w , J A a?,,"-Wfc V-M ',:jpi. ,r V l T S'jk?5 " BiST IV L 'f 1 . J r 1. ' I , , r ' i" ? t ' ii 32 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATUKDAY, JULY 12, 1902. A' .1 II Ri h I -ftf 14' i E : I3" s m hp It ft ipr wt, t y ?ttie News of t .. v m t v ; ANOTHER YOUNG LIFE TRAGICALLY ENDED; vWllllnm David Morgan, Son of Wil- A'Unra T. Morgan, Ono of Carbon-, dale's Mo3t Prominent Citizens, 11 Perishes In Delaware Bivor While , i r' on Plensmo Tour No Dotalls Yet ' ' ns to the Happening Body Not 'Bocoveied Morgan's Father Pros- trated with Grief. , Ycsteiday, for l!io sccoml lime within Ti'inontji. Caibondtile was shocked by a death pint liugleally ended the life ot iivouti who was conpleuous umoug .'the young people of the town, whose demise-, will east u gloom and soiiow over 'an exceptionally wide clicle of friends; ., William David Morgan, snnrof Mrv .Mid Mis. William T. MoigVu, of Salem .n venue mid Sptlug stieet, wits the vic tim of the tiuglc happening. He perished In the Dcluwuic river some time je-tewlay nioining. How lie met his fate is only, a matter of siiinilse. , The nas of. , the Mid happening was ex ceedingly 'me.igie. , A leleptnm came to n. f i lend of the family In this city, .which ictid:. ,v, "Will Moigun was di owned today In ,CJedar Itlft. Tell his father meet us ut Lnckawaxen, at once. Rexford Lnthrope." b t'.'ltcxfoid Lathi ope was 0110. of the, party-of width Morgan was u member. The other of the trio was Albeit Cinne. they left Iieio Monday morning over the O. & W. for Hancock, N. Y., taking -their canoo with them. At Hancock, they launched the canoe in the Dela waie and slatted on a cruise to Water Onp, pei haps. When they 1 cached Cedar Itlft, the fatal accident took place. T'ndcr what chcumstances ns innnilnnprl. It has not been learned. Whether it was duo to the capsizing of. the canoe, or to some otner encum-i-tanrp or the canolng, can only be sui niNcd. Cedar Itlft Is a spot In the Delawaie in the vicinity of Shohola. The body of Moigan has not been found. This was Indicated In the tele nriain sent by Rexfoid Lathi ope, In the woids "Tell Ills father meet us at Lackawnxon at once." This was eon flimed by a telesiam sent in the aftei iioon by the opputor at Sholiol 1 to the opeiator at Lackaw axen in which he paid that no tiatp of jouns Moi-Ran .had )een found. This message was subsequently wired by tlie Lackawaxen opeiator to the Moigan family in this city. Mr. Moigau was In Pleasant Mount when the news of his hon's fate leacli ed heie. MeaRes weie lepeatrd to him until he was finally located and he turned honipwaid. He dioe f 10m the countiy under a tenlble stinln, and was only sust.iined by the Rieatest ex cicise of his will power. His hoi.se was pushed to Hip limit In speeding him home to his ri lef-til ken wife, whose 11 all health does not stand her in Rood Mead In an oei whelming blow like this. When Mr. Moigan had been in CKCHi RHODES' WILL. Provides for Pioper Food for dents. Stu- CecII Khodes in his lule will left a be quest of $,"0,000 for the iiiipioenient of the high table for Resident Fellows and tutois at Oiiel College, CKfoid. "I am lejoked to find that one inll llonaiic Ins at last ghen some thought to the question of dietetics in educa tional institutions," says KlUabeth C.uly Stanton in the New Yoik Journal. "One of the tijlng evils In our schools, college and unhei cities Is the had s-xsteni emplojed in feeding glow ing bojs and git is. Students, above all other classes, need plenty of good, well-cooked food and a happy state of mind In anticipa tion of theli Miilnus meals. Djtpepsla Is one ot the common dis eases among the llttraiy clase.s, and the foundation tor this pievalent ail .nient is laid in oui colleges mid seniin uilcs. Ot what nx.ill is u Imowlpdse of ait, .seieiRc, philosophy and govern ment when health is seiluusly uudei inliieil'.'" . All this comes fiom igiioianee as to 'the kind of tood element the body must luie to supply the dally loss lioni hr.iln woik, Uatou, meat, potatoes, 'white biead and coifte absolutely will not keep a haul hi a in woiker well. A food e.Npeit pei ret ted a pcilect foud fur biain woikeis. Not only in the schools but lit the home should the food be looked after. The necessity of selecting food to sup ply proper null Itlou to iep!at the dully waste or tissue of Inula and neics Is of the guatest "impuitunte, Grape-Nuts In the IdPiil food for ouug and old who use the liialn ac tlely; the diastase' of the gialns be ing pcifcctly dexelniied and the staich 'tianstoimcd into guipj sugar In the moit pei feet inaiiner. In this condition, dupe-Nuts Is 'lemly to bo quickly absoibod into the blood and tissue without taxing the in testinal digestive inaehlneiy. The .'phosphate of potash found In the cor "fsila W ict.tlned, and tills with ulbu "'im'n.Miiiplles the elements lequhed to flfiiilirtho gihy iihuier 1u main and Jnenlr Seniors: '- TSDr'Mox .'dolman (If Now Yoik HJty icecntly''calleiHhe attention of the atoiu'cr of Ktlueatlon to Jtlie r.iOt that Cnuptti of fire defeetlvo'Ohifcs ti'10 apt a5i 1)8 weuV, pliyhfcally. Tnmpoiaiy fnlieirTlfloiis lue offtfii mistaken tor teal VU'fecO.; Ui the ate only syi'n'ptoins M ph'yslcal 'glow thj. of 'indigestion or Sitlici tnaliulles, llidlgestlon lifts lieen "respohSIble for indie tlufii oiia'false rh'oodAdnd Its cut n has orteu ten tol "lowed" by 11 ictiiin to tiuWitulnoss!" ' Kill ?ts piedigestea fofm, th'u daily i'ufo oiriiHipe-Niits' tor tho ceiea"! part oT thWiiie.ki;uldsrdigesflon, noiiiishes thc li6dy, tones iin'Uie nervous system tomd AHekeifa the mental facilities, XCotf sliould also bo bunlshed, for it Hmimtuully stimulates the Inula and "neivcs so that pioper nutiltlon Is Inter grodhvth and they cannot get suf-'ficient'-'rest to takmthe food needed for tbe work they must do. nom duy to .day, -For tho nioining beveiagc, I'os tli&t ITtrod Coffee 'should be used In !jflaceQ coffee. Let the dally breakfast, partlculaily at this time of the jear, consist of rtOrape-Nuts und cream, a llttlo fiult, "a-ciip'Df'Postuin leood Coffee, eome -"two M (.boiled, egss,, WM possible to make ono believe what a wonderful , change fJn healtji, strength,,, cpmfoU t, wn4.:ttbHity, cornea la tea days after .(quijltlnB wrotur fooo: una ' JiVlug on fccJeutucally8e!ecteU food, . f ' t t -! 4 m hp if Catbondale the house a few minutes, long enough for the awful cliciimstniiee of his loss and his wife's soiiow nnd dlstiesa to firmly Impress themselves, when ho collapsed, When he milled somewhat, nnd It was plain Hint It wus out ot the question for hint to attempt tiie journey to I.uekuwnxen to aid In theseareji for Ills bay, two friends, George Denton anil u limn named Owens fiom Forest City, 0I11teetcd. They left Tor Lacku waxen on tho Un Delaware & Hudson tulu ycsteiday. aftot noon. Tlicie is iiiuoh speculation as to the cause of the drowning ns Cedar Illtt, Just below Shohola, Is not lcgaiited as nearly as dangcious us other points along tho Delawaie, Ilanklns, which the trio piissed eniller In the week, Is looked upon as olio of the woist places in the liver, Two young men fiom New Yoik city perished at this point on Monday, their bodies being found nt Callcoon, a few miles south. A cunoo tilp along the Delawaie Is attended with more or less pei II, a cir cumstance which Impressed Itself on young Moigan, f6r a few days pi lor to the It Iji, he hesitated and delayed mak ing up his mind. He even consulted some of his fi lends as to the advisabil ity of the ventuie. The clicumstance, however, that ills companions, Mr. Ciane and Mr. T,ulhiope, weie pos sessed of good judgment nnd caution, led him to make his mind to go. The last woids expietsed to him by ills mother was n. chaiactcilstlcally fond nnd earnest lcquest that he take tare of himself. Moigan was boin In Pleasant Mount eighteen yeais ago, the family moving to Caiboudalc nine years ago. He was ono of the most popular among his associates. He was exceedingly bright and nn apt scholar. He was a member of this year's class of flip Catbondale high school and took the class honor of the Mantle oration. Young Moigan was a member of the First Piesbyteilun chuich Sunday school clas taught bv Dr. W. W. Fletcher, wheie he displayed the same piaisewoithy chatacteiistlcs that maiked him wheiever lie went. He was active In athletic spoits and was one or the contestants in the tourna ment of last week. Ills death follow ing so closely upon Itobei t Meaker's casts a daik gloom upon almost the same clicle of Mung people. It is need less to add that tne wuim-heatted sym pathies of the community go out to the saddened family. The sunlvots are the patents, ono slstpr, Miss May Moigan, and two biotheis, John and George Moigan, nil of this cltv. W. T. Moigan, the father of the de ceased, is owner of a large general diy goods store and Is a member of the firm of Bennett, Moigan & Company, wholesale dry goods house, of Blng- hamton, N. Y. THE CLIMAX OF THE HIGHWAY ROBBERIES The Limit Beached in the Holding Up Yesterday of Mis. James Allen on Ciystal Lake P.gad Obtained No Money. The limit in the highway lobberles, which have otcui led In Catbondale and vicinity for about thiee weeks, was touched ycsteiday nioining, when two men, destilbed as hobo-like In their ill ess, held up Mrs. James Allen, of CiiPenllold, at the toik in the load at Wedeman's, clo e to the Fallbiook and Newton Water compnnys reservoir, along the Civstnl lake load. Mis. Allen was on her way from her home in Oieenfleld to do some shop ping in Caibondale, when she wns In tel eppted. Two men spiang fiom be hind bushes anil giabbed the ipIiis of the hoise she diove Thev demanded money fiom her. Though she was filghtened, she was not unnerved; but seemed to ncquiie a good deal of nei vo dining the tolng moments that the bold daylight highwaymen detained her on the londvay. She had consid erable money, but it was wisely seciet ed on her pel son. Itesponding to the demand, she giubbed hold of nn empty ptnse lli.it hung fiom her bell. She showed it to the pair, and Insisted that this was all the money she had about her. "I'll be bail; about 5 o'clock this even ing," said Mrs. Allen, "and if jou ate hoie, then I'll give ou a few dollars for letting ine go. I Intend to duw some money lioiu the bank In Cuibon daip." The robheis, nppatenlly satisfied that their cndeavois weie fiultless, let Mis. Allen ileum t. When Mis. Alien leached tills tlty about ! o'clotk, she leported the hold up at n stoie, wheie she made some puithnses. She was a ti ine neivous, but otheiwlse showed no sign of her tiylng expoilence. Mis. Allen's deseiiptlon of the men tallies eaetly, as to height, with tho pair who committed thn Dundatf stiee: lobbeiles on Iiiennun and Miller. Ono was tall and heavily built the other was undei sized. Both woie old, worn and dli ty clothes. Mis. Allen bought a levolver, befoie leaving Caibondalo on the letuin tilp, und dpi hired she was loady for any one who might icpeat the morning per loimnuie. Mis, Allen was a former lesldent of Caibondale. Her husband is famlllaily known as "Dadgei" Allen. ROOTERS GALORE. Honcsdale Will' Shake Today with Noise of tho Cuibstono Stilp pllngs, Unless Indications fall utteily, tho biggest crowd that ever left Caibon dulo to attend a guiiio of hall else wiiete will be off to Hoiiesdalo over tho 11.05 Delaware und Hudson tmln this foieuoon, Kntliusiasni Is at white heat and It. was fanned all day ycsteidtty by some hibty pei sous who had the town liHRlng all day with the drawl "Kveiy body goes to Honesdnle," The Cuibstono Ktllppllngs, who a.. ways cut chunks of Ice at a ball gumo or other sport wheie noise Is essential, will turn out enmassp toduy, They have suspended their by-laws, wo ate told, nnd have, admitted to honorary meinbeishlp the whole polite foice. Wo uont tear xnut nils la necessary, but It will inako the delegation all the 111010 lepiesetilutlvc, The Btrlppllngs will bo loaded with megaphones, home. made and Impoited; with hoi lis, w(th latchots und with other noisy nolbu makers.. Tlieie will be noise, the .noisiest noise, In Hones- dale today, ui)d Jnlng Cliff will fulily shake vvth the vibrations of tho Ktiip plliiBS' usty voiced. .They held their- dual meeting last night and ate ready for today. It has been decided to ucnr colois for today's game,' purple and whlto have bedn chosen, so the crowd will govern Itself accordingly. No man Bhotild be without his purple and w'hltc. A Honesdalc w titer made some grunt tho other day about the Cnrbondnllatis going to have shot guns, etc. Biggest mistake he ever made. But Hint's be cause he lias never been away from home. Catbondale sportsmen are true sportsmen. We, expect to win In Honcsdiilo today, but It by some acci dent wo don't, we'll bo the same When It's all over as when tho llrst ball wns pltclit'd. We'll even be willing to shout wltli Honesdnle, If her lads put up a good gnnio of ball, The fare today will bo one 1 ate CO cents for tho round tilp. Tho train to tnko will be tho one leaving hero at 11.05 this morning. The batting order of the game will bo as follows: Honesdalc Vottor, c.j Hcssler, p.j Ga'lord, s.s.; Murrln, lb.; Solomon, 2b.; G. Vettcr, 3b.; Btlcy, l.f.j I,pc, c.f.; Benito, r.f. Crescents Lof tus, c; McAiulrow p.; McIIale, s.s.; Hartc, lb.; Gullaghy, 2b.; Murray, 3b.; Curr, l.f.; Kmmptt, c.f.; Bocsler or Moiinlian, r.f. WORTHY TRIBUTES TO HON. WM. MORRISON His Memory Honored at Knights of Columbus Services Eulogy by M. T. Burke. For the second time within a month, the Caibondale council, Knights ot Columbus, honoicd the memory of a member who had been garnered fiom its milks within that time. I-nst night it was the late Hon. Wil liam Morrison, a former mayor of Cat bondale, nndp n Knight of Columbus, who was conspicuous nmoug those who worked so hnid for tho institution ot the Caibondale council, and for It's per petuation after the spi ending of its In fluence. The exercises took place In the new home of the Colunibultes on South Main avenue, the first held tlieie. The attendance tilled the hall to the doors. The oration of course, was the feature of the su vices that particularly refeued to the departed faithful knight. This was deliveied by Hon. M. T. Buike, who was closest of any of the members to the deceased. His was a warm eulogy, but which, however, did not abound In fulsome flattery of Mr. Mor llson. It was an earnest, kind hearted tilbule thnt bespoke tho feeling of the 01 a tor. Mr. Duike piepared the eulogy with 11 clear explanation o the origin and petpetualion of the thoughtful custom In tho Catholic chinch of playing for it's departed dead, tiacing tho practice to the old testament. Coming to the deceased ho said that Mr. Moirlson seemed to have taken for his guidance the motto: "To thine own self, be tiue, and it must follow as the night tho day, thou cans't not then be false to any man. To these sentiments, he lived faith fully and his life was an exemplification of what they contained. He was faith ful in ills love to his home, he was ardent to his fiiendship and was iIp voted in whatever position in life ho might find himself. Whether as the chief executive of the city or ns dis charging the least important act of a day's labor during a busy life. Mr. Burke said that the deceased was full of human natuie, and the child like simplicity of his character showed Itself so pleasingly In his devotion and attention to little ones. His patiiotlsm, too, was bi ought out. Sir Knight Richaid Kerilgan. piesid ed, the following being the piogiamme of the sen Ices: Voluntmy, Piof. Stockman, "" "MIs eieie," quaitette, Messrs. O'Uouike, Kerwln, Klikwood and Bojlnn: roll call, recording secretaiy; address. Grand Knight It. II. Kerwinj solo, T. J. Bojlan; memoi la! oration, Hon. M. T. Dm ke; solo, John O'Rourke; ques tions, giand knight; piaer, by tho chaplain; "Lead, Kindly Light," quai tette. INrANT BADLY BUBNED. Body Feai fully Blistered by Scalding Coffee. A fom teen-mouths-old son .of Joseph Tiehunesse, of Simpson, 11111 lowly es caped death by being scalded ester day afternoon. The little one emeiged fiom Its teuible epet lento with one side of Its body feai fully bllsteied by scalding coffee. The child crept uuawaies to the table on which there was a two-quart pot ot boiling coffee. Reaching up, the little one pulled down the vessel upon itself. The hot liquid inn down over one sldo of tho body, burning, bllsteilng nnd slulvellng the flesh as It lan its destiuc tlve couise. A physician was tailed to allav the fearful agonies of the sufterer. After the application of poothlng und healing unctions, the child was appipclably ic lioved. Unless something unfoiseen oe cuis the child will lecover. Will Act on Morgan's Death. Tho class of '02 of the Carbondaie High school will meet In the High school assembly 1 00111 this evening at 7.30 to take suitable action on tho death of their late lamented member, Will lain David Slorgan, The Ciiiboiidnle Tennis club will meet at 1 o'clock this afternoon at the court on North Main stieet, for the same pin pose. A Reunion. It was a happy cmwd of sous, daugh ters and Riand-chlldien that assembled at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wylile, on Belmont, stieet Thuisday evening, The occasion wns tho niinual re-union of the family and was this year held on Mis. Wyllle's hlitliday. Tho guests weto entei tallied by Miss Do You Know Your Nelghbors.P In a city a man may not know his next door neighbor, it is quite dlffeient hi the countiy. In some sections a man may know eveiy man, woman und child In tho county and lie able to give the tumlly hlstoiy of nil his nelghbots for tin eo geueiations back. Ju guid, tv community a man who sees a. neighbor in trouble Is ns quick to help him out us he would be to aid one of his own chlldicn. An instance of tills Is ielaed by II. II. Seal, a well known met chant of Fortner, Tenu. Ills neighbor's wife wus taken with a sevete attutk of colic. On hearing of It he run to his stoic, got a bottle of Chambeilaln's Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy, took It to the sltk woman and guve her tinea doses of it, and ho thinks saved her life. This was witnessed by all of his iielghbois, This remedy Is for sale by till druggists. Keep It n your home. It wl( save you trouble. MWle Wylile nnd Margery Hlatcd In vocal and Instrumental music. Ite freshments were served by tho Misses Fanny Kunpp, Laura Hlstcd, Anna Dlmock and Hnnnnh Wylile. Daughters of Rebeknh, Abo.tit twenty-live members of Lu ctetla lodge, Datghters of Itebekuh, of this city, were In Archbald Thursday attending the quarterly convention of the Itebeltnh lodges of Wyoming, Lu zerne, Wayne, Lackawanna and Hits qtieluintia counties. Mrs. A. O. Fldlam and Mrs. S. L. Carlton were present as delegates from Lucretla lodge. At yesterday's convention a consider able ninotmt of Important business wos transacted. A committee was appointed to vlBlt all the lodges In tho dish let not represented at yesterday's convention, to enlist their support. It was decided to hold the next convention In Caibon dalo next October. Death of Mrs. Allen. Word wns received heie yesterday morning of the death nt Jersey City ot Mrs. W. K. Allen, a former resident of Carbondaie. About two months ago Mrs. Allen suftcied a puralytlc stioke, fiom which she never recovered. For many yeats Mrs. Allen icslded In this city, nnd she was beloved by till who knew her. She is survived by one daughter only, Mrs. James Hoibcrt, with whom she lived. The body will leave Jersey City today at 8 o'clock and is .expected to reach hero ut 1.50 o'clock, it will bo token to the home of J. H. Herbert, on South Terrace sticet. St. Paulls Lutheran Church. Snvcnt'i Sunday after Trlnltatls. f-'n'!)ith school, 0.30 a, m.j Services, 1 11.: seimons on church propaga- t .tlnued "St. Stephen, the First Mi a Man Tull of ,Falth and Powei," Acts vl-vii. 1. His Iricsistlble power in his ar guments that the ctucined Jesus of Nazareth Is truly the Messiah. 2. The effects of his defence, personal and for the expansion of true Chtls tlanity. All are cordially welcome to attend the services. Kev. F. J. C. L'hringer, pastor. Two Cases of Measles. Meale', which have been quite preva lent in Carbondaie the past few months, have not wholly abated, two new cases having been repoitecl to Sanitary Po liceman Molllt. One, made known on Thuisday, Is in the Miller homo, on Cemetery stieot. The case leported yesterday Is Kernlce, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. Sampson, of South Main street. Neither of the clilldieu lias developed moie than noi mal symptoms. The Tempany Case. The dispute over the care of patient Tempany, of Mayfield, will be settled in court. Tills was decided at last night's meeting of the Caibondalo poor boaid, two dhectors fiom Mayfield be ing present. "Aldennan" Giicr's name was again before the board but this time it was tint he had left Cambria county for rWllkes-Bnne on his way home, but that lie was lost on the way. He is making for Caibondale. Only loutine business was disposed of besides these two matteis. Funeral, ( The funeral of the lute Oscar Hell stiom occurred Thursday afternoon. Services weie held at the home, on Drummond avenue, at 3 o'clock, Rev. Chailes Lee offlciatlng, after which in terment was made in Muplewood ceme teiy. The pall-bemers were Aithur Hat lor, John Lewis, David Edwaids nnd Fiederlck Speil. Richaid Shar der, John Beck, Wairen Smith, Lewis Beck, Charles and Biooks Kafka acted as flower-beareis. Services at Congregational Church. At 10.30 a. 111., public worship and ser mon by the pastor, Rev. Thomas F. May: subject, "The Sympathy of God;" 12 o'clock, Sunday school; ti.30 p. m , Liitjstian Kndeavor meeting, led by David Rolls; 7.30 p. in,, regular evening service; subject of sermon. "FIcarlous rSuffeiing." Mis. Mattle Hughes Brown will sing. The public is cordially Invited to all the services. A Pension. Jonathan Shnpley, of Caibondale, but for many jeais a lesldent of Promp ton, lias been granted an Increase of his pension to $8 per month. He was living in the latter place when he enlisted in Company M, Seventeenth Pennsylvania cavalry, Sept, 2.', 1S6-'; was a pilsoner fiom Sept. 21, 18G4, to March 10, 1SS5, and dlschaigpd June 9, 1S63. Cake Sale. The menibeis of Miss Cnirie Morss' Ttinlty Sunday school cluss will hold a cake sale In the Box building on Cliuicli street this afternoon and even ing. All kinds of cake will bo on sale. The pioceeds nre to help to redeem the class' pledge for the Episcopal chuich building fund. Meetings of Tonight. Couit Lily, Foresteis of Ameilca, Diamond lodge, No. 16, Shield of Honor, Local 1616, United Mine Workeis of Amei len. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. "While passing thtough the stteets at Carbondaie on Thuisday Inst, Chailes W. Babbitt was hit over the left cvo with a pleie of glass, which pft a wound lequiilng four stitches to bo taken just below tho eye, Wayne County lleinld. Tlieie will bo 11 meeting of tho Car boiulnlo High school class or 'OJ tamor low afternoon at -'.30 at the school, to take hitltnblo nctlon on the death of their lute member, AVilllum Morgan. The iil.um of the fiom Box 16 yes terday moining was occasioned by a slight bluze fiom nn overheated chim ney in the house of Mrs. J. White, on Soutli Main stieet. William It, Hull, nn nged lesldent ot High stieet, was stiickeu with paroly sis yestenloj' nioining, and Is In a cilll cal condition, The Young Ladles' Cooking club was entertained at the home nf Miss j,ou William., on Lincoln avenue, yesterduy 'afternoon, Mai tin Dougheity left this week to accept u position as clerk at one of the summer hotels ut Lake Ael, N. H. Hlller gave u dinner to a num ber of hl3 gentleman friends yesterduy afternoon, THE PASSING THRONG. Mis. Doia Buiues has returned to her home in Wuverly, after spending a week with her cousins, Mrs. John Wat kins and imgcnc Kuker. ' Mis. J, J, nuike and daughter, Louise, uf Blngliuintyn. N, Y U'turned J Connolly & Wallace t ' ( f Connolly & Wallace I home yesterday, after a week's -visit with relatives in this city. Mrs. A. C. Hall and daughter, Miss Grace, are visiting at the home of B. R. Hall, on Madison avenue, Scranton. George Rettew is spending a part of his vacation with friends in Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mis. F. E. Loomls, of Scran ton, are guests of Mis. E. D. Lathrop. Mrs. Martin Klefer and Alice Rash lelgh spent yesterday in Scranton. William J. Byrnes, of New York city, is in town. Miss Alice Wells, of South Canaan, spent yesterday with fi lends in-town. James Galingher, of Pike stieet, is eonvniescent nfter a week's illness. James and John Conurton and Pat lick Conmy have returned home, after a week's visit in Sehenectadv. Misses Catlieiine Clime and Margaret McCabe, of Canaan street, nie visiting Mis. Paul Bohan, at her home In Pitts ton. Passenger Fireman William Snyder, of Conductor Histed's train, leaves to day for Johnstown, Pa., for a few days' visit. JEBMYN AND MAYFIELD. An effoit Is being made by the Cleik's, union of Jermyn and Malleld, to have' a Wednesday afternoon half holiday. Thus far they have met with oiy giatlfyhig success. Mayiield meichants who aie alwns loyal lu any move ment thnt will benefit or give pleasuie to theli help have nil signed the peti tion. All of the meichants of Jermyn have signed except two and It Is be lieved that they will soon fall In line as they cannot well affotd to btand out in a loyal movement of this kind in times when tiade is so dull und none would be inconvenienced by the stoics closing one afternoon a week. It Is rumoied that this mutter will be taken up lu the miners local union nnd nsk their support in the movement. Tho Cletk's who uie mote than modest in asking this favor would gieatly up pi eciate it and the merchants by gt ant ing It would be moie than pnld by the better set vice that they would get utter tho stilko Is over and their best ef foits are needed hi tho inteiest of their eniployeis. Among those from out of town who attended tho Alumni Association ban quet on Thursday evening weie; Miss Mame Hessler:, of Wi!kcs-Bu,rre; Miss Bluutii Ciippen, of Olyphunt; Miss Floience Kupp, of Caibondale; Miss Itnse Qulnn and Maltha Walsh, ot Mayfield and Joseph O'Bilen, of Avoca, Ralph Taylor vvhu is suffeiliig with appendicitis was taken to the Uniei gency hospltul at Carbondaie, ycstei day. Miss Lydl.i Van Sickle spent u poitlon of lust week with Seiunton fi lends. Mis. Stubbs and daughter, Rjda, of Crnnfoid, N, J., me visiting Jermyn fi lends. Mr. Thomus Boundy und family will leave next 'Tuesday for Seattle, Wash ington toiritory, where tlicy will make their fittuio home, They hnvo been residents of this vicinity tor u number of yeuis and aie tho kind of people a community dislike to loose, For sevei.il years, while editor of the Pi ess, Mr. Boundy took a piomliieiit patt In the w elf aie of the boiough. Both Mr. and Mis. Boundy have not enjoyed good health for the past few yeuis and the change to Seattle Is for tho benefit of their health. Their many friends hope their wishes may be giutlllcd. Rev. May 11a id It. Thompson, of the I'Ust Baptist chinch, wll pieuch toiuoi-, jow evening on "The Evils of Intomper ance." W, II. Motcoin, sr of Thhd stieet, was a Scranton visitor Weducbduy. Mis. E. Reiinle, Mrs. Woodwoith, Mrs. Clam Nicholson, Misses Jcniilo Qrceuslude und Llnle Jones attended Scranton's Shopping Center Store Closes at Noon FYS tf Today. Shopping early a district convention of the Daughters of Rebecca at Aichbald, Thursday evening. A game of ase ball beVwcen Mendel son's tigers and an aggiegatlon of Car bondaie players was played In Fowler's park yesterday afternoon. The-visitors however, put up an infeiior exhibition and weie easily defeated by a score ot 21 to S. The local battery, Maynard, Prltchard and Meehan were too muth for the visitors, The silk mill Is closed down to in stall a new up-to-date engine which Avas leceived Thursday. The mjll will piobably start up again Monday. ' Miss Emma Pedilck, ot the telephone exchange, was a Scranton visitor yes terday. The street car company had n foice of men making some long neetled re pairs to the track on Main street, yes terday. Mis. Elijah Stephens, of Fourth street, is scilously 111. TAYLOR. An Important meeting of Lackawan na Valley council, No. SI, Junior Order United Ameiican Mechanics, will be held on Sunday nfternoon in their hall, on Main stieet, at 2 o'clock. Tho Taylor Reds will try conclusions with the West Scianton Aletts, on the hitter's giounds, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Pleaching services at the usual hours toiuonow ut the Culvniy Baptist chinch. The pastor, Rev, Dr. Hnrils, will officiate at both services. Tho Lotd's Supper will bo administered alter the evening sermon. All aie wel come. Sabbath services will bo held at the usual hams tomoirovv nt the Methodist Episcopal chinch. The pastor, Rev, Clinton B, Henry, will pi each at both set vices. Sabbath school will "be held nt 2,15 p, in,, Climles Nichols, supeiln tendent. All are cordially invited. Mis. Robert Lake has ret tuned to her homo In Piovldence, nfter being tho guest ot her paients, on Main street, for tho past few days. Mis, Thomas Jenkins has letumed home fiom Bangor, Pa w Iieio she has been attending the funeral of a rela tive. Dr, und Mis, Adam Stegueit and Miss Annie linker, of Main street, woio guests of Mis. Stegnei'b parents, Mr. and Mis. G. S. Detker, of Noith Scian ton, jesteidav, Mis. Tallle P, Jones, of Yntesvllle, Is visiting her paients, Mr. and Mis, John Thomas, on Union stieot, Supeilntendent R. A. Phillips and Mcssis. Smith mid Snyder, of the Lackawanna company, paid .tn official visit at collleiles In this boiough yes teidav, Taylor lodge, No, 66S, Independent Older of Odd Fellows, will meet tills evening In tegular fcesslon. Miss Ada Edwaids, of West moun tain, was tho guest of fi lends In town on Thuisday. Mr. and Mis, Louis Jenkins, of West Scianton, have ictuined to their home, after spending the past few days with the hitter's patents (n town, Mis. Oswuld Jones and clilldieu, of Piovldence, weie guests ut Mis. T, L. Jones, on Main stieet, Wednesday, Mr, and Mis, Evan A. Davis have returned to their home lu West Scran ton, after spending the past week with the fotmei's patents, Mr. and Mis. Ed vv.it d E, Davis, on Ralltoad stieet. Mis. David s. Pi Ice, of ci.it k's Sum mit, has been spending (ho past few da s with her mother, Mis. John E. Davis, on Noith Mnlu stuct. Mis. Hetiiy Sohullhles, of West Union stieet, ictuined homo ycsteiday from T'toy, N. Y wheio she was the guest of relatives. Khu wus uttomiunled home by her ton. rpyri Af.t -i't ' , M '& V ' OLYPHANT Regular Episcopal services will be held In Edwards' rlall, Blakefr, .tomorj row afternoon at 3 30 o'clock., Rev, El j. mughton, or uunmoie, wilt lum charge. "T" ; A. V. Bovver, of Scranton, will con-j duct the service in the Congiegatlona! chuich tomonow evening. William Davis.of Susquehanna street, is visiting relatives at Rome, N. Y. Miss Maud Kelly Is enjoying a 'trip to Narrowsburg, N. Y. A number of persons fiom here will go on the Conespondence schools ex cursion to Harvevs lake today. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Jenkins, ofHydn Park, spent Thursday with relatives all this place. , Miss Mlldied Jones, of Marshvvood, IS spending a few days with Miss Mas Evans, On the local giounds this afternoon! the Browns will play the Scranton Amateuis. Savage will pitch for the Blow us, and a good game Is expected J Miss Emily nich, or Jermyn, visited friends heie yesterday. H. B. Matthew son left jesteiday foa Norwich, N. Y., to icslde permanently! Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hull, who have been the guests of Mis. M. B. Hull, turned to New York yesterday. Mfc Ruth Hull accompanied them home." ARCHBALD. Mrs, T, F, Wells pleasantly enter-j tallied a number of your.g people on Thuisday evening, in honor of hci guest, Miss Rose McDonald, of Duii more. The meny paity spent a pleas ant evening. Those piesent were tin Misses Maine Cawiey nnd Retta Far- roll, of Foiest City; Miss Ella Devers Annie Corcoran, M. T. Butler, P, F Cronln, P. Price, K. T. Phllbln, P, F Biogau and E, J. Ruane. II. f Llndermair mnde a business! trip to .Scianton vestetdav. ' Mis, Hamuli Cavnnnugh nnd dnugh-j ter, Alice, weie callers In Scranton ycsteiday. Mis. E. A. Jones was a caller In Cuv bonihilc yesterday, J. J. Walsh is seriously ill at his home on Main stieet. Today's D., L. & W. Board. Following Is the make-up of ths Deinivnic, Lackawanna and Western board for today; SATURDAY, JULY 12. Summits West-11 a. m,. Prounfelker. Pusheis 7 a, m, Houaei ; Jt.45 a, ml Lumping; i.J) p, m., Muna; a p. nil Case, llelpcis 1.30 n. ni Coshir: 7 a. m.. WliM ncr; 1U 11, m , William Wardell; 315 p. m.J I..IUU11LT. NOT1CI2. I'. Allen and eicw will run No. 57 Bat 111 rlil l lull 1 1 V, L Wllninl and cicw will run llrst I OUlll!llU.t. Jill 4. KliiKbley ami ciew will run No. 53 Bun day, July U nnd llrst 51 Wednesday llllt, Ih Willi mill t 1 nxxf ,t III .mi Vn R C.it..- .1.... ...... ..... ... ...i, .,,1, iMj,.jivi(r- tlay, July 15, and No. 3i Tuesday, July J3 u, twilLi'in tuui llt'tv will III UK Ullll their tun on No. 51 Fildaj, July IS. Juliii Miupliy und ciew will lay off unit Miclt- 11111 nn Vn fi l.'itiluv- Int., 16 J, J. Kearney and crew will lay bit untl .!. .. V ,., I.. (-1 . 1..,.. .!. liiru lull (in ", . J'liiiuy, juiy 10. JunicH nuliugau slid ciew will luy of 1111111 ineir 1 11 11 uii .u. si iiuusnay, jiii A. K. Hopkins uiKlerew will lay off uti III lovir run nil nini 01 1 1 m.(y, Jiuy is. Lungjn and ciew will lay off until theli ititi nn V Ti.1 MMill, rirl., v .T11I1. 17 II. Stuck and ciew will lay oft milt uicir inn on nu, di .uunuuy, jiuy .'i. K A VV'nlpnlt mill .maw will l.n. ,ff ! til tlitlr i mi on second 51 Tuesday, j u. T- Hopkins and crew will lay off ul mtir run on iu. ai luonu.iy, Juiy 11 Dovmicy and ticw will lay oft 1 their run on No. 57 Tuctduy, July IS, c " -i s