i' "'.. K.T. ' w 'f -r-T WX" t3"n J ' rf9T v. y '"SI J ' 'iw " r "VsL. -t" r" J i".r ' 7W?E L" v ' ' ' . . . JUNE 28. 1902. THE SCRANTON nmmtt. SATURDAY, 0 W ' " '" f T THEASTERN rMONESDALE. To the Bcrtnton Trlbunt. Toncsdule, June 27i An Intel oatltig In me of ball Is pi utilised Saturday af ternoon on Mm Honetklule Hold by the Hcrunton Alumni and the Honcsdale teams. The express company will move to their now quarters In the Whitney and Spencer liulldlnK next week. Ptofcssor Mark Ciensey has declined the prlnclpalshlp of the Honcsdale High school, which was lecently ten deied him. "The New Abolition" will be the sub ject on which Itev. ('. L. Petey will speak In the Baptist chinch on Sunday evening. ' After being held up for over a year , n,t Harrlsburg, a chai ter has finally ' ' l)cen granted the Consumera' "Water company, of Honesdule. Mis. Henty T. Dnltuetsch has Issued invitations to a lecltal to bo given at her home on Park stteot, Monday even ing, June :iu, at S.15. Prof. Thomas S. March Is packing up his household goods ind for the ptes- cnt will locate at Huston, Pa. He has not decided on a peimanent location, ills successor as principal of the Honesdnlo High school has hot yet been chosen. The Susquehanna-Wayne semttoilal (onfllct will piobably end with two Republican candidates. Thcseason Is on, but the weather Is off. Consequently, the sale of funs, stiuw hats and shht wulsts has been limited. NEW MILFORD. fpccisln tin bcrnnlon Tribune. Neu Mllloid, June 27. An Ice cream festival was conducted by the Young Pcoph's Baptist union on Fi Iday even ing, June 27, and a vety pleasing phonograph entertainment was given. IT. M. Hunuuh. of Scrnnton, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dai Id McConnell the foicpart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fied Claik, of Car bondalc, visited in town iccently. J. 3t. Valls visited his daughter, Mrs. E. H. Osboinc, In Hat fold, the fore part of the week. .Mis. S. V. Tiunibull entertained the following ladies at tea Wednesday af tcinoan: Mis. D. W. Hugcr, Mrs. Wil liam Van Cott, Mi. L. W. Moore, Mis. F. F. Moss and Mis. Ira Moss. Miss Jennie Boyle is visiting lelatlves in Caibondnle. Mr?. Robert fSlllesple gave a dinner pai t to a few of her friends on Wed nesday. P. L. Biyant, of Deposit, called on fiicmls in town Thuisduy. WELSH HILL. Spfclnl to the Sirantou Tribune. Welsli Hill, June 27. The Cougiega tiotidl Sunday school of this place was well lcpicsciued at the local institute held at Dundaff, Thursday, June 1!). Pi of. Thomas, of Fnctoiyille, was a visitor heie over Sunday. Mis. L. Robeits and daughter, Coi.i, of Scinntou, who Iiavo spent seveial wicks at John Moses', returned home Wednesday. The Mioses Maiy E. Klchaids and Annie Lloyd are attending the sum mer normal at He.it t Lake tills week. Mr. and Mis. Henry Hanis, ot Scian ton, aie iitots heie. Mis. Owen Moigans is visiting lier daughter. Mis. Sidney Chappel, of Par .ker stKeet, Scianton, this week. Mrs. John Watkius enteitained the Ladies Aid at dinner yesterday. The Sunday school will picnic at the head of Ij.ike Idlewild July 4. A cor dial Invitation is extended to all. TU1NKHA1SN0CK. Specuil to tlic Scraiiton Tribune. Tuiikhaniiock, June 27. The DeWltt j'umily leiinlun was held at the lesl dflite of C4. Dow DeAVItt. on Susque lianna stiect, on Wednesday, and a huge imnibei wctu in attondance. V. (i. Wheelock and Miss Minnie Buitiain wire joined In inaiiiage at the home of the bible's parents in this place on Wednesday at noon, Itev, H. 11. Wilbur omeluting. The lesidenco of Aithur H. Squid-, on East Tioga stiect, was desttoyed by tile on Thutsduy morning at about 3 o'clock. Fito broke out in the upper story, and is supposed to huve been caused by the explosion of a Rochester lamp which wus left burning during the night. Mis. Squler and her little ' ' n Nightmare Gives point to the fact that excessive or irregular eating disturbs the digestion. Niglttuiateor night hag lias it's day time correspondence in the undue fullness after eating, with the belchings and sour or bter rising so often experienced after too hasty or too hearty eating. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dyspepsia ami other diseases of the stomach ojjl its allied organs of diges tion.and nutrition, When these diseases arc cured, the whole body shares iu the increased stiength derived fiom food properly digested and perfectly assimil ated. "YcjurMJoletM Medlcnl J)isciery' and Dr. Bagi .Catarrh Remedy have been of great Vneflt tome," writes (Prof.) 1'lcasaut A. Omer, oI'ViqK 1'iiltoii Co, Ark, "Before I used the hove mentioned remedies inv sleep was not foumV. iflisenlon had; a continued feeling of inisery.f I now feet like u uew mini. Any one (n neetl'of medlcnl treatment for nasal catarrh could to no better thin to take treatment of Pr. KVS fierce. I Vuow lil mediciuea are all right iw il class of diseases." Sotncipies a dealer tempted by the little niorejroJit paid on the sale of less utiiiuuuus iiieiuciues win oner cuu ccia pmer a substitute as being "just aj on- as ine"uiscovery." is ueiicr uin necaiiie Jt pays netter, out u is Ijuun iur you, 11 vuu wain mc ae iiiai uas cured otuers, ana pu believe will cure you, tree's Pleasant Pellets cleanse cd sjsteut from accuniulateu PENNSYLVANIA son weie alone In the house nt the time, her husband being In attendance at the Hcmociattc state convention at title, and the other membe.s of the family away tin a visit. The Triton Hose compnny wete soon on the ground, and after a haul stitigglu suc ceeded In getting the Haines under con trol. The building and furnltuio were fully Instiled. Christopher Teel, an aged resident of Second street, died on Wednesday night. He was the father of Mis. Olles II, Boss, and was past 80 years of age. A lerrlile wind storm, accompanied by rain, visited this town on Wednes day evening, and many shade trees weie blown clown In dlffeicnt parts of the town. ISatney (licen, of Nicholson, Is cm ployed as porter at the Kceler house. Hairy Ptcvost, of Wllkes-Bane, Vis ited his pai cuts here on Thursday. . Mrs. JGinma Bums was a visitor In PICTURE li 7 Ptepatations for the wai, 177-1. Min ute man leaving his home to Join the i inks. Can you find two other minute men .' Wilkes-Bnno on Thursday. There w 111 bo a shoi t session of argu ment coutt held heie today, with Picsl dont Judge Dunham on the bench. Mr. and Mis. William A. Klttildge have tetutned liom their wedding tour and will commence housekeeping in the Mosier lcsUlence on Second stiel. Mis. Fannie White, of New Yoik, is the guest of hei sister, Mis. W. U. Kitt tidge, on Susquehanna stiect. Pi ofessor Frank Simpson, of Bueknell unlveisity. Is spending the summer with his patents at tills place. I HALLSTEAD. Sp'cial to tlic fciunton Inbunc. Hallstead, June 27. A largo and en thusiastic crowd witnessed one of the closest games ot base ball of tho season on tho homo giounds, Thuisdny, be tween Gieat Bend and New Milfotd. New Milfoid was badly wiped out by a scoi e of 5-0. John O'Bilen bus accepted a position with u wholesale house In New York city. Mary Dougheity is spending a few days with I..esteisli!ie fi lends. Misses Saia Watkins and Kdilli C'or wln are1 lsltlng Mis. 13. G. Simons, at Hoboken. While thcie they will take pat t in an entei tninment to be given in the Itnlltoad Young Men's Chtistlan association looms. Mis. Mary Melice, of Foiest Lake, Is spending a few days with fi lends in town. Wood Wilmot. nieteian of the CiII war, celebiuted his seventj-foutth biithday on Ftlduy. James II. Uaulgg, of Itochester, N. Y has leturned home, after spending the past week with lelatlves In town. Mi. nnd Mrs. AVllliam Hallstead, of Blnghamton, weie teeent Alsitors at the home of .Mr. and Mis. Willlunt Waul, A band conceit and Ice cream social will bo held at the home of Thomas A. Pottlt, at Upsonvllle, Tuesday evening, July 1, under the auspices of Bullatd's Comet band. A. Id. Sherwood will lead the Yoke Fellows' band at the Young Men's Chtlstinu association, Sunday morning. Tho alteinoon meeting will be ud dressed by Itev. Chailes Smith, of New Mlliord. Mrs. flattie I.oomls and sons. Harvey and Fied, Mrs. U. K. King, Peter Allen, Kenneth Johnson and Mr, and Mis, Fred Osterhout attended the giiinge at Hickory grove, Wednesday evening, it being an unnlveisary meeting. Rev. J. J. Itanklu, of Scranton, will occupy the pulpit at the 1'iesbyterlan chut eh on Sunday, H. B. Little and John Couitilght, ot Montrose, weie business callers In town Wednesday, Miss Edna Trowbridge Is .spending n few dajs with Scranton friends. Mrs. John Humphrey, Mis, William Watd and chlldteu and Miss Itena Mer rill left today to visit at the homo ot Mr. and Mis. Geotge Waid, at Buffalo. D. f Hamlin Is home liom Buffalo, laid up with a sptained wtlst. Mis, Ous Sllker and duughteis, Es tella and Alaud, have gone to Hiteketts town. wheio they epect to spend the summer, Mr, and Mis. (leotge Ttek have moved Into P. It, C'aipentet's house, on Main street, fouueily occupied by Fiank II. Beldeu, Mm, Samuel Wells enteitained tho ladles of thn Ptesbyteilun chinch nt her home, on Main stieet, Thursday utteiuoon. UNIONDALE. Sjjeelal to the Serunton Trlbuur, t'nloiulule. Jniin "7. Wlllln llr, ,i,. ... Cut bondale, Is lsltlng his aunt. Mis'. F, ,11, J.111C. Al thill- Foster nllemlpil tin, fin,,,,..i . . his giitiulniothor at Thoinnsun. iWiii,. day. Chlldieu'tt l)av wns obseroii in n.n MetllOdlfit CllUllll lllHt Slinililt mmnli.i. and a laihe plied audlenco enJoH'd the exeiclses. MlS. it 111 1 lot Hlisuell 1m Hl)llrlln- n. week with her dauirhtei, Mis. .Meudo, m Htiantoa. Owln to tho 1'invt encuy and skill of Mrs. Ed Irforgnn, MJlss Frank Lowls and Miss Daisy BronSon, the Boclal held on Mrs. Morgan's lawn last Filclay even ing was In cvoiy respect a success. The proceeds of thn evening nellcil $18, Mrs. Simon Pomety, of White's Vitllsv, was a guest of Ilev. 1). D. Jenkins last Sntutilay. Itev. If, J. Cianu and wife ate Hpeiv!lit thlslweek at Ural t Lake, Miss Bvelyn OilIMn, or Calboiulale, Is visiting her mother, Mts. Fiatik West gate. At it recent meeting of tho school boaitl Miss Nellie C'loneey was elected Inter mediate and Miss Billth Smith primary teacher. Tho boaul inn now waiting for mme nppllratlons for the pilnelpalslilp. Theio are brlglit ptospeets for a very Interesting and enjojnblo Fourth ot July. The committees aro meeting with excel lent success. It Is expected that many fiom the neighboring towns will ttnllo with us to multo this Fottith one of tho most delightful ami gluttons ocr wlt nctscil In the community. DALTON. C'lilldren's day will be observed by tho Sunday school of the Baptist chinch Sun day mottling. I'ropat nitons ato being made by the Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist ehuich to hold a lawn festival on tho church lawn on July 1. , Walter Clark Dean, an elcctllclnn la the United States nay Mini tit Noitolk, Vn Is spending a few days with his pa tents heie, Mi. and Mis. W. A. Dean. PUZZLE. A. L Gutney, of Carbondalc, dltikt in town the past lew dajs endeaioiliig to oigani.50 a camp ot tills scciet and tn siunntc oidur. He evpuets to hold a lrc-llmin.ni- meeting on Monday evening next In Lee s hall. Tlicaunu.il leimlon of the Wilglcy fam llv was held on Thiu.silay at tho homo ot Mis i:il7.i Can. ot tills place. A most delightful time was had and a bountlf il dimiei was paitnkcned of at tables ai langeit on the lawn at the side of lli'Mr house. The i allow lug prngiamme was leudeied: Piano solo, Jtis. Fied Wilg lej ; icclt.itioii, Rutli Collin: quartette, Mcssis Abel, James, Abinm nnd Uex fmd Wilglcy; declamation. Paul Wiig li 5 ; plami solo, Stella Wiiglej; song, Stadge Wtlgluv: recitation. Vol a Ool ln; piano solo, Mary Collin; soinr, Bex foul Wilglcy; tec llatiou, Mildiod Wiig lej; song, Alls. Wlnton Wilgley; -'Revci-ks of an Old Minor," Llzio AViigloy; lt'ituuks on the' old home, Messis. Abfl, Scth and Samuel Wiiglev; clulstenlng of habv Lawienee Can; piaci, llev. Abel Wtlglei; ' singing. "Blest Be tho Tie That Hinds" Those piesent weie: Jits. BlUa Can- and daughtcis, Ella. Ada, and Ethel, Balton; Mis. Meiton Collin and duughteis, Caiiic, Ruth, Maiy, Veia, and son, ctei, Claik'a Summit; Seth Wilg loy and wile, Seinnton: Rev. Abel AS'rlg lev and wife, son, Retford, and daugh ter, Madge. Mill Citv; Samuel Wilglcy nnd wife, daughtcis Louise and Mlldied, Scianton; John AVriglev and "wife, son Paul and daughtcis Enid and Hazel, Like C.ney; James AViigley and wife, sons Ai thin and Claieucc. and daughtei-H Celia and Shlia; Abinm AViigloy and wile, daugliteis Stella and Fanny and son Stan lei ; Wlnton AViigley and iiile, Factory illle; William AViigley and son, Seth. Scianton; Chailes Klelufelter ami wife, Blnghamton; Jli.s, Sidney Corey and sons, Kenneth and Paul. Pa Plume; Mr. and Mis. Geoigo Ciur. sons 'Miller and Jnmos Lawienee, Wilkes-Banc; Mr. and Mis. Vlnnlo Gui ilner and son, Robert. Fac tory vllle; Pied AViiglev and wife. La Plume; Mis Ilojd AViigley and daughter, Doiotliy. f BASE BALL. 1 National League. At Philadelphia R.I'i.E. New A'mk 1 0 0 t0 0 0 (I 0 1 I 2 Philadelphia OuGlKl 100-712 1 H.itteiie iliuko and Bowctmuu; AVIiito and Doulu. Umplic Emslle. At Boston R.ll.E. Brooklyn a i u I o I 0 o 0 7 il 'i Boston 1 0 0 .! 0 0 ." 0 li. 3 Battoiles Kltsou and Abeam; Halo und Kittridge Catltllllon. At St, Louis R.H.E. Chicago O.l u 0 0 0 0 t (, 10 0 St. Louis ) 0 0 '1 1 0 t 0 0 I U II Battel leti Ulioades and Kllug; A'erkcs and llynu. I'mplies Poweis and Bio,vn. Clnelunatl-Pilthbuig; not scheduled. American League. At AViushlngiem Jt.IT U. Philadelphia 001002010 t r, (I Washington 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 'J C 1 Battel lesWIItso ami Schteckeiigosf, Townseud and Cluik. Umplio-L'uiutheis. At Baltlmoto R.H.E. Boston .,,,, x 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 ,1 0 15 0 Baltlliuuii 2 00000010 S U I Battoilcs Winter and AVatner; Howoll uml Biesn.thau, Umplies Jolmstono and Connolly, At Chlcago-Chlcago.Dultolt, postponed; wet giounds. At Clcivelaiid R.ll.E. St. Louis ,., ,,.0000000022 7 1 Cleveland ,..,000001000-1 7 0 Battel ies-Pow ell and Douoliue; Mooio and Bemls. I'mplio-Sheildau, Eastern League. Pioildcnee, 10; Bochestei, i. AV01 tester, G; Buffulo, 3 Toionto, I; Jersey City, 3. Monti cal, 0; Now ink, 1. s A ptoposal has been oDlclully piomul. irated to amaleumatit luiini v.ilun., K..I..I, colllciles loj- tho putposo of ouJtlng iiun-in:iui wu.11 noiu t.uiope, 'i-po cupltul of tho new combine is to be JCJ.OOO.OOO. The coilleilca uffected uio In Lanark shh. and have a lotnl nutmit nt ,: anA 000 tons. The colllciies cun bo muintu'lne'd lor at least imriy euis and a decision ifguiiU- uoBiti iu bo madii next w cek 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Very Low Sates to San Francisco and Pacific Coast Points via South ern Hallway. On account of the biennial meeting Knights of Pythias; to be held In San Francisco, Aug. llth to 22d, the South ern Hallway will sell round trip tick ets to San Francisco, or Los Angeles, on Aug. 1st to Aug. oth, good to re turn until Sept. 30, 1902, ut greatly re duced rates. The tound trip rate from Philadelphia will bo $60.7r., and eor lespondlngly low tates front other points, with generous stop-overs and privilege ot returning 11 different route If desired, ut rate of 903.25. Passen geis muy avail themselves ot cither the standard sleeper In which berth rate le $19.00 tlnough from Philadel phia or the excursion sleeper In which beith rate Is $7.00 from Washington. The above lates apply to the general public. The Southern Railway operates tri weekly personally conducted tourist cars between AVashlngton nnd San Francisco without change via Atlanta, New Orleans, El Pnso and Los An geles. Tourist cars leave AVashlngton, S.43 p. m. every Monday, AVodnesday and Friday. The route Is through the most delightful section of the south and west. It Is most Interesting to seo New Orleans, San Antonio and El Pnso, the latter place which Is Just liei oss the river it 0111 the old Mexican town of Juutez, where all the old cus toms prevail. Chus. L. Hopkins, District Pussenger Agent, Southern Railway, 82S Chest nut St., Philadelphia, will be pleased to furnish all information. Fourth, of July Excursion to Pictur esque Mountain Park. Mountain Park Is situated on the top of Wllkes-Barre mountain, over looking the beautiful AVyomlng valley. Trains will leave Scranton nt 8.30 anS 11.30 a. m.j 1 a. m. and 4 p. m. Rates, 75 cents; children, 50 cents. Trains will leave Wllkes-Barrc nt 0 00, 10.00, 11.00 n. m., 12.00 noon, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 p. m. Tho Scranton trains wilt make all local stops between Scranton and AA'ilkes-Barre. Amusements of all kinds will be pro vided: Bowling, merry-go-round, coast er railroad, mirage and all athletic sports. First class music for dancing; an abundance of refreshments of all kinds. Tickets will be sold at nil sta tions. No tickets will be sold on tho trains. J. S. Swisher, District Passen ger Agent, Scranton, Pa. Improved Train Service via the L & H. R. F. and Lehigh Valley Rail road Between Carbondale, Scranton and New York nnd Philadelphia. On June 13 the Lehigh Valley rail load will put on a new train called the "Wjoming A'allcy Expicss," which will leave Carbondalo via the Delaware and Hudson railroad at 7 a. 111., Scranton at 7.41 a. 111., ai living at New York at 1.13 p. m., Philadelphia at 12.40 p. 111. AVest-bound train leues New York at 4.10 p. m., Philadelphia at 4 30 p. 111., arihlng at Scranton at 10.03 p. m Car bondalc at 10 49 p. m. This train will have a through Pull man buffet pallor car and Lehigh Aral ley day coach between Caibondulo and New York. National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn., July 7th-llth. For the above occasion the Lacka wanna Itaihoad will sell special cx cuislou tickets to Minneapolis, good going July 4th, 5th, and 6lh, at $30.00 for tound trip, and to be available for 1 etui 11 passage leaiing Minneapolis not earlier than July th, or later than July 14th, except by ''depositing tickets with Joint Agent at Minneapolis not later than July 14th, and upon payment of a fee of 50 cents at the time ot deposit, an extension of the limit of leaving Minneapolis to and including Sept. 1. Delegates will please bear in mind tho fact that by leaving Scianton on the Lackawanna Railroad, only one change of cars, Chicago, is necessary. A popular time Is leaving Scranton at 6:50 p. m., ai riving Minneapolis 7:45 the second morning. Niagara Falls and Return. To Niagnia Falls and lotuin, only Ti5-i. For all tialns July 3 und 1, the Lackawanna railroad will sell special round-tilp tickets from Scianton to Niagaia Falls, good going on elate of sale, and foi return up to and Includ ing July 6, at $6.53 for tho lound trip. Chlldien between tho ages of 5 and 12 years, one-half adult rate, Independence Day at Niagara Falls. The Lehigh Aralley tailroad announces the low fine of $6.53 from Scrunton for 'the lound trip. Tickets on sale July 3id und 4th, limited for return to July Oth, and will he honotcd 011 any train except the Black Diamond expiess. Seo agents for further particulars. JESSUP. A very luteiestlng cuso took place in Justice of tho Penco McGimn's ofllco last uvonlng between Huriy Jammer and Mike Piestosh, both of Glassy street. It ap pears that a number of men including Mlko Prcstosh, was passing their lel.smo tlmo away under a shady tree, when their dogs commenced to light neaiby. On In lestlgatlon 0110 of tho dogs ptoved to ho Mike's, who Immediately citdeui 01 ed to separata them. Not being able to do so ho took a latgo stoito und stiuck tho other dog on the head, killing him in stuultly. At this time Huriy caino on tho sceno and claimed tho dead dog, On being infoimcd that, Mlko did tho killing, Jammer struck tho slayer of his pet u heavy blow with his list In the face which left an ugly gush. At tho hearing Jammer was obliged to f mulsh $300 hall for is nppeaianco at court. Martin Cur ium of Uiussy stteot, became his bonds man. Miss Kntlo Donnelly, nn employe of tho Colliery Engineer, Is enjoying her annual Mtcutiou. Misses Kntlo Curran and Mary O'Con nor is attending tho summer school of tho Kestono ucudemy ut Factoryvllle. Miss Maiy Luwlcr, a student nt tho Scianton Business college, will spend her wcntlau with ftleuds In New Yoik city. Mi. und Mis. Parilol Roots wero callers In Scranton jestetduy, LEGAL, BOROUGH OF Dickson Clty-Notl.-e; All poisons, cotpoiutions, uud llims, 1110 icquestcd without delay, to iufoiiu thu secietaiy of tlic Boiouku of Dickson of any wuiiunt or wauauts or mdors on tho borough tteasury, or uny other legal oildenco of debt which they may luno in their possession, giving tho number, date, and amount of thu older or warrant to the end fiat such measutes muy bo tin dcitukon by tho proper nuthoiitles ot tho borough, for tho liquidation of all Juut dobtH duo by tho boiough to tho several cieditois thcieof. J. O. Ht'FNAGEL. Piesldent of tho Council. (.MA'CTltF-W AlciPllKRSOK Kuriulmv. THP TPFRIINP'S "WANT" WANTS. FOR RENTS. FOR SUES Only Halt a Cent a Word. For Rant. COTTAGE on Susuuehunnn liver tit Black AVnlnttt, for tent by wcea or monin, furnished, cots, stove, dishes, throe boats, spring wuter, best tlshlng. Address T. J. ituiniuirt, uiacK wiwniu, x-a. HOUSE FOB BENT At Bolton, nicely located, near station; hot and cold wnter and bath. Address AV. B. Blade, Dalton, Pa. FOB BENT-Fui nlshetl or unfurnished deslrublo house, lilno rooms, city heat, 7H Clny nvotiue. Inmihe 203 Bouid of Trado building. FOB BENT-Half ot a new tloubto house. 4.J8 AVebster avenue. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FOB BENT-Furnlshcd room, heat, gun and bnth. 127 Adams avenue. FOB BENT-Ono furnMicd room, with impiovcments; also ono on thltd floor, cheap, t.27 Adams avenue. FUBNISHED ROOMS for rent, mo-lorn lm' voments; private family; gen tlenu.i preferred, at 537 Adams avenuo. FUBNISHED BOOMS FOB BENT, with heat, gan and bath, gentlemen pio- ferted, at 539 Adains avenue. For Sale. AVILL sell a safe, sound family horse, caiilago and harness, cheap; hoiso 7 jeats old, 1,0V) pounds and absolutely safe for family use; wagon, Crawford pneumntlc, good condition, lnqulro at this office. FOB SALE One 1518 "Hnirlsburg" au tomatic cut-off cnglno (17.1 H. P.) In first class condition. Scranton Bolt nnd Nut Co. Real Estate. WEHRUM HOME FOR SALE Location Elmhuist on tho boulcvnid. Land .......... Scenty-two acics; fuim, gaidcn and lawn. House Contains l." rooms not counting nurs eiy, scivants' rooms, bath loom", lavator ies, halls, closets, etc Other buildings . . cottage for farmer, two laige barns, wagon house, work shop, green house, Ice house, chicken house, etc Light Illuminating gas is furnished by u fine 75 light acet lene gas . plant. Heat t'"ivo open fire places, in addition to steam heat throughout. Water . An nbuudanco of Hparkling spring wa tet to all the build ings witli a pressure1 ol 25 pounds to squaie inch. Plumbing The plumbing is the best open wot k Tho bath looms aio tiled and equipped with handsome tlxtures. Summed up The beauties of a (iilthated fuim and tho luxuries of a modern citv resl d e u c o delightfully combined. This piopertv cost between ?50,000 and jw.noo Will sell fm $u.oon. For teims of sale and pel mission to in spect the place, apply to W. T. HACKETT, REAL ESTATE BROKER 120-128 AVashlngton Ave., Scranton, Pa. LOTS, houses and fauns lor sale. See J. C. Zuiflieh. FOB SALE Elegant sites for homes In upper. Green Ridge; choice neighbor hood ; most dcsliablo localltv for homo in Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvins, 173G Sanderson avenue. Wanted. AVANTED-Llght toad cult; suitable for speeding; good condition; low priced. J. D. Delahunty & Co , AVcst Pitttston. Board and Rooms. VERY DESIBABLE suite of looms with flrst class table boutd, can bo obtained nt 3J3 Jcfforson a entio. Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST In Nay Aug Paik, near picnic giounds, a ladles chatelaine black seal bag, containing a pockotbook with about $35, a Lackawanna inllroud annual pass, cards -with ownei's name, keys and other articles. Libel al lewaid if letumed to Lackawanna tailroad ticket office, Rheumatism. .svsvsvs RHEUMATISM-A11 pal tics that wish can bo speedily and permanently cured of all varieties of Rheumatism by u. vege table compound; cuies guaranteed. In quire or nddicss J. E. Tuylor, Scianton. LEGAL. RECEIVERS' SALE-In necordanca with an oidet mudo bv the Judgu of the United States Dlstilct Court on tho loth day of June, 190J, tho uudci.slgned tecel'er of the Scianton Lumber Company, lim ited, bankiupts, will expose at public sale to tho highest bidder for cash, at 10 o'clock a. in.. July 10th. at No. 207 East Muikot stieet, in tho City of Scranton, tho following desciibed piopeity, to wit: Ono team son el draught horses, one team daik bay diuught horses, ono slnglo chiving hmse. H, B, ANDREWS, AARON A'. BOWEB. Receiver, Attoinoy, TRUSTEE'S SALE - The undcrslncd, Tiusteo under a Deed of Tiust made byWilllam.Maver and Fiecleilca Mayer, his wife, dated October il, 1S7S, and rc oi iled In the ofllco for tho lecordlng of deeds In und for Lackawanna county, in deed book No, 1, page l.'b, etc, will offer at publla sale, venduo or outriy, on Fri day, Juno 27th, at 10 o'clock a. m at tho Sheriff's oftleo in tho Court Houso, in the City of Scranton. all tho following de scribed lot or pleco of land, situate In tho City of Scranton. County of Lacka wanna und Stuto of Pennsylvania, bound ed and desciibed as follows, to wit; Being lot No. two C') In square or block No. foity-olght (18) upon stieet called and known us Jelfeison avenue and Linden street, upon tho plot of the City of Benin tan. Intended to be iccnided, said lot be ing forty GOj feet in fiont on Jeff ci son avenuo and ono bundled unci fifty (130) In depth, tho mensuiement of depth to com. menco ten feet lusldo of tho sidewalk on uboo avenuo and street; with thu light to Inclose, use und occupy ten feet In fiont of said lot on said nvenuo und stieet for celluiwuy, poich, poitlco, bay-window and sluubbciy, but not the light to cicct anv building theicon. Excepting nnd icservlns tho coal and mlncials us tho samo aru excepted and lesened In tho deed tioni Tho Susquo liannn and Wyoming Valley Balltuad and Coal Company for suid lot. dated Octobor L'Stli. 1SGS. and lecoidcd In Luzeiuo county, ill deed book I'-'S, page 27.'. Said lot is lm. Piucd with a two-story bilck dwelling house on Jeff ci sou avenue and a double two-stoty Banio dwelling house nit Lin. den stieet. Terms of Sale Twenty.flvo per cent, at the time of sale, and tho balance to be puld within ono year, defened payment to be secured by bond and moitgago on tho promises. CHARLES D. NElirPEB. WELLES & TORRE V. Tiusteo. Attornoys for Ti tisteo. .Tuna t 11XW. ma-m4 . m No Order Accepted for Less Thnn 10 cents. Help Wanted Male. , COAL. MINERS THE POCAHONTAS A. vT. Iltnr fltltinf Inlmwlntifr- with Mr. Boculiontas, Tazewell County, State of Vliglnln, on thn Norfolk and AVcstctn Ball- nii vvuius somo gnou, cxpcncnccct coai mincitt at once. vvAnr.H? Ior pick mining and loading entry .,'m ihvk mining aim lonciniK rouiu com ..,....,.,,,,,, in cents per tar for mining and loading machine under-cut entry coal, ...70 cents per car for mining nntt loading machlno under-cut loom con1..,.rS cents per car Ins do track Inyers i ....$2 00 to JJ.Zi per day ins do track layer hclpcis i Jl.ro to fl.7u per day inside timber men j'.oo per dav Ilisldo timber men helpers............ Jl.fio per day I'm tics ot to can procuro special tickets frir lto.7,1 for each pciHon over th Pennsylvntila Rnllroad from Philadelphia to Pocahontas. Regular faro for onci Poison alone, JH.m. Oood mliicis will get regttlnr employment and good accommodations, as tha town of Pocahontas hus over 1,000 inhabitants. POCAHONTAS COLLTEBIES COMPANA. ; Ml Arcndo Bldg., Phlln. AVANTED-A good wood turner who ran mako himself genet ally useful In a sash, door nnd blind factory. Address or call on J. E. Patterson & Co., Plttston, Pa. AVANTED-Trustwoi thy peison In each county to manage business, oul estab lished house, solid tlnunclul standing: straight bona fide weekly cadi salaiv $1S paid by check each AVednesilnv, with all expenses dhect fiom licadntiurtois; money nclvanced for cxiienses. Manager, 370 Caxton building, Chicago. AVANTED Man with some expel lenco with clectiic mnchineiv to run launch on Lake AVInola for July and August. Applv promptly, Lake AVInola Paik Co., 121b Jackson street. Help Wanted Female. AVANTED-A cool: at tho Y. 203 AVashti.gtou avenue. AV. C. A., CUSTOM SHIRT OPERATORS wanted at once. Rooms 44 and 46 Burr building. II. AAr. Sykcs & Co. Help Wanted. HOME WORK too monthly coplng let ters: either sex. Send two stamps for pai Hernials. Hick's Supply Co, 5031 Hal sted street, Chicago. Recruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U.S. ARMYi-Ablo-bodicd unmairlcd men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in foimatlon apply to Recruiting Officer, No. 123 AVyomlng avenue, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED by young man as assistant bookkeeper. Can furnish lefciences. Address F. C. L., 714 N. Main avenue, Scranton. YOUNG MAN would like position in an office or any honest woik; best tefer ences; four years' experience. Address J. T. R., tir Noith Sumner avenue. A AVOMAN wishes to take washing home. Call or address No. 743 Kiessler court. City. BOOKKEEPER wants evening employ ment; anv sjstem: references Al. Addiess K., Tribune of lice. SITUATION AVANTED by a widow, cleaning, washing- and honing. Ad dics.s Mis. Miller, 712 Schncll court. SITUATION AVANTED bv a Scottish girl as second girl. Address Box 3.13, Moosic, Pa. A GENTLEMAN and wife, with best ref erences, would take caiei of a house for the summer in absence of owner. Ad diess C, Tiibuno office. SITUATION WANTED by a bov 14 cars of age as ofllco boy or clcik in diug stoic. Addiess 10.19 Mousey avenue. Money to Loan., ANY"AMOTWOFrMONEY"To"ii6AN Quick, stiaight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cont. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND AVHEAT TRADERS with out delay. AVrlto for our special mar ket letter. Fieo on uppllcntton. S. M. Hibbard & Co., memheis N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 44 and 40 Broadway, Now York. Established 1S61. Long Dlstanco 'Phono 21SS Broad. PROFESSONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A.. 23 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1861. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B., Real Estate Exchange. Bldg., l-'fl AVash lngton ave. Civil and Mining: Engineers. H. L. HARDING, SIS CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 7J0 CONNELL building. Dentists. DB. C. E. EILENBERGER. PAULI building, Spruce strcot, Scranton, DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 AVYOMING ave. Lawyers. AVILLARD, AVABREN fe KNAPP, AT torncys and Counsellors-at-Law, GOJ to blJ Connell building. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building. Rooms 13, 20 and 21. L. A. AVATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Roard of Trndo Building, Scranton, Pn. A. W. BERTHOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO No. 211 AVyomlng avenuo. Patent Attorneys. DATr IVITOlnallcountrics KA I C.IN I Oof the Globe. The only licensed and equipped patont solicitor in tho city. No ehaigo for in formation on patentability; ovor ton ycais cxpeiionce. Rcplofflc & Co., Mcars Bldjr. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND l-7 FRANK tin avenuo. Bates teasouablo, P. 5JIEGLER, Piopiiotor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. ic AV. Passenger depot, Conducted on tho Eu topcan plan, A'letor Koch. Piopiiotor, " ' I1 '" ! I I Scavenger. A. B. BRiaOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only Improvud pumps usod, A. B. Bilggs. piopiiotor, Leavo oidois 1100 Noith Main itvonue. or i:icko's diug stme, comer Adums und Mulbeiry, Both telephones. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTBL. REAR oil I.ACKA. ave., Scranton, mfis. of AVIio Screens. Miscellaneous. MEGAROEE BROS.. PRINTERS' SUP piles, en elopes, paper bags, twlao. AVarehouse, HO AVashlngton avenuo. THE AVILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had In Scranton at tho news stand of Bclsman Bros, 406 Sluueu amt.a.W) Linden; M. Norton. 322 LuckuwaTiiia ac.; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. mPPTlftRVi ; VVMWM'VaiL Jl 'a ,1 1 J. J , '' V" ' 'J "biuy Half, a Cent a Word. ., j ' r Help Wanted Male. WANTED COLLIERIES COMPAIY v tilt timttmitt rtnnl t-nlnncf It ! 4m. . m coal 10 ccnta per car l "i '.READING- SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In Effect May 18, 1902. Stations In Now Yoik, foot Llbortv stieet and South Ferry, N.R. lJlucy Trains leavo Scianton for Now York. Philadelphia. Euston, Bethlohcm. Altnn town. Munch Chunk, AVhlto Haven, Ash ley, AMlkes-Bai ro and Plttston at 7.30 n m . 7 p. m. and I p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.30 a. m tlnough, solid vestibulo train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil adelphia witli only ono change of curs for'Bnltimoro nnd AVashlngton, D. C, and alljprlncipnl points south und west. For Avoca. Plttston and AVilkes-Barro. I1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday. 2.1i p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Glove, etc.. 7.30 nnd 1 p. m. , For Beading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentown at 7.C0 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p m. a For Tamaqua and Pottsvlllo, 7.30 a. m. 1 p. in. and 4 p. m. For rates und tickets apply to agent at, station ,.W. G BESSLER. Oen. Manager,,. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. f : 1 Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Eftoot Juno 1, 1902. Tialns leave Scranton for Now York At 150. 3 20, U.03. 7.G0 and 10.10 H. m.; 12 40, 3 40, 3 33 p. m. For Now York and Phila delphia 7.00. 1010 a. m., and 12.40 and 3 33 p. m. For Gouldsboro At 6.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.13, 6 22 and 9 00 a. m.; 103, 6 50 and 11.10 p m. For Blnghamton. Elmlttc and way stations 10 2 a. m., 1.05 p. m For Oswego. Syracuse and Uttca 1.13 and 6.22 a. m.; 155 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse) and Utica tialn at 6.22 a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. m. ; 1 01 and 6 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 6.15 p. m. Bloomsburg Division For Northumber land, at 6 33 and 1010 a. m.; 153 and 610 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.10 and 9 03 p m. Sunday Trains For Now York, 1 50, 3 20. 6 03, 1010 n. m.; 3.40 and 3 35 p m. For Buffalo 1.13 and 6 22 a. m.; 1.53, 6 50 and 11.10 p.m. For Elmli a and way stations , 10 25 a. m. For Blnghamton aiidjyay sta. tlons, 9 00 a. m. Bloomsbmg is'S.'-lon Leave Scranton, 10 10 a. in. and 6.10 ti. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Juno 16, 1902. Tialns for Caibondulo leavo Scranton at 6 44, 7 3i, h 36, 10.13 a. m.; U 05, 1.12, 2 11. ,; 5i,. 5 29. 6 25. 8 21, 9.15, 10 04 p. m.; 12 18, 1 38 a in. For Honcsdale ti 44, 1013 a. m.; 211 and 5 29 p. m. For Wilkes-Bnno-6 3S. 7.41. 8 41. 0.17, 10 tJ a. m.: 12 0.1, 1.42, 218, 3 2S, 4 33, 6.10. 7.48. 10 41, 11 49 p. m For L. V. R. R. Points-7.41, 9 47 a. m.; 2.1R. 4 33 and 11.49 p m For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6 3S, 9.47 a. m : 1.12, 3,2S and 4 33 p. m. For Albany and all points north 7.36 a. m. and 3 56 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibondulo 8 50, 1133 a, m; 211 3.5u. 5 52 nnd 11.17 p. m. For AVilkcs-Buno 9 38 a. m.; 12 03, 1.58, 3 28. 6.32 and 9.17 p. 111. For Albany and points noith 3 56 p. m For Honcsdale S 50 a. m.; 11.33 and' 3 53. p. m. AV. L. PRYOR. D. P. A.. Scranton, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule in Eftcct Juno 10, 190.'. Trains leave Scranton: 0 38 a. in, tcck days, tlnough vestibulo ttaln from AVllkes-Bano. Pullman buffet pallor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vtlte; stops at piineipal intermediate sta tions. Also connects foi Sunbuiy, Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Bultimoia, AVash. ington and for Pittsburg and the AVest. 9.47 a. m.. week days, lor Sunbury, liar. lisbmg, Philadelphia, Baltimoio, AVash lngton and Plttsbuig and tho West. v 1.4.1 p m., week davs, (Sundays. 1 5S p. m.), for Sunbuiy. Harrlsburg, Phlladel pliia, Baltimote, AVashington and Pltts buig and the AVcst. i 3 28 p. m., week elnys, throiign c3tibulq ttaln from AVllkes-Buno Piillmnn biifte patlor car and ccaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvlllo. Stops at piineipal Intermediates atntions. 4 33 p m., week davs. for Hnloton, Sun buiy, Hurrisbutg, Philadelphia and Pitts- UlS' J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. J. B. AVOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Railroad. .' In Effect Juno 15, 1902. Tialns Leavo Scianton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. 6 H B. R., at 7.41. tlnough Parlor Car and Day Coach Carbondalo to Now York and 9.47 a. m.. with L. V. Coach Carbon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18. 4 33 (Ulaok Diamond Expiess), and 11.49 p. m. Suih days, D. & H. R. R., 1 6S. 9.17 p. m. For AVhlto Haven, Iluzleton and piinei pal points in tho coal legions, via D. & 11. R. ... 7.41, 2.18 and 4 35 p. in. For Potts vllle, 7.11 a. in. For Bothlcliem. Easton, Beading, Har ilsbtng and piineipal lutci mediate st.i tions, via D. A.. 11. R. R.. 7.11, 9 47 a. m.; 2.18, 4 35 (Black Dlnmoiul Expiess), 11.49 p, m. Sundays, D. A: II. R. R, 9oS a. m.; 1.5S. 9.17 p. m. For Tunkhannoek, Towanda, Elmira. Ithaca, aenova and piineipal intcrmedinto stations via D L. & AV. R. R , 6 33 u. m. und 1.53 p. m. I"or Genen, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points weit via D. &. H. R. B, 12 03 p. 111.; 3 28 (Black Diamond Espiess). 10 41, 1149 p. m. Suti dnys. D. & H B. It., 12 03, 917 p. m Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lelilcli A'nlloy Pallor cuis on all trains betwcei AVllkes-Batro and Now A'oik. Phlladelf phla, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. -rv ROLLIN II. AV1LBUB. Gon. Stipt,, IS Coitland stieet, Now A'oik. i CHARLES S. LEE, Geu, Pass; Agt., 2S Coitland stteot. New A'oik. r sl, A. AV. NONEMACHER, Dlv.iP.iss. AgW- South Bethlehem, Pa. -,s. For tickets and Pullman reservation apply to city tit kdW oci, 09 4 PilblU',, Squnro. AVllkes-Barte, IM. ' - New York, Ontario and Western.. Tlmo Tablo in Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 1902, NORTH BOUND TRAINS. Leavo Leuvo Ai live- Trains. Scranton. Caibondulo. CudpslnL. No.l 1030a.m. 11,10 a. in, l.OOp. m. No. .! .... 1 ,00 p, in. 4411), in. (, oo p. m. No, 7 ...... CW P m.Ar.Carboiidulq 6 lu p.m SOUTHBOUND. '" Leavo Leuvo ,Attv&- Tialns. Cadosiu. Ciirbotidale. Siipirttort? No. u tjijiia. m, 7,23'a. m- No. 4 ,,.,,, 8,10a. m 10 01 a, in. loiou. itV No '2 2.1". p m. 4 ft) p. in. 4 43 p. niV SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND Leuo Leuvo Anlve?- Trains. Scianton, Caibondulo. Cacjpsia?. No. 9 8 30 a, m. . 0.10 p. m. 10.45 a. mr No. 5 ,,.,.. 7 Oil p. n'i.Ar,Cnil)ondalo7,i;n,in Le.ne n Lavo Allivo Tinlns. Cudosla. Carbnndule. SoiautonU No, 0.. ,,...' BSilii, in. 7.."i u.111,, No.io 430piu, otXip.in, t.4ip.ml Tialns Nos. 1 on week dajs. and u on Sundays connect for Now York citv, Midi dlotown, AVulton, Norwich, Oneida, Ost wego und nil Dolllls west. ! Tialn U forPoyntelie, AValton, Dolhl.x Sidney, Noiwftli mid all New Boilhi blanch points. , , , Train No. 0, with "Quaker City Ex piess" at Scranton. la C, B. B. of N. J,, for Bhlludelphla. Atlantic! City, Baltimore AA'nJhliiBton uijd PennsjIvanU state points.' s Seo.tlrac-tablo und consult ticket agents for connections with other, llms -J. C. ANDUItSON. O. P, A , Now A'oik.-- '. E. WELSH, T,j A., Sciautou. V, , ' ' jt ,- , ,w In i . i i' 5 VJ " ,-r s.