The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 03, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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M- ,
frame Building Containing
I and Iron Foundries and Pnt-
Shops Completely Gutted by
bs Loss Estimated nt $35,000
lically All of Which Is Cov-
jby Insurance Origin of the
Unknown Injuries Sustained
sveral Firemen.
Inst night destroyed the brans
In foundries nnd jmttcrn shop of
anion Steam Pump Mnnufnctur
lipuny, nt Mm Ion street nnd Al
lavenuc, causing u damage estl-
by President John Fowler, nt bo-
S30.000 nnd $35,000, which Is cov-
Ire was a Horse one, and In com-
f It Superintendent of the Bureau
i H. F. Forber, Captain Bailey, of
company No. 5; William George
same company nnd Cuptaln
I of Hose company No, 4 all sus-
sllght Injuries. The lire broke
bout 7.30 o'clock lust night and
Irm was sent In from box 60. A
alarm was sounded shortly af-
as. The two foundt les and pat-
hop were all located In one large
pry frame building-, which was
Inly a year ago by the company.
Iructure was eighty feel wide by
bndred and twenty long. To the
It was located the company's
Ihtlng room, a pattern storage
and the machine shops.
Short distance to Its right is the
of the Scranton Lace company.
of these properties sustained the
least loss. Jinny contradictory reports
were given, as to the origin of the fire,
some claiming that it started In the
cupola, at the right of the building,
I while the more general and accepted
Isupposltlon was that It originated In
'tho brass foundry.
The latter department was on the
ground floor, at the left of the building.
It was divided by a partition from the
iron foundry, and above It were located
the pattern shops.
There were two watchmen on duty,
but neither discovered the blaze until!
it had already made good headway?
The alarm was turned in by a young
man, In the draughting ofTlce.and engine
ffampanles No. 4 and C and hose com
panies No. 1 and No, 2 responded.
Hose company No. 4 and the hook and
ladder company responded to the sec
ond alarm.
i' on.una.ieiy me me room oi me L,aee
works Is'locatcd close by the pump com
pany's plant, and at the first alarm
their employes directed two steady
streams on the lire and did excellent
crvlce in confining the blaze to the
lie building. The fire companies, on
Lieir arrival, directed two streams on
Le building, which by that time, was a
iplote mass of roaring, crackling
ip. Superintendent H. F. Fcrbcr
his men did splendid woik, but
Ivas too late to save the building, and
fact that the blaze did not
lad speaks volumes for their cf-
-aptaln Charles Tropp, of Hose com.
liny No. 4, the old Crystals, was
struck by a falling timber, while fight
ing the fire. . The force of the blow
,. felled and severely bruised him, but,
I after a short while, he was back at
work again. Superintendent Fcrbcr
was struck in the foot by a small piece
of iron which fell from the roof, and
the pain caused him considerable an
noyance. Captain Bailey and William
George, of Engine company No. 5, weie
t both slightly burned about the hands.
. Within an hour from the time of the
companies' arrival, they had the lire
I-under control, but the timbers blazed
nnd smoldered dangerously all night
long. '
president John Fowler, of the Steam
Pump Manufacturing company, de
clared to a Tribune man that an at
tempt would be made to resume work
as usual this morning, and operations
will be Immediately begun on a new
building. All of the apparatus and ma-
j chlncry destroyed last night was of
the most modern design, a very ex
pensive steel crane being part of
the structure's equipment. Consider
able loss was sustained in the destruc
tion of a number of valuable patterns.
I All the drawings of the company
were fortunately cuivcd, but with that
exception, lltllu was removed from the
burning building. All attempts to dis
cover the cause of the fire were futile.
Superintendent Ferber examined the
two watchmen, but neither of them was
1 able to throw the slightest light on
the matter.
Somo Pages from the Instructive
Biography of D. H. Church.
1'jom the July Success.
Not very many years ago, D. H,
Church was an Itinerant watchmaker
a very good workman, to be sure, but
, jiut a plain artisan. Of a i ovine na
ture, he left Iho Bast, where ho wns
born half a century ago, and sought
fortune In the Went. Ills bent was for
mechanics; ho liked to tinker Willi ma
chines. In St, Pnul ho met a watch
maker named Grldley, from whom he
learned his trade. While working at
his bench OlIC ll.IV. Grldlov nlnnmvl n
cxamluo n watch Church had been at
work on.
"la Hull Mm linut -..n ...... ,!..,, ,.
...,. k.. ..., jw, vuu uu, U
v baked,
"Maybe I might do a HU(q better,"
said Church,
"Then, young man," hald Grldley,
"you Just begin and do. It all over
again, and remember this: never leiuvo
a piece of work until you have done
the. best you know how to do."
The great Matchmaker says that he
begarj to achieve success from that
day, He has always done his best,
Leaving' St,. Louis, he drifted about
the West, working at his trade. He
wanted to travel, and found a pliue
wthta watch company as an "advance
agent" for ita make of watches. Ho
was to travel through the West ahead
of thc sales agents, proclaiming the
praises of their wares, After four
weeks pn thb road, he went back to the
V 186 Wyoming Avenue.
t "HT- i mwin I'reii Miit'n u, Vrt
rletyjn Women's Neckwear, and
fch new design seems prettier
41. ll.VJ IHOl.
e nave all the new ideas.
Chicago office and turned in the
watches ho wns carrying.
"ilcrc's your truck,". he said to the
manager, "I nm tired of trying to
make other folks believe things about
these walchca that t don't believe my
self," "Could you make any better
wntehes?" asked tho manager, Jok
ingly. "If I couldn't, I wouldn't call myself
a watchmaker."
"I'll take you nl your word, I'll set
you to work In the shops, to see whnt
you can do." '
That wns twenty years ago. Mr.
Church had not been long In the fac
tory before It wns found that he wns
n rnro genius. Ho told his employers
that their wntehes cost too much to
make. They weie .spending too much
for raw material, nnd tho wngo nccotint
wns extravagant,
"Give mo a free Imnd In this fac
tory," ho said, "and I'll save you
So Mr. Church wns made mechanical
superintendent of the works, and told
to go ahead nnd do whatever ho liked.
Ho saw that men were performing
purly mechanical operations that
might better bo done by machines,
which could work more rapidly nnd ac
curately. He set himself to the task
of devising tho wonderful automatons
that huvo made him the first watch
maker In America, If not in the world.
Mr. Church Is constantly at work, mak
ing more wonderful machines, and
more than one hundred and fifty
watchmaking machines bear his name
and the stamp of his genius. So rapid
ly does he work, that the machine shop,
where his tools are made, Is five years
behind his designs.
For County Commissioner
Of Lackawanna County
Gwilym Jones
Of Scranton, Pa.
Henry Warren's Romance.
From the London News.
The following romance of an Emerald
Islander has been published, nnd will
be read with much sympathy and the
sincere hope that it may be true.
Henry Warren, son of u Dublin banker,
made the acquaintance of a young lady
while at college, and ultimately they
became engaged. Wan en's father died
suddenly, leaving his estate insolvent
and In debt, whereupon the young man
vowed that he would never marry un
til he had paid his father's debts. He
offered his fiancee her freedom, which
she declined to accept, and then emi
grated to the state. There, after a
long struggle, he succeeded about a
year ago In paying off the last penny,
and since has been having with a view
to marrying the lady of his choice. He
had not corresponded with her for, but knew through mutual friends
that she was still living. A few days
ago he sent her tho following cable
gram: "All debts pain; I am coming,"
and in leply received the welcome mes
sage: "1 am waiting." He has now
returned to Ireland to make arrange
ments for the marriage.
JULY, 8, 1902, FROM 4 TO 7 P. M.
In the list of candidates seeking recognition from tho Republican party on
account of yeoinnn service performed, probably none are more worthy of the
confidence of tho, public than Mr. Owllym Jones, who has been favorably men
tioned for the office of County Commissioner. ,
Gwilym Jones was born In Tredegur, Wales, on January 11th, 18G9. He
was brought to this country while yet an infant by his parents, who settled
on the West Side the same year, and has grown up with tho leading young
residents of the Electric City. Ills father was well known throughout the
valley as T. ab De'wl. The elder Mr. Jones followed the occupation of min
ing, and was a member of the executive boaid of the miners' committee In
the trying times of 1877.
For eighteen years Gwilym Jones worked In and about the mines on tho
West Side, and for two years was employed In the moulding shops. He was
a resident of the Fifteenth ward for twelve years, and has always been
prominent as a party worker, and has a political record that Is unassailable.
Mr. Jones has always been a true friend of the miners and a strong sup
poiter of their cause In every Instance.
Gwilym Jones Is not only fortunate In the enjoyment of a nure record, but
also possesses a pleasing personality. There Is no more delightful man to
meet. Hp has a genuinely fine mind; is frank, friendly, and wins the admira
tion of all acquaintances by his modest and unassuming ways. At all times
his manners aie unaffected and cordial. Popular with all; with malice toward
none; straightforward, energetic and enthusiastic, Gwilym Jones can cer
tainly lay claim to recognition as an Ideal candidate of the best Republi
can blood of the city of Industry.
In seeking the nomination for the office of County Commissioner on the
Republican ticket he does so with the knowledge that he can render efllclent
service to the people in tho conduct of the affaiis of the county, all of which
come under the direct contiol of the Commissioners' office. Some years of
service on the Board of A&sessors for the City of Scranton, has qualified him
especially In the know ledge of assessed valuations of property, not alone with
in the city, but thioughout the country.and in this special branch alone, where
with the County Commissioners' office has a very great deal to do, he can
serve the people well. Fiom childhood he has lived in Scranton, and since
reaching manhood has been loyal In the support of the Republican party
and the principles which hae made it strong in the hearts of the people.
i ' l !
Some novelties in
color combinations
have just arrived, in
eluding the new
shades of Tan. They
are stvlishand exclu
sive, $1.50 and $2,
We have reduced
prices on all "Pana
mas." The past month
of cool weather is re
sponsible for it.
The Proper Outing
Suit for Summer Wear.
If you'll notice the fashion plates this season you will
see a decided changfe in the cut of this popular Negligee
Suit. The most noticeable is the width of the coat should
ers and the broad hip effect in the trousers. We have de
voted considerable time and thought to these correct sum
mer clothes. We've selected some decidedly novel cloth
patterns and the construction of every suit embodies the
rules laid down by our famous "Atterbury System."
It's the assurance of the best workmanship, both inside
and out. The choosing of a cloth pattern is made easy
here by our large and varied assortment. Some samples
are displayed in our show windows but they do not by
any means represent the extent Am m ! rmi
of our showing inside the store M fft - Kll
at prices ranging from.
Complete Outfitters.
t ' i
kSWtW rfKSVt
hf ! f
Will Be Held on
? In addition to the regular afternoon sales, we will have two sates in the morning, Beglnnln
? at 10 and 11 o'clock. Notice ihe Grocery Items for the first sale.
Sale No. 1
Domestic and Grocery Items.
Sale of Graham Crackers Dalntv and 'appclitizing; the In-cr-Scal
brand. Always sold by us at 12c. For THURSDAY
from 10 to 1 1, buy them at, per package yC
Sale of Potted Ham or Tongue For picnic lunches this kind of
meat is desirable and very much relished ; one-half pound tins ; regu
lar price, 10c. For one hour, from 10 to 31 THURSDAY, i
buy them at . . aC
Sale of Shredded Wheat Biscuit The ideal breakfast food;
sold by us at lie; bv our competitors at 1-Mc. ; but for this .i
hour, 10 to 11 THURSDAY, buy it at, per package 9C
Sale of Lemons Another picnic want ; got to have lemons to
run a picnic ; rccularly sold at LMc. per dozen ; for this hour, ..
10 to 11 THURSDAY, buy them at IOC
Sale of Fig Ncwtons A delicacy in the cake line ; fresh from the bakcrv. Special -
for one hour from 10 to 11, THURSDAY, at '. I UC
Sale of Indigo Blue Calico One entire case will go on sale TODAY. A variety of small de
signs ; fast colors and a big value. From 10 to 11 THURSDAY, buy them on the main i
floor OC
Begins Promptly at
10 O'clock
Sale of Honeycomb Towels Good size : fringed ends ; plain and red border. Buy all
you want and save money. For one hour, 10 to 11, THURSDAY, on main floor at
Sale No. 2
Sale of Boys' Wash Knee Pants on Second Floor This price
is marvelously low for this grade of knee pants. Come in dark col
ors; materials arc crash, duck, cheviot and Galatea; size 3 to 12
years. Be sure to be on time. There is about 200 pairs. Selling,
2 to 4 to a customer to reduce the stock. From 11 to 12 M .
Sale of Women's and Men's Dress Suit Cases on Second Floor
Olive color ; leather corners : brass riveted ; leather sewed handles ;
brass locks and catches: cloth lined strap inside; size 22 to 21
inches. Priced for this one hour from 11 to 12 t n
THURSDAY at $ 1 .37
Sale of Women's Shirt Waists on Main Floor Made of good
Percale and .Gingham ; many colorings ; designed after the latest
ideas in women's waists; 35c. value you can buy from 11 to
12 THURSDAY at 25C
Sale of Ribbons We'll let the nficc do the talkinsr as it will most eloquently when you sec
the high-class ribbon attached to such a small figure ; 4-inch wideall silk taffeta ; pink, light blue,
maize, lilac, old rose, turquoise and white ; got to have some ribbon for the Fourth. This -
kind on sale from 11 to 12 is a bargain ; a 19c. value ; a yard for 1 UC
Sale of Women's Summer Net Corsets Sateen stripes; all sizes; properly fitting corsets feel
comfortable and at the same time improve the figure; these corsets arc well made and are late
shaped styles; value 39c. THURSDAY, from 11 to 12, on the Second Floor, buy them
at J 15C
Sale of Oxford Ties on the Main Floor Over 400 pair in this lot ; do not let this itcmi 'escape
your attention. You will need a pair for the Fourth, and you may not be able to capture such a
decided bargain again. Come in all style toes and heel shapes, hand turned welts ; every size and
width ; evcrv pair guaranteed ; equal in' value to many $2.00 shoes. Our price
THURSDAY, from 11 to 12, a pair $ 1 . 19
Begins Promptly at
II O'clock
Sale No. 3
Begins Promptly at
2 O'clock.
Afternoon Sales
Sale of Brooms To have a clean sweep it is necessary to have
a good broom ; such is the kind on sale TODAY. Extra quality of
selected corn; various weights; value 29c. ' Choice of this
lot form 2 to 3 THURSDAY 1 9C
Sale of Blue and White Enamel Steel Preserving Kettles A
choice of two sizes, S or 10 quarts. These goods arc first quality,
and at TODAY'S prices seem almost incredible. Value
S9c. each for cither size. For one hour, from 2 to 3
Sale of White Enameled Steel Chambers White inside
and outside; a 39c. value. For one hour, THURSDAY, at.
Sale of Glass Tumblers This kind on sale TODAY arc regular size ; good and strong, and
worth very near as much again as TODAY'S price. For one hour THURSDAY, ,i
each cC
Sale of Imported China Fruit and Salad Bowls Come handsomely decorated in beautiful tints.
Gold edge; designs are very unique; above the ordinary. Come TODAY and buy this jgx
98c. value for 4vC
Sale of Window Screens Get a window screen, then you can laugh at the troublesome fly try
ing to get in. This is an extension screen ; 30 inches high ; opens from 28 to 42 inches. It is very
desirable to bring exact measurements with you. Value, 39c. THURSDAY for one x
hour "y
Sale of Cottage Rods on the Third Floor This time you may choose white corrugated, 4 feet
long or brass rods that extend from 30 to .4 inches. Complete with fixtures; value loc.
For this hour, from 2 to 3, THURSDAY, buy them at I UC
Sale of Women's Muslin Gowns on the Second Floor Tucked yoke, edged with ruffle; em
broidered around neck and sleeves. All sizes. Value 49c. For this hour THURSDAY, rt
from 2 to 3 "C
Sale No. 4
Promptly at
Sale of Lawn Sottcos on tho 4th floor Painted red, except seat; have na
tural wood slats; each slat Hcicwcd; back supported by 2 cross pieces; SAr
i., u-.nA t...... ,-.!.... .. i.dlno nt 75. l,n, will toll TITITTlCin A V fnr.. 7w
it uu umLu ciituiunci i
price Ih 7c
Sale o
It at, per y
Halo o
buyer pure
them for
n value at ioc. mat wo wm hen riiuiiaun.. ior..
Sale of "Women's Lawn Shirt Waist Suits Come In the favorite flKures;
black and white polka dots; has a Kraduated flounce; ri-fforc skirt: sold on
tho Second Floor; value up to $1.73. For this one hour THURSDAY QQC
buy them ut yo
Sale of Flower Wreaths 6n the Second tloor for Women's and Children's
Hats A varloty of stylo flowers; a few noticed at a glance were applo bios
Minis, clover, daisies, snow balls; plenty of gicon leaves. Value 75c. ar
THURSDAY, for one hour, buy them at Jifc
Sale of White NckIIrco Shirt, Tie nnd Collar This is without a doubt
the Rrralcs-t combination wo liavo placed at your feet, Mr. Man, for homo time.
The shirt is made from whlto madras cloth; cut full length: conies In black
and ihlto stripes; nlso small figures; has double plcco collar band around
neck, and all sizes; the tie is tho regular 25c. shield bow; the collar in all
linen. Tho regular value of this combination would bo Sou. THURS- nr
DAY buy It nt , ""
Salo of I'olorcd Lawn and Fine Batiste This case lot ennio to us for
Micrlnl sale. Tho style of patterns and and colorings nre the best wo have"
been: tho cloth good and strong, and It will prove a bargain. The usua. A1A, ',
but for THURSDAY, extra special, n yard Vf"'
f Whlto Lawn Conies 40 Inches wide; a very good value at JCc. THURSDAY, from 3 to 4, buy
ard .
miimiMiMMiMMMMMiMt imniiiiinii i , .
f Women's Tan, Orey and Jilaek Tarfota Gloves This article Is very scarce. Fortunately ror us, our
based a quantity; therefore we can supply your wants. Regular value, 23c. THURSDAY buy 'g ' '
Salo of Lace Always good to have, for you can find uho for it In most every garment you make, This )ot
on sale TODAY is good value; '-' to 5 Inches wide, with Insertion to match; value up to JDc, THURSDAY, pc (
ior oiiu iinui, ' ii i mi" " .,,....
Sale No. 5
Begins Promptly at
4 O'clock.
Salo of Umbrellas Size 26-Inch; good mercerized cloth; paragon frame:
metal trimmed; straight style handles: tassel and case. Don't you think a goo
umbrella is all right this kind of weather? Value, $1.23. THURSDAY Qri
buy them at yuc
Salo of Children's Black Cotton Hose Double heel and toe; a favorite
ribbed hose, made from excellent quality yarn; all sizes; a chanco to buy for
every member lu tho family, for the infant, the youth or miss, THURS- q
DAY from J to 5, ut a pair , , "C,
Sale of Embroideries Never too latn to mend Is an old saying, and it fa
never too late to buy etnbroidorles, for they ato always good, and especially.,
Just now. Lawn and Nainsook, 2 to 5 Inches wide; pietty narrow An.
,l..n ir..1,,n .in In -., m I t IT Cn A V ..owl 14C
tilt,-'. Vt, ,MV. M IM . W.J',lfcJU,l, ,,,,,,.,..,.., .,.,...,, ,.(
Salo of Boys' Wool Kneo Pants Dark, medium and light colors; sizes 4 1i
10 iu years; wen iiiuiiu, wi'ru buuiiib; guu'j v-iai muui. rui- iiiuiio- tnn
DAY hour buy them on the Second Floor at,,.,..,,.,,,,,.., tvi.
Sale of Boys' Washable Suits on Second Floor Made from galateas.
plain cheviot, madras and ducks; dark, medium and light effects; size 3 A'tfr,
to 13 years, THURSDAY buy this 75e, nnd $1.00 value for,
Salo of Women's Muslin Skirts Many plainly made; others have deep
cmbioldery iiifllo and ruffle of tucks, edged with lace. It will hardlv nav
you to make a garment ilka this ono for Iho price they are offered at THURSDAY for ono hour on the Sec-, en
ond Floor; Site, value. Special sale , ,.,, ,,,., OVC
Sale of Women's Fine Whlto Ribbed Vcsln Has rich lace trimming; taped neck and sleeves; high neck a'jd
wing eieeve; low nucn mm no aii-eye. a siienuiiu' nuuiu guruiciii uuu uauuuy sens Jul joc, TilURnUAX o
buy them at, each,.,, ,.,..,.,.,, , ,..,,, ...,...,,..,....,, ,.,,.,,,.,., Pv
Sale of 3,000 yards of Seersuckers Come In all tho staple stripes and checks. As usual this Is another radical i
price concession ior one nuur. uwn I iinsa Btcing nils 101 oi acersui-Kcra, ji .vim uu, you miss just Wliai
you would like to get. THURSDAY buy them, from 4 to 5, at, ayard,..., ,,,,., , ,,, ,
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