,(K- , '.iH ,'. THE aCKAfltON. TRIBUNlBmrSDAY, OTJU 26 Ifrt2,, ' ; i,H es NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA LAKE WINOLA. Speed! to the Scranlon Tribune. Lake Wlnoln, Juno 25. Mr. Morris V. Morris mid family, of Scranton, have inovpd Into their cottage on the Scran ton Blac. , All". Melxell and family,, of AVIIkcs Barro, nrc occupying Mr. .Bowman's cottage. Miss Laura Kenr, of Mlnersvllle, Is spending u few weeks with Miss Helen I.ronton. Miss Rebecca Howoll and Miss Ituchel Rceee, of West Scranton, avg the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Frear. A large number of young people en joyed the dance at The Wlnolu on Sat urday evening. Mr. Godfrey, proprietor of the Hotel Jermyn,- Is entertaining a largo party of friends In his two cottages on the point. Mr. Robert Wcstlakc, of Scranton, spent Sunday and Monday at The AVI nola. Mr. Wcstlako expects to rent a cottage and spend the summer at this resort. Orcat preparations are being made at this place for the celebration of July 4. Mr. Frear Is trying to make this one of the -banner years at Lake Wl nola. Mr. George Peek, of Scranton, has placed a nnptha launch on the luko for Ills private use. We now have quite u fleet. of launches and more will bo added. The Wlnola orchestra will commence to play oil Saturday evening, June 28. This will be the first of a series of balls to be given at The Wlnola on each week day evening during the season. Every Sunday evening a -sacred .concert will be given. The Misses Oliver, of Philadelphia, have ai rived at .ake Wlnola and will give dancing lessons on Tuesday and Friday morning during the season. They are accomplished instructors and will teach all of the fancy dances. HAittLINTON Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hamilton, June 28. Mrs. Dr. J. A. Kte, daughter and son. of Wilmington, Del., are visiting their aunt, Miss D. P. Hamlin. Miss Kathryn Edwards left Saturday last for an extended visit with her niece, Mrs. J. P. Kuresteiner, of Eng Jewood, X. J. Mr. Stanley Weir, of Shiekshinny, has licen the guest for several days of his cousin" Mis. G. O. Glllett. Bertrand, Wright, of Scranton, has been visiting his brother, C. 12. Wright. Miss Alice Bortrce and Frances Or chard have been presented with hand some pianos from N. A. Hurlbert's wareroonis. Mr. C. R. Spangeuburg, owner of 'Lake Hiawatha, had Lyman Williams and Borton Wetherell arrested for tresspassing and fishing out of seuson. Squire Bortree, of Ariel, issued the warrants for their arrests, but at the hearing Monday, June 23, the squire de cided that sufficient evidence had not been produced and the case was dis missed, county to pay the costs. Mrs. George Kelly and daughter, Irene, of Austin, Pa., were in atten dance at the Buckingham reunion, the 18th instant, and are now visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Lavina Chapman has a new house under course of construction, Charles Schaffcr doing the work. Sunday, June 29, will bo floral Sun day In the Salem Methodist Episcopal church. The children are rehearsing and quite an extensive programme is being prepared for the occasion. AVOCA. Miss Mary Compton, of West Plttston, will speak at the Christian Alliance meeting this evening. Miss Compton will go to India next fall as a mission ary. v Theie will bo a special meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary, St. Aloyslus society, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The marriage jf Frank P. Devers and Miss Mary Holleran will take pi. ice this morning at 11 o'clock. James Mullen left this week to play as second -bubeniun on the Plattsburg team. Timothy King, William Burns, James Malouey, Frank Kane, and Lawrence M (ina ban left yesterday with the Smith Bros, to work on their contract at Con nellsvllle, Pa. Mrs. William, Brown entertained the following guests at her home on Wed nesday evening: Mlst.es Mary McArt, LIGHT AND DARK, Cay and night, sunshine and shadow are not more different from each other than a healthful from a sickly woman. The healthful woman carries 'light and 6unshine with her wherever she goes. i ne woman who suffers from ill-health casts a shadow on her own hap piness and the happiness of others. She cannot help it. Those who suf fer ' cannot smile and sine. Ijl-hsnltu in woman Is generally trace able to disease of the delicate womanly orgauUm. Many women have been ire towi to happ'.uess by the use of Dr. ricrcft'B Favorite Prescription. It estab lishes regularity, dries weakening drains, beu'.s inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. "I feet it iuy duly to inform ou that I had been sufferer for many years from nervous. cent wltli all (u aymploiqt mid complication!. wjlien Mra.O. N. I'iaher. of iBoi Lexington Ave., New York. N, V. "I n constantly golnsr to ee a phytlcian or purchasing medicine lor till er tluu comp'alnt ns my troubles became un bearable, In the spring of 18.37 ny husband Induced me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre. cr.?l-9n. After taking one bottle and follow, tui' j cur advice I was so encouraged that I took frve moiu (mules nf favorite Prescription and jlrtrt I .1,-1 not take auy more for several weeks at ; f-lt fo much better, but still I was not can. ,?.'.; v. mi I commenced taking it again uud elt th'. ( w at improving fatter tlmu at first. I cm un; now cross uud irritable, and I liavc a utioil cn'or in my face; lime also gained about lei aund in weight and out thousand of coin jiit, for 1 am a uew woman once more." The dealer vho offers a substitute for "lMvorite Prescription" does so lo.gaiu the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines, His profit is your loss, therefore accept no substitute. Dr, 1'iercc's Common Sense Medical Adviser is scut free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 3; stamps for thecloth boand. Address Dr, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y, saga ?sP? Mary McLaughlin, Edgar Probyn, Ncnl Coble, Itobert nnd David McArt, of Plttston; Martha Dunbar, of Mountain Top; Misses Nettle Druffner, Alice Mon nhan, Nellie and Mny Graham, May nnd Blanche. Sanders. Jean Cranston, Mnttle Brown nnd Belle Monle. Mies Hose Blanchard,' of Wllkes Bnrro, Is the guest of Miss Jennie Newton, TUNKHANNOCK. V Special to the Scrantnn Tribune. Tiinkhunnock, June 25. Mm. John M. Gin man mid family ate occupying their summer residence on Second street. Miss Mary Shcan, of AVIIkcs-Bnrrc.who has been spending the past week with Mtit.q .Mityine, Council, returned homo on Monday. Earle Barber, a young man about town, was given a hearing before Justice Lee on Tuesday for stealing a watch from an old gentleman named Frulchcy, at the Barbara hoarding house. He was held for court. Miss lluttlc Jacoby, of Lcstcrshlro, N. Y., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. L. Ly ons, on Tioga street. Miss Loomls, of Montrose, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carhle, at this place, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Headier, of Wllkos-Barre, who have been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lawrence, havo re turned home. Editor Alvin Day, of the Wyoming Demoeiat, Is very 111 at his homo on Tioga street. Sheriff Gray left yesterday for Phila delphia to take Willard Darling to the Eastern penitentiary, where bo was sen tenced for a term of two ycais on tho charge of larceny. Mrs. Margaret Lclpham. of rtusscll Hill, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ste phen Robcrson, on Second street. District Attorney O. Smith Klnner Is a business visitor In Nicholson and Scran ton. Itobert Steele, jr., who has just gradu ated from tho high school, has a posi tion In the store of llerrlck Bros, as salesman. It is said that O. V. Love, the lumber man, will put In a new ferry just west of where tho bridge now stands In order to market his lumber. The Wlnola AA'orstcd Yarn company will not close down for a ten days' vaca tion from July ) ns reported. Allen Dents, son of George and Mary Dents, of Falls, nnd Miss Lydla Loney, daughter of William and Frances Loney, of Ccntrcmoreland, havo been granted a marriage license. HONESPALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. llonesdale, June 23. Tho Social Guild of Grace chinch will serve Ice cream and cake on the church lawn Thursday even ing. Moses C. AVestbrook died at his home, Blooming Grove, Pa.,.of heart trouble, on Monday. He was-a brother of Hon. La- layette Westbrook, of Stroudsbtirg, and John C. Westbrook. of Milford. Deceased had been a resident of Blooming Grove for sixty years, and was popular with hunters, who spent the season with him. Mrs. Mllo It. Finn and daughters, Ber tha and 1 attic, of Park Place, Scranton, are spending a few weeks with llonesdale and Carley Brook relatives. AV. AV. Baker, one of the Honcsdalo school teachers, with his family, will spend the summer on a farm at Gravity. Miss Mao Burger has accepted a situa tion as teacher in tho Scranton' Corres pondence school. Mrs. N. B. Spencer and children aro visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Guernsey, In Scranton. Homer Greeno.and Mrs. Greene, Hon. F. B. Kimble and Mrs. Kimble will at tend tho State Bar association at Cam bridge Sprinss, Pa., next week. Misses Helen aud Josephine O'Nell, of Scranton, are guests ot their parents here. Dr. and Mis. F. AV. Powell will com mence housekeeping on Itnco street. About 1 o'clock on Sunday morning tho doublo dwelling house of U. G. Rldgoway on upper East street, was discovered to be on lire. Tho fire alarm brought Pro tection Englno company, Texas No. 4 company and the Alert Hook and Ladder company on tho scene, but tho fire had gained such headway that tho building was destroyed. The adjoining buildings wcro ,saved. Tho fire is supposed to havo been of Incendiary origin. One-half of tho house was unoccupied, nnd In tho nttlc of this part tho flro originated. Tho other half of tho house was occu pied by Mr. Rldgoway, who with his family was visiting relatives In Hnwloy at the time of the fire. Tho neighbor forced an entranco to the house and re moved a largo portion of tho furniture. Mr. Rldgoway places his loss at $6,000. Ho rarrled an insurance of $3,000 on tho building and furniture. Louisa, wife of Dr. P. B. Peterson, died of typhoid fever about 10.30 Tuesday night, at her homo on Mnln street, after an Illness of nine weeks. Deceased was a daughter of Sir. and Mrs. C. C. Jadwln; was born In Honcsdalo; aged 33 years, and Is survived bv her husband and two children, Sho was a member of the Presbyterian church, a highly esteemed lady, and leaves a larco elrclo of friends to sympathise with her family and hus band In their deep sorrow, Funoial ser vices will bo held at thn resldenco on Friday at 3 p. m, Rev. AVIUIam II. Swift will conduct tho services. PECKV1LLE, Mrs. Judson Callcndcr, of AVest Pock Vllle, left yesterday to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. AV. J. Guest, of Worcester. N X. Tho new stoie of W. F. Kctchum & Son has opened for business. Our citizens should not forget to attend PICTURE Find Tillle rs ip 1 The Best of Backs Are Bad When They Ache, and Scranton People Know It. ' A bad back 'la nlwnys bad. Bad nt night when bed time comes. Just ns bad In the morning. Ever try Donn's Kidney Pills for It? Know they euro backttche, cure every kidney III? if yoti don't, some Scranton people do. Head a case of it: Mrs. "Sarah' Farrell, of 1019 Prloe street, Hyde Park, suys: "I honestly believe If It had not been for Donn's Kidney Pills 1 would havo been In my grave. Six yenrs ago my kidneys com menced to trouble me. At first I did not pay much nttentlon to It, but It kept getting worse and other.'sytnptoms appeared. I tried many remedies but without obtaining permanent relief. I was so bad that blood passed from me; my back ached so I could not get up or down; I was short of breath nnd finally had to take to my bed. I was growing weaker and my suffering became more intense and the doctor said he was do ing nil he could for me. I often wish ed and prayed for death, for I had giv en up all hope of getting relief. My daughter 'had Donn's Kidney Pills brought to her notice and got a box at Matthews Bros.' drug store. I took them nnd the first box did me so much good that she got me some more. Af ter the fourth box I thanked God that I had found a remedy which had giv en me a new lease of life' For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no substitute. tho citizens' meeting at tho hoso house this evening. Earl Keller, who has been attending school at Stroudsbtirg, returned honic yesterday to spend the summer vacation. Mr. AVIUIam Peck sustained 11 fall at Olyph'ant Saturday, which resulted in a bioken shoulder. Mr. Peck is manager for tho Peck Lumber Manufacturing company nt Olyphant. Mr. Fred Williams left Tuesday for Oscclola, Pa., where he has secured em ployment. . TAYLOR. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Courtrlght, of Union street, wus the scene of a happy event yesterday morn ing, when their daughter. Miss Ida M., was united In marriage 4o Thomas Evans, of Taylor street. Rev. C. B. Henry, pas tor of the Methodist Episcopal church, performed tho ctrcmony. The bride looked very attractive In a neat wedding gown. The bridesmaid was Miss Jemima Evans and tho groomsman, William Evans, both sister and brother of the groom. At the conclusion of the cere mony a wedding breakfast was served. The two local flro companies will play the final games of their series on tho Riverside grounds tomorrow. Evan A. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Davis, of Railroad street, was united in marriage to Miss Eva Clair Davis, at the homo of tho bride's par ents, Mr. alul Mrs. Kbcnezer Davis, of AVest Scranton, last evening. Rev. S. AV. Matthews performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Davis received the hearty congratulations of thoso present, and 11 sumptuous supper was served. They will spend their wedding tour nt Phila delphia. Baltimore and other places of Interest. Arehbald mine local, No. 1649, United Mine AVorkers of America,, will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock In their rooms In the Odd Fellows' hull. At high noon yesterday Miss Rebecca AA'llllams, an estimable young lady of this town, was united In marriage to A. McHcnry, of East Liverpool, O. Tho ceremony was performed at the home of tho bride's sister, Mrs. John Steele, Rev. Dr. II. II. Harris uniting them as man and wife. Miss Margaret AVilllams was biidcsmald and Miss James acted as maid of honor. Immediately after the cere mony a reception was held. The newly wedded couplo left on a wedding tour to Now York and Philadelphia. They will reside In Liverpool, O. m JERJHYN AND JHAYFIELD. There will be an important meeting of tho members of the local branch of tho Catholic Mutual Benevolent association this evening, at which a full attendance Is desired. Mrs. E. A. Jones, of Arehbald, was a caller here yesterday. A local caso of somo interest, AVilllams vs. AVilllams. wis decided in tho or phans' court yesterday, as will be seen on referenco to another column of to dny's Tribune. Miss Grace A'all, of Third street, Is visiting Carbondule friends. Mrs. Wilson and two chlldtcn, of Car bondule, spent 11 portion of yesterday In Jcrmyn. Mrs. J. J. Miller and sour Elmer, nnd daughter, Florence, expect in a day or two to leave town for Klttannlng, to join Mr. Miller and tako up their futuro'rosl denco there. Their depnrturo will bo re gretted by their many friends. Miss Mary E. Jenkins, ot Third street, has secured a position as stenographer In the School of Correspondence nt Scran ton, Tho date of the High school alumni banquet will bo July 10, and not July 20, ns previously stated. AMATEUR BASE BALL NOTES. Tho Young Amoilcan Stars of North Scranton nccopt tho challenge of tho Cu ban heroes to a gamo of base ball on the race course grounds, Providence, Satur day at 2 p. m.i nnd will meet them at the Providence Delaware aud Hudson depot. Oliver Jones, manager. PUZZLE. and Willie, ANNOUNCEMENTS OF , THE RAILROADS Very Low Bates to San Francisco and Pacific Coast Points via South era Railway. tin account of the biennial meeting Knights of Pythias, to bo held In San FranolRco, Aug. 11th to 22d, the South ern Railway will sell round trip tick eta to San Francisco, or Los Angeles, on -Aug. 1st to Aug. v0th, good to re turn until Sept. 30, 1002, at greatly re duced rates. Tho round trip rate from Philadelphia will be $60.7G, nnd cor respondingly low rntes from other points, with generous stop-overs nnd privilege of returning n different route If doBlred, at rate of $68.25. Passen gers may avail themselves of, cither the standard sleeper In which berth rate ic $19.00 through from Philadel phia or tho excursion sleeper In which berth rate Is $7.00 from Washington. The nbovo rates apply to tho general public. Tho Southern Railway operates tri weekly personally conducted tourist cars between AVnshlngtott and San Francisco without change via Atlanta, New Orleans, El Pasd and Los An geles. Tourist curs leave Washington, 8.45 p. m. every Monday, Wodncsdny and Friday. Tho routo Is through the most delightful 'section of the south nnd west. It Is most Interesting to-see New Orleans, San Antonio and El Paso, tho latter place which Is Just across the rlvdr, from the old Mexican town of Juarez, where all the old cus toms prevail. Chas. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern, Railway, 828 Chest nut St., Philadelphia, will be pleased to furnish nil Information. Lackawanna Railroad Excursion to Cranberry Lake, N. J. On Sunday, June 29, a special train will leave the Lackawanna station, Scranton, at'8.15 a. m. for Cranberry Lake. Returning the train will leave the lake at 7.00 p. m. for Scranton. This new Lackawanna resort Is sit uated on Its Sussex branch one hun dred and two miles east of Scranton. The lake Is two and one-half, miles long, and one mile wide, spacious pic nic grounds, pavilions, In short, an Ideal resort for a day's outing. Tho trip' going and, returning will be through the famous Pocono moun tains and the Delaware Water Gap, affording the most enjoyable and In teresting trip ever offered the people of this valley. Fare for the round trip only one dollar. Improved Train Service via the D. & H. R. R. and Lehigh Valley Rail road Between Carbondale, Scranton and New York and Philadelphia. On June 15 the Lehigh Valley rail road will put on a new train called the "Wyoming Valley Express," which will leave Carbondale via the Delaware and Hudson railroad at 7 a. m., Scranton at 7.41 a. in., arriving at New York at 1.13 p. m., Philadelphia at 12.40 p. m. AVest-bound train leaves New York at 4.10 p. m Philadelphia at 4.30 p. 111., arriving at Scranton at 10.03 p. m., Car bondale at '10.49 p. m. This train will have a through Pull man buffet parlor car and Lehigh Val ley day coach between Carbondale and New York. National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn., July 7th-llth. For the nbove occasion the Lacka wanna Railroad will sell speclul ex cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good going July 4th, 5th, and 6th, at $30.50 for round trip, and to be available for return passu leaving Minneapolis not earlier than July 8th, or later than July 14th, except by depositing tickets with Joint Agent at Minneapolis not later than July 14th, and upon payment of a fee of 50 cents at the time of deposit, an extension of the limit of leaving Minneapolis to and Including Sept. 1. Delegates will please bear in mind the fact that by leaving Scranton on tho Lackawanna Railroad, only one change of cars, Chicago, is necessary. A popular time is leaving Scranton at 6:50 p. m,, arriving Minneapolis 7:45 the second morning. Niagara Palls and Return. To Niagara Falls and return, only $6.55. For all trnlns July 3 and 4, the Lackawanna railroad will sell special round-trip tickets from Scranton to Niagara Falls, good going on date of sale, and for return up to and includ ing July 6, at $6.53 for the round trip. Children between tho ages of 5 and 12 years, one-half adult rate. ( BASEBALL. American League. At Baltimore r, u, 15 Philadelphia, .- 0 0 0 0 0 3 .1 2 0 S 14 3 iBaltlmoro 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 u 8 n Batteries Hustings, ' Mitchell and Schrcckcugost; McGlnnlty, Cronln and Brcsnnhan. Umpires Connolly and Johnstone, At AVashlngton , R. n, jj, Boston 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 5 1 AVashlngton 000101011 1 8 2 Batterles-Dlnoen nnd AVnrner; Padden and Clarke. Umpire Caruthers. At Detroit Detroit-Chicago, rain. At Cloveland-St. Louls-Clovelnnd, rain. National League, At Boston r, h, E. Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3 s 1 Boston- 10300000s 4 a 1 Batteries-Donovan nnd Ahearn; AVIl lls and Kittrldgo. Umplre-Cantllllon. At Philadelphia r, j, tj. New York ,,..,,,.,,,001000000-1 8 5 Phllndolphla ,0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 x-,1 7 u Batteries Matthewson and llowermau; Duggleby and Dooln. Umplre-Emsllo. At St. Louis r, ji, J, Cincinnati ,,.,,, ,,,0 0 0 2 2 0 3 1 2 10 16 1 St. Louis 0 000000000 Q 1 Batteries Hahn and Bergen; Murphy and Ryan, Umpires Powers and Brown. Chlcugo.pittsburg, rain. Business Opportunity, STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with- out delay. AVllle for our speLlal mar ket letter. Freo on application. 8. M. Illbbiuil A: Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, 41 nnd 48 Broadway, New York, Established 1681. Long Distance 'Phono 2-iSS Broad. Rheumatism. IWEUMATIBM-All parties that wish can bo speedily and permanently eiuvd of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vege table compound; cures guaranteed. In iiulru or address J. E. Taylor. Berunton. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" WiS, 1 RENTS. Fl SUES 0n!r Hslf iCflrti Word. For Rent. FOR RRNT-Hntf of a new double house. 438 AVebstcr nvcnuo. FOR RKNT-Hlawatha cottage nt Lake Wlnola for month of July. Inquire of Mrs. T. D. Lowls, 1701 N. Main avontio, Scrnnton, Pn. BARN FOR RBNT-$12, April 1st. three box nnd three slnglo stalls and wnsh rack, rear of 324 Madison avonuo. In quire nt G34 Madison avenuo. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FOR RENFuTrdsncd'room with prl vato family; nil modern conveniences. Address 1320 Mulberry. FOR RENT-Ono furnished room, with Improvements; also ono on third floor, cheap. 627 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, nirflarn Improvements; private family; gen tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenue. FURNtSHBD ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gontlemen pre ferred, nt 539 Adams avenue. Wanted To Rent. AA'ANTED Furnished liouso of four or tlvo rooms for housekeeping. Aauress A. Q. E., Tribune office. For Sale. FOR SALE One 15xlS "Harrlsburtf" alt tomatlc cut-oft enclno (175 II. P.) In first class condition. Scranton Bolt and Nut Co. Real Estate. Real Estate That offers Inducement to tho Surchusor. AVo have on our ook's many very dcslrablo properties Into which wo In vito your examination. A Pleasantly Situated Home Full lot S-room now house all modem improvements valued at $3,500. $2,100 cash will buy It or It may bo bought for $100 down, the balance of purchaso price to be arranged for In easy payments. $1,800 will buy a cozy littlo home In Green Ridge worth $2,300. It has all modorn improvements In cluding electric light. M. H. Hoigate Real Estate and Otber Securities Loans Negotiated. Commonwealth Bide., .Scranton. FOR SALE Ten-room house, all conven iences; building In rear 30x4fi, two stories and basement; suitable for stables or fac tory; would accommodate 30(1 sewing girls. Lot 40x140: cheapest property In Scran ton. Inquiro A G. Doud, 315 Franklin avenue. LOTS, bouses and farms for sale. J. C. Zurnioh. See FOR SALE-Lot qt Lako AVlnola adjoin ing Hiawatha Cottage. Mrs. T. D Lewis, 1701 N. Main avenue, Scranton. FOR SALE EleRant sites for hornet In upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvina, 1730 Sanderson avenue. Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST In Nay Aug Park, near picnic grounds, a ladles chatelaine blnclt seal bag, containing a pocketbook with about MS, a Lackawanna railroad annunl pass, curds with owner's name, keys and other articles. Liberal reward If returned to Lackawanna railroad ticket office. LOST-Ladlos' gold watch with G. L. C. monogram, black fob. gold letter c Finder will bo rewarded by leaving at 13. G. Coursen's. LOST On Luzerne street or Main avenue, a lady's silver watch Roward if re turned to 417 Fifteenth street. LEGAL. ORPHANS' COURT SALE-Estato of Amos Sax, deceased. By vlrtuo of an order of tho Orphan Court of Lackawanna county, thoro will bo exposed to public Haloiat tho grand jury room, in tuo court Jiousc, at scran ton, In said county, on Thursday, tho 17th dny of July, 1902, at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described pleco of land: All that certain lot, piece, or parcel of land, sltunte, lying and being In tho town ship of Ransom, County of Lackawanna, and Stnto of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Being a part of certified lot No. 22 beginning at a mnplo corner, being the westorly cornor of said lot; thenco by tho Susquehanna river north, 72 degrees 30 minutes west. CD porches to a cornor; thenco by said lot of which this Is a part north, US degrees east 434 perches to the easterly lino of Bald lot; thence south, 07 degrees east, 2 2-10 perchos to a corner; thenco by the land of John Gardner, south b8 degrees west, 421 perches to tho place of beginning, con taining 110 acres and 128 perches with the usual allowance of G por cent, etc, bo tho snmo more or less, being tho same prom ises which John Armstrong and wife, by deed dated 23 March, 1837. and recorded In the offlco for recording of deeds, etc., In nnd for the county of Luzerne, In Doed book No. 32, pago b25, etc., sold and con veyed to Ueorgn Sax, his heirs and as signs In fee, uud bring tho snmo premises which Georga M. Sax and wife,' by deed dated 20 April. 1870. and recorded In said ofllce In Deed book No. 198. at pneo K9, sold aud conveyed to Amos Sax, his heirs and assigns in fee, Excepting, however, from and out of tho said 110 acres and us perches and nllnwanco of lund more or less, tho following described land: Begin ning In the center of tho piibllu road leading from Tuuklinuiiock to Plttston In lino of lands now or lato of Jacob Der shinier; thenco south, do deRi-oes enst. 2S 5-10 perches ulung Mild road; thence noi th, us degrees oast, lOHG-JO perches; thenco north. 32 degrees west. 40 perches; thenco south, CS degrees west, 97R-10 perches to tho pluto of beginning, con mining 28 acies apd 127 perches strict mcasuie. being tho samo premises which Oeorgo Sax and wife, by deed dated 18th Apill, 1859, and recoided In s-ild ofilco in Deed book No. 78, at pago ?J3, etc., sold and conveyed to Burali AiinHax, her heirs and ushIkhs li) fee. Ttio part of tho above descilbed land which Is to tho west nf tho 28 acres and 127 perches reserved is Improved wth fruit trees growing theie on. Terms of Sale J500 upon day of sale; JMVI upon confirmation ubsoluto of sale, und tho remainder upon delivery nf deed. IRVIN II. SAX. Executor. ELIZABETH SAX. Executrix. CHARLES L. HAWLEV, Attorney for Estate, fc-a?-MS Council Bide. Sciantnn. Pa. soma, us degrees wesi, las porcucs io ine canal; thenco south, 73 degrees east, 1SB-10 perches along Bald canal; thenco bouth. G." decrees cast, lit nerchrs: (hpnt-o No Order Accepted for Less' Thnn 10 Cents. Help Wanted Male. COAL. MINERS WANTED ' THE POCAHONTAS COLLIERIES COMPAINY t-i ' .' J- K'K. Superintendent, with bituminous coal mines In tho town of S?l.2Ln., Tmowc" County. State of Virginia, on tho Norfolk and AVcstern Rail waj, wants somo good, experienced coal miners nt once. ,, , . AA'AOES! lor pick mining nnd loading entry coal so cent per car J-01' lllok mlntnn ntirl lnnrllncr I'nntn nnnl . rt ......... nAM .,. or inlnliiK and loading mnchlno under-cut entry coal. ,,,70 cents per car i' or mining nnd loading mnchlno under-cut room coal ...58 cents per en r Inside ttAnu liivru. Inside track layer helpers ...o.uu tinnier uiiMi,.,, , n.iiuu nmner men,.. insicio timber men helpers Sl.cn per day PMMl".1,. Pf in F.an Procure special tick eta for I0.73 for ench person over the i cnnsylvnnla Jinllroad fronuThlladolphla to Pocahontns. Regular fare for one person alone, $14.3.'.. ...',! whipi-H w'1' Kpt regular employment nnd good accommodations, as the town of Pocahontns has over 1.000 Inhabitants. TOCA HONTAS COLLIERIES COMPANA. 501 Arcade Bldg,, Phlltt.. AA'ANTED Mnn with somo experience with electric machinery to run launch nn Lako Wlnola for July nnd August. I'll JjtlllU tvmuiti Apply promptly, 1216 Jackson strei lnuo winoia i'at-K uo., cot. AVANTED-2S teams with 2 yards dirt rigging. Report at 7 n. m. Colliery Engineer Prlntery, Ash street and AVyom Ing avenue, Juno 2ii. Help Wanted Female. WANTED-A VooTiTh'rvvTC?7A 205 Washington avenue. AVANTED A girl for general house work at 614 Ccdnr avenue. ArANTED-Olrl for general housework. llOfi Capouse avenue. CUSTOM SHIRT OPERATORS wanted at once. Rooma 41 and 4G Burr building. H. AV. Sykes & Co. Recruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY-Able-bodled unmarried men between ages of 21 and 33; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who tan speak, read and wrlto English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 0. 123 AVyomlng. avenue, Scranton, Pa. Situations. Wanted. YOUNG LADY would like to engage In wealthy family as children's nurso or lady's maid, or companion. Address F. L. S., Fnctoryvllle, Pa., Box 10, two days, stating wages nnd work. BOOKKEEPER wants evening employ ment; any system; references Al. Address K., Tribune office. SITUATION AVANTED bt a widow, cleaning, washing nnd Ironing. Ad dress Mrs. Miller. 712 Schncll court. Situation avanted by a Scottish girl ns second girl. Address Box 135, Moosle, Pn. SITUATION AA'ANTED Stenographer, experienced, desires permanent posi tion. New York, Tribune. AA'ANTED A position ns engineer or electrician; seven years' experience in electrical work; capable engineer; be-U of references. Address II. O. R., care of Tribune. SITUATION AVANTED-By a young man ns bookkeeper or general assistant with knowledge of estimating: hns had two years experience: can give referenco If required. Address J. C. Hlnman, care of Tribune. A GENTLEMAN and wife, with best ref erences, would take care of a house for tho Bummer In absence of owner. Ad dress C, Trlbuno ofllce. : SITUATION AVANTED by a boy 14 years of age as ofilco boy or clerk in drug store. Address lG39Monsey avenue. Boarding. AA'AA'ERLY BOARD Rooms released on account of Illness In family may be engaged for July and August. Address, with reference, Bliss Villa, AVaverly, Pa. Board and Booms. VEI?Y d1sTr7!b first class table board, can be obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. Money to Loan. ANA" AMOUNT OP MONEY TO t.OAN Qutck, sti night loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to G per cent. Call on N. A'. AValker, 314-313 Connell building. PROFESStONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAUI.DING. C. P. A.. 23 Traders' Bank building. Old telephone, No. IStil. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROAVN. ARCH B Real Estnto Exchange Bldg., 12G Wash ington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, S!3 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT building. 72GCONNET.L Dentists. DR. C. B. EILENBERGEH. PAULI building, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 113 AVYOM1NG nvo. Lawyers. AVILLARD, AVARREN & KXAPP. AT torneys and Counsollors-at-Law, G03 to 613 Connoll building. JESSUP & JES3UP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - nt - Law. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21. L. A. AVATRES, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pn, A. AV, BERTHOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO No. 211 AVyomlng qvenuo. Patent Attorneys. P AT E N TS MoTc Tho only licensed nnd equipped patent solicitor In tho city. No charge for In formation on patentability; over ten years experience. Kcplojrlc & Co., JMcars Bldg-. 'Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 FRANK llu avenue. Rates reasonable. P, ZtEGLEU, Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W. Passenger depot, Conducted on the Eu 11 Ull 1IIO IU Proprietor, ropean plan. Victor Koch. Scavenger. A. B. BRIQGS CUBANS PRIVY VAULTS and cuts pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. B. Urlggs. proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcko'B drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSKPH KUETTEL. REAR 311 'UACKA. ave., Scranton,1 mfra. of AVlro Bcrootis. Miscellaneous, MEUARQEE BItOB,, PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bugs, tvtlno. Warehouse, lTO AVa8hlngton avenue. THE AV1LKES-BARRB RECORD CAN bo hud In Scranton at the news stand of jltclsmun Bros., 404 Spruce nnd C03 Linden: M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna ave.; I. S. Bchutzur, 211 Soruce stru-jt. ! WREdrw" BUB OPMHS. RERL ESTHTE Only Half Cent a Ward. Help Wanted Male. ...W.oo to $2.25 per day ,i.w io Ji.io per uay K.mi nor any READING SYSTEM N Central Railroad of New Jersey. In Effect May IS, 1902. Stations , In New York, foot Llbertv street and South Ferry. N. R. "uo"y Trains leave Scranton -for New York. Philadelphia, Enston, Bethlehem, Allen town. Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, AA'llkes-Barro and Plttston nt 7.30 a. m 7 p.,m. and 4 p, m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.30 a. m., through solid, vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil adelphia with only one change of cars for Baltimore and AVnshlngton, D. C, and nil principal points south nnd west. For Avoea, Plttston nnd AVIIkes-Barre. 1p.m. nnd 4 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. For Long Branch, Ocean Giovc, etc, 7.30 and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg via Allontown nt 7.30 n. m 1 p. m. and I p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Tnmaqua nnd Pottsvlllc, 7.30 a. m.. 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. For intcs and tickets apply to agent at Btatlon. W. a. BESSLER. Gen. Manager. C. M." BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Juno 1, 1902. Trains leave Seraiiton lor New A'ork At 1.60. 3.20, 6.05. 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.; 12.40, 3.40, 3.35 p. m. For New York and Phila delphia 7.50. 10.10 a. m., and 12.40 and 3 s? 6 m. For Gouldsboro At' 6.10 p. m. For uftalo 1.15, 6.22 and 9.00 a. m.j 1.53, 6.33 nnd 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton. Elmiiu nnd way stations 10.25 a. m.. 1.03 p. m For Oswego. Syracuse and Utlca1.15 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.53 p. m. Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca train at 6.22 a. m. dally, oxcept Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 n. m.; 1.05 and 6.30 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 nnd 6.15 p. m. Bloomsburg Division For Northumber land, at G.35 and 10.10 a. m.; 1.53 and 6.10 p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 nnd 9.05 p. m. Sunday Trains For New A'ork, 1.50, 3.20. 6.05. 10.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 3.35 p. m. For Buffalo L13 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.35, 6.50 and 11.10 p. m. For Elmira and way stations 10.25 a. in. For Blnghamton and way sta tions, 9.00 n. in. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Juno 1G, 1902. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 6.44, 7.3G, 8.36, 10.13 a. m.; 12.03, 1.12, 2.11, 3.5, 5.29. 6.23. 8.24. 9.13, 10.01 p. m.J 12.18, 1.38 a.m. For Honcsdalo G.41, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and 5.29 p. m. For AVilkos-Barre-6.3S. 7.41. 8.41. 9.47, 10.53 a. m.: 12.03. 1.42, 5.18, 3.-J8, 4.33, 6.10, 7.48, 10.41, 11.49 p. m. ' For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.41, 9.47 a, m.; 2.18. 4.33 and 11.49 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6.38, 9.47 a. m.; 1.42, 3.28 and 4.35 p. m. For Albany-and &I1 points north 7.36 a. m. and 3.5G p. m. . SUNDAY TRAINS. Var Pai'hnndale 8.50. 11.33 a. m 2.11. ,3.56. rf.52 and 11.17 p, m. ror wjiKcs-OHrre y.us h. in.; xj.uj, i.oo, 3.28, C.32 and 9,17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3.56 p. m. For Honcsdale 8.50 a. m.; 11.33 and 3.52 p. m. AAr. L. PRYOR, D. P. A Scranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Effect June 10, 1902. Trains leave Scranton: 6.38 a. m., week days; through vcsllbulo tialn troni AVIIkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllc; stops at principal intermediate sta tions. AI30 connects for Sunbury. Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimoie, AVash lngton and for Pittsbuig and the AVest. 9.47 n. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the AA'est. 1.42 p. m., week davs, (Sundays. 1.3S p m.), for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, AVashlngton and Pitts burg and tho AVest. 3.28 p. m., week days, througu vestibuh train from Wilkcs-Burre Pullman iniffot parlor car and ccaches to Philadelphia U Pottsvlllo. Stops at prliiLlpil 'ntermedlau stations. 4.33 p. m., week days, for Haulelan Sun bury. Hairlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts U,B' J. B. HI'TCIHNSON. Gen, Mgr. J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Jilllu 13. 19U2. Trains Leave ttci.inloii, For Philadelphia and New York via D. & II. R. It., at 7.41. through Prirlor Cur nnd Day Coach Carboiid.ile to Now A'nr. and 9.47 a. m.. with U. V. Coach Carbon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18. 1.35 (Bind; Diamond Express!, and 11.411 p. m. Sun duys. D. & 11. R. R.. 1.5S, 0.17 p. in. For White Haven, lln.liton nnd princi pal points In tho coal regions, via D. & II. R. It.. 7.41, 2.1S and 1.35 p. in. For Potts llle, 7.41 a. m. For Bethlehem, E.islon, Reading, Har rlsburg and principal iuterniedlato sta tions, via D. & 11. H, R.. 7.41, 0.47 a. m ; 2,18, 1.33 (Black Diamond Express). 11.19 p. in. Sundays, D, ic H. R. It., 9.J8 a. in ; 1.3S. 9,17 p. m. For Tunkh.iniiock, Towandn, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Interniedlatu stations via D,, U. & AV. R. R B.33 u. m. und 1.53 p. m. For Genewi, Rochester. Ihiffnlo. N'lag ai a Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. &. H. R. R 12.03 p. in.; .1.2i (Black Dlnmond Express). 10.41. 11. 49 p. m. Sun duys. D. & H R. R., 12.03, 9.17 p. in. Pullman parlor um! steepliiK or Lehigh. A'alley Parlor cars ou all tiulns between Wllkes-Rurro and Now York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. " ROULIN, H. WILBUR.. Gen. 8imt.ye2'J Cortland street. Now York. ' ' "' CIIARUE8 S. I .HE, Got), Pass. gf t .ji'-i Cortland street. Now York. ' A. W. NONBMACHI-.R, Dlv. Pans, .fU Bouth Bethlehem, Pa. . 4 : Fov tickets and Pullman resnrvathms apply to city ticket office, 69 Public Squat c, AVIIkcs.Rurre, Pn. ' r New York, Ontario and Western. Time Tnblo In Effect Sunday. June 15, 1502. NORTH BOUND TBAINS. V Leavo Leave Arrive Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. CHdotln. Ko.l 1030a.m. 41.10 a.m. l.oop'.'m. No :i ...... -1.00 li m ill p. m. 6.00 p. m. No. 7 BIO P- m.Ar.Curbondale 6,46 p.in SOUTHBOUND. ' ' Leavo, .Leave Arrive Trains, Cadosia. (Jarnondnlo, Scrautqn, No. U ,,,.,. 6.50a.m. 7.25 am. No 4 ...... s.IOb. in 10.01 a.m. 10.40 man. No. 2 ...... 2.15 pm. 4.00 p. in, 4.45 lvrm. SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUNtf Leave Leavo Arj&o Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. CaiIfaT, No,o sJOii. m. 9.10 p.m. 10.45 afm : 6 T8fOUTHABbCirN,D?aa,e7'4i'" Leave Leavo Airfva Trains. Cudoslu. Carbondale. Srruntpn, No. fi. .,.,. . er'Pa'"V T.25a.m. No. 10 ...... 4.30 p.m. OWp. m. 0.4Sp,-m. Trains Nos. 1 on week days, and 9-on Sundays connect for New York city, Mid. dlotown, Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Os. wego nnd all points west. Train 3 for Poyntelle, Walton, Delhi. Sidney, Norwich aud all New Berlin branch points. Train No. 0. with "Quaker City Ex, press'' nt Scranton, via C. R. R. of N. J for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore AVashlngton and rennsj jvanla ute points. See timetable and coimllt ticket asenta for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. G. P. A., Now York. J. E. AVELSU, T, P. A, Scranton, Pa. A m 1 .ii ' i,j v.- f .0 1 1 ll-l V && v 1 jhl-Witi&iM "' kJcfaif &:.& .i 4 . , k jLvirr imi jr , 11 ltl -V-s U . tie a ,. 4 i . vasH bvk- -h-- r' ..-'., v-t -