The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Catfcondale.
Edward, Alios "Skinner" Devlne,
James Purcell and James Connors,
Arraigned Before Alderman Jones.
1 , Purcell Out on Ball J the Other Two
Go to Jail The Story of the Mid
night Hold-up Not So Brigand-like
as Appeared at First Blush.
! Tho midnight hold-up on Fullbrook
street, on Thursday night, developed
.yesterday to bo In detail as told ex
clusively In Tho Tribune or yesterday.
The happening however; was stripped
somewhat of Its gravity, when tho facts
.and L'trcuhistniices were sifted ut yes
terdtiy'9 hearing of the- trial before Al-
dermlnf 'Jones:
AM" Hinted In The Tribune, the partici
pants were Edward, alias "Skinner"
1 " Devlin?.' .Trillion Purcell and James Con
nors". They' were arraigned together.
Hen Fancher, 'their victim, told his
story, which was substantially the same
that he told Immediately after the hold
up, on which The Tribune's report was
None of the three displayed a
weapon, rancher said, though" the old
est of the trio, Connors, said something
about shooting. They got no .money
from him, Func-hcr went on, because
lie hud none to give them; neither did
' they attempt to rllle or go through his
Devlne, he said, grabbed the horse's
reins. In front of Charles Schlmmell's
house, and Purcell und Connors pulled
him or forced him out of the buggy.
Devlne walked behind him, the other
two on either side, until they reached
tho Arlington house, on Duuduff street,
and Fancher began to shout so lustily
that he attracted .Patrolman Carden,
who was nearby. The Urio, Funchcr
said, represented they wpre ofllcersS and
Insisted they would take him to jail
unless he produced $5. His horrfe he
found by the roadslde.when he returned
after the capture of the, trio by the
Alderman Jones was not impressed
by the evidence that there was any pre
meditated plan on the part of any of
the accused to rob Fancher. They hap
pened upon him on the roadway. The
three had been drinking. Seeing Fan
cher was partly asleep und knowing
him, they held him up for n drink or
two, and half-urged and half-forced
him along to the nearest saloon they
might Mud open. In the meantime,
Fancber's shouts' drew the police nnd
upset the men's calculations.
The alderman, while impressed with
the belief that 'theie was no intent to
10b, sternly rebuked the trio for their
Intercepting Fancher on the highway.
Tills of itself constituted a misde
meanor, and opened possibilities of the
'commission of a felonious act. The
public should be protected against such
molestation, even though It was cloaked
by the motive of procuring another
drink, He then held the three on three
charges highway robbery, attempt at
felonious assault and impersonating an
The total bail was $'.i00 in each case.
Purcell's father went his son's secur
ity, but neither Devlne nor Connois
could-get bail and were taken to the
lounty jail by Chief of Police McAn
drow on the r,.23 Delaware and Hudson
train last night.
Devlno and Purcell are natives of
Carbondale and live In the Dundaff sec
tion. Connors Is a comparatively new
comer. He lived in New York until
about a year ago, when lie moved to
Carbondale. He has a handsome face.
and though not large In stature, he is
, well-built, and has the bearing of a
soldier. He has strikingly good looks,
V but In his shabby clothing and his be
ing arraigned on the charge he was,
made Ids appearance in Alderman
Jones' court not a trifle Incongruous.
All three are Idle miners.
side, Mr. Maize having secured a posi
tion there,
George ' O't.eury and family, of
Thompson street, have also gone to
Pittsburg, where they will locate."
William, Malloy, of Brooklyn, who
has been conspicuous In fraternal do
ings In Carbondale, and one of her
well known residents, left yesterday
for Philadelphia whore he has procur
ed employment that will keep him en
gaged until after the miners strike.
John Hopkins, of South Terrace
street, has gone to Allddlctown, X. Y
where ho has secured employment.
Edwutd Golden and Matthew Brown,
of Sand street, have gone to New York
city, where employment awaited them.
day there will bi several hall games,
one between two nines composed of ap
prentices and Juniors; one between th
painters and masons and the big gamo
between tho carpenters and plumbers.
Each of tho latter two teams has a
game to Its credit nnd Is determined to
win the second If possible. Every
player must belong to one of the two
crafts. At noon u clambake will bo
served, A big day's fun Is anticipated,
Oarbondalians Continue to Tempor
arily Change Their Residences.
Mrs. Samuel AV. Davis and little
daughter, left last evening over the
Erie for Marion, Ohio, where Mis.
Davis, will take up her residence with
her husband. Mr. Davis left here some
time ago and lias secured a lucrative
position In tho Ohio town.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maize, have
left for Pittsburg, where they will re-
One Way to Make Lawyers.
You can dig up the lawyers and put
them on their leet if you feed them
right, but they are like other people,
they don't thrive on poorly selected
A lawyer from Seneca Falls, New
York, says: "When I went Into a law
office I was in lino health huvlng had
much out-door exercise, but at the end
of the second month's study and work
I was disheartened to llnd myself In
poor health and failing every day.
After reading a short time I would
become so nervous thafl would be com-
peiieu to stop nor could I remember,
io any extent, what I read.
4 The study of Joy, .which at Ilrst was a
, great pleasure, .became u burden, and a
first-class physician told mo that I nev--eFwoitrd
be able to serve a full term in
a law olllce, ana advised me to give it
up If I wanted, 'to enjoy life. When
upon (he point, of doing so I wus tuik-
, Jug one day with one of the ilrm who-
nuviseu mo to make n, change In food
and recommended very highly your
Drupe-Nuts, saying I could get a pack-
' age at any grocery nnd mako the test,
. r The adVlco Impressed me so strong-
r ly'that I at once purchased and began
using Grape-Nuts. I found that after
using thls-Xood T was not troubled with
the lingering' pain In my stomach that
had been with mo for some time; In-
stead X was perfectly comfortable, and
. ,',,hd not eaten the food,for nioro than
' four or live days when I began to notice
aftj-'hn,,sei My head became clear again
d J began to enjoy my studies as well
. nsildld on the start, and could nccoin-
pllsh more in one week from that time
on than I had In a whole month prior
to that time,
My'bl,ood, which had naturally be-
., cpipg. bad, presently Improved, my di-
gestlon also was better. The blotches
.6n- my face began to disappear and I
felt better In every way,
I owo much to Grape-Nuts. Would
rather you did not use my nanle, but If
It will do you any good, use JL." .Name
furnished by Fostum Cq. Battle Creek,
. IJIeh.
Look for free j-edpo book In each
package of Urupe-Nuts.
Delaware & Hudson Company Trying
to Break Up Michevious Practice.
Brakeman Struck Under the Eye
by Missile.
Tho Dolawaie & Hudson company,
through Its detective, Martin Crlppcn
Is endeavoring, with earnestness and
vigor, to effectually stop a mlschevious
and dangerous practice of lads along
tne Honesdale branch, who stone pas
sing trains, choosing passenger as well
as freight as their targets.
As the llrst step In this direction,
Detective Crlppcn yesterday, had n
quurtette of boys, the oldest ten years,
arraigned before Alderman Jones.
The specllle charge was a serious one.
as a stone hurled by one of tho boys,
struck Brakeman John J. Murray, of
Honesdale, under !he eye, almost per
manently affecting his sight. The
stone was hurled at the freight train
on Wednesday afternoon, while it was
rounding the curve at the Carbondale
Metal Working company's plant. Mur
ray saw tlie stone Hying, but could not
dodge the missile. It weighed about
six 'ounces and struck with greater
force because of the speed of the train.'
There was no way of identifying the
guilty lad, nnd It was only through
Constable Neary's shrewdness that the
boys who were arraigned could be
taken in.
Even after an examination, no ab
solutely sure evidence was adduced.
Arthur Glbbs, of Park street, one of
the three arraigned, was tho only one
held. Ho was detained on the evidence
of n companion, Fred Tuttle, who
swore positively that Glbbs threw the
stone. Glbbs himself swore as positive
ly that he was at the ball game at
the hour of the stone-throwing, and
he was corroborated by Ernest Barnes
nnd Edward Lord, who said they were
with him at the ball game. Tuttle's
story, however, wus given credence ns
against the others, nnd Glbbs was held
in ball for his appearance at court.
Detective Crippen made quite a
statement at the hearing in which he
stated that the company was determin
ed to break up the practice, thereby
protecting the lives of the br.ikemen as
well as its passengers. It was a duty
the company owed the public, which it
would not shirk. Passenger trains as
well as freight have been stoned. The
boys aim at striking the car wheels,
and other portions of the train. Fre
quently of late stones have crashed
through passenger coach windows,
causing passengers to narrowly escape
being struck. A short time ago, a
timid woman passenger sustained a
severe nervous shock by a stone com
ing through the window, showering
the glass on her.
Last Wednesday, Mr. Crippen stated,
three trains were reported as stoned by
boys. Tho danger In the case of the
Brakemen Murray was in the possibil
ity of the stone striking with such force
as to stun, causing tho brakeman to
fall from the box cars and under the
Issue a Challenge to Any 13-Year
Old Ball Flayers.
The All Stars base ball team will
play any team under 13 years of age,
at any time nnd ut any field. Tho line
up Is ns folows: Pitcher, Stephen Mof
fltt; catcher, Claude Hehkors; short
stop, Paul Burke; Ilrst base, John
Burke; second base, Thomas Grady;
third base, Charles Murrln; left Held,
John Moflltt; center field, James Burno;
right Held, Clarence Rchkors; second
catcher, Henry Weilbrock; bat carrier,
Joe Smith. Manager, Paul Burke; cap
taln, Claudo nehkors.
A Delightful Social Event.
A delightful social function was tho
reception given the teachers of tho
teacheis of the primary department of
the Frst Presbyterian Sunduy school
by two of their number, Mrs. A. F.
Fey and Miss Anna Belle Watorfleld.
at the home of Mrs. Fey, on Eight ave
nue, Wednesday night.
One of the unique features was an
advertisement guessing contest. A
large number of Illustrations cut from
advertisements In tho leading papers
and magazines wcio displayed. The
object was to guess the name of the
article or llrm advertised. Miss Jessie
Mutthews nave the greatest number of
correct guesses and received a hand
some cut glass dish. Tho booby prize,
a toy shoe, was given to Mrs. W. B.
Slandsbury. A dainty luncheon wus
Tho following were present: Misses
Jessie Matthews, Edith Muir, Gretta
Bryson, Mary and Isabella Yariington,
Sarah Gerrond, Jeannette and Isabelle
McMinn, Jennnetto and Nellie Bryden,
nnd Mrs. George It. Crevellng, Mrs. W.
B. Stansbury. Ms. Bosetta Orts. Mrs.
David Orr and Airs. Luther Bates.
HIS II 111,
It Caused Private Draper a Great
Deal of Misery How a Friend
'.Come to His Aid.
One of the Best Numbers.
The Tribune, yesterday inadvertently
omitted one of the best numbers at the
commencement exercises of St. Rose
academy on Thursday evening, tho
vocal duet by Miss May Moflltt and
Willie C. Price. It was air. Price's first
public appearance as a vocalist, and
his sweet singing was keenly enjoyed
and received with hearty annlause.
Miss Moflltt whoso voice in solo work
Is regarded as a part of the Important
recitals of the city, was characteristic
ally splendid. Miss Moflltt and Mr.
Price had to respond to a hearty encore.
Dr. James Clune's Departure.
As was announced in The Tribune a
few weeks ago, Dr. James Clune, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Clune, of this city,
has accepted n highly remunerative
offer to practice dentistry, in South
Africa, and will leave In a few days
with Charles Henley, of Lynn, Mass.,
for Pretoria, South Africa. Dr. Clune,
who has just been graduated from the
University of Pennsylvania, hopes to
recuperate his health while awav.
Many well wishes go with him for his
safely and success.
Charles J. Draper, of South Shafts
bury, Vt who served In Company D,
Fourth Pennsylvania regiment during
the Spnnlsh-Amcrlcan war, brought
home with him a relic which caused
.him a great deal of misery. He tried to
riu nimsoir of It but was unable to do
so until a friend came to his aid with
what proved to be a valuable sugges
tion, Mr. Draper tells of It as follows:
"During tho encampment In Georgia
I became very 111, probably from Im
pure water, poor food and the climate.
After eating even tho lightest food I
would bloat to a great extent. My bow
els were In a very serious condition and
my heart, was so weak that a few min
utes' walk would exhaust me. could
only Just drag myself around and some
times I would have to stay In bed for a
few days. 1 was treated In Georgia and
In Porto Itlco by our company surgeon
und later by the doctor at home. They
both told me It would be months before
I could expect to see any Improvement.
"I had been in tills state of misery
for about four months when a friend
recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
for Palo People. He had been benellted
by them nnd thought they might help
me. I began taking them nnd felt re
lieved In three days. I took them for
two months and they made me well
and strong. I keep tho pills by mo all
the time though I have had no need of
medicine for a long while."
Stomach trouble and nervous debility
always yield readily to the potent In
fluence of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People. These pills nre a positive
specific for nil diseases arising from
poor blood or weakened nerves. They
cure locomotor ataxia, partial paraly
sis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia,
rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects
of tho grip, palpitation of
tho heart, pale and sallow complexions
and all forms of weakness either In
male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People are sold by all
dealers, or will be sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price, fifty cents u bax, or six
boxes for two dollars and fifty cents
(they are never sold In bulk or by the
100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medi
cine company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping Center
You must deal with us. more
than once to understand our
But once is enough to catch
the spirit of the store.
Fresh news every day in our
ads. because fresh goods come
into the store every day.
More fresh goods than go into
any other store.
Younger of Smnll-pox Patients Suf
fered Collapse Last Night The
End Is a Matter of Few Hours.
Another Son's Suspicious Symp
toms. Thomas Thompson, the younger of
the two smallpox patients, is sinking
fast. Late last night the- end appeared
to be not many hours off.
Early In the evening tho youth suf
fered a collapse. His heait, weakened
under the toxio elfect of the disease,
became so feeble In its murmurs that
the pulse was hardly discernible. The
physician and the nurse, under his di
rection, administered powerful heart
stlmulents, to which there was a sur
prising response. About midnight the
lad rallied surprisingly,, though he re
mained In a semi-conscious condition.
The reaction was probably due to the
heart stimulants, and another collapse
Is likely to follow soon. At any rate
the Indications point to the sufferer sur
viving but a short time; the end seems
certain to como before another da v.
During the past few days young
Thompson has been In terrible dlstiess
and sulfeiing during his more conscious
Tills patient Is the second one whu
was stricken. He Is about in ycurs old
and more frail than his elder brother
who Is making good progress towards
Tim other son Is now being caiefully
watched by the physician, as he has de
veloped symptoms within twenty-four
houis that are suspicious. He was vac
cinated some days ago, and while his
symptoms may be the effect of this, his
sufferings are watched with some ap
prehension as they are akin to those
of approaching smallpox.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
Sabath school, 9.30 n. m.: services.
10.30 a. in.; third sermon on the funda
mental principles of the true Christian
cnurcn and its propagation, Ananias
and Saphlrn, Acts V., the fore runners
of "Simony" in the middle ages, typified
by Achun's theft, Joshua, VII, conf.
Acts IX. Danger signals for the
Apostolic church, foreshadowing Its
corruption by "Simony," perverting tho
church into a business und money
making institution. "Rich Churches;
Poor Christians." Dr. M. Leiker. All
are welcome to attend. Rev. F. Elln
ger, pastor.
Prof. La Maze's Demonstration.
At tho instance or Captain Thomas
Murphy, resident representative of the
International Correspondence schools,
Prof. La Maze, of the school's faculty,
gave a demonstration last night of how
the various languages are taught by
means of graphophone. The demon
stration took place in the Cycle club
rooms, Prof. La Maze having a large
Interested nudienec us Ills listeners.
Marketing Their Lumber.
John Pethlck, of Carbondale. and
Joseph Holt, formerly of Smith Hill,
are uusy gathering hardwood lumber
for tho market from their four hun
dred acre tract on Rood's creek, Dela
ware county, N. V. Their shlppplng
station is Hnle Eddy, on the Erie,
Honesdale Citizen,
Collector Barrett Pays Poor Board
21 Cents and Is Clear,
Tax Collector John W, Barrett was
present at last night's meeting of the
poor board, 'prepared to settle his tax
duplicate, the amount of which was
$11,171,00, He paid treasurer Moon $,
iM!i.55; Treasurer Lynch, $1,237.19;
Tieusurer McCabe, $1,135.00, and Treas
urer Thomus, J179.91; total, $10,080.98.
At Lodore Today,
The third und flnul gume of the
series of baseball contests between the
carpenters and plumbers will tuko
place at Lake Lodore today,
The contestants are members of Fed
eral Union No. 1,'m, and It has been
decided to hold an outing und clam-
bako to celebrate the occasion. The af
fair Is to bo for members of the union
only. They are requested to meet at
tlinl 1.1,11 l1 tilt 1 ..'.In,. l.,tll.ll.-. ,1.1..
...v., ,, ,, .w 4.iu.,; UMII11IHU 11113 I
morning ut seven o'clock. During the I
Carbondallans at Races.
The races at Afton, N. Y yesterday,
attracted a number of CurboiidulUins
to the sport, Tho chief factor wns tho
entry of the string of horses by Levi
Patterson, of this city.
Among those who witnesed tho races
were W. E. Watt, Walter Scurry, Fred
Watt, George Benton, F. E. Burr.
Politicians in Town.
Select Councilman Chnrles F. Wag
ner, of Scranton, former commissioner's
clerk, now u candidate for county com
missioner on the Republican ticket, was
In tho city yesterday in behalf of his
candidacy. John W. Berghauser, a
wel known musician of Scranton, ac
compalncd him.
O. & W. Abandons Station.
The Ontario & AVestern company has
closed Its station at the Carbondale
yard and given the operator employ
meat elsewhere. Simpson furnished
too little patronage to warrant con
tinuing the expense of maintaining the
An Assistant General Manager,
A prospective assistant genernl man
ager has come to the homo on Belmont
street, of P. S. Hughes, general man
ager of the Carbondale Telephone com
pany. He was born on Thursday even
ing. v
Turks Defeat Paul Tops.
Tho Turks, of tho South Side, deT
feuted the Foul Tops, of Pike street
on the Swamp field, by tho score of 3!
to 14. Batteries, Casey mid Donnelly,
Turks; McAndrew and T, Hadglns,
Foul Tops.
Meetings of Tonight. "
Court Lilly, Foresters of America.
Diamond Lodge, Shield of Honor,
Local No. 1616, United Mine Workers.
Clarence Giles, of Lincoln avenue, is
visiting his father,' W. G. Giles, in
Jamlseon City.
Mrs. A. O. Fidlum, is spending a few
days at Lake Winola.
Miss Maggie Kelly, of South Church
stret, Is visiting friends in Plttston.
James Byrne, of St. Charles college.
Baltimore, is spending his vacation in
tills city.
Miss Isabelle AVutt, of North Church
street, has left to spend several weeks
with friends in Syracuse, N. Y.
Mrs. James Snyder, of Greenfield, is
spending a few days as tho guest of her
sister, Mis. Wnrren Snyder, on Jeffrey
Miss Ada Nicol, of AVllkes-Barre,
spent the fore part of the week as a
guest of Miss Janet Sawyer, at Trinity
George Hermans, of Scranton. was
among the guests from the Electric
city, who registered at the Han Hon
house esterday.
Misses Mabel and Mary A'nn Bus-
kirk, of Taylor, arrived here today for
a visit with Miss Alice Rushlelgh. at
Slier Jiome on River street.
L. M. Atkinson, of Honesdale. dis
trict attorney, of Wayne county, was
in tho city over last evening. He was
registered at the American.
Mrs, William Browne!! and child! on.
of Dunduff, are visiting at the homo of
the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Court
ney, of South Washington street.
.Mrs. B. E. Pitts, formerly Miss Mary
Jane Ueese. of tills city, returned to
her home In Scranton yesterday, after
a brief visit with relatives In town.
.Superintendent of Motive Power .1.
R, Slack, of tho Delaware & Hudson,
of Albany, N. A was In the rtty yes
terday on business connected with tho
Mr. and Mis. Henry B. Jndwln and
Misses Mabel, Susie and Flossie Jnd
wln were In Honesdale yesterday, at
tending the funeral of the late Mis.
P. B. Peterson.
Miss Julia Byrne, who hus been visit
ing her father, Patrick "Byrne, nt ills
home on AVaslilngton street, lft !at
evening over the Erie for her home In
Jamestown, N. Y.
Berthler W. Dlx, of Carbondale, is
spending u week in Honesdale. He Is
canvassing for a handsome te.uiieis'
bible, Mrs, Millard and son, of Car
bondale, were guests of Mrs, AA'lllliim
Sutton, Seelyvllc, lust week. Wayne
County Herald.
. i i i ...
Two Muyfleld Polandeis, Toney Ro
man and Joe Muritcho, had an al'terca
tlou while picking coal on the Delawaro
and Hudson dump yesterday and were
badly cut up by Robert Kelly, who was
similarly engaged. The Polandeis and
Kelly had a dispute about the location
of their claims and when they attempt
ed to foieibly eject Kelly he defended
his claim with his hliovel. Indicting two
nasty looking cuts on Roman's cranium
nnd one on Muiitelio's, Botli men had
to receive surgical attention In dressing
tliir wounds after the battle.
Two Olyphant constables had an ex
citing experience at Mnylleld on Thurs
day evening while engaged In looking
for a man who was wanted at Oly
phant. In one house they entered the
husband was absent nucl the woman
not understanding the ofllcers' business
resisted their search and they were
compelled to forcibly fulfil! their mis
sion, A son of the woman 'then rushed
oulslde and soon the house was swarm
ing with men who came to assist tho
woman, Tho ortleers had to run and
seek shelter temporarily in Mendel
son's htore, Later on they arrested ono
of tho most active of the men, Mike
AVundlkey, and he was taken before
'Sfiulie Keifer nnd as he was unable to
furnish the necessary ball was taken
nway on tho street car to jail,
Mrs. John Casley and daughter, Mrs.
Leonard Rogers und sou, Leonard, of
Butte City, Montuna, former residents
uf this borough, are visiting at the
hbme of Mr, and Mrs. John AVIlson, of
AVest Maiied,
Mrs. Alvlr.t Emory nnd Miss A,
Brady, of AVllkes-Barre, nre the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day, of Ceme
tery street.
Miss A'lolet Lane, of Third street, Is
visiting at Clifford.
Tailor David Allen gave his employes
a pleasant outing at Crystal Lake
Tomorrow will be observed as chil
dren's day In tho Methodist Episcopal
church. There will be no Sunday
Women's Neckwear
25c to 75c
Every day we have something new to show
you in the way of dainty ncelcwcar today it's
mostly white lawn stocks and tics, hemstitched
and trimmed with pretty little embroidered
turnovers. Some black and white and some in
J summer colors. ,
X A m1c Ascot for fide. while cheviot stock
W and tic of figured momie' cloth.
But nearly everything you want lo go with
: summer frocks or shirtwaists is on this heaping
X Women's Handkerchiefs
$1.00 Dozen-Oc Each
X Just what women want who are going' away
J in hot weather.'
W Sheer and pretty material, made in Ireland.
exactly the same as in :J()c. handkerchiefs. We
bought by the piece and had the handkerchiefs
made hemstitched by machine, and this is the
a wny oi me nine price
The increased demand for bathing suits this
year has encouraged makers to bring out grcat
A '' variety than ever before. The new stvlcs
a show more beauty of finish than was previously
J thought necessary. We have collected every
good sort and have a splciidnl variety to show.
Surf suits to be proud of, and suits to be' sure
of; not only tasteful in style and shapely, but
substantially made, of most appropriate mate
rials. s
Suits from $U up to $ of Mohair and Silk
Bathing Suits
Summer Underwear
Women's, men's, childrcn's
to meet all demands.
-enough variety
It's simply a matter of care and power in
buying that makes one store better than an
other. Much of our underwear is planned right here
from suggestions that come over the counter.
All of it is bought direct from the makers 'and
in quantities large enough to bring prices down
to the lowest notch. -
Our pride is: good-fitting, comfortable un
derwear, whether you pay 1'oc. a garment or
Good Umbrellas
For Men and Women
Most people have a superstition about carry
ing an expensive umbrella. They argue that
an expensive one is bound to get lost, while a
cheap one sticks closer than a burr but then
the looks of the average cheap umbrella!
Here is an offering of umbrellas that combine
with a low price the characteristics of the more
expensive kincK And well they may for they
are worth more than their price.
At 2(-in. Umbrellas, of good qual
ity union taffeta, with choice natural
wood handles.
At Sl.73 -8-in. Umbrellas, same quality; ;J
lor men.
At S:5, worth $ii 2ti-in. all-silk Umbrellas,
with long pearl, silver and ivory handles.
! Connolly & Wallace
.school in the afternoon. In the evening
Mr. Bowers, of Scranton, will addrehs
the congregation.
Miss Nellie Biake.slee Is spending her
vacation with her brother, Clarence, at
Cianford, N. J.
Archdracon C'oxe, of Waldcn, N. Y
will be the guest of Uev. and . Mrs.
Brodhead next week and will -prrieli
In St. .Tamts church next Wednesday
John Mornn is home from Strouds
burg Normal school to nnend his suim
mer vacation.
Miss Alice (lllllgan, of Lopez, vho
has been visiting Mrs. I. J. Flanniry,
has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Llndcrmau have
returned from their wedding tour, und
taken up their residence on-Main sticet,
Ciuude Stockcr, of Jerniyii, was In
town yesterday.
Miss Carrie Bnttcnbrrg entertained
the members of her Sunday school class
yesterday afternoon, from 3 to 7. Games
and various amusements were indulged
in and the children had a most delight
ful time. These present were: Dora.
Miller. Sadie AVIlliams. Bertha Miller.
Florence Benslng. Palnia Yarns, Mabel
Decker, Jeanette Law i once, Bertha C'al
lawav. Mrs. AVIlliam A'an Daren was a vis
itor In Carbondale yesterday.
Mrs. C. A. Sampson and daughter,
Louise, of Scranton, are visiting rela
tives in town.
J. V. Grant, of Carbondale, was a
business caller In town yesterday.
Mrs. AVIlliam Klees, of Scranton, was
a visitor la town yesteiday.
A. B. Matthewson, who leaves here
next week for Norwich. X. A',, to re
side, wus tendered a mot enjoyable
smolder by the members of tho Kings
bury lodge. No. 46(i, Free and Accepted
Masons, in their rooms last evening.
An impromptu programme was ren
dered ann at 11 o'clock lunch was
served. Mr. Matthewson was pre
sented with a luindHime past mastei.s'
Jewel by tiie members, as a tentlmonlal
or their esteem and friendship for him.
Those present weie: A II. Adair, J.
.1. Aiken, J, II. Borkhelser, 11. J. Bar
thold, Robert Burleigh, .At. D, Carpen
ter, Dr. A. V. Crans. K. K, Dakin, T.
AV, VMwards, Kdward ICvans, Jr., Har
ry Howard. AV. II. AVInters, .1. A.
Suhulls!, Arthur Wlddowfleld, Levi Der
shlmer, AA'llllam Mason, G, M. Gour
loy, II. B. Bush, John Klderkln, John
F. AVIlliams, A. AV, Shaw, Dr. A'. L.
Yun Busklrk, Dr. F, L. A'an Sickle, L.
L. Sarge, F. M, AVIlliams, T. M.- A'oyle,
Frank Simpson, County Commissioner
Penman AV, D, Parry, F. L. Northrup,
II. B, Matthewson, S. L. McCabe, J. J,
Morgan, Matliew Mackey, D, G, Jones.
Alex, Frew, C,' AA'. Houser, Dr, L. Kel
ly, Hubert Jones, J, AV. Kennedy, J, 11.
Lewis, Grifiith Jones, Dr. AV. P, Ken
nedy, Fred Keifer, Priceburgj George
AV, Sltgrenves, Peckvllle; A, S. Mason,
Jermyn; AA', L. Schlager, Sorantou; S.
M. Snook, Providence,
Mrs, D. C. Hvans, Mrs. A. D. Haines,
Mrs, John Barrett, Mrs. John Daklu,
Mrs, F, I, Thomas, Mrs. J, 1,, Symons
and MlbS Flossie Kvaua spentThurs
day at Nay Aug park,
held InOCdwards' hall tomorrow after-
In the Blnkely Baptist church tomor
row, Dr, Duvld Spencer will pi each at
10.30 u. m, on "The Christian's Final
Graduation," and at 7.30 p. in., on
'Echoes from Niagara Spiritualized."
Regular Episcopal services will be
noon at ,1.30 o'clock. Rev. K. J. Haugh
ton will have charge.
Miss Mabel Edwards, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. 'A. D. Edwards, of Blake
ly, successfully passed the examina
tion at Stroudsburg State Normal
school this week and will begin an
advanced course at West Chester Nor-,
nml school in the fall.
Michael Sweeney, of Archbald, was a
visitor at this place yesterday.
The Browns will cross bats with their
old-time rivals, the Dunmoro base ball
dub on the local grounds this after
noon. A special meeting of the Excelsior
Hose company will bo held tomorrow
afternoon nt 2 o'clock.
Mr. mid airs. P. J. Honan, of Scran
ton, spent Thursday In town.
Isaac Davis, of Greenwood, was a
visitor in town Thursday.
, Sisters Anselm and Louise, of St.
'Patrick's convent, attended the com
mencement exercises of the parochial
school at Plttston yesterday.
John Dakin is visiting relatives at
John P. O'Malley, of Carbondale,
spent yesterday with relatives here.
Mrs. Coo Tuthlll will leave, Monday
to Join her husband at Niagara Falls,
where they will make It their future
Blnkely Is to have a new hose com
pany. Recently at a meeting of tho
citizens the following ofllcers were
chosen: President, Thomas Jones; vice
president, William Samuels; secretary,
George Reese; tieasuror, ('. M. Hatha
way; foreman, It, AV. Taylor.
Peckvllle Baptist church. Rev. J. S.
Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow nt
10.30 ii. in. and 7.30 p. m. Morning sub
ject, "Tho Building of the Second Tem
ple." In tho evening the Sunday
school will render the children's dny
programme. All the parents and
friends of the scholars aie coidlally In
vited. Presbyterian chinch. Itev. S. II.
Moon, D. D pastor. Service, Sunday
at 10,30 a, in. and 7,30 p. m. Subject In
morning. "The Material and the Spir
itual Life;" evening, "Self Respect."
All welcome,
A citizens' meeting was held Thurs
day evening in the hose rooms, The
president, Mr. AVIlliam Allen, opened
the mooting with a fair number of cit
izens present. The secietary, Mr. Hit
ter, lead the minutes of thu last meet
ing, which wns held In April, when a
committee was appointed to invesli
gato the cause of the Insufficient supply
of water at the lire in March, and also
to take legal advice. The following
committee was appointed: W. S. Rloes,
C. M. Halhaway, Elmer Roberts, AV, AA'.
AVatklns and Burgess Haines, The re
port was read by Mr. Hathaway, which
stated thai tho committee received ad
vice of two eminent Scranton attorneys,
S, P. Price and George s. Horn, and
ulso Boiough Attorney Wntklns, which
gave an account of the contract be
tween the water company nnd tho bor
ough. On motion of Mr, Hitter, second
ed by F, A, Peck, the tcpcirt was sub
mitted to the Insurance companies for
further Investigation,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tuthill. of Glen
Lyon, are visiting relatives In, town.
Mis, John Day left AA'ednehday for
Niagara Falls, N, V wheie her hus
band Is employed at present,
Ono of tlio most delightful events of the
season took placo at tho homo of Frank
This ttgnatare it oil Very bozot tn ()
Laxative BromoOuinine Twtu '
yyyftibiaMdy.ltot sun m all In mi MTi
Mostollor on AVednesday evening, It being
tho marriage of his youngest daughter,
Etta, to Benjamin Rood. Tho ceremony
was performed at S o'eock-by the Rev.
tl. U. Jacobs, pastor of the Brick church.
The wedclingcouple were imtUtcndcjct n'rid'
L,,t-j luuiv uiu vuw ui inurriHKu ocnemn
an arch nf neprn-rnnii- rPhf l.plrln wu nfi
tired in a gown of white moussollno d4
sole with luce trimmings and carried a
bouquet of white carnations. As she and
her chosen husband entered the naiior
the wedding march. "Hearts und Flowv
ers," was played y ansa Myrtle Rersa.'
The company witnessing tho happy event
numbered about thirty, being composed
principally of the immediate relatives of
the wedding couple. Congratulation:
over, a. cholco collation was
The many presents attested the
In which tho couple aro held.
Tho following guests were present
and Mrs. D. C. Reed. Mr. and Mrs.
R. AVIlson, Mr. and Mrs. AVIlliam Mi
itr, Mr. and. Mis. John Curtis, M, a:
Mrs. Frank Reed, Mr. and Mrs 3lar-
ence Reed, tho Misses Lydia, MyrtlOj
Edith nnd Alice Reed. Mrs. M.,
Frank Mostellcr, Harry Reed, Orln ReerJ,
Samuel Mnohell, Oscar Rummerilcld,
John Wortlilngton. Roy Kcllar, Qeorgq
Naylor. AVIllhini and Edwaid Brown,
Allen Reed. The young couple left for
Mllburn, N. J where they will spend a
few woeks, after which they will com
mence housekeeping with tho bride's
The storm of Wednesday night was
ono of unprecedented severity for this
season of tho year. Considerable damage
was done to trees, shrubbery and crow
ing crops by the heavy rain and 'tho
diiving wind.
Rev. S. J. Custard spent Thursday
Mrs. Saxe, of Kingston, visited at 111
hiimu of Mrs. S. T. AVnlker durl
' Mr. and Mrs. J. Swartz, of Scu
were guests of Mr. and Mis. Harrl
on Sunday.
Tho ladles of the Baptist churcl
a lawn social at the home of
Mrs. Al AVulker on Thursday ove
Much care had been used In decora j
and lighting the lawn and spacl
porches and tho luigo number who
tended spent a very enjoyable o
Special music was rendered by al
totto of young ladles; several recl
were given and a lire balloon vti
leased during tho social.
Miss Nellie Alger entertained ,
ft lends on Saturday evening of in
in honor of her guest, Mhs Ha
gar, of Iitttstou,
On July 4th tho indies of tho
Episcopal church will tervo a inner
tho church parlors, also ico
strawberries. A programmo
and musical entertainment S1
lunged. Speeinl speakors frf
town ato expected and all wl
lo mako this a pleasant pin
to celebrate tho day.
Mrs. Annie Colvln and fan J
tho AVrigley reunion at Dalt(J
Mrs. N. L. AVnlker is vl
Miss Myra AVIlliams h
It Removes the caul
Oslonn.iih' 1r that ctenco of
diseases of the human body whi
giirds dlseuso as the product oi
Htiuctlou to or uer.mgeniniu
force and clr
dilution. and
undertakes by
niaiiipulat I on
or by manual
stimulation or
Inhibition o f
u o r v e s n u d
ncrvo centers,
to icmovo the
obstruction or
I'oricct tho de
rangement, eo
that n n t u re
nuij" resume her perfect war
been remarkably successful
ii'n uniuusm, Asiuma. ijuy
trrrh, Paialysls, and Joint. Si
ach, Nervous, I,ler and i
(roubles that liavo beon pro
.urahlo by other tyiitcnis of
For Osteoputhly
mem go
Green Mite
between Ma
lireen J
Pr, Herbt. I. FU
City Treatlnl
200 1-2 Carter Bll
consultation I