The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 12, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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ULLOA nnlvrrl Hi New Or
lfans on Match 5, 1766.
with two companies ot
Spanhh Infantry, com
manded by Plcrims, und
'the Superior Council, In
fluenced by Lnfronlcre, de
t mnnded that hr exhibit the
authority by which lie claimed to take
. possession of the colony. In response,
Ulloa denied the authority of the coun
' ell, declared It was a mere municipal
organization and assorted that he
would deal only with L'Abbadlo's , suc
cessor, Governor Aubry, as the repre
sentative of the king of France. Up to
this time, Aubry had been writing to
' the French court hi support of the
popular protest against. the cession to
Spain, but fiont thh tlifio on, he acted
with Ulloa and agnlnel the Revolution
ists. His attitude was that of a
Staunch French royalist, deeply grieved
at the loss of North America to France,
but' unwilling to traverse In any way
what he know to be the king's wishes.
Ulloa'B own attitude was characteris
tic. He saw that the discontent was
great and Increasing nnd he refused to
take formal possession until i enforce
ments had been sent from Spain to en
able him to maintain hinielf. He gov
erned through Aubry, who as com
mander of the French ttoops then In
Louisiana, used them as far as he
could to support Ulloa nnd the treaty
Of cession, against the Revolutionists.
It does Ulloa justice to say that he
was wholly unfit to deal by the usual
Spanish methods with the conditions of
revolt he found In the colony. He was
n man of genius, a thinker, a phlloso.
phcr and a scientist perhaps the great
est Spain has produced. He had been
the correspondent of Newton nnd of
Voltaire. Ho was a member of the
leading learned societies of Europe, and
was honored by all of them for his own
attainments. He founded the first cabl
ent of natural history In Spain, and
the discovery of platinum is attributed
to him. Ho made important experi
ments In elecUiclty and magnetism,
encouraged thn development of en
graving and printing, made improve
ment? in the manufacture of woollens,
and in astronomy and mathematics
rendered services which were iecog
nlzed and valued by the scientists of
His day, to such nn extent that after
his expulsion fiom Louisiana, he was
an object of curiosity to travelers in
Spain, much ns Edison now Is to trav
elers In America. Townsend, an Eng
lish travelers, who visited him in 1793,
found him a man of small stature, ex
tremely thin and bent, but full of wit
and learning, sprightly Inhls conver
sation and surrounded by a litter of
books, trunks, chairs, fosslK mathe
matical instruments, old umbrellas,
tpe, shells, Amoiican antiquities and
the other curious debris of his woik as
a scientist among which plajed the
children he had had by the joung wife
w ham. when more than sixty years of
age, he had married at New Orleans,
while waiting to be expelled by the
Revolutionists. He was highly edu
cated In navigation, but so eccentric
beral Offer to Sato
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& A ,4ft ,4t ,4f! 4 4H 4 4 f
nnd so dovotcd to atudy that when a
commodore In the Spanish navy on one
of the most Important expeditions of
his life, he had become ImmorHcd In
study and forgot to open the sen led
orders on whfoh the result of the ex
pedition defended.
This was the man who, with two
companies of. Infantry, had been sent
to tnkc possession of hnlt a continent,
deeded by the king of France to his
"very dear and well-b'clovcd cousin, the
king of Spnln," at the same time the
other hnlf had been surrendered to his
English enemies. The peaceable nnd
eccentric Spanish scholar, with his cor
poral's guard ot soldiers, found the
English aggressive In their determina
tion to control the Mississippi; nnd In
Louisiana Itself, he found a rebellious
population which ho suspected of cor
responding with the English to secure
tholr help In the event of the failure
of the mission on which Mllhet had
been sent to the court of France. The
only sensible thing Ulloa could do on
learning the situation was to tempor
ize and postpone running up the Span
ish flag at New Orleans, and he did It.
Rcfore fully learning what the situ
ation was, however, he had cm tied out
the policy of Spain in a way which
forced the revolution to Issue.
An absolute monopoly control of the
trade of Its colonies was then the pol
icy of Spain as It was of England, and
the first American revolution was
forced In Louisiana by the same cause
which forced the beginning of the sec
ond In the English colonies on the At
lantic. In September, 1766, Ulloa, who was
then acting through Aubry ns the rep
resentative of France, under the treaty,
caused "a score of soldiers with fixed
bnyoncts, pieccded by a drum whoso
loud beating attracted the attention
and excited the anger of the Inhabit
ants," to parade the streets of New
Orleans and to proclaim the new de
crees of navlgution under which the
inastets of all vessels reaching .the port
weie ordeied to present themselves be-
fore him, that ho might set the prices
at which their cargoes were to be sold.
In the event of their refusal to accept
the prices established by him and his
board of appraisers, they weie not to
be allowed to sell-In the colony: and In
the event of their acceptance, they
were to reecho in payment the paper
money of the colony, then so depi ecl
ated that one dollar in coin exchanged'
for tlnee in paper. And added to all
this, they weie ordered to take one
third of their return cargo in lumber
and other pioducts of tho colony.
The majority of tho common people
were already in sympathy with Lafro
nicre, and this decree of Ulloa drove
over to him the powerful commercial
interests of New Orleans, which had
until then been neutral. Through La
freniere, the ship-owneis and other
merchants presented a i onions-trance
agulust the decieo ns In violation of
their lights under the treaty of ces
sion. The decree resulted in n heavy
loss of trade, and the discontent in
creased. Ulloa, still temporized, con-
f 4 W '4 4 4 4 4 4
rfuctlng his government through Aubry
In the nnme of France until finally the
French homo government made a posi
tive refusal to honor the demands
which wore made on the treasury for
expenses, Ulloa then advnnced the
money himself, waiting for his i en
forcements and for his betrothed, the
Marchioness of Abrado, in expectation
of whose arrival from South America,
ho left New Orleans und spent the win
ter with his mathematical calculations
"In a miserable shed at the Utilize," at
the mouth of the Mississippi, His ab
sence from the city Increased his un
popularity, and when the marchioness
arrived and ho had married her, she
whs oven more unpopular with the
female population of New Orleans than
he himself was with the mnlc,
As conditions were thus reaching
their climax, Mllhet, tho envoy sent to
Farls, returned with a heart-rending
story of humiliation and failure. On
reaching Paris, he had gone at once to
tho celebrated Bienville, whose dream
It had been to make of Louisiana n
now France, greater than the old.
Bienville was now In his eighty-sixth
yeai, waiting for death In grief at the
falluic ot his life work. Tho visit of
Mllhet gave him a single gleam of
doubtful hope and, with the American
merchant, he went at once to the cabi
net of tho Duke of Cholseul, then prime
minister of France. In the Interview
with the prime minister, Bienville
"spoke like a father suing for the life
of his child," but the duke answered
tersely that the cession had been made
and was Irrevocable. He legrctted It,
but could do nothing. As he rose to
put an end to the Interview, the aged
Bienville throw himself on his knees
and "with an almost sobbing voice,"
says Gayarre, prayed for a revocation
of the decree against the colony."
Deeply mocd, the pi line minister
raised the old soldier and patriot from
his knees and embraced him. "Gentle
men," he said, "I must put nn end. to
this painful scene. I am deeply grieved
at not being able to give you any hope.
I have no hesitation In telling you that
I cannot address the king on this sub
ject, because I myself ndlsed the ces
sion of Louisiana. Do you not know
that the colony cannot continue Us
precarious existence, except nt nn enor
mous oxpeiiHe, of which France is now
wholly Incapable? In it not belter,
then, that Louisiana should be gUen
away to a friend and n faithful ally,
than that it should be wrested fiom us
by a heieditary foe? Farewell. You
have my best wishes. I do no
A New Device of Great Service
Ship Building.
The teccnt tremendous giowth ot the
Ami" lean ship building tndustiy is de
;illjfd b John II Spears In the July
monthly li unrated number of the Out
look, a mom,' the. most Impoitant now do
lc" Is tlie electric lift.
'ilia 1 niiillii,, of materials in a ship,
jairl !?, iu n way, like the handling of
4 4 4 4 4 .4 ,4 4e .4; .4 .4 &
eaal In the stoke-hole of a steamship. It
Is dead .lift work for human muscles. Th ttndlly seen Improvements mado re
cently In our flhlpvaids have had In view
the telle! of llilu clnsi of Inhering men.
Ilnllroatls havo been laid from the shops
whd re pliilco ate shaped and finmes bent
to tlw ways vliiro frames and platen
air lurcmblrd. That was an Improve
ment, bi't another followed. Beside ths
crowing hull cr hulls was erected an
elevated rallrcnd on which a movable
steam crnno traveled to and fro the
whole length of ths hulls. This crane
pls'te,! pint .r frnmo fiom the railroad
car and c.iitled 11 forward or aft as
needed, T list ot all was Invented the
o'.erheud ti alley for carrying parts of the
ship to tho way. nnd tho oloctllrnl tlft
for distributing them ahout tho hull. The
vlertiic lift la r. simple matter. Huge
mnMf nie erected nt Intervals between
tha gl'itwlmj hulls, On each mnst Is a
yard that i eat lies oilt across tho hulls.
Then, from Nnrd to yaid, four he.ivy
stD.i topes ate sit etched nbovo each hull,
and on tueli wpo in n stout trolley driven
to and fio nlong the rope by electrical
power, Fiom each trolley hangs a grasp
ing tackle, and so, as each trolley works
Independently of the others, all may be
working at once, carrying four pieces of
metal to four points in the hull, and that,
too, nt a speed unknown to steam cianes,
not to mention the hand work common
In Kuiopcan yards.
Last year a Gorman expert was sent
here to make n tour of our shlnards.
When ho had finished the round, he told
a leporter of the Now York Kvenlug Post
that tho best American shlpyaid was the
best In tho world.
Many Proofs of Friendship Shown
by England's Sovereign.
Ucorge W, Smalley In a peisonal aiticle
about King Edwaid VII In the Outlook
"We Americans have certain prejudices
to get rid of before we can do lustlco to a
king. But wo ought to be just to this
one, If only because he has approved
himself, ns did his mother befoie him,
our filend. It has become n common
place to sny so; and the commonplace
ness of It Is good proof ot Us truth.
Americans of distinction who have been
abroad aie so many witnesses of tho fact,
They have been welcomed at Marlbor
ough House, or at lloinbmg, or nt Sand
tingham; so lime other Ameilenns whose
chief claim to distinction was their
Americanism which Itself tor many
.enis has been a passport aciosa many a
social frontier In England. The quecn'a
real regnid for tho United States and
real wish for a good understanding be
tween England and the T."nlt"d States has
descended to her son. I wll venture to
add, delicate ns the ground Is to tread,
that 'American women In London hive
done much to foster this Inherited and
pctsonal predisposition.
''From the eaillest days of the Ameil
can Invasion, when Ameilcan women, of
whom some nio still living, began to en
lion London society and to light up cer
tain waste spaces of social life, the nrincn
showed himself susceptible to theso new
enchantments. The influeneo thus gained
hns never boon lost, nor the effoct of It
diminished. The pilnce liked Amei leans.
The king likes them. It may not b
amiss to note tlmt two Amoiican women'
whose tank as wives of Biltlsh husbands
would not entitlo them to witness the
coionation In AVcstinrnstcr Abbcv will
witness It as guests of the king, It cer
tainly cannot bo nmlsg to note that the
fhst nmbnsgadnr with whom tha klnc hn-j
dined is the Ameilcan ambassador, Mr.
t'hoate. And when the president ap
pointed Whltolnw- Reld special amba ,--
dor for the coionation. the king firs' t In
timated thioiigh ofllcial channels ll,
plenstiio In this net of our government
then sent a piHato message to ny how
glad he was that the ambassador should
be Mr. Bold, who had held tha same
nc mo fjueen s juuiiec.
A Shrub With Sweet Scented Flow
eis in July.
In July unci after. ,nu still find in mil
blossom one o fthe most cm ions unci in
ti'icstms f all our llovvprinu sin ubs tii"
iHilton-urusli. TliM ii a plant Riowlns
tliltli along tho bmileiH of sticmns invl
ilu:p swamps mid In .still Im.s and 1h
Kiions of lal.oi. U rxox nmetli.tlly in
tlw water, on Uissofks" built up of its own
iooi.i oi ten oennc aciri of hwump.
Th sti'lMuc tlilns: about tlin plant is its
blossom; the ducli" llnnn-ets aie masse I
toki'lhci into a peifect! splu-ilcal head
with a mist of dellcuo, pintnidliiB Hu
ii'pim the Ulnd of flower a
pl.'f-bjoner mlRht lnont In his nleep.
The ".cpniate flovrei. while, tlioitjili not
quite a pine white, aie slender. siipru-
inj.- in simpp a honeysuckle. These feaJi
eiy balls, otten nn Ineh and a half in
diameter, aie ery sweet, especially to
naitls nlsrht, with a frasriance much like
tliU of the golden Illy. All day they
hwaini with butterflies, and aftnr dark
tlu returnlntr ansler Is met and suidecl
by wae after wave of sweetness, the
hi f nth of homo perfumed 3wamp. Coun
tiy Life In America.
The cabbase-leaf bat-llnlner,
From lioro to Snmarcund,
Is like the high-ball Rhinitis,
Anil simply owns the land.
And wlille tho sirl is plnins
On mountain and on strand
The Jeisc man's ntilnlnluK
Himself to beat tho bund.
Should Keep Out of the Draft.
First South American "Ah, Rood after
noon, tenor. Looks like a revolution,"
Second South American "Yes, I've
been firedlUlns one for ceveial days. My
iheumatlsm always bothers me Just be
fore such changes."
Suburban Life Revealed.
Artistic City Friend (visiting In Swamp
huiM) "Red Bplouhes op a blue back
Bioiind: I never saw suoh artistic wall
Mr. Lonely (of SwHinphurst. Kloomlly)
"It was oilslnally plain bluo-those led
aplaxlips aie where I havo killed mos
nultocs on it."
The Season of Outing.
Off for tho mountains and sea, and off for
tho sc and the mountains,
Swiftly tho crowd i-qrcucolcs, abeam with
excitement nnn pleasure,
Somo lislitlnir out for Houcdimk, and oth
ers for PemJKowabset
Caper and ilanco and cavort, cura-fros as
tho ally mosquito.
List to the boat ns It blows Its whistle,
that hdsson the welkin
List to the chime and the shriek that
pop from the hlu locomotive;
Look at the baisgng and does, and note
tho loud Nqmil) nf tho babies,
Then in a Jiffy you'll Know we've come
to the season nf outing.
A Slight Change.
"I understand that Boston Isn't eating
tn much pork and beans since the prise
of meat went up."
"Not so much poik, perhaps. J am told
that llio consumption of porklcsa beans
Is vory heavy, however."
A Queer Covering,
It was the Hist time that Dorothy had
seen a hoi so with n fly-net on.
aoodncas!" she e.clalmed, "that horso
Is wearing holes tied together with
Well Qualified.
Editor "You ay you want to manage
our circulation department. What experi
ence have jou had?'1
Major Applejack. "Wll, uh, J made
out tiie election leluhns from ouah dis
trict n th black belt (oh a number of
talis, sun."
- ... J 1. . Ml i i ,i, I, i . MM m, mmmmuJV
' '""i i i mi mil mil in nn, in , 1 1 .i swrapBuwpiK
V v vVViilllliljjy
f I J? Ill Fllliliii v
Did You Ever
If not, why not? Take a look at the inside of
this store today, and if the prices don't tempt you to
buy you will at least have the pleasure of seeing a
large number of people who rely on the truthfulness
of our advertising.
iflff"TfcygySfcLjfeyip ''ifirSi?" tCL5B!y?K5tf!3tyw53sMi
Sam Lothrop's Finesse.
AM LOTHHOira team was hitched
nder tho shed at the Thicis Rlv-
ci s sioceiy, and Sam wat In thu
Htoie dickering, There was no more
mistaking the team than thae was
Its owner, when once joti had hcen
either; both weie original in the ex
ticme. Upon tho day in question the
"iilllMKP con-dhlcd of a straight, IiIkIi
lat Keel blelfih and Ham's old cicnm
loloied ni.ii c. Thu back of the sleigh
was so straight that It seemed to pitch
forwaul lather than backward, and It
was so high that even Sam'f. fur cap
did not come up to the top of the back
when he was seated In this ancient
vehicle. If anyone remarked upon the
perpendicular tendency of this back
Pam would fciiy, in his queer drawl:
"Gol durn It, what would you hev, en
nyhow? t don't want folks tor think
I am a'lyln' in a bed when I go a-rldin'
out. Some uv these new-fangled sleighs
Is as pitchy hack as a bed. Alius
makes me sick tor my stomach ter ride
in us."
"What's the mutter with tho old
mare's tall?" someone would say.
"Why, she is sech a durn swift trav
eler that the hair nil come out. It
tried tor keep up for a long time, but It
wai n't no use It worn't no use, and
so It had ter come out,"
Coming to town was quite an' event
in Sam's uneventful llfo, and also an
Interesting time for the grocer, When
that worthy saw this particular cus
tomer coming he would inn so up his
mouth, mark up his goods and prepare
to dicker,
"Howdy, howdy, Mr. Merrill," Sam
would say by way of prelude, "a' how
much air granulated augur tuduy?"
"Fourteen poundn for u dollar," the
grocer would reply.
"Too dear, too pesky source, fur that
'etc money,"
"Well, Sam," tho grocer would say,
"seeing It Is you, I will ni.tko It fifteen."
"Too durn source," Ham would i di
ctate, "but ou make it sixteen, un' I'll
take some.
"All right, seeing it is you," Mr. Mer
rill would reply, anil a dollar's worth
of sugar was weighed out. Sam al
ways tiptoed tip and peeked over tho
grocer's shoulder to see that tho weight
was KiMUiiue and sometimes ho. Mould
tako out a little sugar on tho cud of his
finger. "JUither coarse grained, rutlier
course grained," ho would say, shaking
his hend doubtfully.
"Doubly extra refined, and (inputted
all the way ft am Porterlque," the gro
cer would leply, at which Sam yus
So on down through Sam's eutlie list
of purchases they would go the grocer
defending and parrying, and Sum strik
ing nnd thrusting,
"It's more work ter trade with Sam
than all tho other custoincis thut I
huve got," the grocer said onu day,
when tlmt worthy parsed out through
tho door with his arms full of pur
chases, "and tho funny p.nt of t is
thut ho don't know the price of any
thing In the store, hut ho must hev
about so much of his consumed dicker
ing, an' I sw'ow It Is more work thun
sawln' wood. It 'ud bo just the samu If
I offered to give him soiuethlu' ho
would still want me to throw off n.
The occasion of Sam's great finesse
was a certain town meeting day, nearly
a scoie of years ago, but the story is
still told upon the Town Hall steps us
YlTOIzgpva , remedy tbat cures W iu taJ
1 i
Complete Outfitters,
one on Sam, and a happening that is
too good to bo easily forgotten.
Upon this partltulnr occasion Snm
had come rather early to town, and had
been loafing about the" stoic for an
hour or more, but his coming had, as
ii", not been unannounced, for the
double tow of old-fashioned bells that
wunt ideal' round the old maie outside
of hoth shafts could be heard half a
mill' away.
"That's a mighty loud set uv bells
that you hev got," said someone as
Sam came in.
"That's what they air," replied Sam,
"I don't want ennybody ter think that
I am going ter a when I go by,
so f keep them bells on all winter. I
wouldn't know how to ride without
'um.Tliey air a heap of .company down
thioiigh the woods where it is lone
Homo and kinder skeery at night not
that thcic air enny thing to bo afraid
uv, but their janglln kinder cheers a
feller uo."
"Howdy, Mr. Merrill; got enny West
Ingy molasses?"
"Plenty uv It," replied the grocer
with a wink at 'Squire Nubbins, who
was seated by the stove reading a
paper that he had just taken from the
"An' how much air you a-gettln' fcr
It nowadays?"
"Sixty cents, Sam, Molasses has rlz
tcnlbly lately."
"C,o long," replied Sam, "I don't be
lieve It, but I'll gin you fifty, cf you
will wan ant that there ain't been no
niggers a-wauin around in it, I wuss
letidln' the other day how niggers
waded utotind In West Jngy molasses
until It warn't lit for a white man ter
cat no inore'ii nothln'.
"ScerasMcr nic It looks kinder nig
gcry," said Sam, as he stood watching
tho molasses trickle into the gallon
nieasiiic that the grocer had placed
under the faucet,
"An' huw much dn you happen to he
glvln' for maple sugar?" asked Sam lit
an abstracted way, as though the an
swer mado no dlffcrenco iu tho world
to Him.
"Ten cents, Sam," said tho merchant,
"ten cents Iu trado and nine In cash,"
", 1 rutlier I won't he a
borln' holes Inter iny tices and a-lettlu'
nut their life-blood fur cuuy sulIi ilguro
as tlmt, not this year," And Snm
stalked out of tho store In fclgtiPd
wrath, but presently he returned with
a largo box of maple sugar and set It
down upon tho counter for Mr, Mer
rill's inspection.
"Bipuk olf u hunk un' taste on It,"
ho said to the grocer, cotdlully. "Now
sap pan, buckets all painted this year,
an' uv'rythlng as clean ns a whistle;
you don't get such sugar ns that cv'ry
day, It air genuine; no store sugur In
"That's very good sugar, Sam," said
the grocer, "I'll give you ten cents In
trado for t."
"No, you won't," he loplled. "I'll feed
It ter tho hogs fust, hut mi give mo
twelve an' It ulr jams, box an' all,"
"Well, seeing it Is jou, an' good
sugar, I'll do It," said Mr, Men III,
winking at the 'squhc again, So tho
sugar was weighed nut, tho balance
stuick between the purchaseis and the
pi lie of the sugar, und Sum, bundles In
hand, punched out of the store,
nut no sooner was he outside thun a
change caino over his whole person, his
stern set features lelaxed Into a broad
This signature Is on every box of toe genutas
Laxative Bromo?Quiu1ne Tablet
grin, and he began pounding hlmstlf
upon the leg and dancing around ln
most ridiculous manner. After putting
his bundles into the old sleigh ha sat
down upon a dryooods box in the ihcd
and gave himself up to a paroxysm of
mirth. He put both arms acrofea hia
chest and swayed back and forth in
convulsions of merriment,
He was still swaying when tho 'io;uifr
came out to get his own team, and 1
happened around Just in time tp Jwar'
the 'squire say; "What In the voryLU
the matter with you, Sam? Hav7m
got a nt?"
"Guess I hev a small un," and 8am
was off again.
"You come over here," he said, a
soon as he could speak In his ordinary
tone, "an' I'll giv' you a tip about It,
but I don't want nuthln' said about it
at present, for It air too hard on hm
ter gin It away, after socktn' it to him
so, but it von't do no harm ter jilt gin
you a tip." '
The squire was curious and 10 he ap
proached Sam, who whispeied a fawr
words of explanation to that ofTlolal,
pausing occasionally to punctuate hii
story with a slap upon ths squire's
I watched the squire's face. At first
he looked doubtful, then amused," and
finally he, loo, sdt down upon the box
and shook with laughter.
"Pietty good, Sam, pretty good," he
said at last, "but I wouldn't say much
about It to the boys. It would bft too
hard on him; It's bad enough as it la."
"Oh, I'll be easy on him, you needn't
worry about that," said Sam, as he
backed out the old mare and started
for home, "but I am afeorcd I can't
keep from tellln' once in a while. Gee
lang." In answer to this last Injunction,
which wns addressed to the mare, and
not to us, that faithful animal sham
bled off, and the fantastic equipage and
Its more peculiar driver were out of
"What In the world has got into
Sam?" I asked when he had gotten
falily out of hearing.
"He says that Mr. Merrill has been
cheating him on groceries for mora
than a year, and he laid out to get
even with him. He has Just sold Mer
i HI sugar that he says was adulterated,
for when he was boiling down the saji
he put In moie than a hogshead of
water, and Mr, Merrill didn't even no
tice It when he tasted t!" Springfield
Their Number Said to Be Deoreaiimg
in the State of Virginia.
From the Richmond tVa.) Dispatch.
AVhat Is becoming of. tho English spar
rowf Is he passing away? Certainly ha
Is not so often In uvldence hereabout aa
he used to be, and fiom other paits of
Virginia also wo hear thut these birds
ato not nearly so nuincious as they wera
some" ears ago. The consequence U that
thu small native blids aie tenppeailng in
many 'localities, onllvenlng oidiaids and
woods, llclds und meadows with their
choeiful Hongs.
If It bo true as to tho wheje atata thai
ths tobustlous John Hull sparrow Is dis
appearing, how i an It be accounted for?
Has dlseaso thinned his .ranks or the In
hospitality of our people driven him to
other climes? Who knows?
This sp.uiow was Intioduced Into Rich,
muiid about 1S70 by lieneial Newberry,
whe was icglsler of the Vllglnla land oN
llco und supeilntendcnt of public, build
Inss under C!oernor Walker. .At that
tlmo the trees In the Capitol square wets
Infested with catcrplllai. and these epar
iows wciu tolled upon to destroy thm.
Their services were 'beneficial to some ex
tent, but Uth so many other opportuni
ties for feeding It Is no wonder that they
declined to accept un exclusive diet of
c.ttci pillar cbs-
Fiom Richmond, fiom Washington, and
from other cities tho Ihigllsh kparums
spread Into all parts of Vllglnla, anjyri
times' tliieatencd to become as numeWus
aa tho flies In Kgynt, but now, we at,
told, as we have said, that their numbers
aie declining, but why or wheitfoie la not
rii 1-T if
W I i '
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