V ' u . 1 ,K ' 7 v ., J'l'if' ' ' t 1 r J THE SCRANTON TMBUNI-THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1002. tr d IV 7 If t fr CEYLON TEA . X , GREEN or BLACK Is superior to all tea as regards purity and econ omy, and no other tea has Its delicious flavor and aroma. A trial will con vince the doubting, ASK YOUR GROCER FOR I M. Jlfi m fli I'm H 9 Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Bold ouly In X.ea4 FncUutt. 00c, 60c and 70c Per Pound. ooooooooooooooooo Y "They Draw Well." I Morris' Magnet Cigars Y Th" licst value for .". rent". v 'Irv one and uu will biiiolto no O oilier. , X All tlie loailliiR In ami or . Y cIkhim nt $1.7i per bos, 01 i, for -c. 'I lie Imgcst Minoiy 01 npea uau Tobaccos In town r I E. G. BVIORRI5, 0 A 325 Washington Avenue. X ooooooooooooooooo tThc City Select Council Meeting. Select council will meet in tciulat bes. lion ton'sht. Meeting of Poor Bonid. A mcctliiK of the poor board villi bo hold .Ills atlciiioon, hiHtcad of tomoirow, which id the rcKuliu meeting time. Chair Goes to Maueh Chunk. Ticket Xo. 7;0, held by Mr Campbell, of Blanch ChunK, diow the .McKinlev chair nt Either ahs"inbh, No 1 The drawing Mils conducted bj Jlr. Dcvvlght. Horse Races on Speedway. Thoio w III bo u clam 1 iKo nt the Speed xvny lio(cl tomutiovv afternoon, and hot-.e races on tho ti.ick. A dance will be held In tho evening, at which l-iwieni.es 01 chesti.i will furnish the music. Began Woik on New Sewer. Work was xcteiday begun on the now rewet, at Wvomlng avenue and New stiect. Tour thousand loci of pipe will be laid. .Donahue &. O Bojle ale in charge of the job. Case of Small-pox. ruiiK. Huile, of :';i)l Noith Main ae luie, was lcpoited to tho superintendent of tho buicHU ot health, as being n mihiII yoK patient, and was cstcula lemovcd to the Knieigoncy hos-pllnl. Jle w.is at lint undci the cuio of Ui, ,1, V. llousci. Tho cite Is a very mild one. Looked at Text Books. Tho tet book committee of the bund of lonliol met jesteidav afternoon with n committee of tun has and looked ovoi a nuinhc i of tot books Tho text book com mittee will confei with Supeihui'iidout of Public Schools G. AV. Phillips bcioio mak ing Itn icpoit nt the ne.xt meeting of the boa id ot contiol. NEW COMPANY FORMED. Called the National Water Woika & Gunranteo Company, The National Water Woiks & Guar antee company was Imoipoialed In Tieuton Juno 2i, with an authorized capital of $1,000,000 to cnnstruU and upeiate water woilcs Kas woiks and clectilc, plants, with their pilnclpal buMners oHlcc In the Council building nt Seinnton. The cotporatois ate: Charles II. Welles, Jnnies D. Stocker, James J. WIlllnuiH, Jnmea A. Linen, Frank 11. Ljnch, Thomas i:. Jone.s, Fiank i:. Stacker, Ch.ule.s P. Mathews, John T. Poller, J. ,1. Jciinyn, Cyius D. Jones, Genige O. Biooks i:vnid S. Jones and R, O. Qiooks. The dlieotoiH me: Chniles H. Welles, James D. Stocker. Jumes .1. Wllllnins, Joseph J, Jcinivn, Chniles P. Mathews, Cyrus D. Jones, John T, Poitei, Hd vvnrd S, Jones, Wllllum Walker, Thom as U. Jopes, Reese Q, Biooks. The follow Iiir oflleeis were elected. President, Clmtles U. Welles; vice president, .1, D. Stocker; pci'iet.uy and tiensurcr, Oeoifje (I. Brooks, Kxecu tvu conimltteo, J. J, Williams, J. J. Jermyn, William Walker. , rioiey & Brooks Will keep their stoio at G2J and f.2-1 Bpiucc stieot open until 0 o'clock to night, on account of It being July 3. re You Going to dALAIIM 4r: Or to the Country ? Jf so. fiave The Tribune follow you and keep posted about your friends. Fill out this coupon and -"mail to us. . uue x-uojisning uorapaay, Old Address n rjew Address , , , , , , , , , , If you are not a subfcribcrtvmi r-P5rr.Tvl" b? nt t0 Promptly. iwua a fnonui. v THEY WEEE MISREPRESENTED. Misses Oruener Say They Did Not Retire to Avoid Ci editors. The Misses Vtutoila nlid Henrietta Oi lienor, who rointtrtacil the firm of. Oruener & Cumpany, engaged In tho glaBs and mockery Inislnesi nt 205 Wyoming nvenue yesterday denied most emplintlcnlly that they had gono out of business tn cscnpe credltois ns set foith In an mtlelo In jcslciday motnlng'n nepubllcatt. They denied Unit they were In danger of bankruptcy and moved their stock out duilng the night to avoid credltois. It was their dcsltc to lothe fiom bunt nest they snld and having secured u purchaser they sold. The purclmser moved the gooda away between C and 7 o'clock yestetdny moinlug. Their rent and other bills hud been paid and there was no long line of ciodltois at their store yesterduy morning clumot Ing money, ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. George Diop, of Dunmore, Wounded by Unexpected Discharge of a Revolver Yesterday. Groige Drop, of East Di Inker street, Dunmoie, was accidentally shot yestei iluy afternoon at Uhdseye pond, while be was examining ti levolvct held by Fiank Waring, his companion. The bullet entered his stomach and Inflicted Iniuilcs of such a scilous natute that Diop was Intel taken to the Lacka wanna hospital. An opeiatlon was peifoimed upon 111 in. and late Inst night he was tepoit ed to be testing easily. The accident took place about I! o'clock and was the lesult of an effoit to force a caitrldge Into a small callbic icvolvci. In splto of his Injtltles Diop walked to his home, fully two miles distant, and when he i cached theie said noth ing about his wound, which ho had bandnged himself. About 5 o'clock a hemorrhage sot In and Dr. Winters, of Dunmoie, was summoned. Tho latter leconimended his immediate icmoval to the Lackawanna hospital. OBSERVANCE OF THE FOURTH. Order Issued Ycsteiday by Postmas ter E. H. Ripple. Postmaster V.. II. Ripple csteiday Issued the followlilg oidci, legaifllng the ob-eivunce of tomonow (July 4), at the postoflicc: Scrantou, Lackawanna Co. IM., July and, 1902. Older No PS 1'rldav, Jul 4lh, will be observed at the frciunton, r.u, postolllco as follows: t'.iirlcib will make one deliveiy In tho moining-. Oencial ilcllvcrv and stamp windows w ill be open from 11 a. m. to 12 noon llcclsti.v nnd money older windows will be closed all diiv. Collodions will be made nt 10.45 a. m. from hosts on Jlnln avenue between Lackawanna avenue and Washbuin btieet; als-o West Lackawanna avenue and Lackawanna avenue to Adams ave nue, Adams avenue to lltilbeiiy sticet, Jlu'beiiy street to 1'ianklin avenue, and fiom all boxes between these points Can lei No '.9 will make the p m col lection, and the usual evening collections will also be made b.v Cairlcis Nos. 2t, 48 and 19. i:ia 11 Ripple, l'obtmastci. METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. Station, Scianton, Pa.; month, July, 19i2. 'lenipciatuie chai- Picclpi- acter Date Max. Min Mean tation of day. 1 .........81 10 u! OJ P Cloudy si r,7 70 .Oil 1. Cloudv a S9 l,' 77 .21 I. Cloudy i 77 f.S US .! Clear 5 70 r,l 1.2 W Clear G SI 12 1,2 .01 Clear 7 79 it 7u .17 Cloudy S i.S W D'l .01 Cloudy fl 70 43 Hs 0) Clcai 10 72 4". oS Ui Cloudy 11 Gil rr iiJ .aS Cloudy 12 Si! Id 71 M V. Cloudy II 87 l.'i 7i, .1! Cloudy 11 S2 dS 7"i .1"! P. Cloudy T, SS U7 7S M P. Cloudy li! 7D dl 7u 13! Cloudy 17 71 M U2 01 Clear IS NO 49 Ul .00 Cieir 10 70 a' In .i,t P. Cloudy 20 7! Tn lil .00 P. Cloudy 21 77 5 IS .42 1. Cloudy :i 1,1 17 r.S .OOP. Cloudy J.i U 47 fi'i ,4". P. Cloudy 21 iiO 40 5s .02 P. Cloud 27 70 4i. lit 01 P. Cloudy 20 72 to 1,0 i.l Clear 27 71 T-2 (.2 .00 P. Cloudy 2S 77 rr, (m in) Cloud .'I f,l TiTi 10 1 2'l Cloudv .10 i.S .12 W M Cloudy Mean ....73 51 ii'i SUMMARY. Mean atmosphoiio picssiue, 20 91; high est piersuie, 10 47, dato 1st; lowest picss iue, 29 17, date Loth, Mean tpinpeiatuio, l'i degieos; hlshest tcmpeiatuie, f dn Kioo.s, date lid; lolcst tempeialuie, 42 de gieos, (lite oth; giealest daily rango of tomin'iatme, m'J devices: d ito fclh; least dnllv i.infio of tcmpeiatuie, 9 degrees; dato 21th, Mean tempuiaturo for this month In 1901, i dogiees; mean tompeia tuiii for this month for two eais, L7 do giees; nvi'iago deltclency of daily mean tinipeiatuio dining month, 2 degiees; ac cumiilatod excess of dally mean temper ntiue since Jauuai.v I, 70 degiecs; aver ngo dally excess hlnoo Jnnuar 1, 0.! de gieos; pievalllns dhectlon of wind, noith west, 20 pel cent; total movement of wind, n.CT miles; maximum velocity of wind, dhectlon and date, :"i miles, tiom Hoiithwest, on 2d. Total pioclpltntlon, (.) Inches; number of ilajs with .01 Inch or mine of pieelpllutlou, 10; total pioclpltn tlon (In Inches) for this month In 1901, 1.S2 Indies; nvouiKO pioclpllallon for this mouth for two yeais, 4 21 Inches; total cx (os In pioclpltntlon dining month, 2,11 Inched: accumulated excess pioclpltntlon slitco Jnniiiii v 1, 1 50 luohes; number of clear davs, 7; paitly cloudv dii)8, 17; cloudy da)?, 9, Dates of frost, light, none, heavy, none; killing, none. Mean icIiUlvo humidity, G7 per cent; average cloudiness, a S. Picdoilo II Cinike, Local I'oiccast oniclal, the Seaside scranton, m,, change my paper to , , , , , ,n,i in,,,,,,, ran nil mi, i ... i,t u -j The Tiibuno costs 12 cents a week or SHOTS WERE EXCHANGED . BY THE POLICE AND MOB Exciting Scenes Near William A. Colliery Seven Coal and Iron, Police Charged Willi Mur derAdmitted to Bail. Old Foige and Duryca wcie the scone of groat turbulence nnd disorder yes terday. Early In the nftcrnoon thorp was a running battle between the coal and Iron police nnd a mob. Since the killing of Lulggl Vlnazza, close to the stockade surrounding tho William A. colllciy late Monday night the Italians of thai vicinity have boon giently wrought up. Shot Iff Scliadt and his deputies wore on the scene nonrly nil Tuesday night and with them was F. Tlscar, the Italian consular agent In this city who lout himself earnestly to the task of Inducing his countrymen to keep the pence. ( Dlstilct Attorney W. R. Lewis and County Detective W. W. Phillips were nt Old Forge cuily yesterday morning and found a goneinl clamor for the an est of tho deputies who were on duty when the shot was fired which killed Vlnazzl. Unless something was done In the way of making arrests it seemed ccitutn Unit thcic would be a match of tho strikers against the stockade with consequence terrible to complicate. County Detective Phillips came to this city and went before Alderman Howe whole- he sworo to information against II. L Smith, II. C. Bhd, Jnnies P. Htukc, It. II. Tiur.in, D. J. Davis, Wllllum Hancock and W. R. Kline, members of the coal nnd Iron police guarding tho AVIllIam A. Murder was the cilnie charged. PLACED IN SHERIFF'S HANDS, The wan ants weic placed in the hands of Sheilff Schadt and ho wai propailng to go to the scene to serve them when a telephone message con vcjed the Information that n battle was In pt ogress near the collleiy. He gathoied several of his deputies to gether and was rushed to the scene of the dlstuibance on a special train. The battle was over when he arrived and he quickly dh.porscd the crowd and pie vented a fuither outbicak. About 1 p. m. jesterday, C. A. Blown, a civil engineer for the Lehigh Valley Coil company, who is now noting as a police officer, left the stockade and started for the end of the Wyoming Valley sheet car line some distance away. The big ctowd that has hung about the vicinity of the colliery for dn3 past gave chase and Blown drew his icvolvor nnd filed. The ciowd le sponded with shots and twelve ofllceis left the stockade and rushed to the as sistance ot Brown, who would undoubt edly have fared badly had he fallen Into the hands of the mob whose blood had been stlned by the shooting. The coal and iron police fired a volley and then most of the mob turned their attention fiom Blown to those fl.vlng to his assistance A number ot shots were exchanged between the police nnd the mob but the shots wont wild and no one wns stiuck ' BROWN ARRESTED. In the meantime a fraction of the mdb had chased Blown across the county line Into Luzerne county where ho was placed under arrest by Chief of Police Cosgrove of Duryca on a chaigo of discharging a tiro arm. He was fol lowed to the loikup by a great ctowd and Chief Cosgiove had some difficulty in keeping the crowd away fiom him. When Brown was seaiched ho had four rovolveis on his person and about 200 turn idges When the other police offlects snw Blown In the hands of the authorities they vvlthdiow to the stockade. After Sheilff Schadt had dlspeised the crowd and jestored order he went to the stockade and solved his war lants on the men against whom they weio diiccted. They constitute the entire foico that was on duty at the time ot the killing As the sheriff mniched his men toward tho ruilioad station a sullen-biowed ciowd lined the load on cither side. Suddenly one mnn cried "kill them." The shout was taken up by others nnd It looked as If the sheriff would have to fight a battle to pioteet the men In his charge. Consular Agent Tlscnr, jumped to the porch ot Peter Tonnetl's saloon and In an Impassioned speech In Italian begged his countiynien to bo calm and lot the law take Its com. so. The crowd quieted down and the danger of an nttaek on the pilsoneis was averted, A number of tho Italians came to this city with Mr, Tlscar to lenm what would bo done with the prlsoneis, ENTERED BAIL. Tho sheriff took his men to Aldeiman Howe's ofllie where they waived a homing, by advice of their Attorneys, Jobeph O'Brien nnd C. P. O'Mulley. F. O, Chase, general supoilntendont of tho Lehigh Valley Coal company, nceom pnlned tho paity to this city and was piesent at the alderman's office. After tho pilsoneis had waived n hearing mid boon formally committed to jail they weio taken before Judge J. P. Kelly in chambers. District At torney Lewis was picsout and said that It was not a first degree murder and ho would thorofoio consent to have the accused admitted to ball. Judge Kelly asked If $5,000 In each case would bo satisfactory to the dlstilct attorney and Mr, Lewis snld it would be. Ball was accordingly ilxed nt that amount and foimer Judge E. N. Wlllard quali fied as tliclt bondsmen. After tho officers enteted ball, they weio taken back to the William A, 10I lleiy on a special train, It was foaicd ttiejo, would be n demonstration f they got off at tho station and tho tialu was run down close to tho initio and the men got off a short dlstnnco fiom tlin stockade, They w-eio met by a number of other police olliieis, when they alighted from the tintn, and safely es coited within tho stockade, BROWN COMMITTED TO JAIL. Brown was gvcn a hearing beforo Justice of the Peace Burllngham at Duryen last night, and in default of (5,000 ball was committed to Jail to an swer chnigcs of Inciting riot, thing a royolver and earning concealed wea pons. Ho was taken to Wllkes-Barre lust night, handcuffed to a constable, and lodged n the Luzerne county jail. An effott will be made today to hae him tclenscd on a writ of habeas cor pus, Sheriff Scliadt went down to Old Forgo last evening about 6 o'clock nnd found everything quiet and peaceful thcie. Ho left several deputies there for the night and returned to this city. Coroner Snltry, assisted by Dr. S. P. Longslrcct and Dr. J. F. McQrath, mode another effort yesterday to And the bullet that entered the head of Vlnazza and kilted him, but met with Vlnozra and killed him, but mot with no successs. After spending sevetnl houis In thoroughly dissecting the head, they had to acknovviego that they were unable to And tho much-desired bul let. This adds another item of mystery to an extiomcly puzzling case. Vlnazra's skull was one-third thinner than the skull of an otdlnnry man, and Drs. S.il try and Longstrcot agree that If a bul let had struck Vlnazza' shead after coming direct from a Winchester rifle, or even a large revolver nt short range, the bullet would have gono light through the head. The ball entered bo low the right ear and took an upward course tluough tho head. It had not force enough to pierce the skull at the forehead, but slightly cracked the bone when It struck it and was stopped. What became of it after that is tho mystery. If Vinnz.a was killed by a bullet from a Winchster, as his friends be lieve, the bullet must have struck something and been deflected, other wise it would have bored right through tho head. The fact that tho bullet took an upward couise would seem to Indi cate that the shot which killed did not come front the stockade, as that Is higher ground, and tho bullet would have taken n downward, instead of an upwatd course. HAD NO REVOLVER. At tho house where Vlnazza boarded, it Is asset ted that ho did not own a re volver and did not cany one, and that the weapon with the empty shells found on his body did not belong to him. They also claim that Vlnazza was killed moia than fifty feet from wheie the body was found, and point to the ctosscd legs and general position of the body when found as enthcly different ftotn what they would hao been had ho fallen dead while running away fiom the men shooting. District President Nicholls said yes terday afternoon: "It seems to me that the coal and Iron police, who aie causing the disturbances hereabouts, ate receiving moic protection fiom the local officials than the people whom these police ofliceis aie trying to In cite to ttouble. No one has been safe about Old Forgo leccntly fiom an at tack at tho hands of these coal and it on police officers. AVe have retained coun sel and will make an effort to see that this state of affalts does not continue. Tho killing of Vlnazza was dcllbeiate murdci." ARRESTS AT HUGHESTOWN. Chief of Police Schmaltz, of Hughes town, near Plttston, was informed Tuesday night shortly befote 11 o'clock that the deputies at No. 10 colliery of the Pennsylvania company weio having a high old time v lth whiskey and two disreputable women. With tin ee assistants the chief made a laid on tho plucc, and found two women in a shanty on the ptoperty. They and n deputy vvete arrested. They were taken before Burgess Hunt for a heat ing which was continued until this evening. There is no convincing evid ence against the prisoners and they will be dlschnrgod. The Erie company has started up another vvnsheiy near Plttston, that at No. S collleiy, making two now in oper ation. It is reported that the Hillside company has leceived additional help and will within a few davs commence opeiatlons at the Butler washery. Sev eral cnglneets who have applied for work at some of the collletles heto h ive been denied their old positions, the companies lefusing to discharge tho men who took the places of tho men when thov stiuck. PROF. KEMP ELECTED. Elected Principal of Stroudsurg v State Normal School, At tho meeting Thursday afternoon of the tiustees of the Stuto normal school, in East Stroudsburg, Pi of. Ell wood L. Kemp, A. M was elected prin cipal of tho school. Prof, Ellwood L. Kemp, tho newly elected pilnclpal of the State Noimal school, was bom nt Hnmbiug, Berks county, Pennsylvania, In 1S37. His fli st nttempt nt school teaching was In 187S, when ho socmed a position as teacher in tho schools at Onvlgsbuig, Schuylkill, county, not far fiom his native home. He taught theie for two years and privately prepared for col lege in that time, enteted the junior class ot Franklin and Marshall college and graduated at the head of his class in 18S1. He was elected professor of Latin and Gieck In tho Keystone State Normal school at Kutztovvn, the year of his giaduatlon from college. After holding that position for two yeais iio was elected to teach psychology, pedogogy and literature In tho Hinne Institution. After setving five jears in that pro fessorship he loft the Keystone Stato Normal school to tako chaige of Wich ita university, nt Wichita, Kansas. He was at the head of that univer sity for thieo years. Then ho was elected principal of the Palantlnnto col lege, nt Mejeistown, and after remain ing thero two years lie was elected vice princlpul of tho State Noimal school at Eust Stroudsbuig when It was open ed and has occupied that chair ever since. In 1SSG ho was ordained a minister In tho Reformed church and eeived two mUslon churches In Kansas in connection with the duties In the unt vemlty of Wichita. "HANAN" The Perfected Shoe (or Hen. SAMTER BROS, CARNIVAL HANS ARRESTED. Charles Spenco Accused of Fighting and Disorderly Conduct. Patrolman Flax yesteiday in rested a young man named Charles Spenco for fighting and acting In a disorderly man nor nt tho Elk carnival gtounds. Spenco Is employed by the Bostock people, nnd was altlied In a uniform. Ho acted In a very disagreeable man ner 'thiotighout tho day, "That feller I was arrested for hit ting," said Spenco Impressively to Ser geant ltldgeway, "deserved It. He's the bucko Unit ought to havo been pulled. He Insulted me, Insulted my honor, nnd I did peifectly right In pun ching him proper." After which cxciamntlnn ot Indigna tion, ho cursed softly nnd resigned him self patiently to his fate. TYPHOID FEVER VICTIM. William Sheffield Died at the Lacka wanna Hospital. William Shcffioldr of Pino Brook, died yesterday at tho Lackawanna hospital of typhoid fever. He vvus received Into tho hospltnl two days ago. Sheffield was about thlrty-flvo yeais ot ago, and was formerly employed in tho machine shop of the Dolawaic, Lackawanna & Western railroad company. He Is suivivcd by n wife.Thcro Is one other typhoid patient at tho hos pltnl. It Is very eaily for typhoid cases to develop and tho hospital authoi Itles ate at a loss to understand the reason for it, WEDDED IN LIONS CAGE. Frederick Loroy and Anna Binklcy United in Mnniago by Rev. Dr. Spencer at Elk's Carnival. Tho much advoitlsed wedding In a lion's den took place at the Elk's cat nlval ycsteiday afternoon bofoio a, largo ciowd consisting mainly ot women and tiilldten, The incident was far moic Interesting than thrilling, al though every promised fcatuio from tho lions to the btidal volt wore decid edly pioscnt. The contracting couple's names ap pear on the man luge license us Fred etlck Lctoy, supeilntendont and Anna Blnkloy, cletk. The cciotnony was per formed by Hov. D.ivid Spencer of tho Blakely Baptist church. Occupying a coach unci pteceded by a. band the couple and clorgmnn ap ptoached tho den which hud been wheeled into tho center of tho midway. The door having been partly opened tho ttlo squeezed .in, the masculine portion of tho spectatois baiod their heads and the maiilage cetemony was immediately perfoimod. Two animal men with heavy iron rods in hand were present for the purpose ot disund ing any of the kings of tho forest from showing too stiong an inclination to dine on "btide." Tho animals weto decidcly quiet dur ing the ceremony although one of them stiuck at a ttalner who was locking the door after the wedding paity loft the cage. Last night was the brilliant sefcsion of the carnival, thus far in its career. Crowds nte absolutely essential to such a spectacle, being in a measuie a largo pait of tho show, and as fully five thousand people weie present last even ing, the spectacular side of the exposi tion was supberb. On 'Monday evening lust a young lady livpg in Pino Biook lost a gold Wrtteh. A small notice of the loss was Insetted In each of the dally papers with the lesult that the watch was te turned to its owner last evening by a Miss Moore, of Wjomlng avenue, who found the watch shoitly after it was lost. On July 4 the carnival will bo in progress horn 8 o'clock in tho morning. CASING .A WATCH. How Ordinary Watch Works May Be Made More Efficient and How Finer Ones May Be Preserved. Otdinary watch works may generally be made effective tlmekeepots by caie ful and stiong casing. The finest grades of watch woiks require xeiy strong casing to pioteet their delicate mechanism. The best of all cases for cither class is the Jas. Boss Stiffened Gold Watch Case. This Is a gold case stiffened In tho center with a plate of haid metal to prevent It getting thin and weak and bending down on the woiks, as a gold case does after a few yeais' wear. Tho outside plate of gold is very heavy, much moie than is every worn fiom a solid gold case nnd much moic than can bo worn off In a thiid of a eentutVs haid seivico. In fact this outside plato of gold is a quarter of an Inch thick when tho process of rolling down commences. At any l ate, the Jas, Boss Case is guaranteed 23 yeais, and none was ever known to wenr out. Tho styles ot tho Jas. Boss ease are very elegant tho sumo as tho finest solid gold cases beautifully hand carved, supetbly finished very thin or very massive, ns fancy may dictate and In all sizes, for men and women's wear. Tho pi Ice Is much lower than that asked for a solid gold case tho reason Is that tho Jas. Boss case saves you paying for gold that Is uover booh and never used. Jeweleis everywhere keep a full stock of these elegant cases they havo sold more thnn 7,000,000 of thorn In the last 35 years. Ask your dealer to see them, or for tho book showing why a Jas. Boss Stiffened Gold Case Is hetter than a solid gold case, wiito to tho Keystone Watch Case company, Philadelphia. Poems on Esau. Florey & Biooks have leceived hun ch eds of poems In answer to their ie qucst for some ono to Improve on their poem on Esau. Ono ot tho clever ones iccelved jesteiday follows: I saw Esau, ho suvv me. And nil tho Elks did Es.au tco Wo saw Esuu, 'tis no llo Wo saw Esau cut Homo pu; Whnt wo saw Exalt do wo sald, Eh, Esau diank leu fiom a saucer, Wo saw Esau had no tall To seo Esau tlo not fall Darwin saw Esau In his dicums, llo's tho missing link, it m'omis, Ksau does ovcij thing but talk But now slnco ho has learned to walk To talk miiy ct bo in his ppan l'or Esau Is tho coming man. m i in -i. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A maulago llcenbo wns esteulay giant cd to Patrick Coiiuoiu and Kato Kearney, both of Ait liliahl. Tho bond of Patrick J. .McDonnell, col lector of taxes of Arihbald, was estcr duy appioved by tho couit. It Is In tho sum ot "'-'.S2S nnd lleitty Revels. Justus Bishop and Patilck McDonnell aio tho sureties. ' Mary Scott, of Cuiboudale, chaigcd with burglary, larceny and iccetvlng and ma licious mischief, cutcied ball In tho sum of m. John J, Scott became her bonds lima. ' MONEY How and Where to Get You Pay Too Much for your loan If you fall to get It ly It Is worth your white to save Ing to its size. Money on Household Furnitur In Any Amounts You should come here: Because this company does NOT tell you that you MUST WAIT a day or two for tho loan. Only an hour or two's notice necessary bore. Because our rates are tho lowest. Because wo guarantee that theie will be NO PUBLICITY. Because your ft lends need not know. Scranton Loan Guaranty No. 207 Wyoming Avenue. Near Cor. Spruce St. Scranton Business Hours: 8 a. m. to Wll n iMrnljL:.., 'T .- ,i Uim WMh, m! MXxxxKxxxxssttsaKQsasKXiooas: H We mention a few of the which may interest you. EmbroidercdPillow Shams; 1 O ' ' o g ji oyuupsis ui 1 Our Art Department : Scarfs, Battenburg Shams, Scarfs and Center Pieces; Linen Tray Covcis, 18 by 27, and 20 by 20j,Swiss Sets with colored underlining- Linen Scaifs for stands and dressers with Shams to match; Eattenburp; Patterns; Renaissance and Battenburg Braids; Hon itan Braids, Battenburg- Rings and Thread; Linen Turnovers and Collars; Stamped Doylies; Cord and tassels for pillows or tying back curtains; Silk and Cotton Cords by the yard; Fringes in all colois; Mexican Diawn Work Doylies and Center Pieces. Pin Cushions, plain Satin covered and Muslin and trimmed Cushions. Toilct Bottles, Head 'Bests and Pillows, uncovered Pillows' of Down and Java Ploss in all the sizes; Figured China Silk Pilow Tops, Table Spreads, Laundry Bags, Shoe Bags, Chenille Balls, Tassels, Shopping Bags, Embroidery Silk, Oermantown Wool, German Knitting Yarn, Shetland Ploss, Saxony Wool," Ice Wool, Spanish Yarn, Asbestos Mats, Work Baskets, and tho other things that you would naturally expect in an Art Department. We keep this stock up to date, and get the new things as soon as they appear. Keep it in mind when you want such, things. , tur I ricConnell & Co. THE SATISFACTORY STORE. 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. :):(X$CXXSKX50:KXttKXXKK .csbCJo Order Munster or A? XSft W l ViTCMWA 9 Today. TWO DOZEN BOTTLES FOR ONE DOLLAR, It will require no advertising to secure your duplicate orders for these celebrated family malt lagers alter the first trial. fj 3sS evBrow New Thonc ( & JULES DEPMTffittTfl T 216 lACKAWAMNAAVE,5GRAnT0NV 2114, An Anecdoto of Geneial Bragg. Uuieiiil Bmbk wai an unfortunate commander at bcst, and perhaps no hot ter Idea can ho Blvcn of why this was ro than tho follow Iiir stoiy, which is vouch' cl lor by an eminent boliller. "When a oung man llmss was lomm.tmlmit and commonly of u i pi tain "Western post. As commandant ho inudu leniilultlon up on tho commlssuiy fot ccitaln biippllcu. As coininlsbuiy ho icfutcil tho leqnM llon. ami as commandant ho lnblstnl upon hiving tho biippllcs. All ot this, icilnccd to writing, was dually refencd t,o tho commander of the department, who, upon dlscoicilng Its purport, ex- Smmme TO LO on OUR NEW REBATE PLA3 from (5 to $36.60 on a loan J to Loan from $10 to $300, Because we extend tho time inont if ou want more time. Because our Now Rebate Pla you n largo part of the cost. Berauso many people let us the loan3 of other companies si save tho difference In rates. Because our system Is so slmn a child can understand It. Pa. New 'Phone, a8a 6 p. m.; Saturdays till 10 p. m, A SHIRT WAIST Is the most useful thini you ever saw to keec dainty dresses in. Wi make beautiful ones that cost from $8.00 Up. Scranton Bedding Co,, F. A. KAISERt Manager. Lacka. and Adams Aves. Both 'Phtiii ' " i things in our Art ' Department Embroidered Stand and 'Dresser You will be thirsty tomorrow, help ing the children celebrate the Glorious Fourth, so a Case of Bohemian Beer Old 'Phone 2162, MBLDRUM, SCOTT & CO. 120 Wyoming Avenue. Bummer corsets, handsomely em broidered, dainty ot serviceable, unci guaranteed to fit, Prices '60c and ItM A PAIR. claimed; "ly Qod, Captain BrasrK. yp)J havo quail eled with every officer in tlft aimy, and now you aie quarreling wtyi yourself!" Woman's Homo Companion,; TY V