The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 12, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Special Correspondence of The Tribune.
Atlto estimate mado by the Bureau
of Statistics of tho present vrtluo
of tlio market which "frozen
Abulia" offers the producers nnd manu
facture of tlio United Stnlos,
"Commercial Alaska In 1001" Is the title
of a monograph Just Issued by the Treas
ury Bureau of Statistics, nre pre
'vented some Rtrlklng flguresnbout this
(Until recently) little explored nnd little
understood territory of the United States.
Uv reason of tho nppllcotlon of modern
systems of travel nnd transportation,
Alaska Is now as accessible as Arizona.
Tlirco days of travel by modern ocean
steamers from Seattle, among tho Islands
and along tho coast which forms tho
southeastern extension of Alaska, lands
the traveler nt Skngwny; twelve hours by
rail over tho mountains carries him to tho
head-waters of tho Yukon, where com
fortable, nnd well-equipped river steamers
tarry him to the gold Held of central
Alaska, or down tho Yukon river, which
Is navigable for more than 2,000 miles nt
this season of tho year. From the mouth
of tho Yukon another comparatively short
trip, by Btenmer, carries him to Cnpu
Nome tho latest nnd greatest of the gold
Ileitis of Alaska.
Gold, fish arid furs are, according to this
monograph, tho principal Industries of
Alaska, at tho present time, and they
send to the United States llfteen million
dollars' worth of their products, eight mil
lions of gold, nix millions ot flsh-chlcfly
salmon and the remainder furs.
The cost of Alaska wns J7,20O,0OO. Tho
revenue which the government has de
rived from It since Its purchase amounts
to over nine million dollars, nnd tho
vnlue of tlio products nre now twice ns
much every year ns It cost. The total
value of the products of Alaska brought
to tho United States Blnce Its purchase Is
(according to tho beat estimates that the
Bureau of Statistics is able to mnkc)
about 330 millions, of which fifty millions
is precious metals, fifty millions products
of the fisheries chiefly salmon-and fifty
million moro furs chiefly Bcal fur. Prob
ably fifty million dollars of American
capital uro Invested In Alnskan industries
nnd business enterprises, Including trans
portation systems. In the salmon fisheries
ulonc, the companies engaged have a.
capitalization of twenty-two million dol
lars and the value of their plants, Includ
ing vessels, is given nt twclvo million dol
lars. In the mining industries, there nre
large investments the great quartz mill
ot Juneau being the largest quartz stamp
mill In the world, while several other
quartz mills represent large Investments.
With the inflow of capital, the develop
ment of the transportation systems, and
tho gold discoveries, has como the build
ing up of towns and the development of
cities with modern conveniences of life.
Nome City, which is located but a com
paratively short distance south of the
Arctic circle, has now a population of
over 32,000; postal facilities have been so
extended that the number of postofflccs
is now afcout sixty, and malls nre being
regularly delivered north of tho Arctic
Agricultural possibilities In Alaska
have, until within a recent period, been
considered of but slight importance. As
the country was explorod, however, and
its conditions of climate and soil studied,
its natural products observed, and experi
ments mado with various classes of agri
cultural productions, it, became apparent
that the agricultural possibilities of the
country, and especially of the south and
Miuthcast, where tho climate is modified
by the Japan current, wero oi consiucr
nble Importance, in view of the practica
bility of furnishing at least a part of the
food supply of tho population which the
varied resources of Alaska seem likely to
Mistnln nnd make permanent. These ob-s-crvatlons
and experiments lead those
who liavo participated In them to the be
lief that vegetables in great variety can
bo produced all along tho southern coast
and in the valley of the "Yukon, nnd by
vume the possibility of the successful pro
duction of wheat and oats is strongly sup
ported. The grasses for the support of
eattlo are abundant, and the experiment
with live stock thus far justify the belief
that this feature of the food require
ments of Alaska may bo furnished by the
development of stock farms in the south
ern section. In the north, vast areas are
covered with a moss similar to that upon
which tho reindeer thrives In other parts
of the Arctic regions, and in view of this
fact, tho introduction of reindeer from Si
beria was begun a few years slnco and
has proved extremely successful, about
11,000 now being distributed through north
west Alaska, and tho experiment has
advanced sufficiently to justify the confi
dent belief that tho reindeer will, within
a few years, prove an important feature
in furnishing both tho transportation and
food supply of northern and northwest
ern Alaska.
The gross area of Alaska Is, according
to tho 1900 census, DD0.S0I. The governor
of Alaska, in a recent leport, states that
this ii equal to the combined area of tho
twenty states of Maine, Now Hnmpshlre,
Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhodo Island,
Connecticut, New Yoilt, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Vir
ginia, West Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala
bama, Mississippi and Tennessee.
Compiled for Tho Tribune by Walter J.
Tho czar of Russia Is bald to carry
personal lnsuranco of $4,000,000, as well as
$1,500,000 on tho llfo of tho czarina and
$.',500,000 on that of Grand Duchess Olga,
Tho emperor of Germany carries $5,000,000
personal insurance.
Members of tho Natlpnal Business
league are greatly pleased over tho ac
tion of President Roosevelt In attaching
his signaturo to the Irrigation bills. Tho
claim is made that tho fulfillment of the
law will result in the reclamation of 74,
0i)0,000 acres of arid lands in the great
West and tho provision of homes for nt
least 50,000,000 people. Tho National Busi
ness league has been one ot tho foremost
supporters ot it, nnd modestly claims a
fair snaro or. tno credit tor mo 'passage
of tho bill.
Baron Ellchl Slilbtihiiwa, of Japan, who
t as vecently in Now York, has reaohed
Boston, where ho is receiving much at
tention from the financiers of the Hub.
The inn on is a short, active man, about
CO years' old; Ho speaks English, ns do
most of tho "other membors of the party,
lie Is rated 'In Japan at 200,000,000 yen. or
about $100,000,000. lie is president of the
chambers of commeico nt Toklo and
Sir Thomas Llpton, the Amei lean's cup
jncht competitor, so highly esteemed for
true sportsmanship in this country, has
beep mafic a baronet in the distribution
of coronation honors prepared by King
Edward before his Illness. All Americans
heartily echo "long llyo Sir Tommy!"
Thp production of the Cripple Creek
(Pol.) distijct for the six months was $13,
9T0,3d, a gain of $733,892 over last year
and 'tho largest on record.
During May, 1902, the New Yolk market
received 917,133 cans of milk and 54,303
caps' ot cream and condensed, which ex
ceeds, the receipts for the corresponding
month of ono year ago by 75,110 and 7180
cans respectively, the excess being equal
to 112,510 cans of plain milk. The total
lecelpts from Jan. 1 to May SI, 1902, ex
ceeded receipts during the samo period
ot 1901 by 230,990 cans of milk and 28,117
cans of cream and condensed. To supply
this amount required 371,575 cans of milk,
un average of 2,460 cans per day,
For the Jast twenty months the value
of farm products in the United States
nmounted to $1,583,013,000 and yet it is
raid that, farming is so unprofitable that
young men everywhere ero leaving the
nmn nna hockwk into mo iumu. v-u-ccrnlng
a certain percentage ot young
. am .i-4-l I ... 1 lli Arfaia fMM.
men, no uouui hub in un ....
majority romnln to till tho soil nnd ralso
Wo havo over 33,000 mills and factories
I.--- i..u.t... I. II. a ,iIi,h1i Aivmlntrlnfr
Wlicro llllliui:! m uiu .net,..., ....,....,...
something like. 300,000 people nnd capital
ized for over J600.000.000. Moro than it
sixth of this sum Is paid as a yearly
wage, moro tnnn ww.uw.wu is imm ""
wood and materials, ami tho manufac
tured products nre worth 67,000,000. Each
mill produces nn n vera go ot more than a
iih.... . nf 1hyiIi Imarrl meminre.
nullum n-'ci v. .., .-- ---
Our stato alone has l,.6o mills, employ
ing nenny 7,wu men io wuum iu iim
2,700,000, and the value of tho products Is
As significant of tho position the Jew
ish rnce Is attaining In Now Yolk it Is
mentioned by tho papers ot that city
that of 320 young women graduated from
tho New York Normal college this year a
great majority (over 200) of them buro
Jewish names, nnd thnt ot tho remainder
a largo majority wore Irish. It wns the
samo with tho young women who passed
examinations for admission to tho col
lege: and comparatively few distinctively
English or "Anglo-Saxon" names np
pcarcd in cither list.
The United Fruit company Is said to
have earned over JOOO.OOO net during June,
tho biggest enrnlngs ot any month in
its history. Its Importations of bananas
were about $2,500,000 bunches. For nine
months United Fruit Imported 12,833,000
bunches of bananas, as against U,S00,M
(luring tho samp month a year ago. Prof
Its now are said to averngo 30 cents a
bunch, ns against 9 cents a yenr ago, the
Increased profit being due to reduced cost
of production nnd transportation.
Tho Washburn-Crosby compnny of Min
neapolis, has shipped 13,000 barrels of flour
to Europe by way of New Orleans, La.,
wlienco it goes direct to Liverpool by tho
Cuban Stenmshlp compnny. The objoct
Is to test the advantages ot this route
in economy and time as against shipments
through Now York.
North Ameilra nlnne has more rail
road mileage than Europe and Asia com
bined or 222.8S0 miles. Europe has 170,212
miles, Asia 34,477 and Australia had 1,097
miles of railroad In 1870, 3,780 miles in
3880, 6,863 miles In ISM, and now has 11,923
The number of establishments engaged
in the manufacture of chemicals and nl
lled products In the Unltod States is 1,740,
with a capital of $238,529,641, turning out
a yearly product of J202,5S2,3!I6 in value,
costing for materials $124,043,8.17 and pay
ments for salaries, wages and miscel
laneous expenses, $47,955,743.
Tho Interest bearing debt of the Unltod
States at the close of the fiscal year Juno
30, 1902, was $969,437,21 : debt on which in
terest has ceased since maturity, $1.2K0.'
360; non-interest bearing debt, $393,680,156.
The Osaka Exposition, or World's Fair,
will bo held In Japan Trom March to July,
1903, for which spacious buildings, eigh
teen in number, nre under construction.
The laying out of the grounds nnd the
construction and fitting up of the build
ings and appurtenances have been under
taken by Obaynshl Yoshlboro, tho great
Japanese architect and contractor, nt the
price of 1,300.000 yen ($550,000), the build
ings alono costing 700,000 yen.
Tho receipts of tho Untied States treas
ury for tho fiscal year ending June 30,
1902, were $563,403,187, ns against 3S7,S5,
337 for 3901. The disbursements wero
$471,209,611, against $509,967,353.
The circulation of nation bank nplcs
on June SO aggregated $356,672,091, being
a decrease of $73,093 for the month and
an increase ot $2,929,904 compared with
that of the same date last year.
There was coined at tho United States
mints during the fiscal year Just ended
191,419,506 separate pieces of the value of
The grand total of appropriations at the
first session of the Fifty-seventh congress
Just closed was $800,193,837, which includes
that for the Isthmian canal of $50,130,000.
Tho general stock of money In the Unit
ed States on July 1, 3902, ns shown by the
circulation statement of the United StatC3
treasury, was $2,538,770,769.
NESS. Waldo Fawcett, In tho World's Work.
Asldo from tho president's salary and
the expense of keeping tho white house In
repair, it costs the government only
about $65,000 a. year to operate tho cstab
ishment. Of this amount $30,000 is ex
pended in the salaries of tho thirty men
on tho executive pay roll. These r.uigo
from the secretary to tho president, with
a salary of $3,000 a year, down to mes
sengers and doorkeepers whoso pay is
In some instances perhaps one-tenth that
sum. This remaining $15,000 defrays all
the other expenses tho replacing of
worn-out office furniture, typewriter le
palrs, stationery, nnd feed for the half
dozen horses in the white houso stables.
Of courso tho executivo office has tho
benefit of many economics beyond the
reach of the thrifty merchant. For in
stance, all ofllclnl mall is franked, sav
ing approximately $20 a day.
telegraph and cable rates are also se
cured. baseball)
National league.
At Chicago ' R.H.E,
Philadelphia 0 0 3 fro 1 2 2 0 8 13 1
Chicago 0 0 0001003411 2
Batteries Iberg and Douglass; Taylor,
Kllng and Chance. Umpire Cantllllon.
At Pittsburg R.1I.E,
Now York 1000002003 5 0
Pittsburg 00040002 x 6 11 1
Batteries Sparks and Bowerman; rhll
llppl and O'Connor, Umpire Emsllc,
At St. Louis R.1I.E.
Brooklyn 10100020 04 8 0
St. Louis 01 000 30 Ox 4 10 1
Batteries Newton and Ahcarn; Wicker
and O'Neill. Umpire O'Dny.
At Cincinnati R.H.i:.
Boston 1010002004 8 0
Cincinnati 0 0 10 0 10 0 02 0 2
Batteries Eason and Kittridgo; Phil
lips and Peltz. Umpires Brown and
American League. .
At Philadelphia R.II.E.
Boston 4 20000101810 0
Philadelphia 10 0 10 0 0 0 02 G 3
Batteries Winters and Warner; Hust
ings nnd Powers. Umpire Connolly,
At Washington- R.H.E.
Baltimore ,..,, 10 0 0 0 110 03 S 2
Washington ,..,.,,.0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Ox 4 10 1
Batteries Cronln and Robinson; Town
send and Clark, Umpires Johnstone und
Caruthcrs. ,
At Cleveland- R.H.E.
Detroit ,,,,0020 3020 0-6 9 6
Cleveland , ,2 2 1 2 S 0 0 Ox 9 13 1
Battorles Muller, Silver and McGtilre;
Vurney, Wright and Bemis, Umpire
) it '.'
At Chicago , R.H.E.
St. Louis ,, 000 10000 0-1 6 3
Chicago , , 0 0000 100 12 4. 1
Batteries Powell and Donohue; Piatt
and McFuilund. Umpire O'Loughlln.
Eastern league.
Newark, 5; Montreal, i.
Worcester, 3; Rochester, 1
Buffalo, 3 Providence, 3.
Wall Street Review.
New York, July 11., Opening prices lhl
morning were nt tho highest uverage
lovel of tho day. There were striking
ndvnnccs afterwards, notably In Rock
Inland and Missouri Pacific, but these
proved unavailing to sustain tho genet al
market which sagged slowly but stead
ily throughout tho rest of tho session.
The majority of stocks closed lower than
last night and tho declines wero substan
tial In such stocks ni New York Central,
Chesapeake nnd Ohio, Ulilcugo and
Northwestern and olheis which havo re
cently been prominent In tho rise. .Tho'
spurt nt tho opening was duo especially
to the encouragement felt on nccount
of tho government's crop report, espe
cially In respect to corn, which had a
stimulating effect on tlio demand for
grain carrying 'roads. But It becamo
plain nt onco that tho buying wns con
spicuous only in Missouri Paclilcs nnd
Rock Island, which stocks uro particu
larly associated with the bull leaders
of tho maikct. Atchison nnd tho other
Pnclllrs did not move moro than a frac
tion nt any time. Tho mnrket closed dull
and ensj. Total sales for tho day 501,
000 shares. Bonds Wero qulto dull and
irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,973,
000, United States bonds were unchanged
on the Inst call.
The following quotations nre furnished
The Tribune by llnlght & Freeso Co., 314-
315 Mcars Building. W. D. Runyon, man
ager. Open. High, Low.Closo
Amal. Copper 64 64 6314 63U
Am, C. & V 3214 32'i 31'4 31;4
American Ice t 9T4 9',4 914
American Ice. Pr ... 32li 3314 32 3314
Am. Locomotive .... 32'd 3214 31?i 31
Am, S. & R. Co 4I1V4 4li4 46J 4G
American Sugar ....129-) 1J0V4 12314 12814
Anaconda Copper ... lOOii 100 300
Atchison 83 S3T 83 83
Atchison, Pr OOU 99" 99 99
Bult. & Ohio 107T4 107'4 107H 307
Brook. R. T 07J; 6814 67?4 67
Canadian Pacific 133 33514 334 334
Clies. & Ohio 49 49' 48 49
Chicago & Alton .... 38 38 37 38
Clllc. & G. W 29 29 2914 2914
C M. & St. P 17S 379 378 178
C R. I. & P 382 390 18214 3S8
Col. Fuel & Iron .... 89 90 89 90
Col. & Southern 31 32 31 32
Col. & South., 2d Pr. 43 46 4374 45J4
Del. & Hud 176 376 370 376
Dlst. of Am., Pr 33 35 X5 33
Erie 30 3674 36 36
Hocking Valley 88 RS SS RS
Illinois Central 164 36114 10314 364
Kan. City & South.. 33 33 33 33
Louis. & Nush 140 141 140 340
Manhattan 13114 332 331 131V4
Met. St. Ry US 1JSA 34714 34714
Mexican Central .... 29 29 29 29
Mo., K. &. Tex 2i 26 26 26
Mo. Pacific 111 313 311 113
N. Y. Central 11,0 1601A 358 33S
Norfolk & West 57 57 57 5714
Out. & West 32 r,2 32 .".2
Penna. R. It 351 35t 353 153
People's Gns 301 301 101 30114
Pressed Steel Car.... 48 48 48 48
Reading 66 66 66 f6
Reading, 3st Pr 81 85 St 85
Reading, 2d Pr T0 70 70 70
Republic Steel 17 17 17 37
Republic Steel 73 711 73 73
St. L. & San F 69 W) 68 i;S
Southern Pacific .... 65 65 64 64
Southern R. Tt :;7 37 36 36
Southern R. R., Pr . 96 95 96 96
Tcnn. (foal & Iron .. 61 6t 63V. 6314
Texas fe Pacific .... 43 1T (1 42
Vnlon Pacific 106 liV8 iw 05
Union Pacific, Pr .. 89 90' 89 S9
IT. S. Leather 32 32 12 32
V, S. leather, Pr ... St SI 83 84
U. S. Steel 39 39',. 39 39Vi
1". S. Sfecl, Pr 90 90 90 90
"Wabash :)7 " ;;n "nu 29
W.i,,,.asI'' ,?', 45 45 15" 45
Western Union 85' 86 S", sr,
Wheel. X- U E 22 L'.'U 22 22U
Wisconsin Central .. 26 26 261- '20
WHEAT. Onen. Illeli. Low. Close.
September 7.'. 71 73 74
December 73 71 73'A 7i
September 60 62 60 62
December 17 47 47 47
September 30 31 .in ."0
December 30 30 301 30
September 18.75 18.80 1S.07 1S.70
January 38.07 18.67 1S.67 18.67
September 10.10 10.13 30.10 10.35
January 11.13 11.15 11.13 33.33
September 30.80 10.82 30.80 30.K0
January 10.73 10.73 10.75 10.75
Open. High. Low. Close.
August 8.37 8.13 8.37 S.4"
September 8.03 8.10 S.03 8.10
October 7.89 7.93 7.87 7.95
December 7j0 7.S3 7.S0 7.S3
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100,
STOCKS. Bld.Asked
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... 00
County Say. Bank & Trust Co 300 ... ,
First Nat. Bank (Carbondale). ... 500
Third National Bank 030
Dime Den. & Dls. Bank 200
Economy L H. & P. Co 46
First National Bank 1300
Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... 193
Clark & Snover Co., Pr i:5
Scranton Savings Bank WM . ...
Traders' National Bank 223
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 127
People's Bank ..gjjjjjjg; S ...
Scranton Packing Co 33
Scranton Passenger Railway,
tlrht mortgage, duo 1920 115
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage, duo 19IS 113
People's Street Railway, Gen
eral mortgage, due 1921 113
Scranton Trac. Co., 6 per cent. 115
Economy 1..., H. & P. Co 97
N. Jersey & Pocono Tco Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.)
Flour $4.40.
Butter Fresh creamery, 21c; fresh
dairy, 23c.
Cheese 12al2c.
Eggs Nearby, 21c; western, 20c.
Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.23a2.10.
Green Peas Per bushel, $2.23.
Onions $2.00 per bag.
New Potatoes $2.75a3 per barrel.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
TOiiiiwlnlnhln- July 11 Wheat Steady!
contract grade, July, 7Sa78!4c Corn
Quiet but steady; No. 2 yellow on track,
T2U730, uais '.aic. lower; inu, - wuuu
clipped, 60c Provisions Firm. Butter
Easier; extra western creamery, 22c; do.
nearby prints, 23c. Eggs-Steady; ficsh
nearby, 19c; loss oft do. western, 20c;
ao. uo. (10. Houinwesierri, iw.i uu, uu. uu.
southern. 17al8c Cheese-Steady; New
Yoik full creams, pilmo tmall, Mlic; do.
do. fair to good, 9al0c Refined Sugars
Dull. Cotton Unchanged. Tallow
Firm and higher; city mlmo in tierces,
6a6e.; country do. do,, barrels, Ua
6o.j do, dark, 5aoc; cakes, 0uc
Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 13c; old
roosters, 0c; spring chickens, ltalSc; do.
ducks, 13nl4c; old roosters, 10a 11c
Dressed Poultry Steady, fair demand;
fowls, choice western, 13c; do. southern
and southwestern, 12ul3c; do. fair to
good, llu21c; broilers nearby largo, 20a
22c; medium do., 17uI9c: small do., 15a
16c; western do., largo, 17al8c; small and
medium do., llulGc Receipts Flour, 1.500
barrels and 3,23.'!,000 pounds in sacks;
wheat, 31,000 uuahols; corn, 600 bushels;
oats, 9,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat,
23,000 bushels; oats, 5,000 bushels,
Now York Grain and Produce Market
New York, July 11, Flour Market was
fairly active ami llrm. Rye Flour Fair
to good, $3.25a3.43; choice to funoy, $3,53
n3.73. Wheat-Spot firm; No. 2 red, Sue.
olovntor: No. 1 red, 8lu82c f .0. b.
altoat; No, 1 northern Duluth, 83u, f. o.
b. utloat; opening easier 011 better feather
conditions. Wheat beenmo firm towuids
noon, udvancing. Last prices showed n
c. net advance; July closed 81c; Sep
tember, 79c; December, 79c, Corn
Spot firm; Uo. 2, 71c, elevutiir and 72c.
f, 0, b. alloat; option market opened
easy with wheat, utter which It ad
vanced. Tho close wus ue. net higher,
July closed 70c; September, C3e.j Decem
ber, 521ic Oats Spot steady; No. 2. C6c,i
No. 3. 5514c; No. 2 white, Uai!c: No.
3 while, 00c; truck mixed western, 00a37c;
track white, western, 69a63c; track whlto
state, 53u63c Oats cased off at first, but
closed steady. Butter Steady; creamery,
18a21c: factory, ICalSe.; lenovnted. 17u
19c; Imitation creamery. 17ul9c; state
.dairy, 1714a'.'lc. Cheese New state full
cream, small coloied fancy, 10c; small
white, 10c; laige colored, Oltc; large
white. 9c" Eggs Steudy to llrm; state
and Pennsylvania, 2uazufcc. western can
dled, 19c; southwestern, loal7c,
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, July 11. Cuttle Receipts. 2.500.
Including 1,000 Texajis; steady; good to
Have you heard
the 'latest saying?
It's rather spicy!
Everybody everywhere is saying it!
The mint is working over-time to
make the nickels fast enough
to keep the people saying
The best Ginger Snap
you ever tasted.
Price five cents in the
In-er-seal Package.
prime steers, $7.90a8.60; poor to medium,
$4.50a7.60; stockcrs nnd feeders, $2,50a5;
cows, $1.40u5.75; heifers. S2.50.i6. GO; can
ners, $l.40n2.40; bulls, $2.50aC.75; calves,
$2.50 6.50; canners, $1.40a2.40; bulls, $2.50a
5.75; calves, $2.50a6.75; Texas fed steers,
$la6.65. Hogs Receipts today, 22,000; to
morrow, 16,000; left over, 8,000; opened
steady; closed 10c. lower; mixed and
butchers. $7.30u8.10: good to choice heavy.
$7.85.a8.25; rough heavy. $7.30a7.75; light, $7
a7.80; bulk of sales, $7.60a8. Sheep Re
ceipts, 500; sheep, stronger; lambs steady;
good to choice wethers, $3.23a4; west
ern sheep, $2.50a4.75; native lambs, $2.30a
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, July 11. Excellent weather
combined with weak cables caused weak
ness in wheat today at the opening, but
continued, reports of damage to tlio grain
brought about a rally nnd September
closed ac. higher; September corn
closed lalc. higher; oats wero ac.
higher, while September provisions
closed unchanged to' 2c. lower. Cash
uuotntlons.iwere ns follows: Flour Un
changed; No. 2 spring wheat, : No. 3
spring, 73nE6c; No. 2 red, 77n7Sc:
No. 2 corn, 8ic; No. 2 yellow, ; No. 2
oaf. 30a5lc; No. 2 white, 54c; No. 3
white. 53a34!4c; No. 2 rye, 60c: good
feeding barley, ; fair to choice malting.
; No. ,1 flax seed, $1.50; No. 1 north
western, $1.67; prime timothy seed, $5.73;
mess pork, per bairel. $18.57al8.i;2; lard,
per 100 pounds, $11.13; short ribs, sides,
$10.70al0.80; shoulders. 11.371f.all.50; short
clear aides, $11.23all.37.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
East Buffalo, July 11. Cattle Receipts,
100 head; .strong to 10c higher. A'citls
Steady. Hogs Receipts, 4.'..'0 head;
opened nctlvo; light grades, 5a10e. high
er; closing weak at 5al0c. lower; heavy
steady; hrjavy, $8.23; mixed. $&.10nV20:
roughs, $5.f0a7.lK); stags, $3.7oa6.50. Sheep
and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; strong;
lambs, $6.73a7; fair to good, $3.75a0.5'l;
culls to common, $t.50n5.50: yearlings, $1.75
n5.23: wethers, $l.23n4.50; sheep. top
mixed,. $3.85a4; JhIi- to good, $3.6na3.75;
culls to common, $2.25a3.50; owes, $3.50al.
East Liberty Live Stock.
East Liberty, July 11. Cattle-Steady;
choice, $7.15a7.50; prime. $6.73a7.15; good.
$Ca6.30. Hogs Higher; prime heavy, $8.19
a8.20; mediums, $8a8.03; heavy Yorkers.
$7.9."paS; light Yorkers, $7.90a",95; roughs.
$6n7,60. Sheep Steady; best wethers, $1.10
a4.2o; culls and common, $1.50a2; choice
lambs, 0.50d7; veal calves, $7a7.50.
Oil Market.
Oil City, July It. Credit balance.'. 122;
certificates, no bid: shipments. 75,181 bar
rels; average, 70,8'iS barrels; runs, 93,589
bands; average, S0.2S7 barrels.
What We May Expect to Pind if We
Search the Wet Places in July.
What a wealth of rarely beautiful wlld
flowers there nre in tho swames and
meadows even In July tho vivid beauti
ful cardinal, the false sunflower or ox
eye, tho luncc-Ieaved or fragrant golden
rod, tho thimblewced, tho bulb-bcarjng
loosestrife, hardback, tho early purplo as
ter or cocash, tho iron-weed or Hat-top,
the nrrow-leaved tear-thumb, tho spcar
mlnt.nutlvc wild mint and peppermint, tlio
Maryland flgwort or bee plant, tho great
lobelia or bluo cardinal flower, tho giu-jo-ful
brook lobelia, tho soft, feathery, tall
meadow rue, the poisonous water hem
lock, tho bloodthirsty round-leaved sun
dew, the wicked stranglowecd or common
dodder, tho gorgeous Turk's cap lily, the
queer snake-head or turtle-head, the fra
grant bitter bloom or lose-plnk, the at
tractive meadow beauty or deer grass,
the sea or marsh pink, tho marsh milk
wort, tho marsh St, Johnswort, tho whlto
alder or sweet pepperbush, the boncset or
thoroughwort, the climbing bonchot or
hempweed, the Jewelweed, the palo touch-me-not,
the giant St. Johnswort nnd two
oxqulslto orchids, the yellow-fringed or
chis and tho whlto-frlnged orchis. Tho
lowest and tho highest, tho showy nnd
tho sober, nil await to surprise him who
searches. Country Llfo In America.
Spcaccr Trask & Co.
27 &29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange,
the .
Six Eagles Mines
An Investment opportunity of ex
traordinary merit. It Is the beat
known mining property in the state
of Washington.
A Developed Working nine
Not a Prospective Proposition.
A limited amount of stock is now
being 'Offered to raise money for im
provement in equipment and gener
al development of the property.
Awarded Bronze Hedal
At the Fan-American Exposition at
Buffalo last season.
Stock now selling at $ ,50 a share.
The price will soon be advanced. Get
in now on the ground floor,
Write for full particulars,
1808 Orozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa,'
Cubanola cigara "7
H cost - onethird o EB
B more to man- x m KB
Bufa dure x I ML
MB than other jrA MM Ma
I Off y.u nt ha-o tSER
Mjh.l& benefit? H
Wholesale Tobacconists.
Distributors of Gubanola Cieors.
S. J, Fuiirman & Rro
ManutaUuicrs ot
Store and
Our celebrated
Strap Roller for
Awnings a Specialty
328 Lackawanna Aw., Scranton, Pa.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $600,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
No 57 Broadway, New York City.
Mi:jini:iis nuw yoiik stock iixchaxoe.
Parties doslrliifr a good, safe Investment
for Hmull sums of money wllli a lilgli nilo
ot Inteiest write lis for partleulais, A
resident solicitor wanted.
Pennsylvania Improvement & Investment Co..
703 Hnov BHle, Rending, l'u.
J. J. J.J.J.J.A.J.&.J.J.J.A..1.A.J. J.J.JL
Absolutely Fire Proof.
Manufacturing Plants, Foundries,
Stores, Barns, Houses, Etc
321 Washington Ave,
- r
25 Per Gent.
Discount on
Straw Hats
All new stock in all shapes
including Panamas,
413 Snruce Street.
Sea our new line of Negli
gee Shirts.
Gds Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Pnn Avenue.
. ill's Si
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
,S. Scranton, Pa.
Old 'HHone, 3331.
New 'Phons, 2933,
J.J. HJilAAJlAllliliilltlittt1)
TTTT - . T - - - - - - - - -
Scranton. Pa.
Delaware. And Hudson.'
In Effect Juno 1U, 1002. '
Trains for Carliondnlo leave. Scranton a
0.44, 7.M, 8.SC, 10.13 n. 111.! K'.Oo, 1.12, 2.11, 3,W,
D.S9, C,S.. 8,21, 0.15, 10.01 p. ni.i 12.18, 1.38 a.m.
For llonosdalo-tf.H, 10,13 a. m.; 2.11 and
For Wllkoi-tlnrre-6.n8. 7.41, 8.4!, M
10.M n. m. 12.03 1,42, 2.1S, 3.23, 4.33, KIO.
7.18. 10,41, 11.40 p. m. ,
Kor I.. V. it. R, Polnts-7.41, 0.47 ni tn.j
2.18, i.3." nnd 11.49 p. m.
Kor Pennsylvania R. R, Polnl 6.58,
0.47 a. m,t 1.42, n.a and 4.:io p. m.
For Albany and. alt polnta north 7.38 a.
m. and 3.50 n. m.
For Carbondrtlc S.M, 11.33 a, m,', 2.11,
S.M, 5.R2 nnd 11,17 p. in. ,
For Wllkes-Dnrrc D.2S a. tn.; 12.03, 1.58,
3,28, 0,32 and 0.17 p. m.
For Albany and points north 3.56 p. m".
For lloncsdnlc S.S0 a, m.i 11.33 and 3.63
p. m.
AV. 1j. PRYOR, D. P. A.. Scrnntoto, Pa,
Pennsylvania Railroad.
fichodulo In Effect Jnrio 10, 1002.
Trnlhs leave Bcmnton: C.33 n. ni., wcfiW
days, through voMllbulo ttnln from
Villtes-13arrc. Pullman buffet pnrlor oar
nnd coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllo! stops at principal Intermediates nt'
tlons. Also connects for Sunbury, Hnr
rlshurK. Philadelphia, Bnltlmoie, Wash
InRton and for PlttsburR nnd tho Weit,
,47 a. m week days, for Sunbury, Har
llsburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
InRton and PlttsburR nnd tha 'West, ,
1.42 p. in., week dnvs, (Sundays, '1.58 p.
ni.), for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Phlladel
phia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts- '
biii'B nnd tho West. "
3.2S p. m week days, through vestibule I
tinln from WUkm-Barro Pullman buffet
parlor enr nnd cenches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal Intermediate
stations. . . . . ,
4.33 p. tn,, week days, for Hazloton) Sun- 1
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts
burg, J. R. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Juno 13, 1902.
Trains Ieavo hfcranton.
For Philadelphia und New York via D,
& II. R. R.. at 7.11. through Parlor Caj
and Day Coach XJnrbondalo to Now YorH
and 0.47 a. m.. with L. V. Coach Cnrljou
dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.33 (Black
Dlnmond Express), nnd 11.40 p. m. Sun
days. D. & II. R. R., 1.58, 9.17 p. m.
For Whlto Haven, Hazltton and princi
pal points In the coal regions, via D. & H.
R, It.. 7.41, 2.1S and 4.33 p. m. For Potts
vllle. 7.41 11. m.
For Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Ifar
risburg nnd principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. & II. R. R.. 7.41, 0.47 a. m.;
2.18, 4.33 (Black Diamond Express), 11.49 p.
in. Sundays, D) & II. R. It., 9.33 a. m.;
1.58, 0.17 p. m.
Kor Tunkhnnnoek, Towanda, Elmlrn,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal tntcrmcdlatu
stations via D,, 1. & W. R. R., 6.33 a. m.
and 1.53 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Ning
nra Falls, Chicago nnd all points west via
D, &. 11. R. R., 12.03 P. ni.; 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express). 10.41. 11.40 p. ni. Sun
days. D. & II R. R.. 12.03, 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Valley Pnrlor cars on all trains between
Wilkes-Uarro and New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROt.l.IN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 2(5
Cortland street, Now York.
CHARLES S. 1,1513, Gen. Pass. Agt., 2S
Cortland street, New York.
A. W. NONEMACHKR, Dlv. Pa&3. Agt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations
apply to city ticket oftlcc, 69 Publio
Square, Wilkes-Barro. Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.'
In Effect Juno 29, 1902. ,
Stations in Now York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leavo Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Kaston, Bethlehem, Allen
town, Blanch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash-li-y,
Wllkes-Barre and Pittston at 7.30 a.
m.. 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leuvos Scranton
7.30 11. m., through solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil
adelphia with only 0110 changa of cars
for Baltlmoro nnd Washington, D. C, and
all principal points south and west.
For Avoca, Pittston and Wilkes-Barre,
1 p. ni. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. tn.
Kor lirancn, uccan urove, cic.
7. nnd 1 p. 111. '
For Reading, Lebanon and Harrjsbura
via Aiieniown ni i.;kj a. m., 1 p. ni. ano
p. 111. Sunday, 2.1(1 P. m. . 1
For Tarn aqua nnd Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. til
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. pJ
For rates ana ticuoia appiy 10 ubcihi
station. , Tt"
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 190.2.
Trains loiive Sera 11 ton for Now York
At 1.0. 3 20, li.03. 7.S0 and 10.10 a. m.; 12.40,
3.40, 3.S3 p. m. J! or ixow jor ana i'luia
delphla 7.30, 10.10 a. 111., and 12.40 and 3.35
p. m. For Gouldsboro At 6.10 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.13, 6 22 and 9 00 a. m.J 1.53, 6.50
and 11.10 p. ni. For Blnghamton. Elmlra
and way stations 10.23 a. m 1.03 p. m
For Oswego, Syracuse und Utlca 1,15 and
0 22 a. 111.; 1.K5 p. ui. Oswego, Syracusa
and Ullca train nt U.22 a. m. dally, except
Sundny. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.0S
and 6.00 p. m. Nicholson accommodation
4.00 and 6.13 p. m.
Bloomsburg Division For Northumber
land, at fi.35 nnd 10.10 a. m.; 1.S3 and 6.10
p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.19
and 9.05 p. in.
Sunday Trains For New York, 1.50, 3.20.
6.03, 10.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 3.33 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.1." nnd C.22 a. m.; 1.53, 0.50 and
11.10 p. m. For Elmlrn and way stations
10.23 u. m. For Blnghamton and way sta
tions. 9.00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division
Lnavo Scranton, 10.10 n. in. and 6.10 p. in.
Erie Railroad Co., Wyoming Division
Tiatns leavo Scranton for llawloy and
local Btntions at 8.15 n. m 1.33, 5.20 and
7.f."i p. m. Sundays, at 9.00 a. m. and 1.33
For Now York. Ilonesdalo and Inter
mediate points, nt 1 33 p. m.
Trains arrive at Scranton at S 30 a. m.,
3.09. 7.25 nnd 9.13 p. in. Sundays, 1.00 p. m.,
and S.13 p. tn.
New York, Ontario and Western.
Tlmo Table in Effect Sunday, June 13, 1902.
Leavo Leavo Arrive
Trains. Scranton, Carbondnle. Cudosla.
i , 1 10.30 a. 111. 11.10 a. m. 1,00 p. m.
v j 1.00p.m. i.Hp. 111. 6.00 p.m.
S 7 0.10 p. m.Ar.Carbondale 6.46 p.m
Leavo Leave Ariivo
Tiulns. CaUosla. Curbondale. Scranton.
Vo u O.OOn. in. 7,23(1. m.
K 4 S.IOa. in 10.0la, m. 10.40a. ni.
No 2 2.15 pm. 4.0(ji. m. 4.45 p.m.
Leavo Leavo Arrlva
Tialns. Scranton. Carbondnle. Cadosla.
Sao s-;i0 " m- !UU ' m- 10.45a. m.
No 5 V-00 " in.Ar.Cnrliondalo 7.43 p.m
0 Leavo Leavo' Ariivo
Tialns. Cadosla. Carbondnle, Scranton.
No. 6 . .cr'!)"'"' 7.23n,m.
No. 10 1.30 p.m. b.0Up. in, 6.13 p.m.
Tialns Nos. 1 on week days, and 9 on
SundnvH connect for Now ork city, Mld
dletown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os
wego und nil piilutH west.
Tialu 3 for Poyntelle, Walton, Delhi,
Sidney, "Norwich ami nil Now Berlin
branch points.
Train No. 6, with "Quaker City Ex
piesa" at Scranton, via O, R. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltlmoro
Washington and Pennsylvania stata
See timetable nnd consult ticket agents
for connections with other Hne3.
J, C. ANDERSON. O. P, A.. New York,
J. B. WELSH. T. P. A.. Scranton, Pa.
Bap wja