lilPJilfllfg ! ." ","&;? PW wr- t i i F s i T.Vr T.T. . -;;:;;, ;;;.,. Ppp fS?? ' A.-r' V ' li ( s i P 'i ' ..O THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, ,JUNB 28, -IOOS. " ' , s'l- i'.. . &';' J J J.,1. !, 'A Vy i-,'- ' ft W ( n' ?' p ' ; &' Vi. ' Is VI. M I Wi ft v Going to a Wedding? If bo, wo RtiRffcst Will you cnll nnd ox nmlno our limidftomc collection ot Pictures. Most suitable for n woilillnp pivscnt. Our Htoolc of AUT GOODS In undoubt edly tliu finest nvcr ocou In Horanton, mm prices uio surirt'lsliisly low, Jacobs & Fasold, 209 Washington Avenue. If You Are Considering the puiflmsc or wilu of nny hlsli grnii ntoc-ks or lunula better consult us. A o make n speclully or this Kind ot securi ties. . I. P. nEOARGEL & CO., Kootns 2W & 'JOT, Commonwcnlth Illrtg. S " OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9 "They Draw Well," rg Morris' Magiict Cigars $ Y Tim hVst vnluo for .", cent. 0 v Tiv dnoand you will smoke no 0 otlirr. I , . X All tllrf leiullliff lirnmls of .jr. I VA .ttfvriva rtf 1 7". nhf linv. rV for 2,C. Tlio-lm-pest vurloty ot Pipes and Tobaccos In towni r r MnRQic v ' : ' a A L. VI I 1 I U xne uigar lunn v 0 325 Washington Avenue. 9 oooooooooooooooc In and About The City JtM'Jt Municipal Pay Day. The members of the police unci tire de partments iccelvcd their June wages yes terday atternoon. Drew the Clock. The drawiiiR for an clKht-diiy dock held at the Ai Huston hotel last nlstfit, was won by Charles Klefcr. Free Excursion. The managers of the Sauqulot silk mill will slve n free excursion to Its employes on August f. ft will ro to I.uko Ariel. Visiting- Not Permitted. On account of the prevalence of small pox In Sjeranton, no visitors will be ad mitted to Hillside Home until further notice. Creditors' Meeting. The llrst meeting of creditors In the case or Kilwlu V. Teal, banltiupt. was yesterday held before Referee In Bank ruptcy Van AVormer. Field Schedules. The bankrupt llrm of Kinlmek & Wclehel. formerly pioprletors of tho vJrv iriK hotel, filed its schedules yesterday with Referee In Uankruptcy C. E. Van AVormer. Excursion to Lake Ariel. The excursion of the Pcnn Avenue Bap tist church utul Sanday school to laiko Ailel on July 10 will be a laiRe one; every lueparation will bo made to Insure an enjoyable time. Wills Admitted to Probate. The will of llonry AVInkler, late of f-'eranton, was probated yesterday and letters testamentary granted to Barbara AVInkler. The will of Anthony McDon nell, late of Dunmore, was also probated and letters testamentary granted to jtlury McDonnell. Small Boy Arrested. Tony Mates, of IVnn avenue, was nr lested by Captain of Police Williams yesterday inoinlns ono the charRu cp" stealins u revolver from Itawlln's (.port ing Roods store at "'.'9 Penn uvemui. Mates, who Is a small boy, was caught In the act by u clerk. Picked Old Man's Pocket. A man who save his name an Patilelc Dowdell was last night arrestul in Cas HCfcBo'a. hotel on!:uwanna avenue, nlicro the bartender saw him removo ?1 from the pocket of an old man, In wlinso company ho was. llu was removed to tho Center street station. Officers of Division 168.. Division 1UJ, AmalRamaled Association of Street Railway Employes, at a meet .Ing early yesterdny morning elected of lleers as follows: President, 1. J. .Shea; vlco president, Thomas Udwaids; (luan- c(al secietury, Oeoigo O. ICcslcr; coiro spontllng secretary, J, J. Kaily; tieaauror, AVIlllnm Race. Admitted to Bail. Matthow Duggau, 'cjinrgcd with burg lary, was" yesterday admitted to bail by Judge Udwnids lti,.t1io sum of t'JHl. Ho was also hold iu-J3W lnll on chaises of larceny nml rcaelvliiR and malicious mis chief. Barbara Monlnu nualUled In both IE Ann Vsvu llAinM !. S.L. MIC 1UU UUIIIg LU -.- . . ui lu 'U V It so; have The Tribune follow vou and keeD 'r-posted about your friends, unan to us. , Tribune .Publishing. Company, M k '' v . ' OldAddrea ,, , Eh ' & ! ' If. , New Address .,,, ..' HI r m N ' v" ,'. H' T ... " you aT?JaS'' ubscrlber. you can mi out the two bottom lines, and L 1 the paper will be Mflt to you promptly. Tho Tribune costs 13 cents a, week or h A (0 cnto a month. Inslnriees. John Comproiiki, elmrRcd wllh reslfltlng nrrest, wni held In 3t. Jacob Buravlts! became his bomtsmntt, ' , (Shot in the Hand. flnmuol t'lltclinril, of North Bcrnnton, wiih nrrulgned before Alderman llliddy yesterdny on Hie clmrgo ot selling fife iirms to a minor, prefcrted by Michael Uosgrove, of Theodora street, Tho Int trr'H young roii, Kugenc, recently bouahl a small revolver nnd it quantity of blank cartridge from 1'iitchard, nltd oh Mon ilay nccldnntnlly nhot himself through llio bund. Judgment was suspended until n further hearing, when tho extent of tho Injuries will bo known. MISS FAHEY'S RECITAL. Remarkably Brilliant Performance of a Young Pianist. A large audience at Guernsey hall Inst nlghl heard a truly remarkuule lilunlstc. Sho Is Mi.Hs Loretta Fahey, ot AVest Horanton, n pupil of Unydn Kvnns. Although a child In years, Miss Fnhey Is a real artist. She ren dered a programme that ono might ex pect to hear tit n PoderewsM recital, nnd acquitted herself In a manner thut enthused thu critics. ller performance, ot the opening num ber, the Qrleg Sonata, op. 7, was bril liant and stamped her nt once us the possesssor of rare ability. Selections from Cliainnuule, Chopin, Duponl and AVIenlawskl were played with nn ex pression worthy of a master. Mr. Kvnns looks upon his pupil ns a prodigy and predicts for her a great future. ". A. lloberts, a pupil of Dr. D. J. J. Mason, rendered a number ot vocal numbers in a very clever manner. THE FINAL SERVICES. Rev. Sol Foster, of Newark, N. J., Officiated Last Night at Linden Street Temple. The Rev. Sol Foster, of Newark, N. J., a former resident of this city, was In charge of lust night's services at the Linden street synagogue. He will also be In charge this morning, ut the linnl service to be hold bv the Reformed Jewish congregation, until It moves Into the handsome new synagogue on Madi son avenue, now In course, of construc tion. Mr. Foster, who Is a recent gradunte of the Rabbinical school at Cincinnati, preached an excellent sermon last night, taking as his text tho following pass age from the story of Joseph, in Gene sis: "The evil they devised against me God has brought about for my good." Ho compared the life of Joseph to tho course throifgh history ot the Jewish nation. "Joseph," said he, "is a proto type of Judaism. Like Joseph, the Jews have had to first pass through a series of troubles, through bondage and tribu lation, until dually they have attained their goal. ."Like Joseph, the Jew has had to suffer untold trlnls for his faith. And, like Joseph, ho has surmounted nil diffi culties, and successfully run the gaunt let of u course of torments nnd tortures which would put the horrors of darkest Africa to shame. Thank God, days are now over, and the 'effects of his trials have only made the Jew more patient, more enduring and more true to his faith." MINSTREL JUBILEE. I. C. S. Employes Entertained at St. Luke's Parish House. The employes of tho International Correspondence school conducted a minstrel jubilee last night nt St. Luke's Parish House, und fully entertained an audience which thronged tho hall. The stage was cleverly decorated and the performers, coolly attired in white shirt waists and duck trousers, looked calm and comfortable. Joel Foster acted as interlocutor, and Jerry Foster, Charlie Swisher, Hal Hunting and AValt. Davis made four excellent end men. The programme was divided into two parts, the first consisting of an opening chorus, a tenor solo by Gustavo Report, a snare solo by I ml Hunting, a bass solo by D. 12. Wenzel, solos by Charlie Swisher and AValt. Davis, and selections by a quin tette composed of John Stoeber, Gus tavo Repert, Fred Ileintz, John Kern pher and Jacob Kmick. The second purl of the entertainment was furnished by Hal Hunting, Hftry Clark, and Roach and Loftus. Those In chuigo of the performance were: Manager, John J. Hurley; musical director, Charles llanne; ac companist, Harry L. Tyler; property man, Harry Hurgess; stage carpenter, Harry Jeffrey; electrician, J. D, Smith. GENEROUS AND PATRIOTIC. Fire Crackers Distributed Frre from 7 to 0 a. m., July 4. Lewis & Rellly, the always busy shoe dealers, will, as has been their custom for the past thirteen years, glvo to tho boys and girls on July 4, Independence day, between 7 'and !) o'clock In the morning at their stores, 111 and 11C AVyomlng avenue, packages of tiro-. crackers free. The store will be closed all day excepting tho hours above men tioned, and during those hours no goods will bo sold. Ample arrangements have been perfected so that every boy nnd girl who calls at the store will bo pre sented with n package of firecrackers. No matter how largo the crowd, every one will bo supplied, as the Htoek of llrecrackers will bo so large that dis appointment will be Impossible, Tho llrm of Lewis & Rellly nro always gen erous to the little folks nnd take pride In pleasing theni. Tho boys and girls of the entire valley are Invited .to be, present on the morning ot July 4 nnd receive their present. ' . C?!.J LUG aCddlUC mc Luiimi v : Fill out this coupon and Scranton, Pa., change my paper PETER MILLER MADE THREATS THREATENED TO BLOW UP HOUSE OF JOHN HUTOHKO. Was Committed to the County Jail Last Night by Alderman Millar in Default of $1,000 Bail Three Men Arrested nt Olyphant for Rioting at That Place and Held In Bail. Warrants Have Been Issued for a . Number of Other Men. Peler Miller, a striker ( who lives In tho rear of 713 Scranton street, was last night committed to the county jail by Aldcrmnn Millar In default ot 11,000 ball." Miller Is charged with threatening to blow up the house ot John Hutchko, of 112 North Seventh street, with dynamite. iltttchko Is u mine worker, nnd most of the time since the strike begun has been employed at the Diamond wash ery of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd AA'cstorn company. Miller and others hnvo tried to dissuade Hutchko from working, but without success, and fi nally Miller declared that unless Hutch ko joined tho strikers he would have his house blown up by dynamite and all of the inmates kllledr He nlso ap plied some very opproblous names to Hutchko. AA'hen arrested yesterday Miller de nied the threats, but several witnesses tcstlflod to honrlnjr them made, and the aldernmn held the accused. For call ing vile names, he was fined $10 and costs and In default was committed to tho county Jail for thirty days. ARRESTS AT OLYPHANT. District Board Member Stephen Reap, of the United Mine AVorkers of America; Edward Lawier and John Lyons, all of Olyphant, were arraigned before Magistrate AA'.'S. Millar yester day afternoon, on the charge of being Implicated In Thursday's rioting at Oly phant, near the Delaware and Hudson Conl company's collieries. Reap was fined $20 nnd held in $500 bail, while Lawier and Lyons were fined $10 each and held In $300 ball. About thirty other warrants are out for the arrest of mine workers, among them Hugh Duggan, AA'lll lilorr, Lin coln Pettigrew and Oliver Roe, who are charged with having taken part in the riots. AA'nrrants were nlso served upon Frank AVheeler and P. J. McCormack yesterday, who, with Reap, Lawier and Lyons, were accused of rioting, May 20, but their case was continued, at the request of their counsel. At yesterday's hearing, tho defend ants were represented by Attorney J. J. O'Mulley, and Attorney J. H. Torrey and Joseph O'Brien conducted the prosecution. The warrants were Issued at the Instance of George Meyl, John Pettigrew, George Moran and David E. Lewis. -The hearing look place at 3 o'clock, the magistrate's office being thronged with spectators. Superin tendent E. E. Jtose, of the Delaware and Hudson eonl department, and other Delaware and Hudson represen tatives were present. THE TESTIMONY. Meyl, Pettigrew and Mason swore that a crowd of nbout thirty men had Interfered with them, when they were going to work, and that on Heap's counselling them to go home, they had done so, fearing to go to the colliery, Lewis was then put on the stand, and swore to tho commotion which occurred Mny 20. He claimed that between two and three hundred men met him, when he was going to work, early in the morning, closed In on him, and by their shouts and threats deterred him from going on. He declared that Reap seemed to him to bo the ringleader. "Did Reap lay violent hands on you?" quelled Ir. O'Malley. "No, sir," answer the witness. "Did he have any weapon, or any In strument In his hand," was the next question. "Well, seeing that there were over a couple of hundred men with hlni, I hardly think he needed anything," the witness responded. Mr. Goodrich, a watchman at the crossing, testified to the fact that an unusual crowd of men had gathered early In the morning near the colliery. His testimony was productive of a ruther lively tilt between the opposing counsel. CASE CONTINUED. Magistrate Millar granted a contin uance In this case, and Mr. O'Malley then asked that the defendants be dis charged, as no direct evidence had been brought to show that they used force or violence, Tho act of assembly of 1901 was read by counsel for the pros ecution, however, showing that the riot ing done was sufficient cause to hold. Magistrate Millar overruled tho mo tion to dismiss the case, and Stephen Reap was then placed on tho stand. His story of the caso was to tho effect that on different occasions he had met Meyl, Pettigrew and Mnson, near the colliery. On his speaking to them amicably, and asking them to Join the other strikers, crowds had collected about them, but no threats, or Intimi dation ot any sort had ever been used. Tho other defendant.- testtmnoy was of the same nature. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION. The Glorious Day at Lake Lodore, Where a 350 Qold Prize Will Be Awarded. There will bo no place In all the region where tho glorious Fourth will be more fittingly celebrated than nt the popular and beautiful Luke Lodore, In addition ta tho manifold attractions at this dimming resort, every excursion ist will havo a chance of winning fifty dollars lit gold. A numbered coupon. will lie given on the grounds to every person presenting an excursion ticket, and the gold will be awarded in the pavilion promptly upon the arrival of the last excursion train. A greut vn liety of excellent amusement will be provided. The famous Mozart baud wll play delightful dance music. Ca' teror M, F, Fadden Is under bond to supply an abundance of many kinds of refreshments uficient for fifteen thou sand persons. Greatly reduced excursion rales from all points on the D. & II. railroad. Fare from Scranton. Adults, 76 cents; chil dren, CO cents. Trains will leave the Lackawanna avenue depot ut !M5 and 10,13 a, in,, and 1.12 p. in. Mr. Tom Qippel, Solo Tenor, Assistant and couch to Miss Cordelia Freeman, of tho Powers-Alexander studios, New York and Scranton, will accept u limited number of pupils dur ing the summer months. For terms, etc.. address cure of Miss Freeman's studio, Council building. CONFLICT OF COUNTY OLBBKS. The court attuches of Lackawanna, and Luzerne counties will piny hall at' Athletic park thlS afternoon The Lackawanna team will be made up as follow: Catcher, William Wlrth, clerk of re corder of deeds; pitcher, Richard AVnt klns, clerk ot county commissioners! short stop, James E. AVatklns, court messenger; second baseman, William Klein, warden at county jail; flrBt base man, John Van Bergen, clerk of coun ty, commissioners' office; third base man, Reese Lewis, clerk for recorder of deeds; left fielder, Charles J. Mlrtz, deputy clerk of courts; centre fielder, Peter .Neuls, clerk for county controll er; right fielder, John Gaffney, deputy sheriff. Admission to the game will be free. The visitors will be entertained with a supper nt the conclusion of the game. ARE AFTER CONTRACTS. The triennial adoption ot text books' by the board of control is to take place In the near future, and the first har bingers of the event are found In the persons of n host of agents who are nl ready In the city, representing big met ropolitan book publishing concerns. Several have already dropped into tho municipal building for a quiet little chat with the board secretary. Three yenrs ngo the board re-ndopted the text books then In use, and it is very likely that changes will now be made, and lurge purchases result. The matter will not be discussed nt Monday's meeting, but nt a later session. At present the American Book Pub lishing company and tho Butler Shel don compuny have the contracts for the greater number of school books In uso. TO ELECT A LIEUTENANT. Company K, of the Thirteenth regi ment, will elect a first lieutenant next Tuesday night to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of AVIU S. Gould to the captaincy. The candidates are Bugler Fred Gould, Sergeant Major John M. Ed wards and Second Lieutenant Walter Capwell. . Off for Cranberry Lake Tomorrow. Hundreds of Scranton people will go to Cranberry Lake, the Lackawanna's new pleasure park, with the Durkin Social club tomorrow. It will be a rec ord trip from this city, the special train leaving at 8.15 o'clock from Delaware, Lackawanna and AVestem station, going through, without making a single stop. The club wanted two stops ar ranged, but the railroad refused be cause it Is going to show the people who go on this delightful Sunday out ing that Cranberry Lake Isn't so very far away after all. The fare is only one dollar a half-cent per mile, and you get one of the finest trips ever offered. Children go along for seventy-live cents. A big New York exburslon Is coming to Cranberry tomorrow also. Durkin club tickets are for sale at the depot, at Rogers' jewelry store', and Loftus' drug store. The club assures all who go with them that there will be no lack of eatables on this trip. Tick ets are good only on special train. The Best Vegetables And fruits of the season are putting In nn appearance now. Our assortment for this morning Is complete, and when you order your Sunday dinner, call nt our market or telephone us and we assure you best goods and prompt service. Order early to get freshest goods. The Pierce Co., 110-114 Penn avenue. WlWf:Vi0WVViViAl !A Few 1 IGood Ones For Monday 3 -.a Light Printed Lawns, good styles, 10 yards for 10c Light Printed Dimities, 8c goods, 10 yards for 49c New Light Lawns, neat, small designs, 10c quality 6 l-2c Good Dress Ginghams, new red and blue stripes 6c Best Seersuckers, choice styles, in short lengths Be New Dimities, Lawns and Batistes, 12 l-2c grade Dc Just arrived, Batistes and Swisses in new printing of green on white and black, on white, very swell 12 l-2c Linen Ginghams, stripes, were 25c, special ? 13 l-2c Lot of Scotch Ginhams, new styles, 20c cloth 12 l-2c Home Spun Skirtings in blue, green, brown, and grey.. 10c .Galatea Cloths, sure to wear, kind for boys and girls.... 18c White Goods Attractions. White Stripe Madras and open lace stripe muslins, a big selection of 25c values Barber Cotton Huck Towels, 5c each; dozen Linen Huck Towels, good size, 17c value Extra heaw. lame size Huck Towels, all linen id m White Curtain Lappet Swiss, yard wide 12 l-2o Stevens Crashes, brown and bleached, 6c to 12 l-2c nt THe Nankins, nure linen, Larger and better grade Napkins Some slightly soiled Napkins in value Half bleached all Linen Table Damask, 60c values, nice as sortment For Wash Dress Trimmings, New Black Chantlle Lace. Special values 8o to New White and Linen Serpentine Laces, big line, 8o to . , . LOOK! i i Given Awayjen Stamps a a a a a With every purchase of $1.00 or more, June 28 or 30, Present This Coupon at Our Office. HEARS & HAGEN. Mears & Hagen, 415-417 Lackawanna Ave, a a 3 I mmtmmmM9Mt mmmvmm, MJXsljf&jLMbtk'. ku.ii -J. --L4 . ' ' r !iv- ii-nfliinniiM r PLANS OP NEW FIRE HOUSE DETAILS ARRANGED BY SUPER INTENDENT BROWN, Superintendent of Building Inspec tion F. L. Brown' Has Completed the Plans for New Fire House for Phoenix Chemical and Hook and " Ladder Companies Changes Which Will Be Made in Order o Provide Accommodations for Women nt Police Station. Superintendent of tho Bureau of Building Inspection F. L. Brown has completed the plans for the new fire house for the Phoenix ' company, and Hook and Ladder company on Lackawanna avenue and tho women's want- in tho police station. The lire house will be located opposite the present quarters of the Phoenix Chemi cal compuny, on laud purchased from the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany. It Is to be a two story brick structure, seventy feet in length, with a frontage of forty feet. The first floor will have an asphalt flooring, and its walls will be finished In brick. It will have a wooden celling, and the front part of the building will contain the hook and ladder truck and chemi cal company's apparatus. The horses will be placed In a differ ent position from that in which they are stationed In the other engine houses of the city. Their stalls will be built in such n way that the horses will go direct to their place at the ap paratus, instead of running the length of the engine. , The truck will have a three horse hitch, and the stalls in this case also, will be arranged in such a way ns to greatly facilitate 'dispatch In respond ing to an alarm. On the second story will be a large dormitory for the men of both com panies, with a separate room for the captain, and parlor for the men. In tho rear will be locker rooms, with a sep arate locker for each man, bath rooms, with ordinary and rain baths. Above them will be bins for grain and a loft for hay. The heating apparatus and fuel bins will be located in the cellar. Superintendent Brown's plans pro vide for a rearrangement of 'the police rooms, which will fill all requirements. The large, room opening off the base ment corridor on the Mulberry street side of the building will be transformed into a place for women prisoners. Five steel cells will be placed In It, and two large cells arranged for women who are merely temporarily detained, and who ought not be placed In the regular cells with criminals. The small room adjoining this apart ment, which Is now used as an emer gency hospital, will be alloted the police matron. The seats and railings which arc now In the police court room will be re moved, only the railings In front of the magistrate's deck being al!ow;ed to re tain their place. The apartment will be used as a lounging room for the pa trolmen and officers while off duty, with the exception, of course, of times when a magistrate Is holding court. BLACK! DIAMOND MEN. Mr. Gibbon's book. Those Black Diamond Men. s How tho Underground Half LIvds. Just received at' Norton's. & & & & 6 6 15c 50c 13c 23c the dozen , UBc 80c fi broken stylos, special $1.15 55c , 25c , 25c Kfli MONEY How and Where to Get It , . vc You Pay Too for your loan if you fall to got It on OUR NEW REBATE PLAN, Sure ly It Is worth your while to save from $5 to $36.50 on a loan, accb'flP lng to Its size. 'i Money to Loan on Household Furniture , In Any Amounts from $10 to $300, You should como here: Because this company does NOT tell you that' you MUST WAIT a day or two for the loan. Only nn hour. or two's notice necessnry here. Because our rates are the lowest. Because we guarantee that there will be NO PUBLICITY. Because your friends need not know. Scranton Loan No. 207 Wyoming Avenue. Near Cor. Spruce St. Scranton Pa. New 'Phone, a8a6. Business Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.i Saturdays till 10 p. m. KXXXSQgXXXXSOttXXHKKXXXKXXKKX Customers Are " The Life of Trade" And we are attracting many customers these days. Not only do the special prices attract, but the completeness of the vari ous stocks makes it a pleasure to trade at the SATISFAC TORY STORE. Some Things for Saturday Wk LADIES' AND MISSES' SHIRT WAISTS U LADIES' AND HISSES' WASH SUITS H' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PARASOLS 0 ' All at Special Trices 5 Hosiery and Underwear t Complete assortment of Hosiery and Underwear for men, X? women and children. We take special pride in keeping thlsv, 0 department up to a high standard, and it is. H riuslin .Underwear rfk TJiis stock is "second to none" in the city. It" is filled 5 with high grade muslin wear, made especially to our order, and made under the best sanitary conditions. You may( learn something by looking through the stock, y ' - 5 Corsets and Gloves Q Belts and Pocket Books B Ladies' Fine Neckwear W These in full assortment, and th'cprices will temp'f you id g buy such things here. 2 Hen's Furnishings JJtf Night Shirts with low necks for collars. Negligee Shirts, P5 Suspenders, Belts, and all the other things men should have, M Stylish Neckwear in all the new shapes and styles. Spe- g cial at Twenty-Five Cents that look worth Fifty Cents. I flcConnell & Co. 0 The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. KKKUKKKKKKKHKIKKKMXMKXUXXK If the drain on your nervous energy shows in a falling off in weight and lack of appetite, your system requires toning. Munster or Bohemian Beer, used at table or before meals, supplies an ideal tonic-beverage. ,, Rich in malt and containing a very small percentage of alcohol, It is at the same time invigorating and light. A case, of two dozen bottles, delivered for ono dollar. Every label bears Jhe dato of bottling. 2i6 Lackawanna Avc.5cjumton Baled Shavings Cleanest bedding for your horse, Keeps stable free from foul odors, Dickson & Grain Co,, Old Phone Green Ridge, 31-3, Ne Phone 1133. Mill TO LOAN Much Because wo extend the time of pay ment if you want more time. Because otlr New Rebate Plan saves you a large part of tho cost. Because many people let us pay off the loans of other companies so as to save tho difference in rates. Because our system Is so simple that a child can understand It. Guaranty Cot -3? V A Family Trait v Price List fnr he . Asldnr. Shirts We have 'em. Including the wel' known , rianhattan, Wilson Bros.' Eclipse rirnfl Panama Hfiv4 ' h We are well equipped Yfpc'y umiinrt nmlitc fnr rrmn. . b-T- 4LBpruce Street' BM 9StHHSHByHMHHBHHHKK W''iM ijH