yvstn iVH.sfi " " - i .. . ."W Jr'ijr' .A I I. '. ff "IT lt .i lt3 "J it f A THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-tf AT UllDAV, 0UL 12, 190& ft i n A3. ii V. 3 & II- r,4M' IFi V fc. i kUi i a- !& ft; lf in, ?' iv K I' St a. ? 3 i ,0 t,-j r' t&. & j i"'' " rjt rt m in Art Shop an Washington Ave. Opposite Court House Beautiful Burnt-Wood Bargains Their exquisite pieces for artistic home furnishings arc made In our own Studio, hence the very low prices, It will nay you lo devote a little time to the study of our window. Its alive with new ideas. rooooooooooooooo "They Draw Well." Morris' Magnet Cigars TIip best vnluc for " cents. Try ono nnd you will smolio no CA?ir' the loading, brands nf He. clears nt 51 7" per box, or r. for 2oc. The largest variety of Pipes and Tobaccos In town. E. r. MORRIS. X tmm, -v. m - -w - - J y The Cigar Man A HiiiJ wasmngion .n.veiiuc. a ' xxxxoooooooooooo Automobile Races at Speedway. Tbo Automobile club will hold races on the Boulevard this afternoon. D., L. & W. Pay Days. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern paymaster begun paying the train men yesterday for June, and will finish today. This will complete the pays here abouts for the month of June. Bond Approved. The bond of George V. Gcthman, cul ccctor of taxes of West Ablugton tnwn-s-hip, hi tho sum of J.'.DK). was appiovcd by tho court yosteiday. The sureties are J. 13. Finch and Georgo H. Colvln. Reunion of Veterans. The Seven County Veterans' reunion, arrangements lor which are being made, will be held the thhil Wcdnc-day In Au gust at Nay Aug Park. The Wowan's Hellef corps will furnish lefreshments, and a huge attendance. Is expected. Special railroad rates will be made. Missing from Home. A. C. Nlevell, of 527 Jefferson avenue, has been missing from home during the PHst week, having dis.appeaied last Sat uulny night after telling his wife ho .vould soon ictiirn. lie is .",7 years of age, iicdlum height, heavily built, dark hair and hou gray moustache. The police are looking for him. ' Bankruptcy Hearing. Refereo in Bankruptcy C. A. Van Wor mer yesterday morning conducted a hear ing In the caso of John A. Coddlngton, of liallstead, certain creditors of whom have filed a petition alleging him to bo insolvent and to have committed, an act in bankruptcy. Coddlngton denies tlio allegations. Hcfereo Van Wormer will Rive judgment In tho matter later. Must Moderate Speed. Director of Public 'Safety F. Ij, Worm ner lias decided that tho rceklesrs speed nt which automobiles are being propelled along tho city streets must be stopped. Ho yesterday instructed Supeilntendcnt of Police L,. 13. Day to arrest all persons who violate tho city ordlnaneo on tho matter. This provides for a fine not ex ceeding $10, to ))o Imposed for any viola tion of the ordinance. Por Fast Driving. James Ronnie and Maggie Jones were nrralgned before Magistrate Howe, In po lice court yesterday morning, charged with violating the city ordinance, re garding fast driving. Tho two were ar rested Thm sday night by Patrolmen Da ls and Hnggerty. When told to stop by tho latter, Ronnie, it h claimed insulted them. In default of a $10 fine, ho yes terday went to jail. Tho Jones woman paid a $5 ituo. Bankruptcy Cases. Jomes C. Chatham, of Fnrrcndsvllle, Clinton county, yesterday filed a petition in bankruptcy In tho olllco of Clerk K. R. W. Seniie, ot tho district Federal court, Tho matter was referred to Re feree AV. 13, Gray. The caso of Mrs. Re becca Licborman, bankrupt, of Gettys burg, was yesterday lofcircd to Referee Donald McPhcison, Tho petitioner slates her liabilities to bo J3.7ao.lu-, and her as sets, $J,007,0S. Mischievious Small Boys. William Corbett, jr ot Hemlock street, nniUPiiiijlt nnd Io Ryan, of Prospect avenue,' were arraigned befoio Alderman John T, Uowo yeMoiday, mi tho charge of tho now Rapid Tiunslt company, of tho Klectflc' Rapid Trnnsit companv, They weru charged with aiding Joseph Tuffcy, who was arrested Thuisdiiy, In destroying a cog-wheel at Hie Roaiing Uronl;-, liijrji. H was further claimed that they hiivo caused ,,piuch mischief by throwing wheelbarrows and lumber from In and About The City Are You Going to the Seaside i Or to C It so, have The Tribune follow vou and keen L jjpsted about your friends. t Hldll IU U5. S-Trlbunj) Publishing, Company, Scraiiton, Pa., change ray paper Ts 8 i" e's,,,' """""""" '1111111(11111111111 . . p 5 2s 4 S-; ,t-' to New Address . , ,,,;..,,,,,,, ,.,,,,,, , , 1 -itCm n i ..v.'Ur i J (T(M,I If you are pot a. subscriber, you can fill nut the two bottom Hues, and era.per,'Jl JWTlfly you Promptly. The Tiibune costs J2 cents a week or 69 cents a 'month 41 . embankments nnd acting In a general dl.orderly ninnncr. Tho boys' fathers wclit their ball. Kept on Collecting. Myron Junes, nf Lackawanna nvcniic, n young ninn who has Iippii employed as colelutor by Flank O. l.tilly, was ycslor day committed to tin- I'onnty Jail by Al itcrmnii Knssoii, In default nf VK) ball, lmrmid on tbo chaipo ot fraud, Junes wu-i dliclmiRcd recently by l.ally, ntul It was later toported to bin ex-employer that tho boy was nevertheless continuing collecting bills, nnd Riving receipts. Ho collected over M before his arrest. ARLINGTONS WIN TROPHY. Champion Bowling .Team of the City League. The nnnl games In the City Howling League were rolled on the KIks' alleys last night, and Invincible! Arlington;! won two out of tho three Ranies played, thus winning the trophy for the series. The totals were as follows: Anr.iNcrroxs. J. Klcfcr 1.-.7 117. J.lfi-4.-.S Smith 1(9 ino 190-4ri!l C. Klefer IS! IN! 131 47S Itoll us in 177-47a Hopkins 17 14. IDS 4S(J SOS 7lil S2J 2331 INDKPKNDnNTS. I'eckham 112 IS", im- 4M Jones liii! Hi) 174 ISO Wnldncr 171 IRS liri 477 Fnhronholt IM l.V. i:is 429 O'Connell Hi'. 17H 117 4i!G TBI SU 737-2312 llluli man-Smith, IN). High average Smith, IfiG 1-10. FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS Plans of tho Building It Is Proposed to Erect in the Rear of City Hall. The plans submitted to common council Thursday night by Superin tendent of Building Inspection F. L. Brown provide for a joint fire nnd police house, to be erected by the city, at a cost of $10,000, on the lot adjoin ing the city hall, facing on Mulberry street. Tho lot Is 130 feet long by CO feet wide, and is municipal property. The structure is to be two stories in height, and will be connected with the first floor of the municipal building by a bridge. Superintendent Brown's plans call for the use of an Iron spotted brick with brown stone trimmings, In the construction of the building, but coun cil Thursday referred the matter to committee, with instructions to pro vide for the use of stone instead. Mr, Brown claims that from an artis tic standpoint It will be entirely wrong to use the same building material as that employed in tho construction of the city hall, as lie says that the prox imity of the latter will make the new structure appear small and insignifi cant by comparison, whereas the judic ious use of building material essential ly different In nature will effect a splen did contrast between fhu two struc tures. The primary use of the building is as general fire headquarters. The llrst floor will be arranged for the accom modation of three companies, two steamers and a truck, with the attend ant men. The present Intention is understood to be the moving of No. 2 Truck and the old Crystal company Into the building. A third stall will be used for the housing of the chief's car riage and the supply wagon. This apartment will be in the front of the first floor. Another apartment w ill be partitioned off, which will be utilized for a general repair shop nnd a storeioom for dam aged apparatus. Underneath will bo a cellar, used for the storing of fuel, and a tower will extend from the cellar up, which will be utilized for the drying of hose. In the rear of the repair shop, facing on Dix court, there will be three stalls for the police patrol, ambulance and reserve apparatus of the fire depart ment. Three separate box stalls will be used for the care of horses, tempor arily disabled, who will be brought here for hospital purposes. In the front of the second htory the chief of the fire department will have his room. Other apartments on this floor will be a parlor for the men, a separate room for the captain, a dormi tory, locker rooms and baths. A large supply room will also he fitted up, con taining all the supplies for the city fire companies. lu the rear of this lloor will be the rooms of the bureau of police. Apart ments for the fire nlarm and teiegrnph apparatus will be located hero, as will also feed and grain bins and hay lofts. The first floor will bo paved with asphalt, and the interior finished In brick. STABBED WITH A PORK. Man Who Did the Stabbing Made His Escape. A stubbing affray occurred at 8.30 o'clock lost evening In a boarding house at US Franklin avenue, conducted by O. Battaglla. Two of the boarders, Antonio Panatto and Peter Carbble, both about 18 years or age, became engaged In nn alterca tion, and Iho hitler plunged u table fork into Panatto's leg, Tho pnllco were untitled, hut Carbble had escaped. He will bo arrested to day. m ,1 Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Joseph Skmlch Scr.inton Louisa Hluslh Sctnuton Vasll Koty .'. Scrantnn Maiy Fcilurzo WiiRluimton, N. V. the Country ? Fill put this coupon and IMPORTANT CASES THESE THEY WERE PASSED (UP0N BY SUPERIOR COURT. Lower Court Sustained in tho Case of Qeorgo L.. Peck, Trustee for Howard H.' Beldleman and His Creditors Against William Connell and Reversed in the Caso of Qcorge Cooper Against tho City of Scran ton Opinion as Rendered in the Latter Case. In Ihe two cares from this county In which the supeilor court handed down opinions nt Philadelphia Thurs day Important questions were decided, The court Of this county was sus tained In the case of George L, Peck, trustee for Howard It. Beldloinan' and his creditors, against William Connell. Mr. Beldleman was In the book busi ness on Spruce street In this city. On April 20, 1896, when he began business ho borrowed $1,500 from Mr. Connell and gave his mote for that amount. Along In 1809 Mr. Beldleman became financially Involved and to protect the note ot $l,fi00 Mr. Connell had an exe cution Issued on It. On June 5, 1899, Mr, Beldleman filed a petition In bankruptcy nnd on June 19 following was decided a bankrupt. In the meantime there had been a sale of his stock on the Connell judgment and $1,200 was realized. Mr. Pock, as trustee for the creditors of Beldleman, began suit to collect from Mr. Council the amount realized by tho sale, alleging that the amount should bo divided pro rata among the creditors taking the ground that as the execution was not Issued until less than four months before Mr. Beldle man became a bankrupt under the bankruptcy law Mr. Connell was not entitled to preference on his note but must tnko his place among the other creditors. POSITION OPPOSED. Tills position was vigorously opposed by Attorney Ezra H. Connell, who ap peared for the defendant. He argued that it was not the purpose ot the bankruptcy act to take from a creditor Ills incentive to vlgllence in collecting his claim from a debtor who happens to become an Insolvent and that It would bo a great Injustice to rob a man of his right to collect on a note where It was manifest there was no attempt at preference on the part of the person owing the claim. The court of this county sustained the position taken by Attorney Connell and decided against Trustpe Peck who thereupon took an appeal to the su perior court where Attorney Connell again argued "the points that won a victory in the lower court. The opinion of the superior court was written by Judge W. D. Porter and endorses the contention of Attorney Connell as good law and good sense. There will be no division ot the amount realized from the sale. The other Lackawanna county case was George Cooper against the city of Scranton an appeal by the city from a verdict of $1,400 awarded in favor of the plaintiff. It was the third trial of the case. On the first trial a non suit was granted on the ground that if the Eight street sewer was inadequate to cart- off the water it was an error ot judgment on the part of the engineers by whom the sewer was planned and the city was not liable for their errors of judgment. On the second trial the declaration was amended to show that the damage was caused by the negligent manner in which the sewer was maintained by the city and a juror was withdrawn and the case continued. The third trial resulted In a verdict for $14000 in favor of Cooper and from this an appeal to the superior court was taken by the city. The opinion nf that body written by Judge . D, Porter follows: THE OPINION. There was no dispute as to the facts material to the consideration of this ap peal. The plaintiff was the owner of a lot of giound on which was elected a block of houses fronting on the cast side of Eighth street In the city of Scianton. . Eighth street ran fiom Lack awanna avenue north to Linden stieet, Tho grade of the street had been a grad ual descent from tho former to the latter sheet, and a sewer was laid in the street hi 1S9J which carried off all surface wa ter and pi evented any injury to the prop erly ot the plaintiff. In lS0."i tho city un dertook the work of constructing ap proaches to the Linden street brlge over Luckawamm liver, the city councils by a duly enacted mdlnanco i.iised the grade of Linden street and about 240 foet of tho northerly end of Eighth street, so as to make tho grade of the latter stieet correspond with that of Linden sheet nt the intersection. Tho proceedings were conducted in a regular manner and tho physical changes requited to mako tho streets conform to tho newly established grades weio mado upon tho giound. Tho change In the grade of Eighth street extended from Linden street south to a point about op posite tlio middle of the plnlnlHT'o prop erty, from which point after the work was completed, tho grndo of tho street slightly ascended In each direction, south to Lnckawanua avenue and noith to Lin- len stieet, Tho consequences was that tho plaintiffs property was left opposite a depression In the stieet, tnwaid which tho surfni'o water from each end of the street flowed, Instead of as formerly hav ing on uninterrupted flow from north lo south over tho1 whole length of tho sheet, This rhnngo ot giado ot Eighth street caused witter, which formerly passed off hi another direction, to flow upon the propoity. Tho plaintiff brought tills no. tlon ot tiespuss to recover damages al leged to havo icsulted from tho flooding of ids hoiitjo and lots, NOT CAUSE FOR ACTION, Tho nieio omission of tho municipal an thorltleH to provide udeqiuitu means to carry off tho water, which storms and the u.ituial fniiuatton of tho mound thiow upon 'ity lots and streets, will not viistaln uii action by tho owner of land against tho municipality for damages arlblug f loin the accumulation qf water. Cities nro pot bound to provide sewerage for tho natural How of tho surface water, although they are invested will) tho pow er to construct surli sewers, as In the Judgment of tho ofllcers exercising the coipoiutu puwcis, uio necessary and ex pedient. When they do adopt a plan of sowor ago they uio not liable for damages le. suiting from tho Insufficiency in thn size of tlio howero, although they muy be called upon to answer for Injuilcs icrnilt ing fiom negligence In tho consti action or lepalr of such works; Car vs. North, cm Libeitles, 33 Pa. 3U; AHentown ys, Kiamer, ,7.) Pa., 400; Fair vs. Phlladjb Phla, fcS Pa. 308; Collins vs. Philadelphia, 9.1 Pa. 27i; Falii.iwn Coal Company vs. Bciantoii, H8 Pa, 231. The plaintiff could not recover because of mere Inadequacy of tho Eighth street sower, with Its catch basins, to curry off the surface water, A municipal coiporatlon Is. however, ll.iblo to be called iippii to nmke compon eutlon for tho Injury to pioperty result lug fiom Intorreicnco with or changes of Ihu natural flow of tho wateis as a A Splendid Opportunity WANTED-A few bright boys and fill!., 7 to 14 years of age, lu cam a year's Instruction In singing. Easy work. Apply at the studio of Alfred Woolor, Carter building second floor 601 lin den street, Scranton! Saturday morn lug, July 12th lnt 9 o'clock. This has no connection with tho Tilbutio's Educational Contest. consequence of lis public works; Wlor vs, Plymouth Borough, 118 Pa. 506! El liott vh. Oil City, 129 Pa. 670; Torrcy vs. Scranton, 133 Pn. 17,1. Tho plaintiff seeks to recover on this ground. The sourco of tho Injury complained of is thus stated In the paper-book ot tlio appellee. "In 1MW Linden street was graded. Thn in vino down which thn water hud thereto fore flowed was dnmned up. The guide of tlio north end of Eighth street was changed from a down grade ot l',4 per cent, from south to north to a grade of 1 per cent, from north to south for 2(0 feot, Tho result was, nccordliiR to the testimony, that n taigo volume of water was cast from Linden street upon tho north end of Eighth street, which, to gether with tho water accumulating for 240 feet on the north end of Eighth street, was all accumulating In front of Coop er's property and cast Into and upon the same." A CORRECT STATEMENT. This Is a correct statement of tho po sition taken by tho learned counsel for the appellco here as well as in the court below. This leaves no doubt that plain tiff's cause of action has Its foundation lu tho chango of tho grado of Eighth street. Under article It!, section fi, of tho constitution of 1874, "municipal and other corporations nnd Individuals Invested with the privilege of taking ptivate prop erty for public use shall mako just com pensation for property taken, injured cr destroyed by the construction or enlarge ment of their works, highways or im provements." Tho injury meant to bo provided for wns such as was unavoid able in the accomplishment of tho public undertaking, but tho property protected is not limited to that directly abutting upon tho improvement, but Includes all sugllclently near to mako tho injury proximate. Immediate and substantial; Melior vs. Philadelphia, 1C0 Ta. 611; in re Mellon street, 1S2 Pa. 397. It has been held that an Interference with the drain age of property is an injury within the macnlng of the constitution; Chathams street, Philadelphia's Appeal, 191 Pa. tot. Tho property of the plaintiff abutted di rectly upon that part of Eighth street, tho grade of which was changed, and the accumulation of water in front of the property as a natural and unavoidable consequence of the chango. If the prop erty wns injured by the chango it came within the protection of the constitutional provision. The changes of grndo having been made in the manner provided by law In ordaining the Improvement. The grade as established must stand until changed by the city authorities, all that the plaintiff can demand is compensa tion. EFFECT WAS DIRECT. The effect of the chango of the grade of the street upon tho drainago was di rect, immediate nnd unavoidable; water must flow down hill. This was there fore an element to bo considered In de termining tho effect upon the value of the plaintiff's property resulting from tho chango of the grade of the street. The constitution gave tho plaintiff a right to compensation, the remedy has been regulated by statutes. The city of Scran ton was at tho time in question a city of third class, and the damages and the benefits arising from the change of the grade of Eighth street might have been ascertained under tho provisions of the act of May 23, 16S9, P. L. 277, or the plain tiff might have avuiled himself of the more satisfactory remedy provided by tho act of May 10, 1891, P. L. 75. A statu tory temedy having been provided for by the enforcement of the constitutional right, that remedy ought to havo been pursued. The ascertainment of the dam ages and benellts arising from tho exe cution of a public work by a municipal ity, is a matter In which the public has, and many private individuals may have, an inteicst. It Is important that those who are to receive compensation for injuiles and those who are to pay for benefits accru ing to property ns a whole must be taken into considetatlon, in connection with any Injury that may result to land and buildings. If each Individual owner of land upon a newly graded street were permitted to fcettle his lights In an action of trespass, tho lesult would lend to confusion and bo prejudicial to tho lights nf the public. When the injury to property is such only as is direct-, Immediate nnd necessary or unavoidable consequence of tiie net of eminent domain itself, iricspectlvo of care or negllgenco In the manner, of exc cutlon ot the work, a proceeding beforo viewers Is tho appropriate remedy; Den nlston vs. Philadelphia, 161 Pa. 41; Stork vs. Philadelphia, 193 Pa. 101. We afo of tho opinion that the plaintiff whs not en titled to recover In an action of trespass, and that the point of the defendant le questlng a binding Instruction ought to linve been nfllrmed. The ludgment Is revcised. TIME LIMIT EXTENDED. Stamps That Can Be Redeemed Until July 1, 1904. An amendment to the act of congress, approved May 12, 1900, providing for the redemption of documentary and pro prietary stamps which had been pur chased during the war and were of no further use, was passed by congress and approved June 30, 1902. It removes the two years' limitation, nnd provides that these stamps may be redeemed on presentation, prior to July 1, 1801, As originally passed, tho net only al lowed tho redemption of documentary and proprietary stamps, If presented In amounts of $2 and upwards, in two years from tlio time of their purchase, Many stamps sent to the office ot Col lector of Internal Revenue T. F. Pen man had to be sent back, on this ac count, but tho amendment now vali dates all these stamps. An order Issued this week from tlio treasury department reviews the pro visions of the act to amend tho war revenue law, which states that any person who has not affixed tho required stamp to an Instrument, at the time of execution or Issuing of same, should present it to the collector ot Internal revenue, who upon the payment of the tax due, and penalty, if any, can affix the proper stnuip and note the date of this nction upon the margin of the In strument, As the stamps have now been all called In nnd the collectors are thu3 unable to Immediately comply with the conditions, they are to retain tlio docu ments and make orders upon the treas ury office for such stumps as are needed, which will be then forwarded. A number of local cases havo recently arisen, whose exigencies came under the latter clause of this order. Excursion to Glen Onoko, July 20. The New Jersey Central will run ono of their ever popular Sunday excursion's to Glen Onoko, Mauch Chunk and Switchback railroad. Spe cial train will leave Scranton at 7.30 a. in., stopping at Taylor, Mooslc, Avoca, Plttston, Miner's Mills, ParEons.Wllkes Barre and Ashley, RAN AMUCK IN DICKSON CITY COAL1 AND IRON POLICE GET THEMSELVES IN JAIL. Trio of Delaware nnd Hudson Com pany Watchmen Stroll Out of Oly phnnt nnd Cross tho Diokson City Line to Be Grabbed Up by Chief of Police Visnoskl nnd Sent to Jail for Carrying Concealed Weapons. Preparations Being Made to Oper ate the Oxford Washery. Three coal and Iron police employed by the Delaware nnd Hudson company nt Olyphant, ate In the county jail to serve thirty duys each In default of a fine of $25 for currying concealed wea pons. They arc' John Harvey, II. Cor dell and John Ilolnhan. Their Imprisonment is due to Bur gess William Kennedy, of Dickson City borough. The thro policemen wore oft duty yes terday afternoon and went out for a stroll. As tlio geographies they had studied did not clearly define the boun daries between the upper valley muni cipalities, they unwittingly got across tho Olyphaunt lino Into Dickson City. Whether pr not they wore followed has not developed, but bo that as it may, they were not .very long within tho precincts of Dickson, when Chief of Police Lulgl Visnoskl took them in tow and nrralgned them beforo Burgess Kennedy on the charge of carrying concealed weapons. They had revol vers in their possession and could not deny tho charge, but sought to prove their right to carry arms by producing their commissions from Governor Stone, giving them all the powers that a Philadelphia police officer has. The ordinances of Dickson, however, were held to be superior to tho state laws, when tho two came in conflict, and when the luckless policemen could not produce $7G, with which to mollify the offended dignity of Dickson City borough, they were committed to the county jail for thirty days. The Delaware and Hudson company began an Investigation of tho case last evening, and will likely proceed to have the prisoners released on appeal or possible habeas corpus. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company is preparing to open up another washery, the newly built one at the Oxford colliery. A gang of men was ht work yesterday, cleaning up the place and oiling the machinery, preparatory to starting up. Tho wash ery will probably be In operation Mon day. President W. II. Trucsdale, of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western comuany was in tho city for a few hours yesterday, but had nothing to give out regarding tho strike. Dlstri ct President Nicholls, of the United Mine Workers, declared yester day that the anthracite miners are unanimous In desiring the coming na tional convention to declare a general strike. He spoke confidently of some thing being done by the national con vention which will insure a victory to the strikers. The delegates to this con vention from this locality will leave next Tuesday, President Nicholls, Vice President Ryscavage and Secretary Dempsey will accompany them. A mass meeting of tho North Scran ton locals will bo held In St. Mary's hall next Thursday night. Delegations from all the locals in the city are ex pected to attend. It promises to be one of tho biggest mass meetings of miners ever held In North Scranton. CENTRAL HEATING PLANT. Discussed by a Board of Control Committee. At last night's meeting of the build ing committee of the board of control, the matter of establishing a central steam heating plant to furnish steam for the high school, the proposed man ual training school and tho proposed annex to the high school was discussed. Nothing definite was done in the way of carrying tho Idea Into execution, A committee of property owners of the Fourth ward was present, asking the board to join with them in con structing a private sewer on Rebecca avenue, .from Price to Jackson street. The sewer will run alongone side of No. 19 school and the committee de cided to recommend to the board that it join with the citizens in building the sewer. The high and training school commit tee also met last night, but did not take any notion with reference to In creasing tho high school faculty. It will be deferred until tho attendance In the high school, after tho next term begins, is ascertained. The committee decided to recommend that high school pupils who do not return the school books entrusted to them be sued. The district bus sustained great loss through tlio action of pupils In re taining a number of schol books when they leave school. The practice Is quite general. IMPERSONATED OFFICERS. Prank Cobb nnd Barney Cobb Ac cused of Blackmail, Frank Cobb and . Barney Cobb, brothers, of Kressler court, were held in $500 bail each by Alderman M. J. Buddy, yesterday, on the charge of im personating officers and blackmailing speakeasies and the proprietress of houses of Ill-fame. In default, they were committed to tho county Jail, Tho two men visited several houses In the Sixteenth ward, among thou tho places of "Red Annie" Wilson nnd Charles Thlele, on Vino street, Kate Lewis in Center street, and Daisy Mil ler, of Raymond court, and threatened to raid tho house the samo night unless Instantly paid protection money. They obtained from $10 to $10 lu each place, Hundreds of dollars were obtained fiom hotel keepers. SHIPPED UNSTAMPED CIGARS. Antonio Schiavo, of Hazletou, Placed Under Arrest, i United States Marshal J. W. Snyder yesterday arrested Antonio Schlovo at Hazlcton, on a charge of manufacturing and shipping cigars packed In un stamped boxes. . He was taken beforo United States Commissioner Hill, of Hazletou, and held in ball for a heating Tuesday morning. Wanted. Canvassers; reference re quired. George Walker, Valley House. mmmmmmw m 1 SI0.00 to S300 1) To Loan on I Household Furniture 3 .3 This compnny is widely known for Its liberal policy. Not only are our RATES THE CHEAPEST, but wa nlso try to accommodate you just as much as possible. No Publicity You pay ns best suits your con venience, cither by the week or month, each payment reducing the prlncipnl and interest. If you get a .loan here, ALL the FURNITURE remains in your, pos session. No compound interest charged here. It will be to your nd vnntago to see us beforo going elsewhere. Scranton Loan 207 Wyoming Hours, 8 a. m to 6 p. m. 3 IMWflWWWWMMWy pKM50:UKKSKKt50SUSKMKKKKKK04 Reduced Prices on I AH Summer Goods JJ The value giving period is here. You will find 0 bargains throughout the store. 5J "Why do you throw away your profits?" we v hear you say. We don't. We are building up a big jg ,trade, and it is going to stand by us. That's profit v for us. B Here's Profit for You JJ The Shirt waist sale should attract you. There's v lots of pretty waists at very small prices now. A few $ minutes may be well spent looking at them. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Fancy Ttibbed Shirts and Drawers. All the sizc3, and lifty cents was cheap for garments of this kind. SPECIAL 39c. 50c TIES FOR39o Our entire stock of fifty-cent Neckwear offered to you on Sat urday at Me. LEATHER BELTS Men's .Leather Belts, In fancy makes, strong and serviceable; worth 33c each, SPECIAL 25c. MEN'S HALE HOSE Largo assortment of Men's Fine Lace Half Hose, very sty lish and meant to be worn with low shoes. I McConnell & Co. S 400-402 Lackawanna Ayenue. XKKMSOSUXHXKKUKSKXUKUKKXKX; 310 These twin malt beers are just as good as purity of ingredients and scientific brew ing can produce. Containing only 5 per cent, of alcohol, they can be used with a relish and positive benefit by every member of the household. If you have never tasted Munster or Bohemian Beer, order a trial caso of 2 dozen bottle, for $1,00 and you'll be come a regular patron. New Thone 2974. & J4LES DEmTMENTi r2it Lackawanna Ave-ScrantonV Meldrum 126 Wyoming Avenue. From a financial standpoint these prices forcibly con vince you of their ability as money savers. Gowns Made with tucks and insertion, lace embroi dery, hemstitching or tucks, necks round or square. Four grades of quality, 48c, 69c, 89c, $1.25 each. Corset Covers From 1 Scents to $5.00 each. Fine white tucked Corset Covers, firm, weave, securely sew ed. 19c each. 1 Guaranty Go,, A-vc. 2d Floor. Saturdays, 10 p. m. GUYOT SUSPENDERS The comfortably dressed man usually wears the "Guyot Sus penders." They are nice and light for summer, yet they arc durable. Take a look at them. FINE CORSETS Straight-front Corsets, In white" and drab, full-boned, best make; worth all of fifty cents, SPECIAL 39c RIBBED PANTS Women's Fine Ribbed Pants. lace trimmed, knee length, all i .Slzes, includlngtput-sir.es, rf orx.uiaxi Hoc LACE COUNTER! - """ All Hfty-cent Washable Neck wear for ladles. SPECIAL 39c. Fancy Ribbons, 3 to 5 inches, and worth 25c a yard. SPECIAL ISo. sv This Is Saturday. Have You Ordered Your Munster Or Bohemian Beer? Old Thone 2162, , Scott & Co, Under Drawers Fine grade muslin, made up with Insertion, 3 rows tucks, . Q ample width,,. 4oC Torchon lace and In sertion, tucks, fleeced $1.25 value 79C Extra . good quality. val lace inser- tlon and tucks 79C i - .-, '--; vi. ' - r -a y5 Ac ' v:y liz JLr-ZlU' t .$ s , & I " .& iViVJ f