smr, s. W'V" M4 Tm . .3ffc" "A' i ! i'1 K. VI -' 3 amttott . "H fi. - i v wa i n .- V l vl THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECE1V ING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. i ' "Ma TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1902. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. SSWHT 3. i - r sw .11 Hta. . ssm& MB jBpw BJBOHBB''' Cr HEROIC RESCUES AT JOHNSTOWN ElQhtu-Seven Dead Bodies Are Re covered from the III Fated Mine. FOURTEEN MEN ARE RESCUED ALIVE Borne of the Victims Having Maniacs When Found One Unfortunate in a Frenzy Attempts to Beat Down His Rescuers with a Pick Handle Another Dies Upon Being Brought to Daylight The Remains of Those Who Perished Indicated . That Death Must Have Been Slow in Nearly Every Case. ty Exclusive Wire from Tin- Associated Press. ' Johnstown, Pa., July 12. At 1 o'clock this morning 11 can bo stated of the 600 men supposed to have entered the mouth of the Rolling Mill mine of the Cambria Steel company, Thursday morning-, ninety arc known to be dead, and twenty-two rescued. 'Four hun dred, so the mine officials claim, es caped when the explosion occurred, leaving eighty-eight still to bo account ed. Some of these, according to those in charge of the rescue work, ate dead, but the majority, they claim, have es caped. Prom physicians, heads of res cue parties and others who are familiar with the different headings in the mine il is learned that nt least thirty-five ad ditional bodies will be brought to the temporary morgue at daylight,making a total list. of dead, one hundred and twenty-five. This, so President Powell Stackhousc,' of the Cambria Steel com pany, stitted will be the extent of the dead,, but until all checks, by which ii ,the mrners are known, are presented at the-office of the epany, 'an accuu.c list of the dead -will not be known. Vome,,pf the bodies, it is-adniitted by the officials, are assembled In close headings or burled beneath slate. Some may be recovered, while others may never bo found. List of the Dead. The official list of bodies thus far identified Is as follows: John It. Thomas, sr aged CO, labor boss; John C. Whitney, tire boss, 55; Wil liam Blanch, assistant foreman, 3.1; Jo Bcph Tomllnson, firo bo&s, Sj; William Lees, 22; Daniel Lees, 24; Michael Mc Cann, 4C; Philip McCann, "-; John Crook, 81; Frank Chestnut, 22; John Sadler, 22; John Holly, 42; Thomas Bishop, 35; Mi chael Bosanlc, 3B; George Hologyak, 2S; John Wllavcudcr, 33; Frank Guzl, 22; An thony Pollak, ,".i!; John Pollnk, 2ii; Frank Behullz. 28; Georgo T. Varozna, 37; Tuvel Vrabel, 21; Andro Havalda, 32; Jacob Hull, 34; Michael Ivek, 23; Joseph Rlszeek, 32; Stokjan Vergas, 20; lllko Sa bot, 21; Michael Dricka; Wadlslaw Di brlsky, 34; John Roplscky, 30; John B.i rok, 3 S;John I.asko, 30; Michael Pre- zuhy, 3S; Ilmery Basslstu, 23 j Stoven Ka nocz, 31; Stephen Clmko, 42; Michael Sa bot, 18; John Novak; Anton Lazuiskl, 27; Valant Plaga, .H; John Kreer, 36; Bolls law Mlskovskl, 23; August Struzlnskl, 33; John Karazcwlcz, 30; Michael Cllcnvtc, 43; Michael Cllonvlc. jr., 17; Wadlslaw Dombrowskl, 34; Gustav Lowandwskl, 37; William Ksonsek, 21; John llorvat, 2U; Frank Jendreski, 2.': William Sonz.ik, 23; Frank Hoply, 28; John Galydac, 24; Frank Lasnrsky, 22; Rroiilstcv Tetkowsky, 47; John Tlburskl, &0; Audio Balascuk, :'9; Anton Lugaskl. Stnnlslau Zlolku. Bcrnaid Dobrzylvecki, 34: Joseph Masllvhkl. Paul Sutuila, John Karzlowlcz, Anton Dehllc. Andio Zajdl, IS; Vlda Itaeh. sr John Jlucha, Jr. Day of Heroic Rescues. Johnstown, Pa July 11. This has een a day of heroic rescues at the ill fated Rolling Mill mine of the Cam bria Steel company. Thrilling exper iences attended the efforts of the forty brave and daring fellows who went down into the bowels of the earth. , -with a vety faint hope to spur them that still they might be la time to restore to life some of those who aie , entombed. Death lurked every where around them, but undaunted they i ey jed forward, swayed with the no- ' ojest oi numan purposes. The reward of their, efforts was the Bavins of the lives of fourteen of their fellow njen and bringing them again into the sunlight and back to loving famines. Dead and maimed bodies weio lo cated, but no eftort was made to bring them out of the vast theater of death until every human energy was put for ward towards seeing that no living soul might .escape their aid,, That done, tlm dead w'ere attended ' to and put in a train of mine cars, brought up, and exposed to morbid gaze while being transferred to wagons Jn which (o be taken to the morgue. Eighty-seven dead bodies were recovered front the mine between daylight and nightfall. Still a paity of oftlclals and miners battled on, three miles Inside the mine. Occasionally word would come to the surface by some mysterious means that another heap of remains had been exposed to the vision of the searchers, There re mains dangerous headings In the Klon dike section of the mine yet to be ex plored. No one knows how many more dead wH be found there. The mine officials refrain from guess-work on the ifUbiect. 14 T1 , WA4UHKV 148( lUVl The Impression prevails among the itsmers ana certain employes of the line that 160 Is a low estlmuto of the ualty list. Fated Johnstown spent the day horror-struck. From dawn to dusk, Hying ambulances coursed the streets, bearing gruesome burdens from mine to morgue; from morgue to homes. Great throngs surged about the pit mouth, the Improvised morgue at the armory, and about the stricken homes of the dead. Bulletin boards were eagerly scanned for news from the scene of the disaster. Kxagger ated rumors of all kinds prevailed. One report gained circulation that disaster ' had overtaken the rescuing parly which entered the mine shortly aster o'clock. This proved to be one of the entertaining yarns that had Its origin among the crowd at the pit mouth. Returning rescuers substan tiated the denials of the report by offi cials. It Is difficult to picture with any de gree approaching Its full worth, the work of rescue and the attending scenes and Incidents of the day at the centre of Interest. How brave men went into the jaws of death In the most horrible form, en countered their fellows transformed Into raving maniacs by hours of wait ing in the pitch darkness of the earth's Interior, lifted them moaning from their beds of fallen rock and then, bending and crawling on all fours, carrying them a quarter of a mile underground to where cars could be reached to take them outside. Along in the early part of the after noon cheering word came from the Innermost recesses of the mine that life yet lingered In some of the bodies found. The rescuers made first for No. 4, left heading, which they had been unable to icacli the night before. Deso late even for the scene of a mine In terior was the heading that stretched out before them. Falls of roof almost choked up the heading, but through and over the debris the brave men pushed their way. The Maniac Laugh. In the front, young Patrick Martin, his brother Peter, Philip White and several cousins of the Martins made their way. Suddenly in an open space they were startled by the maniac laugh which emanated from a blackened form that rushed at them out of the dark ness. ThV man grasped firmly a pic handle and tried in his frenzy to beat down Ills rescuers. He was overpow ered and dragged back, to the main heading. i !ie, su. .J'n.'rteon other living men were found In this chamber, andphyslciansvvere quickly taken to theTspot. At 3 p. m. the train of- mine ears ,came to the pit mouth, where waiting ambulances stood. Eight men were lifted over the sides of the cars and, half carried, wended their way to the ambulances. They were all Poles. One big strapping fellow among them col lapsed as he reached the ambulance, and doctors spent several minutes re suscitating him. As the men were driven hurriedly to the Cambria hos pital, the train of coal cars with the physicians re-entered the mine. In an other, half hour they came out again, this time with six living, but almost dead miners. One man in his paroxysms had locked his jaws so that force had to be employed to pry them open for the Insertion of llfe-instllllng fluids. These six were taken In an unconscious cpnditlon to the Cambria hospital. One man brought out with this crowd died just as ho reached daylight. At that time three more headlncs. believed to be filled with the dead, were unsearched. Thirty-nine bodies were lying within reach in the main head ing. These were brought out at 4,30 p. m. Their bodies were piled high In the coal cars and covered with canvas. These remains wete in a terrible state, showing that there had been slow death In each case. One of the men had his mouth and nose tied about by a towel. The rest of his face was burned beyond recognition. The bodies of all were twisted In horrible shapes, most of the arms being crooked so as to shield the face. The only one who could be. identified at the pit mouth was Flreboss Joseph Tomllnson, One of the volunteer rescuers who came out with this load of dead stated that lire was raging In parts of the mine, that would take some time to ciuell. Most of those who were brought out alive this afternoon had saved themselves by crawling Into a cham ber and turning a valve on the com pressed air line which runs along the entry. One mnn was found dead with his hand clutched so tightly about a mon key wrench that it could not be re moved, Scenes at the Morgue, The list of dead, while not complete, is us nearly so as it could be kept to night. No effort was made by those In chaige nf the tempoiary morgue to keep a jeeord of the names and resi dences of the dead miners who weie brought to the urinary and relatives and fronds hud to be depended 'ipon fop such information. The scene at the urniory tonight was one of extreme confusion. At 5 o'clock In the afternoon, 31) additional bodies were recovered from the mine, By 7 o'clock, 20 more of them had been Iden tified und the removal of them began at once. Bodies wete In the process of embalming, weie being transferred from one part of the room to the other and were being put into the caskets by a large force ot men, while people, who thought a relative or friend might be among the dead and those who knew they had come only out of curiosity walked uround the room, guzlng Into the drawn luces of the dead miners. Outside the annory, a crowd of fully 10,000 people assembled. Thev weie Jammed close to the walls of the build ing aim tne ragged edges of the crowd extended several hundred feet away. hi were nearest the windows were maicing efforts to look Into the morgue and the police had a hard tlmo to keep the crowd in check. It was only by strenuous pushing that any one wishing to gain udmisslon to the armory on business or to come out could foice his way through the peopta that crowded around the entrances. Orders were Issued late tonight that I'd li' bodies are to be laliiii from the mine before daylight. Rumors are out that IS dead .nre loaded In cars ready to bo brought out, but the nior giM' hl'ndants are tiled out, wit.i over work and were given a chance to rest. A gang of men are at work In the mine bringing out the carcasses ot several mules killed by the explosion. One of the unknown survivors at the Cambria hospital Is dead and two are expected to die before morning. MINE INSPECTOR EVANS REPORTS CONDITIONS. States That Loss of Life WaB Caused by a Small Explosion. Bjr Kxcltis'Ve Wire from The Associated Presa. Johnstown, Pa., July ll.j-State Mine Inspector J. T. Evans, who has been In the mine almost continuously since the explosion, was joined hero tonight by Chief Roderick, of the bureau of mine Inspection. Mr. Evans entered Into a full report of his Investigation. He said to the Associated Press re porter: "Mr. Roderick can hardly credit my description of the condition of the mine after such a dreadful calamity. It Is wonderful that there should have been such havoc In loss of life with such a small explosion. "There was very little rock brought down by the force of the explosion; a number of doors were blown open, some boards knocked off, but the cost of repairs will be Insignificant, nut more than $2.3, I should say." "I will have to take a look over the mine," Interrupted Chief Roderick doubtfully and with u laugh. "There was no explosion of dust; no evidence of it," said Mr. Evans. "All the men were working with locked safety lamps. There are a dozen things that might have caused the explosion. The man responsible for it is assuredly among the dead." "How soon could the mine bo placed In condition for resuming operations?" "So far as I have examined things, I believe the men could start in Mon day." It was reported that a portion of the Cambria Steel company works was foiced to suspend operations today, ow ing to short supply of fuel. The long suspension of the mine would seriously hamper the works. Dr. H. F. Tomb, who went into the mine with Dr. L. W. Jones and the rescuers at !) o'clock this morning and came out with the fourteen injured men brought out at 3 o'clock this af ternoon, said: "We found the air good in the main heading upon going In, except on the left.- Wo went to itn. 6 section on the right and turned up as far as room No. 25. Then we commenced taking out dead miners. Upon going back to the main heading we turned back to No. 4 left, where we heard cries. There we found three foreigners in good condi tion. One of them was A. M. Kohler, of Cambria City, whose Ingenuity saved his life and those of his companions. When Kohler found they were trapped, they jumped into a room through which a compressed air pipe passed. This he broke in some manner and the men, after closing up the door with canvas, had plenty of good air. "These men came out of the mine at 3 o'clock in fairly good condition. They told there was numbers of living and dead up the heading. Not until we reached the sixteenth room did our eyes meet the most gruesome sight of our trip. "In that room there were thirty-four dead and fifteen living. They were piled upon one another, some of the living being burled underneath the dead. These were unconscious. AV worked Industriously on them with oxygen and spirits of ammonia. One died on the long trip out." List of Injured in hospital. At Cam bria county hospital: Three unknown, condition critical. A. M. Kohler. Frank Bumboez, Jacob Ozeronz. John Feher, John Dudok, John Shika, Joe Balo, George Salu, Albert Serpha, John Kuminsky, Victor Kahcr. At Conemaugh Memorial hospital: William Robinson. John Retullick, Harry Rodgers, unknown Slav. HOT WAVE IN FRANCE. Marseilles Experiencing a Genuine African Sirocco. By Exclusive Wire from The Assoi ialeJ Prua. Paris, July 11. Exceptional heat, ac companied by severe storms, prevails throughout the southern and south western departments of France. Mar seilles is experiencing a genuine Afri can sirocco, with a temperature of 104 degrees, the highest In twenty years. There have been many cases of sun stroke at Montpeller, the heat has caused a number of deaths at Perplg- nan, and St. Etienne and Lyons report violent storms of rain, lightning and hall, which have caused great dam age to the crops and have killed a number of cattle. TRAIN GOES THROUGH TRESTLE. One Workman Killed, Six Hurt, on New York Central. lly Hjeluuhe Wile from 1 lie Afaeclatrtl l'th Syracuse, July 11. A steuin .shovel and seven cats used by the New York Central In extending the Auburn branch across Solvay to the main branch of th Central, went through a tiestle at 10,so o'clock this morning', killing one man and Injuring six others. Will Investigate Johnstown Disaster, C) iVliuhe Wlte from Tl ii Associated Preu. Ilarrlsbuig, Juy ll.-Gmornoi- Stouo bus dliected James E. Roderick, chief vt tho state bureau of mines, to go to Johns town and Investigate the cause of tha catastrophe at the Rolling Mill mine, Mr. Roderick left at noon and expects to reach Johnstown by evening and Im mediately begin an Investigation. Bottle Blowers Increase Salaries. By Exclusive Wire fiSmTbe Associated J 'less.. Atlantic City. N. J., July U. The Green Gluss Bottle Blowers' association todaV' Increased the salary of Its piesldeut from l,S0O to 2,40O; that of tho secietury from J1.C00 to J1.S00, and tho treasurer from J.'XK) to $000. The death assessments wero in duced from 3 to IS cents. TRACEY'S AIM VERY BAD Bullets Fired at Close Ranoc bu the Outlaw Miss Dep uty Growe. COOL ATTEMPT TO MURDER AN OFFICER After Shooting at the Deputy the Fugitive Convict Then Slips Like a Phantom Between Close Drawn Line of Pursuers May Have Been Wounded by Volley While Re treatingTried to Hold Up Train. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prm. Covington, Wash., July 11. Harry Trucey, fugitive convict, has performed the marvellous again. Ho slipped like a phantom through a cordon of guards at the mouth of Sluice creek, late last night, fought a battle with the deputies and is now in the timber. In the fight ing no one was hurt, though when the outlaw fired twice at T. F. Crowe, lie was so close that the deputy was burn ed by the powder. When darkness fell, Tracey was thought to bo securely penned on the point ot the we&tern bluff, where he had been concealed all afternoon. Though the guards were stationed thickly, one being posted every fifty feet, he successfully eluded them and travelled up the roadbed of the Palmer cut-off toward this place, five miles distant. Tracey arrived at a sawmill plant a mile from here at 11. 45 last night. Deputy Sheriffs J. C. "Bunce, Galvin and Crowe had been sent to guard that point. Deputies Crowe and the Buncos, father and son, had posted thmselves on the railroad near the sawmill at the entrance of a big cut near a rise of ground, the Bunces being on the outer guard line. They were hardly settled when they heard footsteps, and Tracey soon appeared. When challenged, Tracey started to run. The Bunces opened fire, shooting four times each. Tracey ran up the track, and a few yards further encountered Crowe. To the officer's challenge the loutlaw .cooljy aespoudedthat he was a deputy. Crowe, . thinking, it wa3 the elder Bunce, started to approach, when .Tracey began shooting at close range, firing two shots.. The bullets whistled harmlessly by, but Crowe suffered slightly from the burning powder. After the shooting Tracey turned and entered the brush along the side of the track, where he was lost in the dark ness. The deputies made a hurried cir cle through the woods to Covington to head Tracy off, hut on their arrival found that he had not passed the sta tion. Tried to Board a Train. Later it was learned that since his escape from the north side of Sluice creek, Tracy attempted to board one of the east-bound freights. The grade is heavy at that point, but the train was running light and at such speed that Tracey wan unable to board It. " Another train passed, and the con ductor reports that while near the saw mill some one called for him to stop. There were no deputies present, and it is thought Tracey was the man who called, The theory is advanced that he may have been wounded In the battle just before midnight. A man thought to be Merrill, the other escaped convict, appeared yester day at the home of a farmer, a few miles east of Ruvendale, near here, and obtained food. He remained In the vicinity all day. Sheriff Cudlhee and Guard Carson, with blbovdhounds and a small posse, left Auburn at G o'clock this morning for the point where Tracy was last seen RACES AT UTICA. Bj- hxduilre Wire from The Associated Press. rtlea, N. T July ll.-The Mohawk valley circuit meet cloe.l hero today. In tho first heat of the 2.17 pace, with six teen startei,s, Coianza collided with Prince I.lef, both going down and the drivers' being thrown to the ground. James Guess, driver of Prince Lief, re ceived a lacerated wound In the right leg. Tho lioises were not badly hint. Coinnza was drawn but Prince I'.lef went three more heats. Attendance, -',000. Sum mary; S.17 class, pacing; purse, J400-Dlck R. won, Howell Boy second, Leo S. thlld. Best time, 2.17J4. Black Diamond, Dote ntont. Tinker, Grover G Legal Wood, Bessie Orr. Prince Lief, Kittle Thistle, Annlo M., Coranza, Stephen P Callle 1C also run. S.;8 class, trotting; puis.e, $100 Helen Russell won; Olive S. second. Pythla third, Jihet time. S.SS'i. Hazel F Scher- sondo, Gertrude F., Sylvia also started. 2,17 clabs, tiottlug; pillse, HOC Lizzie I.unning won, FItz second, Roselle R. tilled, llest time, I'.VJIi. Baron Hoy also started, Steamship Arrivals. By Kxclualte Win from 'the Axtoclaled Press. Now Yoik, July 11,-Arrlved; Rottor tluin, Rotterdam; Campania. Liverpool, and Queonstown. Cleared: Etrurlu, New Vork; Ryndam, Rotterdam via Baulognn; Filesluud, Antwerp, Clieibourg Ai'ilved; Columbia, New York; Graf Woldersee, New York for Hamburg land proceeded), Suited: Fterst Blsmurck (from Hamburg und Southampton), New York. Havre Anived; La Bretugne, New York, Prawle Point Pussed: Noonlani, Rot terdam, for New York. Southampton Sailed: Fueist Bismarck (from num bing), New York via Cherbomg Lizard Passed: Koenlgln Lulse, .SoaUiumptori and Bremen. Bremen An Ived.' Aller, via Gibraltar and Naples. Queenstown Arrived; Lucanla. New York for Liver pool and proceeded, St. Michaels Ar rived: Hohenzollerii, New Yoik for Gib raltar, Naples und (Jenoa. Fresh Eruption of Pelee. Ht Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Fort do France, island of Martinique, July 11. Theie was u fresh eruption of Mont I'cloo this iuoi,rVif. SPANISH FRIARS MAY STAY. Their Complete and Immediate With drawal Not Expected. Bjr Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'resi. Washington, July 11. The negotia tions now In progress at the Vatican respecting the Philippine friars and their lunds will not fall. Of that the administration officials here are cer tain. It was realized at the beginning, when Gpvernor Tuft's instructions were framed, that they represented the ex treme of our claims and they did not preclude the Idea of reasonable com promise bv mutual concessions. The negotiations arc proceeding In this srjlrlt. The Uidted Stales government will not secure everything It desired, be cause even l the pope were disposed to. concede these things, the negotia tions have developed the fact that al though his power Is theoretically un limited, In actuality, the Internal poli tics of the Vatican Impose conditions even upon the chief prelate of the church which he must observe. There fore the Immediate and complete with drawal of the Spanish friars from the Philippines is not now expected, but It Is believed that the result desired can be accomplished by an arrangement for the substitution of friars of other na tionality, and the principal h-suc at present is as to the time in which the change may be brought about. TERROR AT TAMAQUA. Citizens Organize a Law and Order Society Three Non-Union Men Mysteriously Disappear. By Hxiluslvc Wire from The Associatcil Press, i Tamaqua, Pa July 11. The appeal to Governor Stone to send troops to the Panther Creek valley has had the effect of quieting the striking miners, but al ready outbreaks of rioting Is moment arily expected. Last evening the citi zens o Lansford held a meeting and organized a law and order society. They also determined that If the strik ers continue molesting citizens and as saulting them, another appeal will be made to Governor Stone to send troops. The condition ot James Smurl, who was maltreated by the rioting strikers yesterday, is very critical. The man Is a mass of bruises from head to foot. Three non-union workmen mysteri ously disappeared last night. TRADE INVASION OF TRANSVAAL. American Firm Getting ,A11 Struc tural Iron Orders. By K.ti.lusie Wire from The Associated Tr. -Johannesburg, Transvaal, July 11. The British 'trade commissioners who recently arrived here from England ad mit that they nre amazed at the amount of business in steel building material which is offering. They com ment on the Indolence of the British firms, saying that so far as they nre able to discover only one firm, and that an American concern, has a capable representative in South Africa. He 'has been obtaining Immense or ders In Cape Town and In Johannes burg, at his own prices, for huge build ings up to fourteen stories by being able to; quote figures promptly and promise construction with American speed. PRINCE SCORES CARDINALS. Widening Breach Between Rospigli osi and the Catholic Church. By Kxclu'dxc Wire from 1 he Associated Pi ess. Rome, July 11. The attitude of Cnr- dlnul Resplghl, vicar general of the pope, In the Rosnigliosi Incident, hns further embittered the controversy and widened the breach between Prince Rosplgllosi and the authorities of the church. The prince has made an Ironi cal reply to Cardinal Resplghi's letter saying he must uphold Cardinal Mae- cm. secretary of apostolic briefs, in for bidding an English Blue sister to at tend Princess Joseph RosplgllosI dur ing her confinement, because her mar riage to the prince was a civil cere mony. The prince says he has turned to evangelical chnrlty for the assist ance refused by the Catholics, meaning that the new muse sent for from Eng land belongs to the Church of Eng land, DR. REINOEHL KILLED. Lebanon Physician Loses His Life in, a Runaway. tr Exclusive Wire from The Assodated rnss. Lebanon, July 11, Dr. John H. Relnoehl, n prominent physician of Lebanon lost his life and Dr. E. P. Marshall, ot Anrivllle, was seriously In jured In an accident neur Annvllle late last night. The two physicians were driving to Annvllle, They passed a traction engine, at which their horse took fright and ran away, After going a short distance the carriage was over turned and Dr. Relnoehl was thrown out and instantly killed. Dr. Relnoehl wus 41 years or age and at one time a member of the legisla ture, ' DATE OF CORONATION. Has Been Fixed at August 8 and IS. The Procession Abandoned. By Exclusive Wire from 'fho Atovlated Pieds. London, Jul) 11. It was officially stuted today that the coronation ot King Edward wl take place between August 8 and August 12. The proposed procession has been abandoned. m Crushed in a Landslide, By ExUushc Who fioiu The .Woclatcd Piess. Kaston, I'a July II. One Italian was crushed to death and half u dozen others were aeilously injured by being caught In a landslide a mile below Kuston this af ternoon. Tho men were building a stone wall along tho Delaware canal when uu embankment caved In on them. Gantz to Be Executed Sept. S3. Bj Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Harrlsburg, July U;-Uovornor Stone today fixed September SI for tho execu tion of George Gantz at Reading MITCHELL TALKS OF NATIONAL GUARD ORDERS. Appointments Announced for the Medical Department. By K.tpImjUc Wire from 'llie Associated Prem. Harrlsburg, July 11. General orders were issued from the headquarters of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, announcing the following appointments In the medical department: First Lleutennnt John AV. Coffin, ot Beaver county,, surgeon ot the Tenth regiment; Edwin H. Love, of West moreland county, assistant surgeon of the Tenth regiment, nnd 'Franklin F. Arndt, of Lackawanna county, assist ant surgeon ot the Thirteenth regi ment. The following officers have been re lieved from duty, on their own appli cation, and placed upon the retired list: Major George W. Neff, surgeon, Tenth regiment; Captain Joseph L. Hunter, chaplain Tenth regiment; Cap tain Anthony F. Machold, 'Company G, Third regiment, and Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Maglnness, of Philadelphia. FLOODS IN TOPEKA. Big Rise in Xaw River and Streets Are Flooded. By Kxclihc Wire from The Associated Press. Topeka, July 11. The Kaw river here has risen one foot since yesterday and is still rising. The lowlands are flood ed. In North Topeka several families have abandoned their homes, which, to gether with the First Cumberland church, are surrounded by water. Water 1st running over both Garfield and City parks, In this city, and the street railway tracks in the outlying districts are submerged. The street railway bridge in Topeka still stands, but is in a shaky condition, and the bridges at Wlllard arid Valencia, near by points, are In danger. Knnsls City, July 11. The Missouri and the Kaw rivers here are nearly one foot higher than yesterday, with indi cations that they will continue to rise gradually for another twenty-four hours at least. The worst damage is nt the town of Armourdale, on the Kaw, where several streets are under water from one to four feet deep. BUFFALO FAIR CLAIMS. r Treasury Department Not to Pay Stock or Mortgage Holders. By Kcltiiiie Wire fiomThc Associated Prcs. Washington, July 11. The tieasury department has perfected a plan for the payment of the claims against the Pan-American Exposition company, to be paid out of the appropriation of $300,000 made in the general deficiency act. By the terms of the appropriation payments aie to be made pro rata on claims for "labor, material, services and other expenses," and no payments are to be made to stockholders or to settle any claim secured by mortgage. The claims to be pro rated aggregated about $640,000. The claims are to be filed and aud ited at the treasury department, nnd the warrants drawn In favor of the individual claimants. The warrants nre to be delivered through and receipted for by John G. Mliburn, the president of the exposition. In that way the necessity for Mr. Milburn giving a bond will be avoided. RIOTOUS TEAMSTERS. They Attack the Driver of a Coffee Wagon at Chicago. By Kxeluilte Wire fiom The Associated Press. Chicago, July 11. About noon, fifty or sixty striking teamsters nttacked a wagon loaded with coffee, which whs being driven along Jackson boulevard. The driver took fright at the threat ening demonstration and deserted his wagon, fleeing for safety to a neat by restaurant. He was given shelter by the waitress, and when his pursue: s finally left the surroundings he wus quietly let out the back door, In the meantime, the strlkeis had taken possession of the loud of coffee, and, after ripping open the sacks, strewed the contents along the streets. A riot call was sent In and a squad ot policemen quickly dispersed the crowd that had gathered. No arrests were made, , Conference at Birmingham. By,KUuslve Wire from 'I he Associated Press, Birmingham, Aln., July 11, The pros pects for nn rally settlement of the dif ferences between tho coal miners and op erators are now ory bright, A sub committee of tho miners is In conference with the operutois and while u great deal nf secrecy Is being maintained, tlm Infor mation bus leu!:d out that the con ference Is close to un amlcixblu niiice- meat. DEATHS OF A DAY. By Kxduslve Wire from 'the Associated Pres. ( York, Pa.. July II, John II, Small, lum ber mim nnd saw mill owuttr and at one time un extensive cur builder, died this moinlng, aged 7J yeais, 1'lilludulphlii, July 11'. Mrs. William A, Connor, the estimable twifu of the Phil adelphia manager of the Associated Press, died today at her leMdoncu hero after un illness of hlx weeks. .Mrs, Con nor wus well known in soclul cliclcj. She was gifted with a cliuimliig voice and, for a pcilod of oyer seven years was u volunteer member of the choir of fjt. Stephen's Protestant episcopal church. Mrs, Connor was u uativu of Massachusetts and had been married ubout eighteen yenis, - -t- WEATHER FORECAST, -f 4- Washington, July 11. Forecast 4- for Saturday and Sunday; East- -f hH orn Pennsylvania-' Increasing -ii cloudiness Saturday, probably f showers Saturday night and Bun- -f day light variable winds. -f T. iitt,t THE STRIKE States That No Man Gan Make Ac curate Predictions as to tin Indianapolis Convention, AT SEA ON PROBABLE ACTION OP DELEGATES In the Event of Failure to Inaugu- rate a General Strike of Miners, Mr. Mitchell Believes That Sym pathetic Laborers All Over the Country Will See That Ample Pro vision Is Made for the Support of the Struggling Miners The) Citi zens' Alliance Sends Mr. Mitchell an Open Letter. By Kxduslve Wire from The Associated Pre. Wllkes-Barrc, Pa., July 11. For th first time since the mine workers de cided to hold a special' national con vention, President Mitchell today con sented to say something for publica tion about the gathering. He said it was utterly impossible to forecast the action of the convention. From his re marks it is almost certain the conven tion will do one of only two things, either decide on a general suspension or provide a defense fund for the anthra cite strikers. President Mitchell, in an Interview today with an Associated Press corre spondent, said that no living man can with any degree of certainty predict the outcome of the national convention which will convene at Indianapolis next Thursday. He said: The question of inaugurating a national suspension of ccal mining will be deter mined by delegates representing all tho miners in the United States, many cf whom will bo under iron clad Instruc tions In favor or in opposition to a strike. Many others will, in my judgment, have discretionary powers and will be gov erned In their action by developments in the convention. However, I feel certain that In the event of it being inadvisable to inaugur ate, a national' strike,, thar provisions Will be made to contribute ample flinds to carry the strike on to certain victory. The sympathy of tho entire labor world Is with the anthracite miners and from all sections of our country we are re ceiving assurances of financial and moral support. These assurances of financial support aie not confined to wage earners alone. Many men and women have of fered financial as3istunco to the strug gling miners, and I feel confident that the htrlke will prove a success regardless ot whether or not a national strike takes place. The declaration of the railroad presidents that there Is nothing to ar bitrate and their persistent refusal to treat consldertely with us for a solution ot the trouble Is repugnant to the Amer ican people's sense of right, nnd this ac tion is culminating in many offers ot sympathy and assistance from the gen eral public. Today f will request our district presi dents to Instruct all unions in tho anthra cite field to pay no attention to sensa tional or unauthorized newspaper reports that may appear during tho tlmo the convention is In session. There Is dan ger that ottempts may be mado while delegates and offlceis of tho organiza tion nie absent fiom tho coal fields to circulate Information which would tend to discourage those on strike." Alliance Sends Open Letter. P. Rldgway Wright, of this city, the leader of the Citizens' Alliance which was recently organized In this vicinity, today sent an open letter to President Mitchell In which he calls the latter's attention to alleged intimidations, boy cotting and other annoyances practiced on all persons who are working In the mines. He pays a tribute to organized labor generally for tho good it has done, and reminds Mr. Mitchell that every man has a right to work or re main Idle as he sees fit. In concluding his communication Leader Wright says: We theiefoio nppeal to you to declare: (1) The highways are free to all who deslie work, notwithstanding a strike is in progress. (2) Boycotts against any business or profehslonul man on tho ground of ser vices rendered to a non-union worker are condemned by the union, (3) That hanging In effigy, tho digging of mock graves ami overy other form of violence, threat and libel ate condemned by the ii""1 n. (4) 8tr s who partlclpato In any cf the offenses thus itemized will bo held lesponslblo to tho union for all disturb uncus, unlawful boycotts, 'oto In which they themselves or their wives and Chil dren participate. Referring to your speech at Nantlcoko, we cull your attention to tho eiror on which It is based. The Citizens Allanca is not uu adjunct to op organized by op eiutois. Its membership ot more than 'J,VjO is in sympathy with "organized la bor" but over and above it and above , all organized capital, we Intend to up hold organized society, We are not the proper subjects of criticism, because Wo took no putt In trying to suppress 'evils uhlch am said to have occurred long before tlm alliance was formed, nor are w tlm subject of criticism because wn Baw no need for un alliance among citi zens to repress boycotts which you say occurred, but were limited to operators and miners In their struggle .'th 'one another, But when the boycott raises Its Dead against the pilvato right of neutrals and when lawlessness destroys property, thieutens arton and takes the form of actual rioting It Is the right and the duty of neutrals and citizens geue'rally to organize In self defense and for tha maintenance of public order and wo era justified In Inviting a co-operation from both eldes In the existing btriUo. ,' YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Highest temperature ,,, 77 degree Lowest temperature 5J degrees Relative humidity: S a. m. ,.....,,,.,...,...,,.,, 71 per cent. S p, m. ...,.., 50 por cent. Precipitation, Si hours ended S p, in., none, , . , ' &I A i J. J 4 til $J i i "fc:l I .!?.: VSI !l -3 3 &! - i Vttl m f n I -8 t x . ( X t r i ..I w. , ., ' ' 'f f - n. ' -hj -ftAe''i'-lrii"' VT.-T-: kiaii' -""" t-i 'H-.-V ..'