The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Constable John Lance Assaulted -South Main
Avenue Pave Social Gatherings.
Other Events of Interest.
Constable John Lance, of the Fif
teenth ward, unci Conutnble Timothy
Jones, of the Fifth ward, had iin ex
citing encounter yesterday In Kcyser
.Valley, which they will not soon forgot.
A warrant was Issued a few days ago
.'or the arrest of John Loftua nnd James
MoDowney, charging them with main
taining a hole-in-the-wall, and the war
rant was placed In the hands of Con
fitahlo McCllniy, of the i'wonty-tlrst
wurd( to serve.
Mcdlnty served the warrant nil right,
but In return received u revet c pum
melling, which rendered lilm Incapable
of bringing In the accused. lie then
placed the warrant In the hands of
Lance and Jones, who are famous for
their fearlessness and courage In criti
cal times.
The stalwart constables tenched the
scene of the alleged violations, and
read the warrants to the accused, nnd
succeeded In placing Loftus under ar
rest, ond just as they started away
with him, Lance wuh set upon by Lof
tus and his friends and received a pair
of black eyes., and was otherwise mut
tieatcd. In the excitement nf the fracas the
prisoner escaped, and was still under
cover at a late hour last night. Jones
then assisted L.mce to D. M. Jones'
diug store, whoio he was attended by
a physician, and afterwards went to
his home, where hu Is now confined.
South Main Avenue Pave.
Work N piogiesMng rapidly on the
.South Main incnuc pave, the curbing
having been laid fiom Oxford to Lu
zerne street, and yesterday fifty-six
feet of conciete was laid. If everything
pi ogresses favoiable the contractors
will begin the laying nf brick In this
block next week.
The roadbed between Luzoiue and
Hampton street Is exceedingly hard to
tear up. by reason of the fact that so
much lllllng has been done there In the
past few years. It lias been necessary
to attiact the plow to the steam roller
in some places to lcmovc the dirt.
Funeral This Afternoon.
The funcal of little John Harris, the
son or Air. and airs. John M. Hani",
who met such a frightful death on
Tuesday by being kicked in the head by
a horse on Swetland street, will take
place this afternoon. Services will be
hold at the house, 3C6 Evans court, at
2.30 o'clock and Interment will be made
in the 'Washburn street cemetery.
Mr. Hants arrived home fiom Buf
falo early yesterday morning and many
The Best Family Cough Hcmcdy,
Dufour's French Tar,
Tor Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
I The Time and Place 1
1 To Buy Wash Goods. 1
:J The Summer weather is only about to begin. g
Jz There'll be lots of warm days coming, and you'd bet- S
iB ter be prepared for them. !
'L Now is the time when
use to you than to us. We have made a price on all
of our fine Wash Goods that will undoubtedly clean
them out, and if you bad thought to get along with
out a new dress this summer, you will reconsider the
matter in the face of sucb a chance as this,
Fine Wash Goods
25c Yd.
There are French Crepes, French Swisses, Or
gandie Fillet. Grenadiue Hippique, Tourquay Nov
elties, batiu Stfiped Organdies, French Creponnes,
Silk Lace Ginghams and the pick of the finest Wash
Goods of the season iu all the new shades. The
prices of these goods earlier in the season were 39c,
9 45c, 50c, 58c, 65c and 69c
Any of These Now
At 25c a Yard.
This is the special "before iuventory" price and
;euable3 you to buy fine Wash. Goods at half, and less
Ithan half price.
The mere mention of
spousive chdrd in every
"notable opportunity that is
The preseut saving is
e Warehouse
friends called at the house yesterday to
express their sympathy. The nnilctlou
Is doubly sorrowful to the family, as
they have lost several children within
a few years.
Social Gatherings.
Mrs. K. B. Evnns, the venerable old
lady of North Hyde Park avenue, was
S5 years old yesterday, and In honor of
the event u number of her friends gath-
nnul fit llln linlIRO 1111(1 niirtook of tea
with her. She keeps her ago well, and
ictalns her faculties rcmarKiioiy wen.
Among those who spent the afternoon
with her were Mrs. John Long, Mis.
Thomas Carson, Mrs. Robert Davis,
Mrs. David Price, Mrs. Morgan Evans,
Misses Nellie and Beth Evans. A
number of others culled on Mrs. Evans
miring the evening.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dlehl
at the corner of South Hyde Park ave
nue nnd Division street, was the scene
of a merry gathering yesterday after
noon, when a party was given by Mis.
Dlehl In honor of her children, Boy and
Ethel. A score of little guests were en
tertained and feasted, and games were
played to pass the time away.
Enjoyable Recital.
A very enjoyable piano recital was
held at the home of Mrs. Fiank Sloat
on North Lincoln avenue, Tuesday
evening, by the pupils of Miss Frances
Guyer, of Short avenue. All of the
pupils acquitted themselves very credit
ably and showed excellent training un
der their accomplished teacher. Those
who participated In the recital weie:
Miss Frances Guyer and Dr. H. P.
Stevens, Harry Howard, Ella Brown,
Mamie Phillips, Lillian Mertz, Anna
Phillips, Vlnono DePuy, Anna Williams,
Bessie Nichols, Grace Slcklcr, James
Phillips, Minnie Ames, Mrs. E. E. Mil
ler. L. Bloxham. Ethel Carnentor,
Hazel Ross, Laura Williams, Nellie
Ace, Bruce Ross, Jessie Paff and
Celebrating the Fourth.
The small boy has started In early
to celebrate the Fourth, and one of
them almost caused a serious mishap
lust evening on South Main avenue.
The youngster threw a lighted flic
cracker under a spirited horse, and the
di iver had a serious time preventing a
runaway and thrown the occupants of
the cairlage out. Caution should be
exercised In the discharge of all ex
plosives everywhere.
Miss May E. Jones, of North Main
trvenuc, is spending her annual vaca
tion at East Hampton.
The West Side Driving clubs races
will be held on the Elnihurst boulevard
tomorrow afternoon.
The West Side Park Quoit team has
been organized with Frank Hagen, Ren
Wash Goods are of more
a yard.
this should strike a re-
femiuine heart. It is a
given espjcially for your
as unusual as it is timely,
1Wfl1W(W$$ttW1W1W1W1W $
Luce, C, E. Olver nnd B. W. Thayer
ns the players. They are practicing
regularly, and .expect to Issue a sweep
ing challenge In a few days.
The probationers' class of the Simp
son M. 13. church will meet this even
ing, Instead of tomorrow evening.
The Upworth League of the tSmbury
Methodist Episcopal church will hold an
shade social In the Hound Woods park
tomorrow, the Fourth of July. Sand
wiches, cake, Ice cream and nil the
delicacies of the season will bo nerved.
The park will be open nil day. Base
hall nnd other attartclons will be pro
vided. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mo
Donough, of Lnngstnff avenue, a son,
M. E. Downes, of Academy street, Is
seriously 111 nt his horno.
The Jackson Street Baptist church
nnd the Electric City Wheelmen's club
house are undergoing repairs nnd paint
ing. Mnllcarrler Elenzor Evans and wife,
of North Bromley avenue, nre enjoy
ing their annual visit to Atlantic City.
Substitute Carrier Clrlftlth Jones Is
acting In Mr. Evans place during his
Mnllcarrler Walter Northup, of Tripp
park, Is enjoying his vacation.
Miss Helen Lawn 1 1, of Bethlehem,
who has been the guest of Miss Ger
trude Freeman, of South Main avenue,
left yesterday for Detroit.
Camp No. 33, Patriotic Order of
Americans, mot In Washington hall last
evening and decided to Join camp l"8's
excursion to Mountain Park on Satur
day, July 26.
The members of AVnshlngton com
mandcry. No. 232. Knights of Malta,
met last evening In Bed Men's hnll, and
after business was transacted, enjoyed
a smoker and social hour. Light re
freshments were served.
The trustees of the Simpson Metho
dist Episcopal church held a meeting
after the prayer service last evening,
and transacted business pertaining to
the church work.
Local No. 213, United Mine Workers
of America, mot In Janes' hall last
evening and elected delegates to at
tend the Nantlcoke and Indlanpolls
conventions. The ' Central mine local
met In the afternoon and took similar
The choir of the Simpson Methodist
Episcopal church will meet for rehear
sal this evening. Instead of tomorrow
evening, as announced.
Mrs. Edward Troupe, of Chestnut
street, is entertaining Mrs. Thomas
Chesworth and daughter Thelma, of
Mrs. Frank Brundage is spending a
few days with relatives In Susquehanna
and South Gibson.
Mrs. F. C. Hall and son John, of
North Main avenue, have returned
home from a pleasure trip to Harvey's
William Deckclnick. of North Main
avenue, nnd Fled Lanning, of North
Bromley avenue, aie spending a few
days in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. George France and
daughter, of Carbondale, have returned
home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Smith, of North Main ave
nue. Miss .Margaret Austin, of North Main
avenue, has returned home from a visit
with 'friends and relatives in La Plume.
Miss Flora Hallock. n student at the
Chester Springs Soldiers' Orphan
school, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jen
nie Miller, of Falrview avenue.
Miss Nina C'apwcll, of Lafayette
street, is spending her vacation with
relatives In Montrose.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenwood, of
North Hyde Park avenue, have as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Leman, of
Miss Bessie Sloat, the well-known
elocutionist, will recite at an entertain
ment In South Gibson tomorrow even
ing. Harry Acker, of Acker avenue, Is
confined to his home by illness.
Miss Mnrgaiet Gllroy, of Pleasant
street, Is the guest of relatives and
friends at Hnzleton.
Miss Sadie Arthurs, of Fellows street,
contemplates a trip to Scotland In a
short time.
Miss Lettle Morgan, of North Rebee
ca avenue, Is hpendlng the summer In
John Douglass, of South Main avenue
Is spending a few days with friends In
Miss May Davis, of Price street, has
returned home from a visit in Court
dale. Rev. E. J. McHenry, of South Main
avenue, Is sojourning In Philadelphia.
Mrs. Henry Decker, of Nicholson, is
circulating among West Scranton
friends for a few days.
Miss Hannah Lake, of North Be
bocca avenue, Is spending a. few days
with friends in Carbondale.
Mrs. Byron Slotc, of Swetland street,
nnd Mlts Margaret Glbbs, of South
Main avonue, have returned home from
n few days' visit to New York.
Clinton and Everett Krager, of Calli
roon, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Moore, of Bock sticet.
Andrciw Sherrett, the Main avenue
shoemaker, will leave on Saturday for
n visit with relatives In Scotland.
John Williams, of Eynon street, has
returned homo from a visit In Kings
ton. Mrs. William Jones, of Carbondale, Is
spending a few days with West Scran
ton friends.
Miss Gwcmlolln Jones, of South
Ninth street, Is spending her vacation
in Honcsdule,
Mrs. Marvin Frounfrlker and son
Clarence, of North Bromley avenue,
have returned homo from a visit with
relatives In New York and Now Jersey,
W. M. Loiighlln, of ITtlca, N. Y Is
the guest of friends hero for a few
Miss, Alice Irving, of Denver, Color
ado, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. P,
Yost, of Jackson street.
Mrs. D. M. Mettler nnd son Bon, of
Lnytous, Sussex county, N J,, have re
turned homo from a visit with Mrs, T,
J. Spencer, of Jnckbon street,
Mrs. W. C, Alney, of Now Mllford. Is
visiting Mr3. G. V. Skillhoru of Jack
son street.
Mrs. John Fern, of North Sumner
avenue, Is visiting her son John In
Brooklyn, N. Y.
M, J. Lai kin, of Clarke Brothers'
clothing storo is recovering; from
an Illness,
Cnrds huve been received In town an
nouncing tho coming marrlugo of
George Couch Nye, of this placo und
one ize Hiultcr after using Allen's Foot-Ksie, a
powder to lie thakcn into tlio choc. It nultti
Unlit or new thou led eaty, slm Instiint re
lief to corns and bunloiu. It's tlie creitest comfort
discomy ol the okc , Cures and prevents tnollcn
(ret, bllitcrs, callous and sore tpots. Allen's
I'oot-Eaw Is certain cure for sweating, hot. uih
Ins feet. .U all druirsitts and thoe stores, -.'jo.
Don't accept any sulutilute. . Trial nickage t-'ltKH
by mall. Address Alien 6. OUrotead, LcLoy, N.V.
Doctor Churchman Byers
Until Cured, Medicines Included This Does Not Mean $15 a Month, but $15 lor a Complete Cure All
Cases Accepted This Month Under a Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money Refunded This Is Positively
the Last Special Offer
Borno out upon the brenlb of this won
tlerftil testimony hns been that which has
stilled and awed. Ciitlclsm, oven com
ment, Is silenced.
Thettatf no longer Ihe matvthus recoirt of the
i emits of mediral skill, but manifold human voices
telling the net of one u ho has Ihe gift of healing,
Thoio was at first extended to Doctor
Bycis tho respect which his record as a
trained sutgeon and scientist demanded.
Then tho attention of tho wliolo country
was hold hy tho news of this mtiltltudQ
of cures, nnd people, by long Journcylngs
and doctors by published praise paid tlu'lr
ttlbtito to the Karhnus Physician, who
was to them the exponent of the highest
medical skill.
But ns tills multitude of cures has In
creased like waves roltowlttg one another
on tho beach, like leaves falling from au
tumn branches, like snowflnkcs covering
the ground, until beyond number, the peo
ple have seen In the Great Quaker Phy
sician that quality beyond and abovo all
medical skill, that quality which tho doc
tors recognized In him long ago
The gift of healing.
It Is that given to him as the Inherit
ance of his birth, as much a part of the
man as his manner of speech or bis habits
of thought, that hns stilled and awed. It
Is that which has changed respectful at
tention to the regard almost akin to rev
erence which inborn qualities nlono com
niniul. Doctor Byers could command most any
fee, nnd his regular fees arc high, but in
order to give everv one an opportunity to
be cured nt a nominal price, he will ngrco
to tient all persons applying before Au
gust 1 on tho following terms:
He will guarantee to treat all per
sons applying at his office beforo
August 1 for the nominal sum of $15
until cured. That is, $15 covers the
entire cost for a cure, medicine in
cluded, and no further fee will be
He furthermore agrees, that if the
person is not entirely cured in a
specified length of time to return
the money paid without any quib
bling or evasion. It has always
been the principle of his life never
to keep a fee unless the patient was
Doctor Byers wishes to make, it
emphatic that this offer expires on
August 1, and in order to get the
benefit of it treatment must be com
menced on or before that date. This
offer will not be extended.
Diseases Due to Cell Disorganization
The different tissues of the body ale
made up of minute cells, and when these
cells become disarranged, disease is tho
result. By supplying the pioper nutri
ment to tho cells, perfect health can be
obtained. All diseases, no matter how
chronic, can bo cured by bringing the
colls back to their normal condition, Tho
tictttmcnt used by Doctor Byers is not al
lopathic or homeopathic. It Is a treat
ment based upon an exact science and
cures with tho certainty of a law.
Doctor Byers never accepts a c.iso un
less ho knows to a ceitalnty tho cause of
tho trouble, and this can only be deter
mined by a scientific X-Ray oxamhutlon.
Tils X-Ray outfit Is tho most elaborate
and complete in this country. By his spe
cial riuorosjcopic attachment he is ablo
to examine nil parts of the body and
find out to an absolute cerlalntv tho
cause of the patient's affliction. Como
ond be examined; it Is absolutely free.
He will not chaigo you ono cent. Conin
and find out what your trouble is and
bo will ndvlso you in leforcuco to a cure.
It is all free. Ho asks no compensation.
Miss Jane Margaret King, of Pittston.
The ceremony will take place on July
15. at Pittston.
Miss Louise Perry, of Apple stieet,
is the guest of friends at Lake Wlnola.
Harry Stevens, George Oswald, and
William Henwood leave today for a
camping vacation at Long Pond.
Miss Bessie Tuft, of Blukely street,
loft yesterday for a. month's stay at
Big Pond.
Florence Helrigel Offered tho Posi
tion of Cashier of the New
South Scranton Bank.
A meeting of directors of the recently
chartered South Scranton bank was
hold in the office of Spruks Brothers
yesterday and some important business
was transacted. After discussion on
the qualifications of candidates for the
position of cashier, It was agreed that
Florence Ilebrlegel would bo accept
able, and the place awaits his accep
tance. Several other matters were
considered, and the president was em
powered to draw up an agreement with
Mrs. M. Robinson to lease her picm
Ises for five years as n homo for tho
new bank.
Mr. Ilclrlgcl, the cashier, selected
yesterday, is a son of Oscar Hchrlgel,
of Cedar avenue, nml Is a very popular
young man.
Property Owners Will Sue.
About n score of residents of the
"flnts," icthus of the different floods
of the past two years, met at Central
Park Garden last evening. The pur
pose was to niako an eriual assessment
on all members of the Flood Sufferers'
association, for tho purpose of having
suits Instituted. The small attendance
was accounted for by the fact that no
tices of the meeting had not been post
ed. Attorney A. A. Chase has been re
tained to look after the Interests of tho
property owners. The intention Is to
enter sepnrate suits for damages
against the five following companies,
who It Is claimed are equnlly to blame
for tho condition of affairs on tho flats
ufter every freshet. The Scranton Gas
and Water company, tile Delaware,
Lackawanna nnd Western, the Lacka
wanna Iron nnd Steel company and
tho city of Scranton,
Brothers of Camp 430 P, O. S. of A,
The funeral of our late brother. John
Druck, will bo held Thursday ut 2 p. in.
from his late residence, 115 Mulberry
street. Interment In Pittston u venue
cemetery, All brothers uro requested
to attend,
Laid at Rest.
The -funeral of Mrs. W, A. Schmidt
took placo yebterday afternoon at 2
o'clock from tho family residence, 021
South Washington avenue.
Tho liouso was filled with friends of
the family at the hour named und Im
pressive services wcro conducted by
Hoy. W, A. Nordt, pastor of the Hnk
ory street Presbyterian church. The
reverend gentleman also conducted
services at the grave und paid a, fitting
tribute to the deceased lady. Inter
Will Treat All Persons Applying Before August 1st for
Doctor Byers Will Ever Make No Such Cures Were Ever Made Before.
Mrs. Kate Miller, 328 Quay ave
nue! "I had been troubled with dnrllltg,
aching pains In my right arm and In my
feet so bad nt times I could not Uso my
nrm and could scarcely walk on account
of being crippled up so, I had conldor
ublo henrt trouble. 1 am so much better
ns tho result of Doctor Hyeis' treatment
I want to recommend him to my friends,"
11 urn " " ' ' " " ' ' I
Doctor Byers was born of Quaker
parentage and received his early
education under the influence of that
religious denomination.
He graduated with honor from the
Jefferson Medical College of Phila
delphia, 1872.
Matriculate of the Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy.
Full course attendance Pennsyl
vania Hospital for Acute and Sur
gical Diseases.
Mrs. Jane Splane, corner Larch
sticet and Vomlug avenue: "I had been
troubled with my stomach for a good
while. After citing I had such bloating
spells it caused distress and smothered up
sensations, dizziness, nervousness, and an
nll-gono feeling. As a result of Doctor
Byers' treatment I am cntholy free of
theso symptoms, and recommend tho
treatment to my friends.
ment was made In the Washburn street
The pall-beareis weie: Alonzo Hub
bard, Adam Weirick, Matthias Marsch
berger, Henry Weber, John Grioner,
and Charles Kline.
Germania Society Elects Officers.
The German Beneficial association
held their semi-monthly meeting in
Mirtz hall on Pittston avenue last eve
ning nnd elected oflicers as follows:
President, Matthias Alles: vice-president,
Peter Molltor; recording secre
tary, ISngene Melchor; financial secre
tary, Joseph Wagner: treasurer, Chas.
Graf; trustees, Jacob Mlrtz, Albert
The society is an entirely local insti
tution and has no btate or national affi
liation. It was organized fifteen years
ago, and has a membership of about
seventy-five In good standing. The so
ciety has over $2,000 In its trcasuicr.
Miss Stella Kolb, tho oldest daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Kolb, of Cedar avenue,
will spend July 4 at Lake Sheridan,
tho guest of her, Anton
A meeting nf Nay Aug Tilbo of Bed
men was held In Freulmn's hall last
The handsome new residence which
will be occupied by Albort Outhenlz
nnd bride after the wedding In August
Is ncurlug completion.
A meeting of tho Ladles' Aid society
will bo held In tho Hickory stieet Pres
byterian parish house this afternoon.
A patriotic entertainment for mem
bers and friends will bo given by the
Young People's, society in the Hickory
street parish house tonight.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to euro nil coughs. "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
George Mlrtz, of Pittston avenue, was
seriously ill yesterday.
Michael Doniihup, of Ilulwer street,
Tripp Park, was fined ?j In police
court yesterday morning for being
drunk and disorderly, Donnhuw re
turned homo Tuesday evening from the
central city 'partially Intoxicated und
shamefully abused his wife. A tele
phone message wns repcived nt tho sta
tion houte und Putrolman Wiitkius was
sent to tho sceuo und placed Donahue
under driest,
Tho Nonpurlel base ball team defeat
ed tho regular team of West Scranton
In n well played contest on Von
Storcli's grounds yebterday afternoon
hy a scoru of S to C. Tho Nonpuiie!
team Is composed of somo nf the best
amatuuis of the city and Is open to play
any team In the country. The Nonpar
lels would like to arrange a game with
tho Oieen Hldge amateurs on July 10
or U on any grounds. If sutlsttictory
answer through Tho Tilhune, Tho
for children teething, Is tho iiiesciiptliin of
ono nf tho best li-niiilo physicians and
nuises in tho United States, and ban boon
iibcd sixty yciiiH with novor-fulllng suc
cess by millions of niotheiu for their chil
dren. Dining tho pioccss of teething its
viiluo Is Incalculable. It relieves tho child
from pain, ernes dlarihoea, griping In the
bowels, and wlnd-i-ollc. By giving health
to tho child It tests tho mother. Price,
twcnty-ilvc cents u bottle.
Mr. Abraham Wiles, St. Peters
burg, Clarion county. I'o., sron: "I had
been amictcd for 'Si xcars with a tumble
somo skin disease. Home doctots called It
eczema and others dry tetter, but no one
was over ablo to euro mo until I took u
com so of treatment with Doctor Hyers
I took numerous blood medicines and
Mtroaparlllas without relief "
Pull course attendance Blockley
Hospital for Skin and Chronic Dis
eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's
Hospital, Philadelphia.
Date of Prof. J. Solis Cohen's Clin
ics Diseases of the Throat.
Date Examining Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid
Association of Cincinnati, O.
Late Examining Physician Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Association of
New York.
Wm, Sutton, molder, residing at
Banksvllle, Ph., says: "I had bton
troubled 13 years with a discharge from
my left ear. with loss of healing, pain
and distressing noises. My ear was more
liko a machine shop than anj thing clc,
as it kopt up a continual roaring. Dr.
Bjers has stopped the dlschaige. icstoied
the hearing and rid mo of the disticsslns
Nonpariels will bo unable to play the1
Tliroop Stars on Saturday.
Dr. and Mis. John J. Stanton have
returned homo after spending their
wedding tour In Buffalo and Canada.
The Epworth League of tho Provi
dence Methodist church met In regular
session last evening.
The members of the Women's Chiis
tlan Temperance union held a well at
tended meeting ii the Young Women's
Christian association parlors yesterday
A special meeting of the North Scran
ton glee society was held In their rooms
last evening.
Mlbs Nettie Powcis. of Lowell, Mass.,
is visiting at the homo of Miss Sudle
Jennings, of Oak street.
Oswald Price, of Spring street, has
returned after n week's visit In New
York city.
William Willie, of Wells street,
spent yesterday with friends in For
est City.
Hoy White, or Noith Main avenue, is
nt present working In Ottawa, Canada.
The condition of Mrs. Cecilia Kelly,
of Parker street, who was accidentally
shot In Duunioie several weeks ago,
is somewhat Improved.
At ,i mooting of the young men of
tho Methodist Sunday school last night,
a base ball team was organized. A. W.
CroFsman was elected captain and John
Laird was chosen manager.
Not Nccessniily Interchangeable,
Says Ex-Prestdont Clovoland.
Fiom "The evolution of Self-Miulo .Men,"
by drover Cleveland, In July Success.
There should be w ennso fur depres
sion in recalling the fact that success
will not nlwuys btlng to the self-mudn
man cither riches or fame. Though
tluso rewards will bo lavishly distrib
uted, he to whom they may not bo
forthcoming, If ho endures to the end
and remains true to himself and his
mission, will havu In his own Uciplng a
more valuable reward In tho cnniiutib
iiess of duty well and faithfully per
formed. Wealth should by no means bo ills--p.irugod
as icpiesentlng success, p u
vlded It Is iicconipanled hy a te.isonal I
lcallzatloii of tho obligations its pui
session, If wealth Is tho best
that can bo exhibited us u result of
success, It cannot do less than to make
its fair' contribution to the welfare of
society. AVo havo u light to compluln
of rich people, If, after spending their
lives In gathering wealth, they find In
its possession no nmudute of duty nnd
no pleusuie, save In tho inactlvo und
sordid contemplation of their honrdu
and In expecting the musses to fawn
befoie them.
Siirdldness Is not confined to those
whoso only success consists In ilches.
Thero Is a sordldnesa of education more
ceiibiirahlo, though pcrhups less ex
posed. There uro those whoso success
is mado up of u vust accumulation of
ducatlon who nio as nilscily in Its
possession as tho most iivarliloiis
among tho rich. No ono Is Justified In
hoarding education solely for his sel
fish use. To keep It entirely In closo
custody, to t"ko a greedy pleasure In
its contemplation, and to utilize It only
ns ii mn.nis of oersonal and unshared
enjoyment, are more unpurdonable than
... .I.
the clutch Mi me niibcr upon ms money;
the Nominal Sum of $15
M. H. Fine. 888 Union St.. Paten.
dure (Cltvl! 'T tvnlllil llkn In nrlrl mv (n-
tlmony to the many others who speak of.
.vour success in treating them. I "Irnvn
iniido such wonderful Improvement hIiico
iiciiik irciucu oy you tnat J reel it woilia
bo at; injustice, to you If I did not no-1
knowledge It to tho nubile. You are nd
llbertv to uso this letter. Possibly It will
ie i, i means or somo surrcrer making RiH
othc. effort to rout off that burden of
life, that drcilfloil llnnnan. Aslhmn fnj
tiurh or Bronchial trouble. I had tried
many ndvertlscd remedies, but failed to
reccivo benefit In every case and hail
fully mndo up my mind not to bo deceived!
any more, oencving that nil advertised
rcmodlQS to Clllo rhrnntp rllnnnRo wnn n
folto nnd was Just robbing tho afflicted
i nor treatment nas put new lire In mo. I
llCirlll to feel Hint Mm dtntrniia nt Hi,
shortness of breath Is a thing of the past
In December, 8i9, I wns tnken with la
gilppo and ever since t havo been troubloi
wiin n snortness oc ureatn and had glvet
tin nil hones of ever cnttlnir rl,i nf tin.
distress, but I thank tho good Lord that
I have found ono doctor whoso treatment
Is within reach of all nnd who lnn n,
ho advert Iscs to do. I can honestly sajl
, i win piTBuiim r.xpLTieuco mat ur.
Chuichman Byers Is no fake."
Mrs. Barbara Dickson, Parker'
street, Providence: I had chronic dlar5
rhoca for fourteen years, which caused
violent bearing down and dragging palna
In my abdomen and loins. My bowels
were often moved as high ns seven times
In one day. Tho straining finally brought
about sevcro protruding plies. Theso
aused mo much mlsory. When I wont to
Doctor Byers' office I was so weak from
my suffering that I could hardly drag my
self along. Tho first treatment he gave
me drove all tho pains out of njy hips
and legs. My bowels now movo regular
ly onco a day, and tho piles have ceased
tionh Inir mo. find bloss tlm mn,l Qiinltcx
doctor for what ho has done for me.
Mrs. M. Queenie, Avoca, Pa.: "I
hart been troubled with pain In tho small
of my back for 13 years: was confined tol
my bed for two months this wlntor, thai
nuln nt times bclnc so severe It mado mol
Acrcam. I had such a queer feeling in.
my head and would tako such dizzy
spoils I was afraid to go any place with
out taking some ono with me. My .stom
ach also troubled mo so I could not eat
anything without gieat distress. Doctor
Byers' treatment has relieved mo of all
these distressing symptoms nnd I want to
recommend this good Quaker doctor, who
is so kind and sympathetic with all his
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Sprues St., Scranton Pa.
Ounce Hours, 9 a. m. to 12; 2 p. m. to .
Evenings, 7 to 8 Dally.
Sunday, 10 a. m. to 1J m.
for ho, In Its accumulation, has been
subjected to the cramping and narrow
ing influences of uvrirlce, while he who
hoards education does violence to the
broad, generous Influences which ac
company Its acquisition.
The self-mnde man ought to see his
couise so plainly as to make It easy
for him to avoid the wrong of sordld
ness in the possession of any of tho
rewards of his success. He ought es
pecially and with clearness to appre
hend the binding force of the active and
affirmative obligations which are laid
upon the rewards of success. Their
discharge involves enlightened and dis
criminating charity, the Inauguration
and encouragement of ugencies for in
creased culture and Information, Intelli
gent liberality In business, a clear re
gard for tho interest and welfare of
those who toil, a constant exemplifi
cation of the strength nnd nobility of
strict integrity, the incitement, by pre
cept and example, to frugality and
economy, the continual inculcation of
the benefits and usefulness of education
In every occupation, tho stimulation of
genuine patriotism, the cultivation of
Independent and thoughtful political
judgment, and last, but by. no means
least, a hearty and healthful Interest in
the ministrations of religion and the
extension of a sound moral sentiment.
Round Steak,
A Pound.
Sirlion Steak,
2 Pounds for
1 . I -v