The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carbondale.
Carbondnlo Will Have a Ohnr-icter-istlc
"Representation In the Maple
Clly on Saturday Hundreds to Ac
company "Our- Pets" and Cheer
Them to Victory Special Rate via
the D. & H.
All roads on Huturdiiy will loud to
Honcsdulc. Under ordinary circum
stances all roads might lead out from
the Chestnut borough, and thu traltiR
running out ot there might go lllto
Hlxty' to reach Carbondnlo, but fortune
favors the llonesdallans for once, at
least, and so on tomorrow the compass
will point to the Maple city and will
guide a representation ot Cnrbondall-
nns that any town might feel proud to
As yet, nothing has been heard here
of how the Maple cltyltes propose to
show their appreciation of the honor of
this visit, but us tlils Is one of the hon
ors which comes to the town over the
Jlooslcs but a few times In a lifetime,
wo "will overlook any embarrassment In
"the way of u reception. We appreciate
'how overwhelmed they must feel at the
- prospect of such a distinguished honor.
"We know how we would feel If Fate
mi.ecllreclnd us to 'Tlonesdnlo and con
' dltlons were reversed, sn If the whole
j populace and Texas No. 1, - and 3,
Damascus and I'ellinny are not reprc-
scnted In the reception committee, we
, will understand that the meek .and
humble Iloncsdnllans have been fairly
" Inundated by ,the fact of having such
. a delegation come from the Anthracite
city to within their midst.
"Well, anyhow," as "Chuck" Connors
, would say, "we're going: everybody Is
going, and so many arc going that the
man, or the ball crank, rather, who can
say after tomorrow that he didn't go
to Ilonesdale with our "Pets" will be
a rarity: he can secure n long engage
ment In the museums this winter. Such
a man ivlll surely be out of the ordi
nary, ho will have a distinction that
will put him In a class of his own. It's
dollars to a twelve-dollur-a-dor.en Con
necticut Panama that the base bull
sports, tho devoted and enthusiastic
supporters of our "Pets," would as
llcve go to Ilonesdale tomorrow :is eat.
Manager Tnppan's securing a sixty
cent rate will lie appreciated, and extra
coaches will be the order on thu ll.n.l
train from Carbondale.
The Strlppllngs und all the others
will be In the push.
No Port Jervis Men.
It reached the ears of Manager Tap
pan, of the Crescents, last night that
Honesdalo intended or had already Im
ported several members of the Port
Jervis team, who have played profes
sional ball and are still classed as such.
Notable among these was Miller, the
muscular colored pitcher, formerly of
the Cuban (Hants, who was engaged to
go In the box against our "Pets."
On receiving this Information, Man
ager Tappan immediately communi
cated' with Manager Dlttrlch. of Hie
Honesdalo team, and had a heart-to-heart
talk with him through the 'phone,
during which he insisted upon lair
play, claiming tho right to play agalnsc
a strictly Ilonesdale team. If there was
any justice to Ilonesdale Importing
professionals, the Crescents had the
same right to go to Scranton and tote
over one of the crack pitchers who are
home from college, whose curves would
terrorize any batter from the observa
tory In Farvicw all the way down to
the Giants' ground in Harlem. Mr.
Dlttrlch repudiated the suggestion that
ho had it line on the Port Jervis pro
fessionals, and promised that there
would bo no man on the Honesdalo
team who is not a Honesdalian. As
Mr. Dittrich's word has heretofore
meant what it was given for, Carbon
dale can expect the fair treatment that
It has looked for from Honesdalo, and
which will bo accorded It by Carbon
dale. Manager Dlttrlch has had tho batting
order of the Crescents forwarded to
him, and he can rely absolutely upon
It that not a player thereon has been
imported. They me Carbondale plnv
ers, all of them; they have played with
.Carbondale this season, and only one Is
not n-oui wimin tne city limits. Mc
Andrew, against whom there was it
question raised as to being a. Carbon
dale man, the .claim being made that he
belongs to Avoca, has been n Carbon
dale resident for four years. He earns
his daily wages here, he pays his taxes
here, he voles hero and, lastly, hu js
going to remain here.
"We take the pains to point these
things out to Ilonesdale, to prove that
Carbondale Is going to bo fair, abso
lutely fair, and will play on honor.
The young folks' social organization
known as the D. F. C. met In rcgtllnr
Rcml-inontlily session at the homo of
Mis May Utile, on Pike street, Tues
day evening. During the evening re
freshments were served. Tho mem
bers nre as follows: The Misses Kinina
Murrln, Florence McDonald, May
lirennan, Alice Itobblns, Louise Jordan,
and Mary Monaghan.
Miss Alice Hurt, of Illnghamlon, N.
Y Is visiting nt tho Jadwln honic on
Illrkett Termee. Wednesday tho Jad
wln family went to Karvlew, where
they picnicked In honor of their guest.
They lunched on tho mountain and
had nn outing, returning to this clly
at" In the evening.
A Threatened Vexatious Question
Settled by It Being Decided to
Light Postoflico by Ons and Hose
House by Electricity.
The threatened annoying problem of
awarding the contract for lighting tho
city building and tho hose houses Is to
bo solved by dividing tho contract. A
way out of the dlfllculty was reached
last night, when the Joint light, tire
and water committee of councils nt Us
meeting decided to divide the contract.
The city building will be lighted by
gas, us at present, and the two hose
houses will have Incandescent lights, as
It will be observed that this Is tho
same arrangement as was in vogue last
year. A year ago there was tho same
keen competition between the Carbon
dale das company and the Lnclcu wanna
Valley Klectric Light company, though
councils were then thrown Into quite a
ferment and more than one meeting
was lieia ebfore the contract was let.
The competition was. perhaps, sharper
this year, and as It threatened that
history would lepuat Itself, the same
course was again followed.
In the lighting of the city building,
the wishes of Postmaster Thomas were
given consideration. He expressed a
preference for trail and recommended
the acceptance of the gas company's"
bid. The result of the light commit
tee's action would Indicate that his rec
oinmendntfon was observed.
The report of thu committee will bo
presented at a joint meeting of coun
cils on Monday night, when it Is ex
pected Hint tho report will be adopted,
as such a settlement, of the question
win nueiy no welcomed.
The bids of both companies, which
were submitted Monday night, are as
Lackawanna A'alley Kloetrlc Ught and
Power .Supply company Including an nrc
light In the main hallway ot the city
building, was as follows for that structure:
One year contract, $:!I0 per year.
Two year contiact, J:;i,fl per" year.
Three year contract, JiTO per year.
Fifth year contract, V.M per your.
Flvo year contract. JS5 per year.
. ,tne year contract, $72 per year.
Two" year contiact, $70 per year.
Thiee year contract, 07 per year.
Four year contiact, Jiin per car.
Five year contract, $00 per' year.
They would also re-wire the'eitv build
ing according to plans of the lire' under
writers. Thu Cailiondalo Clas company's bid
was: $!.'U per 1.000 cubic feet.
One year contract, $202,511 per year.
Three year contract SOT.lXl per ycur.
One year contiact, $113.20 per year.
Three year contract, 5103.12.
.They agreed to give forty-one lights of
sixty candle power each for tho city
minding; poslolllee, twelve; Columbia,
thirteen; Mitchells seven.
Soft White Hands Luxuriant
Hair Produced by
MILLIONS of Women use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted fev
CUTICURA OINTMfpTjforpreservlnpirKraS
beautifying' the skin, for cleansing; the scalp of crusts,
scales, and dandruff, and the stopping- of falling- hair, for
softening-, whitening:, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands,
for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for
annoying- irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive
perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and
for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves
to women, especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the
toilet, bath, and nursery. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate
emollient properties derived from CUTICURA OINTMENT,
the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing- ingredients, and
nit uiosi reircMimg oi uower ooours. iNo omer medicated soap
ever compounded is to be compared, with it for preserving-, purifying-,
and beautifying- the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other
foretp-n or domestic toilet soao is to be comoxreA -artth it fn -n ;
r-t ?( rtf th 4Sli tttif MMf m.. 1V i
iijwo u nv uu( vain tinu nursery i nus u com Dines m
ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and compfexion
soap, and the BEST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world.
Complete External and Tntonml Treatment for Evorv Humour. fit.OO.
The Set SI Ii!0!?'1- ,A SI'"''-SET '? !,ftcn ""fflelcYtto. , roth? n obV toi turlng,
throiiBlinii th wSrld n?ltiiV,rn5nnV0-'.!3' n "' M r hnll' when nil cl"ofnll"s(TJ
.- . , WUJW , 4U'Ot JJUPlUIlf Jt Ot
Connolly & Wallace
Scrantos Shopping Center
, Store closes at 12 o'clock noon
on Saturdays.
Will you make it convenient to
come before?
We are convinced that a day's
work is better done if more time
is allowed for recreation and rest.
We are sure you approve of the
Saturday 12 o'clock closings.
i.,JSu ' ." ,?c.''-,trij I 1'ii.i.s ti.iincoiato coated) nron new, tasteless. odor,
leys, economical suhstTtute for tho celebrated liquid conoun Kksoi.vcnt. m well na for
nrlm s& " " aad UUU10Ur ourc3, 1ut up ,n P01" vtall, oontatbeo dose"
tiny HFsIsnecl n assistant priest liy Jtt.
rtev. DlHlmn Unbnn. Tlie nrnyeis mid
Kouil wishes nf Rev. Father Bnrlco'H
friends in Cnrliondalc. ainoni? whom he
was raided, accompany him In Ills taking
tip tho duties or his sacred calling.
On Their Vncations.
t. J. Donnelly, the efficient prescription
clerk in Tlngley's pharmacy, Is enjoying
Ills nnntial vacation. lie has been grant
ed a month's reft.
MIfh Hose Miillady, of. South Main
street, n stenographer In the International
t'orespondenee sel.iools a.t Scranton. Is en
joying a vacation of two weeks with
relatives In Ilonesdale.
Meetings of Tonight.
Poor board.
Junior Order American Mechanics.
Companions of the Forest.
American I-eglon of Honor.
1'nitod Mine Workers.
The Jtoyal Circle.
Crystal Camp, Woodmen of the World.
Eevenue Collector Evan3 Around.
Deputy Revenue Collector W. D. Uvnns
Is able, to lie around ngnln after a severe
attack of grip which kept him confined, to
his home for several weeks.
Grip Sufferer, Whose Case Was Sus
pected as Small-pox Other Sick
James Glen-son, ,of Belmont street,
who wan prostrated a few days ago
and whose case caused a false report
of small-pox to ho spread about the
; town, has rallied, nnd was so far re-
; covered, yesterday as to ho' able to bo
j outvoji the streets ahln, "
1 Mfes HlfBiQ)gth Kaj-jy, of Seventh avo-
nuo.alestny; p. jiish Gallaghy's mll-
llijcry .parlors; lias fully recovered from
a severe nttnek of grip, which danger-
ously threatened -to develop Into' an at
j tack of pneumonia,
James Garden, of the Fullbrook sec
; tlon, one of Carbpnaale's pioneers, who
; was so dangerously 111 as to eiiine his
friends to become alarmed over bis ro-
covery, was able to bo out yesterday
5 for the first time in several weeks.
; Miss Gubriclla Coleman, of Vine
,, street, a teacher In No. 8 public school,
t Is quite III at herdiome from an attack
ot grip,
7,' 77. "social happenings..
j'TjWjgs.Iuy Gilbert entertained at her
home on South Main street, Tuesday
evening. Miss Gilbert rendered several
uuiiiuiii pmno selections during" the
evening. Light refreshments were
served.' Those present were as foi
lowsr, Misses Margaret McDonald,
Jioujsse Bishop, Kathorlne Mttle, Dora
Early, Madge Byrne and Cellu Karly,
Brakemnn Cliffs Pond Lilies.
The Wllkes-Harre News has tills lo say
or some pond lilies sent down J.iiKein'o
county by Urakemau Clift, of Conductor
llubbiird-H pas.-enger train on the Hones
dalo branch:
"nrakonmu Clift. of the Delaware and
.Hudson, Is a lover of flower culture and
one of his bobbies i.i tho cultivation of
pond llllles, which me In itbiindanee upon
a portion or ids farm near Carbondale,
where he resides. They grow of course,
whero there is a constant supply of water
and the samplo of his present crop sent
to Hairy Fisher yesterday In tho care of
I 'op Hkcels was verv ,irii...i i...
Ubo lovers ot horticulture."
Memorial Service Tonight.
The nirjiiorlal services In honor or the
late Jinn. William Morrison will take
place tonight In the Knlgnts of Columbus
club house, on South .Main street. Tho
oration Will bo delivered by Hon. M. T
llurke. Tho programme will ho as fol
lows: Voluntary, I'rnf. Stockman; "Msere"e "
quartette, Messrs. O'llimrkp, Kerwln
Kiikwood and Uoylan; roll call, recording
secretary; address, (Hand Knights It. II
Kermln; solo, T. J. Uoylan; memorial
oration. Hon. M. T. BurKo solo, John
O Itourke; 'questions grand knight;
prayer, by tho chaplain; "Lead, Kindly
Light," qimrtette.
A Distressing Accident.
John Van-el 1, an aged resident of Plko
street, received a very painful Injury to
bis leg yesterday morning. Ho was eat
ing kindling wood at his homo with a
carpenter's adz. In somu way ho nuulo n
iiiio-airiitu aim tne snarp edge of tho in
strument entered the calf of his leg,
Inflicting u wide, deep gash, Tho wound
bled profusely.
Dr. A. Ulllls was called and found It
necessary to tuko soveiul stitches to
closo tho wound. Mr. Farrell will bo
laid up for a considerable lime.
Will Play at Fern Hall,
Mlas Clerlriido and Marie (iridium, of
this city, liavo been engaged to prnvido
mtislo at Fern ball this summer, and It
can bo nssuredly said that their efforts
will bo well appreciated, Miss Gcrtruda
Is a talented pianist, wllllo Miss Mario
Is equally efllclcnt with tho violin. Tlio
manngement at Fern hall lias made a
good selection h tho engagement of tho
Misses Graham,
The second annual banquet ot the
Alumni association of the Jermvn High
school was held at Windsor hall last
evening, and was a most delightful affair.
Tlio banquet was preceded by u reception,
held In Assembly hull, which was very
tastefully decorated with laurel, ferns
and cut flowers, and thwe tlio members
and Invited guets mingled happily until
!i.:in o'clock, when they, repaired to tho
banquet ball, where Mluo Host Kdmunds
had an elaborate menu prepared. After
doing justice to the many good things
and Mitlsr.vlng the inner, a num
ber of toasts were given. George Harris
was toastmaster, and the toasts were as
follows: "Our Alumni." William Ken
nedy; "Dreams," Joseph OTlilen; "Tho
Age of Men," Arthur Wtnter; "The Bov,"
J'loyd Hunter: "The Elements of Na
tional Growth," Morton Wheeler. Danc
ing was afterwards enjoyed In Assembly
hall, the music being furnished by Trof.
I'lrin, ot rarbomiale. There vas a num
ber of out of town guests present, among
whom were tho foimer principals of the
school. The committee who had tho ar
rangements in hand are in be congratu
lated for the success ot tlio second an
nual banquet.
Mrs. Patilek Bloomer, a well-known
resident or the East Side, died at 1 o'clock
yesterday morning, uftor.n very brief Ill
ness. She had been complaining of feel
ing unwell for two or three days and
nn Tuesday vomited several times. It
was not thought anything serious was
the matter until midnight Tuesday, when
sho suddenly beenmo so much won-o that
It was found necessary to obtain tho
(ei'vlcc.s of a physician. When the latter
reached the house, tho woman was In a
state of collapse, anil died it few moments
afterwards. Tho deceased had been a
resident of Jermyn for a great number ot
years and stod high in the estimation
of her neighbors and friends, to whom
tho news of her death was a painful sur
prise. Sho is survived by her husband
nnd three grown-up daughters, Mrs. John
Martin and Rosa, of this borough, and
Mrs. John Mniloy, of Falrmount. Ind.
Funeral Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
Interment In Mnyllold cemetery.
Louis, the little daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. A, F. A. Haltenberg, ot Main street,
Is sick,
Ralph, son of Mr, and Mrs. William
Taylor, of Fourth street. Is critically ill
of appendicitis, this being tho second attack.
Daughters of rtebekuh met In tho Odd
I-cIIowh' hall yesterday afternoon and
evening. The convention went in session
at 2.S0 p. m. and after the usual round
of business adjourned to partako of a
bountiful supper prepared by tho lodge
'of this town. In tho evening utter a nhort
business session the visitors wero enter
tained by music, recitations, etc., fur
nished by Mrs. William Van Doren. Mrs.
Heath, Emma Otto. Dora Llnderman,
Alleo Reck, Doris anil Ruth Bishop.
The school hoard met In regular, session
Monday evening for tho purpose of elec
ting teachers and transacting other busi
ness. Last year's corps of teachers were
re-engaged with the exception that j'llsa
Tllllo Klclty was employed In place of her
sister, Miss Mary, deceased. Last year's
janitors were also re-engaged. The con
tract for tho new school hnllrilnn- w.-is
awarded to Propst Brothers, their bid be
ing ?1S3 less than the one of Henry Revels.
$1.50, were $2.25,
$2.00, were $2.65.
$2.75, were $3.75.
$3.50, were $5.00,
A great mauy Grass Linen, Pongee
and black and white Parasols are in the
clear-up and you may remember we
said at the beginniug of the season that
these were to be the kind liked best.
Others of taffeta, China and fancy
2 Men's Socks
Neckwear and Skirts
Some especially good things for
The Misses Kdna Johnson, of Scranton,
and Bertha Rogers, of Wllliamsport. are
visiting Miss Mabel Williams, of Main
Mrs. John Selgle, or rrlceburg, and
Mrs. James Brink, ot Green Ridge, vis
ited their sister, Mrs. H. L. Thompson, of
South Main street, "Wednesday.
Miss Maude Bell, of Plttston. was a
caller In town the fore part of the week.
Mrs. Krncst Wescott, of Carbondale,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Chlvers, of Prospect Hill, Wednesday.
Miss Jano Williams lias returned home
after two weeks' Hojounmt Heart Luke.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kllliour mid
family, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs.
Klllliour's parents, Mr. and Airs. William
Bell, or Bell place.
A. V. Klzer, of Scranton, was a caller
In town Wednesday.
A number of our young people picnicked
In Brunclage's grove Wednesday.
(.'laud Clark is spending his vacation
with his mother nt Knst Lemon.
Walter Walker Is spending his vacation
wtlli Ids mother on Hickory street.
-Miss Jlildred Howe, ot Scranton, Is
spending tlio summer months at the Ken-
yon Homestead.
Airs. Carson, of Scranton, spent Wed
nesday with her mother, Mrs. Cunning
ham, of Bell place.
AIlss Agnes Bell, of Scranton, Is spend
ing a few days with her parents of this
.Mrs. Geo'rgo Clark and childien, ot
Brook street, spent a few days with
friends In Jermyn,
Mr. and Airs. J. F. Hoyt and Air. and
Airs. K. J. Biuthold havo returned from
a few days' outing at Lake Povntclle.
Tho Woman's Christian Temperance
union mot at tho homo of Mrs. John K
Williams last evening. No business was
transacted on account of the nu-onco ot
the secretary. Airs. Beck. -The next meet
ing will bo held at Urn homo of Mrs.
ueorgo Stqvcns.
SocltS 12JC Open work cotton,
tan, blue, cardinal; reduced from 25c.
Washable Ties 5C Of madras, in
pretty stripes and checks, bat wing ends;
were i2y3c. (
Summer Shirts 50c They are
madras good madras made up right
and are the regular dollar Iyiou Brand
Women's Bathing Suits
$2.00 to $16.00.
Mostly of riohair and Silk.
Years ago the comic papers devoted
a large portion of their space to the pic
turing of fat people and extremely thin
people in misfit bathing suits.
It's very seldom now that either a
fat or a thin, or an in-between person
goes into the surf without being well
irroomed it has even reached the tioint
where fashion' governs the sort of togs W
you wear.
Some of the prettiest suits have
Russian blouses, closing up the left side
and ending in a high collar. Nearly all
have slight sleeves which are really
nothing more than puffs.
Every color, but we recommend
black and dark blue jthey never seem 'J
conspicuous. ' -9
flore White Ribbons X
June and July, above all other. A
months, are the times for white ribbons. -,Q
We order three boxes of while to every
box of colors in- order to have enough
for summer gowns,, and as they keep
coming from time to time we have fresh
news to give vou.
These today all a third less than
the regular prices :
Satin taffeta, 4 inches wide, 20c a
yard; 4.34! inches wide, 25c a yard.
White Moire Ribbons, 6 inches
wide, fine soft quality 50c a yard.
Wallace I
Air. and Airs. Alulr, Jean Nowlln, Rachel
and Kllzabeth Davis; Alessrs. James
Cranston, Frank Althorholt, William Da
vis, Thomas Morton, Itobeit Webber,
Georse Xcwlin, William Oliver, James
and Maurice Johnson.
The family df Seward Button moved to
llarvcy'd 1-akc this week.
Jor children tteethtnir. U the pmSpUm A
one of the best female physicians BnJ
hursea In tbe United States, and hJa ha22
'used sixty yeara with nlvor-falllm? bu3
resa bymi lfena of mothers for their chul
:6ten. During tha process of teetliln-r its
value Is tncafiminhi. t. ...: ;!"". l!1
Iromnaln curealTirhoa. gflplnrin th5
bowels, and wlnd-co lo. BvVliinS iflJu?.
Not Out of Danger,
Airs. Kvans, the Tell township small,
pox patient, while not turferlng front a
Virulent attack of tbo disease, Is not con.
sldered to bu out of danger as vet, Tho
dlscaso has not icaehed the crisis as
yet, und until this bo safely passed,
which It Is believed will occur within a
few days, tbeio Is more or less fear of
dunseroni complications.
Airs. C. II. Hinds nnd son, Russell, spent
Wednesday with relatives in Olyphuut.
Airs. J. W. Llnderman and children havo
returned from a visit with relatives In
Airs. R. H, Nlcot left yesterday for an
oNtcndcd visit with relatives In Philadel
phia. K. II, Parry. Polo O'.Mulley and Mr.
Wntklns, of Olyphant, were citllors in
town Wednesday uveiilng, ,
T. J, Cunimlugs was a business caller
In Kcritlllon yesterday.
Miss Annlo Pforr bus returned from a
visit with Honesdalo friends.
P. 11. Clink Is visiting relatives In Mos.
Hani Aleudelsolui, of Mayflcld, was a
caller In town yesterday,
AIlss Alice RttHhlelKli. of CitrhomUle,
called on friends in town yesterday.
A district convention of thu Order of
Broken Cable Delnya Traffic,
A broken trolley cubic at tho corner of
Main street and Snlem avenue, Impeded
street Unfile hist night, though pot nut
teriully, It took nn hour to make tho
necessary repairs, tlio process attracting
qtilto an Interested crowd of spectators.
Leaves for Haaleton Today.
Rev, Kdward llurke, of this city, who
io the child It rests the mSther. Price wus "dalned last week, leaves this ufler
went'f.avt cents bottls. v r' incc' noon for Huilcton, where ho wus yoster-
Do You Know Your Neighbors, P
In a city n man may not know his
next door neighbor, It Is qulto different
In tho country." In some sections a man
may know every man, woman ami child
In tho county and be uble to glvo the
family history of ull his neighbors for
men generations back. Jn BUeh w
community a man who sees a neighbor
In trouble la as quick to help him out
as ue wuuiu oo to am one of his own
children. An instanco of this Is related
by II. II. Seal, u well known merchant
of Fortuer, Tenn, His neighbor's wife
was taken with a severe attack of colic
On hearing of It ho van to his store, got
ti bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, took It to tho
sick woman and gave her threo ,ioso
of It, and he thinks saved her life. This
was witnessed by all of his neighbors,
This remedy Is for sale by all druggists.
Keep It In your home. It will save you
trouble, ..
A verv brief session of tho school board
was held htt nlshl. The deadlock which
has existed lor s-omo lime past on the
selection ot an attorney v,;m broken last
nlKllt. It 100k about threo minutes to
bring about tlio result. It was nearly 0
o'clock when tlio meeting wan called to
order The following absentees wero
noted; Ale,sis. Kelly, rtenlon and
Symoi.s In tin, absence of Chairman
iveuy, Air. l.enahiiii was chosen to pre.
cido and Mr. McCiinn made hccretarv.
uii muium 01 ,ur. i.nnsi'.i-.. of tho Third
ward. James J, O'.Mulley was nominated
Tor attorney. Theio being no other
names presented, Ills election was nuulo
unanimous. No other business was trans,
acted und the meeting adjourned till to
night. Thu Urowus, tho local favorite, went
down once more before the Dunmoio
team yesterday. The score was as fol-
uiypnant 2 "! 1 1 1 o 0 0 o- 7
uiiiiiiiui-u i ii r, i o 0 0
nalterles-jordan. Malum, Alcl.aughlln;
Payton and O'llora.
P.ithrlel; I.IIIIBIIH, or iiydo Park, for.
merly of this place, Is visiting nt tho homo
or Mr, anil Airs. Patrick Coleniau, of
Third street. J
Rev. Father Walsh, returned from bis
retreat last evening.
Michael Wlilto left ror New York Tucs.
day evening, wlicro ho has secured em-
The homo team was defeated on the
Old Forge grounds yesterday by tho rep
resentative team by the score of 12 lo 7.
-latteries Reds, Reed and Stone; Old
Foipc, Garvin and Phillips. Umpire AIc-
Tho I'lorodora Stars and tho Young Cu
ban Giants will cross bats on the River
side ground. today.
Alessrs, David Harris amis' Thoma
Jones have returned from their trip to
The game of base bull between thn In
dependent Flro company, of Dunmoro,
and Taylor I lose company, Ko. 1, played
on the Rhcrslda grounds on Wednesday,
was won by tho Ui'inmoipans by the scoro
of 12 to '.'. After the game, tho visitors
were royally entertained at A'u. 1 nose
Mr. and Sim. John Stccelc, Air. and
Mrs. Charles Curtis, Mrs. Alfred Jones,
Allss-cs Annlo James Alarguret Curtus
and Fthel Stello pent an enjoyable d.i.v's
outing at Nay Aus park on Wednesday.
Ci'eorgo Hood, of North Taylor visited
relatives hi Plttston yesterday.
Druggist W. W. Wntklns, of Peckvlllc,
filled' on lelallvcs in this borough yes
A drama will be given In tho Methodist church on Thursday night, July
17. Ten cents admission, Ice cream and
cake will bo served In tho parlors after
tho performance.
Airs. Annlo Colvin and family atlonded
tho funeral of their kinsman, Font Wrlg
ley, sou of Rev. Abet Wllgley, who was
drowned in a small pond near his hums
at Mill City.
Alls, Harriet Karl and daughter, rCtmua.
of Highland MIIK N. Y aro vlsltlny her
sister, Mrs. Susan Hunter.
Air. und Airs. Milton Rhodes, of Scran
ton, sicnt tho Fourth with Atr. and Airs.
R. Kimble.
Air. and Airs. F. H. Smith, of Highland
Park, lire very happy over tho arrival of
n little daughter in their homo on .Monday
Fred Smith met with qulto nn accident
on .Monday morning. Wllllo eating hronli
rust his son, Archie, 11 years old, shot a
blank citrlildgo off near his face burning
his right cye-llds qulto badly. Fortunate
ly ho wan looking down or tho Injury
would havo been more seilous,
,On tho Fourth John Alike! shot hlmsolf
In tho linger with a blank cartridge.
Hiram Ash hud tho mlsfortuuo to break
his limb again recently, tho same ono ho
broko somo tlmo ago.
For the Strength
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is Nature's greatest assistants
Its use -wards off depression
and illness and promotes
digestion and health.
All druggists sell it. Prepared only by
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Black O Tan, Faust, Pale-Lacor, Anheuser
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Dependable Shoes
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Fine new shapely Shoes, correct in style, season-
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Shoes for the street
Shoes for hard work
Shoes for all occasions
The "most for the money" is here. See
popular price $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Shoes,
s Lewis, Ruddy,' Davies & Murphy, s
x u ' ' m "4 va u 4 u ' "a 'a "a vi vi in vi ;
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
The marrliiBo of MIs ICate Louuhrev.
of Orove Htrect, und I'atilck JlcKeon, of
A Ino Htrot, was solemnized on Tuesday
ovenlntr by llov. M. F. Crnne.
A young hoii of Jlr, und Mrs. Archibald
TiiiKlenuuBh, of York avenue, died yes.
terrtay afternoon, after cathiK u nimn.
tlty of fircon uipes. The funeral will
tuko pluco tomorrow nflernooii.
1'rof. C, V, lloban removed Ida family
to Dunmoro yesterday,
Rev, Father Feeoloy, of St. Mlchuel's.
Toronto, la tlio uuest of Rev. Jl v
Crone. '
John Bo, ley and Elizabeth HomIooIt ,,r
vlaJtlner friends In New York thy.
Mrs. B, K. Snyder and dutichtPi-. Aro.i,.n
and Miss Mary Anderson uro vlsltlns
friends in Frucksville.
Mr. und Mrs. William Clay havo eoue
to Wyoming county to spend a few
Tha following comprised u party that
drovo to glubel's Brovo on Wednesday, in
they afternoon they entortiilucd the In
mute ot tlio ftunsome home. MUscs
Margaret and Anna Alkmun, Qrdco and
Anna Whyte, Jean Cranston, Mury Gra
ham, Margaret Anderson, Btclla Jones
and Edna Layun. ot Mooslc, Anna Hastle,
Miss Kdun Caryl, ot Scianlou, Is visit
ing her grandfather of this place.
Mrs. John Roberts has returned from
Now York,
Miss Mablo Singer has returned aflor
spending n month In Now Yoik,
Mrs. Tlngloy, of Wyoming, Is tho guest
of her daughter, JI13. J, N, llalley.
Miss Dalay Copp Is recovering after her
recent Illness.
Miss Stolla Wlltz has gono to spend tho
summer mouths In Now York,
Miss Cora Fnison, of Susquehanna, Is
visiung .miss mini uix nils week,
Mrs. McL'onnack and daughter, Maggie,
uttouded the luuenii ot tho former's)
nephew, John MeCoiniack, at Vundllns,
Tho funeral of littlo llernmn Scott will
bo held this morning at tho homo of his
lamer nc t o clock, liitermcnt In Cam
den, N, J,
Special to tho Scruuton Tlibuno.
Fuctoryvlllc, July 10. Tho pcoplo of
our town wero greatly shocked Tues
day evening to bear of the iimn-nin-
- - - -- ....n , . '.
L !', i!!?1' B-".,'?F. Kov- "' talned tho 1'rcsbyterlau Ladies' Aid so
Mrs. Abel Wrlelcy. of Mill City. air. Iclcty at tea ami for strawberries Wednes
Wiiglcy was spending his vacation at his
homo aud went out to b.itho In 11 small
pond near tho houso, Ho mwun across
and was scon by his companions to stag
ger and fall but soon regained his foot
lug and plunged Into tho water again us
if to return to them. Ill 11 moment ha
went down and when thoy reached him
ho was dead. Mr, W'rlglcy wns 2J yeura
of ngo, a gradtiulo of Wyoming semi
nary and has liecu u student at Stilto Col
lego tbo past year- Tho fiiuoral will I13
held at the Methodist church In Fnctnry
ylllo Thursday at :.' p. m. with Interment
tu llvcrgiccii cemotery.
Jlrs, Adellu Luce, of Hcrnuton, snout
Sunday with relatives Iwro.
Ur. I'aiil 1. Wilson, of New York, Is
Vlslfhig his mother, airs. Melon Wilson.
Mr, und airs, Gorton S, Clmso auuounca
tho engagement of their dauglitor, aiurlan
i:., to Robert 1". Neumeycr, of llcthlu
hem. ' ' m I.
Special to tho Scinuton. Tribune.
l.'nlond.ilo. July 10. Miss Ethel Smith
ha returned from aiontroso und wjll
spend the sunimcr at her home.
airs. I), 1,. atevens, of Elkdale, enter-
day last, A most cnjoyuble afternoon
was .pent by tho guests, iho enjoyed the
e.ecl!ent rcp.i.t furnished by tho hostess.
Miss aiamle and aiiss liarncs, of Han
kins, N, Y., wcio guests of the Mlssca
Bronson over tho Sabbath.
airs. Jason Rounds, of Galcton, V.i la
visiting her parents, air, nnd airs, J. F.
Tho Fourth passed off very pleasantly
in this place. Tha celclnatloii in Carpen
ter's Grovo was a success, socially and
lliiunclully, us also was tho concert by
tho orchestra mid local talent, given In
tho evening In tbo Rresnytcrlan church,
Tho proceeds aro to assist the Carpenter
brothers in pioJpceting further for coal.4-
Tho 1'iiionilalu Public library has re
cently purchased a number of new book?,
and expect to add to thoso In tho near
future. It Is earnestly desired by thosio
who ma assisting In caring for tlv
"library" that all tho people In reach
tbo reading room should avail tliemsolv.53
of the privileges. extended und also pi.
tronlzo the library, und thus help In ex.
tending iho cuuso which bus had such
generous usslstunco from Attorney I. 11,
liuriis, of Scruuton, and Colonel Pratt, .of .,
New aillford, as well as many other
smaller donations. Hooks may bo taken
from tlio library Wednesday and Satur.
day afternoons and evenings each week,
of Miss Daisy Broiuon the librarian.
.-,f "
gfi $.
J . IffJfe , . tdf?S&$&