The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 25, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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klSfedjdings That Will
This Part of the
St. Leo's
A number of weddlngp will tnkt place
In West Sernnton today, among them
bring the following:
D. H. Lewis, of Kingston, nnd Miss
Burnh K. Brace, of North Hydo Park
George Be Wilde and Miss Marian
Hutchinson, of Philadelphia.
Buy A. Miirtnmn and Miss Vlda Stor-
Slilney L. Oliver und Miss Ethel Mc
Dermott. Evan A. Davis and Miss Eva C. Da
vis. .
D. J. Jenkins and Miss Annie Pro
ber!, of Olyphant.
Quarterly Convention:
A quarterly .convention of the First
Catholic Total Abstinence union socle
ties will be held In Holy Cross church
hall, Bellevue, on Sunday, July 13.
Tic convention will be held under the
auspices of the St. Peter's society, and
nti entertainment will be provided dur
ing the evening.
The delegates selected to represent
the St. Peter's society nt the convention
are John R. McLean. M. J. O'Toolc,
Charles Howley, Peter Gallagher and
Michael McGuiness.
The cadets will be represented by
Mltrtln Regan, John Cavanaugh; James
McDonough. Martin Kcegan and Wil
liam McDonough.
, Election of Officers.
St. Leo's battalion, at a regular meet
ing, held on Monday evening, elected
the following ofllcers for the ensuing
President. John F. Shaughnessy;
vice president. William Howley; re
cording secretary, James McDonough;
financial secretary, .Tamps Murphy;
treasurer, Patrick Buckley; sergeant
at arms, Edward Hughes; directors,
Thomas J. Langan, William Hawley.
Patrick May, John Baldwin, Edward
Devlne: Investigating committee, Ed
ward Devlne, Patrick White, James
Hester; tellers, Joseph McDonough,
William Saul and John Ruane.
Gone to Lake Winola.
Fred Robinson, the well-known har
monica player, who has been caterer at
the Electric City Wheelmen's club
house for a long time, has resigned his
position and loft yesterday for Lake
Winola. where he will act as chef for
camping parties and private families.
Fred has been a member of the
Alumni base ball team during the sea-
The Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sl by
101 S. Slain ave.
1 The Globe Warehouse i
i Will close at 5 p. m. daily, except Saturdays, on
and after July 7th, and will continue doing so until
& September 1st.
SThe Summer
1 Underwear Is Here
ff All the kinds and qualities that you would want
'X and enough of them to make your selecting easy.
3 This is a partial list, and as "seeing is believing,"
why not take a look at these.
Women's Underwear
a Fine Cotton Vests, lew necks,
with or without sleeves and
j5 some with wings; especially
good qualities, all of thvm.
l22c, 18c and 25c.
Women's Lisle Thread Vests,
sheer and fine; cool for sum
mer; ecrue and white. All
the sizes,
18c to 50c each.
Fine Silk Underwear in
Mack, cream, white, pink and
blue. These are beautiful
goods and wash and wear well.
50c to $1.50 each.
Silk and Cotton Mixed Un
derwear, high neck and long
sleeves; extra fine and wear
resisting. ,
75c to $1.25 each.
.'J' Combination Salts
4 All silk, silk and cotton, and
'.jL all, cotton Combination Suits,
9 "high and low necks, with or
fj Without sleeves, and mostly
j knee length. The most com
l2 ,'fortable summer garments
t ever worn.
g' 50c to $1.50.
1 Lisle Thread Combination
'1i ults, low necic and snort
'Qleeves, knee length, and all
,:bish. xub regular uoJiui gar
ttaent. Special at 50c.
1 Take a lo6k throuch
bf1 lightfully superior to the
mit this when you see them.
1 Globe Warehoiis?.
Take Place Today in
City Officers for
Bon, and made quite a record ns a
fielder and batter. Hp will bp suc
ceeded by John P. Williams, who has
hoen In charge of the bowling altcya
during the winter months.
Wrong Sate Published.
Through n, misunderstanding, tho
date of Washington camp. No. 7S, ex
cursion to Mountain Park has been
published wrong. Instead of being next
Saturday, Juno 28, It Is Saturday, July
The committee having charge of the
arrangements anticipate a large at
tendance from other camps In the city.
The proceeds will be used In paying oft
some of the Indebtedness on the camp's
new building on North Main avenue.
Silurian Lodge, I. 0. O. F.
The members of Silurian lodge, No,
763, Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
will meet In their lodge room at 1
o'clock this afternoon to attend the
funeral of their late brother, Henry
The funeral will be conducted from
deceased's home at 2 o'clock. Inter
ment will be made in the Washburn
street cemetery.
Chopped Her Foot.
Annie Keegan, aged 9 years, residing
on Scranton street, Is suffering from
severe injuries to her foot, Inflicted by
herself recently.
She was engaged In chopping wood,
when the axe penetrated her foot,
breaking several toes. Dr. J. J. Bren
nan dressed her injuries.
St. Brenden's council. Young Men's In
stitute, have elected Thomas McHugh as
their representative to the national Y.
M. I. convention, to be held at Atlantic
City next month. Thomas Fleming was
selected as alternate.
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. William Wal
lace, of 222 North Ninth street, a daugh
ter. Mrs. Annie TlmmK of 4-'G Phelps
street, had her husband. Robert Timmis,
arraigned before Alderman John yestei
day on the charge of assault and battery.
The defendant entered ball for his ap
pearance at court.
The ladles' choir, which won the prize
at the national elsteddofod on Memorial
daly, will meet in the Robert Morris lodge
rooms this evening to divide the prize
monew Mrs. Thomas, the leader, has
been ill for some time, and is now able
to be around again.
Professor Bernard MacFadden will de
liver a lecture in the Jackson Street Bap
tist church on Friday evening, Juno 27,
xinder the auspices of the Ripple division,
Sons of Temperance and Loyal Crusad
ers. The net proceeds will be given to
the United Mine Workers.
Willie Phillips, of Lincoln Heights,
stepped on a piece of glass recently and
cut his foot quite badly.
John P. Murray, of West Locust street,
captain of St. Paul's Pioneer corps, has
been selected marshal of tho annual pa-
Hen's Underwear
Fine All-Wool Underwear,
the summer weight; absorbs
the perspiration and is cooler
than cotton. Did you ever try
$1.00 a Oartnent.
Men's Balbriggan Under
wear, fine lisle thread and silk
finish, full sizes and the draw
ers are double seated.
75c a Garment.
Fine Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers, shirts with long and
short sleeves; drawers double
seated and tailor-made seams.
Groat wearing garments,
50c a Garment.
Here's a special in Men's
Underwear, black and white
stripes, very light weight, the
very nicest kind of summer
Spscial 39c.
Combination Suits .
You don't know real comfort
till you've worn these; all one
piece, no double thickness
around the waist, easy and
.comfortable, We have all the
sizes in long, medium, and
short Balbriggan Suits, and
here's a special price,
$1.25 a Suit.
the stocks. Thev are rte-
customary, You will ad-
raf of the Catholic Total Absllnencn
union to be held In West Scranton on
October 10.
Tho Beltovtio Loyal Crusaders will meet
tomorrow nvenliiR In tho Bollovuo mission
Rchootj All members are Invited to bo
present, ns ofllcers will bo elected and
other business transacted.
The members of Washlnnton camp, No.
3.13, Patriotic Ordor Bona of America, held
n. social session nfter their meeting i
WnshlnRton hall Inst evening.
Hnrfy Ralney, of Hampton street, has
tipn nppninled nfllelal hnrher for the
Catholic Total Ahstlncnre union regi
mental encampment at Lako Lodore next
The 8t. Paul's Pioneer corps held their
regular weekly drill last ovcnlnsr In St.
David's hall.
Mr. and Mrs. D. n. Olmslcad, of Moran
court, hetd a post-nuptial reception at
their homo recently. Thoy wero united
In mnrrlnRC on June 10.
Tho Sherman Avenue Mission school
will hold their children's day exercises
next Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
A special meeting of tho Hyde Park
Mine Accidental fund will bn held In tho
French Roof hall this evening.
The local base ball players havo secured
sultablo playgrounds on Farr's Heights,
whero some lively contests will be played
during the season.
The senior class of tho Junior Epworth
league of tho Simpson Methodist Epis
copal church tendered a reception to
their teacher, Miss EHipI McDermott. on
Monday evening, at the homo of Miss
Margaret Crawford, on North Hyde Park
The annual commencement excrclsd)
will be held at St. Patrick's Parochial
school tomorrow evening.
'Tho Luther league of St. Mark's Lu
theran church will conduct a lawn social
this ovcnlns In front of Mr. and Mrs.
John Donn's homo on North Hyde Park
Mrs. E. E. Robathan and daughter,
Dorothy, of South Hydo Park avenue,
left yesterday to attend a class reunion
nt the Mlllersvlllo State Normal school.
Mrs. W. J. L. Davis, of Main nvcnue
and Jackson street, is contiend to her
home by illness.
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Bell, of Ninth
street, have returned homo from a week's
visit at Delhi, N. V.
William Lloyd and family, of Hamp
ton street, are sojourning at Lake Ariel.
Mis. W. C. Williams and daughter,
Ruth, of South Hvde Park avenue, aro
visiting friends In Elmhn.
Miss Anna Coons, of Wnihburn street,
and Miss Mildred Coons, of North Lin
coln avenue, havo returned home from a
visit with friends nt Chinchilla.
Miss Minnie Robcits, of North Gar
field avenue, Is attending the commence
ment exercises at Bloomsburg State Nor
mal school.
Miss Mary O'Brien, of the Mount Airy
Institute, Philadelphia, Is spending her
vacation nt her home In West Scranton.
Mr. and Mis. Robert Eldred, of North
Hyde Park avenue, havo returned home
from a visit with ft lends in Buffalo.
Frank Watklns and Walter James, of
North Hyde Park avenue, have returned
home from a sojourn In New York city.
B. B. Anthony, of North Main avenue,
organizer for the Teamsters' union, has
returned home from a fraternal visit In
John E. Jones. John B. Lewis. Owen B.
Davis and James Davis, of Bellevue, are
spending the week fishing nt Benton
Thoma Norton, of Yatesvllle, Is visit
ing his sister, Mrs. P. F. Boyle, of Ox
foid street.
Mrs. Rudolph Stiuuk and children, of
Price street, are the guests of relatives
at Nicholson.
Mrs. Catherine Keir and son, of Wllkes
Barre, have returned home from a visit
with Mrs. William Matthewson. of Lin
coln avenue.
Miss Elsie Baker, of NantlcoUe. is the
guest of Mis. Philip Schroeder, of Hamp
ton street.
John Devers. of New York, Is visit
ing at the home of his patents on Hamp
ton street.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hutchinson and
sons, Austin and Geotge. of Philadelphia,
are spending a few days with West
Scianton friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Balrd, former
ly of this place, hut now of Henry, Va.,
aro renewing old friendships In town.
Mrs. Balrd, who has' been a sufferer
ftom appendicitis for some time, un
derwent an operation at Dr. Brown's
private hospital yesterday. which
proved very successful and her early
recovery Is looked for.
The annual Sunday school picnic of
the Tripp Avenue Christian church will
be held at Nay Aug park Friday. Com
petitive games for boys and girls and
various other 'amusements have been
arranged for.
Henry Bloes, of New York city, is
visiting his parents on Dudley street.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Har
wood, of Brook street, a son.
Patrick Flannigan, who was operated
on at the Scranton Private hospital
several weeks ago for the removal of
a tumor from his face, returned homo
Miss Julia Bishop, of Fifth street, has
returned from a pleasant stay In New
York city.
Kenneth Moffatt, of Cherry street,
is visiting friends In Avoca.
Mrs. Benjamin Parsons Is visiting
her sister. Mrs. C. A. Benjamin, of
Luke Ariel.
Rov. P. C H. Dreyer and family, of
Philadelphia, are visiting tho former's
mother, on Pine street.
Miss Mary Kearney, of Avoca, Is the
guest of friends In town.
The Oteo,n Ridge Woman's Christian
Temperance union will meet this after
noon ut 3 o'rlock lu tho Evangelical
church, on Capousn avenue. Subject for
the meeting, "The Cigarette-Problem." A
full attendance Is desired. All are wel
come. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Wlnton and Miss
Wlnton, of Sanderson avenue, will leao
this morning for Nnrrngansett Pier,
whero they will occupy a cottago during
tho summer months,
Miss Ellzubeth Hitchcock, of Washing
ton nvcnue, entertained at cards Monday
evening In honor of Miss Knthryn Ken
nedy, Mr. ami Mis. Harry Dlmmick and Mis.
Anna Koehler, of Adams avenue, nio
summering at Lako Sheridan.
Miss Caiolyn Paterson. of Fleetvlllo.
who has hoen In Lowlsburg attending
tho commencement cxeiclacs of lincUnoll
university, is spending a few days with
Green Rldgo friends.
Miss Lansing, the Misses Nleol, Bay
ley, Peck, Aran Cleef, Maine and Kath
erlno Nottleton and Strnwhrldge will en
tertain tho Junior and primary depart
ments of tho Green Rldgo Presbyterian
Sunday school In yio rlmrch' parlors next
Satuiday afternoon from 3 to S o'clock.
Music, songs nnd recitations will be
given by Frances Bellamy, Margaict
Dies, Miriam Lansing, Paulino Peck,
Mildred Mitchell. Hanlot Bower, Adolaltlo
Hunt, Mlltilda Hummlcr,
'Mr, nnd Mis. Groves, formoily of tho
centrul city, aro occupying tho Fordham
resldcnco on Capouso avenue.
Allen' Foot fessc, a powder. It curej palnlul,
nurtlnif, ncnous (cot jiiU insrowliif mil, amj
liuUntly UVes the Ulng out nt ronu and bunion
It' tho rc4ti'tt comfort dUcomy ol the uge
Alltn'i t'ooWase makes tight or new shorn fc
cisy. U U a certain turu lor meatlng callous
and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold
by all druggbta and klioc stores. Don't accept
any substitute. By mall (or 23c In stamps. Trial
nackaye HtEK. Address, Allen S, Olmsted. I-o
Hoy, N, V.
In Which to Take Advantage qf the Most Liberal Offer Ever Made Doctor Churchman Byers Will Treat
All Persons Applying Before July 1 for $10 Until Cured, Medicines Included This Offer Positively
Expires June 30--Understand This Does Not Mean $10 a Month, but $10 for a Complete Cure No
Further Charge Will Be Made Every Case Accepted Under a Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money
ITo rwt of Hytltrv surreuntu That curM
Xo Jugoltnv, Ko Xeeromanev.
Thay are printed as proof of the personal
BTManca In Scranton of the Oraat Quaker
Phrilclan. They arc acknowledged aa such
proof by tha Intelligent, who know that It
la only by his auperb skill that auch cures
are potalble.
, Ko Otameur of Kraogtratlon, Ao rata light
Vf tmtruth Knvtlop Thtte Curtt.
,' These ara real patients, who will talk to
70U If you will co and see them. They live
In your midst. Tholr evidence typifies tho
Truth In Testimony, as distinguished from
falsehood and exaggeration.
Thi Kajulv of a WonHtrfxA Skttl Snvtrous
Ttittt Cure.
A skill which the profession as' well as
tho people recognise a skill under which
doubt Is silenced, before which falsehood
falters, and with which Truth proclaims Its
guarantee of kinship.
If It were posslblo Doctor Byera would
gladly continue bis present low fees In
definitely, but the crowds of peoplo that
havo flocked to hln ofllco during tho past
few weeks havo ahown the Impossibility of It.
In order to limit tho number of patients ho
will bo compelled to raise his rate to all
applying after tho 30th of this month. But
all patients who apply for treatment before
July 1 will be treated on the following terms:
: He will guarantee to treat all per
sona applying at his office before July
1 for the nominal sum of $10 until
cured. That Is, $10 covers the en
tire cost of a cure, modlclne Included,
and no further fee will be asked.
: He furthermore agrees, If the pa
tient Is not completely cured In a
specified length of time, to return the
money paid without any quibbling or
evasion. It has always been the prin
ciple of his life never to keep a fee
unless the patient was cured.
. Doctor Byers wishes to make it em
phatic that this offer expires on the
30th day of this month, and In order
to get the benefit of it treatment must
be commenced on or before that date.
This offer will not be extended.
Diseases Due to Cell Disorganization.
The different tissues of tho body are made
up of minute cells, and when these colls
becomo disarranged, disease Is tho result By
supplying the proper nutriment to the cells,
perfect health can be obtained. All diseases,
no matter how chronic, ran be cured by bring
ing the cells back to their normal condition.
Tho treatment used by Doctor Byers Is not
allopathic or homeopathic. ft Is a treat
ment based upon an exact nclenca and cures
with the certainty of a fixed law.
Doctor Byers never accepts a case unless
tie knows to a certainty the causo of the
trouble, and this can only be determined by
a scientific X-Ray examination. His X-Hay
outfit Is the most elaborate and complete in
tals country. By bis special Fluoroscopic at
tachment he Is able to examine all parts of
the body and find out to an absolute certainty
the cause of the patient's affliction. Corns
and be examined; It Is absolutely free. lie
till not charge you one rent. Como and
find out what your trouble Is and ha will ad
vise you In reference to a cure. It la all
tree, lie aska no compensation.
They Will Be Held in St. Mary's
Hall Thursday Afternoon at 3 p.
m. Farewell Party Tendered Miss
Margaret Service at the Home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westlake.
Officers for Rescue Lodge, Knights
of Pythias, Elected Last Night.
Aldermanlc Cases.
The twentieth annual commence
ment exercises of St. Mary's parochial
school will bo held in St. Mary's hall
Thursday at 3 p. m. Following Is the
(n) Oveiture Ashton
(b) Alia Holzmann
St. Miuy's Orchestra.
Conferring- of Honors on Graduates.
Over the Ocean Blue I'etrlo
Accompanist Miss Margaret Golden
Class Song Whlto
Violins Misses Mary Vaughnu, Rcglna
Flano Miss Alice McDonough
Sacred Chorus I.ambllottH
Accompanist... Miss Catherine Flnulghan
Operetta "Queen's Gala Day."
. Characters.
Queen of Fairies Miss Snra Fadden
Queen of Naiads,. Miss Uortrudo Mai shall
Llllybell Miss Alice McDonough
Thistledown Miss Catherine Devlno
Hearts-case Miss Margaret Milhetln
Golden Rod Miss Helen Nolan
Chorus of Fairies Scnlois
Chorus of Naiads Juniois
l'lauo MIrs Alice Ituauo
Farewell Surprise Party.
A farewell surprise party was ten
dered Miss Margaret Service, ut the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Westlake,
of West Market street last evening, by
a number of her friends. The evening
was enjoyably spent with the usual
party diversions, which wore indulged
In until a seasonable hour, when re
freshments wero served, The choir ot
the Methocilst church, assisted by the
orchestra, rendered a musical pro
gramme. Miss Service leaves today for
Lake Winola, to spend the summer
, Those present were tho Misses Pearl
Henry, Cora Snyder, Lulu Constantino,
Elizabeth Rlchdcr, Oeorgo Cuie, Kthel
Vipond, Allco Sand, Minnie Wells, Ross
Hoffman, Mury Cuthbcrson, Lizzie Ser
vice, Anna Service, Eva Connelly, Suruh
Beeze, Alice Williams, Lucy UoWItt,
Jennie Trugas, Stella Wedemun, Stella
Walls, Mary Lew Is, .Jesse Kppling, and
Messrs. William Scott, William Wright,
Charles Constantino, AVllllam Clegg,
Lewis Kline, Chatles Reers, David
Laird, John Laird, David Rossar, James
Sand, Prof. Martin, Prof, Kemmerllng,
Prof, Cousin, Myron Keator, Fred Hart
zell, Danle) Hnrtzoll, Clarence McAllis
ter, Charles Thomas, Mr, Hroadbent,
William Bright, Rert Lure, Fred Mor
gan, Edward Hunt, Edward Sanders,
Hurry Rumbgardner, Henry Twining,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopewell, Mr,
und Mrs. Lowery, Mr, and Mrs. Duller,
Mr, Heinz, Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Van
noy. Election of Officers.
The Rescue lodge, No. 3T1, Knights,
of Pythias, elected tho following ofll
cers for the ensuing year In Ostcrhout's
hall, last night: Chuncellor command
er, T. J. Clwynne; ylce chancellor, Chas.
Richards; muster at urms, Wlllfmii A.
Mrs. Kats Miller, 328 Quay avenue:
"I hit been troubled with darting, aching
pains In my right ana and In my feet so bad
at times I could not use my arm and could
scarcely walk on account of being crippled
up so. I had constderahlo heart trouble. I
am so much better as the result of Hector
Byers' treatment I want to recommend him
to my friends."
Doctor Byers was born of Quaker
parentage and received his early edu
cation under the influence of that re
ligious denomination.
He graduated with honor from the
Jefferson Medical College of Philadel
phia, 1872.
Matriculate of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy.
Full course attendance Pennsylvania
Hospital for Acute and Surgical Dis
Mrs. Jane 8plane, corner Larch
street and Wyoming avenue: "I had been
troufaled with mv stomach for a Rood whllo.
After eating I bad such bloating spells It
caused distress and smothered up sensations.
dlz7lness, nervousness, and an all-gone feel
Ine. As a result of Doctor Byers' treatment
I am entirely free of theso symptoms, and i
recommend the treatment to my friends." I
Bowen: keeper of recoids and seal, Al
fred John; master of finance, Wulter
B. Christmas; master ot exchequer,
John B. Owens'; prelate, Samuel Jef
freys; Inside guard, Thomas Morgan;
outside guard, John Richaids; trustee,
Thomas Reese; clerk of trustees, Armit
Thomas, and representative to conven
tion, William H. Frieze.
Alderman Myers' Court.
John Murphy, employed about the
Von Stoich colliery, had Ben Cusick, of
AVest Market street, arrested yesterday
for assault and battel y. Murphy and
Cusick were coming homo on the street
car, when they began a discussion of
the strike, and, during the dispute,
Cusick, It is alleged, struck Murphy In
the face. The alderman held Cusick in
$300 ball for liin appearance at court.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ascott caused the ar
rest of her husband, George Ascott,
last evening, for assault and battery
and threats. Mr. Ascott drove his wife
from home and was abusing the chil
dren. The aldei man committed him to
jail for thirty days in default of $500
Mrs. Otto D. Myeis.and mother, of
Church avenue, nro spending a few
days with relatives In Jeimyn.
Tho Smithers base ball team ot this
section would like to hi range a game
with the Buffalos, on Von Storch
George Williams, of Wurren street,
has returned home, after spending two
months In Philadelphia.
William Lewis, of Summit avenue,
and Oswald Pi Ice, of Spring htreot, leit
last evening to spend a few days In
New York city.
AVllllam Morgans, Thomas Mills and
Thomas Lewis left yesterday morning
to spend tho day fishing at Crystal
Miss Mame Lloyd, of Pcckvlllo, in
visiting at the home of John Davis, on
AVllllam street.
Mlfcs Laura Gabriel, of Church ave
nue, left last evening for Youngstown,
O,, where she will spend the summer
vnration with her sister.
Tickets for the Providence Presby
terian church excursion to Lake Ariel,
on Friday, can be hud at Grlflln's and
Henwodd'H drug stores, up to Thurs
day evening.
Tho clerks ot this freetlon defeated
Hnsw ell's Indians In a game of bahe
ball, last evening, on Von Storch's field,
by a score of JO to 0, The feature of
the gamp was the clever playing of
David Low is, on third bue, for the In
dlnns, McClusklo nnd Owens did the
battery work for tho Indians, whllo
Muckio nnd Collins wero the battery
for the clerks.
Otto D. Myers and J, K. Smith am
spending a few days lls-hlng ut Maple
wood, A special meeting of tho North Scran
ton Republican club will be held Fii
day evening. All members are cum
estly requested to bo present.
Austin Moore, ot Parker street, has
returned, after taking tho entranco ex
aminations for Lehigh university, at
South Bethlehem.
Mnster Churles Henwood, of North
Main avenue, has returned fiom a short
vis-It lu Moscow,
Tho Junior pupils of Miss Rlanche
Hallstead, of Oijk btreet, will give a
piano recital at Guernsey hall next
AVllllam AVells, of Hallstead uenuo,
Is spending tho summer months nt
Luke AVInola.
Miss Bertha Finn, of AVood street, Is
spending tho summer with relatives lu
Mrs. Rornatd Davis, of AVaync uvo
uuc, Is til.
Mr. Abraham Wiles, 8t. Petersburg,
Clarion county, Pa., says: "I had been af
flicted for 31 yeara with a troublesome akin
dlaeaae. Some doctors called it eczema and
others dry tetter, but no ono was over able
to cure me until I took a course of treat
ment with Doctor Dyers. I took numerous
blood medicines and sarsaparlllas without re
lief." Full course attendance Blockley Hos
pital for Skin and Chronic Diseases.
Late of Eye and Ear Clinic: Will's
Hospital, Philadelphia.
Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clinics
Diseases of the Throat.
Late Examining Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid As
sociation of Cincinnati, O.
Late Examining Physician Mutual
Reserve Fund Life Association of New
Wm. Sutton, molder, residing at
Fiankavllle, Pa., says: "I bad been troubled
15 years with a discharge from my left ear,
with loss of hearing, pain nnd distressing
noises. My ear was more like a machine
shop than anything else, as It kept up a con
tinual roaring. Dr. Byers has stopped the
discharge, restored the hearing and rid me of
the distressing noises."
' ' " t "A 'A "A 4'A"A"'"A"'
years, died at 2 o'clock yesterdny after
noon at her home, US South Garfield
avenue, after giving birth to twins.
Deceased Is survived by her husband
nnd four other children. Mr. Howell Is
away from homo at present, and tho
funeral arrangements cannot bo per
fected until his return,
MRS. JOHN MILLER, a resident of
Reeoh street, South Scranton, died yes
terday morning, kh1 24 yeuis. A hus
band and one ohlld survives. The fu
neral will take place at 2 p, in. tomor
row. Services will bo held at the house
by Rev. J. AVittke, and Interment will
bo made In tho Plttston avenue ceme
tery, MATHEW BUTLER, the Infant son
of Mr. and Mrs, Butler, died yesterday
at the family residence, 1518 Plttston
avenue, Tho funeral will take place
this afternoon nt 2 p. in., nnd Interment
will be made n the Cathedral cemetery.
Members of Episcopalian Churches
Spent Yesterday at Ariel,
A very enjoyable excursion to Lake
Ariel was yesterday conducted by tho
congregations of tho following Episco
palian churches: St. Luke's, of tho
central city; St. David's of AVest
Scranton; tho Church of the Good
Shepherd, at Green Ridge, und St,
I The Elks' Carnival. S
j ' " 5
A Local Coney Island J
A Second Noah's Ark
V Crrantnn't; Pnn-Anicrlcaii ExDosltion Next Week.
M. H. Fine, 888 Union St.; Patera
burg (City): "I would Ilka to add my tes
timony to the msny others who apeak of
your success In treating them. I haT mad
such wonderful Improvement sine bales
treated by you that I feel It would bo sn In
justice to you It I did not acknowledge It to
the public. You are at liberty to use this
letter. Possibly It will be the means of soma
sufferer making another effort 'to eaat oB
that burden of lite, that dreaded disease, As
thma, Catarrh or Uronchlal trouble. I had
tried many advertised remedies, but failed to)
receive benefit In every case and had fully
made up my mind not to be deceived any
more, believing that all advertised remedies
to cure chronic disease waa a fake and was
Just robbing the afflicted. Your treatment hat
put new life In me. I begin to feel that th)
distress of the shortness of breath Is a
thing of the past. In December, UN, I was
taken with Isgrlppe and ever since I havo
been troubled with a shortness of-breath and
had given up nil hopes of ever getting rid of
this distress, but I thank the good Lord that
I have found ono doctor whose treatment It
within reach of all and who doea aa he ad
vertises to do. I can honestly aay from per
sonnl experience that Dr. Churchman Byarf
Is no fake."
Mrs. Barbara Dickson. Parker
street, Providence: t had chronic diarrhoea
for fourteen years, which caused violent bear
ing down and dragging pains In my abdomen
and loins. My bowels were often moved at
high as seven times In one day. The strain
ing finally brought about severe protruding
piles. These caused me much misery. When
I went to Doctor Byers' office I was so weak
from my suffering that I could hardly drag
myself along. The first treatment ho cava
mo drove all the pains out of my htpa an
legs. My bowels now more regularly one
a day, and the piles have ceased troubllnr
me. Ocd bless the good Quaker doctor tr
'what he hns done for me.
Mrs. M. Queenle, Avoca, Pa.: ".
had been troubled with pain In the small ol
my back for 15 years; was confined to ml
bed for two months this winter, the pain at
times being so severe It rande mo scream, f
had such n queer feeling in my head and
would take such dizzy sprits I was afraid to
go any plara without taking somo one with
me. My stomach also troubled me so I could
not eat anything without great distress. Doc
tor Byers' treatment has relieved me of all
these distressing symptoms and I want to rec
ommend this good Quaker doctor, who Is M
kind and sympathetic with all his skill."
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa'
Office Hours, 9 a. m. to IS; 2 p. m. to 4. '
Evenings, 7 to 8 Dallr.
Sunday, 10 a. m. to 13 m.
" A'"4 4 A A''
'A 'AX
Mark's, nt Dunmore. Tho missions of
St. Luke's at Olyphant, South Scran
ton and tho East Ei)d wero also all
Tho tialn left tho Erie station at S.15
o'clock yesterday morning, In two sec
tions, tho ono of seven nnd tho other
of thirteen cars. Between twelve and
fifteen hundred persons aro estimated
to havo been in attendance, all of
whom enjoyed a splendid time.
Bauer's orchestra accompanied tho
picnickers, and Its work was among
tho pleasant features of tho day. Dur
ing tho morning, a ball gamo occurred
between two teams picked from the
younger men and boys. In tho after
noon, games wero played and rncea
Most of tho excursionists returned on
tho 7.23 train.
Fixed by a Bill Which Ha3 Just
Passed the Senate,
The bill creating llio Mlddlo Judicial
district of Pennsylvania, which had al
ready gono thiough the house, passed
the senate Monday, It now goes to tho
president for approval,
Tho terms of the circuit and district
courts uro lixed as follows; Scranton,
fourth Monday In February und third
Monday In October; Hurrlsburg, first
Monday in May and first Monday In De
cember; AVilllainspoit, second Monday
In January und second Monday In June.
The records of the courts nro to he
kept nt Scranton, but tho courts may
provldo for tho keeping of provisional
or temporary records ut Harrlsburg and
' J' '
w Vx