The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 11, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    " , "mill 4; j jP "i j (
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.A .
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installation of Officers in Two Lodges Ex
citing Bowling Game At Wheelmen's
Club House Other News Notes.
The new 1 J -elected olltccc? or Kleetilc
City lodge, Nu. 13. Knights or Pjthlus,
weic Installed In Ivoilto hull Inst even
ing by Dlstilot Deputy D. U. Uvaiia.
Following mo the names nntl their sta
tions: Past chancellor, Ficd Dlehl: chan
cellor euminumlei, W. A. Phillips: lcc
ih.inLcllor, Joseph Stoncllold; pi elate,
Moigiin Thomas: miibtrr ot exchequer,
I.onls Cilst; master of finance, S. O.
Suinnicihlll; keeper of lecord und Heal,
William Cilst; master of woik, Kclvvuict
Itobcrtsj Inside gtmid, John Nclpeer;
outside guaid, Anthony Moinck; tiua
tce, Ucoigc S. Sajies.
Moigan Thomas was elected as icp
tcseiitntlvc to the sessions or the gland
lodge, which will he held In Hiiubtnv
next month, Louis Cilst was selected
as alteinale.
The nut meeting of the lodge will be
laid on TliUMila evening, July 2t,
when .ill mcmbeis aic mged to attend,
lis special htiHinct ol Intel est to all
will lie up loi consUUintlun.
Bushing Concictc Woik.
The woik of paving South -Main avo
niiL, between ofotd and Hampton
slice t, Is gain,- on v r 11, and with ,111
otlui good da's woik, the connote
base will piob.iblv be tlnlshcd In the
bloi k between Lai-emu and Oxfuid
hti pi ts
The ill eel i.illway lonipany Is-taking
aihantagc ot the teat lug up. and
doubl" Hacks aie being laid upon sttel
tlrf., which will be imbedded In the
conciotc, making a eiy solid loadbed.
Tcinislcis aie using Tenth sheet,
lictwien Ufotd ami llaniiuon studs,
to get uji and (linui .Main avenue. The
lo.ulbul betwrii i:non anil West
LoLiijt sheet lh .il"i being tilled in.
United Mine Woikeis.
The following delegates will upre
ntnt their lispcctivo I0..1N at the 11a
tloiiM convention to be held In Indian
apolis npt Thin daj :
No 1128, James Holton: Xo L'ln,
1'ivld Jenkins; Xo t.J7. William It.
Thorn is; Xo 10T-', lUchaid Phillips;
Xo 17."li, AVIIU.1111 J. Thomah; Xo. lbl",
Mhh.iel Healev.
All ol these delegates, and others who
v 111 lopiesmi tin othei West Sctauton
locals, aic leriui'Sted to meet in Jajnei
ball on Jaikson stiect at 10 o'clock to
nioiiow moinlug to .mange foi tians
ioi tatlon, i'li.
All of the officii s of the v .11 ions West
Suanton locals ,ne also Requested to
meet in Jiiyno s hall .it 10 o'clock to
nioi iov 11101 ning, as special business
The Bet Family Cough Hcmedv,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sal by
101 S. Iilain ave.
jg The Store Closes Every Evening g
at 5 O'clock. Saturdays Excepted H
ITo Shop I
"5 H. SP
1 At Your Ease I
The Summer Sun takes the fun out of shopping $
is you know how it is yourself. It is some comfort, sr
j! when the suu is fairly shriveling things, to sit quite- ;
5 ly and shop, with peace of mind and the assurance of 5
9 getting what you want without annoyance. If you
X enjoy a quiet shopping time, a superior stock, and g
? want the bottom price, act on our invitation and
a come here. C-
i Reduced Prices on
1 Dressing Sacques
To reduce the stock of
.-$ ments, we reduce the prices,
Diesslnp; Sncques of line
lawn; dainty colois, and nil
the sizes; libbon tiimmed and
snilov collais. '
Fino Lnwn Kimonas; hand
some coloilngs and white
White Lawn Diesslnp; Sac
ques j trimmed with Valen
ciennes Lnce.
White Peisinn Lawn Diess-
ing Sacques; tiimmed, hem-
stitched sailor collar; Val, lace
bands and cuffs; tucked fronts.
r1 ' ' -
Fine India Linon Sacques;
tiimmed with hemstitched
tucks; lace necks; silk ilbbon
draw st lings.
'3 Price has little to do
,-J Special Offerings, The weather has had much to do $
ti with the price cutting, but the goods are first-class fe
rj in every respect, . g
1 Globe Warebods?.
will be transacted, nnd nirnngemcnts
will be made for holding a mass meet
ing In at. David's hall next Mondny.
Fuithcr pnrtluulais as HI be announced
The next meeting or Local No. 637,
will bo held In Jayno's hall, Thursday
afternoon, July 17. when all membets
arc utged to attend.
Dutch Beat tbo Welsh.
Ail exciting seilcs of ttn-pln games
weic pl.ijcd on the I'lcchlc City Wheel
men's alios last evening between the
"Dutch" and "W.eNh" teams, nnd after
11 bard, nervo-w locking contest, the
"helnlcs" von, taking alt three games,
and making a total ot over 2,100 plus.
To paitliulntize on the Individual
plajlng might cause some ot the bunch
to become Inflated with 11101 0 hot air
than was exploded last night, nnd the
public will have to learn about that
fiom the following phocis, who made
up the teams:
Dutch-Captain, Jaco)) Pfelffer; Wil
liam 11. Hoe, Adolph Hi lining, Homy
Moigan, Hugh Hughes.
Welsh Fiauk Watklns, captain;
Walter James, Samuel Jones, John
Thomas and tins Iiium.
The wlnneis now want to plav the
"Amei leans," who aic made up of John
11. Kcllow", C. 11. Pitehet, CJeorge llott
cll. W. Hujdn Kans and Di. Stiup
plci. Cnison Finds Oil O. K.
Cieoige H. Cm son, who went to lleau
liiont and Galveston, Texas, to Investi
gate the affalis of the Na
tional OH and r.ellnlng compan, on
behalf of some Wcht Side Imestois., ic
poits, by lelesiam, n.i follows:
"Heaumont, Texas, Jtilj !), 1902 1 II ml
tveiMhlngall liglit. Uco H Caison"
J ill j 4 the company withdrew their
offer of a ban el of fice oil with c.uli
shaie of stock at 10 cents, but on ac
tount of delay In getting lepoit they
weic reuuested to extend the time ten
dajs They icply as follows "Wc ex
lend jour time on dividend and lice
ban el of oil as asked, July 14. Conti
nental Oil and Itcliliiua: Co."
All who aie intciestcd and wish to
take stock In this tested coinpaiij (lie
it little or much) can do so by calling
on the company's agent, U. Ci.,
101 Noith Main avenue, on or boloie
the llth Inst., who will be glad to make
any explanations desiied.
Keystone Lodge, L. K. of A.
A regular meeting ot Kev stone lodge,
No o7, L.oyal Knights of America, was
held in Hail hall last evening, .it
which the newly elected ofllceis weie
installed by Past Mastei John Phillips,
assisted by Patt JIastci Hugh Wil
liams. They aie as follows:
Woithy Mastei, Thomas Seymour;
w 01 thy deputy mastei, Clwilym Lewis;
lccording fcocietaiy, Joseph 11. Davis;
assistant rccoiding sccictary, Pcese G.
and Kimonas
these warm weather gar- S5
Xince Stiipe Lawn Sacques;
ruffled fionts nnd necks; rib
bon diaw strings; Val. lace
edgings; very sweet.
Ciepe Cloth Kimonas; double
face satin ilbbon fronts, necks
and cuffs; beautifully made
and finished.
India Llnon Sacques; tucked
backs; lace and Inseitlon; V
shaped necks; libbon tiimmed
and shoit sleeves.
India Linon Sacques; fancy
shapes; tiimmed with Valen
ciennes lace; insertion on
sleeves; paiticulaily handsome.
with the quality of these &
Kccscj fltinttclat secretary, William 0,
Phillip?; treasurer, Alfred Hobertsj
conductor, Charles Scymouri nsshtatit
conductor, Charles Jones! chaplain,
John Phillips; Inside tyter, Hugh Wil
liams; outside tylcr, Waller Hum
phreys! liustce for three yeais, John
Recent Social Events.
Arthur Latham, of Bryn Mawr street,
Lincoln Heights, celebiuted his tvveii-ty-llflh
birthday recently, when a large
number of his friends gathered nt his
home and enjoyed themselves.
Mis. Sarah Williams, of 1807 Wanh
burn stiect, gave a party recently In
honor of her daughter, Alice. The
guests numbered ninny prominent
joung people.
A number of West Scranton people
Join nc.v cd to the home ot Mr. nnd Mrs.
Thomas How ells, on Ml. Dewey, re
cently, when n delightful evening wns
spent In social dlvcislon.
Mis. William Ilallcttt, of North Gar
field avenue, cntci tallied the Itallroad
nuxlllaiy of the Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church last evening.
Loral union, No. ITIii, United Mine
Workets ot America, will hold a xpcclnl
meitlng In Jiiviiu'h hull this evening.
The niomlicis of St, Cecelia's C. T. A.
nnd U. Society will meet this evening nt
tin1 homo ol Mrs. Lusher, on Tenth
Tim Women's foic-lun Mlsslonaiv so
ciety of tho Simpson .Methodist llplscopnl
cliinch will meet this owning at the home
of Mis. M. M. Wllsej on Noith Uiomley
avenue, Went Talk.
Hov. Geoige Hoc. a South African
iiiKslonarv, who Is pleading the causn of
the hc.ilhen among the t lunch people of
this cllj, spoke hi the Simpson MclhodM chin rh WcilncMlav evening.
Hi-. ('. P. Lavvieiuc anil Mis. Sadie J.
Aim ton assisted in the service.
Miss ('.ithciluc Bui roll has been elected
llnnticlitl sciict.uj- of llm Young People's
Society of Christian Hn'ravor of AVash
but u Slieet 1'iesbj teilnn cliinch, to lilt
the uncxplicd teim cmiisoiI bv the ieig
nntlon of Jlrs Judson lIutcliliiton. Jlli-s
liiuiall's Sunil i hool class held their
anmlil picnic at Kn Aug juilc on AVcd
iie'div Miss Catherine O'llnrn. of Xoilh Main
nvnmio, w icccntly entered the Failed
Ileal t Older of Sisterhood in New York,
h is been appointed to leach In the S.icred
llcut iicmlemv In Chicago She former
ly taught school in Pittston anil was
one ol the Instiuctois In the School of
Slims of the Colliery Knglneei eonip.ui,
befme leaving Seinuton.
'1 lie excursion which Cnmp ITS, Patriotic
Order Sons of Ameilea, will iuii to Moun
tain r.irk on h.ilurdav, July It, will bo
the uiil one this season in which the
people ot West Scranton aio taking a
geneial lnteiest, mi account of the strike,
as all otheis have been cancelled. Ar
i.incnicnts aio being nuulo for a novel
p.iindc In connection with the event,
which will take plaeo in a few dajs.
'Lbe people u skiing on Noith Bromley
nvenno, between Lifavetle and Swct
lanil seieels, weic all cm lied last even
ing over what was supposed to be a. house
on flic Investigation levelled the fact
tint the chiniiiev was detective, vvlilih
i.iuscd much smoke to issue liom tho
house In which the lady of the houbo was
building a Die
A f.ih slcd aiulloiuo attended at the
APIs mission last evening, when Rev'. TI.
(' MeDciniott, V V .. p.istoi of Hie Slmp
miii Methodist Lpiseopal church, pi cached
the scinion
I.ove feast "eivlces will be held at tho
Knibuiy Methodist Kpiscopnl chinch net
Sunilny moinlng with pleaching bv the
pi chiding elder, Rev Austin Oilirm. D l
The social lomnilttee of tho Ijleitilc
Citv AVheelmen havo issued Invitations to
moinbeis ami theh ladles foi a ping pong to bo lield at the iluli liouso next
Tuesdav evening An enjoj.ible pio
giamnic Is piomlscd
ricileilc It Jones, of Jackson stieet,
who has been dolii,? woik for tho
New Yoik Piess at Wilkes-Harie, sinie
tho nilneis' stilke was Inauguiatcil, left
foi New loik vcstculiy.
Mr. and Mrs Heese, T. Reese and chll
dicn, of Jackson street, left jcsteulay
for a h! weeks' v l-it In Mnhonoy City,
Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
1'iof. llairt H. Jones, of Arlington, N.
J., is spending his Mie.itlou with West
Sir.uilon friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs Hector Campbell, of
North Sunnier avenue, left jestcrday for
a. week's sojourn at Lake Wlnnln.
Sirs, it W. Luce and son, Hvron, of
North Main avenue, spent jesterdaj with
a party of ft lends at Oumnilngs' pond,
near Pittston,
Mm. Juno Jenkins, of I'ltlnton, Is III at
the home of Mr. and Mis It. J. Hushes,
on Noith Btomley avenue.
Theodore M. Miller, or Washburn stiect.
who has been ill for some time, is iccovcr
ing. Joseph Hutiall, of Pi ice slieet, has
gone to Buftalo on his vacation. Ho will
make a tilp over the lakes before ictuwi
ing home.
Mr. and Mis. William T. Ace and
daughtci, Nellie, of South Lincoln nvo
mic, will leave today for an extended
visit at New Hampton, N, J.
Tred Pcteis, of tho Sloan, and Geoige
Asbury, of Noith Sumner avenue, aro
visiting the lattei's biothcr, Thomas, In
Portland, Maine.
Albert Poster, Itee-o Reese, Samuel
Jones and Ldward Richards have rejoined
the ramp at Lake Sheridan.
Lewis Jones, of Noith Bromley avenue
and Laf.ijetle stieet, has returned homo
from a trip to Portland, Me.
S. J, Vosbuig. of Oliighnmlon, lias te
turiud homo fiom a visit with his
brother, Kugcne, of Pilco's undei taking
Miss Muilu Tieech, of South Main nve
nue, Is spending tho summer nt Port
Carbon. Sehuj lklll county.
Mi. and Mih. James J. Gallagher. Misses
Uildgct and Kato Gallagher, of Merldlnn
fitieet, bus returned homo from Lake
Man In G, Kromcr. of Lnfujctto street,
Is In Clettjaburg on biibincss,
David Jones, of Swethind stieet, Is sum
mering at Lake Wlnnln.
John MeNulty, of Hampton stieet, baa
gone to Plttwhtirg to woik,
Will Thompson, of Johnstown, Is the
guest of Went Serautoii iclatlvcsi.
John niin, of Pi Ice btrcet, Is conlhicd
to his homo by Illness.
John Davis, of West Liukaniiiina ave
nue, Is sojourning at Dallas.
John Williams, of Chestnut street, has
gono to Chicago, where ho will probably
Chailes Dovlno and William Moran, of
Luzerno ticet, are home from a trip to
Joseph Welsh, of Lmmet slreet, Is
spending bis vacation witli fi lends In
New York.
Plunk Hnckett, of Hnzletou, has re
turned home fiom a visit with his rela
tives, who reside on Noith Hvde Park
Mi. upd Mis Solh Wilslcy, of South
Main avenue, havo us their guests Mis.
Martha Park and sou, of Milwaukee.
Mis, 1'ciinr and daughter, Sadie, of
Noith Hjdo Park avenue, nro homo fiom
a hi let sojouin In Uingliamton.
Miss Ravvbon, a recent giadunte of the
liloomsburg State Noimul school, is visit-
for Children. Mother Oro, for Jears i nurse hi
Ihc Ihlklrui' Homo in c Voik, treated lb.
then tuuefull) with u remedy, now prepjieii
and placed in the ilruc ttoiu, ullcd MoUicr
Gray's bucet I'oudcri tor Children. J hey jro
lunnlcM at milk, plciiant to Uke and ntver
tM A ccrtalu cure (or Icierlslincij, coiullpj.
tlon, lirjd jehe, tcethlnj and ttonuch dlior.
dent and lemovt norint, At all diujgLti. 2Jo.
Don't accept any tutatltute. SJinplo tent 1'HLE.
Addrus Alleu t. Ouuitcd, Lo Boy, N. Y,
Is like Playing with a loaded
Gun. If you have Kid
ney Trouble attend
to it at once.
It Is easy to tell whether your Kidneys
or bladder nro diseased. Tnke a. bottle or
glass tumbler and fill it with urine. If
there Is n sediment a powder-like sub
stnnce aftcrstanding a day and night, if
it is pate or discolored, ropy or stringy,
there is something wrong with the Kid
neys. Other sure signs of disease are a
desire to urinate often, pain iu the back,
or if your urino stains linen.
There Is no question that Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the best
and surest medicine in the world for dis
eases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and
Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Ctuontc
Constipation, and the sicknesses peculiar
to women. It quickly relieves and cures
inability to hold urino and the necessity
of getting up a number of times during
the night, and puts an end to tho scalding
pain when passing urine.
The Rev. Henry P. Miller, pastor Bap
tist Church, Spartanburg, S. C, writes:
"For years I suffered with Kidney,
liver nnd heart troubles, swimming
in the head, Hull headache and numb
ness of the limbs. Physicians pre
scribed for me and I took different
medicines, but none of them did me
any good.' But Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy cured me
in about two weeks."
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Now BO Gont Slxo and the regular
( 1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free ty mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
- ,
Dr. David Kenntify't Warm Syrup, most effective
medicine of tho kind known. 13c, Druggists.
lag her .sister, Mrs G. B. Dotal, ot Ornm
Addison W. Chase, r , of Noith Main
avenue, is coiillned to ills homo by Ill
ness. James Davis and bister, Ucsslc, of
North H.vdu Pal k avenue, aio spending
the summer at Moscovt.
'Ihomas Hopkins and wife of Hverelt
nvenue, havo ictiiincd homo from a visit
with fi lends In Plvmoutli.
Di. and Mrs. T. W. Jenkins, of Albany,
N. Y have returned homo from a visit
with their parents here.
Hichiitd V. Jones, of Ldwards couit, Is
visiting his daughter, Mis Thomas Jack
son, hi New York
Mmrn) Aiker, of Pali view avenue, Is
visiting friends in Kingston.
Hv.ui and George Jenkins, of South Re
becca avenue, aie spending their vaca
tion in Buffalo.
Miss May Magce, of Patoison, N J , is
the guest of Dr. and Mis W. J I. Davis,
of Main avenuo and Jackson atuct.
Dr and Mis. D. J. Jenkins have re
turned from their wedding trip, and will
reside nt 1i26 Jackson stiect.
Albert Tiirnci, of Jackson street, was
In New Yoik jestcrday.
Marriage of Fred Pride and Miss
Elizabeth Uhl in St. Mary's Ger
man Catholic Chuich.
A veiy pi city wedding took place jes
teidav afternoon when Pied Purlo, and
Miss Elizabeth L'lil, weic made man and
wlfo at St. Mniv's Gcimnn Catholic
church nn Rlvei stieet. The coicmonv
was peifoimed by Rev. Peter Christ, and
was followed by a nuptial miibs
'lbe bildo was attended by her sister,
Miss Annio Phi, both being tastefully fit
til ed Tho bildo woie a handsome gown
of old lose satin, trimmed with duchess
lace and chiffon, and the bridesmaid woie
a diess of coin coloied mouselcbic de
sole over blue satin, tiimmed with me
dallion laco and chiffon Tho
was William, a life long f i lend of
tho bride.
After the ccromonj a leceplion wns held
nt the homo of tho bildo on Pittston ave
nue, vvhcio the newly wedded couple 10
cclved tho eongiatulatlons ot numeioiis
trlcnds A wedding supper followed tho
Xaid at Rest.
Tho lcmahis of Casper .Mai tin, whose
death bj" di ow ning occui i cd Tucm1.iv , took
plaeo vestciday moinlng and was hugely
attended. A lerpilcm mass was lolebiated
b Pather Chi 1st at S o'clock in St. Maij's
chinch and inteimcnt was aftcivvaids
niado in Avoea.
The p.ill-bcarcrs weie: John Poilek,
Gus Kcipei, Chailes Gluub, John Mjcis,
Waltci Doud and John McAndievvs.
To Remodel Church.
At a meotlng of tho Hlekoiy Stiect
Picsbjlcilnn chinch offlceis held Wcd
nebday night, plans to lemodel tho chiiuli
wcio adopted and tho contiaet for tho
work was nvvarded to Com ad Schioedei.
Tho changes contemplated nto quite ex
tensive nnd tho cstimnlo of tho cost Is
about 5,000.
A new oignn loft will bo built, and
seveinl ot tho stono niches will bo it
placed by steel columns. In addition tho
galleilcs will bo reaiiangcd. Hcietofoio
they wero built on each side and shut
off a good portion of tho windows giv
ing tho edifice a dink and gloomy appenr
ance. Tho galleiles will bo icmovcd, and a
scml-cliculai galleiy built over tho en
truiico substituted. The woik of lemod
cling will commence at an eaily dato.
Tho fimcinl of Thomas, an Infant son
of Mr, nnd Mis. Stephen Caioy, who died
on Wediiebday at tlio parents' home, 110
Stono avenue, will tuko plaeo tills uttci
nooii at - o'clock,
A culveit near tho Council hoso houso
on Plttslon avenue has given way pui dal
ly and should be lepalied, us it I) hi a
daugeious condition.
James Tlgue, of Piospect avenue, was
niicsted by Ofllceis Qiilnuan and Kelb
jestciday at tho Instance of his mother
on scvcial chaigcs. Ho muh given a
healing nt tho station bouse lust evening
by Polhe Maglatialo Sloir, hut Ills
mother lelcnted, ami some ot tho allega
tions vvoio withdraw h, He was lined J"!
tor being diunk mid dUoulcilj, in de
fault of which ho was sent lo Jail tur
twenty dujs,
Chailes Kclloininn, of Rluh stiect, Is
Just recovering fiom a long and daiigei
ous Illness.
A well nttended teaeheis' meeting wus
held In tho Pieab) tciliui palish houbo
lust evening, when lluul atiaiigeineiits
for tlio Sunday school exclusion, which
takes plaeo oh Wednesday, Jul I'J, vveio
Dr. Schlej's Lung Healing Raljam Is
guainiitccd to cuio nil coughs. "No cine,
no pay," For bale by all dealeis.
Tho wedding of Thomas McGarry and
Miss Mamie Can oil Is announced to take
place at St. John's climeh on Pit" stieet,'
on July '.'J. nt t P m.
Geneial Giant commaiidciy. Knights ot
Malta, meet tonight in weekly session at
Jlaitnian's hall on Pittston avenue.
The Woman's Clnlstlun Tcmpeianco
union will meet nt the homo of Mis. Van
Houtcn next t'llday evening. Instciid of
this evening as boforo announced,
Rev. 1''. V, II. Drojcr and family have
gonp to Toronto, whciq Mi. Dr?cr will
nil u position with the Chluu Inluud mis-
slnn until such lime ns his hcnlth will per
mit his return to the foiclgii mission field.
Mis. Wllllnm lladley has ictiirned to
her homo In Detroit after a stay of sov'
ciul weeks In town.
A laigo crowd nt the Coiners listened to
several Inlcieslltig spcaltcis nnd sweet
stngein Inst night who accompanied the
familiar gospel tviigoiii
Tho Sri union ctns and Water compnnv
lias n lino ot of twelvednch plno on
South Hlnltclv stiect which will booh to
place the small main now In use.
Hcmy Dreycr has ictiiincd lo his homo
In Mostou nftcr a stnv of sovcial wcclis
111 town. Ho was accompanied by his
sister, Miss Anna Diejci, who will spend
Hevcial weeks sightseeing In tho Now
Ltiglnnd states.
James It. McDonoiigh, of Hoiicsd.ilo, Is
spending n few dajs with his Blstcis oh
Chestnut stiect.
A. J. Henlv Is siirfeilng fiom nn nltnck
ot rheumatism nt ills homo on Went
Di Inker stiect. '
Mr, nnd Mis Hniry M. Spencer left jcs
teulay for Lnlto Clemo, vvhcio they expect
to spend tho summer months.
William rinn, sou of c-Coimclhiinn
Wndc M, l'lini, of Ninth Main uvcnlio,
iindcivvcnt an opeutllon lit the Sci.inlou
hospital jcsteulay for anpcndlcltts.
A iiumhcr of jotnig pc'oplo fiom this
plaeo enjojed n tiollcy lido to Aichb.ild
last evening
The Kc.vstono Lltctaiy and Diaimitlc
eluh held a well attended Bhht waist ho
Ical In the Aiidltoiliim last evening.
Scvcial candidates weie Initiated In
Cnmp No, !ilV., .Modem A oodmen ot
Ameiica, nt the Auditoiittm last evening.
A vciv pleasant smpiNc p.ut was ten
ileic'd llcmy Twining at ills p.iicnts'
home on Noith Main uvcmtii last ovcnlng.
Tho ineriy paitj spent a pleasant evening
with tile ti.'iiml puty dlveislous which
weic Indulged In until a seasonable hour
when tho guests depaited for their ic
spccllvc homes Dainty leficshments
wcio seivcd by Mis Twining, assisted by
Miss Leon ml. lMuaul Sauilei and Mlsi
Giaco Utiison pi ov hied the musical pio
giamme ot the evening, which was excel
lently iciidcicd Among thoe piesent
vveio: The Misses Geoige Cuic, Gi ice
Uenson, Dlan.i Watklns, Coia Snjilei.
Lulu Constunllne, Peal I llcmy, Mao
Guest, Hell Robinson, Ulaiieho While,
Delsy Rev nolds, Hthcl Rpj nolds nnd Cliu
ence McAlllslci, James Lnlid, Ldwaul
Collins, JMwaid limit. Ildwaid Sindeis,
Gcoigo AVheelet, AVIIIIam Ui'iglit, Jr ,
Jljion Kcntm, Sidney Lang in, John
Jones, Unwind Rolhnioic, llcmy Twin
ing ami llaipei Twining
Tho Woman's Chtlstlan Tcmpeiauee
union will meet this atleinoon at J
o clock In tho Young Women s Chihitlan
association pailms Hvcij membei Is 10
tiiested to bo piesent.
A laigo iiumbei of piomhient joung
people gnlheied at the home of Miss Anna
Lotlus of West M.uket stieet In honor of
Miss Cnimel O'Hc.nn, of Caiboud.ilo
Ihc evening was enjovably spent wltli
tlio usunl p.titv dlveislous imlll a season-
ablo hour whein leriesluiicnts weie
seived. Among those who atteilded vveio
Misses Genevlovo Kellj, Helen Campbell, White, Anna UConnoi, Anna
I.oftus and Louise Cluk and R.iv Huiko,
David recle, James Campbell, Roheit Col
lins, Jumes Uudd.v, A llllam Jones and
Pi. ink Dovle
Owing to Inclement weather the picnic
of the Sundiv school of tho Piovldc.iec
Methodist chuii h was postponed until
to-dav Cms will leave tho Mai vino
ciosslng and Piovidciico squaio at nine
o i lock.
At tho pivp.uatoi j soi vice this cv tiling
In the Piovidciico Picshj tciiaii chuich
Rev ui. Guild will picaeh tho beimon.
CORNl'LIUS STQKES. a well known
resident of Minooka, died on Wednes
day at the family icsldcneo on Gllmoio
avenue, aflei a llngcilng illness. The
deceased had been a lesident of Mi
nooka forty jcais, and was widely es
teemed In the community. He is sur
vlvod bv a wife and the following clill
dien: M.uie, Hlln, S.uali, Joseph and
William; a si.stei, Mis. Giinin, and a
In other, Attomej P. W. htokes. The
luneial will take place tomoriow nioiu
ilig. MRS. MICHAHL WALL.of 1J21 South
Irving avenue, pas-sod away e.uly yes
teiday moinlng, after a long illness. A
hush aid nnd the following sons nnd
daughteis but vivo: Michael, Thomas,
Mis. D.ivid Hnttle ami Mis. John
sey. The takes jilace tonioi
low moinlng at ! o'clock fiom St.
John's chuich on Tig stiect.
PKTHR OUNSTI'll. of 1129 Noith
Washington avenue, died jesleidaj at
1 uO p. in., after a long and seilous ill
ness. Deceased was 61 jo.ns of age,
nnd is suivivcd by a widow and two
children, Hnttle M. and Tied K, Funcial
unnounecment will be made latci.
Wednesday night, at her home on West
Caibon stiect. Surviving her .no two
sons and a daughter, Mniy A. Gnlla
ghcr ami Michael Gallagher, of this
city, and P. II. Galhighei, of New York.
MRS. MARY CRANH, of 1310 Rem
ington tivenue, died Wednesday. She
wns tho mother ot Patilch, Thomas,
William, James and Maigaict Ciane.
Big Bargains in
Fresh Heats
Leg of Lamb,
A Pound.
Sirlion Steak,
2 Pounds for
Beef Roast,
A Pound
svwvyVA - yHs
Have been here during this (treat July Clearing Sale enjoy
ing the privileges nccorded to everyone to purchase Bargains. As
a fitting climax to this busy Week
Comes with choice pickings for
economical merchandise events.
In the Ba
Sale No. 1
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Sale of Mason Fiult Jais Oannhif time means Hull Jars. This Is the
tlino of j cur ou may neerl them most; no hcttei made than this AOn
kind on sale toiluy; Is l-quail slo, per cloven "''
Sale of Itubher Kings lor Ma-on Kiult Jais Today's price j
jou may huy one docn for ft
Silo of Clothes Hrushcs This vc Is veiy convenient to canywhcn
traveliiif-; 8 inches long; wood Is nhely polished; has 8 rows of 7
bilstle; value Is 15c. each. For one hour today 'c
Sale of Sciecn Doois sUe, 2-10fi-IO and Jx6 feet; best wire screening;
haul wood fiamc. This Is fly time and scieen doors aro needed; 7e
value, $1.00; for one houi sale J OK.
Sale of Blue and White Ennniel iteilin Kettles Aie yon running or
picscivlng? You know a good kettle Is neccssaiy. This kind on sale to
day is a high guide. Value, $1.00. For sixty minutes only, buy ce
lt at ; ooc
Crisp Grocery News.
Sale of Coffee Our Combination Coffee always sold at 23c. For this
hout, with every four pounds of coffee we will give r. pounds of BUcar
frr-e, demolish atlon at sale, vvhcicjou may tiy it bofoio buying; remem- 1
nei, us loin pounds of coffee and
Sale of Medium Beans Choice hand-picked; for one hour today
buy tliom nl, per quait
Sale of Tapioca Peail Just what vou want for puddings; easy
to cook and delicious; for one hour today buy It at, per pound
Sale of Fai Ina The veiy best. For sixty minutes today buy It
at, per pound ,
bale of Soap N. K. Fall bank's
gain at 10 cakes for 25e.; hut for
sale or Blueing Quality gu.ii.intecd; full pint bottle; for one
hour buy It at
Sale of Vienna Cocoa A supeilor extract of cocoa in Its most nutri
tious form; lcgulur price is 10c. per pound; foi one hour today buy c
a half-pound tin at .... ,'-"-'
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptly at
3 O'clock.
from this lot
them at
Ilegular pi Ice is
lW& - ( HI
VW f?l -mk1 tV JOT
Sale of DoiiroIh Oxfoicl Tits Patent and kid tips; hand turned soles;
all sizes und widths. Theie Is ovei 1100 pair to go on sale Fiiday. Theic
is gieat coinfoi t in Ties, Quality guaiantced; soi viceable and stylish
shoes, Itcgulaily sold at $1.49 to $1.75. For this hour sale c nn
buy them nt, n pair vliU"
Sale of Ciiildion's 7ic. Leghorn Flats (on the Second Floor) These
hats come untrlinnied. Tills value can't bp duplicated in this city -q,,
at this price. Fiiday. one hour, buy them nt V
Sale of Women''! Wash Suits In this lot theic Is about llfty suits that
wo will elenn out at a pi Ice hoi doling to tho cost of tho material alone.
Made fiom Chainbiay, Ducks and Seeisuekeis, stilpes, polka dot and
plain. It will not pay jou to make a diess of this htjle, when you can
buy such a good value at this price on Second Floor today, ft Oft
at. each -Pl.O
Sale of Poich Uockeis (on tho Fouith Floor) Made of White Maple;
seals are double weave of best quality oval reed: i unners .no painted and
glued; baiks have double oinnmental spindles, with extra finish to Lnn
stand tho vveathei; vi.luc, 90c. Friday hour buy them at OvC
Sale of Men's Half Hose Fast black with fancy llguics; bow knots,
dots, stilpes; also a luce hose in this lot; all sizes. This Is an opportun
ity that doesn't come every day, Mr. Man. This Friday hour sale m
we will sell this splendid hose, a "So. value, lor, a pair IOC
Sale ot Doy's Wool Knee Pants In plain, blue and diuK colors; good
duck waist bands; seams taped; .1 to 13 yeais; icguhir 39c. value. At to
day s pihe it will Do economy to
Second Flooi, for sixty minutes.
Sale No. 3
Heglns Promptly at
1 O'clock.
Ihc bebt hour bai gains for the day.
minutes buy It ut , ,
Sale of Women's Houso Wiuiiiieis-.MacIo from good quality Calico;
colors aio led, blue and black; pietty patterns. - Tils Is the usual 76c,
vv i upper, and nt this pilco It will moie than repay jou to purchnsc AQr
a couple, ul least, On the Second Floot, for sixty minutes, each.,, t"
Sale of Seei sucker Cilngliain Uood colois. This lot comes In ten to
fouiteen and twenty-yuid lengths. If nt the usual pi lee they would huvo
to sell at 10 cents leguluily. Dink, medium and light colois. Duy e-p
It Fihlay for tills hour at.,., , , '4
Sale of Men's Nlglit Shh Is Full length and width; embioldery cuff
nndcollai; all sUcs; pocket nicely made; usually sold at 50c, to -Of.
D9c, liny them thlH lioui. neur Wyoming avenuo enhance, at,.,., ,v'
Sale of llos' Wash ICnee Pants Como In medium, dark nnd light'
colois; all ses fiom 3 to 12 yeurs. Buy this splendid knee pants on tlio
Second Tlooi today, and don't stop at one pair, for at this piico you can
afford to buy it half u cloven, A money saving eent for one hour, t
A pair ,,, n.i ....(,.,,.... -''
Snlo of Lavvi Sottees (on
seat, which lias iiatiiiai wood smt
by two cioss-pleceb; lion biace;
for t
Jonas Long's Sons
- Hv,syv -
Three hours of grand and
of Glass Tumblers Rctnilar
si.o; good clear glass, ami, at today's
price a couple docn will make a good
investment. For one hour 4 2 -.
for 30C
Sale of Tumblers This sale includes
a collection of odtls and ends of thin
blown shell tumblers: various shapes
and si.cs. Values up to 7c. .
, Friday, cacli -3(3
Sale of Galvanized Sheet Iron Wash
l!ojlcr5 A boiler that will stand the
hairiest kind of service. Choose from
two sics this Fiiday, for one 0
hour o9C
live pounds or sugar free jiQ
Dandy Soan. consideied a bar
one hour today buy 14 cakes for
Sale of Ribbons Grand values; 4
iiu'h wide, all silk, very high lustre, me
tallic ribbon. Light blue, pink, lilac,
red, maize and white; value 19c. F'or
Friday, one hour, buy this
splendid ribbon for, a yard... 1 1C
Sale of Cosmo Buttermilk Soap
When jou buy this kind of soap with
the woid Cosmo ou may rest assured
il is genuine; regular price, Sc. -
For one hour today buy it. . . . OC
.Sale of Fine Dimities and Lawns
Extra fine Dimities and Sheer Batiste;
choicest designs of this season's pat
terns. Do not hesitate to purchase
10c. Friday hour, today, buy a.
uuv two or tnieo pair on the
Sale of Torchon Lace Insertion to
Match 1 to 4 inches wide; the price
on this lace today makes it an offer
ing of great impottance. Value from fi
to Sc, a vatd. Buv it Friday,
this hour, a yard, at oC
Sale of Japanese Toilet Paper Full
count packages ; smooth finish. Regu
lar price per package, 10c; for one
hour todav buv it, 4 packages ,-,
for :...; 25c
Sale of White Goods Check and
striped Nainsook ; a big value and wor
thy of your attention to the minute,
Priced as this is todav, it offers one of
Value, 15c. .i yaid. For sixty ir
the Fourth Flooi) Painted led, except
seat. i;aeh slat seiewcu; oacit supported
stietchei ; 75c. value. Today ej
of Facts Only.
21 -V ,J