The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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fcWWrrr.nva peoplb hurt,
iPrajr-Hentreal Train Derailed' Near
Senalntftoii, Vermont Oars Rolled
Daws as Embankment One Tele
dKames of the Injured.
T BichitlT Wire irem The Ataoclited Preia.
Bennington, Vt., July a.-Tho Troy
N.Y.)-Montreat express, Oue hero at
1.20 u m. today, was derailed at a
t-iteh about a mllo from here. Twenty-five
persons were Injured, five ser
iously and one probably fatally. The
erlously injured are the following
named: ,
iAIiliBN HUCKENSIUS, Philadelphia, 14
years of ages Injuries to back; will
probably die.
BOHN PnOVKNCHK, baRBaRemaster,
Hutland: back and sldo Injured.
DANIEL, O'BIUEN, North Adams, Mass.
J. R. HUTCHINSON, Sheldon, Vt.
R. B. PARSONS, conductor of nutland.
The train was the regular night ox
press to Montreal, over the Boston and
Maine ratlroad, and was made up of
four passenger and a combination car.
"While passing over n switch a looBe
"Wheel on the combination car caught
between the rails, and the cars were de
railed, three coaches being totally
wrecked. The Injured were brought
here and the seriously Injured were
taken to the hospital.
The tender and four cars, Including
the mall car, rolled down an embank
ment and Into a trestle work at the
Bennington and Hooslck Valley nail
road company's coal-pit. The last car
telescoped the car ahead.
Doctors from Hooslck Falls Im
mediately responded to a telephone
summons for assistance.
Sentinel Wounded by Ken Supposed
to Re Anarchists.
y Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pwi
Brest, July 2. Two men attempted to
enter the magazine lying just outside
the fort yesterday evening and wound
ed the sentinel with a revolver. The
latter fired upon them with his rifle,
raising an alarm, but his assailants
A similar attempt was made Satur
day evening, and It Is believed that
anarchists intended to blow up the
magazine, which contained powder suf
ftficlent for five million cartridges.
Comments of Two Japanese Women
Overheard in That Country.
From the Kansas City Star.
The beauty and charm of the Ameri
can girl Is so generously conceded that
tt may be a surprise to learn that there
is a spot on the earth where her ap
pearance falls to make a favorable lm-'
presslon; where, in fact, her features
are regarded as the reverse of prepos
sessing. In this respect an American
fjlrl, recently returned from the orient,
relates an experience that has since
kept her wondering If the compliments
shc.sq often receives are not the most
barefaced flattery and the looking glass
a. miserable deception.
' It happened in this way: A short
time before leaving Japan she was vis
iting a friend who resided in a part of
the country little frequented by foreign
ers. One afternoon they were saunter
ing down the quaint main thoroughfare
of the town, much observed by the
populace in general, when they became
conscious that they were the objects of
curious attention on the part of two
Japanese girls, evidently of the well-to-do
class, In particular, who followed
close on their footsteps.
Presently the resident turned to her
Visitor, with a smile, and remarked:
"Jseems we are the subjects of a good
deal of comment on the part of the
young women following us. What do
you think they are saying?"
"I cannot guess," the visitor replied.
'Please tell me."
"Well, you must promise not to turn
pnd violently resent their criticisms,"
"Then this is a translation of what
they have been saying about us. Said
'Mips Peach Blossom to the Hon. Miss
Chrysanthemum: 'Oh, do look at those
foreign women. See how strangely they
'are dressed. They wear short kimonos
lust like the men. How very Im
proper!" " 'Yes,' acquiesced the other. 'The
foreign women have no taste in dre&s.
In 'Toklo, where I have been once, no
foreign woman's toilet is complete
without a stuffed bird on her head.
. If she has not enough money to buy
a whole stuffed bird she buys a head,
the wings or some feathers. They are
very strange, the foreign women!"
" 'But,' exclaimed the first, 'did you
notice the terrible size of the noses ot
thefse two foreign women? Are the
noses of all the foreign women as largo
as these?'
"'Yes, they arc us large, but they
are proud of their large no&cs. The
foreign women do not consider a large
nose a disfigurement.'
" 'How very strange: And see, their
eyes are as round as the full moon!'
"Yes, as round us the full moon.
They stare at you without uny ex
pression or feeling.'
"And their walk! Do look ut their
wak, so ungainly, just like the great,
biK birds!'
"Stop!" interposed the visitor. "I've
beard enough, or I shall begin to im
agine I'm the most hideous creature on
"You will Bet many such shocks to
vanity If you btay Idng enough In
Japan," laughingly returned the res!
dent, ,
Mr. Cummlng's Brandy.
Whep tjie Lacey bill to protect tliu
birds was on pussago CummlriKs made a
speech In favor of It, lie tuU va story
about a robin he found one morning In
tb Capitol grounds, wounded and help.
leis. lying on the grass.
"i took It up," Bald CunimlnKH, "and
carried if to rnv room. There I gave it
s fqsr drops of brandy,"
There were tears In his voice as he
"(tut, alas, It was wounded too srlcv
tusly. It died,"
"I don't wonder," broke In Itcpieaenta
tlve Shattuc, "If the brandy you cave
it was the same kind, you save me when
X called on you the other evening."
The home roared with laughter, and
CupiMlng. after floundering for a few
sslautes, sat down- Washington corrc
sysadent New York World.
Some Unexpectedly Good Work
Done at Readvllle.
By Eiclmlu Wire from The AnoclMcd ireM.
Boston, July 2. The harness racing
season began Rt fteadvltle today and
some unexpectedly good work was done
by wellknown horses, The fastest
hent was 2.09H by Carthage Girl, In the
2.12 pace. All the races were .best two
In three and for purses of 150. Sum
mary: 2.24 clap?, trotting:
Debut it,, 6 t 1
Miss Viola 1 6 6
Italph Wick Third money
Andrew Moore , i Fourth money
Grade ICollar, Boralma'n Brother, The
Montnna nnd Kitty Clark, also started.
Best time, 2.1Si,
2.1'J clnss, pacing:
Carthago Qlil : 1 1
Annlo l.cyhurn 12 2
Early Bird, Jr .., Third money
March Gnlc fourth money
George G and Gentry also started. Best
time, I.09!4.
2,11 class, trotting:
lira. Brown 6 1 1
Easter t 5
Allabrlcve Third money
Silver King Kotirth money
Silver Glow, Prlola, Bonnie Bid and
Vcndomc also started. Best time, 2.1374.
jf! Jiusband
IT REQUIRED some nerve, but tip to
the present moment that has been
my heaviest asset, and the chance
to rake in a cool $76,000 doesn't come
every day even to a newspaper man.
Just think of It? That "ad" was so al
luring. "A beautiful young widow, possess
ing $75,000 In her own right, desires a
kind, indulgent husband, who will as
sist in looking after her property. Call
at room No. 17, No. 84 Muldoon street,
at 10 a. m. Monday."
I closed the paper and endeavored to
be calm. The description fitted me ex
actly; It was a photograph. I am kind;
I am certainly indulgent, and nothing
would suit me better than to assist in
looking after property. Surely, these
many years of scrubbing along on the
odds and ends of literature have fitted
mo for the Job. That afternoon 1
dropped In on a friend in La Salle
street and got his advice about Invest
ments. I thought It was best to be pre
pared. It was with some difficulty that I suc
ceeded In borrowing a spring suit from
the city editor, hut I was sufficiently
desperate to hang on till he surrend
ered, and at 10 a. m. 1 was the third
man in the line that stretched up the
stairway at No. 84 Muldoon street. I
confess It gave mo a pain to see the
class of fellows who had answered that
"ad." They were not in the least
adapted to the position, and I pitied
the poor girl. But then I was so close
to the head of the procession that it
would soon be over. ( was glad I came
early, so as to save her.
The first in line entered the door at
the head of the stairs, nnd we all moved
up a step. He was a regular Willy boy,
with a red vest, nnd mouthed a cane.
Mentally I gave him five minutes, but
he only required two. He came out
somewhat hurriedly, a pained expres
sion on his countenance and a tear in
his eye. Evidently the widow possessed
The second man looked like a farmer
and had a fringe of whiskers under his
chin. I didn't think he'd last long. Af
ter he disappeared I took my turn fac
ing the door, and tried to count a hun
dred to still the throbbing of my heart.
I had never been so close to $75,000 be
fore, and It rather rattled me'. The
farmer didn't show up for quite a
while, and I was beginning to have a
sinking sensation in the stomach, when
the door opened a few inches and a
man stuck his head out.
"Come, step along lively now, No.
3," he said hoarsely.
Shoved by the fellow in my rear I
went in, and the door closed behind me.
It was a big room, but somehow it
hardly met my Ideal of the boudoir of a
$75,000 beauty.- But, then, she might
be eccentric; it was a good sign, any
how, that she was not Inclined to ex
travagance. I was eagerly scanning
the dim recesses for a glimpse of the
charming creature when I was rudely
"Three dollars, please," said the man
giuflly, and he held out his hand.
"But but," I stammered, remember
ing that I only had live and that my
last week's board bill was yet In ur
rears, "I didn't fcnow "
"Oh, stow that," he Interrupted sar
castically. "It's either put up or get
out and give the others a chance. Any
how, you get the cash back If she
doesn't cotton to you, and we've got to
huve some sort of guarantee that you
mean business. Besides, what's three
dollars amount to alongside of seventy
live thousand dollars?"
That a strong argument, and
with a sigh I dug down and "produced."
The next moment u curtain was lifted,
and r was In the prccence. Say, It was
the event of my life. She may not have
been exactly all I had hoped there was
a trlllo more paint than I admire, and
the hair was somewhat warm. But
with that picture hat and $75,000; well,
I saw my finish.
"You have come," she said hoftly, ex
tending her hand and gently drawing
mo down beside her on a faded sofu,
"I presume. In answer to my advertise
ment. This Is of course very embar
rassing to mo, but I must bo frank.
May I say, then, that your appearance
pleuses me gteatly; I am sure you
would prove to be a kind husband, and
that I shall make no mUtako In In
trusting you with my love."
That was Indeed a moment of ecs
tasy, I could not speak, but held her
hand, nnd planned n trip to Europe.
"I really do not feel now," she mur
mured, and I was conscious that her
hair brushed my cheek, "that I have
any desire to see the others, now that
I have met you, but Mr. Smith Is such
a strict business man that he will prob
ably Insist,"
The thought Btartled me.
"But surely" I began, but was in
stantly Interrupted,
"Fear nothing, for I feel that you aro
my afllnlty, and I have already given
you my heart. The seeing of the others
Is merely a form which must be gone
through, with, But do not seek pic
again at this pluce. Tomorrow will
write you and tell you where to call
upon me at my own home, And now,
until then, good-bye."
I do not know Just how I got out.
but I have a vague impression that
Mr, Smith assisted me. Indeed I was
fUastfiikiNU a ttfty besWb fsMM
Laxative Hrorao-QwisTbuu
you Want
the Children
to come to
their meals in
a hurry just
Zu Zu
There never was anything so attrac
tive to children to everybody, as
Zu.Ztr Ginger Snaps
Price 5 cents.
' Sold only in In-er-seal
Meldrum, XScott & Co.
The season's sales have V Store Closes
left a number of incomplete lines NV rv m c
on our counters and. shelves which N. LJaiiy at o
must go and go quickly. The prices V $$? jS
quoted below are for this purpose' alone, NV 7' se9ptf'ist?ntl1
and we are holding out to you economical op- nV
portunities that will clinch our past arguments,
"the best for the smallest price.' ' v
In this department wc have a lino
of remnants sultablo for waists,
The entire stock of Foulards oiig
Inaliy sold at Kc and $1.00.
69 and 79c a yard.
Beautiful patterns, all wool Clial
llcs, completo patterns and rem
nants, sharply reduced for Tues
day's selling.
Wash Silks.
Just the material for waists for
the warm weather just ahead.
Every piece remaining sold at
dazzled and I stopped high. Sovcnty
flvo thousand dollars seventy-live!
Probably this Is tho last newspaper
writing I shall ever do, for with $73,000
to look after I shalt be pretty busy. J3ut
I wonder what became of that other $!
I had. I don't remember upending it.
And, by tho way, I haven't heard
from her yet, and the ".d" Is still run
ning'. It seems to bo a proiltuble busi
ness. Buffalo Enquirer.
Coiiuollii li to play "Cyrano do Uerscr
hc" in London.
"KIiik Dodo" will bo taken from the
New York stage July fi.
Kntheiluo AVIllatd Is to star .ik.iIu noxt
hvusun lu "Tho rower Lie hi ml the
Minnie i'almer Is playing lu Ihigland in
it vaudovillu ukfcteh entitled "Itoso Ton
I'on." Clmile.s Wyndham hits signed a contract
with I.lchlur & Co. to como to this coun
try next seuson.
llasset Itoe, fciimt'ily a member of Julia
.Miiilowo'a 'company, has blgued lor 13. 8,
Wtllurd'u company.
Vllglulu L'uile Is to star noxt beuson un
der tho mnuagement of Frank L, I'urley
lu a new musical comuoy.
Knto Condon has been engaged for tho
leading rolo lu "The Kmerald Isle" In
support of Jcffuisou do Angclls,
Geoigo Ada Is wilting thu lllnotto for a
now musical work to bu called "Peggy of
Pails," which Henry V, S.ivugu Is to
produce in tho fall.
Itoheit 13. Muutell has Just paid J'
to his divorced who, ten cars alimony,
and can once moie go Into New York
Little Adolph SSlnlc. the diminutive
I'otfiedlun, has blgnea" to go with "Foxy
Quillcr" again next season, appearing
with tho company headed by Itlehuid Gol
den. Tho continued cold weather has knocked
out bovcral of tho theaters ut Atlantic
City, the L'mplie, controlled by tho Hub
htm Brothers, being the latest to go, clos
Ing its doors last Saturday night.
vwr r ---1,'
Evciy kind of hoMeiy, men, wo
men and children, plain, embroid
ered and lace, colors and black.
25c a pair.
Like inductions in Silk Hosiery.
A call will convince you.
f l
Our Corset department lias been
built up on "one good turn deserves
anotller." Every woman who
wears them hrlncs n friend in to
purchaso the satisfaction sho pos
sesses. Plain, rmbioldered, Sum
mer Corsets, and girdles itlttcd to
you by an expert fitter), and made
of the very best material.
50c, 75c and $1.00
Why be without beautiful
time to buy is now. GOODS
to reduce our immense stock.
the house. A new line for the
The Standard Studio and Art E
209 Wyoming Avenue,
Announcement ot Czar's Inteutlou
Undo in British Parliament.
Loudon, July 2, When iueatlrmeil in
tho lioubu of commons today on tho
subject of the collection uf llklu utnl
cither dues by tho ltubsluu administra
tion nt New-Chwang, .Muuchurlu, tho
parliamentary secretary of tho foreign
otllcc, Lord Crauborue, said Client Brit
ain had not protested against tho action
taken, because his majesty's govern
ment had been notlllcd that negotia
tions were proceeding for tho evaeua
t!oi of Manchuria by Russia, uud it
was expected that Manchuria would
shortly be restoied to Chinese control.
Fultz Will Coach Lafayotto.
Philadelphia, July 2. Dave VuU, out
fielder of thu American league base ball
'7 JS?
V" S
Kvery warm day reminds you of
that gown you havo neglected to
puichasc. It Is not too lRte yet,
and tho prices quoted In our sum
mer Dicss Goods Department will
icpay you for past discomfort.
Colored DImitles.and Swisses.. 12',Jc
White Lawns or JIull....Sc, 10c, 23c
India Ltnous U'.-jc
Better grade 13c and 20c
Laco Stiipo Dimity 20c
Good quality, now designs.
Finer grades 25c and 30c
tesrGenerous prices
in Wash Chiffons and
Persian Lawns.
pictures any longer? The
way BELOW COST just
Pictures for any room in
den also.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business of
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scrantoa
and Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
club, and who Is also a foot ball player
of note, today eamu to an agi cement to
net as foot bull coach for Lafayotto col
lege. Ho will talca charge of tho collego
foot ballets ut tho end of tho babu ball
Tammany Hall Wins.
Pioldciu'o, B. I., July 2. Tommy Hall
won tho three cornered 2j-mtlo paced laco
at tho Collbcum tonight, defeating Do
Gulehuid by two laps and Joo Kelson by
eleven lups. The distance wus made In
Carnival Week, With Its
Many Attractions Is Not the Only
Attraction in the City.
Useful 4th of July
Fixings as Well.
You will find lots of attractive things at this store
in ready-to-wear articles SECOND FLOOR.
For Pure Linen and
For Polka Dot Skirts, with three graduated flouncei,
neatly trimmed, worth $2.00.
For Pure Linen and Pique Skirts, with one, two
and three rows of embroidery inserting, graduated
Other Wash Skirts, $3.98.
For Shirt Waist Suits ; material, colored batiste, full
cut and and with graduated flounce.
For Shirt Waist Suits, skirt graduated flounce and
with ruffles.
For Shirt Waist
blue, pink, ox-blood and gray.
For White Lawn and Polka Dot Suits, pleated waist
and skirts, as well as tucked graduated flounce.
Q For Striped Madras WaUts, splendidly made, full cut front,
9oC the celebrated Florence brand; well worth $1.49.
Q For White Lawn Waists, trimmed with three rows of em
VOC broidery, tucked back and front turn over collar and
tucked cuffs; worth $1,49.
Other Waists of Silk and Cotton up to $4.o8.
Ladies' Neckwear
and Veilings.
Here are to be found all of the latest fads.
Stock Collars and Ties from 15c to 75c.
Embroidered Turn-Over Collars, white and colored,
from 10c to 35c.
Chiffon and Net Veiling, with large and small dots.
This Store
Will Be Closed
Friday and Saturday,
July 4th and 5th.
Having decided to close our store
Saturday afternoons during July and
August we shall, as the 4th conies on
Friday, remain closed until ilonday
morning, July 7th.
Williams & McAnulty,
Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper
and Draperies,
MM J A. 1
ivimiHiBWiiuriiiu i
in v mb i a mm m m
stores, Barns, nouses, ttc. m
321 Washington Ave.
Dotted Duck Skirts, worth
Suits of Mercerized Chambray, in
Fire Proof.
u - r
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bbi b v bb bbi m bib n aaa Bv as v
iBiiwa, i uui ur ftu.
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Scrantnn. Pa.
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