest, erected at his own expense a' band a tit ml expressly for band rehearsals Mild concerts, People are wondering why this free sift Is not appreciated and used pleasant summer cvciiJiirs. Honesdaln Is Hearing the free postal delivery system. Preparations arc under way for rc-num boring- the streets and buildings. The Alaplo Olty band has been en gaged for the pxourslon of the Hud Men to Shohola Glen, July 15. The Honesdtile National bank has de clared n scnil-unnual live per cent, divi dend, and a special one of two and one half per cent. Announcement Is made of the engnge ment of Miss Elizabeth 51. Ryan, of Honesdale, and William P. Feeney, of Chlcaco. r rMrs. VJ. D. Weston, Misses Want-he T. Wood and Bessie Ham will have charge of refreshments at the golf grounds, Saturday afternoon. Fair weather Saturday afternoon will bring a large crowd to the Honesdale hall grounds to witness the meeting of the Oarbondule luid Honesdale teams, over ;hlch there has been so much controversy. Some fine playing Is ex pected, V( The directors of the Northeastern Pennsylvania,. Oil company have de clared a stock dividend of one hundred dollars per-share, pay bio on August 1, 1902, and no oil yet in sight. Npyerslnk lodge. No. 253, Brother hood bf Hallroad Trainmen, of Port Tervls, ,wlll run their annual excursion to Lnke'Lodore some time during the month of July. ' Richard Duslnhorrie, superintendent of the Citizens' Telephone company, of Honesdale. and .Miss Gussle Collum, of Port. Jer.vls, were married Thursday, July 30, by Rev. W. A. Chadwick. in the Methodist church at Tort Jcrvls. After a wedding tour, Mr. and Mrs. Duslnherre; jylll take rooms at the Allen house. Attorney D. M. Atkinson has' returned from a te days' stay at Cape Cod. HOPBOTTOffl. Special to the Scran ton Tribune. Hopbottom, July 11. 'Miss Fannie Dershlinor, of Dalton, Is spending a few days as the guest of Miss Alta Finn. Mrs. Ahnira Brown and daughter have returned to their home In Newark Valley. , Miss Stella Jeffcrs and sister, Berniee, tve' visiting at the home of Mrs. O. D. Roberts. Miss Fannie Cruise 'has returned to herthome In New York, after spending tJpust two weeks In this place. Mrs. K. M. Tiffany and Miss Lillian Byram attended the concert at Kings ley, Wednesday evening. Dort't forget the sacred concert at the Universalis! church on Sunday evening-. The Universallst Aid meets In Ten nunt's hall on Thursday, July 17, for tea. All are Invited. Mrs. F. B. Jackson, of Newark Val ley. N. Y., Is visiting her brother, W. E. Brown. Mrs. Fannie Hell, of Blnghainton, is Visiting at the homo of C. II. Kellum. Mr, and Mrs. J. t Merrill were in Blnghainton last week. Mrs. Ii. P. Bell and children, of Les- tershirc, are visiting Mrs. Hell's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller. HAWLEY. Special to tho Scriinton Tribune. Hawley, Pa., July 11. Mis. Joseph Fryer was called to Port Jervis this week by the illness of her mother. Mrs. S. S. Spoors, of Port Jervis, and her daughter, .Mrs. Arthur Avery, of Brooklyn, N. Y are the guests of relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, of New Orleans, are visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Palmer was formerly Miss Alice Atkin son, of this place. Miss Paul, of Brooklyn, N. y who njtteuded the IIouck-Fryer wedding has returned to bnr home. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Donnelly huvo Uncommon Colds. "It is just a common cold," people ay, "there's no danger in that." Ad mitting their statement, then there are 'uncommon colds, colds which are dan gerous; for many a fatal sickness begins with, a cold. If we could tell the com mon cold from the uncommon we could feel quite safe. But we can't. The uncommon vari ety is rarely rec ognized until it has fastened its hold on the lungs, and there re symptoms of consumption. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures coughs, bron chitis, "weak" lungs and other diseases of the organs of respir ation, It in creases the sup ply of puresrich blood and builds up the emaciated body, "I took a severe old which settled Id the bronchial tubes," write Rev, Frank Hay. of Nor tonville. lefTeMou Co. Kansas. After trying medicjaei labeled 'Sure Cure,' almost without number.' I was led to trv Dr. l'ierce's (loldeti Medical Plicovery. I took I wo bottle and wa cured, and have stayed cured.) When I think of the great pain I bad to endure, and the terrible cough I had,.lt teems nitwit a miracle that I was to toon relieved, Tbat Ocxt may spare ou many year anil abundantly blcsa you is the prayer of your grateful friend." If you ask your dealer for "Golden lledical Discovery" because you have confidence in its cures, do not allow .irself to be switched off to a niedi Pt claimed to be "just as good," but which you did not asfc for ana of which you, know nothing, XiXy Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure di. hie and Mck headache. tSBBBBBBBBBBBBK yBBBBBBBBBBBl returned from their wedding tour and will remain In town for a few days as guests at the Mangah homo before go ing to Plttston. Align haura Ilea und Hanitiel Martin, of Corning, N, Y were married In Phil omena's church, Thursday morning at 0 o'clock. They left on the early morn ing train for an extended wedding tour. Mr. and Mrs. George Colburn attend ed the wedding of Miss Otisslo Colburn, of Port Jervis nnd Itlchnrd Dtlslnbcrrc, of .Honesdale, at tho bride's homo on Thursday of this week. WELSH HILL. Special to the Scranton Tilbunc. Welsh Hill, July 10. Several from Welsh Hill attended the delightful en tertainment Riven at South Gibson, Fourth of July evening. J. S. Owens has returned from his western trip, ho did not find the climate beneficial, Airs. Owen Owens entertains the Ladles Aid society at dinner today. Airs. L. W. Manzcr nnd Airs. L. PICTURE . , For the Little Ones. VVZ'AhV, I'ScTmtK NO. .TiO.-Cilt out the pictures appearing on this pngo each day. draw a pencil mark (found tho hidden object, save them until Saturday, then send them or take them to The Tribune ofllcc in an envelope addressed to "Puzzle Department." The boys nnd girls who correctly mark the six pictures ap pearing (lining tho week, and whose answers are first received, will hayo their names published In Tbc Tribune Alonday morning. I, I o I IUHdirBI I -1 IK Va - IJ MM - Find father Brundage, of South Gibson, spent yes terday at Willow Dale farm as guests of Airs. W. H.Davis. Air. and Airs. AV. Watklns spent Sun day with the hitter's parents, Air. and Airs. A. Corey, of Herrick. Fred Owens Is enjoying a trip through the. West. Our boarding houses are beginning to till with old and new faces. UNIONDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Uniondale, July II. Quarterly meet ings were held In the Free Alethodlst church, Tuesday and Wednesday even ings. Presiding Klder Allller otllciated. Rev. J. G. Raymond made a business trip to Carbondale on Tuesday. Allss Shannon, or Scranton, Is visit ing relatives In this place. Evangelist Charles Newell has re turned home, after visiting friends In White's Valley. Air. and "Mrs. It. K. Tennant and daughter, Alberta, spent the Fourth nt the home of Rev. A. Kastniun, in South Canaan, Wayne county. Not the least of the Improvements made on Darrow street lately is that on the external appearance of the homo of Charles Wedeman, It has received a. new coat of paint, It. E. Tennant being the successful artist. Air. and Mrs, Nelson "osier, of Star rucca, spent the Fourth with their son, Arthur Foster. The two sermons delivered last Sun day by Hov, J. G. Raymond In the Alethodlst church were spoken of very complimentary. Air. and Airs. Archie Johnson, of Scranton, and their little son, were guests among friends on the Fourth and over Sunday. Way, U, S, Houston, of Manhattan, Kims., was In town Thursday, making arrangements for a lecture on the Holy Land, to be delivered In the Presby terian church In August. Tho Fourth passed away pleasantly in Carpenter grove. There was very little noise from firecrackers. It was the most musical Fourth ever wit nessed In the town, the band and or chestra, under tho leadership of Ira H. Thomas, discoursing the latest music. The proceeds of tho day were $170, It will go to aid the Carpenter brothers In prospecting for coal. These gentle men are very grateful for the interest shown In this enterprise, and they will leave no stone unturned In their seurch for coal, MOSCOW. Levi Swartz, who lives near the Rear Drool; school house, retired at sun down last Saturday evening, but before he had slept long he was aroused from his dreams by a war-whoop which would have made a Sioux Indian turn green with envy. Tho war-whoop came from his son', William and a party of friends, who hud come to pay their respects to Air. Swartz, on the sixty fourth anniversary of his birth. Air, Swartz was completely surprised. All the necessary arrangements were made by Allss Grace, daughter of Air, Swartz, After the ui'i'lvul of tho (lrst party, others soon came and In a short time about ninety persons were assembled. After refreshments, consisting of leu cream and cake, were served, Air, Swartz was presented with a lino oak rucking chair by tho guests and with a beautiful bible by his daughter, Iva, Among the guests were; Rev, and Atra, Prentice, 'Mr, ami Airs, J, S, Ilornbaker, Air, und Airs, Klwood Parry, Air, and Airs, Zlbu Alott, Air, itud Mrs. Shcp Alltchell, Air, and Airs. George Dings, Prof, and Airs. F, E. Stephens, Air. and Mrs. Charles Noack, Air, and Airs. Or Vjlle Noack, Air. and Airs. Frank Resecker, Air. and Airs. Friend Depew, Air. uud Airs, Abram Wall. Mrs. Slls bee, Airs, linoa Swurtz, Alts. Al. 13. l'HI3 SCltAiKTON Yeagcr, Atlssca Mnttlo Hornbiickcr, Ztlisstc Depow, tidlth Cooper, Myrrt Hodgson, Nettle Wcldy, Jessie Mutt, Elma Fcrgtison, Mildred, Flossie and Born Swartz, llcatrlco Cnry, Allss Hoss Itcltcy, Alcssrs. George Noack, t'eter YeaRcr, Harry Alltchell, Howard Petite, Grove HwaHz, Charles Parry, Arthur and AIosIh Yengcr, Iloucrt DcTomple, Karl Waters, ltolaud DopcW, Ii. A. Itelph, nttrlon Weldy, Harry Woln backer, Nelson Weldy. The following hained children and grand children of Mr. Swartr. were nlso present Atr. and Airs. Wlltlnm Swarlr. and son, Stanley, of 'Georgetown, Air. and Airs. C, h. Krotzcr and three children, Ada, Hnzel and Frederick, of Troop, Allss Iva Hwartz, Airs. D. V. Swartz and two children, Walter and Ataybcllc, of Scranton and Grace J. II. Hathlll. salesman for tho It. G. Chase nursery, hits again been the lucky winner of the ilrst prize, offered for the best sales of fruit trees for tho month of June. He also won the first prize last year. Airs. Aledway, of Dalevlllc, nnd Airs. Nllcs, of Kane, spent Friday with Airs. F. II. Gardner. Dr. and Airs. Pier, qf Dtiryea, spent Wednesday with Dr. and Airs. Wilson. Air. nnd Airs. Caughbauch, of Alooslc, arc visiting Airs. Caughbauch's mother, Alts. D. J. Hobcrts. Airs. Alonzo nines has relumed from Indiana, where he has been on a busi ness trip. The ladies of the Woman's Itellof PUZZLE. and mother. corps gave Airs. C. P. Van Brunt a pleasant surprise Friday. Those pres ent were: Airs. G. S. Brown, Airs. Alary George, Airs. V. T. Pcllon, Airs. John Clouse, Airs. J. II. Hathlll, Airs. Cath erine Bui'ken, Airs. George Bortree, Mrs. Kd. Van Brunt, Airs. Woodworth, Allss Helen Clouse, Allss Rae Aran Brunt. Air. and Airs. George t'ostler have re turned from a visit at Swiftwater. BALD MOUNT. The death of Rex ford Wiigley, son of Rev. Abel Wrlgley. formerly of this place, was one of tho saddest that has over afflicted us, A young man of much promise, winning manner, intel lectual lu a marked degree, the only son of his parents and the youngest, makes the sudden going away the more heart breaking. Allss Kmma Van Buskirk who has been very III at the home of her sister, Airs. Speece, in Scranton, was able to be removed to her home this week. She Is slowly improving Allss Grace Relsecker Is spending a few days at the home of Rev. and Airs. Wrlgley. at Mill City. Air. and Airs. Henry Freeman, of Fnctoryvllle,, visited her father, Air. Adam Thompson on Tuesday. Air. W. C. Van Buskirk, of Johnstown, was the guest of his uncle, C. Van Buskirk, the past week. Air. and Airs. Steven Alontanbe, of West Plttston, who have been guests of Air. and Airs. K. R. Ward, returned to (heir home on Thursday, A large iiumber of people from this place attended tho funeral services at Factoryville on Thursday morning. Airs. W. I,. Speece, of Scranton, who is spending a few weeks here for the benefit of her health Is Improving. Allss Grace Ayer, of New Jersey, Is a guest of her cousin, Airs. C. Van Buskirk. W. A, HIce and Oscar Van Buskirk were In Scranton on Thursday. Airs. O. A'uii Buskirk returned on Thursday from u visit at Scranton, FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryville, July 10. Hev. L. Ij. Sprague, of Wyoming seminary, will occupy the pulpit at tho AI, K. church next Sunduy, both morning and even ing. Allsses Kalhryn and Nina Stark and Harold ICwelslg, left last Tuesday for tflon City, where they will Join their parents. There will be a clay pigeon shoot on the grounds below the railroad (111 this afternoon, All arc welcome to shoot who wish to. .I. I.., TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tin Siranton Tribune, Tuiikhaunock, July 10. Attorney John Kelly, of Alontrose, was doing business at tills pliii'o on Thursday, Theio will be a gamo of base ball at this place on Saturday, between Alain rnso and Tiuikhanuock teams, Fred Avery, who Is employed at the Plttston hospital, Is .pending his vacation with his parents here, leu cream, cako' and homemade can dles nt tho lawn nodal at tho Presby terian m.mso this evening, Everybody In vited. Allss Ruth Broughtou Is visiting relu lives at AInntrpso this week. Ira Aiiulck, of Aleshoppeti, was a caller In town on Thursday, Atr. James Doubter and daughter, Ma cliol, left on Thursday for Sprlnsyllle, whero they will remain for tho next two mouths on their furm. John U. Vnnlioi-ilnn. of .Aleshoppcn. Is nn aspirant for the Republican nomina tion for county commissioner. Mrs. William Aluier Is 111 at her home on Warren street. ' Allss Rita Ross rctui'iujj on Wednesday fiom a two weeks' visit wlh Air. und Mrs, Morris June, ut Uungur, Pa. , TMBUN14 - SATURDAY, HIS PASTORS ADVICE . .. i HOW IT ENABLED A MERCHANT TO RETUBN TO BUSINESS. He Was Worn Out from Overwork and Suffered with Nervous Prostration The Story of His Recovery. "1 had coino back fi'oiii a trip lb Florida," said Air. C, A. Hood, it mem ber of tho well-known lumber Urm of Hood, Beard & Co., 20-28 Decker street, Yoimgstown, Ohio, to it reporter. "Kvery winter I was obliged to go there for my health until a prominent minister of this city gave me a piece of advice which has not only saved me hundreds of dollars In doctor's bills and travel, but was the means of making me a well man. "For six years I had been In poor health, brought on by close confinement to business and overwork. I was weak, short of breath, had a great deal of headache and was nervous. All the time I was getting worse and finally became unable to attend to business. For sixteen months I could do no work nnd during this time I suffered physic ally and mentally as only those who have had nervous prostration can ap preciate. I went south for a change of climate but It did me no good. Noth ing helped mo till upon the recommen dation of this minister I tried Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Af ter I had taken tho pills according to directions for about two months, t was able to resume my place at my busi ness. While I used to have wukeful nights from nervousness, I rest well now. I do not have headache any more and feel like a different man. Aly wife also takes Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and has been greatly benefited by them." "Nervous prostration means that the nerves are tired out and cannot perforin their work. It Is not at all uncommon and comes from overwork, anxiety, ner vous strain or similar causes. The one remedy which has proven itself an ab solute specific for this trouble as well as for all diseases brought on by weak ened nerves, Impure or Impoverished blood Is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People. They may be obtained at all druggists, or direct from Dr. Wil liams Aledlclne company, Schenectady, N. Y.', fifty cents per box, six boxes for two dollars and fifty cents. HARFORD. Special to the Scranton Trlbuno Harford. July 10. Allss Addle Jeffcrs spent tho Fourth with friends in Soutb Gibson. Allss Kclith Krwln, of New Alilforrt, was the sue?t of V.. AI. Watson's family Sat urday and Sunday. Airs. L. W. Aloorc. of New Alllford. has rented rooms of W. W. Osterhotit and will take posse-slon about August 1. Air. and Alis. Mace, of Blnghanitoii, will spend the summer with Airs. Paris Tif fany. Air. IT. S. Kstabrook entertained Air. and Mrs. V. P, Tlngley and B. F. lline and wife tho Fourth. Jennie' May and Richard Osborno ot Nicholson are the guests of their grand parents. Air. and Mrs. A. T. Sweet. Allss Barhni-ii Poupoie, of St. Albans, is visiting her tliter, .Mrs. Bert Grant. llllaud K.stnbrook, who Is a member of the Thirteenth regiment, will leave for Gettysburg Friday evening. Airs. C.ipwell and daughters, of Scran ton, relumed to thc-lr home Tuesday. Air. and Mrs. C. F. Whitney, of North Jackson, and Atr. and Airs. Will TucKer, of Susquehanna, attended the funeral of Alivs. Coughlan Monday. Several new monuments have been placed In the cemetery this week, among them being those of ii. D. Sherwood and W. B. Hammond. The funeral of Airs. Hannah Coughlan was held from the Copgregattonul church Alonday. Rev. C. W. Hawkins officiated. Her age was M year'. Miss Jennie Williams, of Peckvllle, who has been spending a week with Minnie Barrow, returned home Tuesday. W. S. Sophia. O, I-;. Steams, K. J. Whit ney weie on a road view uL Burnwood, July 10. PITTSTON. Special to the Scrantou Tiiliunc. Plttston, July 10. A one-year-old child of Air. and Airs. Abe f.clbson, of North Main street, died .M'stordiiy at Kilwarris vllle, whcie Airs, l.cibsou was visiting hor parents, Mrs. Dressier, of Sturmcrvllle. who re ceived Injuries on tho Plttston linn of tho Scranton Traction company, and who had threatened to bring suit for damages against the company, has hcuurcd a sct tloinenl of the cat-o. Attorney SI.' N. Donnelly returned yes terday from his wedding trip. .Mrs. Don nnelly will spend i few weeks at tho homo of hor parents at Hawley before beginning housekeeping on Prospect street, this city. Herman Van Camp, an Exeter boiough hid. received Injuries at a bane bull gaum yesterday at Sturrnervlllo. A bat which J hud slipped from tho hands of a batten struck him in tho mouth, knocking out three toeth and lacerated the luwer lip. Dr. Fleming dressed his Injuries. At the special meeting ot the Plttston board of school control this evening con tracts will bo awarded for tho construc tion of additions to tho old Uutler Hill school building, Eddie Davis, of Bellevuo, is spending a few days with AVcst Plttston friends. Slaster Henry ( Fenu and Allss Slnr tha W, Fenu. children of Hoc. and Airs. Courlenay Fcnn, who were at Poklu, China, during the lata siege, are yIMtlug their grandparents on Susquehanna ave nue. AVest Plttston . John Walukiis and his father-in-law, Simon Uartusky, of Dtiryea, for whom warrants were Issued charging them with Intimidating U F. Hants, a coal and Iron policeman nt the. Babylon colliery, re cently, appeared beforo Squire Gllhoy last evening and entered ball In tho sum of 51,0X. Jiartusk's wife was arrested a few days ago by Sheriff Jacobs' deputies, and last evening sbo sworo out a warrant for the arrest ot Harris, charging him with assaulting her while tho deputies woro attempting to muko tho arrest. Her hus band and father who tho deputies woro also searching for had been lu hiding but gave themselves up last cvenlpg us mentioned abovo, The king bolt ot tho buggy used by Alail Carrier fieorgo Dolahunty droppetl out whllo ho was on duty at Exeter yesterday afternoon, nnd tho front end of the buggy dropped to tho ground, frightening tho horse, which ran awn'y. Delalpiuty was dragged quite a distance hud badly bruised, but not seriously hurt, , While repairing an electric light at Dtir yea yesterday afternoon, Patrick Toolo, of this city, an employe of tliu Citizens' Electric Uglit company, received a sovcro shock and may lose his arm from tho ef fects. AN OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY. AIRS. WINSI.OW'8 SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething, Is the prescription o cue of the beat female nnvsloinns and tiurses In the, United States, and has been used sixty years with neverrfalllng surJ ress by millions of mothers for their chlu dren. During the process of teething its value is Incalculable, It relieves the chill from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In tin 'bowels, and winil-roltc. By giving health to the child It rcrH tho roothe.r. Price, twenty-live cents &. uottle, ' -JUJLY 12, 1902, THE TRIBUNE'S -WANT US, 1 H, FOR SKIES Only Half a Cent a Word. Help Wanted Male. TflAVKMNG HAM'SMAN Tor Pennsyl vania to sell retail initio. Attractive, saleable line. Established high rated House. Box L'71, Detroit, siicn. YOUNG MMN wanted: any distance; copy letters homo evenings and re turn to us. Wo pay $10 per UioiiHaiid: send addressed envelope, particulars and cony. F. At. C. Dept. fig. Box 1111, Phila delphia. WANTUU-Soveral young men to can vass; expenses advanced; must bo nble to give good reference. Call on George Walker, Lackawanna Valley House. CIVH, Service Government Positions 7,072 appointment mndo between July 1, 1901, and April 15. 1002. Only common school education inquired for examina tion. Catalogue of Information free. Col umbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C. COAIPETENT AlAN to represent thor oughly reliable company, with 2oo,000 capital, in business eighteen years, Sal ary $75.00 nor month and expenses, pay able weekly according to contract, not conditional on results, but on faithful work, Small cash deposit and references required. For full particulars, address Manager, Dcpt. F., Hox 43S, Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED Hoy to work In architect's office. Apply at 415 Pnilll building. WANTED A thorough mill num. it good turner preferred. A. AV. Shepherd & Sons, contractors, South Alain and Dana streets, Wllkes-Harre, Pa. WANTED Competent machinists to work In large railroad shops near Pittsburg; unmarried men preferred. "Wages paid, 'S .26 and 'J7 cents per hour. Permanent employment given for satis factory service. Free railroad transpor tation furnished from AVIlkes-Ilarre to Pittsburg. For further Information ad dress C. I,. Snyder. IH2 Slooncy ftulldlng. Buffalo, N. Y., in writing, give ago. ex perience, where last employed, and on what kind of work. ENERGETIC Salesman School supplies; country work; $100 salary and commis sion. R. O. Evans & Co., Chicago, 111. Help Wanted Female. YOUNG LADIES wanted; any distance; ropy letters homo evenings and re turn to us. Wo pay 110 por thousand; send addressed envelope, particulars and ropy. F. Af. C. Dept, GS. Box Mil, Phila delphia, y WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housewoik. Must bo good cook. Apply at once to K!7 Monroe avenue. Miscellaneous. THE AIODEI, T.AFNDRY, Duninorc, launders shirts ut So. each and collars and cuffs at le. each. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF . THE RAILROADS SEDUCED RATES TO TACOMA, PORTLAND, SEATTLE, VANCOU VER, AND VICTORIA. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Meeting Y. P. C. U. of the Presby terian Church at Tacoma, Wash. On account of the meeting Y. P. O. V, of the Presbyterian church, at Tacoma, Wash.. July 23 to 27, the Penn sylvania n.iilioatl company will sell ex cursion tickets to Tacoma, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, or Victoria from all stations on its lines, from July 10 to July 20, inclusive, at greatly reduced rates. These tickets will be good for return passage until September 15, in clusive, when executed by Joint Agent at destination and payment of r0 cents made for this service. Apply to ticket agents for aifditional Information. SUMMER TOURS TO THE NORTH. Two Tours to Canada via Pennsyl vania Railroad. For the summer of 1002 the Pennsyl vania Hallroad company has arranged to run two personally-conducted tours to Canada and Northern New York. These tours will leave July 10 and Aug ust 11, including Niagara. Falls, Thou sand Islands, Rapids of the St. Law rence, Quebec, the Sagucnay, .Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes t'hamplain and George, and Saratoga, occupying llftecn days; round-trip rate, $125. Eac;h tour will bo In charge of one of the company's tourist agents, assisted by an experienced lady as chaperon, whose especial charge will bo unescort ed ladles. The rate covers railway and boat fare for the entire round trip, parlor car scuts, meals en route, hotel entertain ment, transfer charges, and carriage hire. For detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any additional information, apply to ticket agents, or address Oco. W. Hoyd, as sistant general passenger agent, Broad street station, Philadelphia. " LACKAWANNA RAILROAD. New Sunday Train Service to and from Philadelphia. Lackawanna Limited train No. B, east bound, leaving Scranton at 11.33 p. in., nnd No. .1, west bound, arriving Scran ton at 1.50 p. in., now connect daily with Pennsylvania railroad at Mauunku Chunk, to and from Philadelphia, and intormedlato points on the Helvldore division, Lehigh Valley Railroad. Kffvctivo Saturday, July 12th and every Saturduy thereafter, the Lehigh Valley railroad will operate a train be tween Now York and Wllkea-Carre, to be known as the ".Mountain Special," for the accommodation of people desir ing to spend Sunduy out of town, Train will consist of vestibule couches, and Pullman parlor car ami will run on the following schedule Leave Now York, Saturdays only, Twenty-third street at 2.10 p. m., urrlvo Wllkes-Harre, 7,03 p, in, Leave Wjlkes-Barre, Sundays only tit 6.00 p. m., arrive New York, Twenty third street at 11.15 p, m. Train will stop ut principal stations. Knights of Pythias Meeting, San Francisco, The Nickel Plate railroad will sell August 1st. to 10th, Inclusive, special excursion tickets', Huffulo, N, V, to tiun Francisco and return al rate J62.00, good returning to Sept. 30th., account ahoye' meeting. Best accommodations, fast time, lowest rates. See nearest agent or write It. 13. Payne, general ugent, 291 Alain street, Buffalo, N. Y, Homeseekers' Excursion. To points all through tho West via Nickel Plate railroad, Lowest rates, best accommodations. Through tourist cur service, finest couches. Club meals No Order Accepted for Less Than 10 Cents. Help Wanted Male. COAL. MINERS WANTED THE POCAHONTAS COLLIERIES COMPANY Air. A, J, King, Superintendent, with bituminous coal mines In the town of Pocahontas, Tazewell County, Htato of Virginia, on tlm Norfolk and Western Hall way, wants Homo good, experienced coal minora at onco. WAGES: J for pick mining and loading entry coal 0(1 cents per car for pick mining nnd loading room t-oal "., cents por car ; for mining nnd loading machine under-cut entry coal. ...70 cents por car for mining and loading machlno uutlor-cut room coal ...Wt cents por car Inside track layers JU.OO to $:'.2." per day Inside track layer helpers.... n ,$i,no to $1.7.", por day Ins do timber men .JiUio per day Inside timber men helpers. $i.rjo por day Parlies of 10 can procure special tickets lor 10.73 for each person over thn Pennsylvania Railroad -from Philadelphia to Pocahontas. Regular faro for ono person alone, $U.Ki, Arrangements can bo mndo to advance tho railroad faro to ro sponsible persons, i Good miners will got regular employ nient and good accommodations, ns the town of Pocahontas has aver Inhabitants. POCAHONTAS COMjIEKIBS COA1PANV. ffll Alcndo Itldg.. Tlllla. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED by high school graduate as bookkeeper, stenographer or typewriter. Good references. Address "Business," Tribune ofllcc. SIT WANTED ny a lady to take work homo or go out by the day. S. M., -703 Wells street. Providence, Ta. SITUATION WANTKD Bv mlddlo aged lady at any kind of work. Address 2U wnmut street, uimmorc. SITUATION WANTED-A lady who has been a teacher desires engagement at modest wages to go with a family to tho country and look after children. No ob jection to light second work. Address Box 299, Scranton. SITUATION WANTED-By a young man as shipping nnd stock clerk; has good habits and bits a position at present, but desires a change for good reason. Can furnish good reference. Address H. C, enro of Tribune. Real Estate. NOTHING BUT DIRT Wo offer dining July Woodlawu Park Lots at 23 per cent, discount. No hotter residential sec tion In the city. Sower, water, gas and electric lights; select now. If you buy now we will loan you the money to build with. Ezra Finn & Sons, ofrlce, corner Ash street and Penn avenue. Both 'phonos. FOR SALE Farm 120 ncres; stock, good orchard; nine miles from Scranton; two miles from Moscow. Farm alone or farm and stock. Mary Jenkins, Alaple Lake, Pa'. LOTS, houses and farms for sale. J. C. Zurflloh. See FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in upper Green RIdgc; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo in Lackawanna county. J. A. Alarvine, 17;'6 Sanderson avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Write for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. AI. Hibbnrd & Co.. members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. 44 nnd 46 Broadway. Now York. Established 1S61. Long Distance 'Phone '23S8 Broad. Money to Loan. ANY AMfltTVT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quick, sttalght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 por cent. Call on N, V. Walker. 314-313 Council building. Board and Rooms. VEIYDESIRABLE suite of rooms with first class table board, can bo obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern Improvements; private family: gen tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre ferred, at 539 Adams avenue. 35c to $1.00, also meals a la carle. See nearest agent or write R. IS. Payne, general agent, 281 Alain street, Buffalo, N. Y. $5.00 Atlantic City $5.00 On August 1st. the New Jersey Central will run their eleventh annual excursion known as the Red Alen's ex cursion to Atlantic City. Fare five dollais, and tickets good for ten days exclusive of clay of sale. Special train will leave Scranton at S.00 a. m stop ping at Taylor, Alooslc, Avoca, Plttston, Yatesvlllc, Aliners Alllls, Parsons, and Wllkes-Burrr. 150 pounds of baggage checked through to Atlantic City, free of charge. For list of Hotels, boarding houses, or any additional information, apply to ticket agents, of to J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Scranton, Pa. $5.00 Ocean Grove Asbury Park. On Tuesday, July 22, tho New Jersey Central will run a special excursion from Scranton, Plttston,- Wilkes-Burre, Ashley and Intermedia to points to Ocean Grove. Stops will be made at lied Bank, Long Brunch, West End, Klbaron, Deal Beach, and Allenhurst to accommodate those who wish to stop at these places. For further Informa tion apply to ticket agents, or to J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Scranton, Pa. PECKVILLE. Thelvcs entered the storage room" of Peter Basylaga, the East Side grocer, on Thursday night and secured (lfteoii sacks of Hour. The lock was pried off tho door. Tho thlpves left no trace. This Is the second theft of flour from East Side merchants within u month. Chicken thelvcs nro also plying their nefarious trade almost nightly on the East Side. Air. William driest, of Ulakcly, v;us a caller In town yesterday. Airs. John Ueinbo, of Bell place, was a caller at the Lackawanna hospital, Scranton, Friday, Alcssrs. Huthaway, Desk, Lloyd and President H. L. Thompson, of tho board of heulth madu a tour ot Inspec tion thruugh the borough Thursday, Allss Anna Cleiidull, of Alain street, Is spending her vacation at Lake George, N, Y. Tho Allsses Funny Williams and Alyrtls Rittcr called on Airs. Joseph Jlahon, of Olyphant, Thursday, Air, Harmon Sltgreavcs, of Alain street, la visiting friends in Curbon dale, The Allsses Jane Lully und Katie Sul livan, of South Scranton, were callers l n town the fore part of the week. Miss Alavcs, of Jerinyu, Is visiting her aunt, Airs, A. W. Jenkins, of North Alain street. Prof, and Airs. William Dennison and little daughter, Marlon, of Lanesboro, aro visiting Airs, Dennlson's parents, Air, and Airs. W, V. Alace. Airs. Joseph P, Bell will-leave todav; for Auburn, N. Y whero she will join her husband who Is now located there, Air, William Alajor, of Salt Lake City, Is spending a few duys with friends in town, & sywwyaswypFrW-. J"J-- " &T-)rw MREClOP, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . REftLfSIAItll- Only Hall a Cent a Word. JL Help Wanted Mnlo.. Tor Rent. FOR RENT-AnutUmThmlsTTu or unfurnished; modern Improvements; short distance from station; will rent for summer or longer. Address W. B. Sladc, Dalton, I'a. , FOR KENT From September 1, 1902, S room house; all modern convbiUoiicon with steam-heat furnished; rent, moder ate. Inquire at Tribune ofllcc. l-OIf RENT Largo ton-room- liouso and barn In Wnvcrly borough, Garden, frult, fine spring: newly painted. Georg L, Stevenson, 737 Council Building. FOR RENT Half of a new doubloMinuse; all modern improvements. 438 Web ster avenue. 1-On RENT Cheap, S-rooin cottage, Heart Lake. Pa., two boats; woll wa ter. Reference required. J. Victor Schad, Blnghumton, N. Y. ' 5 ItENT Furnished or unfurnished ... desirable house, nlno rooms, city heat. 7M Clay avenue. Inquire 203 Board of Trade .building. For Sale. BAY HORSE FOR SALE-Sir Francis, to do sold, A very lino bay horso, 18 hands, weight about 1,075 pounds; a flue, carriage or surrey horso; sound. Kind and fearless of steam or electric cars; llvo years old; sired by Britanlc dam Lady, Taylor, both standard bred. Trier, $275. If not as represented money will ho re funded. P. B. Potcrson, Honusdalo, Pa, CUBAN PARROTS-Just arrived; pretty as pictures; strong as little bulls; J3.00 each. Parrot and cage, $0.00. Shipments guaranteed. Those birds am all males nnd will talk in three months. Mexicans, Amnzons nnd Africans. $3 to $73 each: "Wc are headquarters for talking parrots. Fox, 49 N. Ninth street, Philadelphia. Lost. LOST Last night, a pockotbook contain ing $10 and two samples ot calicos, ho tween 7 and 8 p. m. on tho Thrnop car be tween Dimtuoro and Throop. Finder will receive a liberal reward If loft at Trlbuno ofllcc. LOST Bunch of keys, reward If returned to Dr. Laitbach's office, Wyoming avo. LOST Brlmllc bull terrier about three months old. Answers to namo of Rover. When last seen had leather col lar. Return to 721 Green Rldgo street. Pound. FOUND On Court Houso square, leaning against bench on corner of Linden and, Washington avenue, a red and gold sliu parasol, on Monday noon, July. 7. Tho owner can receive It by culling at- the postofllco and inquiring for letter carrier, No. 12, and identifying it and paying ad vertisement. Pasture. PASTURE for horses. George B. Stev enson, ,2f uonnell nuilding. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS Will bo received by the County of Lackawanna for building a steel girder coucroto-covored hridgo over Hull's creek, In Blakoly bor ough, Pa. Bids will also bo received for masonry, wing-walls, and Idling for said bridge. All bids to bo addressed to the under signed and lu bauds by 12 o'clock noon Saturday, July 12, 1902. Plans and specl llcatlons at ofllcn of County Commission ers, Scranton. Pa. Tho right to roject any and all bids is reserved. E. A. JONES. County Controller. Attest: JOHN MORRIS, Deputy Controller. P?OFgSS0Vq. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPA1ILD1NG, C. V. A.. 23 Traders' Bunk Building. Old 'phono ISBIl Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B Real Estuto Exchango Bldg., 12 Wash ington avo. Civil and Mining. Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CONNELIi building. Dentists. DR. C. E. HILHNBEROER, PAUL! building, Spruce streot, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII. 115WYOAUNG avo. Lawyers. WILLARD, WARREN fc KNAPP, AT tornoys and Counsollors-at-Luw. 603 to 012 Conncll building. JHSSUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. ' Commonwealth Building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21.' L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEV-AT-LAV. Board of Trado Building, Scranton, Pa,- A. W. RERTHOLF. Ot-'l-'lcE AlbVED TT No. Sll Wyoming avu)ua.f- -i s j. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS &lRf.ft The only licensed and equipped patojvt solicitor In tho city. No cliargo- for InH filrmatlon on patentability; over ten yeaw c.iperlouco, ''.,' .! Kcploglc & Co., Wears nidjr& , , ? Hotels and Restaurants.- r i' Hie elk cafe, ass and 127 frankv lln UVeilUO. Ituics reasonaiiio. Rates reasonable. . P. HllJG.LUR, Proprlotor?1 SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.Wli. & W. Pttfcsengar depot, Conducted oivthoKitt ropoan plan, Victor Koch. Proprietor. Scavenger. g AB." nRIOGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS' and cefcs pools: no odor: .only lp)prfwcv pumps used, A. It. Ullgss. proprietor. Leave ordors 1100 Nortii lain -avcinuf!-or Elcko's drug store, cornec- Adums und Mulberry, Uqth telephones. t- ST "PVT 1, Wive Screens, JOSEPH KUETTEL. HEAR 511 LACKAT ave., Scrunton, mfrs. ofWIro 8urooni.' ;T Miscellaneous, ,, MEGAIWllOE BROS.. PRINTERS' SUP plies, fcnvcloiies. paper bags, v,tB1mSL Wwreltouse, pw Washington avenue. j 1l! Ii , . ,1, THtf WILKES.UAIUtE RECORD CAN; bu bud hi Scranton nt the pows stand of Rcisinuu Bros., IW Spruca. upd JW3 Llndfiii M..'tfortQjj;'..3W,IAcUuiftima avo.; I. B. Bchutittr,-"11 Spruce tUvH. -! -I ,i II t ilsr -;M ac --&'. ' - ( .i -dd 7 1 ri&Vt,ri