IS " gi4j:-.lf4 : " i '. 1. 'v 7 ;. 'it ,' ".? tr.v:,..V?--1fV & ,IiIIHi'. n ,1 I .1,"' CONNELL NAMED. FOR THE SENATE Convention 0! Return Judge Pre sents Him tor the Upper House oT Congress! ABSOLUTION IS ROUNDLY CHEERED Spsctators Join with Delegates In Giving the Proposition an Enthu siastic Reception Convention Was Devoid of Disputes and Every Mo tion Was Carried Unanimously B. T. Jayne Elected Chairman Re sults aB Shown by the Official Com putation of Tuesday's Returns. Names of Return Judges and Vig ilance Committees, Yesterday's convention of the Repub lican return Judges of Lackawanna county unanimously, and with resound ing cheers, adopted a resolution pre senting Congressman William Connell as a candidate for United States Sena tor. No intimation had been given the convention that such n resolution was to come before it. Mr. Council's fit ness for the office nml the right of Northeastern Pennsylvania to be repre sented In the senate- has been oft dis cussed but no definite steps have ever been taken to crystalb.c a campaign to effect this end. That, the p.arty in this county was ripe for the Inauguration of uch a campaign was proven by the reception accorded the suggestion con tained in the resolution. The whole as semblage, delegates and spectators Joined in an enthusiastic outburst of approving applause. For a tame matter-of-fact convention such as It other wise was, the demonstration was trully fervid. The next most noteworthy feature of the convention was Its perfect harmony. There was not even the semblance of l dispute over the returns, the officers irere all elected by acclamation and the best of good spirit prevailed ihroughout. Some of the delegates panted to put before the convention the question of revoking the Crawford county system of primaries but the moving spirits of the con vention advised against the question being considered, because the return Judges had been appointed and not elected, and out of a sense of fairness those favoring the obliteration of the Crawford system agreed to withhold their motion until the next conven tion. ONE SESSION. The absence of contentions made it possible to complete the business of the convention Irt one session, lasting from 10.15 a. m., untl 12.45 p. m. The ses sion took place In the main court room nnd was called, to. order by County Chairman H. i. Taylor. He read the UlBt of return judges and unuing au present or represented by proxies, pro ceeded to have temporary organization effected. On the nomination (of John A'an Ber gen, jr., B. T. Jayne, school controller from the Thirteenth ward, was un animously selected as chairman, and on the nomination 'of F. V. Francis, of Dalton, Charles, R. Acker, Griffith T. Davis and Walter B. Davis were made secretaries. Permanent organization was afterwards effected with those as officers. Mr. Jayne contented himself with nlmply saying that the officers were grateful for their election, and then proceeded with business. Thurbton Parker, H. A. Williams, rt. ,C. Drum, AV. W. Jones, Dr. Tallle Fhilllps, Oscur Illdgcway and J. A, Shifter wore named as the committee on resolutions. A credentials commit tee was appointed, consisting of George W. Jenkins, F. M. Francis, G. Keller, John B. Llttlejohn, John Reynolds, John Von Bergen, jr., and C. J. MlrU, but as there were no contests of any kind, the committee had no occasion to meet. , The resolutions were read by Chair man Parker. They were as follows: THE RESOLUTIONS. We, the representatives of the Republi can party of Lackawanna county, in con vention assembled, express our unswerv ing 'allegiance to the principles set forth in the last national and state platforms, Since our last meeting our nation has been plunged Into mourning by tho tragic death of our great chieftain, "William Mc Kinlcy. Ills patriotic services, his excel lent character ami his 'beautiful traits remain with us as an Inspiration and a legacy, Ills name is Indelibly writ ten op tho banner of Republicanism nnd In the hearts of tho peopio. Tho aplbudld policies Inaugurated by bis administra tion have been carried on with fldcllty and wisdom by his Illustrious successor, Theodore Roosevelt, nnd wo pledge to bim our united support In his patriotic efforts. Under Republican adiulnstratlnu the country lias always been prosperous, and we therefore endorse and commend to (lie people the continuation of Republican control in nation, state, county and city. Believing that tho perpetuity of Re publican institutions depends upon the preservation of the purity of tho ballot me earnestly recommend the pahsago by the legislature of a uniform ballot law by which the primary elections of all parties shall he held on tho same day and hour throughout tho" commonwealth iinderlmeh legal regulations as shall best secure tho participation of all our cltl sens in tho selection of public officials. We also endorse and recommend the passage of a personal registration law throughout the entire slate as a furihr Btep In the preservation of the ballot, and w urge the members of the legislature from' Lackawanna county to give this matter their earnest attention and sup nort. The rapid growth of our county makes the present legislative and senatorial ap portionment especially unfair and unjust to our people, and we request ami urge th promnt passage of a more cuuitable apportionment bjll by the next legislature. Realising tnai local prosperity depends upon the harmonious relations of capital . and labor, we urge upon both a speedy sqjusimeni ot me ainerencca now exist ing in the anthracite region to (he nd that capital may be profitably employed and the laborer shall rccelvo his fair share of the general prosperity of the country, We commend to the people of Lacka wanna county the Republican state tick i i2fst and the candidates nominated on the V Republican county ticket and urge the hearty support of all the candidates upon both In order that Lackawanna county .':.- uo me lime or i'ennavivsn a haii h i, K4K a tneir proper places la the Repub. J llcan ranka and that the party may win an unparalleled victory at tho polls In November. We commend the Hon. William Council for his faithful and cfflclent services In support of the policies of McKlnley and Roosevelt, and In behalf of this con gressional district. Believing tliiit the great northeastern portion of Pennsylvania! with her large commercial, financial nnd Industrial In terests Is entitled to representation In the upper house of congress, we present to the Republican voters of the Htnte for their consideration as a candidate for the distinguished office of United States sena tor, the Hon. William Connell: confident P T. JAYNK, ii of the Convention. 'It, thru his splendid business training and thorough experience as a legislator and his ripe Judgment especially fit him for a distinguished career In the highest legis lative body In the world. THE RETURNS READ. To expedite matters, . Chairman Jayne, with the consent of the conven tion called on the stentorlan-voleed J. E. Watklns, of Taylor, who was among the spectators to rend the returns as presented by the judges. The return judge stood by while Mr. Watklns read the tally sheet, so that there could be no question but that there was a prac tical compliance of the rule requiring the return judge to "rise on the floor of the convention nnd announce the vote as cast In his district." Secretary Acker had completed a table from tlje returns gathered Tues day night, and a few minutes after the return judges had made their report he had It corrected and footed up. The other secretaries concurred In his find ing and the winners were formally de clared by Chairman Jayne. A motion by F. M. Travel's empowering the county committee to fill vacancies was passed after which the convention ad journed. The chairman and secretaries met again at 2 o'clock and with the assis tance ot an expert and an adding machine carefully footed up the columns on a table proved by compari sons. The .totals were found to be as follows FOR CONGRESSMAN. WILLIAM CONNELL ...11,004 JOHN R. FARR :... 5.0S4 CONNELL'S MAJORITY 5,920 FOR ORPHANS' COURT JUDGE. A. A. VOSBURG 11,430 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WILLIAM B. EVANS :!.M2 GW1LYM JONES 4.927 JOHN C. MORRIS 8,099 JOHN PENMAN K.78 CHARLES F. WAGNER 4,725 MORRIS PLURALITY 3,172 PENMAN'S PLURALITY 1,811 FOR MINE INSPECTORS. EVAN C. DAVIS 3,124 HENRY W. EVANS 1,500 LLEWELYN M. EVANS 6,964 WILLIAM R. EVANS 1,942 JAMES M. THOMAS 5,211 DAVID T. WILLIAMS 5,914 EVANS' PLURALITY WILLIAMS' PLURALITY 1.753 703 RETURN JUDGES. Following Is the list of return Judges composing tho convention: Archbald, First ward, First dlstrlct-H. C. Llndermnn. First ward, Second district Abraham Uowclls. Second ward P. F. Spcllman. Third ward Thomas Glblca. Benton Township C. W. Green. Blakcly Borough, First ward-G. Kllker. Second ward W. W. Jones. Third ward Richard Mitchell. Carbondalc Township, Northeast district John Duffcy. Northwest dlstilct-E. S. Myers. South district Thomus Radlgun. Carbondalo City First ward, Flrot dis trict. C. 11. llorton; First ward, Third district, Martin Morrison. Second ward. First district, George Evans; Second ward, Second district, Abu Suhm; Second ward, Third dis trict Thomas Battel. Third ward, First district, Gomcr Mor gan; Third ward, Second district, John Price; Third ward, Third dis trict, Martin Ball; Third ward. v urth district, AVIIIIam Passmoro. Fourth ward, First district. Mark Wil son; Fourth ward, Second district, A. R. O'Mullcy; Fourth wnrd, Third district, Thomas Ullmartiu. Fifth ward, First district, Louis Gm mcr; Fifth wntd, Second district, John McAndrew. Sixth ward, First district, R. J. Dele van; Sixth ward, Second district, . James J, Doyle, Clifton Township-John Harris. Covington Townshlin-B. H. Wardoil, Dalton-F. M. Francis. Dickson City First ward, James Read, Second wardWohn Benthsm. Third ward-S, R. Kochler. Dunmore First ward, First district, P. G. Fritz; First ward, Second dis trict, Albert Conrad. Second ward, First district. Anthony Dougherty; Second ward, Second district, F. D, Reber. Third ward. First district, T, P, Letch . worth: Third ward, Second district, , 'V. J. Smith; Third ward, Third dls tnOtV'O. W. B. Allen. Fourth ward, P. II. .McCormack. Fifth ward; -Oscar Randolph. Sixth ward, F'rst district, George Cummiiigs; Sixth ward, Second dls. tllct. A. A. Pcck(.is. Elmhurst L. G. Partridge. Fell Township-First district. William Dougherty. Second district, Samuel .L'pdyke. Fourth district. T. S. Bo,ien. Glenbuin-W. S. Palmer. Gouldsboro R. C. Drum. Grcenllcld A. L. Weldman. Jefferson Henry Koffman. Jermyn First ward, David G. Jones. Second ward, George Blake. Third ward. 11. A. Wlllman. "' Lackawanna Township East district, Jo seph Davis. Southwest district, Thomas Toole, South district, David Griffiths, L Plume-Horace Seaman THE SCRANTON Lehlgh-Nat Siutter. ' Madison Frank All. Maydeid-Flrst ward, John II. Martin, John Martin, James Harris, E. 8. Maynnrd, Second wnrd, P. J. Brady. Third wnrd, Theodore Wachna. Mooslc-Flrst wnrd, C. S. Snyder. Second ward, William Major, Thlld ward, J, D. Anflcld. Fourth ward, Edward Andersen. Newton-W. A. Hlce. North Ahlngton E. C. Carpenter. Old Forge-First district, James Calvert. Second district, .lames Salmon, -Fourth district, Albert Hooper. Olyphant-Flrst ward, P. F. O'Malley. Second ward, 'William Patten. ' Third ward, First district, Thomas J, Williams; Third ward, Second dis trict, Charles Pllgcr. Fourth wnrd, Joseph Marks. Ransom Township First district, Harry Snovcr. Second district, Charles Meyer. Roaring Brook Township J. II. Snyder. Scott Township Warren Berry, Elmer Decker, Harrison Gardner. South Ablngtou Township First district, Thurston Barker, Second district, Ryron Akerly. Third district, Sllns Griffin. Spring Brook Township Thomas !Mat- thewp. Taylor First ward, John Howard. Second wnrd, Gomer Jones. Third ward, John D. Francis. Fourth ward. James Price. Fifth ward. Tallle Griffiths. Sixth waid, First district, John Proper Sixth ward, Second district, William J, Williams. Throop Borough Henry Jarvl.t. Vandling Borough David Parry. Wnverly Borough Erward B. Parkor. West Ahlngton Township George F. Oethmnn. Wlnton Borough First ward, James Strong. Second ward, Frank Rolls. Third wnrd, Charles Sheridan, Jr. SCRANTON. First waid, First district. Daniel If. Evans: First ward, Sccoipl district. Robert Fldlam; First ward. Third district. John B. Llttlejohn: First ward, Fourth district. Lewis H. John; First ward, Fifth district, John Mc Collough. Second ward, First district, Robert Edwards: Second wnrd, Second dis trict, John Von Bergen, Jr.: Second ward. Third district. AValler Simp son: Second wnrd, Fourth district, T. J. Gwynne: Second ward, Fifth district, John Renneghan. Third ward. First district, James Hop kins; Third ward, Second district, Richard Walsh. Fourth ward, First district. William C. Williams; Fourth ward, Second district, Thomas Davis; Fourth ward, Third district, Grift Price: Fourth ward. Fourth district, Casa Morgan. Fifth ward, First district, James Phil lips; Fifth ward, Second district. George Jenkins; Fifth ward, Third district, Walter Davis; Fifth ward, Fourth district, Tallle Phillips. Sixth ward, First district. Edward Kinney; Sixth wnrd. Second district. Edward Kinney: Sixth ward, Third district, David Harris. Seventh ward. First district, George Blrkcl; Seventh ward. Second dis trict. M. J. McFadden: Seventh ward, Third district, John A. Rltter. Eighth ward. First district. W. A. Raub; Eighth ward, Second district, John J. Morris. Ninth ward. First district. W. S. Bart lett: Ninth ward. Second district. Si las Walters; Ninth wnrd, Third dls trlce, II. E. Paine". Tenth ward. First district, Oscar Rldgway; Tenth wnrd, Second dis trict. Handler Jlfklns. Eleventh ward. First district, Charles J. Mlrtz: Eleventh ward. Second dls- . trlct. AVIIIIam P. Heustcr; Eleventh ward. Third district, Charles Stone. Twelfth ward, First district. James Carroll; Twelfth ward, Second dis trict, Thomas rCarden. Thirteenth ward. First district, Clias. Nothacker: Thirteenth ward, Second district, Benton T. Jayne; Thirteenth ward, Third district. Fred Metcalf. Fourteenth ward. First district, Thom as M, AVatkins; Fourteenth ward. Second district, John Lloyd. Fifteenth ward. First district. John Reynolds; Fifteenth ward, Second district. T. F. Mason. Sixteenth ward. First district. J. A. Shaffer: Sixteenth ward. Second dis trict. A. H. Shopland. Seventeenth ward, First district, Rob ert .Allen; Seventeenth ward, Second district, Robert J. Haag; Seven teenth ward. Third district, John P. Jones. Eighteenth ward, First district, Tallle Phillips. Nineteenth ward, First district. A. J. Rehnoe; Nineteenth ward, Second district. Oscar Strauch: Nineteenth ward. Third district. Jacob Reuben thai; Nineteenth ward, Fourth dis trict. Ernest Lowonstcin. Twentieth wnrd. First district. Julian Cooper; Twentieth ward, Second dis trict. Charles Kloss; Twentieth ward. Third district James Shorton; Twentieth ward. Fourth district, Morgan Jones. Twenty-first ward, First district. Grlf T. Davis: Twenty-first ward, Second district, Thomas D. Thomas. VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. Following are the names of the vigi lance committees returned as elected: Archbald First ward, First district; Sec ond district, Abram Howclls, Lot Uowclls, Samuel Harper. Second' ward J. O. Langan, P. F. Flynn, P. F. Spcllman. Third ward Thomas J. Glldca, John Hcckman, Georgo Schcmel. Benton AA'. 8. arccne, C. AV, Green, Blakcly First ward, G. L. Keller, Robert II. Moon, AV. II. Walker, Second ward Will AV, Jones, George W. AVIIllams, R. AV. Taylor. Third ward-Richard Mitchell, John Rcswlck, A. U. Thorpe. Carbondalo township-South district, E. 8. Meyers, J, L. Call, George Hudson. Northeast district John J. Duffy, Martin Gcrrlty, John Crouln. Northwest district Thomas Ratyan, John Kelly, Poter Corcoran. Carbondalc First ward, First district, II, If. Pierce, Charles H, Horton, AV. ' II. Hubbard; Third district, Mar tin Morrison, Michucl Langan, Den nis Sullivan. Second wnrd, First dlstrict-G. AA', Ev ans, AVIIIIam B. Evans, G. B. A'an Gordon Second district, A. L. Sahm, L. H, Rehkop. "W. B. Skcels; Third district, Thomas Battle, John J. Col lins. P. F, Carroll, Third ward-First district, Gomcr Mor gan, AVIIIIam 13. Geary, Frank E. Morgan; Second district, John Price, P. J. Powderly, John J, Jones; Third district. Martin Ball, AVIIIIam Con well, Hugh TlnlonJ Fourth district. AVIIIIam Passmore, John Jennings, Georgo Ward. Fourth ward First district Mark Wilson, Henry Fluellcn, Jcnkln Lew is; Second district. A. K, O'Malley, Thomas Grler, P. H. McDonald; Third district,'!'. J. Gllmartln, F. F, Murphy, J. R. Hart Fifth ward-First district, Louis Graincr, John F. Roberts, V, A. Swlngjo:' Second district, Frank Cluno, John McAndrew, Thomas Gul Uglier, Sixth ward-First district, R. J, Dele van, Robert Beard, David AVatson; Second district, James J, Doyle, John Nolan, John Doyle. Cllfton-A. L. Slglln, AV, H. Kuufman, F. D. Lewis. Covlngton-H. II. AA'ardell. A. N. Bayer, AVIIIIam Cobly, Dalton-F. M, Francis, J, H, Mastln, G. J. Hecknmn. Dickson First ward, John Rcld, John D. P. Bray, John K. Junics. Second ward John Beutham, James , AV, Cayglll, Charles F. Jenkins. .Third ward-S. KA Kuehler, John R8lnk, George Ferris. Dunmore First ward. First district, P. ql-iFrlU, J. B. Hobday, Thos. jien- TRIBtTNE - SATUHDAY, wood; Second district, Albert L. Con rad, William Griffiths, W. J( Hen wood, Second ward-First district! Second district, F. D. Rebci'i Jansott Cole, S. W. Chcmbcrlln. Third ward-First district, N. B. Krolz. cr, A. AVnshcr, T. P. Lctehworthi Second district, D. J. Smith, T. L. Saiiscubach, AVm. Blcglcr; Third district, G, AA II, Allen, Christian Pfclffor, Robert T. Plttnck, Fourth wnrd P. It. McCormack, James .Hcnnigau, Patrick Conway. Fifth ward-O. Randolph, J. T. Doudl- can, ,M, Flnncrty. Sixth ward-First district, Carl Mln nlch, .Thomas Matthews, Mark Simp son; Second district, A. A. Tecklns, J. J, Buckingham, John P. Edwards. Blmhurst-L. W. Patrrldgc, S. G. Rice, Charles R, Smith. Fell township-First district, AV. If. Datighcrly, J. E. Herbert, M. Gor man; Second district Joseph AVIlles, .1. T, Thomas, T, Cnrly; Fourth dis trict, Thomas S. Bowdcn, Olwcn Gooding, Thomas Arrowsmlth. Glciihurn-AV. II. Hill, F. W. Sherman, AVelles Nortblip. Gouldsboro A. Schcmcrllng. J. B. Gard ner. II, C, Kschcnbnch. Greenfield L. E. Leo, A. L. Wledcman, N. L. Kilmer. Jefferson George Moore, H. C. Hoffman, G. AV. Collins. Jermyn First wnrd. David Jones, James Scult, Thomas Morcome. Second want Joseph Sohy, David Thomas, Edwin Dawe. Third ward-Il. A. Wllllman Richard Hughes, Alexander Bruce. Lackawanna township South district, Hnrrv Thmnns, AVIIIIam B. Nlcholls, David Griffith. East district James Jones, J, Powell, J. Znchkemper. Southwest district Thomas Toole, Frank Toole, Charles Kcustcr. La Plume A'. T. Dickinson, Charles Hcun, George Slsson. Lehigh Geo. Richardson, Frank Knecht. Abraham Siutter. Moosic First ward, C. S. Snydet. James T. Brown, D. D. Davis. Second ward AVIIIIam Mnjor, David Cranston, Thomas Robertson. Third wnrd John D. Arnfleld. Peter AVclr. AA'llllam Stevenson. Fourth ward Thomas Evans, Michael Ilnltco, Edward AA. Jones. Mayllcld First ward, John If. Martin. James Harris, Edwin S. Maynard. Second ward Third ward Madison Frank Alt, J. W. Ycagcr, James II. Hatbrlll. Newton AVIIIIam Lynch, Lewis Sherman, Lloyd Singer. l North Ablngton-W. B. Aylsworth, Willis Stone, I, J. Lewis. Old Forge First district, Martin Memolo, Robert AVhlto, Allle Stuss. Second district James AVInllsan, Henry Trapler, George Riddle. Fourth district Louis Papa, David Matthews, AVIIIIam Bennett. Qlyphnnt First ward. A. C. Farrell. Thomas Carter, AVIIIIam Thomason. Second ward James If. James, Chas. Charles, AA'illlam Patten. Third wnrd, First district M. Middle ton, AA'llllam McMancs, William If," Mitchell; Second district, Joseph Browning, John C. Pilger, George Hilling. Fourth ward Thomas G. Davis, Jnme.s Hocking, John Price. Ranson First ward, . Second ward Charles Moyer, Stephen Schmidt, AVIIIIam Canterbury. Roaring Brook J. II. Snyder, E. L. Frnntz, Fred Cnppell. Scott AVarren Berry, Elmer Decker, Har rison Gardner. South Ablngton-Flrst district, T. S. Parker, A. A. Davis. Silas AVhite. Second dlstrlct-E. B. Dunlap, Ed ward Aton, George P. Myers. Third district Spring Brook D. If. Thomas, Enoch Morgan. AA'. E. Griffith. Taylor First ward, John Howard, Job Francis, Thomas A. Thomas. Second ward Gomer Jones, John F. Tubbs, George M, Thomas. Third ward J. H. Thomas, J. D. Francis, AVilllnm G. Owens. Fourth ward James Price, Richard AA'illlams, Lewis G. Lewis. Fifth ward-Tallle Griffiths, Ben Fern, Henry Evans. Sixth ward First district, John Pro per. Reese Lloyd, Thomas Cook; Second district, AVIIIIam J. AVIIllams, Jonathan Dnvles, Charles Carson. Throop Henry Jarvls, Frederick Fryer, John Taylor. Vandling John Rowe, Edward Stratford, Thomas Salisbury. West Abiugton L. T. June. AA". S. Ross, I. B. Finch. AVaverly Edward Parker, D. L. Doty, Charles Finch. Winton First ward, . Second ward Frank Rolls, Charles AVooris, Patrick Fltzslmmons. Third ward Scraiitnu First ward. First district, Cradd Morris, AVIIIIam Evans, D. AA". Lloyd; Second district, Robert Fidlnm, Charles Raines, F. M. Koehler; Third district, John B. Llttlejohn. Robert AVIIllams, E. A. McGlnnls: Fourth district. Lewis H. Johns. AV. It. Frelze, Griffith E. Powell: Fifth district. Henry Evans, Georgo AVatkins, Thomas Scott. Second ward First district. S. B. Rob inson, R. Edwards, C. W. Silkman; Second district, A, B. Briggs, John Von Bergen, jr.. Ben Evans; Third district, John Fidlnm, W. AV, Simp son. AVIIIIam Crosby; Fourth dis trict, T. J. Gwynne, AV. B. Blrtloy, J. J. Owens. Jr.; Fifth district, Ed Roche, J. J. Ranlngnn, Mike Shields. Third ward-First district, John Mo ran, James Stuart, Patrick Moran; Second district, G. S. Decker, Rlch nrd AVnlsh, A. AV. Decker. Fourth ward-First district. Richard Griffiths. AV. G. AVIIllams, W. II. Evans: Second district. O. S. Phil lips, AA'. G. Powell, Alfred Reed; Third district. Edward O'Boyle. If. O. BrndKhaw, George Schnell; Fourth district, H, O. Davis, Cass Morgan. J ,AV. Richards. Fifth ward-First district. James Phil lips, J, D. Davis. VS. E. Rohnthnn: Second dlstrlcf-G. AV. Jenkins. Ed win Hughes, James Lightfoot; Third district, James Hughes, Thomas Leyshon, Thomas S. Jones; Fourth district. AValliln AVIIIInms, Evan Walters, Solomon Jones, Sixth ward-First district, ; Sec ond district, Edward Kenny, Frank Qulnn. Patrick McNully; Third dis trict, William B, Bayles, Meredith Jones, Wllllnm Dnvles. Seventh wnrd, First district, Georgo flurkol, L. AV, Burns. August Polls ter; Second district, John Ash, AVm. G. Nclmes, M. J. MoFndden. Eighth ward-First district, AV. A. Raub, Joseph Greenburger, Charles Battle; Second district, W. S. Mil lar, John Bauford, John Morris, Ninth ward-First district, W. S. Bartlett. M, J, Mitchell, George AVolf; Second district, M. R. Rob ling, H, V, Hopewell, William Hoss; O. B. Partridge, M, Lowry, Frederick Council. Tenth ward-First district. O. S. Rldgway, Joseph AVatrtuis. S, S. AA'crt; Second district. AV, H. Kuoep fcl, Henry .Monro, J, 11, JlfUlns. Eleventh ward First district, Charles J. Mlrtz. AVIIIIam Wlrth. Christ Fickus; Second district, AV. P, Hues, ter, Philip Schacffer, Philip Wlrth; Third district, Charles Stono, John Harris, A, C, Euglehardt. Twelfth ward First district, James Carroll, James Kearus, John Mad den; Second district, Thomas Car den, Georgo Roberts, jr., Gariett .AVrcn. . Thirteenth ward First district, Chas. II, Nothacker, Robert Rankin, Fred Rrowcr; Second district, C, S. Fowl er, Jr., A. C' Monies, A. P, Rldgc- way;' Third district, Jesse Teats, Fred Metcalf. G. A. Lewis. Fourteenth ward First district, E. 8. Dale. C. It. Acker. AV, G. Jones; Second district. A. C. Schrlcfcr, Da vldvThomas, G. F, Klllow, Fifteenth ward-First district J. J, Davjs, Thomas Dowrlck, John JULY 12, 1903. OFFICIAL COUNT OF TUESDAY'S YDTB '. ' "'T. 'Y - . t i T.r ,,,r , i.i CONGRESS COUNTT COHMIHtWUM MINI mSMCTOM i ' i n i ii. i t I. ' . - i' I'm i i a DISTRICT . . 4 d fti J.-jflf; I $ I I I I & I fi I I w Archbald, lit ward, 1st iiiT. eoT2B ""6 7 58 78 B8 IS fi IB 3) T8 fl, First ward, 8nd dlst 00 47 25 . . . . 84 108 88 3 4 103 B 30,110 Second ward 85 B 3 3 20 8fl 3 6 4 10 1 7 , 8 Third ward 63 14 3 3 61 34 55 16 7 56 13 33 10 Benton township 31 45 18 5 03 36 31 38 28 'IB 4 3 Blnkely, First ward 100 48 10 38 71 183 84 103 8 16 8 74 39 Second ward 77 68 15 43 80 105 8 88 7 58 13 87 37 Third ward 37 80 0 88 81 65 10 30 6 80 7 20 48 Carbondale twp., South dint. . 15 3 15 .... 15 . . . . 8 IB Northeast district 10 10 ... 10 10 10.... Northwest district 8 7 4 1 2 8-13 8 4 3 4 4 S Carbondale, 1st ward, let dlst. 180 17 10 8 187 38 177 IS 8 168 16 177 19 First ward, 3d dint 81 2 1 31 78 2 50 8 13 7 1 78 Second ward, 1st dlst 33 11 4 16 18 88 80 8 3 37 3 88 19 Second ward, 2nd dist 55 18 6 8 47 28 51 80 16 82 8 40 18 Second ward, 3d dlst 18 5 3 3 80 8 18 16 1 1 3 82 ... . Third ward, 1st diet 48 11 7 86 88 5 34 5 7 18 1 43 85 Third ward, 2nd dlst 101 8 3 8 87 11 91 35 8 88 5 90 38 Third ward, 3d dUt 18 18 . . . . 13 IS .... 18.... Third ward, 4th dist 30 28 7 10 35 14 46 6 6 20 9 29 86 Fourth ward, 1st dist 8 5-8 8 8 5 6 8..,. 3 1 B'T Fourth ward, 2nd dist 10 4 1 1 9 2 7 2....8 1 9 S Fourth ward, 3d dlst 8 8 5 . . . 7 1 3 5.... 1 . . . 1 4 Fifth ward, 1st dist 02 47 33 28 97 85 85 51 82 98 18 89 88 Fifth ward, 2nd dist 39 3 3 .... 37 5 39 2 8 5 2 40 ..,. Sixth ward, 1st dist 49 25 15 13 50 54 5 7 1 9 8 68 4B Sixth ward, 2nd dist 9 9 6 3 8 9 li Clifton 12 1 2 7 1 11 10 8 5 1 .. Covington 17 16 8 7 22 12 14 18 5 5 8 17 8 Dalton 61 22 2 2 74 71 8 18 4 31 8 88 18 Dickson City, First ward.... 68 61 19 43 42 73 IB 10 8 22 8 116 8 Second ward 38 51 5 25 86 60 14 7 3 . 10 8 73 Third ward 112 33 5 5 6 102 4 7 8 97. 8 08 9 Dunmore, 1st ward, 1st dlst.. 89 25 17 29 47 35 52 18 7 57 17 89 44 First ward, 2nd dist 62 2 1 1 5 43 48 2 ,... 3 8 38 45 Second ward, 1st dist 72 83 13 4 81 17 18 8 7 24 4 48 12 Second ward, 2nd dist 67 8 8 12 16 43 33 3 4 45 18 34 11' Third ward, 1st dlst 37 11 5 9 17 10 31 4 8 13 7 31 , 9 Third ward, 2nd dist 60 18 17 10 48 34 46 15 8 31 87 48 14 Third ward, 3d dist 58 30 81 12 30 18 56 81 17 33 80 18 18 Fourth ward 25 8 8 1 11 18 .... 3 8 9 1 3 7 Fifth ward ;.. 30.... 4 1 10 15 85 8 1 8 .... 89 8 Sixth ward, 1st dist 74 34 20 8 38 45 58 10 4 86 18 34 64 Sixth ward, 2nd dlst 191 32 10 12 142 32 158 85 S3 101 17 77 80 Elmhurst 25 8 7 12 18 7 21 U 1 18 4 19 It Foil township. 1st dist 30 3 .1 2 28 11 21 1 1 30 1 28 '1 Second district 21 5 1 6 17 -. 8 13 8 1 7 .... 24 15- Fourth district 12 14 3 .... 17 19 11 1 1 18 3 4 84 Glenburn 19 24 4 5 36 6 28 1 1 18 17 4 "JH Gouldsboro 5 2 .... ,..... .. 6 7.... ........ .... . V Greenfield 17 24 5 4 21 25 18 4 2 20 1 , 8 Jefferson 10 6 14 16 2 ' 11 1 7 4 4 2 Jermyn, First ward 80 17 18 10 55 53 12 10 7 88 9 S3 4 Second ward 77 27 22 15 78 79 15 14 8 74 7 78 .19 Third ward 24 18 12 2 9 35 14 6 7 14 S 10 81 Lackawanna twp., South dist. 50 3 11 11 42 30 8 38 7 19 2 21 15 Hast district 51 39 81 54 32 15 13 5 2 68 10 10 43 Southwest district 41 4 3 9 23 33 5 33 1 33 6 .... 1 La Flume 21 6 4 .... 20 16 10 2 .,.. 8 5 4 4 Lehigh 6 7.... 1 3 4 12 6 5 1 3 1.... Madison 34 86 12 12 39 13 31 5 11 21 7 9 13 Mayfleld, First ward 51 31 5 3 41 40 7 3 8 15 6 39 28 Second ward 79 8 5 6 64 57 11 7 7 80 10 18 6 Third ward 11 15 1 5 5 81 1 1 3 3 1 17 14 Moosic, First ward 24 30 15 10 33 42 8 44 83 19 7 7 5 Second ward .10 7 13 17 4 16 8 14 2 Third ward 56 18 7 5 60 58 4 60 5 52 8 4 1 Fourth ward 32 13 5 30 10 81 10 35 4 18 7 13 16 North Abington 9 28 7 22 2 2 36 1 3 24 5 5 8 Newton 30 42 5 31 56 12 37 7 7 42 5 8 53 Old Forge, First district 253 139 37 95 182 317 14 85 349 156 11 11 84 Second district 8 14 1 0 1 7.... 7 3.....;.. 10 8 Fourth district 107 143 22 30 47 112 14 805 18 10 2 8 5 Olyphant, First ward 6 5 1 .... 6 11 .... 1 5 1 .... 7 I Second ward 102 511 10 96 47 149 6 4' 3 101 7 35 108 Third ward, 1st dist 31 3 1 17 7 36 ... . 88 8 13 8 15 9 Third ward, Snd dist 1 16 3 3 10 16 3 1 8 4 ,6 17 7 Fourth ward 49 30 5 69 30 73 ... . 6 5 16 5 30 70 Ransom twp.', First ward. .. . 5 8 6 3 6 4 7 9 5 3,... 16 Second ward 4 13 5 8 5 6 5 1 3 3 7 115 Roaring Brook 1 4.,.. 8 3 1 8 3,... 3 1.,.. 1 Scott 34 38 12 10 38 41 14 6 8 27 8 37 5 Scranton, First ward, 1st dist. 174 44 18 93 141 -127 28 8 14 43 4 210 25 First ward, 2nd dist 83 58 17 75 40 60 31 10 5 39 19 107 19 First ward, 3d dist 74 28 19 22 34 72 11 4 5 28 9 62 37 First wnrd, 4th dist 109 60 27 45 108 94 6 3 5 24 4 152 18 First ward, 5th dist 84 74 34 57 37 68 14 5 4 39 14 139 16 Second ward, 1st dist 155 37 44 87 83 63 48 8 33 73 18 151 44 Second ward, 2nd dist 185 68 38 44 135 172 88 19 36 96 19 195 60 Second wnrd, 3d dist 86 37 19 39 43 63 44 11 8 37 8 87 30 Second ward, 4th dist 57 35 6 47 58 58 13 1 36 36 4 64 41 Second ward, 5th dist 41 8 1 2 42 43 4 5 2 3 4 39 3T Third ward, 1st dist 40 9 10 33 14 18 86 5 . . . . 10 5 47 28 Third ward, 2nd dist 47 2 2 44 7 16 23 4 47 3 4 8 31 Fourth ward, 1st dist 121 70 37 77 99 60 55 10 15 124 43 83 108 Fourth ward, 2nd dist. ... 57 146 85 100 75 43 30 17 81 78 40 45 108 Fourth ward, 3d dist 130 87 59 92 87 45 69 11 18 83 45 83 134 Fourth ward, 4th dlst 170 167 170 115 140 75 40 49 36 156 84 59 180 Fifth ward, 1st dist 173 70 34 119 185 53 18 13 5 807 47 17 93 Fifth ward, 2d dist 171 80 36 180 116 55 38 21 7 151 27 24 198 Fifth ward, 3d dist Ill 90 48 108 119 30 17 11 7 64 61 81 158 Fifth ward, 4th dist 186 03 36 154 150 61 8 30 18 113 33 80 1S Sixth ward, 1st dist '44 4 3 IS 37 36 3 3 4 16 89 9 80 Sixth ward, 2d dist 67 11 9 17 53 44 2 5 3 45 41 7 18 Sixth ward, 3d dist 123 115 70 173 78 38 11 15 24 173 8 34 168 Seventh ward, 1st dist. ... 32 6 10 7 8 14 15 10 .... 19 2 4 39 Seventh ward, 3d dist 7 11 73 11 75 34555 3 Seventh ward, 3d dist 56 3 5 5 21 27 29 1 24 4 7 6 B2 Eighth ward, 1st dist 80 37 14 54 35 43 27 24 11 52 11 12 50 Eighth ward, 2d dist 181 32 12 124 78 143 28 19 10 155 18 15 153 Ninth ward, 1st dist 121 34 12 83 63 30 67 28 8 75 29 89 38 Ninth ward, 2d dist 109 49 13 86 89 16 130 39 9 93 29 30 87 Ninth ward, 3d dist 131 39 84 30 119 39 87 36 16 101 31 47 39 Tenth ward, 1st dist 79 57 16 33 31 33 130 9 7 70 13 11 94 Tenth ward, 2d dist 88 68 30 30 53 19 188 83 19 63 86 41 59 Eleventh ward, 1st dist. .. . 151 43 41 18 181 144 68 87 14 111 83 19 110 Eleventh ward, 3d dlst. ... 85 43 33 16 49 49 60 13 39 34 87 31 58 Eleventh ward, 3d dist. .. . 73 11 8 18 17 14 64 8 3 33 9 38 43 Twelfth ward, 1st dlst 58 1 4 54 31 13 15 6 3 14 35 33 38 Twelfth ward, 3d dist 33 2 2 17 19 3 3 3 8 11 5 16 8 Thirteenth ward, 1st dist.. 185 36 36 103 100 106 68 83 13 133 19 105 88 Thirteenth ward, 2d dist... 195 32 25 40 125 134 117 23 11 135 34 160 40 Thirteenth ward, 3d dist... 01 24 10 50 33 61 17 21 17 62 13 83 41 Fourteenth ward, 1st dist.. 84 64 30 86 88 80 14 16 4 104 17 13 108 Fourteenth ward, 2d dlst... 53 35 13 11 70 84 18 10 6 82 20 12 84 Fifteenth ward, 1st dist. ... 178 144 46 205 141 84 51 33 21 177 , 50 73 188 Fifteenth ward, 2d dlst.... 87 136 31 110 68 66 24 16 20 110 16 27 151 Sixteenth ward, 1st dist... 118 42 24 40 90 88. 47 37 3 85 SO 19 68 Sixteenth ward, 2d dist.... 119 42 20 28 92 64 68 22 7 107 17 47 38 Seventeenth ward, 1st dist. 180 20 28 96 84 40 152 30 16 110 30 48 95 Seventeenth ward, 2d dist.. 147 24 22 38 102 50 87 50 8 97 33 48 18 Seventeenth ward, 3d dlst.. 130 34 24 40 95 40 80 87 8 73 30 76 86 Eighteenth ward 132 34 7 36 130 112 4 9 10 74 24 20 74 Nineteenth ward, 1st dist.. 76 54 60 15 33 80 58 14 9 38 25 16 51 Nineteenth ward, 2d dlst... 06 25 38 75 35 24 51 13 6 48 10 14 38 Nineteenth ward, 3d dist... 118 17 47 13 60 33 88 22 18 43 21 17 7T Nineteenth ward, 4th dist. . 54 26 38 7 14 18 41 20 8 24 13 3 24 Twentieth ward, 1st dist... 123 1 7 25 00 52 23 117 5 54 12 IB 14 Twentieth ward, 2d dist. . . 152 4 41 15 60 21 100 37 5 121 13 7 21 Twentieth ward, 3d dlst.... 70 3 20 13 41 30 5 51 4 68 2 .... 10 Twentieth Avard, 4th dlst... 135.... 6 20 100 80 23 102 6 74 2 1 78 Twenty-first Avard, 1st dist. 51 125 30 65 107 58 36 28 34 70 37 57 70 Twenty-first ward, 2d dist.. 80 51 3 68 93 08 12 3 3 80 62 5 128 South Abington, 1st district. 53 10 12 11 31 15 33 23 13 23 5 10 . 3 Second district 50 38 28 17 30 13 38 32 13 38 10 13 11 Third district 20 13 4 5 4 1 27 2 1 13 1 7 3 Spring Brook 17 16 9 11 18 0 10 24 4 4 5 14 3 Taylor, First wnrd 38 51 20 27 44 32 1 48 2 61 1 82 8 Second ward 78 58 11 32 83 87 8 98 5 48 1 52 13 Third ward 85 56 17 30 93 88 10 113 15 41 5 50 22 Fourth wnrd 52 27 0 54 , 67 16 6 43 3 42 .... 9 54 Fifth ward 55 33 8 26 72 23 4 64 8 88 . , . . 12 10 Sixth ward, 1st dist. ..... 01 37 68 40 55 32 25 23 3 18 15 51 95 Sixth ward, 2d dlst 8 15 7 15 5 12 2 1 4 22 .... 17 Throop 15 05 14 12 62 13 5 7 1 30 0 66 .34 Vandling 31 26 10 13 36 42 0 6 1 4 6 50 . 41 Wavcrly 25 32 15 0 30 20 13 23 7 26 5 4 . 16 West Abington 3 20 8 5 11 7 11 10 4 2 3 2 8 Wlnton, First ward ........ 64 3 1 21 6 50 3 .... 2 25 ...'. 6 55 Second ward 47 7 1 36 8 41 .... 4 ,,,, 16 4 38 8 Third ward ,,., 37 3 4 5 13 40 1 2 2 30 2 .... 33 Totals 11004 6064'; 2403 4027 8000 6738 4725 3134 1590 6964 1042 58115914 Pluralities..,,....,,... 5020,,.. j , ,. 3172 1811 1753 .... . ... 703 James; Second district, John D. Griffiths, Samuel AVIIllams, Pierce Fellows. Sixteenth ward First district, Jacob A. Shlrfcr, Simon Segal, Joseph Block; Second district. A. A'ander foid, A. 11. Shopland, If. Nicholson. Seventeenth ward-Fjrst district, Rob ert Allen. I. II. Jay, John II. Colt tins; Second district, Itobert J. i,rim mLa t(aag. John T. Howe, Sam H. Stev ens; Third district, . Nineteenth ward-First district. F. F, Kappel, A. Storr. Albert Heir; Second district, Oscar Strauch, F. ('. Dleslii. AVIIIIam A. Shunk: Third district, II. Maytrs, Joseph littler, David F. nelllys Fourth district. John Etelnmeti. Ernest Lowcnsteln. William Nlcholls. rsrmammmmmmz Twontlcth wnrd-Flrst district, Julian Cooper. G. R. Norton. Hdward Sim. roll; Second district, Charles F. Klor, Matthew Gaul, AVIIIIam Bar nlco; Fourth district, . Twenty-first ward-First district, T. O. Charles, I. AV. Luce, Edward Hetcs;, Second' district, T. D. Thom as, T. V. Jones, John Nicholson. "tf! HA a. I M m 9 ,W "J,l $t 'if i if i v W 1 1 (" "'ftMi t 4f fc-L-"' ?--