The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 25, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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j Resolvent
The New Blood and Skin
CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS (Chocolate Coated) arc a new,
tasteless, odorless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid
CUTICURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood purifiers and
humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid
RESOLVENT. Put up In screw-capped pocket vials, containing the
same number of doses as a 50c. bottle of liquid RESOLVENT, price
25c. CUTICURA PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, and digestive,
and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most successful and econ
omical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives
yet compounded. Samples free by mail to all friends and patrons
Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour, $1.00.
Tho Set ft I tnc most torturing, disfiguring, nnd humiliating skin, scalp, nnd
no ww wa blood humours, with loss of liulr, when nil else fnllii. Sold through,
out tho world. British rjqpot: 27.'-3, Charterhouse Sq., London. French Dopot: 8 Kuo do
in Palx, Tnrla. l'omii DRUG AND CIIEJI. COW., Mole I'rops., Boston, U. 8. A.
Special to tlic Scrnnton Tribune.
Forest City, Juno 21. II. Joseph, who
!)uis been spending several works In this
1 vicinity, left yesterday for Colorado to
rejoin his family.
J. SI. Drown. Walter Bruin, .Tunics Wll
mn and Samuel Slay have Bono to Cam
bria county. J. II. Curran and son, Geh-
ren, are now at work there.
Sirs. F. J. Osgood has taken tip her
resilience In Scranton. Sirs. Osgood will
remain there for some time.
W. J. Morgan, The Tribune's collector,
was in town this week. The paper enjoys
a big- ch dilation In town, and is much
tonight nfter. Its dally review of tho con
dition of affairs In the bis anthracite
labor content Is read with grout Interest.
B. SInhan nnd Frank Hurley, who
have been running drills In this vicinity
for the Dclawate and Hudson the past
fK months, have had orders to suspend
operations for tho present. Sir. Slahon
will return to Scranton and Hurley has
secured a position near Buffalo. He left
for that place this morning.
B. B. Uulfum. our popular county regis
ter and recorder, was In town today. Sir.
Buffum will undoubtedly be the Demo
fiallo cnudldatefor''tho o'fflee ptlils fall.
Tho renomlnation of Hon. C. Fred
AVright for congress met with general ap
proval hi this vicinity. He Is an ablo
representative in congress and deservedly
popular throughout the district.
Prof, and Sirs. C T. Thorpe are spend
ing a 'short tlmo In Slontrose.
SIlss Pearl Guards Is visiting friends in
Is'ew York city.
Slis's Lillian Hoggarth Is visiting friends
in Xew York state.
Sir. and Sirs. . Gummar have re
turned from three weeks' visit near Al
clrnvlllc. The latter's mother, SIis. SI.
D. Gager, who went with them, will re
main for the summer.
.1. H. Cunningham. Peter Cunningham
and A. SI. O'Donnell, esq., returned last
evening from a trip' to Buffalo.
Ertclal to the Scrinton Tribune.
Tunkhnnuock, June 21. Asa S. Kecler,
Anion Brown and A. II, Squid', of Ttiuk
hanuobk, and Galusha G. Bought, of
Nicholson, uro in nttendanco at the Dem
ocratic, state convention at Erie this weak.
Slessrs. Bought and Keeler are the dele
gates from Wyoming county.
Georgo K. Bice, a practicing attornoy
at tho Scranton bar, spent Sunday ns the
guest of Cnptajn W. a. Graham.
A prosecution was recently brought
against Charles Cannan, a Lnceyvillo
merchant, on the chargo of selling reno
vated butter Illegally. At the hearing bo
fore Justlco Kutz on Saturday Sir. Can
nan appeared with his counsel, and thu
cummonwcaiin was represented by a
deputy food commissioner In person, t
Is understood that tho commissioner
fnllcd to show a pilma facie ease against
Sir. Caiman, and ho was discharged.
Sirs. Hannah Cornell, SIlss Jennie
Bishop and SIIfs Slarguorlto Squler loft
on Slonday for Groentown, Ind., on a
lslt to friends and relatives,
Joseph Hillings, of Carbondnlo, spout
Sunday with fi lends in town,
Thomas Boyce, of Waverly, X, Y., spent
Sunday with tho family of his hi other,
I'.itilek Boyce, on Pino street.
Harry Welch and famjly. of Sayre, nro
the gijcsts of friends at this placo.
SfifcUl tn the Scranton Tribune,
I.cdgcdalc, Juno SI. T. T, D.ivls, travel
ing salesman for Footo A: Shear, of Scran
toto. and his sister, SIlss Sarah Davis, nt
Auburn, N. Y took dinner with I. K.
Kclliim Thurpdti, Juno 10.
William Krieeer, of Elmhurst, Is vWt
Ing friends on tt)o hill.
Oscar Klpp, of Klmhurst, has been
through this vicinity getting fmbseilptlons
for tho Scranton Tribune, among them
John Krlegcr, m. nnd I. Ki Kellam, The
young man Is working hard to get an
education, and ns tho paper is a good
one, help tho young man. It will only
coat you 50 cents a month, and It will bo
R great benefit to him,
SIis, Ueckor and Sirs. Kellam weio at
Ilamlluton, Friday, calling on ft lends.
Sirs. Itachel Held la visiting her daugh
tcr. Sirs. Aba Jones, of Ilamlluton, l',i.
.Mis. Kilcud Simons and ba,by nro on n
two weeks' visit to her parents. Mr, ami
Mis. William Klmblcs, In Dyborry,
SIlss Slahel Jllsblng, of Scranton, Is
How'a ThlsP
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollar! Howard
for any v.ibo uf t'aturrh that taiuiut ho
filled by Hall's Catarrh Cmo. v
I' J. IIHENHV & Co.. Props.,
,.. ,, , , , . .Toledo, O.
Aio tlio undersigned, have known j. j
Chrjioy for tho lust 15 years, and bellovo
him" perfectly honorable In all hindnem
tiausuutlniis and financially ablo to carrv
?,ut m? oulletl0 mado by their irm.
West & Trtuut, Wliolcbalo Druggists To
ledo, O. fiv
Waldlng. Kiiimin & SlarvfnSWhoIcsalo
Drugglstb, Toledo, O, ""icsaio
llaH's Catairh Cmo lu taken Internally,
acting directly upon tho blood ! rnuc
flff sauces of tho ostein, rtV'o 75o.
teoiftec?111 "y u, D,uee1
Haira Family Pills aic tlio bsst.
uonsming oi uuticuiia oor, sic., to cicanec tno nitm or crusts
nnd scales nnil BOllcn tlio thickened cuticle: CtrTtrtini Ointment.
i 60c., to Instantly nllny Itching, Inflammation, and Irritation nnri
I eootho nnd heal; nnd Ctmcuiu Resolvent Pim.r, '.'So., to cool
nnd clonnso tlio blood. A SINOLE Skt Is often sufficient to curo-
1 staying with her sister, Sirs. Thomas
Sirs. Jacob Waltz and chlldicn are on
a visit at East Branch pond.
Simons & Becker are movfng their largo
barn, which was damaged by Ico and
water last spring to a surer foundation on
tho hill. Wllimu' Bldwell Is laying tho
foundation, and William and Henry
Sterner are the carpenters.
SIis. Krlegcr has gone to Elmhurst to
visit her son, William, and daughter, Slia.
B. B. Klpp.
Special to the Scranton Trlbui,e.
Factoryvllle, Juno 21. The quarfcly
conference will be held next Saturday at
2 o'clock at tlio SIcthodist church. Sun
day morning will bo tlio love feast and
communion service, and Sunday evening
tho presiding elder, Dr. J. B. Sweet, of
jjiiignnmton, will preach.
Sir. and Sirs. George Oakley, of Scran
ton, spent Sunday with 1 1 lends in town.
SIis. Henry Pike Is visiting her daugh
ters, sirs. David Spencer and SIis. Stuart
Reynolds, at Bloomaburg.
O. T. Spencer and family attended 'the
funeral of "a- cousin, -CMlssvGrace Fish, of
Lynn, last Sunday.
Robert Hughes and J. G. Gelser woro
among the Scranton paople who spent
Sunday in town.
The Wrigley family will hold their an
nual reunion at the homo of Sirs. Eliza
Wrigley Can- at Dalton next Thursdav.
The teachers for Clinton township have
been hired for the coming year and are
as follows: Glen school, SIlss Daisy
Townsend; Tunnel, SIlss Daisy Smith;
Hunker hill, SIlss Floionco Carpenter;
Carpenter Hollow, SIlss Llllie Carpenter.
SpcciaJ to the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Juno 21. Sirs. Almlra Brown
nncKdaugliter, Candace, of Newark Val
ley, N. Y nro visiting friends in town.
Sir.' nnd Sirs. Utley, of this place, cele
brated their golden wedding on Thursday
SIis. C. Stone Is visiting her son, Fred,
in new vorK city.
Sirs. O. D. Roberts and Sirs. II. K. Ber
tholf were In Scranton decently.
SIlss Fannie Cruls-e. of New York cltv,
Is spending a short tlmo with her sister.
Sirs. W. K. Brown.
Sir. nnd Sirs, Frank Stanton nnd chil
dren, of Seinnton, visited with Sirs. W. A.
Rhodes and other fi lends during the past
D. W. Wright spent Sunday with his
family nt this place.
John Palmer nnd Windsor Jeffors, of
Slontrose, called In town Saturday on
route for a llslilng trip to Lake Jerfors.
Arthur Pratt nnd SIlss Blanche Sanders
wero united In maulago Sunday at Slont
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
llolllstorvllle, June 21. Children's
Was observed at tho llolllstervlllu Sletho
iisi enurcn nunuay morning, Juno 22, A
beautiful programme was tendered hv
the children In a good manner, The
church was beautifully decorated, iepn-
fiMiiiin iiiu -'uiuca Ajar, neneatn mi
inch of evergreen and laurel, and amid a
pioiutqoll Ot (lowers. A largo crnivil
greeted the children, who did great credit
Paul Revere scattering hundbills In
tho village.
Find John Ludlow und Governor
In speaking and singing, nnd as tho large
congregation returned Homo they spoke
highly of tho exercises. A collection for
foreign missions was taken Up, which
nmounted to ?r.87.
Following Id the programme! Opening
rhortisi prayer by pastor! recitation,
Myrtle Hooper! recitation, "This Is
Children's Day," Nelllo Brown! dlologuo
and song, "What Can Llltlo Hands Do"!
rccllnllou, "Any Mttlo Thing," Maud
Brown! recitation. "Mttlo Tot." Edwin
Hooper! recitation, "Gilpin's Argument,"
Nancy Van Camp! duet, Lcona nnd Boy
Hooper! dialogue, Florenro Hooper and
Willi Beers! recitation, Octa Hartford;
recltntlon, Clnrenco Brown,' singing,
"America"; recitation, Stella Brown! re
citation, Siyrtlo Hooper, Maggie Miles;
duct, Myrtle and Florence Hooper; re
citation, "No Money," Nancy Vnn Camp;
address by patitor, Thnmas Hooper: col
lection! solo, "antes 'Ajar,". Prof. Doty;
recitation, Bltth Brown; dialogue nnd
song, "Rosebud Band"; selection by tho
choir; organist, Cora Stanton.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune,
Dundnff, Juno 23,-Str. O. TV Hull, who
has been very seriously s'lck for the past
week or two, Is now slowly Improving.
SIlss Jennla Sprong, who has been at
the Normal at Harford, Pa., for tho past
few weeks, Is at homo again.
Sir. Nelson Coleman, ofthls place, re
cently lost a flno young colt, It seems
that ono of tho telephone companies was
stringing their lino through Sir. Cole
man's pasture, where tho colt nnd Its
mother were kept, Tho men left somo
of tiic polo holes, unprotected and tho
celt fell Into one of them, nnd, as tho
holo was full nf water, tho colt wns
drowned. Sir. Coleman expects to try to
collect damages.
Sirs. E. E. Wells nnd son, Ernest, nro
nt Scranton visiting friends and rela
tives. Sirs. William L. Browhell Is visiting her
mother, Sirs. Courtney, nt Cnrbondnle.
The Children's Day exercises at the
Methodist Episcopal church passed off
very pleasantly. The programme wns
well arranged nnd well rendered. One
very pleasant feature was that nearly all
the children were dressed In white, nnd,
with the banks of beautiful flowers In the
h.ickgound, mado a very pretty sight.
Another very pleasing part of the pro
gramme was a duct, "Nearer Sly God to
Thee," sung by SIlss Ruckman and Sirs.
W. I. Decker, with tableaux by SIlss
Hazel Flke.
Sir. Phlnney Ayres and daughter, of
New York city, are stopping for tho sum
mer with Sir. Ayres' sister, Sirs. J. C.
Edwards, of this place.
Sir. William Hull, of Green Ridge, Is
visiting his brother, Sir. O. T. Hull, of
this place.
Sirs. Daniel Robinson, of Scrnnton, Is
staying for the summer with her father
and mother, Sir. and Sirs. Georgo M.
Sir. Ord Slorgan, of Clifford, Pa., Is
now carrying the mall from Clifford,
through Dundaff, to Carbondale, In place
of William R. Coleman, who has gone
Into the house-painting business.
Rev. II. J. Whnlcn, D. D., and family,
of Carbondale, wns In town on Sunday
afternoon and cnlled nt the home of Sir.
and Sirs. E. E. Wells. Sir. Whnlen also
preached at 2.30 p. m. in tho Elkdale Bap
tist church.
Sir. Simon Slack, of Forest City, Is en
gaged this season with Sir. Henry Race,
contractor and builder, of this place.
They are at present building a very neat
cottage on the road leading to Burch
town, for Sir. Purple, ah undertaker, of
Special to Ihe Scranton Tribune.
Now Slilford, June 2-1. A game of base
ball was played on the home ground Sat
urday afternoon between Montrose and
Now Slilford. Now SHIford won.
Sirs. C. N. Wood nnd son, Fred, visited
rolatives In Scranton last week.
SIlss Lena Spencer spent Friday and
Saturday in Blnghamton.
S. V. Trumbull was In Halstead Satur
day on business.
Sirs. J. C. SleConnell was a guest of
relatives in Harford township last week.
Professor and Sirs. 13. A. Benson visited
relatives nt Jarkson recently.
SIlss Slay Bradley, who is employed In
Sprlngville, spent Sunday with her pa
rents in town.
Sirs. F.verett Gnrratt entertained her
niece, Sirs. H. A. Lyons, of Slontrose,
SIlss Zua SleConnell Is spending a week
with friends and relatives in Blnghamton.
Sirs. F. F. SIoss entertained Harford
friends last week.
SIlss Nettle Sllllnrd, of the township, is
a guest of her sister, Sirs. Gcorse Gard
ner, In Scrnnton.
Rev. Pease, of Wllkes-Barre, called on
relatives in town Slonday.
Sirs. George Gardner, of Scranton, was
a pleasant caller in town the Hist of tho
Sir. and Sirs. Theron Shay nnd Sir. nnd
Sirs. David Shay spout Sunday with their
parents, Sir. and Sirs. Chauncey Shav
In tho township.
Leon Sillier, of Glenburn, was homo
over Sunday.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Thompson, Juno 21. Luther Alrtrich, an
aged and highly esteemed resident of the
township, died last Sabbath morning. Tho
funeral was held nt his Into residence
on Tuesday, conducted by Rev. B, F.
Larrabce, of Starrucca. Interment at
North Jackson.
C. L. Clark and daughter, SIlss Beatrice,
of Slontdale, uro in town,
SIlss Nellie Bloxham Is home again to
euro for her mother, who Is quite serious-
ly sick.
Sirs. Witter, who suffered a severe
stroke of paralysis last week at tho lumie
of her daughter, Sirs. A. C. Foster, does
not Improve,
Tho herd of pigs landed hero some
weeks ago bus not done well. All but
elshtpen ot 1110 one hundred havo died
of cholera.
Sloses Uurchell nnd SIlss Blancho
Tucker were married last week at tlio
homo or the bride's parents, Sir. und
Mrs. FHwnrri Tiifltni. In ,l,n ,,...,i.i..
Invitations aio out for tho wedding of
Do Not Be Deceived, You have
Kidney Trouble, and You Do
Not Need a Physician to
Tell You So.
Pain in the back Is an almost Infallible
ign of kidney disease ; a surer sign is
the condition of your urine, If you have
a pain In the back, then look to the con
dltion of your urine. ' It 19 easily done.
Take a glass or tumbler and fill It with
urine ; after it has stood 24 hours, if It
has a sediment, If it is milky or cloudy,
If it is palo or discolored, stringy or ropy,
your kidneys nnd bladder are in a dan
ge'rous condition and need immediate at
tention, or the consequences may prove
fatal. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy Is the one medicine that rcaljy
cures all diseases of the kidneys, liver,
bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspep
sia and chronic constipation, and it will
take, you but a short trial to convince
yourself of its wonderful curative power,
G. F. Sammerof No. 409 Tlogn street,
Syracuse, N. Y., in a recent letter says:
"I, was afflicted for years with
severe pains in my back and kid
neys. I tried many doctors and
many medicines, but got no relief.
I bought a bottle of Dr. David Ken.
nedy's Favorite 'Remedy and it has
entirely cured me."
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Now 00 Oent Slzo and the regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Dr. I)itI4 Kennedy' Cherrjr Balaam bent for
Call) Coujai, Couumptlon, 85c, 60c, $1,00.
SIlss Iva Boll, eldest daughter of Sir. and
Sirs. G. F. Spencer and George Golatt, of
Scranton, next Wednesday at tho bride's
parents, on Jackson street.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Harry Bloxham were in
Susquehanna Tuesday.
Rev. and Sirs. P. R. Towner returned
from a two weeks' visit with friends at
Orange, N. J and Hnmltnton, Pa. They
took In some of tho sights In Now York
city while away.
Sirs. Ed. Wheaton and daughter, Bell,
of Factoryvllle, aro domiciled In Sirs.
Foster's house, near tho depot, for a few
Quito a few from the surorundlng coun
try took In the Erie excursion to Blns
hamton Sunday from this station.
Sirs. Lydla T.allmnn and daughter, SIr3.
Charles Stratts, of Plalnlleld, .'. J., were
visiting relatives hero last week.
Postmaster B. F. Baens, with his wife,
enjoyed a few days respite from business
last week vlsitipg relatives In Subquc
hanna. Rev. L. E. Van Hoesen, of Little Slcad-
ows, is visiting rolatives at Starrucca and
will give a lecture In tho SIcthodist Epis
copal church there Friday evening.
Sirs. J. B. Bronson and daughters.
Sllsses Slarle, Ellen and Romainc, are'
visiting her sister. Sirs. E. D. Sillier, for
a week at her pleasant home on Water
Rev. and Sirs. P. R. Tower returned
from their trip last AVednesday, having
had a delightful trip. He was called to
Stevens' Point Friday for a funeral and
Sunduy he preached In tho Frco Baptist
church In the. absence of tho pastor, Rev.
W. H. French.
The Sllsses Beatrice nnd Jcnnlo Clark,
of Slontdale, are visiting their sister.
Sirs. Frank Lewis. They ale giving their
grandmother, Sirs. Ira Clurk. who In
nged, a delightful outing In our pleasant
Sirs. Lucinda A. Winter, died last even
ing at tho homo of her daughter In
Thompson, Sirs. X. S. Foster, aged liear
ry SJ years. She was born In New SII1
loid township, her maiden name being
Carlin. She had been a member of the
Slothodlst Episcopal church sixty-live
years. She was ono of eight children.
Sirs. Rollo Carpenter, of tho township be
ing inc oniy ono living now. sno is sur
vived by live childien, Sirs. Philander
Tiffany, of Gibson; Sirs. N. S. Foster,
Thompson; Wesley Walker. Waymart;
Jones Walker, Slatamorns, and Welling
ton Walker, or Elnghamton. The funeral
will occur tomorrow morning at N. S.
fosters residence, conducted by her pastor,-
Rev. R. SI. Paseoe. interment at
Tomorow evening one of Thompson's
fair daughters, SIlss Ora, eldest daughter
of Sir. and Sirs. G. F. Spencer's, will be
wedded to Georgo Gelatt, of Scrnnton,
by the pastor of tho Slothodlst Episcopal
church, Rev. R. SI. Pnscoc, at tho bride's
home, on Jackson street.
Slessrs. E. E. Gelatt, E. C. Layton. A.
11. Crosier and C. SI. Lewis, with their
families, aro at Heart Lake this week at
tending tlib Sunday School Normal insti
tute. A gang of men with steam shovel and
gravel train have been dumping nearly
two bundled car loads a day for tho
past two weeks to fill lu tho trustllng
between this place and Ararat, aro un
able to keep in sight of their dtimplusH.
Tho ground Is spongy and swallows the
dirt ns faRt ns dropped so far. This wus
anticipated but It will get full.
The condition of Mrs. Eli Bloxham Is
ImKnlnlnn .vtm.. .jaIa.. .7 .. 1... ...... . .
. .k.,.,,,,ie, niwtn pLituii-i ui(,i uy liny HIUI
her friends are In doubt ubnut her re-
J.covery and SIis. Gelatt, mother of F. SI
ueiau. seems to do declining qulto rap
Idly. She Is past S.'i ycais of age.
NOTICE Is hereby given" that I own lo
jso. Ml on Cooper street, in Taylor
borough, on which stands pait of tho
mill formerly of the Larknwanna Silk Co.
On that everybody is forbidden to ties
pass thereon,
TRUSTEE'S SALE - Tho uiidorslncd,
u ,?l",V.8tee ""der a Deed of Trust made
byWIIIIam Mayor nnd Frederlca Slayer,
his wife, dated October 21, 1878, and re
corded lu tho ofllco for tho recording of
deeds in and for Lacknwnnna county, In
deed book No. 1, pngo 126, etc., will offer
at piiho sale, venduo or outcry, on Frl
JSy',iVneJ,h,,nt i o'clock a. m.. at tho
Sheilff'a office in the Court House, in tho
City or Scranton. all the following do
sci Ibed 'lot or piece of land, sltuato In
the City of Scranton, County of Lacka.
wanna and Stato of Pennsylvania, bound
ed and described as follows, to wit;
Being lot No. two (2) In square or block
No. forty-eight (18) upon street called and
nnuwii no jeuL'isuii nvenuo and Linden
Mieet, upon the plot of tho City of Scran-
mil, iiuciiui'u in no reenrncu, saicl lot po
Ing forty M0) fret In front on Jefferson
avenue and 0110 hundred nnd fifty (150) In
depth, the measurement of depth to com
mence ten feet Insldo of tho sidewalk on
above avenuo und street; with thorlght
to Inclose, uso and occupy ton feet In
front of said lot on ald nvenue and street
for cellarway, porch, portico, bay-window
and shrubbery, but not tho right to erect
anv building thereon. '
Excepting nnd reserving the coal and
minerals ns the same aio excepted and
reserved In the deed from Tho Susfliio
hutiiia and Wyoming Valley Rullroad and
Coal Company for said lot, dated October
28th, 1868. and recorded In Luzerno county,
in deed book 128, page 272. Said lot Is Inu
proved with a two-story brick dwelling
house on Jefferson avenue mid n double
two-story frame dwelling houso on Lin
den street.
Terms of Sale Twenty-flve per cent, at
the time of sale, and the balance to he
paid within one year, deferred payment to
be secured hy bond and mortgugo on the
Attorneys' for Trustco.
Juno 7, 1902.
GENTLESIEN'H Shirt Waists cut and
mado to order. H. W. Sykes & Co.,
looms U und 46 Burr building.
Onlr Half a Cent a Word.
Tot Rent,
COTTAG13 on Susquehanna river at Black
Walnut, for rent by weok or montn;
furnished, cots, stove, dishes, three bouts,
spring water, best nshlng. Address T. J.
Belnhnrt, Black Walnut, Pa.
FOB, BENT Very nice cottage, complete
ly furnished with two boats, for $8.00
per week. Seo J, C. Hurfllcli, CI" Lacka
wanna avenue.
FOR BENT Half of a new doublo house.
438 Webster avenue.
HOUSES for rent nnd sale, cheap. Sep
J. C. Zurfllch, B17 Lackawanna avenue.
FOR RENT-Hlawntha cottage at Lake
Wlnola for month of Jul v. Inquire of
Sirs. T. D. Lewis, KOI N. Slain avonuc,
Scranton. Pa.
BARN FOR BBNT-Jtl, April 1st. throo
box and three single stall and wah
rack, rear of 321 Sladlnon avenue. In
oulro at G34 Stadlson nvenuo.
Furnlshed Booms for Kent.
FOR RENT Furnished room with prl
vnto family; all modern conveniences.
Address 1320 Mulberry.
FOR RENT-Ono furnished room, with
Improvements; also ono on third floor,
cheap. 027 Adams avenue.
FURNISHED ROOMS for ront. modern
Improvements; prlvato fnmlly; gen
tlemen preferred, nt 537 Adams avenuo.
heat, gas and bath, gontlemon pro
ferred, at 539 Adams avenue.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED Furnished houso of four or
live rooms for housekeeping. Address
A. G. E Tribune office.
Wanted To Buy.
WANTED Tto buy a second hnnd baby
carriage. Address Box 500 Tribune of
fice. For Sale.
FOR SALE-One 15xlS "Hnrrisburg" nu
tomatlc cut-oft engine (175 II. P.) In
first class condition. Scranton Bolt and
Nut Co.
Heal Estate.
Location . . . .
on tho
Seventy-two acres;
farm, garden and
Contains 15 rooms
not counting nurs
ery, servants' rooms,
bath rooms, lavator
ies, halls, closets, etc
Cottage for farmer,
two large barns,
wagon house, work
shop, green house,
Ice house, chicken
house, etc.
Illuminating gas" is
furnished by 11 Hue
75 light acetylene gas
Five open lire places.
In addition to steam
hat throughout.
An abundance of
sparkling spring wa
tei to all the build
ings with a pressure
ot 25 pounds to
bquare Inch.
The plumbing Is the
best open work. Tlw
bath rooms are tiled
nnd equipped with
handsome fixtures.
The beauties of a
cultivated farm and
the luxuiles of a
Other buildings.
Summed up . ,
in odor 11 city resl
d e i) c o delightfully
This property cost between $50,OX) und Will sell for $43.1)00.
For terms of sale and permission to In
spect the place, apply to
12G-12S Washington Ave., Scranton. Pa.
FOR SALE Ten-room house, all conven
iences; minding in rear ."OxK two stories
and hnrpment; suitable for stables or fac
tory; would accommodate lo sewing girls.
Lot 4(WH: cheapest property in Scran
ton. Inquire W. G. Doud, 315 Franklin
LOTS, houses and faims for sale.
J. C. Km-Mlch.
FOR SALE-T.ot at Lake Wlnola adjoin
ing Ili.iwntha Cottage. Sirs. T, D.
Lewis, 1701 N. Slain avenue, Scranton.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In
upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for home
In Lnrknvnnna county. J. A. Marvine,
173C Sandeison avenue.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. SI.
llibbnrd & Co., members N, Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchnnge, 41 nnd 4'J
Broadway. Now York. Established 1S6I.
Long Distance 'Phone 2388 Broad.
Lost Strayed Stolen.
LOST On Luzerno street or Slain 11 venue,
11 lady's silver watch Reward if re
turned to 417 Fifteenth street,
RHEUMATISM-AII parties that wish
can bo speedily and permanently cured
of all varieties of Rheumatism by 11 vego
tablo compound; cures guaranteed, In
quire or address J, E. Taylor. Scranton.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened at
tho ofllco of tho City Recorder by tho
Director of the Department of Public
Safety ut 4 o'clock p. m.. Slonday, June
30th, 190.', to supply tho City of Scruntou
with 5,000 feet or moie of tho most ap
proved brands or qualities of 2!s-luch lire
hose, with standard hard metal couplings
complete. In lots as wanted,
All bids shall bo filed with tlio City
Controller ("Slnrkcd Proposal"), at his
ofllco in tho City Halt not later than 3
o'clock p. m., Slonday, Juno 30th, 1902.
Bidders will furnish (.ample; also stating
when samo can he delivered free of
freight charges. Tho city rebgrves tho
right to reject any or all bids.
Director Department of Publlo Safety,
Scranton, Pa Juno 19th, 1002.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received
ut tho ofllco of the secretary of tho
Scranton Board .of Control until 7.30
o'clock, Monday evening, Juno 30th, 190.',
for the erection and completion of a two
room addition to No. XI school in tho
Ninth wuid, Scranton, Pa,, In accordunco
with plana und specifications In tho hands
of John A. Duckworth, aichltect, Coal
exchange building. Scranton. Pa. Tho
sum of one hundred and fifty (JIM) dollars
III cash or cm-titled check shall bo enclosed
with each bid, which sum shall bo forfeit
ed to the school district in cuso of rofusa!
or omission on tho purl of tho successful
bidder to execute contract within U11
duys" after the awarding of tho same,
Tho names of all sub-bidders to bo stated
In tho bid. No bid will bo read or con
sidered which fulls to comply with tho
terms of this advertisement. The Board
leserves the right to reject any or all
By order of the Scnuiton Board of Con
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Than 10 Cents.
Help WantedMale. ,
n7l.A J' JlnB' Superintendent, with bUiimmo'uir coal mines Irt the town ot
wnv wn ,n.' .T0!" f-0""1. stut? Virginia, on tho-Norfolk ni d Western Rail'
a j, wants somo 'good, experienced coal miners at once.
t i WAGES:
Tor pick mining and loading entry coal ! centa per car
v.. x : 'v.'., '" "" v;"'.v."- "
- . ti:iY milling ami louuinif ruum
umimg ana loading macnino
T -, , -"r. ...... .wuui.(B mukiiiiiu
mining aim loading machine
i . ",2 5c? nvors
3'' "V" '' neipcrs to $1.75 per day
1 .LIS ml""1" mn'- J2-00 per tiny
inside timber men helpers $i,bo per day
I'arllcs jot 10 can procure special tlcketn for $10.73 for each nerson nvir h
peTonyalonea tur trm P1,lladalph,a l0 Pocahontas. Reguli? fa"e for ono
tn0' fife. i'i'J5.0..1 5",?LPm,p,,y.!I"c".t.a,,d 00 aecommodallons, as the
...... wa. , uvaiiuimia ima uvcl lWV miinuiuuuoi
IO I 'NO men wanted any distance, copy
letteis, homo evenings nnd return to
us. Wo riay $10 per thousand send ad
dressed envelope, particulars and copy.
F. St. C. Dcpt. 3, Box 1111, Philadelphia.
WANTED A flrsl-clnss barber to run
. barber bhop at tho Wlnola houso. Ad
dress C. E. Frear, Lnko Wlnola, Pa.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A girl for general
work at 514 Cedar avenue.
WANTED Girl for general housework
nnd cooking. Apply 1501 Slulbcrry
street, city. 1
YOUNG Indies wanted any distance, copy
letters, homo evenings and return to
us. Wo pay $10 per thousand send ad
dressed 'envelope, particulars and copy.
F. SI. C. Dcpt. 415, Box 1411, Philadelphia,
WANTED Ono good meat and vegetable
cook; ono pastry cook nnd two good
dining-room girls nt the Wlnola house.
Address C. E. Fjear, Lake Wlnola, -Pn.
WANTED Girl for genoral housework.
HOG Capouso avenue.
once. Rooms 44 and 46 Burr building.
II. W. Sykes & Co.
Help Wanted.
IIOSIE WORK-SG0 monthly convlng let
tors; cither sex. Send two stamps for
particulars. Hick's Supply Co., 5051 Hal
sted St Chicago.
Situations Wanted.
experienced, desires permanent posi
tion. New York, Tribune.'
WANTED A position as engineer or
electrician; seven years' experience in
electrical work; capable engineer; best
of references. Address H. O. R., caro of
aa bookkeeper or general assistant
with knowledge of estimating; has had
two years experience; can give referenco
If requited. Address J. C. Hlnman, caro
of Tribune.
A GENTLEMAN and wife, with best ref
erences, would take care of a house
for the summer In absence of owner. Ad
dress G Tribune oHIce.
SITUATION WANTED by a girl to do
geneial housework. Can furnish ref
erences. Address Kntlo Ashman, 1774
Johnson s Patch, city.
SITUATION WANTED by a boy 14 years
oX age ns olllce boy or clerk In drug
store. Address 1G39 Slonsey avenue.
MIDDLE AGED lady would like position
as housekeeper or geneial housework
In small family. W. J. 'C 427 Alder
street, city.
WAVERLY BOARD Rooms released on
account of Illness In family may be
engaged for Julv and August. Address,
with leference. Bliss Villa, Waverly, Pa.
Board and Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms wHh
lirst class table board, can be obtained
nt o33 Jefferson avenue.
Money to Loan.
Qulck, sti night loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connell building.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank building. Old telephone,
No. 1861.
Real Estnte Exchange Bidg., 126 Wash
ington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spruce street, Scranton.
torneysnnd Counscllors-at-Law. 603 to
612 Connell building.
Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth
Building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21.
Board of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
No. 211 Wyoming avenue.
Patent Attorneys.
PA I C.IN I Oof the Globe.
The only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor in the city. No charge for In
formation on patentability; over ten years
Roploarle & Co., Hears Bldjr.
Hotels and Restaurants.
lin uvenuo. Rates irasonablo,
P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor.
Pabsenger depot. Condunlod on tho Eu
j'opean plan. Victor Koch, Pioprlotor.
and cets pools; no odor: only Improved
pumps iibcd. A. B. Bilggs. proprietor.
Leave orders 1100 North Main nvenue.
or Elcko's drug stole, corner Adams and
Slulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens,
ave., Scranton, mfrs. of Wire Screens.
plies, envelopes, paper bdgs, twine.
Warehouse, l'W Washington avenuo.
bo had In Scranton at tl,o news stand
of Relsman Bros., 40$ Spruce mid COit.
Linden; M. Norton, 32 .Lackawanna
ave; I, S. SchuUur, 211 Spruce street.
ti ,. Onlr Half ant a-Word.- . r
Help Wanted Kale.
""" " ccniH
coal , 75 cents per car
iinncr - ciit entry conl.,..70 cents ner car
tinticr - cut room coal,.. ,5!, cents her car
......w. - wui. tuuill lUlll,.
. ,2.oo t0 ,2i25 ,)er rtfty
. 300 Bullott Bid., Phlla.
Central Bailroad of New'Oer.e.
. ' In Effcct.May' 18,' JS02. '"'
Stations In New York,' toot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. B. '""ly
Trains leavo Scrnnton for Kkv v.i.
Philadelphia, Eastern, Bethlehem, Allen
town, Mauch Chunk, White" Haven; Ah
ley, Wilkes-Barro and Plttston -at 7,30 a,
m.. 7 n. m. and p. m. Sunday, 2.W;p. m,
Quaker City Express leaves Scrantoii
7.30 a. m., through solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor' Car for Phil
adelphia with only one change of cars
for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and
all principal points 'south and west.
For Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barre,
l,p. m, and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.W p. m.
For 'Long Branch, Ocean Orove," etc.,
7.30 and l'p. m.
For Reading,. Lebanon and Harrlsburg
via Allentown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Pottsvlllc, 7.30 a. m..
1 p. m. and 4 p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
n nr-T&nP?,83111311' Gen- Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York
At 1.50, 3.20, 6.05, 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.: 12.40
3.40, 3.35 p. m. For Now York and Phllai
dolphla 7.50, 10.10 a. m., and 12.40 and 3.33
6, m. For Gouldaboro At 6.10 p. m. For
uffalo 1.15, 6.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.53, 6.50
and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmlra
and way stations 10.25 a. m.. 1.05 p. m
For Oswegd. Syracuse and Utlca 1.16 and
6.22 n..m.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego. Syracuse
and Utlca train at 6.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. m,; 1.05
nnd 6.00 p. m. Nicholson accommodation
4.00 nnd 6.15 p. in.
Bloomsburg Division For Northumber
land, at 6.35 and 10.10 a. m.; 1.55 and 6.10
p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40
and 9.05 p.vm.
Sunday Trains For Now York. a
G.05, 10.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 3.35 p. m. For"
Buffalo 1.15 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.53,' 6.50 and
11.10 p. m. For Elmlra and way stations
10.25 a. m. For Blnghamton and way sta
tions, 9.00 a. m. Bloomsburg Division
Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 6.10 p. m.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect June 16, 1902.
Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at
6.44, 7.3ii, 8.36, 10.13 a. m.; 12.05, 1.12, 2.11, 3.56,
5.29. 6.23. 8.21; 9.15, 10.01 p. m.J 12.18. 1.38 a.m.
For Honcsdalo 6.44, 10.13 a. rn.; 2.11 and
5.29 p. m.
For Wlkes-Barre 6.38. 7.41. 8.41. 9.47.
10.53 n. m.; 12.03, 1.42, 2.18, 3.28, 4.35, 6.10,
7.48. 10.41, 11.49 p. m.
For L. V. R. R. Points 7.41, 9.47 a. m.:
2.18. 4.35 and 11.49 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6.33,
9.47 a. m.; 1.42, 3.28 and 4.35 p. m.
For Albany and all points north 7.36 a.
m. and 3.56 p. m.
For Carbondale S.50, .11.33 a. m.;' 2.11,
3.56. 5.52 and 11.17 p. m.
For Wllkes-Barre 9.38 a. m.; 12.03, 1.5S,
3.28, 6.32 and 9.17 p. m.
For Albany and points north 3.56 p. m.
For Honesdate 8.50 a. m.; 11.33 and 3.53
p. m.
W. L. PRYOR, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule In Effect June 16, 1902.
Trains leave Scranton: 6.38 a. m.. weak
days, through vestibule train from
Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllo; stops at principal intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
lngton and for Pittsburg and the West.
9.47 a. m., week days, forSunbury, Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the West.
1.42 p. m., week davs, (Sundays, 1.58 p.
Tn.)( for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Phlladel-
Ehla, Baltimore, Washington and Pi t ta
il rg and tho West.
3.28 p. m., week days, througn vestibule
train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet
parlor car and ccaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops at principal intermediate
stations. .
4.35 p. m.. week days, for Hazleton, Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Fhllitdelphia and Pitts
J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad,
Tn Effect Juno 15, 1902.
Trains Leave Scranton.
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
& II. R. R., at 7.41. through Parlor Cap
nnd Day Coach Carbondale to New York;
and 9.47 a. m., with L. V. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.35 (Blaok
Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, D. & II. R. R., 1.58, 9.17 p. m.
For Whlto Haven, Hazleton and princi
pal points in the coal regions, via D. & H.
R. R.. 7.41, 2.18 and 4.33 p. m. For Potts
vllle, 7.41 a. m.
For Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Har
rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. & H. R. R.. 7.41. 9.47 a. m.:
2.18, 4.35 (Black Diamond Express), 11.43 p.
m. Sundays. D. & 11, R. R., 9.58 a. m.;
1.58, 9.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Genova and piinclpal Intermedial
stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.35 a. m.
and 1.55 p. ni.
For Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago nnd nil points west via
D. &. II. R. R., 12.03 p. m.i 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express). 10.41. 11.49 p. m. Sun
days. D. & H R. R., 12.03. 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley Parlor cars on alt trains between
Wllkes-Barre and Now York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. -
Cortlund street. Now York.-". -
CHARLES S. LEK. Oon. Pass. Agt.20
Cortland streot, New York. j-
A. W. NONESIACHER, Dlv. Pass. Ait,
South Bethlehom, Pa. ,,,, 4 . r ,-
For tickets and PullmRrti reservations
apply to city ticket office, 69 PuWIo
Squaro, Wllkcs-Burro, Pa, ,
New York, Ontario and We'stertj,
Time Table lni Effect Sunday, Juno 15, fjo,
Leavo Leave "Arrive
Trains. Bcranton. Carbondale. Cadojla.
No. 1 10.30 a. m. 11,10a.m. 1.00 p. ;ni.
No. :i 4.00 p. m, 4.44 p. m. 6.00 p.jn,
No. 7 ...... 6.10 p. m.Ar.Carbondale6.46 p.m
Leave Leavo Arrive
Trains. Cadosla. Carbondale.. Scrantqn.
No. u OJA ,!Hi?a'm' JiJSui'm,
No. 4 S.40a,m 1001a. m. J0.40am,
No. 2 ..... 2.15 pm. 4.00 p.m. 4.45 pXhl
BUPUAin ""I'll Jivjrwil DUUNU.
Leavo Leave .Arrtve
Trains. Scrnnton. Carbondale. Cadofbi.
No.o ,,., s.:wa. in,.; oiop.m. io.45n.rm,
No-5 7ilV',,'Vib7IND?lial0713.n,
I.envo Leavo Ari4v4
Trains. pado,ila. Carbnndule. Scranton.
No. ....,., , ' BM u, m. 7.25 linn,
No. 10 4.30 i),m, GCHjp, ni, Ji45pln.
Trains Nob. 1 on week dayn. 'ami 9fm
Sundays connect for New York fJt.v. slid
dlctown. Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os.
wego and all points west.
Tialn 3 for Poyntelle, Walton, Delhi,
Sidney, Norwich and all New Rei-Jln
blanch points. fj'
Train No. 0, with "Quaker City H.
press."-., at Scrmiton. via C. R. R. ot.Nj.VJ',,
forPhlladelphlaiAtlantla City, Baltimqr
Washington jiud. Pennsylvunlv eUti
porutc: " - ' - '
Seo time-table and consult ticket agittti
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scianton. Pa.
.' I ? . r ' J