The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 08, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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a i
torge Party Entertained at the Home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Phillips, 020
Maple Street Number of Interest
ing Cases Heard Before Alderman
John Lcntos Funeral of the Late
Mrs." Armbrust Took Place Yester
day Afternoon from tho Home of
Her Son.
, A very plcnsant party was held last
evening "t tho homo of Mr. und Mrs.
J. E. Phlllllifl, of 529 Maple sticet. when
their numerous filcmlH gathered to con
gratulate the happy couple on their tin
wedding unnlvcrsary, they having been
joined In wedlock on July 7, 1S92.
Among the merry-makers In attend
ance was the Star Social club, of
Which Mr. Phillips Is a leading' mem
ber, and much merriment was created
by the assortment of tinware they
bi ought with them as fitting memento's
of tho occasion. "
After a reception, and congratula
tions, the host und hostess Invited ,the
visitors to partake of a well prepared
supper. After which the cigars were
passed. Music was afterwards furnish
ed, for dancing and an evening of
thorough enjoyment was closed in tho
early morning hours. Those present
Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Phillips. Mr. and
Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. "William
Krltsch, Mr. and Mrs. AiiRUst Hagon,
Mr. and Mrs. David l.owls, Mr. and Mrs.
Kd Uannln, Mr. and Mis. Charles Molter,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelgcr, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. E. r.eldmlller,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips, Mr. and
Mrs. Georeo Mirtz. jr., Misses Tllllo f
Ilamm, Loreno Phillips, Agnes Hanim,
Cora and Clara Brown, Mario Hamm,
Florence Hamm, Nettlo and Anna Phil
lips, Anna Justine.
Messrs. Charles J. Roth, "William J. Ho
nar, Jacob J. Mirtz, Peter Phillips, Mat
thew Dnmnl, George O. Hartman, John
Zecli, Matthow Miller, Jacob Kaestner,
Herman Gogolin, 13. B. Conley, Eu
gene Clans, Chnrlcs Miller.
Music was furnished by John Zech.
Aldermanic Doings.
Yesterday was Alderman Lentes'
busy day and he tried no less than six
cases. Tho first was a case of larceny,
inulk'lous mischief, and assault and
battery, the charges being preferrpd by
Michael Rose, against John Troy. Rose,
It appears, Is a watchman for the Rapid
Transit company, and is allowed to col
lect and keep the old ties. On July 4,
he alleges, Troy took a quantity of the
tics and when vemonstrated with, gave
Rose a thrashing. He admitted strik
ing the prosecutor, and entered bail for
court in $300.
Jacob Heinz, of Beech street, became
so boisterous and abusive on July 4
that he was arrested at the instance
of Jacob Hopmeister for threats and
disorderly conduct. On the latter
charge he paid a line of $2 and for us
ing threats was hold for court In $200.
Marie, tho 17-year-old daughter of
Fred Gubc, was brought before the
magistrate by her parents for disobed
ience and misbehavior. She is inclined
to be wayward and is out too much at
night to suit her parents. The alder
man gave her u sound lecture and al
lowed her to go with the warning that
another complaint would be sufficient
cause to send her to the house of cor
rection. Anna Hlrshler, a fourteen-year-old
gill, was brought In on the same charge
by her parents and according to the
evidence Is utterly Incorrigible. She
will be given another chance.
Julius Woelkers, charged James
Downey, of Prospect avenue, with the
larceny of a cow. Woelkers learned
that his bovine was in Downey's barn,
and demanded his property which was
refused. He secured a search warrant,
but on arriving home found the cow in
her stall. As he had no 'case, Woelkers
had to pay the costs.
Laid at Best.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Armburst
took place from the home of her son,
Charles, at 1107 Cedar avenue, yester
day afternoon, and was largely attend-
For County Commissioner
Of Lackawanna County
Charles F. Wagner
Of Scranton, Pa.
Subject to th.) decision of the Republican Voters of
Lackawanna County at the Primary Election,
Tuesday, July 8, 1902, from 4 to 7 p. m.
Charles F, Wagner comes before the Republicans of Lackawanna
County an aspirant for nomination to the office of County Commissioner, jo
tb,e Reople who have had transactions with the County Commissioners' office
jijflpr to 1900 he needs no Introduction. For twelve years he was employed
Jn that office, the last six years as Chief Clerk. By reason of his office train
ing, he Is fully equipped for the kind of work demanded by this Important place
In the public service. It Is the office that Is In closest touch with individual
Jnterests, the place where the people have a right to look for courteous treat
ment and careful management, Charley Is always affable, and thoroughly re
liable as 'an accountant. No one ever questioned his Integrity, and the public
business would be carefully looked after under hfs direction.
Mr. Wagner Is the only German among our citizens who seeks place on
the county ticket, and that element In the citizenship of Lackawanna County
have been modest In their claims for public office Aside from claims of oa
tlonallty or location, the people who know Mr. Wagner personally recognizes
his fitness for this place, and his candidacy gives an opportunity to Indorse a
man of ability and Integrity, who can be relied upon to do his duty at all times.
Vote for Him at the Primaries.
"ed. Services were held by pastor Gal
lenkatnp of the Zlott church on Frank
lin avenue, and Interment was made lu
the Plttston nvchue cemetery.
The pall-bearers were: Charles
Huestcr, Herman Shaffer, Charles- Klrst
and Oscnr llelrlegel, Tho flowers,
whleh were very nunferous, were borne
to the grave by Messrs. Henry Waller,
Casper Nnegell, Jacob Berghauser and
Adam Welrlg,
Cnnip 430, Patriotic Order Honu of Amor
lea, met In Ilnrtman's hall last evening
and Installed officer.
Mrs. IJola Bltimcnknmp, of Philadel
phia, Is tho glltflt of Mrs, Alex Nacgll.
Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, will
meet In.wcckly session and Install ofllccrs
this cvcnlnc
The teachers of tho Church nf Peace
Sunday school met Inst evening and de
cided to accept an Invitation of tho Arch
bald Evangelical church to become their
guests next Sunday afternoon. Tho tcach
cis and. their friends will miilto tho jour
ney in a special car.
Dr. Schley's l.ung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No cure,
no p'ly." For tmlo by all dealers.
Mrs. Mario' GciihcIi, whnso death oc
curred on Saturday, wub laid at rest yes
terday. Services wero hold at tho liouso
by Rev. Jacob Wltke. aniL Interment was
afterwards mado In Forest Hill cemetery.
Tho Worklngmen's socloty, to which Mr.
Gcuch belongs furnished tho pall-bcarcrs.
Attend today's prim
aries, 4 to 7 o'clock p. m.,
at regular , polling places,
and vote for William Con
ncll for congress.
Serious Accident Happened to John
Portney, of Taylor.
John Portney, of Taylor, was struck
by an outgoing Lackawanna train,
near the Dodge colliery In Bellevue,
yesterday afternoon, " and sustained
such serious Injuries that he was re
moved to the Lackawanna hospital.
The accident occurred about 4 o'clock
to Portney, who was wulklng along the
truck at the time. At tho hospital, it
was found that Portney had sustained
a fracture, of the skull, and that both
bones of 'the le'ft leg were broken.' He
rested easily last night.
Following is tho make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today;
Summits West 10 a. m., Carrigg.
Pushers 7 n. m., llouscr; 11.13 a. m,
Lamping; 7.30 p. m., Murray; 9. m..
Helpers 1.30 a. m Coslar; 7 a. m., Wld
ner; 10 a. m., William Wardell; 3.13 p. m.,
Thomas and crow will run pick-up to
day, for threo round tiips In place of Mc
Allister and crew.
W. J. Moblcr and crew will run No. 52
today and No. 51 July 10, in place of
James Gahngan and crew.
J. A. Bush and crew will run No. 54
today und NO. 56 July 11, in place of J. J.
Kearney and crow.
F. Wall and crew will run No. 53 today
and July 10, in place of M. W. Langun
and crew.
John Gahagan will run Noahs' crew,
commencing today, for four days,
i M. Carmody and crew will go on No. 27
Wednesday, July 0, and lenrn the Buf
falo division to Elmlra.
A. E. Ketchum and crew will run sec
ond .11 for ono week, commencing today,
In place of Wolcot and crew.
J. If. Musters will run Pcckcns' crew
for one week, commencing on tfo. CI to
day. O. Kearney and crew and Brakemen M.
Stanton and N. Rodney will go on No. 2G
today and learn tho Morris and Essex
division to llnbokcn.
C. B. Van Wormer and crow will run
No. 57 Monday, July 7.
Attend today's prim
aries, 4 to 7 o'clock p. m.,
at regular polling places,
and vote for William Con
nell for congress.
, . . i .
L&UHJkXl 1
FifeXJ. The Mystic Word 1
VKMakes You Hungry I
Wall Street Review.
New York, July 7. Thcro was very lit
tle dune In the stock market today in tho
way of buying and belling. Most of tho
professional traders took tho precaution
to close up their commitments last Thurs
day afternoon, in view of tho possibility
of unexpected developments over the
three days holiday, and thcro was not
much Inclination apparent today to mako
new ventmes. Tho developments in re
gard to tho ci ops wero considered favor
able. The weekly statistics of railroad
traffic wore also promising for a con
tinuance of large earnings. The movo
ment of miscellaneous freight westward
is reported to bo maintained on un un
precedented scale, and rates to bo firmly
held. Tho so-called local traffic, too,
Which Is so important a factor In tho ag
gicgate In the prosperity of railroads,
is reported as unusually largo and varied.
Tho crop news mado tho giatn currying
roads prominent. Tho most conspicuous
movements weto In slocks associated
with tho interests that mako up the so
called western contingent. Rock Island
made a sensational jump of 5'i points.
There wcio more substantial and better
maintained advances In somo of tho other
grain carriers, notably Missouri Pacilic.
Tho disclosure by recent railroad reports
that tho doff carrying railroads uro
profiting materially by reason of tho in
creased demand for soft coal since the
mining of anthracito has been suspended
gave another center of strength, in
which Pennsylvania and Hocking Valley
wero the lcadcts. But the advances were
largely restricted to tho leaders In both
groups, and when It was perceived that
tho general market failed to respond In
sympathy tho rlso was discontinued and
gave place to reaction. The closing was
heavy and showed nil of the animation
gone out of the market. Total sales to
day. 3D1.000 hlmrcs. Tho bond market was
quite tlrm and showed the influenco of
demand for reinvestment of July dis
bursements. Total hales, par value, t'l.
750,000. United States refunding 2's de
clined ',4. tho old 4's registered l nnd do.
coupon per cent, on the last call.
The following quotations ire furnished
The Tribune by Haight & Freeso Co., 314
313 Mears Building. W. D. Runyon, man
ager. Open. High. Low. Close
Amal. Copper ,. 6H 03',i Gl', C-Oi
Am. C. &. F 3J Z2k 3-!ii 3,1
American Ico ion HVs 10i ll'.i
Am. Ice, Pr 39)4 40 39 39
Am. Locomotive .... :u 34 3J 32',i
Am. Loco., Pr 9J 91 91 91
Am. S. & R. Co .... 47 47U 47 474
American Sugar ....ll!8V6 129 17-)i llS'ft
Atchison &ii 84 83V4 K
Atchison. Pr 99 99',2 99 9mj
Bait. & Ohio 108'i 10SH ltU lOSl'i
Brook. R. T liSU 0814 0794 07
Canadian Pacific ....13.V4 13ii',4 13.V.4 133
C'hes. & Ohio 48 iS'6 4S 48?;,
Chicago & Alton .... 37'i 38 37 3b
Chic. & G. W 20Ta 30Vs 29T 3014
C, M. & St. P 173?a 176 174 17.".
C R. I. & P 178 18J& 178 1S1
Col. Fuel & Iron .... 91 9jV4 91 ViK
Col. & South SOU 30T 30V& 30V(,
Col. & South., 2d Pr. 43?4 44 4a( 44
Del. & Hud 176V& 17tU$ 17(i'a 17i
DIst, of Am., Pr .... 3U)s 3G?i 30 3b
15rlo 3GH 3li4 3i 36
lOrle. 1st Pr LS'fc US')! l,8 GS
Hocking Valley 87 S3?I 87 SO'.ft
Illinois Central Idols 1CG14 Hil liKitl
Louis. & Nash HOia 14IJU 110'. 141
Manhattan .". i::.",4 I3.'5j ra 13214
Met. St. Ry 149 H9 14SW 148!$
Mexican Central 'J8H i'9 2Sl5 27K
Mo., Kan. & Tex.... 271b 3714 27',4 27'J
Mo K. & Tex., Pr.. 59 M14 KW .10'
Mo. Pacific 110 110 103 110
N. Y. Central ins 13.1U 13W4 J.VH4
Norfolk & AVcst r.7'4 ti7'A G7 57
Out. & West 32 32 3J 32T4
Pacific Mall 40 IU',4 40 40S
Penna. R, R IM'i 1'k1 van 1114
Peoplo's Gas 10H1 101?; 101 101
Pressed Steel Car ... 4fi)i 4HJ4 4liii 4ii'4
Reading Ii7 7 l!il BrtTi
Reading. Iht Pr SI 81 81 81
Reading, 2d Pr "(116 70VS 70'4 70"!
Ropubllc Steel 17't 17 1714 17
Republic Steel. Pr .. 7.11J "ll 7Jl2 731i
St, L. & San F ( 119 I.S14 ffiit
Southern Pacific .... i;i;& a", i;i 63
Southern R. rt :t7 3714 37 37'i
Southern R. R Pr.. 9ii4 Pi', 91114 itrM
Tcnn. Coal Sr Iron,,, ul ill ihi. (j
Toxhh .t IMclllo 11 11--. 11 13
I'n on Pacliio uv. 101 jor.ii ior.
Union Pacific, Pr .... so S94 so sail
17, S. Leather 12 121, 12 12f,5
U, 8. Lcnthor, Pr .. SIH S4 M?4 Mf
U. 8. Steel 38 38 3S 38'J
II. S. Steel, Pr 90 noii S9 90
Wabash , 30 30 30 30
WuIiuhIi, Pr 4ti 4H 4fi 4i:
Western Union 871J 871$ hVA, WA
Wheel. & L. H 22 22 22 "
Wisconsin Central ., 27 2716 204 2G11
Total sales, 391,100 shares. 4
Money, 4 per cent.
WHBAT, Open. High Low. Close.
September ,..,,,, 7.1 71 7J 73
DCORNr ' 7i m 1V "
September ..,,,,, 01 02 fil 2
December ,, 47 45 47 48
September ,,,,, SOU 30 SOU 30
December ,. 3051 30 30 30
September ...,,,., IS 80 18 87. 18.65 18.77
December ,..,,.,., 10 80 10 87 115.80 10.87
September ........ 10 80 11.00 JO SO 10.97
January ,,,,, , 9 80 9 80 9.80 9.80
September ...,,. 10 80 10.S3 10.72 10.82
Open. High. Low. Close.
August . 8.47 8.47 S.3S 8.39
Soptembcr .,.,,,.. 8.09 8 09 sJ K.fti
October 7.97 7.97 7.91 7.92
December ......... 7.88 7.S9 7.81! 7.80
i ri n raranmiiii
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Far of 100.
STOCKS. Bld.Asked
Tnrknwnnna Dairy Co.. Pr.... BO
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co 300
First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ...
Third National Bank K0
Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank 300
Economy L., H. & P. Co
First National Bank ..' ljoo
Lack. Trust & Safo Dep. Co... 193
Clark & Snover Co.. Pr 123
Scranton 8avlngs Bank WM
Traders' National Bank 223
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123
People's Bank 133
Scranton Packing Co
Scranton Passenger Railway,
first mortgage, duo 1920 115
People's Street Railway, lirst
mortgage, duo 1918 115
People's Street Railway. Gen
eral mortgage, duo 1921
Scranton Trac. Co., 0 per cent.
Economy L., H. & P. Co
N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co....
Consolidated Water Supply Co
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.)
Flour-J4 40.
Butter Fresh creamery. 21c.; fresh
dairy. 23c.
Eggs Nearby. 21c; western, 20c.
Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.33a2.40.
Green Peas Per bushel, $2.23.
Onions $2.00 per bag.
New Potatoes $3.00 per barrel.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, July 7. Wheat Firm;
contract grade, July, 78a7Sl$c. Corn
Firm; No. 2 for local trade. 72a73c. Oats
Firm; No. 2 white clipped, file. Flour
Quiet but steady; winter super, $2.S3a3.10;
do. extras, $3.10a3.30: Pennsylvania roller
clear, $J.40a3.U3; do. do. straight, S3.G3a3.E0;
western winter clear, $3.50a3."0; do. do.
straight. $3.03a3.90; do. patent. $3.93a4.10;
do. avorlte brands, $4.13a4.30. Rje Flour
Steady, $3.23a3.30 per bairel, as to quality.
Butter Firm; extra westein crenmery,
21',.c; do. nearby prints. 23c. Eggs Firm
and He higher; fresh nearby, 1914c;
loss off, do. western, 20c; do. do. do.
southwestern, 19c; do. do. do. southern,
17al8c Cheese Firm, fair demand; New
York full creams, prime small. 10a
lO'ic; do. do. do. fair to good, 9al0'4c
Re'flned Sugars Steady. Cotton. l-l(ic.
lower; middling uplands, 9c. Tallow
Firm; good demand; city prime. In
tierces, 6Ua(ic; country do. do., barrels.
CaUUc.; do. dark. Ca5c; cakes, 0a
Clc. Live Poultry Qulot but steady;
fowls, 13c; old roosters, 9V4al0c; spring
chickens, large. lSa20c; do. smnll, 15alCc;
old ducks, loallc; spring ducks. 13al5c.
Dressed Poultry Steady, fair demand;
fowls, choice western, 13c; do. do. south
ern nnd southwestern, 121$al3c; do. fair
to good, liyal2c.; old roosters. 9c; spring
chickens, nearby, 17a23c; do. westerr.. 10a
20c. Fiozen fowls. 12al2l4c; do. roast
ing chickens, 14al7c. Receipts Flour,
3,000 barrels and 4,471,XX) pounds in sacks;
wheat, 3.200 bushels; corn, 11,000 bushels;
oats, 8,500 bushels. Shipments Wheat,
35.000 bushels; corn, 11,000 bushels; oats,
7,000 bushels.
New York Grain and Produce Market
Now York, July 7. Flour Quite active
and Htcady; winter patents, $4a4.10; winter
straights, $3.73a3.S5; Minnesota patent, $1
at.15; winter extras, $3.15a3.35; Minnesota
bakers, $3.10a3.35; winter low grades, $2.93
u3.15. Corn Spot firm; No, 2, TOMc.ole
vator and 7SUc f. o. b, alloat; options
easier at first but finally recovered and
closed unchanged to c not higher; July
closed U9!4c: September, lilc; December,
63c. Oats-Spot steady; No. 2. 65!c: No,
2 whlto, 60V4hMc.; No. 3 white. ujaOOJSc;
track mixed western, BlVsaOUc; truck
whlto western, D7aC3c; track whlto state,
57a03c; options opened weaker but event
ually rallied with other markets. Wheat
Spot steady; No. 3 red. 81c. olovator;
No. 2 red 8iy&n82ftu. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, 32c f. o. li. alloat;
options opened quito steady but turned
very weak towatd noon. The murkut
rallied sharply in thu last hour, closing
partly Ua',c. not higher; July closed 81c;
September. 791sc,; Dercmbcr, 79Te. But
terSlightly firmer; ctcamory, I8!iu2lc;
do. factory, lOalSc; lenovated, 17al9lc.S
Imitation creamery, 17al9c; state dairy,
17Via20',c. Cheese Firm; now state full
cream, small colored fanoy, lOalO'le.j
smull whlto, 10.il04c; largo coloied, J4a
9T4c; largo white, 9a9c Eggs-Firm;
state .and Pennsylvania, 20c; western,
1914c ; southwestern, UuUVsc,
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, July 7. Following early easi
ness tho grain markets rallied today on
reports o additional rains In the west,
Soptember wheat closing iu.e. hlghor
am Soptcmbor corn, c up. whllo Sop.
tombcr oats closed unchanged. July corn
shorts bid tho tied-up option to Slc, but
gut littlo corn for their pains. Provisions
closed 10a22!c higher. Cash quotations
woo as follows: Flour Steady; No. 2
spring wheat. ; No. 3. 74!a73c,; No. 2
red, ; No. 2 corn, 78a83Hc: No, 2 yel
low, 8314c; No. 2 oats. 7n49ic: No. 2
whlto, &2Ha53'.',c.j No. 3 whlto. 51a531Jo.;
No. 2 rye, 58c; good feeding barley, ;
No. 1 flax seed, $1,73: No, 1 noithwest
eru. $1.73; nrlmo timothy seed. $3.73; moss
poik, per barrel, $18.U3alS,70; lard, por 100
pounds, $10.93; uhort ribs sides, $l0.7215a
108214; shouldcis, S!$aSc,; clear sides, Jlla
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
East Buffalo, July 7. Receipts, 4,250;
good butchers and shipping Krudes steady
to strong; fair to medium. 10al3c lower;
pilmo stccis, $; choico 1,200 to 1,400
pound steers. $7a7.25: fair to kooiI, $6.23h
ti.75; choico, 1,000 to 1.150 pound, $3.7oa0.50;
aflr to good, $3.23a5.T5 choice heifers. SO11
0.0O; fair to good, $I.OOa5.00; light to llrm,
ThU ilgaaitrK li'eavWy WgeTTiHiwi
Laxative BromoOuiBiaeTbut
inn mini mum
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $600,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to 8.30.
Six Eagles nines
An investment opportunity of ex
traordinary merit. It is the best
known mining property in the state
of Washington.
A Developed Working nine
Not a Prospective Proposition.
A limited amount of stock is now
being offered to raise money for im
provement in equipment and gener
al development, of the property.
Awarded Bronze fledal
At the Pan-American Exposition at
Buffalo last season.
Stock now selling at $ .SO a share.
The price will soon be advanced. Get
in now on the ground floor.
Write for full particulars,
1202 Crozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
Spencer Trask & Co.
27 & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
No 57 Uroadway, New York City.
jimmnis ni:v vom; stock iixciianoe.
S44. PJ
lAtt 3ia.CiTYtn
J.L'"; best at cnw'B, $.'115.73! fair to
(,'ood, $.i.rAil.7.-i; rnniici'H to common, Via.
3; export bulls, $.u5.0o; liutcliora. Slul.TJ;
stuib-iRe, J.'wiD.Tri; chuU'o Hiitliib'crs,
utiong; fresh cowa, 2.iS per lic.ul lower;
gooii fecilera anil HtoclteiH btciuly; com.
111011. lOalJc. lower; fuctlciD, Sl.".'ul.7J;
stoeltcra. JJ.GftUJ."!. Voulu Itoceipts,, K3;
Btrons; tops, ?tf.70a7; fair to kooi, ttJ25,i
O.EO; common to Unlit, l"aU. Hofcs lie
colptH, 13,(i00; fair to active, closing Blow;
heavy, fSaSri; mixed, 7.8ilri7.9i: pigs. $7.0)
ii7.70; roueliH, t7.10.i7.-H); Htugs. $0uij50.
Uhecp and Ijimlm Receipts, 3,oo; sprinc
Iambi) and yeurlliiKs, steady; lambs, fiiHOa
7; air to good,'.'.j; culls to coimnon,
ln5; yearlings, ?'j; wothci's. H-'-i.
4.75; sheep, top mixed, I.S.u; fair to
good, JJ.00a3.76;. culls to eominon, j:M'Ja3 1'o.
Oil Market.
Oil City, 'July 7.-Credlt balances.
corticate. 119 bid; shipments, July 3, 4
and S. 183,902 buiruls; average. 73. MS bar
rels: runs. July :.', 3 and I, L'JJ.Wl ban els;
averuirn. K0.791 burrnlH.
( I Household ' fc Wants '
A Few Interesting Wants
For Hot Weather
And to Make Home
More Comfortable.
Window Screens
At 2 1 C Wdow Screens, 18 Inches high, extends 20 to 34
tncneSf 2ic
A 4- y En Wlndov Screen, hard wood frame, 2$ Inches high, opens
mxat from 28 to 42' Inches.
. An extra good slzo Wlndov Screen, very desirable for large
windows, 30 Inches high, opens from 23 to 34 Inches. ,
Priced at ; 29C
Another number, 30 Inches high, opens from 28 to 42
Inches. Priced at ' 39C
Screen Doors ,
For any door In the house. Size 2 10x6 10, Also 3 feet
b'y 7 feet." Either size priced at
Hammock Time
And a time to buy. This style
Is' suitable for young people cost
but little money, means
great comfort, at 59C
EXTRA Lawn Howes
14 and 1 6-Inch size. A mower
that will cut a clean swath of grass
and not chew It. For Tuesday and
Wednesday $2.98 kind
for $2.39
$6.98 for Dinner Sets
As long as they last at this price. 100-plece set, very desirable
for seaside or mountain summer homes. Underglazed decorations,
will dine twelve people; an offering that will be well to look
up at this price PO9o
Table Tumblers
Extra special Tuesday
Wednesday at only
30c Per Dozen
Wednesday, July the
We Begin Our Great
A great movement of worthy
can parallel at no other season of
When in Need
Of anything in the line of
optical goods we can supply it.
, Spectacles
and Eye Glasses
Properly fitted by an expert
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of prescrip
tion work and repairing.
Mercereau & Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
1 a m.M iii
.311 Spruce St. Scranton. Pa
All Acuto and Chronic Discuses of Men.
Women and C'lilldicn. NKHVOU8.
CoitHiiltation unit cxiuiiliiutlon fico. Of.
lice : lioura, dull' and Sunday, S a. m. to
9 11. in.
fisCT8g? MM
Crt?rfy A T "FUEy a".
The kind that will save Ice.
The kind that you can depend -upon
for genuine satisfaction;
also a lot of ice chests.
(In Basement.)
Water Coolers
That keeps water cool. Come In
sizes from 2 to 10 gal-
Ions. Prices begin at. pl.5u
Garden Hose
Guaranteed for a season,
8c, lie and i4c per foot,
and 5o feet lengths.
Clearing Sale
merchandise at prices which even we
the year. COflE AND 5EE.
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars and transfer at 4th avc. direct
to hotel,
Itoonia witli liath ) Suits with Batb
?l.rjOupuarcI. JT ( $2.60.
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor. Sixteenth St and Ir. ng Place,
American Plan, 3.50 Per Day and Upwards.
European Plan, ?1.00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special Itatea to Famlllci.
For Business Men
In the heart of Ui wholesat
For Shopper.)
1 minutes' walk to Wanamakoras
S minutes to Slegol Cooper's Elj
Store. Easy of access to the great
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars. jlv.
Ins easy transportation to all
points of Interest. '
L Only one Block from Broadway.
t Rooms, $1 Up. pISPSSSS,. t
E. ill's $0
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
AXK to Jjl
.Scranton, Pa
N. scycntu tt'
Old 'Phone, 333i.
New 'Phone, 2035.
.- t