The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 11, 1902, Image 1

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The Oitu of Calamities Is Again
Visited bu an nopall-
Inrj Disaster.
Terrible Explosion In the Cambria
. Steel Company's Rolling Mill Mine
Under Westmont Hill It Is
Thought That None Have Escaped
the Deadly Gases Members of n
Rescuo Party Arc Overcome Ter-'-rible
Experience of a 15-Ycar-Old
Boy Sad Scenes About the Mouth
of the Shaft.
Uy Exchuhe Wire from The Associated Press.
Johnstown, Pa., July 10. Johnstown
lias again been visited by an appalling
It Is only less frightful than the aw
ful calamity of May 31, 1889, in cost of
life, but In Its terrible consequences It
has brought the shadow of sorrow In
hundreds of homes mnde desolate by
an appalling mine explosion, which took
place In the Cambria Steel company
rolling mill mine, under Westmont
Hill, at 12.30 o'clock this afternoon.
How many are dead It may take sev
eral das to fully determine, but that a long and shocking list Is certain.
Tt may reach 200 or more men.
'""It was nearly an hour after the ex
plosion before any. general knowledge
of what had happened got abroad. Men
who came froin the mines, escaping
with their lives, told the terrible news
and' soon It spread like wildfire all over
the city. In hundreds of homes there
was the most nathetic scenes. Moth
ers, wives, daughters, sons and rela
tives were frantic with grief. Hun
dreds rushed to the point, and with
sobbing hearts awaited news that did
nqt come from "the Ill-fated mine.. .
At the opening across the river from
the point, tlie Cambria Iron company
police, with .several assistants, stood
guard, permitting no one to enter the
mine, from which noxious gases were
coming. It was nearly 4 o'clock when
all hope of sending rescue parties from
the Westmont opening was abandoned.
JTwo men who had escaped from the
mine Richard Bennett and John Mey
ers went back two miles to see what
assistance could be rendered, but the
frightful damp drove them back and
tfaey fell prostrate when they finally,
after a desperate struggle, i cached the
outside. Two doctors gave the men
assistance, and after working with
them half an hour restored them to
normal condition.
Sad Mission.
Their story of the situation in the
mine made It clear that rescue work
could not proceed from the Westmont
opening, and then hasty preparations
were made to begin that sad mission
nt the Mill Creek entrance. Soon after
the news or the frightful explosion
reached the Cambria officials, Mining
Engineer Marshall CI. Moore and one of
his assistants, Al G. Prosser, made nn
attempt lo enter the mine. They were
soon followed by Mine Superintendent
George T Robinson, . it the deadly
gases stopped their progress.
j-MInc Foreman Harry Hodgers, his
assistant, William Blanch, and Flie-
posses John Whitney, .
and John Thomas wen
Johh Retnlllek
re overcome by
the gases and It Is feared they perished
In an hcrolv attempt to icscue the
The iri-ycar-old son of Harry Hodg
ers, when he heard of the explosion and
that his father had been oveieonie, with
nftcrduinn, started down the mine to
help rescue him If possible, mid he, had
no sooner entered the drift when the
deadly gas almost overcome the lad,
nnd ho had to bo carried back. Ills
tongue protruded its whole length from
his mouth, and men had to force his
jaws npart with a slick to prevent
lockjaw. William Sllblch spent several
hours at the Mill Creek opening. He
said that he believed as many as -150
men wcro still In the initio. In his ophi
Ion, from ull lie could glean, not to ex
ceed 150 men hnd come out,
Two Hundred nnd Fifty Escape.
Six hundred hhmi were lit. work In
V.i mine when the explosion occurred,
Of this number only about 230 aro
known to have escaped, Where those
entombed are or wliut condition they
are In, time alone will tell. It Is utter.
Jy Impossible to obtain names tonight.-
rreaiueiu I'owell Hlnokhoiibo nnd
GeAerul Mnnuger Chailes 8, Price are
nt tlie Mill Creek opening in personal
cha'rgo of tho rescuo work ,'Thcy said
before leaving that they 1' , not ex
pect to obtain any dellnlto kiitwledgo of
t tne situation in tne mine for several
hours, but both of them expressed the
hope Jhut tho currents of alt being
v forced Into the great drift was reach-
fc Ing the Imprisoned men. They declured
their belief that the men were still
, alive, but this Is discredited by persons
whp were under ground when tho ex
plpslon took place,
General Manager Prlco said that one
i mim's guess wbh as good as upother's
s to the number of men entombed.
'"tyrhere were aboiit 600 men In tho mine
,wuen the explosion occurred," ho said,
rbdt only about JO0 wcro In tho head
Jng iicre tho gas did 1(8 deadly work."
It- t Explosion Was of Fire Damp.
' f' The mining ohlcluls of the Cambria
. company stated the explosion was pno
fgH'r tt flre damp.
ir!-ji The CatUStronhe ooeurrerl lii the too.
tlpn of the mine- known among the
miners as "KlnmllUn Tim r,u, ,.t
'; ,-j MCtlou o4 the company's books i
f i
the sixth wrst of (he south main head
ing. It Is about ii mile and n half from
the main entrance of the rolling mill
The few survivors who have escaped
from the depths of the initio describe
the conditions to be frightful In their
nature. Outside of the "Klondike" the
mines arc safe and uninjured. Within
the fatal limits of that mine the havoc
wrought by the explosion are such us
beggar description. Solid wulls of
masonry, three feet through, were torn
down as though barriers of paper. The
roofs of the mine were demolished and
not a door remains standing, in the
face of these difficulties even the most
heroic efforts towards rescue may well
seem hopeless.
Crawled Over Dead Bodies.
Miners, who left the mine by way of
the Mill Crock entrance, brought hor
rible stories of crawling over the dead
bodies of their comrades.
Two young men, who wcro at work
in the "Klondike" when the explosion
occurred, escaped by way of the air
shaft heading, up through the Kernvllio
hill, from the mine. A fan-house, now
out of use, stands at the top of this
air-shaft.. This way the young men,
sick and dizzy from the afterdamp or
blackdamp, reached safety. They told
how they had walked across dead
bodies to pure air and light. How
many, they did not know.
The Cambria steel officials were noti
fied at once of the explosion. It caused
consternation In the offices among
those who heard the awful news.
Chief Mining Engineer Marshall G.
Moore and his assistant, Al G. Prosser,
were the first to enter the mine after
the explosion. They went In at the
main entrance and began to work their
way to the other end. Both were sup
plied with safety lamps. The progress
was slow und tedious, because of the
poisonous cases.
Miraculous Escapes.
The stories of the men who escaped
are miraculous In their nature. Tom
Foster, an assistant foreman In the
"Klondike" mine, was among the first
to emerge from the Mill Creek shaft.
hhortly after, Powell Griffith, a fire
boss, came up. Foster was In his, office
when the explosion occurred. His first
thought. wa,s for the safety of the men
under his cliarge. With the help of
Foreman Roberts, an effort was made
to replace a few of the shattered doors.
All the while the fatal firedamp was
cloMng around them. They did not fal
ter for an instunt, but straight into
the midst of danger they went. The
thought, "save the men," was para
mount. Through galleries, Into head
ings, warning and helping, the two men
went. Roberts fell, but Foster stag
gered on. whither he hardly knew. In
the midst of the danger he met Powell
Grlfilths, a fireboss. He had faced what
seemed certnln death, in nn effort to
save his men.
Forward they went, dragging a com
rade into a possible place of safety
here, giving a word of warning there,
until human endurance could stand the
strain no longer. Exhausted, they stag
gered into a Heading where the fire
damp had not entered. There they
rested for a moment, and then plunged
forward whore, they knew not until
finally they wandered Into a water level
and through it reached a place of
Said Tom Foster:
now i escaped, I do not know. It
seems like a terrible nightmare. Hunlf
dretis or times I gave up hope, but
from sheer Instinct I stumbled forward
until finally I reached a place of
John Whitney, who was beyond the
dip where tho explosion took place,
"I was at tho heading, one half mile
from the explosion. Several dozen were
overcome by the damp or gas, and I
had all I could do to escape. It was
terrible. After tho exp ,slou, wo went
back to rescue the les.. fortunate and
nearly lost our own lives. We got one
man and saved his life. I aid not see
my father, who was struggling to get
out, I don't think many outside 'of tho
drivers escaped,"
William Malcolm was In the upper
part of the 'mine when the explosion
"The first I knew of the trouble was
when men came running from what Is us tne dip, or lower section.
They came running without huts, coats
and sonio without clothes and In a ter-
.,. nunc ui i-AijiL'iiiuiu. as near as
I can remember not more than ten
came that way and they escaped, leav
ing nt least L'OO In the dip;"
Itlchard liennet and John Meyers
were In tho mine when tho explosion
took place, but managed id escape.
About 2 o'clock they concluded to go
back Into the mine and brought back
u reporrtis to tho situation. They
went two miles Inside nnd on tho way
saw tho dead body of Kddlo Yamanskl
at tho first side track, about a mile
from tho explosion point. "Tho damp
was fearful," said Mr. Dennett. "Wo
had to turn buck. We could go no
The armory of Company u, cirtlt
regiment, National Guard of Pennsyl
vania, will bo turned Into a diurnal
After a conference tonight It was an
nounced that tho dead miners will be
brought to the armory tomorrow,
Planks have been laid on chara In tho
armory and the removal of bodies will
begin ut an early hour In the morning.
The iimbuloiices of all the undertak
ers hi tho city uro ut Mill Creek In
reudlncs3 to begin tho transfer of
First Recovered Victims.
At 11,20 the first four victims were
brought to the surface from tho "Klon
dike" section. They were, yilltain ltob
ertson, who was unconscious when
foipid: John- Hetulllc, ullve and Jn
pretty good shape, und two unknown
biavs, Poti aivo but unconscious.
Dr. John B, Lowman. of this cltv. I
who came up with the men, said be
passed twenty-five dead bodies, some
of thriu In sitting postures.
'Sbbers Nearly Captured While Try-
?Aing to Move the Stolon Weed,
ay Kxctiishe Wire Irom The Auoclatnl Press.
Luiiciistcr, Ph., July 10., Tho $1,200
worth of tobacco stolon from A. V. Mont
zer & Dons tobacco warehouse at Ephruta
on Tuesday night, u icoovoietl last
night and tho robbers ucaily captured.
During Wednesday It was learned tho
robbers had nccrcted tho tobacco tliero
last night.
Near midnight four men drove up In a
two-horse wagon, three going Into the
limn and our patrolling tho outside v itli
a icvolvcr. The guurdn called on lilm to
surrender, when he started to tun away.
All three flrcd at hltn with shot gutii. I In
dropped to his knees, but qulrkly re
gained his feet and reached the wagon.
Ills three companions ran out of the barn
nt tho report of the guns and also reached
the wagon and drove rapidly away. The
stolon tobacco was found burled deep In
tho haymow.
Date Fixed Subject to Physi
cians' Approval King Ed
ward's Progress.
Br ExcIuMie Wire from The Associated Press.
London, July 10. It Is said on good
authority that subject to the approval
of King Edward's physicians the cor
onation will take place on Aug. 9,
Tho bulletin on King Edward's con
dition posted at Buckingham Palace ut
10 o'clock this morning says:
The king's condition continues to lie sat
isfactory.' Treves, Lulling, Barlow.
The following authoritative statement
was published in today's issue of the
British Medical Journal:
"In view of the fact that sinister
stories continue to be manufactured
and printed It may be again stated as
emphatically as possible that during
the operation no trace of malignant
disease was observed, that no suspicion
of any kind has arisen since, and that
tho medical attendants are quite satis
fied that his majesty's constitution Is
thoroughly sound. The progress of the
last week has been everything that
could be desired. The wound, though
still deep. Is granulating well. During
the last ten days the improvement of
his majesty's general health has been
remarkably rapid.. The king has re
gained his strength almost completely
und Is uble to take restricted diet with
a good appetite."
The Lancet also stigmatizes ns "lies"
the sensational reports circulated, und
"There Is not, and never has been,
the faintest shadow or ghost of a sus
picion of any malignant disease."
The Lancet specifically asserts that
the king is free from cancer.
Decorations Fell, Killing Woman,
Soon After Her Majesty Passed.
By Uxdushe Wire from 'flic A,oiIutcd Pich.
London, July 10. Soon after Queen
Alexandra had passed on her way to
open the coronation bazaar today the
decorations across Langham place,
heavy and sodden with rain, were
caught In a squall of wind mid fell,
dragging down a mass of coping from
the top of All Souls' church.
Miss Strcathy, believed to he a Can
adian was killed and several persons
were Injured.
Fully 10,000 Persons Enjoy Relig
ious Services in Big Tent.
By Kiciu-'e Wire from Ihn Awoci.itcil Pre."?.
Pittsburg, July 10. The largest meet
ing of the series of C'nrihtlan Endeavor
convention was held tonight In the big
tent. Fully 10,000 peisgns were present
and enjoyed tho religious services to tho
end. Tlie executive committee announced
tho selection of officers for tho eiiMilng
year ns follows:
President, Itev. W. N. Tales. Philadel
phia: vice presidents, Revs. J. T. Me
Crory, diaries Itoiids, James V. Coch
ran, Hufns W. Mlllor, W. A. Russell,
John Weldley, Wayland Hoyt and Floyd
Tompkins; sccrctury, M. D. Luthropc,
Scrantou; treasurer, Row J, Henry
Stiiuff, Pittslnug: superintendents of de
partmentsjunior, D. J, Grant Shields, nf
Philadelphia; missionary, Mrs. C, L.
Brown, Hliippeushurg; citizenship. Rev,
a, W. Welsh, Mniilielm; evangelistic,
Charles A, Oliver, York; correspondence,
Mlis M, W. Rice, Homo; Intermediate, J,
II. Robinson, Philadelphia.
After the cuptomiiry closing exercises,
thu convention adjourned.
Officers Elected at the Gathering
Held at St. Paul.
By Kxcluthc Win' from Thu Auoiiatcil Press.
St. Paul, July 10. At the Luther league
convention today, tho following officers
woio elected on tho report of tho Humi
liating committee:
President. W, C. Stiiven, Philadelphia;
iccordiiig secretary, C G, Grauer, liuf.
falo; statistician secretary, Rev, O, K,
iliiutoh, Columbus, (J; lltcratuio kcci'o
tarles, Rev. Charles 1,. Fryo, Plilladcl.
phlu, and Georgo ii. Schimr, Chlllcotho,
O,; treasuier, John F, Dlnkoy, Rochester,
N, Y. II. H, Iliingerfiiid, of Wilkes
Harrc, was choson a member of thu ex
ccutlva bouid,
m i
Steamship Arrivals.
By Kirlushc Wire hum The Asoclated Prm.
New Voik, July 10. Arrived: Teutonic,
Liverpool. Sailed; Lit Lorraine. Unvro;
Grosser Kurfurst, Iliciucii via Chor
hourg. Southampton Arrived: St. Louis,
New York. Kensington, New Yiuk, Na
plesArrived; Aller, New York, Liverpool
Arrived; Majestic New York. Plymouth
Arrived: Columbia, New York fur
Cherbourg and Hamburg, Cherbourg
Hailed: itreiiiui ifrom Bremen and
Southampton) New York, Quccnstown
B,llle: Oceunlo, from Liverpool, Now
York. Rotterdam Sailed: Noordam, Now
York via Boulogno Sue Mer. LUurd
pumni'm, ii, ,,-, ,r,. ',i ti. ,.!..,..... , ..
Pabtect: cirar Wulderbce, N York for
Bretagnc, New York for Havre '
He Will Succeed General Miles
Upon the Retirement o!
the Latter.
Likelihood That Corbin Will Be Next
on tho List of Generals Command
ing the Forces Willing to Sacri
fice Chance of Earlier Promotion to
Settle Dissension,
By i:clmlc Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, July 10. It Is practic
ally settled that upon the retirement of
Lieutenant General Miles next year, he
will be succeeded in command of the
army by Major General S. M. B. Young.
That Is the present intention of the
president, mid it is not believed that
anything will happen to change the
prospect. General Young Is In fact the
only one who lias been seriously con
sidered in connection with the succes
sion. There has been some talk about
General Corbin, who, by virtue of the
special act creating him a major gen
eral In the line, Is Young's senior, but
he is quite willing to step aside in order
that Young may receive tho promotion
without rivalry. Young and Corbin are
close friends. They are going to the
German military manoeuvres together
In August, with General Wood as a
companion, and they can be depended
upon to act In thorough harmony on
all occasions.
General Young will have only a few
months to serve as commanding gen
eral before retirement, but It Is hoped
that his promotion will suffice to put
an end for all time to the Miles discus
sion, which would certainly be renewed
If Corbin were to succeed to the place
made vacant by Miles' retirement.
With Young us his successor Miles will
have no further excuse for posing as a
martyr, and the unpleasant episode
will be allowed to drop out of public
memory. It may be that after the re
tirement of General Young, Corbin may
gotXLihe. lieacL.of.the. .army. At any.
rate, when thut time comes his record
will be considered, as well as his senior
ity of rank. He would have-about two
years to servo before retirement.
They Had a Satisfactory Visit with
Governor Stone and Attorney
General Elkin.
By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Prm.
Hanisburg, July 10. Senators Quay
and Penrose left here this morning
over the Pennsylvania rallroud for Phil
adelphia. Neither of them would make
a formal statement ns to the purpose
of their visit to Governor Stone, whose
guests they were at the executive -mansion
during their stay In Ilarrlsburg.
Senator Penrose, speaking for himself
and colleague, said:
"Wo had a very pleasant and satis
factory visit."
He also said that Attorney General
Elkln and Public Buildings Superin
tendent Eyre called upon them last
night. Eyre was Elkln's chief lieuten
ant In his recent campaign for the Re
publican nomination, In which Attorney
General Elkin was beaten by Judge
Pennypacker, whose chief supporters
were the two senators.
Tenth Annual Gathering of the Pro
tective Association.
By I'xUusltc Wile Irom llic AssocUted Press,
Uothleliem, Pa., July 30. President W.
.M. James, of Stecltou, presided at tho
tenth annual meeting of tho Pennsyl
vania Lumbermen's Protcctlvo associa
tion, which was hold hero this afternoon
with nn atiendnnco of 90 per cent, of tho
SCO membPts. It being the nild-sumnier
meeting only routine business was ttans
acted. Including tho reception of a scoro
of now members.
After a banquet when covers wcro Inld
for l!00 members being accompanied b7
their wives,- Thomns N. Nixon's represen
tatives escorted tho paity through tho
cxtensivo ordnanco works of tho Uotlile
hem Steel company,
Largest Mill in Hudson County Re
sumes Work as Result of 'Agree
ment. By llxtluilve Wire from Tlie Atioiiatnt frets.
New York, July 10. Tho strlko of tho
bilk weavers In IIiiiIboii county, New Jer
sey, practically Is ended. Tho largest mill
in tho county resumed today with all tho
strikers back ut their looms os a result of
mi agreement signed last ovonlug pro
vldlug that bosses and weavers Bhull
each nnmo committee of weavers to act
Jointly as a board arbitration.
The strikers nt other mills went back
to work today under similar conditions,
Christopher. Leonldas and Son Perish
in the Attempt to Capture a Steam
boat. Uy Kxclukltc Wire (rom The Associated Press.
IMvenport, la., July 10. Christopher
Leonldas and his son, long-halted medi
cine men, wearing sharpshooter mejals
and heavily armed,, hoarded the steamer
Duhuquo ut Rock Island, ill., today and
attempted to take possession.1
Mulo Dun Grccu shut and killed both
when tho boat was In front of llnym,
port. Tho bodies weto taken off here.
Tho boat, officers were held but wcro sub
sequently exunciutcd by the coroner,''
Opinion of Judge Simonton in the
Tunkhannock Bridge Case.
V Exclusive Wire (rom The Associated Press.
"ilarrlsburg, July 10. Judge Simonton
holds. In an opinion ilrlhnrd today, that
a navigable stream, under the bridge net
of June ?, lsns. docs not mean a stream
upon which raftn could bn floated, but re
fers to the great rivers or principal
rivers of Ihn commonwealth. Ho men
tions tho Ohio, Monouguhcta, Allegheny,
Susquehanna, Juniata and Schuylkill
rivers, which havo alwnys been naviga
ble rivers, according to tho common law
This point was raised In proceedings In
stituted by tho commissioners of Wyo
ming coiinty to compel tho commonwealth
lo rebuild a bridge which had been de
stroyed last spring over Tunkhaiinock
crook, near Olenwood.
This is tho only Important question
raised under the bridge act of ISM de
termined by tho Dauphin county court.
About thirty bridges have been ordered
to be rebuilt throughout the state, and
will bo constructed under the supervision
of tho board of public grounds und build
ChlcagoFreight Handlers Will
Fight to Finish Teamsters
Quit in Sympathy.
By Exclushc Wire from The Associated Press.
Chicago, July 10. A crisis in the
freight handlers' strike was reached to
day, when the local unions refused to
uccept a settlement proposed by the
rnilroads nnd voted to fight tho battle
"to the last ditch." Teamsters quit
work In sympathy, and Hugh McGee,
president of the Truckmen's union,
gave utterance to the most serious
comment of the day.
"We have not given our men author
ity to strike," he said, "and are de
claiming against such action. We nre
insisting on our members living up to
the contracts we have made with our
employers, but they will not listen to
us and I believe 4,000 teamsters will be
mixed up in the struggle before night.
We have done our part and Intend to
remain true to our trust, but if the
men strike despite all our efforts to
restrain them we are powerless an can
not bo held responsible for their ac-
If what Mr. McGee fears reaches con
summation the worst strike since the
great railway trouble will be In pro
gress In Chicago.
-r-Presldenti-.GujYaiv- of the- Freight
Handlers' union, ndvocatcd accepting
the terms offered by tho railroads and
returning to work to await an oppor
tunity to retaliate upon the teamsters'
union und the Chicago Federation of
Labor. His proposition was entirely
lost in the excitement that followed
and by a standing vote the strikers not
only gelded to stay out, but to fight
to th? last ditch without seeking co
operation or supnort.
Following thei meeting of Polk and
western locals, a delegation of thirty
strikers visited the Burlington yards
and persuaded nil the teamsters de
livering or lecelvlng freight, except
those of Marshal Field & Co., to drive
away with their work uncompleted.
The delegation then started' for the
Rock Island yards. The action of the
teamsters is contrary to the orders of
the officials of their union.
At 10.30 o'clock the Northwest local,
comprising men from the St, Paul, Pan
handle and Galena and Wisconsin divi
sions of the Northwestern, and Central
local, embracing the' Illinois Central,
Wisconsin Central and Michigan Cen
tral, voted to continue tho strike.
W. C. Brown, vice president of the
Lake Shore road, upon hearing of the
action of the strikers, Issued an ulti
matum declaring that if the men wcro
not back to work by tonight the non
unlon men who have been hired In their
places would be recognized as "old em
ployes." Mr. Brown's ultimatum was received
quietly by the men, Meanwhile the
decision of the men to "fight to the
bitter end" was made evident by decis
ive movements. Delegations of pickets
of considerable numerical strength
marched Into all the freight houses.
They stopped wagons and vans und
chiefly by persuasion, although there
were a few souffles, got the drivers to
turn back with their loads. By noon
It was said thut practically no team
ing, was being done ut any of the
freight houses,
The scene at tho Burlington ware
house was typlcut of tho others. Two
hundred wagons were lined up on Can
al street when tho delegation of strikers
arrived. Members of tho delegation
mounted plutfornis and wagons and
made speeches appealing to the team
sters, "In the name of union brother
hood," to stand by the freight han
dlers. The speeches went on for fully
hnlf an hour. Meanwhile other trucks
and wagons continued to arrive, nnd
Canal street und Its Intersections near
the warchouso were soon congested for
blocks. In the confusion somebody
turned in a riot cull, but the police who
came rushing to tho lescue found no
llghthig only wagons going away cnip
ty or partly loaded,
By Ku'ltiihe Wiie from The Assoiiatril Press,
Utlca, N. Y July 10. Four races wero
finished this uftcriiouu at tho third day
of tho Hudson and Mohawk valley cir
cuit. Colonel Palmer noa tho '-'.") pace,
unfinished from yesterday and tho other
winners wero Sachem In thu 2.V8 .pace;
Buy M, In tho 2.21 trot, and Dick Uco In
tho fico for all. Summaries;
2.2.1 class, pacing; puise, $1,000' (unfin
ished fioin yesterday) Colonel Palmer
won. Sunsova second, Susctto third, Host
time, 2.1S4, Gem go 11., Einiiiu I'., Ucorgu
A King Crystul, Soubrctto and Mury
HamVm ulso started,
,2.28 lass, pacing; purse, $ 100 Sachem
won, Daisy I,, second, llesalo Wilght
third. Best time, L'.'.'lii. Sirdar, Kid Mur
phy, Ilanulsalie, Governor Plngieo, VII
lugo Belle, Frank C, uWo started.
2.21 class trotting; piuso, $100 Bay M
won; Frank T, second, Bcrllut K, thlid.
Hcs.t time. 2.21'i. Bonnie Patchen, Hh'.
dot but, Aftou 1,. also started.
Freo for-ill, trotting or pacing; purse,
$100Dlck bee won, Moth Miller second,
White Boso thhd. Best time, 2,H)i.
King of Pluiuouds ulso started,
A Driver Accused of Holding Tulu.
Tho Racing Events,
By KxchMtc Wire Irom The Associated Prcsi.
Bradford, Pn,. July 10. The second
day's racing of the Lako Krlo trotting cir
cuit wcro held today. Tho first race was
productlvo of a sensation, when open
charges wcro mado against Driver Ter
rell, of Auburn, N. Y of holding Tulu,
K. Captain Chuck won the first two
heats, and It was apparent to tho judges
that Tulu should havo secured tho lead.
In consequence of this, Driver Abrains
wai put upon Tulu K. and tho male won
easily thrco straight heats.
At tho meeting held by tho officials of
the driving park, at St. James hotel to
night, W. M. Cobb, owner of Tulu K.,
was exonerated from any complicity In
pulling the horse. His driver, Tcrrlll,
wns fined $100.
First race, '1A0 class pacing
Tulu K 4
Captain Chuck 1
Lord Gentry n
Conqueror 2
purse $100
2 111
i r s 5
n 2 4 2
0 !l 3 4
Huzel Star, Belle 13., Sweet Mario und
Merald Hex also started. Best time
Second race, 2.21 class trotting; purte
Topsy 1
Happy Jack '. 3
Superior 2
Pac Rose 8
Point Dexter. Superba, Jessie
1 1
7 2
2 3
3 4
Evelyn Byrd also started.
Best time-
Third race, free-for-all trot; purse $100
Ben Hal 3 111
Nigger Jack 12 2 2
Alan 2
Una Bcllo 4
Annlhllutcr S
Best ttmc-2.17. ,
3 3
4 4
The Pair Released Upon Giving Se
curity for Appearance for Trial
on Charge of Larceny.
By Exclude Wire from The Associated Pi ess.
Philadelphia, July 10. Mrs. Aline El
lis O'Malley.wlfe of Prof. Austin O'Mal
ley, of South Bend, Ind., and William
J. Hearln, of New York, were today
held to ball in the sum of $1,200 for
trial on the charge of stealing Jewelry
valued at more than $1,000 from Dr.
Joseph O'Malley, of this city, Mrs.
O'Malley's brother-in-law. William A.
Ellis, of New York, Mrs. O'Malley's
father, was present and furnished the
security, the bond being signed by a
local trust company. Mrs. O'Malley
was released Immediately after the
hearing, but Hearln's ball was not en
tered until tonight, when he was given
his freedom.
At a preliminary hearing last week
Mrs. O'Malley and Hearln were com
mitted to the county prison, In default
of $1,200 ball. At today's hearing no
new evidence was presented, but the
magistrate decided that a prima fucle
case had been made out at the previous
hearing, which necessitated holding the
defendants for trial.
Mrs. O'Malley's husband was brought
to this city some weeks ago, suffering
from the effects of poison. He 1ms
slncb been at Stj Agnes hospital, but
the physicians at that institution de
cline to state the result of their diag
nosis of his case. His wife, who came
from South Bend with him, resided at
tlie home of Dr. Joseph O'Malley until
tho night of July 1, when she was ar
rested as she was leaving tho house to
meet Hearln. The latter was taken Into
custody while waiting for her at a rail
road stutlon. A charge of robbery wns
preferred against the pair by Dr.
O'Malley, who nlleges that over $1,000
worth of jewelry wns taken frohi his
house during the time his slstcr-ln-law
resided there, A portion of this jew
elry was found In Hearln's possession
on the night of his arrest, besides two
railroad tickets for South Bend.
Transfer Allowed by Superior Court.
Other Decisions Which Were
Rendered Yesterday.
By Kxclu5ip Wire Irom Tlie Axoelatcrl Press.
Philadelphia, July 10, Among deci
sions handed down by tho superior
court today wero tho following:
Peck, tiustec, etc, vs. Council; C. I',
Lackawanna; Judgment affirmed.
Cooper vis, city of Scrantou, C, P,
Lackawanna; judgment reversed.
DeWItt et al. vs. Lehigh Valley Bull
road, company, C. P, Wjomlug; decrco
reversed, etc.
Judges Biro ami W, W, Porter dissent.
In re; Indebtedness of Plains township,
appeal of township of Plains, (J. S. Lu
zerne; pi dor modified,
Petition fur transfer of liradfotd county
from tho, Scrantou to tho Philadelphia
district of tho Superior court was allowed.
Two Men Seriously Hurt by Explo
sion in Mnilon, Mass,
P Exciusho Wire from The Avnciatul Press.
Marion, Mass., July 10. A terrific ex
plosion, followed by a dlsabtrous lire,
wiccked tho winks of tho Marlon Acety
lene comuauy here today and two nun
wero badly burned. They wcro Mr. Al
len, of mien. N. V,, tin engineer, and Br
A. Conro, of Marion, superintendent of
the works.
A fow days ago, a leak In a steam
gcnciator was discovered, und Mr. Allen
was sent for to repair tho break. Work
was. started curly today by Mr. Allen,
together with Superintendent Conro. Tho
men had been working only a short timo
when the generator blew up, netting firo
to ho woodwork. The men received tho
full force of tho explosion. Both will re
cover. The plant was burpod almost to
the ground.
Sheriff Has Not Shown That Pres
ence of the National Guard
Is Necessaru.
To the Appeals of the Sheriff and a
Delegation of Citizens of the Town
the Same Answer Is Given Strik
ers at Lansford, Summit Hill and
Tamnqua Become Restless Vigil
ance Committee Organized Gover
nor Says Civil Authority Must
First Be Exhausted Before State
Troops Can Be Called Upon.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presi.
Tamaqua, Pa., July 10. The striking
miners in the Punther Creek valley are
becoming very restless and unruly, and
the citizens of Lansford, Summit Hill
and Tamaqua are preparing to organize
vigilant committees to uphold law and
Newton Wlldey, an aged man, was
maltreated by strikers last night. Tho
Lehigh Coal and Navigation .company
sent a squad of deputies to rescue Wll
dey from the men, but the officers were
unable to locate them. Wlldey was
finally released nnd returned home to
day In an exhausted condition.
The sheriffs of Carbon and Schuylkill
counties have been asked for protec
tion. Harrlsburg, Pa July 10. Governor
Stone this afternoon made public the
following telegram, which is self
explanatory: Harrlsburg, Pa.. July 10, 1D02.
Mr. J. If. Gombcrt, Sheriff, Muuch
Chunk, Ta.:
Your telegram of today stating that
strikers aro gathering In largo mobs ut
Lansford and Summit Hill In this, county
and citizens ale attacked and beaten a'nd
in dunger of their lives ancl.that you find
that you aro unubte to-V)rcserVe order
and protect tho citizens and therefore
must call on mo for troops, received, Thu
law under which the National Guard Is
culled out docs not justify action under
the circumstances and conditions which
you recite. The National Guard aro not
police officers. Theso conditions aro qrr
tlrely within your own province aud'ivKh
tho aid at ycur hand you ought,'to over
come tho difficulty without UiRvfuse of
stato troops. If there is a condition'' of
riot, mob or Insurrection which the' civil
authorities nro unablo to suppress'JhS
governor will not hesitate to send .troops,
but under no circumstances will ho do so
unless the civil authority Is exhausted
after reasonable effort on tho part of tho
sheriff and tho protection of life and prop
erty demands It.
(Signed) William A. Stone.
Representing a committee of Carbon
county citizens, George N. Davis, T. M.
White nnd John E. Lauer, of Lansford,
called upon the governor this afternoon
nnd explained the situation at Lans
ford and Summit Hill. The visitors said
that the burgesses of these boroughs
and the sheriff had exhausted their
powers In trying to preserve order and
that mob rule prevailed In both towns.
The visitors also stated that the
trouble was dally becoming worse and
that It was a question of only a short
time when it would be necessary to
send troops into the county to preserve
order and protect property. The gov7
ernor promised to keep In touch with
the situation, and explained that If bo
realized that the presence of troops was
necessary to maintain order he would
not hesitate to order out the militia.
Wants Our Intervention in the Con
test Over Acre.
B Exclusive Wire from The Aesoclsted Press.
Washington, July 10. Tho Bolivian gov
ernment, through Minister Guaclialla, has
appealed to Secrotary Hay to Intervene in
Its Interest In the triangular contest be
tween Bolivia, Peru and Brazil for posses
sion of tho territory of Acre, which lies at
tho point whero tho thrco countries named
touch, Tho question Is a complicated one,
Involving tho rights of a powerful syndi
cate composed of a number of wealthy
Americans and Influential Germans and
Englishmen, Tlio stato department here
tofore has declined to interfere, Tho sec
retary today promised to lay the matter
beforo tho president.
Passenger Train Runs Into Debris
of Freight Cars.
Dr Exclusitc Who (rem The Associated Press.
Llttlo Falls, N, Y July 10.-A New
York Ccntial train, westbound, known us
tho "Southwest Special," while running
fifty miles an hour, ran Into freight
wrcckago at Herkimer early today. The
passenger engine was thrown from the
track and two cars of the passenger train
wero badly damaged. Frank Bishop, of
Albany, engineer of tho passenger train,
had his arm lacerated, but no pubscngcn
wore Injured.
Tho fielKht wreck was caused by n
broken air huso and beforo employes .could
flag the passenger train, it crashed ntp
tho debits,
Local data for July 10, 1002, '
Highest iciuporatuio ,.,.,,..,,.,,74 degrees
Lowest tcmpcrutliro ,,,,.,.63 degrees)
Itelatlvo humidity:
8 a, m. , ,,, ,.,,., ,M per cent,
S p. ni. ..,,,, , ,.,IS per cent,
Precipitation, 24 bouts ended 8 p. in.
0.17 inch,
m '
4- 4- -f 4- -f 4- -H
Washington, July 10. Forecast
for Friday und H.itiuiluy; Eastern
Pennsylvania Far Filday and Satr
unlay; light to fresh poith winds.
s. ..
-? i- j v.