WRHEHsmim 'fflpfpp?pr W)F'W "wmmr- PlFi;N.f ' "flli i - i V38KV -V v' r for 12 THJbi SOHAiYJL'OAl T1I1BUJNK SATUiiDAV, JUJSE 28, 1902. t NICHOLLSSAYS NO WAVERING JLAIMS THE STRIKERS ARE STANDING FIRM. District President of the United Mine Workers Issues a Statement In Which, Among Other Things, He Avers That the Engineers and Steam Men Who Have Returned to Work Aftor Striking Are Decoys. Concerning Complaints About the Moses Taylor Hospital. The clnlm mntlo by the companies that each day the number of strikers applying for reinstatement continues to grow, brought forth the following state ment from President Nlcholls yester day: The return to work of a few enttlns-irs Is of no vital consequence, and Is no In dication of weakness In tho body of mine workers. It Is understood that those en gineers who did not' strike when tho ncn ernl order was Issued, but camo out later, did so as decoys, expecting to return to work again nnd tako others with them, and cause the impression to go forth that a break had occurred. They have failed In their object and have laid themselves llablo to criticism as being traitorous to their fellow workmon, or as children without Judgment, striking one day and returning to work tho next, gaining nothing. The majority of the steam men are still Idle, and no coal Is being mined. During the strike of 1900 alt steam men romalned nt work, many miners also remained at work throughout tho strike; many thou naiid of tons of coal were mined while the strike was In progress. This strike has the advantage of having nil minors Idle, and a lorgo proportion of the steam men; no coal has been mined since tho strike was inaugurated. None will bo mined until tho strlko Is settled. Our members are warned against agents of tho companies who are circulat ing among them, trying to brlbo them with largo promises of increased pay to return to work. I have read a circular letter by one of the local companies, sent out soliciting firemen. They are In hard straits, nnd sorely in need of competent men. The Imports aro Incompetent and irresponsible in the main. They won't work and aro an expensive luxury; as the stockholders will find out when dividends nre cut short on account of tho wasted material and destroyed machinery. The companies cannot operate without mpn. It Is only a question of tlmo when thoy will need them so badly that they will lay the market price and sccuie their ser lces again. T. D. Nichols, President District No. 1. President W. H. Hosklns, Vice-President D. H. Sullivan and Secretary G. W, Savage, of District No. 6, United Mine Workers of America, of Ohio, who oume here to confer with President Nlcholls, Thursday, have gone to visit HliamoUin, Hazleton and Pottsvllle. They refuse to make known tho par ticular object of their tour of the strike territory. Some complaint has been made that the Moses Taylor hospital directors have refused to admit strikers to that institution. Assistant Superintendent Tobcy, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company, said yesterday, when this was called to his attention, that the directors have no choice in the matter. The Institution is endowed for employes of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and Lackawanna Iron and Steel companies and their families. Men who are on strike are not employes of the company. During the week previous to the strike, when it was expected the strike SICK MADE WELL WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir orure Discover ed by Famous Doctor-Scientist That CuresEverv Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Are Effected That Seem Like Miracles Per formed The Secret or Long Lire or Olden Times Revived. The Remedy, Is Free to All Who Send Name and Address. Alter jurs ot patient study, and delviftK into tho dusty record of tho past, us well ai follow. Ing modern experiments in the realmi of modi, ral science, Dr. Jnmoa W. Kldd, JfiTj- Baltcs liuildinjj, Fort Wayne, Intl., nukes the tliirtlin? unnouncement that lie liu surely dis- dm lfc Dit. JAMES WIM.IAM KIDD. entered tlio elixir uf Hie, That lie Is alilo with the aid of a mysterious luiiijimmil, Yiwwn tub t" hinucll, prod in ul us u riMiilt of tlio tear, lit lu upsiit ill MarihliiK foi this prteioui lile-isuliiK boon, to cure uny jiiJ cury disease timt ii known to the fmmaii ),ody, Thtre is no duulij uf tho doctor', t.irin'itnei in nuking his Lldin mid the remarkable cures that lie it daily ettnllw: mii tu bear Mm uut ciy strongly, lilt tliturj uhich lie advances li mm of reaion Hid lunl on tumid cxperlineo in a mcillcj prar tuv vi many eare. li bts nothing to try 111 ruiiurM'le "l.lnir,uj Life," as ho ealln it, for Ue uiiU it trie to'miyonc ulio it a autttrcr. in lurKlwit iiujutltles to coin I nee of its ability to !uu, ro there la absolutely no risk to run. ,iiii. uf the iurc ilttd art very remarkable, ami but lui tellalile wltiuMro would hardly bo credit, ed. 'I be lame Imo thrown away crutches and italud about alter two or tlnee trials uf the unfvdy, TUt nick, idven up by home doctors, lute I ii I (Stored to their families and friends In peecf health. Ithrumalism, nemaliria, stom ivli. heart, liur, kidney, blood and skin diseases and bladder troubles itUappeai at by magic. Headaches, baekacliee, rurvouJiins, levers, run tumptivn, toughs, mid), asthma, catarrh, bron inills and all uflectlous of the throat, lungs or my vital uigaua are easily oicrvoiue in a space li time that is simply niarrcloua. 1'artUl paraljaia, locomoUr ataxia, dropsy, gout, tciuful and piles are quickly pd peruia trntly lemoved. it purifies the entire Wftetn, blood and iues, lestorv tiormal iim power, circulatiuo and a state of perfect health ft oro. lucid at once. To the doctor all systems' ai would be declared, there wns a big rush of Applicants for admission to tho hos pital. In all except emergency cages the applications were "placed on flic." The Murvlno shaft local No. 151, will hold a special meeting this afternoon, June 28, at 2 'o'clock. A meeting: ot Local No. 1,6!3, tjnllcd Mine Workers of America, will be held this nftornoon at 2.30 o'clock, In Leon ard's hall. THINGS WORTH KNOWING. (Compiled for Tho Tillnine by Walter J. liallard.) . The "American Invasion" extends oven to tho rejolclncs over tho ending; of tho Boer war. Somo of tho British newspa pers eclcbrati that event by quoting Oli ver Wendell Holmes' beautiful lines: Ansel of Peace, thou hast wandered too lornr! Spread thy white wings to tho sunshlno of love! Come while our voices nro blended In song Fly to our ark Uko tho storm-beaten dove, Speed o'er tho far-soundhiB billows of song, Crowned with tlilno ollvc-lcaf garland of lovo; Angel of Peace, thou hast waited too long! Neither Kipling nor tho British poet laureate Becm to be equal to the occasion. Troy Times. In 1001, 110.C0G emigrants left Brcmon with destinations as follows: England 4,398 Canada 3G0 United Stntcs 103,214 Brazil 85 Argentina. 1,8M Africa) 4W) Australia 230 From Hamburg the emigration was 92, 602 persons, 13,334 being Germans, 27,972 Austrlans, 36,961 Russians. Their destina tions were: Kngland 9,835 United States 74,319 Canada 2,St." Mexico Ui West Indies 127 Brazil 1,039 Argentina 1,33S A comparison of the number of emi grants bound for Argentina nnd Brozll with tho number bound for tho United States may cool tho blood of those who forcseo troublo with Germany In South America. Now York Sun. "Tho population of tho United Stales In 1S63 was about thirty-four millions. Tho succeeding thirty-live years ending In 1900 carried it to 76,000,000 and today wo aro increasing at tho rate of a million and a half a year. Tho various census re ports show that tho population ot tho United States about doubles every thirty years, so that by 1930 wo would, nt this ratio, have a population of 130,000,000 peo ple. "One-half of the population of tho Unit ed States Is occupied directly or Indirectly in tho cultivation of land, and I think fully one-half of tho entire capital of the country is invested hi farms and their belongings, and when wo come to tho questions of intelligence, patriotism and good citizenship, tho agricultural popula tion stands out today as It has in tho past, as the great sheet anchor of the na tion. "The wealth of tho world comes from the farm, tho forest, tho mine and tho sea. While our country has been blessed with wonderful mines of coal, iron. gold, silver and all tho other valuable mineral productions, with magnificent forests of useful timber, still the farm has. lrom tho beginning, been the foundation of our growing wealth and greatness." James J. Hill. The value for 1900 of tho manufactured products of each state is expressed in this tabic in millions of dollars: 1. Now Yqrk 2,173 2. Pennsylvania I,S3o 3. Illinois l,2iij 4. Massachusetts 1,033 5. Ohio 83J li. New Jersey uil 7. Missouri, 3S5 S. Indiana 37S 9. Wisconsin 301 10. Michigan So" 11. Connecticut 303 12. California 303 13. Minnesota 263 14. Maryland 24.1 13. Rhode Island 181 1G. Kansas 172 17. Iowa 103 15. Kentucky 133 19. Nebraska 144 20. Virginia 133 21. Maine 127 22. Louisiana 127 23. Texas 119 21. New Hampshire 118.6 23. Tennessee 107 26. Georgia 100.G 27. Colorado 103 28. North Carolina 93 29. Washington S7 30. Alabama 81 31. West Virginia 73 32. South Carolina ra 33. Vermont r8 31. Montana 57 33. District of Columbia 43 36. Oregon . 46 37. Delaware 45,6 38. Arkansas 43, 39. Mississippi 40 40. Florida 7 41. Hawaii -, 4.'. Arizona 21,3 43. Utah i,3 41. South Dakota 12 43. North Dakota a 46. Oklahoma 7 47. New Mexico n.6 4S. Wyoming 4,3 49. Alaska 4 50. Idaho 4 CI, Indian Territory 3.8 32. Nevada j.(j American Economist. In this table Pennsylvania is u good second, nnd only about half as far from flm-ns It Is from third. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. . Now York. June 27.-Todny's stock mar ket roll into profound neglect. Lxcont for tho ricn lings In ono or two stocks which wero selected by tho supporters of tho market for their sustaining effect, there wns almost nothing doing. St. Paul was again tho lender and there was n spurt In Illinois Central during tho day which had 110 news to explain It. Mis souri Pacific continued In good demand but Its rlso did not extend to a point nt any time. Tho Industtlnls were weak In spots, but wero oven more neglected than l'lillrmids. The passing of tho dividend on Colorado Fuel caused a drop of 4 points In that slock on tictlvo selling. Tho stock tluctuatcd feverishly all day and closed nt a not loss of only 1(4. The pass ing of tho dividend on Ico preferred was reflected In tho movement of thoso stocks, tho nrcferred dccllnlnc an cxttcmo 3?i and closing at a recovery ot 11. Amalgamat ed Copper was under pressure again but met sujiport at about 01 as on tho pre vious decline. Tho market cased off In tho lato dealings and closed heavy nnd below tho best In nil cases. Tho specu lative Influences nt work In tho grain markets made Inferences as to tho condi tion of tho crops somewhat obscure. Tho coalers wero entirely neglected In tho market. There was somo buying ot tho railroad stocks that was alleged to bo for Investment in anticipation of the funds to bo disbursed after thn first of tho month. Total sales for tho day, 202,4)00 shares. There was llttlo doing In tho bond market and thn movement of prices was Iregular. Total shares, par value, 13,025,000. United Slates 2's declined "4 and the now 4's (4 per cent, on tho last call. Tho following quotations iro furnished Tho Tribune by Halglit Freese Co., 314 313 Meats Building. W. D. Kunyon, mali nger. Open.Hlgh.Low.CIose Amal. Copper raft IV4 in m"4 Am. C. & F ?.2Ya 32 31 31 American Ico 13 13(i 12(4 12(4 Am. jcc, it !.,;: Am. Locomotive .... 32 Am. Loco,, Pr 94 American Sugar ...,12t!?i Anaconda Copper ...108 Atchison Rl Atchison. Pr VX) Brook. B. T 074 Cnnadlnn Pacific ....133U Chcs. & Ohio 40i v,nicub'u v uon .... .ti'i iiiv'i Chic. & G. W 294 30 C M. & St. P 173 170(4 C R. I. &P 172(1 172V4 Col. Fuel & Iron .... 86(4 8ST4 Col. & Southern .... 30V4 30'4 Kilo 36(4 SO3 Krle. 1st Pr 674 OS'i Hocking Vnllcv SP, 84T4 Illinois Central 1374 ir,n(f. Manhattan 131 ,4 131 U Met. St. Ry 148Vi 148V- Mexican Central .... CS"J 28a; Mo., K. & Tex 27',i 2714 Mo., K. & Tex.. Pr. 59 R9ti Mo. Pacific 1094 11014 100(4 j. x. c;cmrai l.wij, j.mvs i.v ivorroiK & west .... r6',4 my. Out. & West 32- 32'ii Pcuna. R. R 131(4 1M( People's Gas 101 101 Pressed Steel Car.... 46 4T Reading fii',54 67(4 Rending, 1st Pr St M Reading. 2d Pr 70'. 70K Republic Steel 17H 17'4 Republic Steel. Pr .. 724 72U Southern Paclllc .... tUn4 64;4 Southern R. It .'Kjg ?,s Tenn. Coal & Iron .. 62 G2ii Texas H Pacific 4314 435, union Pacific in.i io.".(4 104"4 I'HMJll x-.H-'llll. 11' ., ,v$f Ml TT. S. Leather 124 12j V. S. Leather. Pr ... S4'A S4'. 1. S. Steel 37-4 3S'4 V. S. Steel, Pr 89 S9'l Wabash -io-- 301-, Wabash, Pr 464 4614 Western Union R8'4 SS'r. Wisconsin Central .. 26v4 2674 'wioi fuiius, .:u-i,uuu snares. Money, 3(4 per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. 20.1 feed, JS.7S; mess pork, per barrel, lis. 18.2o; lard, 110.47(4! rls, JI0.62(4nl0.72(4. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Juno 27.-Cattlo Receipts. 2,000, Including 300 Texnnsi steady: good to prime steers, nominal, $7.ifla8.40; poor to medium, ll.inH7.Mi stnrkors nnd feedeis, J2.fi0aR.23: cows, ).tnn(i: heifers, K.mxtiM; fanners, $l.40ii2.M: bulls. l2.2Ba3.75i calves, J2.r,0afl.M Texan fed steers, J4n7. lings iicccipts toiiny ,5s.nooj tomorrow, iz.ow: opened steady: closed SnlOe. lower: mixed and butchers, $7,23n7.70i good to rholre heavy, $7.70n7.83: rough heavy, $7.30.i7.no: light, $7.2"n7.IO: bulk of sale. J7.30a7.70. Sheep Receipts. 5.000! sheep nnd Iambi, steady; gonll to cholco wethers, Kl.TBiH: western snoop, clipped, $lnU.u0. J2.7."fi4; nntlvo lambs, ta'ti Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, Juno 27,-Cnttlo-Recelpts, 200: slow: vcnls, steady; tops, J6.ri0a6.73: fair to good, ffiruMS; common to light, $a 0. Hogs Receipts, 000: fairly active: low er on pigs nnd light Yorkers', steady on others: heavy, $7.80a7.90: mixed, 7.70a7.80; pigs, $7,30; roughs. 7a7,2r: stngs, J.".7r.a U.23. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,300; steady: spring lambs, $8.fi0a7: fair to good, J3.7SaO.23; culls to common, Jian; yearlings, J4.50BG: sheep top mixed, Jlal.23; fair to good, J3.C0n3.90; culls to common, J2,23a 3.30; owes, J3.23a3.C3. 42(4 32 91 126(4 106 814 S28V4 iw-; 41 40V4 91 9374 126?4 126(4 108 JOU 82ii 100i 100 100- ( 67 UV-fs 1334 133U 13314 46?i 4iH 46'i ;iVi '- 29(a 2934 173 173 172(4 172-i R3 87"4 30'4 30 SOU 36( 6714 fSH 844 844 137 18'i 131 14 131 '4 14S,4 28 274 38'.: 5014 32'4 1314 10074 46 6654 SI 701.4 1714 7214 fiili ".',8 62 4314 RSi,5 124 8i 374 89 30"4 46V. RSV4 26(4 1IS1 28)4 271,4 58(6 HO'4 135(4 56V6 32M 13114 100? 46 f6?4 84 7014 17'4 7214 OiiA 36 62(4 13.. 1014 89 124 84.. 37i S914 30i 46ft KSU 26T4 Open. High. Low. Close. 7.1'4 i-!i 2IA em 61(4 39-4 30(4 l.n.14 fnSH 6ST4 61-74 C0?4 Cl',4 40,4 ' 39-4 40 30(4 29T4 30(4 1S.30 1S.17 1" -0 18.37 15.42 .4 10.37 10.52 10.52 10.63 10.53 10.33 10.77 10.57 10.57 10.07 10.00 10.60 WHEAT, July September CORN. July September OATS. July September PORK. July 18.30 September 1S.30 LARD. July lft.r,7 September 10.63 RIBS. July 10.77 September 10.07 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. , , Open. High. Low. Close. July S.C7 8.67 8.53 S.36 August 8.36 S.36 8.20 S.22 September S.OO 8.00 7.89 7.90 October 7.88 7.88 7.76 7.70 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Asked Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... go County Saw Bank & Trust Cn ?.nn First Nat. Bank (Carbondale). ... Third National Bank 530 Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 300 Economy L II. & P. Co First National Bank Uoo Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... 193 Clark & Snover Co.. Pr 12,-5 Scranton Savings Bank 1,00 Traders' National Bank 223 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123 People's Bank 133 BONDS. Scranton Packing Co Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgnge, due 1920 115 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, due 1918 115 People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 115 Scranton Trac. Co., 6 per cent. 113 Economy L.. H. & P. Co N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co Consolidated Water Supply Co ... East Liberty Live Stock. East Liberty. Juno 27,-Cattle-Stcady: choice, J7.15a7.50; prime. J0.63a7,15; good, J6a6.30. Hogs Active! prlmo heavy hogs, J7.S0a7.95; mediums, J7.50: heavy Yorkers, J7.43a7.G0; light do., J7.33a7.40S pigs, J7.25; roughs, J3.50a7.25. Sheep Slow: best wothers, J4.23a4.50: culls and common, J1.50n2; choice lambs, J6a6.30; veal calves, J7a7.50. Oil Market. Oil City, June 27.-Crcdlt balances, 122; certificates, no bid; shipments, 87,100 bar rels; average, 87,106 barrels; runs, 102,570 barrels; average, 77,621 barrels. For ten months ended April 30, seventy railroads show gross Increase of 10.40 per cent, and 12.30 not. For tho first week In June, forty-four roads show gross in crease of 6.09 per cent, and for tho second week, thirty-two show gross increase of 5.05 per cent. FINANCIAL THIRD BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600,000 on Pays 3 interest savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday from 7.30 to 8.30. evenings BOO 46 97 97 103 Ono of tho best evidences of the peace ful conditions In the Philippines Is found In tho expenditures on account of tho war department nt thn present tlmo, It Is a surprising fact that during tho month of May tho total oxponses on account of pensions, amounting to moro than JU, (XHOfio, wero almost ns gieat ns tho total expenditures on account of both tho war and navy departments during tho month. Tho war expenditures have been reduced !iLtt n,n'',teil degree, being less than JU). 000,000 a month nt tho present time. Canadian imports and exports in thn ten months ninonnt to J3I8,703.0S3. an in crease of J3l.9ll.771. Exports for May In. creased Jl,079,060 nnd Imports J339.129. Tho enormous wheat crop In Kansas now being harvested, Is death to tho liiht vestlgo of PopulUm in that stato. Tho farmers nre nt their wits' end for more machinery, moro teams und men to rean tho rich harvest, and a considerable por tlon of tho crop Is destined to bo left on tho ground ungarncrcd. Facts aro God's arguments. TODAY'S D,, L. AND W. BOABD. Following is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today; SATURDAY, JUNE 2S. Summits West-S a. ni., Nichols, with Hennlgan's ciow, Pushers-7 a. m., Y. Case, 11.45 a. m. Moran; 7.30 p. m., Murphy: 9 p. m.. W. II. Bartholomew, Holpers-1.30 0. m McGovern; 1 a. rn., Widncr; 10 a. m., Lampins; 4.30 p. ra.. John Wardcll, lllke mid kiujIIv afttefed i thU mat' "Eliilr tl Utv." Send for fli jemedv Ud4y. It ia'(rv6 iukiI ul mid (be ture ryoivdfgr it will bo Mat I rIcluP Saturday, June 28, and until fur ty tat li ivtura null. . J tlier notice J NOTICE. Hoar, with IfcAUster's crew, will run Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.) Flour-JI.40. Butter Fresh creamery. 21c: fresh dairy, 23c. Cheese 12al2,ie. Kegs Nearby, 20c; western, IDc. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $.'.33a2.40. Green Peas Por bushel, J2.23. Onions $2.00 per bng. New Potatoes $3.50 per barrel. New York Grain and Produce Market New York, Juno 27. Flour Unchanged nnd about steady. Wheat Spot dull: No. 2 red, 7914c elevator: No. 2 red, SOable. f. o. b. allout; No. 1 northern Dtiluth, 81c. f. o, h. iitloat. For a tlmo wheat was ac tlvu and stronger 011 covering and with coarsn (Trains but In thn afternoon it de veloped heaviness under .Improved crop reports, lower French cables ami poor export inquiry. Tlio close was partly He not higher. July closed 79c; September, 77!c: December, 7b',e. Corn-Spot easy; No. 2, uS',K'. olevatnr and lJ',ic f. o, b, atloat; option market told up after tho opening on small iccelpts and cold weath er west: then It weakened owing to realiz ing sales, mostly in Soptombor which closed $e. not lower against '.t,c advance, In other months. July closed u"',4o.: Sop teniber.. Oliic: December, S2ic, Oats Spot slrougor: No. 3, C4c; No. 3. bVM: No. 3 white. 5Sc; track white western," 53 uoOc; No. 2 white, 5!Vo.; track mlxeil western, C2aS1c; track whito state, KiaOio; options ndvanred on wet cold weather west lololni'd by unloading nnd decline. Butler Market lower and unsettled; creamery, I9a22c; factory, 10al8Ho,; 10110. voted, 17al9i,ie.; imitation creamery, J7a 19',ic; slato dairy, 18.i2lc. Cheese-Jlarket steady to firm; now state full cream, rnnnll colored fancy. 0)io,; largo cnlmvd, Oc.j small whit", 'Mic; largo whlto, ssic, irTBorB,,,0"Bi ,B,ut0 ,.""! I'ennsylvimla, 19',Sa20e,; western candled, lSHul9c; south western, 15'ial7',4c. ' Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Juno 27. Oats stood In tho speculative limelight today, tullueuced by a very strong cash situation and by liberal short covering July now oats sold at 17c, a Jump of 5c. In two days. Othor grains laid bullish Impulses and mudo good advances. In oats much of tho gain was lost by liquidation, in wheat and corn selling camo becausa of the guessing contests In tho pits as to th manipulative situation. At tho closo July oats wero lHul'.ic higher. July wheat Wo. lower and July corn '4c. up. Provis ions lost 6a10c. Cnsh quotations wero us follows: Flour Steadv: Nn. - unrliu- wheat, ; No. 3, 734;a74c; No. 2 red. 75ic: No. 2 corn, CSc: No. 2 yellow, 6SWa6Sic.: No. 2 oats. 46Ja49c; No. 2 white, &3Ku51c: No. 3 white 02ur.4e: No. 3 rye. 61c; good folding bir'oy, 67a9o,j fair to choice malt. Ing, GOaiOVie; No. 1 flax seed, Sl.K4al.55: No. 1 northwestern, 1.73; prime timothy THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES MINING CO 1202 Crozier Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2T &. 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODY.McLELLAN &CO. BANKERS, No 57 Broadway, New York City. MIUIIIERS NUW YOrtK STOCK IIXCHAXOI!. STOCKS.BONDS nnd INVE5TAIENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN mBmmaam li sis Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock 1 PILSNER I Urewtry. PILSNER 4 nuEE, Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 3331, New 'Phone, 2935, 1 W 'Busy? rv it M Well I should say so! That telephone does nothing all day 'but say ZuZv ' Every clerk in the store has got the "tired arm" from handing out pack ages of ZuZv But it isn't any wonder! Just look at that package for five cents, full of the best ginger snaps you ever tasted. ZuZu GINGER SNAPS J0'K2 WASHINGTON AVE iYiwaffi kVAfj COMPANY t d Perfect Refrigerator When you get .a Leonard Cleanable Refrigerator you get a refrigerator that embodies the results of twenty-five years' experiences. Our best arguments for this refrigerator are upheld by the hundreds of users in this city. Don't wait longer to make your selection as one week's hot weather will break our assortment of sizes. A popular size, 108 pounds ice capacity, $18.00. Jhe Jfuto-Vaho itiickless lue flame Oil Stove Is a happy combination of some of the principles of the famous "Automatic" and several features distinctly new and original. The result is the best oil stove of its kind on the market. It combines extreme simplicity with effectiveness in operation and is a most satisfactory stove at a reasonable price. WICKLESS The Auto-Valvo has no wick. An as bestos kindler is used for, starting. The Auto-Valvo can be lighted quickly, and is operated and controlled by a "cut-off." BLUE FLAME The burner of the Auto-Valvo gives an intensely hot blue flame.- Every joint of the Auto-Valvo is made solid and strong by electric welding. 2-Burner $6.50 3-Burner , 8.75 Announcement The Store Will Close at & n'clnrk rtailv ac nsn-il rlnrinrr July and August except on Saturdays. On Saturdays during these two months the store will close at 12:00 noon. On account of the above arrangdment the store would be open only on Saturday morning of July 5th. Coming as it does we have decided to remain closed the entire days of Friday, July 4th, and Saturday, July 5th. We trust this arrangement will meet with the approval of our customers and that this notice will give you ample time to anticipate your wants that we may serve you earlier in the week. ' Foote & Fuller Co. Call Us V) on Either Thone. XTR' lllVlAl ' - . . l mil mm St Umi t yviibii 111 mm i Of anything: in the line of optical goods we enn supply it. ,, t Spectacles l and Eye Glasses I 4. 4, 4, Properly fitted by an expert T 4, optician, ' From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescript tj tlon work and repairing-, Alercereau & Connell, 133 Wyoming1 Avenue, ' U7. a- ! ',,'S&KSa P-r; I" f,-fll '-.c y rl-A'F. j- f'i DR. DENST! PHYSICIAN AIN'D ! 311 Spruce SI. All Acuta unit Clunnlu, WllllK'll UllU l 1111(11 LMIIiUNIC. niiAi; WAST1N1! DIBKAtf i onsuiiiition ana. lieu hours, Uullj-, v n. ni. '