t ' Wf, f ' 'k ,i . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JOTE 2$ 1002. - x l ' "" ' STRIKERS IN COAL BUSINESS WENT ON STRIKE TO OET BET TER BATES FOB COAL. When Teamsters Demurred at n Raise of Fifty Cents n Ton, the Coal Picking Strikers Suspended Operations nnd Won Out Execu tive Committee of tho United Mine Workers Discusses the Wnshery Question Leaders Co Out Ad dressing Mass Meetings. Ono of the wnslicrloq that recently gtartrd up wu3 tho Kconomy, which Beta its supply from tho Manvltlp dump. To win favor with tho strikers if that community, tho Kconomy com pany permitted them to pick coal from the (lump. It I ft an old dump and con Huqupnlly Is rich In combustible ma terial. About 150 strlkeis and members of strikers' families have boon plcklnp coal from tho dump and solllnff It to team sters. The price prevalent for the plck d coal was $3 a load, which approxi mated a ton. Last Saturday the coal pickers came to tho conclusion that tho law of supply and demand wai runted them In raising lutei and they proceeded to do so. The teamsters demurred. They were clurgliifr consumers $4.50 for coal and felt they could not reasonably raise the rates. The coal pickers drclaied that $3 was not enough, that they should le- crlvo $3.00. The teamsters answered that they could not pay $3.50 for the coal and make any profit. "All right," said the coal pickers, and In a very few minutes a committee of the pickers had called off every ono of the ono hundred and fifty of their num ber. The teamsters protested again and again that a raise In prices would drive them out of business, but their protests wore all In vain. The ono hundred and Jlfty pickers sat around In an adjacent field and waited the capitulation of the teamsters. QUANTED INCREASE. In the afternoon the teamfateis gave In nnd agi ced to pay $3.50 for coal. The pickers resumed work. Hundreds of the stiikets and their families nre making a good living pick ing coal and selling it to teamsters.. All through the valley they can be seen at work on the dumps, by the hundreds, lining sacks with coal and carrying it to piles which are disposed of to the teamsters. In all tho anthracite coal region tho only persons marketing any coal are tho strikers. The district eecutie board of the United Mine AVoikcr.s met at the head quarters, Saturday, to devise means ot .shutting down the washeries. Nothing would bo givt'ii out concerning the de liberations. District President Nicholls leturned from Philadelphia Saturday moining, but was here only n short time, when he was called to AVilkes Ituric to confer with President Mitch ell. He reached home again Saturday night, but had nothing to give out. National Piesident Mitchell will be here tonight to attend the commence ment e.sercibes at St. Thomas' college. There will be a joint meeting of the flu Olyphant locals this afternoon at 2 o'clock. It will be addressed by DIs tiict President Nicholls, Vice-President Adam Kyseavage and Committee man Anthony Schlosser. Committeemen Sthlobser and Llewellyn addiessed a mass meeting at Old Foige, Saturday. Last Thuisday the six firemen at the Johnson colliery, In Pilceburg, went on stiike for an eight-hour day. They had been enjoying an eight-hour day for seeral yeais, but they wanted an agieement in writing that they were having an eight-hour day und would continue to have it. Saturday the writ ten agreement was made, and the men returned fo work. POLICEMAN ARRESTED. Joseph Jopek, a coal and It on police man, working at Jessup, was sent to the county jail yesterday, In default of $300 ball, to answer at court for making thieuts and carrying concealed weap ons. Jubilee of the Peace J. P. Loftus committed him. Strikers continue to leave here In large numbeis. Scaicely a tiain goes out on the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western 'and Delaware and Hudson roads but what cairies away large or small bands of stiikers bound for oth er pnrts in search of employment. Ae c oi ding to the estimates of steam ship and railroad agents, 5,000 strikers fiom Lackawanna valley have left here blnce tho strike began. The current Issue of Bradsticet's tiadc journal has this to say: Tho supply of anthracite coal Is slowly ebbing, und tho use ot soft toal Is grow ing despite city ordinances. Tho bltumtn mis pioduct ib in glowing demand, J2.765J J3.00 per ton being obtained at tho mines, mid thoie is oven talk of bringing coaj nnd coke from new and old England to New York. What anthracite coal is nallablo Is mostly small steam and stove -l.cs, and tho prices paid are largely what tho tralllo will bear. If tho strike t.picads In tho bituminous fields, the out look In manufacturing will becomo ser ious because of tho high prices necessary to secure fuel. The strike Is causing somo additional furnaces to shut down, snd thus accentuating the scarcity In tho eastern part of the country. Tho Engineering and Mining Journal paid Saturday, about tho condition of the anthracite coal market: CONDITION OP MARKET. Tinde all over tho countiy la llcht bo caubo coal Is not to bo had except at rcmy advances, In many cases, conser vative dealers In the rjast aro refusing profits of J3 to H u ton on coal bought 111 April, preferring to keep their stocks to Hippty their tegular customers. At tho, head of Lake Superior, tho docks nio nearly bare, and supplies In dealers' bands am light. In Chicago tonltoiy, tho demand continues fair. Dealers report a considerable olumo of Inquiries: most of Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured nnd Perhaps a Life Saved. "A slioit time ago I was taken with H loent attack of diarrhoea and be Hove I would have died if I hud not gotten relief," says John J, Patton, a lending citizen of Patton, Ala. "A fjioud recommended Chamberlain's Colic, niioleia und Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought twcnty-Jlve cent bottle and after taking three doses of it was en lliely cured, I consider it tho best remedy In tho world for bowel com plaints." This remedy is certain to be needed In almost cveiy home before tho lummcr Is over. It can ulways bo de. pended upon, even in tho most severe tiu dangerous cases. It is especially valuable for summer illutrhoea in chll flren. It Is pleasant to take, never falls to give prompt relief. Why not buy it bow and he prepared for such an eraer u( v? I'or sale by all druggist, s. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap. MILLIONS of Women Use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the seatp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hai?, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and cote hands, for baby rashes, itchlngs, and chaf ings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest them selves to women, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing in gredients and the most refreshing of flower odours. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, how ever expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour, $1.00. Consisting of Cuticuka .Soap, 2.1c., to clcnnoo tho akin of cruets 7t44IWAnn,t scales, and soften tho thickened cuticle; Ctmctnu Oint. Ill lltl I r?lMF.HT,50o., to Instantly nllav Itchhifr, Inflammation, nnd Irritation, j'"nnd soothe anil lionl; and Cuticuka Rfsolvint Pills, 2c., to J ,. . . cool nnd elennso the blood. A SINGLE Sl.T Is oKon sufflctotit to Tit 80t, 91 euro tho mosttoiturlng, disfiguring, itching, limning, and scaly humours, eczemas, rashes, and Irritations, with loss of hair, when all else falls. Sold throughout the world. British Depot: 27.28, Charterhouse Sep, London. French Depot: B Ituo do la Fall, Paris. I'otteh Dnua AMD Ciiem. Cobf., Solo Props., Boston, IT. d. A. ftllTlflllDI DCCnitfCIIT DIIIC liUllllUnJI nCuULVEIll rlLLO brated liquid CtlTIOCKA RESOLVENT, OS Well cures, rut Put up Id pocket vials, containing 60 uAr..in timin. ami HIimatlvA. nnrl the, an successful and economical blood and skin yet compounded. these nre turned down. Along the lower lakes the large producing companies nre doling out to regular customers such re fer; es of coal as are available. Along tho Atlantic seaboard, most consumers nro getting loconcllcd to tho situation and the market hns lost Its nervousness. Coul Is In demand nt New York harbor points, and wo hear of dealers making turns of $4 per ton on lots of 109 to 5,000 tons. Tho total amount of coal in deal ers' hands In New York Is considerable, but probably not as large ns has been reported, and the supply of broken Is particularly short. Certain companies that nre using hoft ro.il and aro being threatened with -violation's of the s.mokc ordinance, make the most of reports of short supplies, but there Is undoubtedly coul that can be had for a price enough to last a month nnd moie. At Boston, trade Is light, but there Is coal enough n. tillable to last for somo tlmo yet. De mand at Philadelphia Is light llkcwlc, but theio Is coal enough availahlo for domestic purposes until into August. SETTLEMENT OP DISPUTES Concluded from Page 3 foulest regime the world has over known. Tho Roman government was the synonym of oppression and tyranny. Its tuxgath erers were an abomination. Kven His disciples became Impatient because ho did not overthrow tho throne on tho Tiber und set up His own kingdom. Tho Master totally Ignored theso peti tions, and in meekness submitted, but 11 ed and preached the principles which weio destined to in time cnerthtow tho hated domain. Pleaching righteousness, is the mot effectual way to settle Indus trial disputes permanently. It takes time, but when they aie settled, it is foiover. COUNTERFEITER ARRESTED. Captured in Luzerne County by Dep uty Marshal Snyder. Michael Vlrban, a young Hungarian, of Jlocanaqua, Luzerne county, is in jail, in default of $2,000 ball, to answer in United States court for making and passing counteifelt coins. Vitban was caught last Friday by Deputy United States Marshal J. W. Snyder, of this city. On June 20, word was receied by the deputy matshal that counterfeit coin, of various denom Inatlons, were being freely circulated In Mocanaqua. On going thither he learned that Vlbnn was suspected of being the counterfeiter, and proceeded to watch him, with the lesult that he verified the suspicions and caused his arrest. A complete plant for making spuilous coins was found at Viban's boarding houhe. Vlban hud been living with a sup posed widow and her children, The children were used to put the coins in circulation. Recently the woman's hus band returned and Vlban had to leave. He began passing the counterfeits him self with the result that he got Into jail. He h about thirty yeais of age and well educated. THE MARKETS SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. Tho following quotations aie furnished Tho Ttlbuno by Halght & Kieeso Co., UN SI j Meats Building. W. D. Runjon, man ager. Open. lllsli, Low. Close Amal. Copper 00 07 CGt (.ij1; Am. Cur found! y .. :i.'. JJ S'Vi M Amcilcan Ice 15 In 41 IP Am. ice. Pr 49'i J9U 47 17 Am. H. is R. Co 47H -TrH Wi M Amcilcan Sugur l'.'il Uu? r.''?a l.'ITi Auuconda Copper ...HI HI 111 111 Atchlbon S." s.'f)i sj gj'i Atchison. Pr Ws lot 100 loo's Bult. & Ohio 10'j',:. 10irs lObVa M Ilruok. It. T 07 1)7 MVb Mi'.a Canadian Pacitlu ,...133 UZ l.'.l U'js Clics. & Ohio li 4oI 4t 41)4 Chic A: Alton ss ;:s UH ;,g Chic. & G. W Ti '-9'ii IWi Wi C, M. & St. P 174' 1 17414 17'l4 173?i C, It I. & V 17JV? 17J'i link 17J", Col. Puel & Iron t'l',4 'MZ PJ'j 92K col. &. Southern ,,,. ::i :m, m sm Kile 36 :uu .to .::j, Ulle. 1st Pr G7K. 0714 GIVs !V4 Illinois Central ir73i U8 J7-'i V,vl Loulb. & Nusli Ui)',i JJ."a iihVi UiOa Manhattan 131 111 .!0i ui Mexican Centrul .... sm1, L'S',4 2h' i4 .. 1 C ,..u ,1? OTI ..V .1.11 Mo, k, & Tex., Pi-,. ns-i khI w. r.u)J Mo. Pacific los'J loy. :q;Z los'i N. Y, Continl llWl W,l ISi.'J 13UV Out. ic West 3J' 8. Si CJ Paclllo Mall 4Ji5 4J14 421? ii Penna. II. It 1M 1W 1.-.154 15ISJ Pooplo's fius lOl'A 0J',4 ioj'A lUJ'A Pleased Steel Car,,.. -!. 4i M H,Y, Hemline ....,..,,,,,,, bti ii,.;i b.v,k w.t Iteadlng, 1st Pr ,,,.. si si hi m Itcading, vu Pr ,,,,,, b'ju ujv wu tail RopubHo Steel ,. 174 17 174 " Bt. Louis As San 1? ,, C9? 69',J 69 C9'i Southern Paeino ..,, 04?4 W 61?, 01 Sotithernn.lt mv. soTi MJ Zb& Southern R. R . Pr., 9! J 0"T4 m mtJ Venn. Coal & Iron ,. 62 6J 62 6.' Texas & Pacific 42 43 42i 42'4 Union Pacific lo&tt 105U lKHj 1051: Union Pacific, Pr ... son syji w tor. II. S. Leather ........ U IS 13 U U. H. Steel ....,.,,,,. 3S((, 39 3S SM II. S. Steel, Tr S9U S0H S9H s-)i Wabash ,. Wi MH 29 in1: Wabash. Pr ,, , 45$ 4Vi iVi 4M4 West. Union 90,4 9014 9014 P014 Wisconsin Centrai'!! 37H 2?!4 2714 27'i Total salca, 160,900 eliares. ' '4 ( (Chocolate Coated) are a now, tasteless, odorless, economical substitute for the cele m for all other blood nurltlcrs and humour doses, price fflie. Cuticoka Pills aro altera. hAvnnrl nuestlon the uureftt. sweetest, most nurlflors, humour cures, and tonlc-digcattves CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION. WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. July 7IP4 71 73" i 7314 fceVtembcr 72 7J'4 71 71;4 CORN. July ; -'4 R-,7i r,-,l4 ns-4 SPtcmber Wj, zs cs OATS. J'y .W4 3i!'4 3r,t4 sr, Scptomhcr 2S 2S;g 2S14 2ii PORK. J"ly-", 1SS7 17.91 J7.S7 17.02 b1p.tp."il'cr 07 1S " IS 07 18 li LARD. Iiy 1050 ior, vixa 10.55 opPjemocr 10 55 10 55 10 55 10 55 July-; I.IOSO 10!0 1077 1077 September ln2 ioG5 1060 10.65 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. T , Open. High. Low. Close. Job 8 152 8 5.' S45 8 45 August 817 S20 815 8 20 September 7.M 7.90 7 ss 7 81) October 7.79 7.M) 7.76 7.79 BANK STATEMENT. Reserve, decreaso Jl, 144,100 Loans, lncrento 7,944,700 Specie, Increase 919,000 Legal tender, decreaso 12.100 Deposits, increase S.O.OOO Circulation, dccic.ise 60,700 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Askcd Lackawanna Daily Co., Pr.... CO County S.iv. Bank & Trust Co 300 First Nnt. Bank (Carbondale). ... 506 Third National Bank 650 Dime Dcp & Dls. Bank S00 Economy L., H. & P. Co 40 First National Bank l,;oo Lack. Trust & Safe Dcp. Co... 9i Claik Sr Snover Co, Pr ys;, ..) Scranton Savings Bank mm ,, Traders' National Bank i'25 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123 People's Bank uj ... BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 33 Scianton Passenger Railway, tlist mortgage, due 1920 115 ... People's Street Railway, flist mortgage, duo 1918 113 ... People's Street Railway. Gen- eial mortgage, duo 1921 11", Scranton Trac Co , 0 per cent. 115 Economy L , II. & P. Co 17 N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 67 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 LacKa. Ave.) FIour-54 40. Butter Fresh cieameiy, 21c; fiesh daiiy. 23c. Cheese-1214.il3c. Eggs Neaibv, 20e.; western, 19c. Mai low Beans Per bushel. J235a2.40. Green Peas Per bushel, $2 23 Onions Bermudas. ?2 00 per ciate. Potatoes Per bushel, 85o. FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. x THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traoidinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property, Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Fan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .50 a share. The price will Boon be advanced, Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EACLES MINING CO 1 1202 Crozler Sldg., Philadelphia, Pa. IP 139 HlKl THE EXPERIENCES OF PA A Series ol delightful Sketches Just Is sued by the Lackawanna Railroad. These sketches are contained In a handsomely Illustrated book called " Mountain and Lake Resorts," which describes some ol the most attractive summer places in the Eatt. Send B Cents In postage stamps to T. W. LEE, General Passenger Agent, New York City, and a copy will be mailed you. When in Need Of anything in the line of optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Properly fitted optician, by an expert From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of nreacrln- tion work and repairing. t Mercereau & Connell, 183 Wyoming Avenue. ft 1 VKHnKKKKItttKintKnKtr.HKKHKKItKnttr.initK:tttK I Dependable Shoes a . v m . . n. . At Little Prices, 3 At Little Prices.. g tt Fine new abaoelv Shoes, correct in stvle. season- X ' oM ..,.;!,- ,-ll ...-J. ..,! bnoes for the street Shoes for hard work Shoes for all occasions The "most; (or the money" is here. See our 2 popular price $2.00, $2.50, Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, s 330 Lackawanna Avenue. MMMVletVlttVlM-ittlMtellll'l'4Vt-'lt'4'4ll)(il'tlltX The Boots Are $3.00 Oxfords, $2.50 (A Few Specials 50c Extra. ( Let us show you the new show that is caus ing the sensation in the shoe trade. The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Cor. Lackawanna SCRAWION'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESS ENTERPR1SINO DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARAOTER PROMPTLY ANO SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALE nUCCIES and WAGOVS of all ldr.1?: also Ifo'itps and Bulldin; Tots it bargains. HORSKS CLIPPUD and CUOOMID at M. T. KELLER T.arl.awanna Carriage Works. J.B.WOOLSEY cSCo CONTRACTORS ANO BUILDERS. Dealcra ia Plate Glass and Lumber OP ALL KINDS. SECURITY BUILDINO ASWIN33 WIION Home Offlcc, 20S203 Mears Building. We arc maturing sluiea each month which show a net gJln to the Investor oj about 12 pel cent. We loan money. We also issue I'I'Ll, PAID STOCK $100 00 per eliare, Inter est pa able semi-annually. ALnEIlT IHI.L, Secretary. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear Ml Lackananna arnue, manufacturer ol Wire hcrecua of all Muds; full prepirerl for the spnnir wason. We male all Kind ol porch screens, etc. PETER STIPP, CenecJl Contractor, Builder and Dealer In Building Stoup, Cemcnuns ot lellais a ip:- ciall. Telephone 2592. Office, .127 Waihlngton awnue, THE SORANTON VITRIFIED BRICK AND TILE MANUPA OTUHINO COMPANY Makers of Paving Brick, etc. M. II. Dale, General Sales Agent, Office S2D Washington ae. Works at S Aug, Pa., K. Ic W. V. U.K. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS .1 .1 A :.. .,:.r..: Ut.. ' X X X X X X X X X X $3.00, $3,50 Shoes. x X x Jfioeyzc women Great Success The women are delighted with the 'Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. Such a shoe for three dollars la a revelation. It fits the foot in every spot it doesn't wrinkle nor does It pinch. It's just right, and besides It has all the lines of beauty that you would expect in a shoe designed for women by a woman of artistic taste and special skill. WE GIVE TRADING and Wyoming Ares. Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock i pilsner ; Brew ry, J.1KtOiCI . Scranton, Pa. N. aeventn bt- Old 'Phone, 333. New "Phone, 2935. suit CtWJILfi Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Juno 15, 100.'. TihIiis l.eino Scianton. For Phlladelpblu dnti New York via D. & H. R. H., at 7.U. tliioneli I'm lor Car und Day Coach Curbondule to Now xork und 9.47 a. m.. with 1.. V. Coach Ciubon ilulo to Plilludclphla. und 2.1S. 4 3.1 (Bluck IJIumond i:piess). and 11.49 p. m. Sun days, D. & II. R. R., 1.5S. 9 17 p. m. i.'.m whiin iinvoii. iiuzktoii nnd mincl- pal points in tho coul icglons, la. V. & II, R. R 7.11, LMS und IS.'i p. in. tor Potts llle, 7.41 u. m. T. .. Kor Uothlchcm. Kaston. Rcadlnjr. Hur risburg and pilnclp.il Intel mediate sta tions, via D. & 11. R. R.. l.il, Ml n. m.i L'.I8, 4 33 (Black Ui.imond Uxpicss). 11.4:i p. in. Snndayp, D. &. II. R. R.. O.JS a. m.; 1.SS. 0.17 U. 111. , . , T , Vov TnnMianuock, Townnda, Klmlia, Ithaca, GcnoMi und prlncln.il Intnniediatu stations via U., I. . W. R. R . 6 33 n. in. und 1,33 p. m. . , Kor Uvnctu, Rochester. Ilurfalo. NUib nia Kails, Chicago and all points west via D. a. II, R. R.. 1-03 p. in.: 3.;s (Black Ulamoiul Uxpiess). 10.11. U.4S p, m. Suu dajs. . & II R. K-. 1-03, 9.17 p. in. Pullman pallor und sleeping ur I.chlsh Valley Pallor cats on all tialns between Wilkes-n.irio and New York. Plilludtl- ylil.i, liiiliuio oiki BiiHpensinu linage. lOU.lN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 26 t'oitland stieet, Now York. CIIARIjUB S. UCK, Gen. Pass, Agt 20 Cm Hand stieet. New York. A. W. NONKMAf'IIEn, Dlv. Pnm, Agt., South Ik'thlehem, I 'a. For tickets und Pullman icservatlons apply to city ticket ofllco, 19 Public S(imio, Wllkes-Bane, Pa. ii lis m Pennsylvania Railroad, Sclicdulu 111 Uffcct Juno 10, 1902. Tialns leavo Sciuntnii; oJS a. in., week dn,s, thiough whtlbulo tt a tit liom Wllkes-Uaiio. I'ullman buffet p.iilor tar and conches to Philadelphia, via Potts llo; stops at piliu'lpal Inlormedlnto st.i tlmib. Alfo connects toi Stinhiiiy, llar ilsbiiitt. I'lilladelphlu, Ualtlmoic, Wabh iiiglnn und fm- Plttshuig and the West, U 17 u. in., week days., lor Sunlmry. Har rlsliiug, Philadelphia, rtaltlmoie, Wabh liiglnn und Pltlhbuig unci the West, 1.42 p in, weok iUah, (Sundays. I.5S p m.l, for Hunbuiy. Ilaulfluiig, Philadel phia, Ilulllmoie, Wushlngtoii and Pitts Inn g und tho Went. .lis p. in., week dah, IIiioiikh vrstibuln ti .ill from Wllkes'Bairu Pullman buffet p.iilor imi' aiul (i-achos to Plilladi'lphli l:t Putts lllo. Slops ut prim lp-il liitonnedluto stations. , , .... 4 So p. m.. week dujs. for Hu.letou, Sun limy, ilairlsbuig, Plilludelplii.t and Pitts- ,UlB' .1. T4. IHTCIIINSON. flni. Mgr. J. I). WOOD. Ceil. Puss. Agt. STAMPS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In Ettcct May IS, 1902. Stations In New York, foot Liberty street and South Kern, N. R. Tialns leavo Scianton for New York, Philadelphia, Eastern, Bethlehem. Allen town. Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, Wllkes-Bane and Plttston nt 7.30 a. m . 7 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunduy, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City i:piess leaves Scianton 7.30 n. m , through solid vestibule train with Pullman Bufu-t Parloi Car for Phil adelpbla with onlv ono change of cars for Baltimore and Washington. D. C, and all principal points south and west. Vor Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barre, 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.J0 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc , 7.?0 and 1 p ni. For Reading, Lr-bnnon nnd Hnuisburg Wa Allentown at 7 30 a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p m. Sunday, .'.10 p. m. For Tamaqua and Pottsvllle, 7.10 a. m., 1 p. m. und 4 p. m For iates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLF.R. Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Juno 1, 190.'. Tialns leae Scranton for Now York At 130. 3:0, U03, 7.E0 und 10.10 a. m,; 12 40, 3 40, 3.33 p. m. For Now York and Phila delphia 7.D0. 10.10 u. m and 12.40 and J 35 p. in. Foi Gouldsboro At 6.10 p. m. For Buffalo 1.13, a '22 and 9 00 a, m.: 1.53, 0 50 and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton. Elmiin and way stations 10 23 a. ni., 103 p. ni For Oswego. Syraciihe nnd Utlca 1.13 and t22 a m.; 15", p. m, Oswego, Syiacus nnd Utlca tiiiin nt 22 n. m. dully, except Sunduy. For Montrose ") 00 a. m.: 1 03 nnd G 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4 00 and 6 13 p in. Bloomsburg Division For Northumber land, at 0.33 nnd 1010 u. m.; 155 nnd 6.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3.10 and 9.05 p. in. Sunday Tiulns For Now York, 1.3u, 3 20. 0 03. 10.10 a. ni.: 3.40 nnd 3 33 p. m. I'or Buffalo 1.15 and u.:2 a. in.; 1.35, 6 30 and 11,10 p. ni. For Elmlia und way statlons 10 25 u. in. For BiiiKhnniton and way sta tions, 9.00 a. m. Bloonisbuig Division Leavo Scianton, 10.10 n. in. and 6.10 p. ni. Delawaie and Hudson. In Effect .luno lii, 1902, Tialns for Caibondnlo leae Scianton at CI I, 7.3Ij, S.!6. 1U 13 a. in.! 12 03, 1.12. 2.11, 3 56, 0.29. 6 25. 8 24, 9.13. 10 01 p. ill.; 12 18, 1.38 aim. For llonesdalc-0.41, 10 U u. m.; 2.11 niuJ 5 29 p, in. For WllkCh-Bario-B3S. 7.41. S4I. 9.41 10 53 n. m.: 12.03, 1.42, 2.18, '3 28, 4 33, b.10. 7.48, 10 41, 11,19 p m. For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7,11, 9.47 a. m.' 218. 4.35 und 11.49 p. m. For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6 38, 9.47 a. m.: 1,42. 3.28 and 4 33 p. m. For Albany and ull points not In 7.36 a. ni. and 3 5t p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbundale 8,50, 11.33 a. m,; 2.11, 3 Mi. 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre 9.38 a. m.j 12 03, 1,58, S2S, 6 32 and 9.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3 56 p. m. For Iloncsdalo-S.50 a. in.; 11.33 and 3 53 P' "v. L. PRYOR. D. P. A., Scranton, Pa. New Vork, Ontario and Western. Time Table In Effect Suudav, Juno J3, 1902 .UHUI HUIJOIJ l IU1IHB, Leavo Leave ArH. Tialns, No. 1 . No. .1 . No. 7 .. Scianton. Carbondale. Cailoila. 1030n. in. 11. 10a. m. l.OOp. m. 4 oo p, in. 4.44 p. m. fa 00 p, m, 6 10 p. m.Ar.Carhondalo 6.46 n.m SOUTHBOUND. ' I.c.ivo Leuvo Airlva Cudoslu. Cnrbondalo. Scranton 0 50 II. ni. 7.23 .1. m , 8,10 a, m 10 01 a.m. 10.40 a. rr . 2.15 n m. 4 0(1 II m. 4.45 iv in. Tialns. No. 6 , No. I , No SUNDAYS ONLY, NOltTII BOUND. Leae l.eavo Arilva Trains. Keiantou. Caibondale. Cadosla. No. 9 .,.,,. s-wi a. in. 9 10 p.m. 10 45 a. m. No. 3 ...... 7 p. m.Ar.Cai hondalo 7,13 p m 0t SOUTH HOUND. ' " I.e.iMi Leao Arilva Trains. Cadobla. Caibondale. Si'i.inion. No. ,A 25m. 7.21 a m. No.io 430p.m. 6fN,p.m. Ciip.m. Tiulns Nos, 1 on week clajij, and 9 on Huudn.s innnect for New ork rltv, Mid dletown. Walton. Noiwleh, Oneida, Os wgi and nil points west. Tialn 3 for Pojnlelle, Walton, IVllil. Sidney, Noiwlch and all New Rerll.i blanch points, .,, , . Tialn No. C, Willi ''Quaker city Ex picas" nt Seianton, u ( . R, of n, j lor Philadelphia, Atlantic t'lty, Baltlmoto Washington ami PcnnsjlvunU sUto polntu. . . , . See time-table nnd irmsult ticket agents foi connections, with other lines. J. C. ANDHHSON. . P. A . Now York. J. V. WUI.SH. T. P. A.. Sciailtou. P- ' ? i