"" i-'iXV ''ft8 vs8 ?mt SI WIBW '".'. a iiF'.?f"ri7;fiwi i fir ;w.b. isr ----- nl - r- 't "'., - j-c w-SfcWTMwaB?." vvfi ;7r. . -,,, -- W- 'W ' d . f '4 !, f ft fw THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1902, $tf at PW t r&KAMitt' ?v WlJWfl f. I. -t 1 f I' fc I t &l . IS t k. U' Ffes ' 5,1 rf . I rr I' J, fc - J -rfiliutio IMiblMilnK ComiMiO. llly ctWtvioutii, rgv jvls- .Jara" g M ., rtfi -W -- 5. fttjB7xaiHi.'iuiij' . i.tijiyxuHn.'Hu-tijii'?' Mtfmntcr. 1,V NnP"itu SI iw yoik uni'.c: . .v;r.::v. vt. v ; Sic S. K. VUi:i;iin'1'tr" CUSole ArpiiI foi' Koielmi AilviilMiiB. , EWeiMnt itir-IHijlomon ; ill Bft""l,'n' l'n ' 7. lis Seiotul flues Alnll Mnlli-i. ftvhen, space" will P?nu.,,V'; Tttblino i always glad to inint short letteii horn its ft lands beai life on current topics, but Us rule Is that these must be signed, for puo llRxtlon, by the wi Iter's teal name, and the condition precedent to ac ceptanpe Is that alt contilbutlons al-frl! be subject to editcM Iftl 1V2S:0, tHh rt.A'i' uati: von auvkhtihino. tfhe fnllAwlitK tulile hIiuwh ll" I"'1'1 fiv Inrli ncli liiHfillnii, Hpu'f I" li ii,,,'i Willi litVinc em : SUIIiik) nil I IllMll- 1 "llU I Villi Iii-I liniL .1.0 .s ,"ii .'.'i .':l VI 1 1 1 1 for tnirts of tliniiUs. r solutions ot inn rlolpflice. nnd slinllnt conlilliulloiis In HIP nfftwre or nilwt Using The Tillnini' iniiKe. i-liniRo of cmls 11 Ilm (Ruins of t'lisslrli'd dvoi)lj1iiB. nIMlicrl 011 npnlUntlon. TWELVE PAGES. J SCRANTOX, JflA" r, 1902. j REPUBLICAN TICKET, t OlUltli c State. Opvfllior-S W. PHNNYPArKHR. I.lutPlialit CcAeiiini W. M. KIIOWX. Secfetaiv oC Internal A trull 8 ISAAC 11. 1 BROWN. . County. ConSTCiH-WIT.T.l JI C'ONN'ELTi. .Tiiduo-A. a. voanvita. Commlssionpis-.IOIIN t'OX'RTCR JIOR ' RIS, JOHN PKNMAN, Legislative. Firs Dlshlct-JOSriPlI OT.1VKR. Scooilil Distlict-JOHN SCHKI'HR, JR. Third Dlstilrt 'EDWARD .1 AMI'S. Frtjfrth District-P. A. PiniifUN. Blectlon d.iy, Nos. 4 THere are plenty of olive Inanchpo In Hie Ilepiitollcan camp for all deiellfts Who want to be good. The Convention and Its Work. THE TICKET foimiillv ceitl fled bv jesteiday's tonen tlon or leltun judges, bashiK ' bpen fairly nominated b largo plurality iot after a sood nu tuied contest healthful to patty Intel -est, is now the otlU ial Republican ticket and as such will expett united Kepuh Hcun suppott. This tun lie given Hie mote coidlally because It Is u K"od ticket, jieisonally, geogiaplikally and politically. Connell for tonsiehs, the letutns show, is plainly a popular candidate. VosbuiK for oiiihans' couit Judje, now sejliifr by appointment, (oudiuled hllhself ho well In the new position that he was unopposed at the ptimaty, and of' his election there should be no iiues1 tlon. Finally, in the lenomliinttou of CommisMoiieis Monls and I'ehman' a pteoedent of loiiK-standlng litis been observed, In this case wan anted by Rood set vice. AW lepeat thit It i. a good ticket, nnd it will win. A notable featuie of the plntfotm Is the dedaiation ror a iniiloini ptimaij law coupled with peison.il leglMiatiou. In rptent jears the need of both these changes lias gtown in public letog nltlon, and the lust state convention emphasized It. It Is evident that some thing roust be done to lnciease the con fidence between the patty oigttniyutlnn and the mass of voters The utiifot m primary law, with peisonal i,eglstta tlon, so arranged as to compel gt enter Interest in the prlmatles, pte.spnta an oppoitunlty. It tueaus a neaier ai proach to honestly representative gov ernment, and soon the people will de mand It. Better anticipate than get run over by this demand. In endorsing Mr. Oonnell for United States senator the convention undoubt edly reflected a sentiment not limited to Northeastern Pennsylvania; but the choice of a senator Is some months dis tant. The immediate task Is to co-op-prate for a big Alctory in November, nnd this should be done. Naturally the Democi title papets ob ject to Iiepubllctin harmony in Pcnn , eylvanla. All their eggs aie In the other tmbket. Publicity for Trusts. A REVIEW In the AVashlngtoii Star of the cut rents of econ omic opinion among public men at the national capital, with special letetetue to the ptnhable com so of legislation contenting ti lists, oncoutaces the belief that nothing teo , lutionary will be countenanced. The idja wMl not be to binder or eilpplu holiest business ptiteipilse, whethet op H jblg scaloJor,ial,jIt,ye'A but to. thtovv alfpnl..lba fnuuatlQii-aud operation of mammoth IncoipniatioiiH all the safc guaids that upon caiefttl study shall nppeur dosit-able yfor the protection of the ptthllu welfare. In yie opinion of the wilier of the Klin- nrtlMiiincl liM iR'n new sn.wiei' manj f SpiuTKxpei ityjceJi.- ( miional lenlstAorS Sn'd the li'ifltle'ift'es SuJ'iound Itig them the lequiioinetit of publicity thtouph fetliiltl supervlsloif',' .is in the case ot national banks, Is pi nimbly as fat1 '!uk "there" Is ptesenf likelihood nf enUy'Actlini." Ini this' connection he notes that President Mlposevelt rtud ninny ul his (advisers In doiiBiess haye beeitjjidj-rfjtcjcl rveently In a lepott by CoyjukftaneaiiJ Munori, ii letln, upon ho'vvptuul aie tegiilrtteij n fieimuny, AVUhJihe past fewf yaru (lenuany has culttital' Jo a. picV.douiluuptly manufac tuting .ftw'eVp'oi'tluV nation, chlelly, It Is clabnart bvtiianjv thtough the ncMU'iiJitHlirKj iMidlcates or tiusts, In wilting of these Mr, Mason sujs; "The I'tltielpal Oeimaii syndicates haevilth rntj eifcepUons. exe-vised ther'ajitliiitvi con'seiyi'tlely; .htve ou'gh toTdcvent speculation. heijncS; ductlon and lotibequtnt funouVlluclu atlons n pi Ices. They have, thtough JonR oqtXHCta pt Ued PJs,' stettdlod valuta alfd glv'cii leguhir 'citipioyni'it to labor. They have not been used foV . I llim J of v. TMBPT.AV, I'niior i.M-J than iV) Inches .r. 80,hitliis HI lio "11 259 " -''. sog " M 1 " 11; - ftmjk Jobbln. The clement of "publicity has operated tu dlsaim sticplclon and j-fi'lclsui, Eery ineoipoiated coinijuny which npeiitlps InilcpciHleiuiy or as a menUier (if it syndicate Is, fioiti Hie nlomeiit of Its organization, under con (nil of the Inw uf cm potations, a statute t lint tent lies to every dctnll of t'Otporate DiKiiiilf.HtlniH and iimimKi'iiiL'iit; coin pels the peilndlciil ptllillcntloli of state tnelils hIiouIhk the exact ooinlltlon nf the iMinip. iny's urfiilrs; nmkes Its books and Hxets silblect to olllcliil lnspt!Ctlon al Mil times; and holds dhectois nnd oltleeis tlKldly tecpopslbU' , foi pVuty blench of HtiHt. No Itiltuelico or wealth can hiivc fiom ptlson u fnlthlesH or illsliiniest dliei'lnr of a stuck loiupaiiy under such u system, and whin cor pmntlniis t'omblne In a H.vndlcnle their entiiliiKs, capltnl, ptnllts, dividends or losses .tetirilll Hllblei'l to Oltlcllll c iimliiutloii and pel Iodic publication." In Ueimaiij. the people manifest no liolltltv to these n.ide combliiiitlons, but upon the whole eem to be satls- lied Unit, under elstiif,' lesttlctlnns lliev me or Riiat utid ' l.n -leachlllR public value. A similar lotidltloti or public opinion Is liounil to nunc to puss In the I'nlted States but not until theie Is u better assutaiue than at pie.ent tliut i rooked oik by ti lists will bad piomplly to eempl.ny discipline. It Is ror the HeiMibllcuii p.nly by musti ac tive lcKlsl.illun to supply tills better as suidiice; and publicity Is icitulnly one puweiful me.ms to Hint end. A Itoosevell patty In cotigiess'.' One Is theie altendy. Alt It needs Is a little tt burning, and Ibis Republicans will do among themselves. When flercy Tempers Justice. THE CONTENTION of tho-e who in S4le that It Is both ( heiipet and better to tiy to itfoi in n ctlmlnal than by seveilty of ttentineiit amid unwhole some pilson conditions to dilve him deeper Into ciline lecelves stilklng le enfot cement from an aitlcle In this week's Outlook desei Iptlv e of the llet enger law In Etante. Tlie Uetenger law, named in houoi of the piesent lte-piesdent of the Flench senate, was enacted In 18ll. It pio vidts that the penalty for eveiy llt.st ofleiise, not involving mote than two j eats of imptlsonmcut, shall be le tnitteil ptoxlded the offendet commits no new tulsdemeanor dittlug the subse ilitent the .seats. Its put pose Is to In-, teiest the tulpiit dltectly tu his own moial leloim; and' in -the ten eats that It has been In opeiation the num ber of cases of .second oflense has de clined fioni 46 per cent, of the number of lltst oltenses to .',4 pel cent., a gain of linn e tint u 4(1 pel cent, tor tight living Sajs the Outlook: Senium MieilKet lias just Intiodin ed a new bill in the l'n m h paillanietit for the wliln application of his ruvotlte ptlnolple lie wMirs to lonfei upon jiitics the power ot lecoiumt ndiiiK, with ptopet le ul lesttalnts, the application of the I 1W to mote -Pilous r i-e- or it line not co eieil 1 the piesent statutes l'urtliei inote, lie pmpo-ex an tailler applliatlon of tPe law. 'J'lie jinlli Ial pioce-n In I'lniiie, which dltrms limn that nf Anieilcitii conns, tmot.i tills jilitu. As ii Mile, tho accused appeals beluie the Incise ot Institution, who tHiiihies thu case and decides, upon. dl.seh.UKP.of pio-e-tntUiu, IT the ii(cu-ecl cotUcsats hl Kitilt, .molding lo the new hllli the ludice uf Instim Hon iniiv Mpplv the Heienger law without the tegular pnblli' pio-ccu-tloti Bv o doing, theie would lie adclid to the potent motive ot light conduct, -o efficient ten pood din lug the last leu veai-, aticitliet spiltigbig out of tin nat ttial cltrid of puiillc csposiue and shame dm lug public ti Ial 'lids would be a stlong uicintlve to the olTeiiilei, who hi this wa would hope to escape. In putt tit least, the blow- ol -ocial ci-tiac Ism, otteii sexiu- and seldom Ju-t, It iiilt,ht also save mane cilmiiiaN Hum that baldening places- which makes tin in at hcait the btttet toes ot -ot Ial oiclet. sjlowlj lite tiplllt of Christian ptincl ples i- making Its way fhiough the In heiited liaihaiilles or pagan times; and In no diteition tnoie noticeably than in .socletj's incieaslng emphasis upon cliailtv lot the unfoi tunate, the temjjt ed and the fallen. Minister Quesada's confidence1 In the continued tinuqullity of Cuba does ctedit to his optimism and u .slntetely hope that It may ptove well founded. But we advise Senor Qupsada not to ac quire the Intel view habit. An Archaic Institution. NOTWITHSTANDING the pe llodlcal (lllllciilt.v eperlenced tu Its neighbnihood over the confeiee sstem of making puttv nominations, the Hone-dub Citi zen Is nut et convinced that the popular vote method would be piefot nble, It sii)s: ruder that nlelhod, each couiitv that had a camlldnto would, at the pilntaiies, cast Its Mite tot that candidate, and each couiitv would, a- tit pre -ent, lie llkel. to have u candidate, lit oui coiigiessiiiiml dlstiict, tlimltcuil. having the latKest vote of the four counties, would unlfoiiu l.v give the iioiniuation to the lliaellend candldute. In nut seiiatoiliil dNtiict, KllMiilehauiui, halug tin laigeiit vote or the four cotiuiU-, would inilfoiinly give the iiciinlniitlim to the Hiaclfcnd candi date' . In our HPiiutiiilal distilcl, .SiHipie. hauiia, huvliig llie lamest Mite, would utilfotmly give the uoinlniitlon to her own cainlliliite, Tile twont.s -tlillcl seiiatollal disltict, compused uf Riadfoid and Wvo Uilug, llll dishes an object lesson oil this subject. Hiuie the appol tiounient nf 1S7I, litadloid, under the confeiee system, has steadily nominated hei own eundlclate. rmli'f the poplll it vote tiiethnd, Ilnieltoid, having liosulv ipituliuphi the vote ot Vn lillllg. would loulliiite to nomlnato her candldalc, 1'iider the conle'iee sjsteni, a conilihiatlon fuming the smallnt eonntles 1UII.V Hive tho nomination to the candidate of one of them, Rut unless county lines could be oblltel tiled, the dltlliMllly of doing this tlltoilKli the popular vote would he so gteat as to make it piucllcnlly Impos sible. No one will rptetitlou the detects of the (oiiifii'fi s,vstitm. Hut, until the peo ple nte educated to dislc Killd I nipilv lines, as iliey now dlsteguid township Hues in i mini). noiulnntlniiH, the ptaclleul effect of ionilnnlng )" the populai nte, of the clMilct must he to give the uoinluiiliou, nd liillniluni, to the county casting the lamest vote. The education of the people to dlste gatd county Hues In their settle It of the best men for oflke cannot advance by standing still, AYe do not think so pootly of the people of Wnypt) county up lei think, for Instance, that none of them would vote at an open pilitiuty for a candidate lesldlng, say, In Sus quehanna, ntltet things being equal. In fact, if popular canvasses should conic into vogue In the distilcts In which those counties arc included, we suspect that it would not be long befoie county lines would begin to fade away; at all events, theie would be reasonable cci tiUnty of a lepieseutullon of met It being continued hi olllce tltiilng tnotll, Instead of it succession of Inexperi enced moit tin own out by rotation Just about the time they begin to lentn the topes, Nothing so tends to accentuate county lines and local piejiidlces at the confeiee s!,steiii. AVhele It has been dlscatdetl theie lias never been ti clamor for Its lesloiatloti. One ot the sttongest arguments for a uulfnim ptl mary law Is that It would put thli nuisance out of business, . J . j r''l . ' " The deelslon of Judge Klmoutou as tu the -elellnltlon of a navigable stieaut Is a nine' hard on Wyoming county, but Is good law nevei tlieless, A creek tint does not except dining the spring Hoods contain water enough to 11cm t a twelve-foot skiff can scatceiy be desig nated as legally navigable. Business Failures. AN INTI3IU.STINO tabulation of coinmeiclal failures dat ing the fit st half of H)0J is PI luted In Dun's Review, They llHtnbeicd Clti", with liabilities amounting to $00,374, Set!, against R.TB'I Instilvelil'leM In the conesponillng months of mm, Involving K'",S0I,C90. Of this vent's aggicgtttc, I, US were In niiinufiictuilng, lor ?J I.ii lo.ltlio: 4,111) in Hailing, tor JJM.liri.fi-'J, and :!'17 In other cotnineii'lal lines, for ?(l,2S!l.JI4. Coin patlsotM with Inst vetir show for the Jhst half of Ian. nit Incrcas.j of K.J hi inatiiifactuilng, with an excess In lia bilities of ,248,H;j; In trading, 221, with $4,2M,4la; nnd 32 miscellaneous, with a balance of $-V.ii;o,221, however, In favor of iyo2. Nine fewer hunks failed this jent than last but the liabilities were Wi&,:!74. linger, AVhlle the c ompat Ison with the cot-lcspondliij4- months of last eni Is slightly titlfav enable no doubt hugely to be accounted for by the gteatei pie valence of dlstin bailees Involving labor then Is encouragement In the coin p.ulson of the .second with the flist quuitet of this e.n. In maiutfac tuting lines theie wetc 072 defaults against 74G In the III st qtintter, while llnbllltles wete $10,10-1.1 1 (J compntcd wltli, $11,77.", 901; ttndlng failutes nitmbeiecl l.HOS against 2,50.', nnd amounted to $l3,fi-S,-2!I3 against $1 Ti.T, 1 7,127 ; 111 cither com ineitlitl lines theie wete 107 against 170 In the (list limit tei, while liabilities amounted to $J,S."i0,Ch7, against $.1 43S,i"J7. The Impioveineilt was most stt iking In financial insolvencies, however, only eight being upmted in the second citiai ter for $l,2tl'i,100. against 2 in the Hist quat ter with liabilities of ?13,5SR,-C3-'. The showing for I'ennsv lv ania Is glutting AVhlle fnllines In this state mimbetoil .",85 In the (list half of VWi against only 3B9 in tlie snnte ppilod of I'lOl, liabilities wete $1,376,r,"l against $,"i.4(i!,44li. In othei woids, with II mote l.tilutes, llnlillitles dtci eased t8ti, S9,1, The hist tecoid of any section, however, was made by New England, whete talluies dec teased 12" in number and $!,i;jl!771 In amount as contpated with the half ear In 1901. Not a single banking default on in ted In the New England state.' the Hist half of the cut lent j ear. Geneially speaking, the Southwestern states wete the most im fottuntite, owing to ctop failutes. One or two large failutes on the Pacific coast sent up its liabilities; but with these exceptions the eompaiison thioughout the count! y is without notable sjmptoms of change and Is indicative of it widely distributed and evidently substantially founded pios peiit. dt laboi and capital can be pcisundtd ot fotcecl to find some better way of settling tlieit illffetetucs than by costly stiikes, our ptospeilty as a people, now the envy of the woilel, will ,eiy hugely inciciise. Tovvnid this end clvllliitlon must leduuble its etieigics. The state department at AVashlngtoii has displayed good judgment In tcl us ing to heed the appeals of Uolivla In the contest ovet the teiiltoty ot Am. The rcgulai habit of taking up the quail els ot eveiy belligtient stale on the AVcstPin heinlspheie would soon be come too expensive loi even the gcnci-ou- tesoiuees of I'ticle riain. Theie Is still some consolation for the antls. The sultan ot llacol-Mlnel-iintiu shows .i disposition to appear In the tleoige Washington act. Piesldcjtt Cut tan of the Ft eight Hundleis union has been made to as sume the position of tall of the dug with jailing suddenness. It now lookb as though thu tleiieial Miles tonttovpisy will he settled with out the custoniaiy inag.ulne at tick ex planations. Outline Studies oi Human Nature. The Right Woid at the Right Mo ment. Miivni bow nut tales this Incident of good lminni miilnlaiaed dining a it. slim moment: "I was piesent at a ceitaln little dinner attended h III" lute John I-'Iske," mos the tnn.Mii. "The enily diift ol the e ou vc'isatlon ris upon lilslciili.il topics and in tin c cause of It .Mi I'lsko alluded lo that relc Inntecl Incident wlie'itlu a I'lemh king, uiileitiihiiiig sumc of his couit at his own table, nine e fully Inol.e a eostly wine glass after a guest had awlwuidlj iboppeel oim lo the Hour Tim net of tlie king was a delicate uielliocl or testoilng llio cqii.tiilinltv of thu' ombat itisseil coin tier by liellttliitg tlie accident "riliangvly enoiigli, Ml, I'lske Itael tin socinel llnltlaul than a glass fell fieau the tablu betwieu himself and the hostess, a woman lamed lor sajhig tho tight won! ul the light inoiuciit. Th'h oves met In vnluntailly, wltlh" Mr- Vlske's huiul guiltily vveut to his oiYcndlng elbow with a gesture he could not it pi ess. " 'It vtus pty fault,' smiled llio hostess; but please eloti't lonsnlo tnei by Uiibwlng tlie lest of tlie scivku against thu wall.' " New Voik Times, Bob's aidoil. nx'Cioveiitim lliufti T.vlot, of A'liglnii, who,' teilil on plied III Deceltiber list, was especially geuuiuis hi giautiug ui dons. 1'iuin many of them ho deiived much plenum In the Kialllmk of the tuiroitiiuiiKs, nnd often tecelved nuclei la I for an amusing stoiy. One of these lie tells was ,of a ileum fiom Richmond, icmvlcted of some slight nrfiii?o, who hud convinced tho governor that ho hnd been sufliitenlly piinlnhvd, and who wns ac (oidlngly ginutccl a, pardon Thu p.u douvd inlsouer's jouiiu hi other Icutned ot his telenso befotc tlta cccotilet could tench brittle, nnd rushed to tell their mot Iter tho good news. ''Oh, liiiimnilo." ho cthd. "Rob's dun got out nitel 's inoV lirnb now." "HIcss ilo -laid," exclaimed the mother, "hilt hinv'd he git out? lie ain't dun busted utit, Is licV" "Nnw, iniimmle. Do gilv'nor Jlst shit down an' axed his pntdlii and told him to go home," Now Votk llmci Mttgt rlne Hupiilement. Satisfied. A little London stleet waif was bikott On an excursltiti tn Urn srnshiite, and Itut ills lit st glimpse nf the ocrliil, Jin henvptl a sigli, anil said; "That's the llrst tlinu I ever saw enough of nnylhlnsl" Vo mail's Hinne Companion. WE SCRIBES. The biilldus of iltles, of wot Ids, ate we, The mummed setlbes, and of Unknown woith; I'm- we atti the kinsmen ot Piogtess, nnd he The one I'llnee wo set ve on the whole wide eat III, Nor gold, inn gloiy. lior iiiiine we claim We nslc hut the light, linfelteied to light; To inline a vviong bv Us shameless name! To shy thu vviong foi the lovo of the Right. i The smll lis of i Hies, of wot Ids, ill c we, Rath standing alone on Ills hliilt watch towel ; We iuc looking ttwny to tlie land, to llio sea; We hive only tt limp in the midnight hour. Then leave us thc'tlght If) light or to fall, As (tnd may will, In tho ftont ot the light. Unchallenged, umiiieslloned fot the good of all. For the It nth that lives, for the love of the Right. The glvets of gloty to nations tile we. The biilldeis ot shafts and of monu ments To soldieis and dating gteat men of the sea; Rut we nie the homeless, Hltange elwell ets in tents, AVIlb nevii a tablet or Idgh-bnllt stone. Yet what caie we who go down in the light. Though we lived tiiinaiiied, though we dip unknown. If only we llvo and wo die fot the Right.' 'Jhi'ie ate btlghtit things 111 tills woilel ' than gold, Theie ate nobler things hi this woild than name To silentlv do with your deeds untold. To silentlv die umwiTrt to f imp. Then tot lb to the Hqht, mm lined and alone, ' Let us load the woild to Its destined height: Kuougli to know, it but this be known, We IP e and die in the i.tnks foi the RL-hf loaquln MIIIpi fl'iotn "Momoile and Rime ' Funk eX Wugnall) Cnmpnn.v, Nc w Vot k). ALWAYS BUSY. .. -JT m , Sptlng and Huiiitnei Dxloids and Roots that content the mind and comlott the Int. Men's "Always" Busy Oxfoids. $3.00 Ladies' "Melba" Oxfoids, $2.50. LevAis 8c ReiUy, 114-116 Wyoming Avenue. If you want good cleau hay, we have it. Dickson ill & Grain Co,, Scranton anil Olyplumt. Tlio Matchless Splendors or tho Canadian Rockies HANFE the t.AKKS 111 the CLOUDS. YOHO Y.M.I.UV, the UlllJAT OLA CIl'IU a icglon descilbect by AVhyitt per, the conquetor of tho Matteihotn, as Hfty or sixty Hwltzet lauds lolled Into one leached only by the Canadian Pacific Railway Dally tiansiontluentiil linln seivico thioughoul the jear lioin Tot onto nnd Montieal, 1MP1JIUA1. LIMITED, cioss Ing the continent In 07 bouts, leaves Toionto mid Montieal coinmeiiclpg June 15 next, eveiy Sunday, Wednes day and Eildtiy. Blcepjng and dining cuts attuihed to all tluough trains, Ehst'Class hotels ti the lnouiitalns, Hw'lss guides at tho pilnelp.il points. Eor tales, etc,, apply to neatest agent of tho C, l. It, or to U. A', Skinner, W3 litoadwuy, New YoiU. ROBERt KERR, Passenger Tiallic Manneei", Montreal. n 1 J Hay Good Hay Prime Hay THIRTY-THREE SCHOLARSHIPS ll $9574 v, Uiilvcr.iltlcn 2 Scholarships tn Syracuse Unlvcrsilj, at $432 each ......,..." $ 864 I Scholarship In Buckncll University . . 520 I Scholarship In the University of Roch ester.., 324 Preparatory School. 1 Scholarship In Washington School for Boys 1700 1 Scholarship In Willlamsport Dickin son Seminary 750 1 Scholarship In Dickinson Collegiate Preparatory School 75C 1 Scholarship In Newton Collegiate In stitute 720 1 Scholarship In Keystone Academy. .. 600 1 Scholarship in Brown College Prepar atory School , . , 600 1' Scholarship in the School of the Lack awanna , 400 The Scranton Tribune's Educational Contest The special lew.'inls will be given to the poison seeming the laigest niiin bei or points , rolnts will he ct edited U contest ants spetniniv ncn aubseilbeth to Tho Sciuntan Ttlbune nsfollows: ' IMs. One month's sttbsc tlp(lon....$ "1 1 Tlitee months subseilptioti. 1 -'"i ! Six months' subset Iptlna.... .' V) ii One .eni's subseilptlon ",0J 12 The contestant with the highest mitn ber ot points will bo given u c lioli'c fiom the list or special tewaids; tho coulesliint with the second highest nunibcr of points will be given a NOTICE that according to the above rules, EVERY CONTESTANT secure a Special Reward or not. Those wishing to enter the contest should send in their names at once, will be cheerfully a'nswered, Address all communications to Special Honor Prizes for July To be given to the two contestants scoring the largest number of points during the month of July. FIRST PRIZE A Bird's-Eye Maple Writing Desk, Value $12.00. SECOND PRIZE A Gold Fountain Pen. Special Honor Prizes for August, September and October will be announced later. H NEW YORK HOTELS. LPINE LBOTEL A I I'll AV.,I1E I V l.l.N Jl I'll V.M Stll'H isla NEW YOi?K. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. Fl EPROJF Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd stNcross tovn cars an! transfer nt 4th ave. direct to hotel. Rooms with Hath $l..')(lltpWHIll. ) (.Suits with Hath I. f?-' .-.0. V. H. PARKE, Proprlsto.. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sittcentb bt unci It ins Place, NEW YORK. Americnn Plan, VI 50 l'r Daj and I'pwaid ruropcin Plan, ?1 00 Per Daj and Up varUs. Epeclal ltitt'2 lo Familica. T. THOMPSON, Prop. - - -- lor Uiisliics? Men Jn the hart ot the wholesale district. Tor Shoniieis s minute?' walk to WannniaKers, 5 minutes to Siegel Cooper s Ills Btore. Knsy of access to the great Dry Goods Stores. lor Sightseer.-; ' One block from E'way fnrs. civ. Ing easy tr.insiiortatloii to all potnis oi iniercsi. L ALBERT I NEW YOKK. 1 Cnr. 11th ST. & US'IVFRSITY PI. unly ono Rlock from Broadway ? KOOUb, 5 t Up. lrlcss Kcaunibl) 4 -- - II. I. . I .. ,-- V7 r -..1 II .1 I II Kltctien Utensils luviisa THIS Trade Mark iAreSAFE: lvrrt rw-iFOnir ill ruijuci yM ww - Is used la lbe ecamct. STEv" Send lor Our New llooKlct Showing WIIV. A full nisorliiidit of thi-jnr-noda for icalo lirnlltlio Iraclliii tll.PAItl MI.M1 nnd (, lftlbM. It'llMtflllM, HIOIIIS. 7 Lalance & Grosjcan Mfg. Co. NKW TOItK, BOSTON', ClllUAOO. FOOTE & FULLER CO., 140-142 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. Complete line of the genuine L, & G. Mtuiufnctuilnjy Company's Agate Nickle Steel Wtue. School of the HOT Scranton, Pa. 3UTI1 YI2AK. Certlflcato admits to many Colleges. Ifhorough Prepar ation for Harvard, Yale and1 Princeton. Lower School four year course, Upper School four-year course, Experienced teachers only, For Catalogue and Information Address ,,0464 Alfred C. Arnold, A. B. List of Scholarships 1 Scholarship In wllkcs-Barro Institute 276 1 Scholarship In Colult Cottage (Sum mer School) 230 Music, -$t7o3 Studio Rules of the Contest choice of the rrmnlnlng lcwutds, nnd to on tluough tho list. The contestant who hpciuos tho high est mimbei of points dm Ins iinv cnl endni months ol tho contest will lc celvo a sped 1 1 hoitot lew a id, this te wnul bring cntlielv Independent or tho ultlmntc disposition of tho scholai sliips, Rneli contestant railing to secure a special low aid will bo given 10 per cent, of all ninnev ho or she turns In. All subscriptions must ho paid in ntl hikc Onlv now siibscilbois will bo counted. Renewals by poisons whoso names CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and AVllUes-Barre. Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want , a Good Education? Not a t-liott couisc, nor an easy eourse, nor a cheap course, but tin bc.t education to be lead. :o otlicr education i worth spending time and money on. 11 you do, write tor a catalogue ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. nli'clt ofTets lltciruiuli piiiaralIon In tho l.ii'inecilnj; ami Clcinkal PtofcMluna as well a llie regular Collcju coutses. State Normal School. Enst Stroudsburg, Pa. NEW CATALOGUE. For 1902 giving full in formation as to free tui tion, expenses, courses of study and other facts of interest will be mailed without charge to those desiring it. Fall Term opens Septembers, 1902. E. L. KEAP. A. H., Principal. i E0RANT0N CORRESPONDENCE SOHOOIiS iCRANIOS, I'A. T J Foster. i'l.Jldent. Winer II. Uvvill, Treis. Vice President. Bccrettrr. Lackawanna " 6oa6 HiisIiicsr ntul Art. Scholarships-In Scranton Conservatory of Music, at $125 each 500 Scholarships In the Hardenbergh School of Music and Art 460 Scholarships In Scranton Business College, at $1 00 each 300 Scholarships In International Corre spondence Schools, average value .$57 each '285 Scholarships In Lackawanna Business College, at $85 each .'. 170 Scholarships In Alfred Woolcr's Vocal 125 1840 $9574 nro nlready on our subscription list will not bo cicdlted. Tho Trlbuno will Investigate each subscription and If found liiegular in nny way reserves the light to i eject It. No tiansfers inn bo made after ctcillt hna oneo been given, .All subseilptlon nnd the cash to pay for them must bo handed In at Tho Tilhuno office within the wok In which they aie secured, so that pa pots can be sent to tho subscribers at otno. Subset lotions must be written on blanks, which enn be secured at Th i Tiibtino of lice, or will bo sent by mall, WILL BE PAID, whether they All questions concerning the plan Tribune, Scranton, Pa. Piazza and Lawn Swings r Summer Furniture The Largest and moBt artistic line ever shewn . in the city. Hill & Connell 121 Washington Avenue. i When in Need I Of nnythlng in the line of optical eoods we can supply It. Snectacles t land Eye Glasses! t Propeily fitted by an expert j, optician, , 4 From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of piescrip- tion woik and repaiiing, ' lYiercereau & Connell, J . 132 Wyoming Avenue, 7? . 1 I..T.J..LJ.XJ.-L-1-ltLJiAlA V V "T V " 1 i "i" "V V -w - -v HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent lor the Wjromics District tot Dupont's Powder Ulnlnj, Dltutlne, Eportlnjr, Pmotcjew tad tin Repauno L'lieraicat companyi HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Bittty Vum, Cai? and Cxplodera. Koom 101 c"' nell Building .Scianton. AQLNC1ES. JOHN' B eMiril H tOX , l'lymoutb U. W. UULUUAN ..,..,.,. (....nilkeiBirn $- i ''A 1 1 S' - I -" "!"-" tilifab-'&S -.v $- nawtefeUka fer '&f.tU A -tSt-f-at stattf- ,-itw tf Aaaaacma.-'j (t-Jb sjtf4tfua4fr