The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 10, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Starts the Sale
P f
ulBdNIIg dale Ke
It's not a usual thing here ; such opportuni
ties occur only twice a year in this store. There
are many reasons why these values s are greater
than any we have offered at any previous Clear
ing Sale. This store .has developed marvelous
strength ; it's done a wonderful business during
the past season, and its stylesfor man and boy
have become famous throughout Northeastern
Pennsylvania. We expect this sale to be the most
successful in our history on account of the low
prices on fine qualities.
Men's Underwear
' 50c Balbriggan or Peruvian Un
derwear, regularly made and fin
ished, either short or long 2Qr
sleeves, at JVjt-
We have a large lot of Balbriggan
Underwear in plain and fan- 1 0p
cy colors, reduced to IOC
Men's Shirts
$1 Shirts, lace the fCr
newest colorings '
7jc Shirts in excellent qual- jCp
ities of Fancy Madras 4-JC
75c Shirts, Fancy Madras, lCr
plain or pleated fronts JJv
Dress Suit Cases
We believe we have the largest
stock of Dress Suit Cases in this
city! There's a variety of leathers
and a variety of prices, according to
quality and finish. Ours Q AA
aremarked from $1.89 to pOvU
Itllllllllll '
Men's Straw Hats
50c Men's Straws reduced to 25c
75C.Men's Straws reduced to 43c
$1.00 Men's Straws reduced to. ..69c
All our South American "Panamas"
are marked at reduced prices.
Ladies' Umbrellas
We bought late in the season a
large lot of Ladies' Umbrellas, Some
have fancy pearl handles, others are
natural wood. Good values tt
$2. jo. Marked
For This Sale $1.00 ,
joe Wash Suits, plain or fancy
patterns, with broad sailor col- 'IQr
75c Wash Suits? plain
trimmed with several rows
50c Short Pants, neat pat
terns and good cloth quality...
Boys' Shirt Waists, the
garment a boy can wear dur
ing hot,days ;..
Children's Straw Sailors,
"Chips" and "Milan" Straw....
Boys' Straws, "Yacht"
shape or "Sailor." Clearing "2Qc
UMVi ............
A lot of Boys'
the Sailor Shapes
Straws in
or regular
Men's Suits
$10.00 and 512.00 Suits, in
cluding some of those neat invisible
stripes that are so popular this season.
All our Fancy Suits at these two prices
are put into one lot. You can't help
getting one to fit you, and a pattern
that suits you. All we ask you to pay
$15.00 Suits, and some at $18,
are in this lot. You know there's
considerable style to suits we sell at
these prices, but it's very necessary at
this time of the year to clear out all
odd lots. So we've marked them all
Men's Suits
$18.00 Suits, and you'll find quite a few that
were marked $20.00, every one this season's style,
both in cut and cloth pattern. We don't want to
show them next season. It's the only reason we
can give for not considering their cost when marking
them at this reduced price
$25 Suits, "Atterbury System"
You've probably read the Words, "Atterbury
System," many times. Maybe you have a friend
who is wearing one of these famous suits. You
can't get better even if you pay $40 at the custom
tailor shop. We're going to clear out this season's
patterns, you get the benefit. A $25 suit for
And Boys' Shoes
There's unexpected opportunities
in our Shoe Department. We've, done
'a large business and find on going
through the stock several small lots
both in Men's and Boys' Shoes. You
probably know our qualities and our
styles. Here's our reduced shoe
Men's -$3.50 Shoes, in Vici, Box
Calf and Patent Enamel, re- Of) Cf
duced for Clearing Sale pDJ
Boys' Shoes, sizes 2j4 to sJA that
were sold for $2 and $2.50. &i Cf
Price at this sale $1.25 and pi JV
Little Gent Shoe, $1.25 and $1.50
quality, sizes 8 to 13. now
marked for" this sale 75c, M A A
85c and J1.UU
Complete Outfitters to Men and Boys.
For the Little Ones.
PUZZLE PICTURE NO. 3JS Cut out tho plctuies appealing on this pago each
day, diaw a pencil mail! aioimd the hidden object, snvo them until Saturday,
then send them or take them to Tho Tilhuno oftlco In an ou elope addicsscd to
"Puzzle Department." Tho bojs and girls who correctly mark the six pictures ap
pearing dining tho week, and whoso nnswots aio Hist received, will huvo their
names published In Tho Tilbuno Monday morning.
.The barber sliuvcd tho mason,
And aa I suppose
Cut oit his nose,
And popped It In the basin,
Find two doctors.
Special to tho Scranton Tilbuno.
Honesdale, July 9. The Young Peo
ple's society of the Baptist church will
hold their monthly meeting In the
chapel Thursday evening of this week.
Chaplain William H. Swift will ae
Company the Thirteenth leglment to
.camy this week. There will bo no ser
vices In the Presbyterian church next
The regular social meeting of Cap.
ton Jpmes Ham circle will be held at
jhe b,ome of Mrst M, Darin on Friday
J8fv, C. U Percy's sermon next Sun-
day evening will be on the new aboil
tlon. There will be no evening services In
the Presbyterian chinch during July
and August. The Chilstlan Kndeayor
society services will bo held In the
chapel as usual,
D.ivld H, Monner and family are lo
cated at (heir Elk Lake cottage for the
Conductor Oeoige W, Knupp, of the
1-rJe Honesdale passenger train, Is tak
ing a vacation, tils place Is tilled by
James P. Kellcy,
Captain N, V. Bigelow and members
of Company IS, are actively engaged
preparing for camp. The udyance
gunrd will leave at 5.35 p. m. Wednes
day, and the company at 5.S5 p. m.
Thuisday, via the Delaware and Hud
son. Major George H. Whitney, of the
Third battalion, will leave with Com
pany E.
John M. Baumann died of henrt
trouble, Monday, about midnight, at his
rcMdenee on Second sttcet, Honesdale.
Deceased was boin In Gomeilnger, Ger
many, Feb. 2.', 1S1M. He came to Amer
ica in June, 1851, and located in Hones
dale, wheio he lived an active and suc
cessful business life. He was a much
respected citizen. He retired from ac
tive business In 1S02. He held the ouice
of county treasurer, school . director,
councilman and was a director of the
Honesdale National bank. His wife
died In January, 1001, Deceased Is sur
vived by three sons, John J., a physi
cian in Jetsey City; Kdwaul II., the
Insurance agent, and William C of the
Honesdale Shoo company, both of
Honesdale, also one sister, Mrs. William
Schmidt, of Carlcy Brook. The funeral
will bo held at tho residence, Thuisday
afternoon. Itev, H. A. Bohrens, of the
Lutheian church, of which tho deceased
was a member, will ofllclate.
Special to the Scriaton Trltiunt.
Ledgedale, July 9, Mrs. Friend Sim
ons has returned from a three weeks'
visit with friends at Dybeiry.
Peter Foulkrod, of Emporium, Is vis
iting his parents.
A neat monument has been placed In
Ledgedalo cemetery, on the Stermer lot,
which marks tho last resting place of
Mr, and Mrs. Philip Stermer,
Mrs. Joseph Cook and children, Ray
mond, Helen, Florence and Lois, of
Port Allegany, Pa are guests of Mr,
and Mrs, J, II, Becker,
"rrrrrr. "n
American League,
At Boston 07 Innings)- R.H.D.
PhU'phld ..00410100000000002110 3
Boston .,,.00000200000000000-2 10 1
Batteries Wsddel) and Bchrcckengost;
Dlnten unci Warner. Umpire Connolly.
At Baltimore R.H.K.
Washington .,.,,.,.000400000411 2
Baltlmoio 1301 02? 2 x-11 10 0
Uattcrics-Patteri and Clark; JlcGInnlty
and noblnson. Umpires Johnstone and
At St. Louis- R.H.13.
Detroit 000000001-1 5 2
St. Louis 0 000200 lx 3 B 0
Batteries Slevcr and McGulrc; Sudhoff
and Dohohue. Umpire O'Louehlin,
At Cleveland Chicago-Cleveland, rain.
National League.
At Pittsburg- B.H.c.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2 G 4
Pittsburg 1 00 12 310X-8 12 1
Batteries White and Doolu; Doheny
and Zlmmer. Umpire Kmslle.
At Cincinnati B.H.D.
Brooklyn 000 0000 00-0 3 2
Cincinnati OOlOlOOOx-2 5 0
Batteries Donovan and Ahcarn: Hahn
and Pcitz. Umpires Brown and Powers.
At St. Louis (10 Innings, tie, darkness)
Boston 101002000 1-5 11 0
St. Lnuls 0 0 000 0 03 1 l-o 1J 0
Batteries PittiiiKcr and Moran; O'Neill
and O'Neill. Umplre-O'Duy.
At Chlcago-Now Yoik-Chlcago, rain.
Eastern League.
Jersey City, 10; Newark, 2.
Worcestor, 3; Toronto, 1.
Buffalo, 3; Rochester, 1 (first game),
Buifalo, 5; Rochester, 2 (second game).
Situations Wanted.
been a teacher desires engagement at
modest wages to go with a family to tho
count) y and look after chlldien. No ob
jection to light second woik. Address
Box 209. Scranton.
SITUATION WANTED by expurionccd
lady stonogiaphcr; some knowledge of
bookkeeping; rcfeicnces, AUdicss A.,
Tribune ollleo.
In gioceiy store; has position at pies
ent. but desiics to mako change: can fur
nlsh lefcience, Addicss 8. Sibley, Old
t'oige, Pa.
SITUATION WANTKD-By a lady to do
bousewoik; u good laundress, Addicss
Mis. Thompson, caio of Tiibune ofllco.
SITUATION WA NT K D-By a young man
as shipping and stock ticik; has good
habits and has a position at present, but
desiius a change for good icason. Can
fui nlsh good lefcrence, Addicss it. C,
caio of Tiibune.
STRAYBD Theio camo to the picmlses
of Giles Stanton a caw, Owner can
havo same by piovlng piopeity and pay.
Ing chaiges. II. D. Stanton, Chinchilla,
PASlHIRlTfor" horswT'neoreo" dTb teT
eiibun, 727 Connell building.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Tlmn 10 Cents.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTBD Fliemcn to run engines and
liio boilers. Seybolt Milling Co.
WANTED Competent machinists to
work In Inigo railroad shops near
Pittsburg; unmarried men proton ed.
Wages paid, 25 .2 and 27 cents per hour.
Peimanent employment given for sutls
factoiy seivlco. Freo lnllroad transpor
tation furnished finm WIlkes-Dauo to
Pittsburg. l'or fuither Infoimatlon ad
dress C. L. Snyder, 0J2 Sloonoy Building,
Buffalo, N, Y,, In wilting, givo ago. ex
peilence, wheio last" employed, and on
what kind of woik.
ENBRG15TIC S.ilfsman School supplies;
countiy woik; Jioo salarv and commis
sion. R. O. Bvans & Co,, Chicago, 111.
Help Wanted Female.
COMPKTBNT gill wanted for general
woik lit family of two. Knsll'h or
German prof ei red. 1533 Monroo avenue.
WANTBD AT onco an oxpeilcnccd pas.
try cook; good wages tu tho right
paity; rcfeience requited, Address C. C,
Laubach, 115 Wyoming avenue,
Board and Rooms.
VERY DBS1RABLU sutta of looms with
first class tablo board, can bo obtained
at 33J Jefferson avenuo,
Business Opportunity,
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Fieo on application. S. M.
lilblmid & Co, membeis N, Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Hxchango, 41 mid 40
Bioadnay, Now York. Established 1S6I.
Long Dlstanco 'Phono'23S8 Bioad.
LOST A puiso contulnlng money and
lallioad passes, Rowaid If left at
Tribune office, or notify Hillside Coal
and ,11 on Co.'s ofllco, Duumoie, Pa.
LOST Bilndlo bull tenlcr about tluco
mouths old. Answeis to namo of
Roer. When last scon had leather col
lar, Return to 7.'1 Green Rldgo sticet.
a m
laundQis shirts at Sc. each and collais
and cuffs at iVc. each.
Help Wanted Male.
Help Wanted Male.
Mr. A. J. King, Supoilntondent. with bituminous coal mines In the town of
Pocahontas, Tazewell County, State of Viiglnlu, on tho Noitolk and Western Rail
way, wants somo good, experienced coal mlneis at once.
For pick mining and loading entry coal 90 conts per car
For pick mining and loading room looI 73 cents per car
For mining and loading machine undor-cut entry coal. ...70 cents per car
For mining and loading machine under-cut room conl,..,5S conts per car
Inside tiack layers , $2 00 to $2.25 per day
insldo tinck layer helpeis H.K0 to $1.75 per day .
Insldo timber men $2 00 per day
Inside timber men helpers............ S1.G0 per day. ;.
Panics of in can proem o Kpeclal tickets for J10.7J for oaeh porson over th,,"
Pennsylvania Rnllroad fiom Philadelphia to Pocahontns. Rtguhr faro forbnR.
person nlone, $11.33. Anangoments cun bo mudo to advanco tlvo lallroad fare to re-y
sponblhlo persons. , , . . , in ,
Good miners will got icgulnr employpicnt and good accommodations.. asthO
town of Pocahontns has over 4 Inhabtiints n r,
For Bent.
FOR RENT Lai go toivroom houso and
bain in Wavcily boiough , Guidon,
fruit. llnoxspilng: newly painted. George
E. Stevcpson, 7-'7 Council Building.
FOR RENT-IIalf of a now doublo hoiiso;
all modern Impiovements, 4JS Wob
stor nvenuo.
FOR RENT - Cheap, d-room cottage,
Ileal t Lako, Pa two boats, well wa
ter. Refuienco leiiulrcd. J, Victor fichad,
lllnghamtoii, N, Y,
FOR RENT-Fuinlshed or unfiil nlshcd
desirable house, nlno rooms, city heat.
711 Clay avenuo. Inquire 203 Board of
Tuido building.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR RENT-Ono furnished joom, with
impiovoments; also ono on thltd door,
cheap. 127 AdJins avenuo.
FURNISHED ROOMS for lent, mo-lain
lmpro omenta; prlvuto family; on
tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams ucnuo.
For Sale. . r -
CUBAN PARROTS-Just anlvun.prefir
as plctuies; stiong as llttlo bulls; J3,03
each. Pa i iot ami cage. $u.ou, Shipments
guiuantced. Theso liluls are all nialoa
and will talk in thrco months, Mexicans,
Aniazons uml" Ati leans, 5 to 575 eaohr
o niu headntmi.teis lor talking parrots.
I-o, 40 N-Ninth stieet, Philadelphia.
SEWING MACHINE, diop top. cortpW
atlely pew, 01S Myrtle street. r
Beal Estate.
heat, gas and bath, gontloiucn pro
feried, nt 539 Adams avenuo.
Money to Loan.
Qulck, stialght loans or Building and
Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 ier cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-31$ Connell bulldlns-
NOTIIINO BUT DIRT-Wo offer durltttf
July Woodlunn Lots at 23 per
cent, discount. No better lesldcntial sabi
tlon In the city. Sower, water, gas and
elect! lu lights; select now. If olf buy
now wo wljl loan jou the money to bulljL
with. E-sui Finn & Sons, ofllco, coinST
AhIi stieet and I'eiui avenue, .BotlL
FOR SALE-rmni 120 ncies; stock, good
oiciiuul; nlno miles fiom Scianton;
two miles 1 1 om Moscow. Fui in ulono or
fuim mid stock. Mary Jenkins, Maple
Lake, lu.
LOTS, houses and, fui ins for sale.
JKC. iiuiilicli.
...--... , , , , i B i ih-
FOR tfALK-Elegant sites for homos In
Unncr Qreeil llldL'n' ,-hnlfn nnlirhh,r.'
hood; most deniable localltv for horns
In Lackawaiina county, J, A. Marvlne,
173U Sandcison avenue.
V .
' Ml
1 1
rtJ. L.