ww4(nyT!raofsfflPTOrB lftA."MJ rsr-T 1WU iW'.iii w&iiw t-yr 'S JfteW.WW Dft'l,, Atf-.iV rtttHr!J.-W- -yMtiiJaW -'"; rvHnl 'r,"T vw1; .wrv v vi'x $is r fs.. ' "" "5BW !. ' , 9 mii 'P. j f,v 'if -mf vt . ,i ' I A."' T .' , frt It. i THE SCRANTON TOIBUNfJ-UESDAY, JULY 1, 1902 . j l -L mTvj fe Mit, .WO', W 3 Vi K? ,W. t"iH . . it?" 'V. C if V W r 1 1' II f M a k ii V ) K i - 2 a a. a a- ."f fWJEST ; Tvyo .Boys Bitten by Dogs Arthur Phillips' 1' Success Mrs. D. B. Thomas Surprised. News Note's and Personals. nobcrt, the young Ron of Mr. ami Mia. John 11. Fair, of North Mln nvc ntie, was bitten on the nrm yesterday by a dog owned by M. H. Carpenter, of North Main avenue. The Injury la not perloua. Dr. W. A. Pnlne cauterized the wound. ThonniB Collins, iirccI 12 yearn, was bitten by a tlOB owned by Axel Kulbcrg, of Sherman avenue. Several llngerH on the left hand' were lacerated. Dr. J. J. Brennan dressed his Injuries. Sleeted Superintendents. Arthur Phillips, boh of Hov. and' Mrs. D. C. Phillips, of South Hyde Park nvc nuc, who has been principal of the Pen Argyl public school for the past two years, has been elected principal of the public school nt Doylestown. There were sixty-eight applicants for the pos ition. Mr. Phillips Is but 22 years of ago, nnd graduated from the Seranlon High school In the class of '06. He also grad uated from Lafayette college In the class of 1900. Ills many friends will be pleased to learn of his success. He lias been assistant pastor of the Doyles town Presbyterian church for the past three yeurs. I Social Gatherings. The members of the Ladles' Choral Boclcty, who won the chief piize In the choral competition at the National eisteddfod on-Memorial ,day, tendered n surprise to their talented loader, Mrs. D. B. Thomas, at her home on South Main avenue last evening. The guests wore royally entertained, and all spent a most enjoyable evening. The matrons of St. Agnes chapter of St. David's Episcopal church held their final social of the season last evening nt the home of the rector. Itev. E. J. McHenry. The time was passed in so cial diversions, nnd at a seasonable hour refreshments were served. P. O. S. of A. Excursion. The annual excursion of Washington camp. No. 178. P. O. S. of A., will be run to Mountain Pftrk on Saturday, July 2S, when a gula day Is antici pated by all the boys who will attend. A committee has been appointed to ar range a programme of sports for the day, and races, base bail and other events will bo held. ' A parade will also be held a week previous to the excursion in which tonic novel features will bo given. The arrangements aie in'charge of a com- .mittee composed of Stewart Besecker, The Deft Family Cough TUrncdy. Dufour's French Tar, For Sale by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. W;WvlUvviviiiO;;iivlylilviy jg Beginning next closes at 5 p. m. e'ept Saturday. 3 Hurrah 3 3 the Holidays ! f " Juicy" June is over, and few people will regret its depart- Sp uve. It was a wet, chilly, depressing, unseasonable month, save & for a few odd days, and not only checked the summer trade to & some 'extent, but has kept back vegetation also. & Now Comes 1 The Holiday 9 a a a a With a promise of brighter skies and more genial tempera- & ture". Of course you're going away for a few days at least, if not gj for the season. You'll enjoy yourself better if you can fill your 5! needs economically and well. Such an opportunity is now pre- Jsj sented to you at the Globe Warehouse. a Our Inventory 1 Closes Next Week And previous to that time anything you may want in sum mer holiday needs can be bought here on the most economical terms. No need to tell you why; your common sense will an swer that question. Of course, you know that tnere is not another stock like ours in town. The solection is greatest here, and our knowledge of your preferences enables us to buv nnrirnelntfi. TfWnn'rn irnint nvrnv " "' - W-- - O O "J est to call and kee us. If you're your interest, tot prices will not the high -water mark. iee This Week's argainsjn . Anoy neckwear, GLOVES AND MITTS, i 'PRETTY UNDERWEAR a a a a SUN UMBRELLAS, NEW SILK WAISTS, TRAVELLING SUITS, LADIES' POOKET-BOOKt SMART WRIST BAGS, POMFORTABLE HAMMOCKS a VA ALL TOILET REQUISITES, ij1 ALSO, SATCHELS, HANL-2A N im .mere s u Buustanuaj, money-savtvg i these departments this week. Are ! a Globe Warebotis?. I SCRANTON chnlrman; U V. Decker, Peter Young, Evan Jones," and J. L. Fcthcrmnn. Election of Officers. At a recent meeting ot Hyde Park lodge, No. 306, Knights of Pythias, the following officers were elected to servo during the coming yciir: Chancellor commnnder, David J. Da 'vls; vice chancellor, Samuel Jones; pro late, Thoophllus Bowon; master of work, William II. Williams; keeper of records, Evan J, Williams; master of finance, John J. Richards; master of exchequer, .John It. Thomas; mastcriat nrms, William T. Phillips; inner guard, Itlchard W. Jones; outer gunrd, Henry Cracknel!; trustee, William It. Lewis; representative to grand lodge, Joseph Oliver. Exercises to Be Repeated. Numerous requests have been made for a repetition of the children's day exercises which were held recently at the First Welsh congregational church, and arrangements are being made for the repetition on Sunday, July 13. The children who participated In the exercises are requested to meet in the basement of the church tomorrow eve ning to rehearse the music. Two Police Cases. A number of boys were arrested last evening for stealing from the old Car luccl plant on Scranton street. They weio held in ball for their appearance nt court. Michael O'Brien, of Pleasant street, was arrested last evening for taking his brother's clothes and being intoxi cated. He was locked up and will be given a hearing this morning. Notice! All members of the Central Mine Ac cidental fund are requested to meet at Janes hall on Wednesday afternoon, July 2, at 3 o'clock, as special business of Importance to all will be Introduced. (Signed) George Watkins, Prcs't., Jos. Bolton, Sec.'y. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Local union No. 213, United Mine Workers of America, will meet In Jayne's hall tomorrow evening to elect delegates to the Nanticoke and Indian apolis conventions. David Williams, the base ball player, left yesterday afternoon to rejoin the Boston American League team. The funeral of the late Gerscha Wels burger occurred on Sunday from de ceased's late home on Jackson street. Interment was made in the old Tripp cemetery. The remains of Harold, the 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennebaum, of 331 North Sumner avenue, were In terred In the German Catholic rome tery Sunday afternoon. The flower and pall-bearers were William Beth, Monday the store g every evening ex- g 1! g for Season e & the thlncn von nr ltiraiissf n iha waoIt II- l f wn,M I..- ' ..WW, . VU JTUUl unci- going away later, it is also to be lower, and stocks are still at SMARTEST RIBBONS, SWELLEST HOSIERY, STYLISH PARASOLS, DAINTY SHIRT-WAISTS, HANDSOME SKIRTS, CHARMING WASH SUITS, SWELL CHATELAINES, FASHIONABLE JEWELRY, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, ALL ODDS AND ENDS. si AND DRESSING PASES. opportunity in all of yoikln touchp If so. call, V - V ' -- f - Daniel Moore, Charles Schrleber, Jacob Schrlcber, Itoy Hill and Hush lltyne. The West Scranton Loyal Crusadera are growing In numbers rapidly, and at a recent meeting the following mem bers were admitted: Esther Row lands, Russell Edwards, Wendall Wll llnms, Margaret Griffiths, Ethel Deck or, Florence Bldenal, Jennie Wood, Wil liam Schatls, Edith Griffiths, Sadie Lance, John Wntklris, Margaret M, Oliver. ' An ngrecnble sunprlscw party was ten dered Miss Ethel Davis,' daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas C. Davis, nt her homo on Fourteenth street. The oc casion was her fifteenth birthday, and was nn event of much pleasure. W. II. Hngan, of North Sumner ave nue, has in his possession some of the molten ashes from the Mont Pelee erup tion. It was sdnt to him by one of the pallors who -brought the body of tne American consul to the United States. A largo audience nttended the preach ing services at the Tnbcrnnclo Congre gatlonnl church last ovenlng.wlion Rev. W. Morris, of Treorkey, Wales, preached tifo sermon. He will leave fo, homo to day. The Sons of Cambrln Soclnl club will meet this evening nt 8 o'clock. It Is Im portant that the accepted applicants nt the last meeting be present, In order to be duly elected. Other business of Im portance will bo transacted. The soclnl committee of the Electric, City Wheelmen will tender their lady friends a ping pong party nt the club house on Wednesday evening, July 10. The Reds and Blues played an ex citing bowling match at tho Electric City Wheelmen's alleys last evening. The latter won the contest. The Men's, league of the Plymouth Congregational church held a regular meeting last evening, and listened to the reading of a paper by one of their members. They will not meet during tho summer months. A. B. Eynon, cashier of tho West Side bank, spent Sunday with ills family at Lake Winola. Nicholas Bush and family, ot Luzorno street, left for Buffalo yesterday, where they will penrmnently reside. Miss Annie Hogan, of Continental hill, is recovering from an uttack of np Dcndicltls. E. D. Fellows, of South Main avenue, returned home yesterday from a brief stay nt Lake Winoln. E. Andrian, of Morris court, is about again, after several weeks' confinement in the house from an Injury to his knee. Local union, No. 1503, United Mine Workers of America, held a meeting In Flanagan's hall, on Luzerne stree't, yesterday afternoon, and elected dele gates to the Nanticoke and Indianapo lis conventions., A special meeting of Ripple division, Sons of Temperance, was held in Mor gan's hall last evening, when business pertaining to tho order was transacted," ! . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Misses Jesble Gilchrist, of Hazleton, and Miss Mary DcWitt, of Wentherly, Pa., are the guests of Tlev. and Mrs. John P. MofTntt, of Washburn street. Miss Jennie B. Luxemburgor, of Washburn street, who graduated from the nurses' training school at Mercy hospital, Wilkes-Barre, took llrst prize in her class, a nurses' outfit. ,. Miss Margaret Hughes, of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned home from a two weks' visit with "friends in Bloomsburg. Prof, David Owens, of No. 13 school, spent last week with friends in Blooms burg. Lawrence Joseph, of Pittsburg, has returned home from a visit with his parents on Hampton street. Miss Sadie Pavies. of South Main avenue, is visiting friends in PIttston. Miss Augusta Polhamus, of North Main avenue, is spending a few days with friends in Elmlra. John T. Phillips, of Wfst Locust street, has returned homo from a trip to Reading. Miss Beatrice Noll, of Eynon street, Is home from a visit' with Wilkes-Barre friends. William Shoemaker nnd wife, of North Sumner avenue, have returned home from a visit In Luzerne county. Mrs. Michael Judge and children, of North Sumner avenue, are the guests of relatives at Wilkes-Barre. C. L. Blddlcman, of South Main ave nue, has returned home from a trip to Kansas. Louts H. Jones, of North Bromley avenue, will spend this week In Nova Scotia. Robert Pottlt, of 'Mexico, is home on a visit to his mother and brother, S. D. Pottlt. of North Main avenue. Dr, Philip Davies, of South Main ave nue, has resumed his duties at the Phil adelphia hospital, after tx short visit with his relatives. J. Seldcn Swisher and wife, of South Main avenue, were In Tunkhannock Inst evening, when the Daughters of the American Revolution presented Temple eommnndery No. 60, Knights Templar, with a silk flag. Mrs. Swisher Is a member of the former, and Mr. Swishe r of the latter. William James, of Eynon street, who received nn honorable discharge front' military service In the regulor army, tins secured a position as inspector of mall pouches nt Washington through the Influence of Congressman William Canncll. He is a son of ex-Patrolman William James. Dr. W. Rowland Da vies und wife have returned homo from their wedding trip to Philadelphia, Washington and other places of interest, and will make their home nt 221 South Muln 'avenue, Albert Ellus, of New York, Is spend ing n few days at the home of his par ents on Washburn street. Chnrleu, tho child of Mr, nnd Mrs. Thomas Regan, of Sixteenth street, is ill nt his home, Charles Carpenter, who recently re turned from Vlntondale, Is suffering from rheumatism nt his home on North Rebecca avenue. Jacob Early, of 1917 Jackson street, is laid up with an attack of rheumatism. T. Smith Morse, bt Jackson street, Is on a fishing trip to West Nicholson, Thomus Eynon, of South Bromley avenue, will leturn home from Lafay ette college on Thursday. Lester Morse, of Hyde Park avenue, Is spending his vueatlon ut the Thou sand Islands. Mrs. A. M. Morse and son, Arthur, of South Bromley avenue, spent yesterday at Lake Winola, E. B, Morse nnd family, of North Hyde Park ayenue, will leave today to spend the summer nt Lake Winola. Patrolmen James Hart and John Mc Colllgan resumed their duties last even ing, ufter their annual ten days' vaca tion. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-BASE A powder to be haken Into tho hoe.your (eft feci wollcn, nenoiu and hot, mid get tired tal!y. If you hae jinartltur feet or tight shocj. try Allen's KootKast. H toolj tho feet, aj makes uullliitf easy, Curca awollcn. tneatin feet, ingrowing nalli, blisters and callous poti. ltelletes corns and bunions ot all pain and etoa rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all drug. gUU and, thoa atoic for 2ie. Don't accept any substitutes. Trial uckage FHKIC. AddrcM Allen S. Olniited, l.e Boy, Jf. Y. V, HjH SOUTH SCRANTON OFFICERS FOR CAMP NO. 430, P. O. S. OF A. They Were Electe'd at Held Last Night in a Meeting Hnrtman's Hall Large Number of Persons Engaged in Picking Iron on the L. I. & S. Co. 'a Property Richard Lucke Had Four Sons Baptized at Once Case Heard Before Alder man Lentes. A well-attended meeting of Washing ton camp, No. 430, Patriotic Order Sons of America, was held In Hartman's hall last evening, when officers for the ensu ing term were chosen after' a friendly contest. The officers-elect are: Past president, Peter W. Huas; president, John Lew ert; vice-president, Charles A. Bohr; master of forms and ceremonies, Frank T. Hessinger; conductor, John Brown; Inspector, Fred Kellerman; outer guard, George Lewert; trustee, eighteen months. William E. Klrchoff: dele gates to state camp, John Brown, August F. Kraft; additional trustees, Robert Dieter, Fred Schwenk. Camp 430 is one of tho strongest, financially, and also in numbers, In this part of the state, the membership being near the 300 mark. The installation of officers will take place next Monday night. Another Industry. For some time past, scores of men, women and children have been Industri ously engaged picking up scrap pig Iron and crude ore on the property of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany, and the tons of metal found have added considerably to the wealth of tho .thrifty workers. This did not escape tho notice of shrewd men of business, and yesterday men stationed themselves on tho bank, between Willow street and Birch street, In view of tho searchers for Iron, and bought what the search ers brought to them. Two men did the Duymg, another paid out tho cash, while others guarded the ever-increasing pile until wagons carted it away to the junk yards. Nearly 100 persons were engaged gathering the iron and, according to the amount in stock at 4 o'clock, there must have been between six and eight tons gathered during the day. The price paid Is twenty-five and thirty cents a hundred, according to the quality. NUBS OF NEWS. Mrs. Charles Dickman, of 628 Willow street, was reported seriously ill yes terday. Richard Lucke, "who resides near Mountain lake, held a christening last Saturday, and somewhat startled Rev. E. J. Schmidt, pastor of the Church of Peace when he presented four sons .for baptism. Their given names are Otto, Albert, Joseph and Theodore C, the last named in honor of President Roose velt. A son has arrived at the homo of Mrand Mrs. William Roche, 621 Fig street. A well attended singing practice meeting of the Scranton Saengerrunde, was held in Athletic hall last evening. The Ringgold band, led by Professor Jacob Guth, held a lively practice meeting In Schlmpff's hall last even ing. A baby girl has arrived to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Herb ster, at 714 Alder street. Mrs. John Senker, of B12 Stone ave nue, has recovered fiom a severe ill ness. Comet Lodge, Knights of Pythias, will meet in regular session at Hart man's hall this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rlcca, and 'son, August, of New York city, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klien, of U0 Alder street. Tho Junior Order of United American Mechanics, No. 832,' will hold their regu lar session In Schlmpff's hall this even lug, WalerIJa Swownlsky, of 313 Elm street, swore out information yester day against Kat,e Wydofsky, of the same place for committing an assault on her 12 year old foil Tho evidence showed that tho boy sat on the de fondants stoop and when told to leave hesitated in doing so. She struck him over the eye with nn old shoe, and Aldermnn Lentes held her for court In 7500 ball. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam is guaranteed to cure all coughs, "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers. Michael Youhas was charged by his wire with assault and battery, and non-support, before Alderman Lentes, yesterduy. Tho evidence showed on compatlblllty of temper, with a little too much father ana mother In law. Youhas was held for court, in J800, for assaulting his wife and non-support, and 50 for assaulting Lesco Deurko, his father in law. GREEN RIDGE. Miss Harriet Lindsay, of Mousey avc nue, la the guest of the Misses MatthowH, at Mnpleluirst, Clnrks green. Miss Clam Woodruff, of Electric ave nue, is spending u few days at Luke Slierldmi, where she is being entertained at the cottage pf Mr. and Sirs. Hurry Dlmmtck. C. S. Jacobs, of Dlckton avenue, left yesterday on a business trip to Philadel phia and New York, Henry and George Kotek, prominent business men of Wllkes-Rarre, spent yes tcrday Jn Green Rldgo looking ufter their real estate interests here, Tho Inltatory degico will be conferred ut tho icgulur meeting of Green Ridge Lodgo, I, o. O. F at Masonlo hall, Dick ion uvenuc, Thursduy evening of this week. , The member of lli ir T T it,h j.. a very dellshtful subscription dance ut a layer of Stiffening Metal between Welded and rolled too-etltor into nun RnHrl licet of metal. The Jas. Boss Case i9 a Solid Gold Case for all practical purposes. The Stiffening Metal simply adds strength and durability. The Doss Case is guaranteed for 35 years by the largest' watch case makers in the world, who have been making it for a full half century. Every Boss Case has the Keystone trade mark stamped inside. Ask any dealer to show you one. Write us for a booklet telling tho whole story. Th Kiyilone Witch Cat Company, Philadelphia. By this mark yon know them kV. LOOK! Round Steak, 10c A Pound. Sirlion Steak, 2 Pounds for 25c. the Green Ritlgo library last evening. About forty of the young people wore present. Tho pretty rooms of tho library were made home-llko, by potted plants, singing blids and Improved cosy corners. Tho party was chaperoned by the Misses Lizzie and Mury Hitchcock nnd Miss Mario Ncttloton. Mits l.aura Mcldrum furnished tho music. NORTH SCRANTON. The members of tho First Welsh Bap tist church, of AVebt Market fctreet, held an interesting entertainment, which was well nttended In tho church parlors last tenlng. An excellent programme of recitations, bolos und choruses was ren deicd. Tho leading feature of the ovenlng was tho singing of Rev. J. W. Davies' new song entitled "Tho Song of Labor," by Piofcssor M. M. Davis (Gwllym Mor tals), and paity. Miss Georgia Sclliy, secretary ot tho Youncr Woman's Christian association rooms on North Main avenue, left yentoi day for a two months' western tilp. Dur ing her ubseuce Miss Helena Clark, will act as her substitute, the rooms remain ing open afternoons und evenings dur ing the months of July and August. Tho Ladles' Outing club of the Young Women's Christian association will meet this evening. All young women aro in vited to become membcis. John L. Evans, of Warren street, has returned to Now York nftor spending tho Sunday with his family. A gamo of baso bnll will bo played be tween Haswcll'.s Indians and tho clerks on Von Storeh's field this ovenlng. Charles Tcrwllllger nnd Lieutenant Amasd Palmer, of North Main nvenuo. have returned after a successful fishing trip at Muplowood, Rev. Stephen O'Boyle, of Sayrc, Pa Is visiting his parents on Warren streot. Rny Smith has opened up u meat mar ket In tho Boer's building on Wayne ave nue. The Epworth lenguo of tho Providence Methodist church will hold a regular busi ness meeting on Wednesday evening, July J, at 8.30 o'clock. Tho Misses Emma and Mary Walsh, of Deacon street, have roturned after spend ing two weeks with friends at Elmdalo. William Lewis, of Summit avenue, has returned homo nftor spending his vaca tion In New York city. Oswald Price, of Spring street, has ro turned after spending a week at New York city. Benjamin Edwards, of Plymouth, is vis iting his sister, Mrs. William J. Davis, of Warren street. Mrs. B. H. Mathnoowltz, formorly of this part of tho city, but now of Now York city, is visiting her brother, U. Atlas, on West Market street. A largo audience braved the storm Sun day night nnd assembled nt tho Christian church to onjoy tho musical piogrammo rendered by the choir. Tho.iuitiiems by tho choir wore of a very high order and lendered most acceptably. Tho Individual selections, while not highly classical, wero espeelully adapted to tho soloists' ability, hence given with ndmhublo feeling. Much ciedlt is due Professor Edwards for tho porformanco and music lovers may ox pect similar treuts In the near fututo. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mis. William Culoy, of West Mayfleld who has been suffering from a cliroulo trouble for somo time, nuclei went nn operation at the hands of Drs. Wheeler, of Carboudulo and Duvls, of Jennyn, on Saturday, , If the weather today should bo fnvor uble the members of the "Hit lor Bliss" cooking club and their gentlemen fi lends will spend tho day ut Crystal lulte. Druggist und Mrs. John It. Jones and Bon Wlllard, spout Sunday wlth'Scinnton fllends, Henry Moicom, of Cinnford, N, J is homo on a week's visit with his parents, Mr, nnd Mis, W, II. Marcoin, of Second street. Harry Mountford, of Dickson, wus cir culating umong old friends yesterday, Miss Anna Gendall, of Peckvllle, spent Sunday at the homo of Miss Mury Swlck, of Second street. Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Jadwln, of Curbon dale, was yesterday thb guest of Dr, and Mrs. M. J, Shields, Thomas Qulun and Mike Clark. jr have returned homo from tho Potter county lumber legion. ' Mrs. Thomas M. Grlfllths, of Third stieet, is confined to her homo by sick ness. Edward McCartr, of Mayfleld, has secured a position us telcgruph operator IBS in ,jf "' fyyy ffM -m f' (y Not Common )tjL" ' place. ' ' Worthy of Your Attention. Men's Summer Underwear ' Fine Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, made from Egyptian cot ton, full size. Shirts trimmed with stitching about neck, collar band woven of same material. Drawers, double gusset, double stitch ed throughouOelastlc extension waist band, worth 5oc, our price 39C" Men's Linen Negligee Shirt Plain or pleated front, box pleat, has biack piping, large pearl but tons. The newest thing'ln town. Everybody wants them. ' Our price ; $1.00 Women's Handkerchiefs, all linen 1-4 and 1-2 inch hem, priced at ,., pc Oreen Veiling:, all the rage 39c Drapery Veils, white and black, black and white edges, priced atr ! At 59c White Shirt Waist Tucked collar, cluster of 18 tucks in back, new bishop sleeve, today at At 25c Women's Lace a fine lace, gauze nose, double favorite among the many customers Women's Corset Cover at 39c i ' Exceptionally good quality, trimmed embroidery front. Mapy have lace trimmings. A value that readily brings 49c. Qur Price 39jC KOf Pino rafraflrraA rtdsss 'iMn.fUn -.4. in. a laiu. Colors are the much wanted kind. Open work stripe of white on solid ground, colors of green, old rose,, blue, etc., then there are the plain colors, worth the same, on sale with this lot. Such good values are not often found so early In the season for 39C Take Notice. Owing to Friday Being a Holiday Onr Great Friday Hour Sale ' Keep this notice before you. Exceedingly interesting nnd profitable, thoroughly seasonable goods and economical. I The If i Some fellows say, "I've crossed "the drink," While others "drink in" knowledge high; But what drink really means, you'll never know, Until you drink Green Valley Rye. Green Valley Rye la sold on honor, nt $1.25 for a full quart bottle. 216 Lackawanna AvcScramtonV Beer is not of been ;on lager" for at least four to six months. A capacity to continually store 375,000 bar rels nrovides amnle facilities to properly age all brews of Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n St. Louis, U, S. A, ftrtwers of tfit famous Budwolser. Mlchclob, Black 6 Tan, Faust, falcLagnr. Anbeuser-Standard, Export Palo and Cxqulallo. CASEY BROS. on the Pennsylvania railroad, nt l'ltts. liurt'. Jilts Elizabeth ailflltlia und brother, Italpb, of Hcruuton, ujient Sunday wltli Jcimyn friends. . Dr. 11. H. Jackson returned last even. Ins from u brief visit with his wife and faintly who are at llaivoy'H InKe. J, U. Stocker returned home yesterday from u business tilp to tho western part ot tho state, ARCHBALD. Nicolas Klnback und Archie Nlcol wero callers In Carboudale, Sunday evening. Mr. John 1", Kearney made u business trip to Carboudule, yesterday. Mrs. O. J, Moylea who bus been visit ins relatives In town, left on Sunday BnrJ " 1 A ' narrow tucks In front, 6 narrow good lawn, nicely made, buy f , gO. Hose heel and toe, fast black. A who buy their hose here! . 25C will be Held on Thursday. Drink , Age Makes Perfect age until it ha Wholesale Dealers, SCRANTON, HA. evening for her hbine In San Francisco, Ciil. Misses Tesslo and Nettle SlcCloskey, of Jermyn, wero callers In town Saturday evenlns. Misses Borllui Davis and Florence Jones, of Cuiuomlule, visited friends In town Sunday. Mrs. V, T. Davenport and Miss HessU Callaway, left yesterday morning for Windsor, N. Y., where they will spend beveral weeks visiting friends, Miss Sadlo Uroderlek and Agues Ollro, aro visiting Rev. I', T, Btodcrlck n Sus. quchunuu, Miss Anna 1). Douglass who attends tho Indiana Stato Normal school Is visit lug her (,rundmothcr, Mrs. Mary Lynn. Mr. C. A. Hurko was u caller in Or bondalo lust evening. , .', ' . - t y -J X 4k j&u itut. , .-" i - v i. d 3Wrt.ji tWPt2i